~'KURSAY, MA 26th,1949 TE CANAIAN ~TT!~MAN ROW~T. 4vT.1 'rw BAIU Goodyear Union Hackney, W. Harrison and D. Kemip; District No. 6 Council-N. 1elcts Off icers AIison, D. Kemp, J. Coole, I. ~'o Curet Y ar Hobbs and E.J. Gibbs; Safety and resentatives on Goodyear Safety Recently Union elections have Com.-H. Henning and J. Coole. ieen held in Local 189 and of Department Stewards ,ourse certain changes have taken The following stewards were lace in the varicus offices. The elected in their respective depart- ,omplete list as it now stands fol- ments:- Ows:_Lead Press Dept.-T. Master- President-N. Allison; Vice son; Engineering Division-W. 'reiident-I.M ., Hobbs; Secretary Hackney; Porter Service and Re- -H. Henning; Treasurer-E. J. ceiving Room-L. Barton; Girls- 31bbs; Executive Board-M. N. Wilson; Mats and Running 'reut, D. Kemp, E. Sheehan, H. Boards-A. Mavin and I.,Beaup- :olacutt, W. Blakely, E. Jones, rie; Shipping and Stock, Rotary C. Hooper, N. Allison, I. Hobbs, and Fire Hose-R. Hall; Beit. f. Henning, E. Gibbis; Bargaining Dept.-W. Fice and T. Harrison; >M]7-M. Prout, D. Kemp, I. Fan Belts-U. Stephens and W. ~, H Cllacutt and N. Alli- Blakely; Hose Dept-H. Mc- i ýentinel-R. Kennett; Guide Knight:, A. Damant and O. Hoop- à.Hunt;, Trustees-Rose Bates, er; Milis and Calendars, Cernent qll Wilson and M. Bates; Press House and Scrap Collection-H. 'orrespondent-E. A. Jones; Rec- Dunn, L. Hardcastle and E. Shee- .eation Com.-N. Wilcox; Sick han; Laboratory and Cafeteria- om .-G. Clarke, R. Drummond, G. Wiseman; Molded Goods, lst t. Kennett, R. Noble, Neil Wilson, floor-J. Coode; Molded Goods 2nd lose Bate; Property Com.-W. floor-W. Barrett. Former Bowmnanville Man Named C.C.F. Candidate in Halton A press dispatch from Milton, Halton County, carnies the news that Bert Shane has been nom- inated as tbe C.C.F. candidate for that censtituencv in the forth- ccming Dominion election. The report states that he is a graduate in econornics, University cf To- ronto, and was formerly assoc- iated with radio station CBL as head engineer at Hernby. He now farms near Milton. Readers will recaîl Mr. Shane as a- former Bewmanville citizen and a live wire about town before the opening cf the late world w-ar. He was identified with Station CKGW and occupied offices es- tabhished near the abandoned steel towers just cast cf the town near the lake. While resident here Mr. Shane was a member cf the Rotary Club. All his local fri- ends will wish him luck in his political campaign. Seven Goodyearites Receive Long Service Pins With credit te the Goodyear Clan for May we reprint extracts telling of employee records which will be read xith pleasure by our larger readenship. The folloUring seven people were mentioned for faithful long service with Good- year-Bowvranville. Benny King, native cf Blythe, England, nowv a superviser in the cure room, was recently awarded his 15-year service pin. Othens who received their 15-year pins were Sam Leggott, Peter Bathgate and Robert Morris who are valued ernployees in their respective de- partments. 0f great interest is the feature story of Mrs. Rachel Richards, na- tive of Bowmanville, who retired from factory work after 22 years 'without once being late, a most SMAILER, EASIER-1DPAY IIEAT BIULS OÔFFEREI>B'lu ol BUDGET PLAN IÏ i'LNEVEZ 00O, - BACK. TO BL>Y AMJY OTPEZ, WAY. -..-r4E 'blue coi9l' BUP&ET PLAN SU Sq8ELP,2 US biAKE EN4PS MEETI e -d-riTNJSBUPGET PLAN -* SAVEP ME REAL MONEY ON LAe YEARýBILL ... MY BIN WAS FILLEP BEFORE WE NEE.DED HEAT. PHONE US TODAY FOR DETAILS BILLSTASBIL 141T ME 4, ES, tbousands are nOw using this smnart, new wsy to buy coai. The 'blue coai' Budget Plan is 50 easyý You psy in srnall monthly amounts and you're assured of your supply of 'blue ceai' at a real saving4 The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Limited Phono 715 Dow.anville 96 ine St Add Years of Life to Your Preejous Fur Coat! 9-4Th.r.ughlly eae.edo4 gI.z.d by fumIers " Ludse., Softne,.R«hest.. " ne dMesenger Servce " Fay Iaewred Your precious fur coat noeds and dserves yearly attention by our expert urriem It's safe fromn fit.., thef4 heat and maths in our modern seorage ysults. Nothing te pay until coat la delivered,. sov,. LHERMAN CO. LTD. TORONTO VELEIGH'S CLEANERS AGENT remarkable record. Pictured together in the Clan are Ernie Hanson, born in Bright- on, Ont., and Everett Winacott, native cf Taunton, both cf whom have completed over 20 years with Goodyear and who.received their 20-year pins recently. We have omitted much from the bio- graphies as told in the Clan but extend community, congratula - tions ta these fine citizens. Scout Mothers Review Busy Year's Work At Closing Meeting Wednesday evening, May 18, saw the closing meeting cf the Scout Mathers' Auxiliary until September. Throughout the year eight regular meetings were held with an average attendance cf 22. We are very grateful for this number, but think how many more mothers cf Scouts and Cubs there are in Bowmanville. Sorne cf the happenings cf the past year include: Sponsoring cf Double or Nothing Programme on Sept. 20; Mrs. Cole's Auturn programme in October; The even- ing's entertainment put on in No- vember by five Hampton ladies, Mrs K. Caverley, Mrs. Milîson, Miss Niddery, Mrs. Honey and Mrs. Reynolds. Catering te the Scout Cornmittee Banquet on Dec. 33. In January, an evening cf work when we sewed necker- chiefs and packed candy for the boys. One hundred and thirty- seven neckerchiefs have been made se that now each Cub or Scout wears the colour cf his Pack or Troop. Some cf the mothers attended the Scout and Cub weiner roast in the Lions Centre when the boys entertained their girl friends or sisters. We received a delegation of Guide Mothers and heard a talk on Scouting by Douglas Hey. land in February. Attended the Special Scout Church Service on Feb. 27 in Trinity Church and conducted and served lunch at the Fireside Service which fol- lowved in the Sunday School room when Dr. Devitt showed his slides on Algonquin Park. We had a talk by Mrs. Heyland at our March meeting on "Heard on the Radio". In April we had our election cf officers and said farewell for -a while te Mrs. Woolley who lef t for a trip te England soon after. We were pleased te be able te make her a small present as a to- ken cf all the work she had done for us in the kitchen through the year. We had representatives at regular meetings of the S-cout Association and served lunch at seme of them. We served at the regulan Lions Supper on April 25ý Our flo-wer convener reported that she had nemembered any cf the boys or mothers who wene sick ,with cards, books or candy, also flowers at a time of bereave- ment. Some boys may have been forgotten but sornetimes the con- vener dees not get word of their ilînesses. Please everyone, make it your business to see that she cloes. While the dishes were being washed, after aur usual lunch heur, a vote cf thanks was tender- ed Mrs. A. Cole for her year's work, te which she gnaciously re- sponded. Dr. 1. C. Devitt Hits Head Lines While Attending Convention Dr. Jim Devitt, Bowirt nville dentist for the past "t, apteen" years, crack soccer play r on the 1903-10 Bowmanville .hamnpion- ship Team; longtixn Rotarian: movie-carnera photc ýrapher and Isaac Walton specÂlAist, hit the headlines in the C.ýobe and Mail, May 17. The nr Ns broke while he was in Toron a taking his per- ennial refreshe course in Dental Science. Her,'s what the Globe and Mail sa;& "If you * ink trout and teeth don't mix- just ask Dr. James C. Devitt. - £e's been pulling teeth eut cf , ouths for more than 50 years .nd pulling treut out cf stnear .s for longer than that. "Dr. Devitt came fnomn Bowman- ville te attend the 82nd annual convention of the Ontario Dental Association at tbe Royal Yonk Hotel yestenday. He has been at- tending these conventions for 45 yeans, longer than any one else at the convention. He was pres- ident cf the association in 1926. "He rernembers when there were only six exhibitions on dis- play at dental conventions, and there are 65 tbis year. 'There wasn't any electnical equipment then; it was mostly chairs and instruments.' he recalîs. 'None of these mouth washes and tooth pastes.' "Shaking bis white bead, he continued: 'You should have seen those chairs-the drills were run by foot pumps. The dentist had te keep pumping ail the time he xvas drilling. Didn't drive the patients cnazy, but it sure did the dentists.' 'Dr. Devitt likes practicing in a small tewn. 'There is none of the city pressure. and il's only 20 minutes te the trout stneam', he explained. "As for farmers baving better teeth than citv folk-that is un- true. according te Dr. Devitt. drink ail core ne m town and dikpop and eat chocolate bars," he said. Dental decay was in- creasing ail over, for the same reason. he added. As for him- self, he is the preud possesson off 32 teeth-all bis own." SOVIET WHEAT Soviet Russia bas effered le sdil te Egypt 100) thousand tons (3.7 million bushels> et wheat at the equivalent ef $2.81 a bushel in exchange for 25 million pounds of Egyptian cotton te be purchased on the open market. Fleur îised in Newfoundland i, a',' enriched by added vitamir. and minerais but Canadian la'v jprehibits enrîchment in lte other aine provinces. The Lif e Story of Your Progressive Conservative Candidate FOR DUJRHAM COUNTY IN THE FEDERAL ELECTION ON JUNE 27 Charles E. Ste phenson, M.P. Chanlie Stephenson, who wos once again chosen the Durham County Pnogressive Consenvative candidate ai the cen- vention naily in Onono, May l7th, needs littie in the way cf formai introduction ta his constituents. Elected M.P. for Dunbam County in 1945, lie bas served ail the people in tbis ceunty with faithful cempetence in the House cf Commons since bis electien. This fact is attested net oniy by bis party adbenents but by leading local Liberals as well. IMMEDIATE ACTION Fnem lime te time the local press has reported the veny many instances that bis name bas appeoned in Honsard as taking a veny active part in the debates and the legislation as tbese came up in the House. Tbe annual House Index shows tbat in the veny finst session lie was listed as speaking on the Address, the Agnicuitunol Estirnotes, Civil Service, Housing, Victony Drives, Veterans' Affains, and many othen lepics ciosely related ta the intenests cf bis censtituents. CONFIRMED RECORD The foiIowing House Index shows the betten part cf a page of neferences on legisiation in which Durham's member teck a leading part. Prominent in the list of items lie pressed wene: A dernand fon re-epening the testing of Accnedited Herds fan Durham County that the government had let lapse; the animai contagieus disease question; the apple industry; feed grains frcm the West; the U.S.A. catie embargc; the ernergency exchange problem and se forth. FARM PROBLEMS In fact Charlie Stephenson spoke 48 limes In wbich he went on to urge gavernent action an formons' incarne tax changes; the Excise Tax question; easing cf the farm labar situation; feed grain pnices; hospital construction; import restrict- ions; national bealth and weifare; a curb on spending unden the estimates; lower taxation; the tobacco industny; veterans' housing; vocotianal training, and again and again an nesuming bond testing in Durham County. COMMITTEE WORK As an example cf how Charlie Stepbenson's veice mode fts impression in the House be was fermaily appointed te eight important Parliamentary Committees in whicb legisiation is realiy tbresbed out. These party and bouse cammittees include: Agriculture; Veterans' Aff airs; Trade and Commerce; Transpor- tation; Railways; Public Accounts and the Parliarnentary LibrarV wbere membens do thein research. Only very able workers with sound business tnaining gel nominated te serve on the Public Accounts Committee. PERSONAL RECORD This record cf achievement in the House cf Commons stems from o background cf successful business and public administration whicb bas long been recognized in Charlie Stepben. son's home town, Port Hope. His story is worth nepeating in this connection as lie again cf fers his services in continuing ta ne- present Durham County in Parlioment. Born in o family cf eigbt children cf British Middlesex porentoge, bis youtb was spent belping bis fother in bis forming and milling intenests near Unionville. Wben bis father died, Charlie, age 13, worked ta belp the large family, neceived a good education including quite a speil in the Scbool cf Hard Knocks. Outside interesîs included enlisting in the Irish Begiment Militia, and studying music. FIRST WORLD WAR At age 16 wben the first wonld war broke eut be was a member of the Irish Begiment, but wos discharged being under- age. Se be went west and fanmed with a brother in Saskatche- wan, then re-enlisted in Regina with the Canadi9tn Machine Gun Corps and was mustered eut in Decemben, 1918. OPENS BUSINESS Once again came bard work fanming in the west and the closing cf thot career due te a succession cf crep failunes, He turned te selling cars, saved bis rnoney, finally opened a car ogency in Port Hope. Without assistance sove lis diving ambition te make geod, be became a reaily successful business- man who experienced the bard way of forging ta the top. He weathered the depression and then came the demand fnom the people cf Port Hope te apply bis business acumen ta tbe municipal cf fairs cf the town. ACCLAIMED MAYOR Elected Maoe by tbe largest majonity on record, ho was re-elected by acclamation twice in succession for baving bnougbt sound odministration and economy te municipal af foins. Having consolidoted bis cwn business cf foins Charlie turned bock te bis old ambition, te own and openote a fanm. He now openates bis own f arm in Hope Township and spends ail the lime lie con looking after the welfane cf bis constituents. ORGANIZATIONS Honeured among the citizens of bis cemmunity, Chanlie bas been President cf the Board cf Trade and was gjiven the accolade cf a Lie PresidencY. He was named teo ct on the commuttes tao stablimh the Ganaraska Praject; ho is a Past Preai. dent. Port Hope Rotary Club; Past Master, Ontario Lodge, Masonic Order; Past lot Principal, Royal Arch Chapter, and a Grand Lodge Officer. CHURCH WORK A member cf the United Church, ho has mnoat of hie life been a memiber of its choira bath in Taronto and Port Hope. Ini churcli astivities h. met a great worker and shair mole. ist, Misa Hazel Anguimh, a school teacher and member of a U.E.L. family wbo shared happiness in th. Port Hoe home with the two daughters in the family until the laniented death cf Mns. Stephen. son, morne twe years ago. Charlie's daugbters, new going on te receive higheror ducatien on the Univermity level, &hane bis &pare heurs in their bereaved home. SPORTS AND FARMING As a youth Charlie played Junior O.H.A. hockey and baseball and today is an ardent sports fan and booster. Ho retains his trim figure with the boundiesa enengy ho displayed in fanming, in sports. in business and in the business cf govern- nment, locally and nationally. In cbampioning the national programme cf the Progressive Consorvative Party, Charlie'm first interest is te promote the4prosperity cf all Dunham County farmers and the wonkmen in local factories whese presperity depends upon the assuned incarne of the farming population and expert trade. CLEAN FIGHTER Confident that hie record in Ottawa bas been on@ that has met the general approval cf his conutituents Mn. Stephenson is content to let that record speak for itsif an pelling day, Monday, lune 27th, 1949. Ho will canduct bis campaign as the gentleman ho has always shown himself te be in all him con- tacts in business and public hife. His success as a youth starting unaided te make bis own way, his character and capacity for service has been cemmented upon during bis termra a Ottawa by members of every pelitica] party thneughout the riding. VOTE 0F THANKS1 It bas net heen uncemmen at the many public gatherings where Charlie Stephenson bas spoken in the county during belidays wben tbe House was net sitting, te bave ladies and men declane by way of a voeocf thanka: "Charlie Stephenson bas done a magnificent job fer the people cf Durham County in bis work at Ottawa." This abiding, sincere thought, is an impor- tant fooînete te this personal stony cf Cbarles E. Stephenson as lie again seeks the confidence cf the Durbam County electorate. FARM ]EQUIPMENT half of the total expenditure. Nine During the first ten months of f every teit of the tractors were the European Recovery Program, wheel tractors and of sizes best 300 thousand items cf farm ma- suited te the famnily type farm. chinery were purchased by partie- About ten per cent of the tracters ipating countries at a cost cf about went te the overseas territories $70 million. More than 25 thous- cf Britain, France, Belgiuni, the and tractors constituted roughly Netherlands and Portugal. I Clearance I SALE 0f Ail Spring Coats At 2PRICIE Reg. Price $45.00 - On Sale $22.50 Reg. Priee $39.50 - On Sale $19.75 Reg. Price $29.50 - On Sale $14.75 Opportunity Specials for the Weekend MEN'S WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Reg. $3.75 SPECIAL - ON SALE BOYS' BROWN Sfriped Shirfs Kifchen Towels Reg. $1.98 SPECIAL - ON SALE SPECIAL - ON SALE $1.58 ea. 2 for 78c PLASTIC WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS NYLON SLIPS Reg. $2.48 Trlmmed wlth Lace SPECIAL - ON SALE SPECIAL - ON SALE $1.98 sa. $2.88 ea. TO CLEAR! PURE 100% WOOL SILK SCARVES PULLOVERS Reg. $2.98 Good Range of Shades SPECLAL - ON SALE SPECIAL - ON SALE $ 1.98 ea. $2.99 ea. MISSES' POPLIN DRESSES Clay Designs and Colours for Beach Wear Reg. $3.95 Special On Sale $2.98 ea. k/d/3eCs&*"~, m.L?ùuded MEN'S SUMM.ER Shorts & Vests SPECIAL - ON SALE PHONE 451 BOWMAN VILLE 5 KING ST. E. .fSSUED for any amount ... . for a term et -,,dn , fve yers .... guaranteed both as te principal and interest . . .. Interest cheques mailed te reach holders on due date, er, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compeund interest. An ideal investment for individuals, cern- panies; autborized by law for cernetery c boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Boy Stre? Toronto 1 38 y..rsln Businss ýmf 1 OM fil THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARTM - PHONE 451 BOWIWANVELLE 5 KING ST. E. rAUFMAY, MAT 2M, 1949 libAr.p. nnmim_ E. 78c ea.