fYTURSDAY, J= E2rid, 1949 H AAANTTE A PW NVLFOTRO C.O.F. Ladies" Play Exhibiti< Benefit Game May 24 gave the brief preview of ci that can be expecie( Canadian For.ce ý,rs Teams. when I.orne E played an exnhition Vic Cooksovi's Map!e at the H'gh School cý tWilîght game. Bowmý reationai Fund unrh abie direction of Vini >so tecreational Dire( - ý".'j i1e. These CliÀb-u, startîec ago as juniors to a Order's -;outhn work, shown m'arked im-plur year. AI] îthe credit ,nc tiring and tio.clfi j, their managers u ho hý a great de-ai of :.iit work in this d rccte teams, cmpeel q. snappy uniforn'.s anc equipment, provirle a brand of deIan and hri tainment for the fars. The home club won margin. in a fIrce o ii but owing tb xx catiier for rugby iiin hall. ri reall v hît thr;rr he. r startedl on th(, mounc NEWS 1chards ss.. N. Hagerman lb , L. Bates 3b., WelFh P., Spencer 2b., Snowden rf., Wright cf., R. Bates If-, Bucknell p. 'Umpires-fl. Ellis and H. Snow- den. Teamn manvillJc, and before sne cou>3 Juvenile League on ~eGro i c sedthe lat. Sh Includes Five ~ cttlcddovn. andi aideci her causeL kehr T wn Ofl~wn th a homeir before she ,vas e piaced by Emma Shrcd.1 oaifans a Maple Grove a-.o usedit 1oID r:îrprsna îve ntcrest_ ntertainmenî pitcherS. Ruhbv Wei"sh 1,arted. and cd in forming a Juvenile Basebal ci from -the pitcbcid h'wr îîsnaI Aeacic garne Leag;ie this seaSon, met in Box-- So it ra i ntil she wi. zreplacci hrough anrnaxil Tusa a ý !lj ur,, Bucknil finsh'ngthe 26 rl and conr.Iudeci al arrangements iJ; vam %vi I g:rs jre. c 1l:î ihg for thle seecule to be playedcorcn- Grove Club Heav-vh !n- tr the homne club Mncing June 3 and continuing ~to the mici-scason garne. July6 rounds in a %ere Joili.Goulah, Perfect and ae ceue xi edanu ianville Rec- Larmer wxho celebrateri the occa- Aor terseodulhai cf te com p er toecCap- sion ,vth Ihomle rîn-s. Nancy Hag- ltondfor the seodhl final oplaytf ce MaIthcxx-- crman, s*air*m litlCe catcher for1 ti, nadfothfnlpI-rs etor cf Boxv. the GroveŽ, 1also) made another ' .cing te the championship of the round tp.district. -1 trip.Mr. A. Walkcr, Oshawa, repre- Bow manili e' Club are a big ,ettv o eOApeic o Si tece cars îkvteam ai'd piesent anl excel- 'etheetion fo ffîcOB pesied for .cii he lent .nfîe.c. MipcGrove Club the exceutive of the ne\&- circuit a-iir cahv wxhile srmq:l. rnuch on the, pattern to be knoxn as the Lakeshore est teLo. f Peterboro ' Pl<y heacis u JUvenile Baseball League. The cft of t hail~ al ail th(- %va'v, andi sbould give celegates preseîît xoteci te inelude aedevoteci a n excellent account of theroselves thie followx-ng places eligible for- ae anhar efore t1he - eaïýon ends. ti ersPa:WibBw n anci Thai d Girls :from, thcýe Icans w'ili be mv-Ih le, Par'tpa;WibBw io.'hsee manvilon e, Port tkeHope and Cobouarg. *uiipped xith se natinxxhnIe ae Officers electeci for the current ci big lime part in a Darlinglton Toxxnship All year xvere: President, A. H. Stur- Star paile vth the Sunday Mcn- rcBxmnil; Vc-rs n excellent igSigSito oot nrcBvýaýil;Vc-rs althv enter- aid gf Swing Skrts farTor nto Ted Watt, ,Port Hope; Sec- aidof rnnilon yWear Wrk Treas. Vince Mathewson, Director by a16-2 Bowiaixnii on ine rd. of Recreation. Boxvmanx'ille. ing contest, c ey 3., ie s cf., armec p. El-Jiî The Schedule "A" lLie mr is c., Shrcd Fs., Kilpatrick rf., 3un-rHpeaCoor c(ither team Goffiah 2b., Joli lb., Coach Wait. 3-BornanHope at Cooaurg cle foamer- ple 4-Oshawxa at Whitby ci fr Bx'.- MpleGrox ligeran Ri- -Cobourg at Boxx'manvile Ifl-Whirbx- at Oshawxa * ll-Box'manviile at Port Hope -saxaat Bowmanville 1 î-Oshaxva-, at Boxvmanville 18-Port Hope at Oshawa ~ ~/M i/!-Cobourg at Whitbx- M -Bovmnanxille at Whiîbv Ala. 18.9; '24--Cobouirg at Port Hope OF/c IA Tepzoo OAq4.9/0 25-Port Hope at Boxvmanx'îlle -Whitb 'v at Cobourg 29-Cobourg at Oshawp William Lycett JU- ]-Port Hope at Whitby Says 2-Wbhxv at Bown-anvijle -Oshawva at Port Hope A mri ancn sax'e bh other methoris 6-Whitb ' at Port Hope than Life Insurance but few ,,men do. -Boxvmanvilie at Cobourg Ail Satui-daY gamcs( nine ion- I's -,vise te use Life lnsuiiance as your ings. at 2:30) pin. Ail evening rv:ý-ng plan, since it hclps yute save. gamnes scven innings, at 6:30 pirn. LET'S TALK THIS OVER Juveniles Def eat Bowmanville, Ont. Phione 2382 Peterboro 6-2 Bring Out Strong Competition at B.T.S. Tho 0u for Bu'.si for 19-19. Aflr- Iratecil xx n Iccicci 10 finll. - 39 Juirmi- g clown'u. 1.7 the fJlýil lors- On a nt Ille finals bo-s moni inlats, poin, Pin xing an exhibition return horse plis gaine in Peterboro, Saturdax-, the 'Pll(l ba-s Boxx'manxille Juive-nue Ba sebail tauniable wx Teain repeateci ils prex'ious xxin 20 points even more decisiveix- bv bcating 60 points the Peterboro Juveni-les b'.- a score 2)) point o f 6-2. The feature cf the gaine ni ail. jx-as the brilliant huirling cf But- Micoe tonsbaw. In bis second appearance plilsnnx-ail on the mounci xwith his teainthbc mut a pos.i speeci and curve aî-ust set hie The-.îc. i Petels doxxn xxiîh 14 strikcoirs Scn i nors and inbtwo frames mo',xed Iherni'-' Mn*t% doxxn Ibree ho a nox.'. 1463 4, Steacix- suipport behind iit t oll Tait 1,129, shaxv by bis teamniates, andi a biit Sîmnîton1 anel-run rallin ithbb 7tb andi final 9. Co, T. fame puIt bbc clinou-ei- on tir T', oi gaine. At that il xxas a clos o-2 i1 test cf 3-2 in favor of Bcxvan 4.'Arn lu xllintil thb-,final rmlx. T[ho e Ioian 1273. xxorkouîs nit the local juveniies in fine teIlle for tbe openhng gaine of tbc Lakeshore Juîxenilc Leaguîe Suiminar',e-6: 'n,6 is -B - -man 1v 1- - , 1-l1ior C,1) 111 L i endors, 10) left on bases. Sors' b nîePou r . -' t Potes -2 ruins. 3 hii 1, 4 errors. no, i 'ci eohiF' 4 lefî on. nat.ul Ppc V't Box m ai-,il]le: --FaIN , Lex it tbeiîî a . pc'd' iîre Gailagher, Haniilton,- Bu t onsh ax. etIt i.tt"ii 'i Heaîbqt. Rice. Masîers, Frank ancid " .Pti-'t-i 1' " Mrts. IH. Robe rt S r;i 1 tIil '. Elmcroft E{olsteins Muhuo 'h.uul'i i Bought for Italy Herd iti,.x:i e l)" ' 'ý in tlu vo Tu î e ',ý'S:- o Trînastic Chiîuip.i. 'ý1i -r oi 1 ti c 'ilr enf t l(,i ii ('u("t c' aiJO ii 'ou~ ~ ~~h p.t'ln i bu'0 ' xii c Il(v Jn lieiiur acia x9ouiii e ronf t i t.1 o l ie u - , c-o a r' d ah i ' l e ý- )'Iaxint.unî in'ilc o' -eme: s fot appro. ih s foi- ex-oucit 't. f oi .i u 1l 00" u il c ncrot. .e \vtit ' i lsi i (i * l i , P BROWN'S AI an aucion sale cf pcdign-em ex'ti i Hol.zîcins. lcc iniiia cxi ie, Max o ltiictile l 23, 70 beaci xxeue duspuisec of foc iai, i-Iutl a (ciotal of $52,900. (u n aaera go ca ti ni, 01 î.u1 1 t of S755. Aî-ncng tuie huis' % rs, wxx r h o','. t tlu-> t u ! Ii it(lI t. iclucie i i port'antî hîeccbeî-s fi-oi o îcîî iîî I" li- the Unlîcri Stuîteý.xxas a îexx-uom. to (O'oeii ii.t.t'. (,r froni 1,lx-. Dm. ]Della Far',a. iti M i. I AMite1. w't farini ment cci-fuot Prince Forlonia. li- uh . lpiciiM!Iie Rcînîe lIn x, xxlicopor-ates ie )c - Iace Idlii 5fan-nin that -ountrs- [ m i acl -MI.lt .' îoî i . Dr. Farx -i 'boughi i7 lienci at Oak-:l eisî ate i n uo ( ut)!!, lei 10faý lab up a slipinent cf 125i1the VU,' c ox 'ict. î ('aîad-uu 1loiteuîsto 'be u-lip- uien(e. ii' ,S!tt .12II'. pOli 1n Itaulx' un J'lu n.A OIîî theflic uli (f t oi i - --- x. 1)tuliseslvsthe IIallaîî his-reîuui'uîtt i ii . . o.cre a buull caîf froni Eloîcrofî c. J. Cuii ît'., ' !1' 1-a mut- sbaxxa. xlîu-h rouîglt I lO(.i) n o hxo îi fer,- xxhli nt toi-i $9.50. eau-b1. The Elmcmoft herd x.a-dex-eloped 'liv the laie R. Ray 1 'uiLaugbluianîd is ne'.-uîndem the- -,gei rt cf bis sou George. A L N OARLING~ ,r cent xxter. YOUR EYES and Vision t ~ Rexvitten crm pnexieus cop.yrights cf C. H. TUCK Optomctrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa. Phone Mr11 No. 57 Certain people are sr) onciauuîcci .1uni biil that i in lter lufe o- ini faet allIbid igh life. thes« vbear un tuolerance Io ligl ihai is 'auliai 10 theun niake uip auîci t ieyt mus t he ccrreut'ec agaisýt i1. The- noniltîee explaiiatuoîî fumbeî- xxo' l hv lenigli' iee, huil1%ix'lll ailoxx a 1:'tle lime 1o t iioxv j -i tît ct e 1 iiivsîot gel hic-k 10 t piopelx1Y 1er. Thitîrie-<- 10(10oxx ilth e pig2iruuuut e tocb' inii h ou:'.-anîd uuiies>- boee - ýs1iffiie nu flic pemŽSoniîs more s.îscopi Ocicn 0 gane. tcl riâ Iteui) SOFTBALL meREET AN D DAN CE Featuring Sunday Morning Class "THE GIRLS IN TH1E SWING SKIRTS I v S. Durham îr's Ail Stars IDAY JUE 3rd AT 7 P. kýwPWAN VILLE HIOR SCHOOL GROUNDS ADMISSION 50C Street Dance following the Bal Came M ,ýiisiri by Biliy Hoe and His Famous Orchestra (Round and Square Dancing) Proceeds for Crippled Children's Work "i.u B -I. ....... VWHEN !'"~AS A KID 0F COURSE '<OU) A BUNCM 0 SFR0 DJIDNY KNOW TME SCHOOL STAgrTEOI-iUEN r4 tAT '<OU A GRAsS FIF .NDVER ESTPONIING DID OUR pA]REWHTS TI-EtiIESMrîG PLACES DUST -IE SEjSFT tE WEADOV4 LARK, 0F OUR PAN-TS i!. THE. PIiEASANY,Tri.E ILL HEVIER - GRUSE AND MAN'< ORGET O- F JiE5A-E The burnîng of grasslcands upsets the balance of nature. If destroys the caver of clead grass that helps io restare fertility ta the sait, and kilis young frees, wild- flawers and graund-nestirîg birds. Remember, it pays ta keep nature in balance. C, ~~YO0U RS T0 E N10Y -YOU VR S T0 P R0T1E CIT CARL INWS THE CARLINGS REWERIES LIMITED 'NATgft~oo, NTA819 9' fl.5I.~ * JL% LjJ.0PJ%.# , ,#~ to~ OFF HURR'<?. MIKE, HR<I~OV O I WE C7orTA SAVE fl4?,T r<ui-,l DON' x FARmERsVOUNGTREÇS. - QWO\., tYJt'vME HOW.-COULD A CAM-ýPE-.R W F, l;WýE I BýE SO CAREL ESS PS O uTl, ScORTLV,ý LEAVE 1-US FIRE GOING &ýOLL\Y rr's A VYITH DRV GRASS LU,ý:V - ýiG- AU.. AÇROUNO.1 \N'7i1 ýAPPENED t Il~AON Vie CANADIAN STATESMAN RO'n-.",IAI\IVTLTr, ONTARIO SPORT 1 1G . !EE Lare ri*dAten o Sat :Jav aîtcodcd the 1Fairviexv. Potn.. visited:0bIer Sis- ,' ents \wceriade by the 1occ. Unit in ail departments and i Tennis Club Open^-"ng -Mr. ls. T. Cléike ia:d i Mr. nd Mrs. Kcnneth Lamnb, a C01-11 0n P' Hcaith at tý-c C vriueaesofts.on tP' a-e" ciM.Crk-on. -r andi Mrs. Lorne Unive(rsitv of Toroîve*, and te t3ke ILjr. G. W. 0. Mess. M-ho is te he De pite i0it ixx î:.Aec rocCouir- Lanmh a:udiniv nisiln 1briecit-iir ito crs Directer of one o4 the Ontario Bo1xx manville Tcnn., c:(2 ',uu visited _Mr. and Mrs. 'mr. Lamb. :nCnaaCt of Toronto a'nd Hcaith Units came te study the o f ;-i a 1lv G1c-' n Cion 1'. i,-o rcc t n , -te MrjI Northuibeu oi-urhmHea ithprogra-i arrî thrietlicods cf or- 'c 73 tenu: entixi ,,.ci ?irs. \ax-o ike 1D-Un; :: anci t..om0the niedgarizatien and éadministration and fi-tnds v-<,tcd thc onulst t 1ÉESTL1UON ris Axe.. Lnin.in loss cf tiîir -î1' ". H'f. cCno.and ru r tnîis lime wilh the var- ilions on-.' i Ccnine. Eccc:ý :111e dauightcr Louise Diane, ag cI Nasblicl, Tenoi. Miss G-s:er bas bous memnbens cf the staff and I1-e A mven u e . :, u c l t î O l ~ i o P l i n n h a t S ic k fo l!o xc ýt e xo rk o i th e H a th S e n io r M ec ic a l O ffice r o f H e a lth . S., joýý1)ita andHospta,1oronîe.May241h. 1949. Roud R)'Dii ourîciýt -\I-,Diuicx xx as a Nestieton box ond Robdin TotJckD:,_c i x .'î er i1 c înd t Ic xmp oh f a host 0o werc gicn 10 Xcii uti n (,cd -Mr. ced ' Mrs noîcsgo 10licandlbis w ife ind',S atstFns xvho afcr 'er k r bi'adbreavement. rSu cand e M s. ';nci-e 1 , -( (' e. n , is- e sonandi.1u..A, M:.î l, 'ut i ý'-'L.3; Iuiing th e Mil.. i' . - î E(;"" .k <~Public Health Doctor Roh~-tsand rtoi Xi o c tto e. , st D r. and i And Nurse Train Here;NR V L.eig vcios c tu "" i i" me ou icii~i an Durable, high gloss, porcelain-lik. enemel Gra ncUt xv-i o"."B'lack-<With Health Unit Voils-hll ourtxxbc hx' '-r i <'i' 1 ' dii BaukObtoinoble in l1v Rccaîîitoncýil Directe: V. M t 'î , e, .Jobli ui ewsoi tr'ciipe . .'Vhu]Coîk Anurs roi xitzcrland andi a 2 CH RMING COLOURS Due ti '1,r. ni-i 1Mrs. i ou r tonxi o , i eai d one ef the ig nwcaîbn oni tiru,he îi;ca -I n l e îOnta-;oHea lîh Un ts ha\- ee Ibathac ceci p -ui cet. c'.toi Snigo lobun Iîaining xx\ih the North - off. The cinc, uc:'for i:'i 1ii h'Untc uhuban-ub r eat ni.i next point job i-ue i1 cueh:oun ui e ic: M.M11 S Auîî-ora Gv5ler xxas chosen- pagr i pr i.leu s i ',"', ~ iîe'e x - l p~knexî ,dx1< e'Routeefe lieî Foundalion groctu iii n cu'uluu:iu e I) stcidv ,-public hcalitbnursing bi- a RIUW R s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l x'-î a. t ,î-'y- .ni " \ lfJueo Cainada andi the Unitedi Stales inA.L clLU The du,'-forti:,. viL ' îi ut' ci Mr. andi Mms. or(cci- hat sshe iight help ho hie macqiel 1510 el:c ~1c'î1unj'i i" u îlt,' ie- îoniî, ~vlo~oittoc public iieaith KING S T. E.BWMNIL 8. se get s0o11- tici.. euii ini on i-i- n swx'tzerland. Ar-ange- if voui hax-en't hoiuh t 0.o '. ýt i'c a mnemibcr cf thte club. At a nieeting bcicl c Uer tai)( toimname-Cit JLuIIol,- Meu-ilIhens pi 'x- ipg houiîs xx cru'ie u .u'ul i - loxxs:- Ail nuîîruîiig Si-iiex i. 1',A VI Fridav ancd e <leritiin. o. Tuî~ds- Tuti. itx- anci 1'rnu iv xxii.hoalletc u ~ROTARY CLUB crence if the c-ouir:sui iMî PRESENTS Gymnastic Finals Mç r«- - .I É-mmi PAGE THMTzMý. Li LIN L F 11 Unfil 1 a.m.