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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 3

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'!~~RsDAy, 3UTqZ md, 194 .1 flLTHE AINALIIA1 TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OeqN o AE REEnS*.a.a Tires- News - Topics ByCollette Ferguson While atteriding Bowmanville reer requires experience, tact and High School I caught the 'journa. diplomacy. With this in mind the listlc.bug". It seemed to survive editor suggested that I wouid gain and'grow in spite of the advice of a great deal of experience writing friends who tri,!d to convince me a feature column each week of that I had pirked one of the most particular interest to wornen. difficuit careers. However, I ar n ot sure what the Last surmmer, I thought that average woman likes to read in perhabs threé manths of actual her local newspaper s0 I take this experience working on a news- opportunity to say that suggest- paper would burst my illusions ions will be gratefully received. ana -L Wuuuic e able ta setule (awn to a lass exciting and strcnuous career. But, no, it didn't work and this summer I amn back ibehind a typewýriter again paunding away aih&I the zest and spced attain- e"l with two fingers. bwaurnalistn, ike any other ca- Women ini Polities With a federal election slatad for June 27, wamen as well as men are ardently reading their news- papers and following political campaigns tbrougbout the coun- MON"TREAL.-P-aise-winning salads . . . saiads with lots and lots of appetite appeal . .. have ona thing in comman. Secret of their succcss is a really, good-dressing-skilfully flavoured with any ana of the deliciaus HiEINZ VINEGARS! Whcther the salad is served tossed and greeni in a woodcn bowl ~" -. -or colourfully arranged la fruit dhhs-t Iio dressing makes a worid of difference . .. snd whcan its made with FIeins White, Malt or Cider Vinegars -ît's bound ta be good! Its wise "salad insurance" ta, make vour dressings with the best vinegar you can buy-just as you make tlicm with the best fruits and vegetables. Thats why I urge ynîî toasak 'vour grocer .ior leinz Vinegars--aged and mcllowed ia wood! . . . É-cinz White Vinegar . .. marvelous for light salads sud smooth, boilcd drezs,- ings . .. lîcinz Malt V-inegar-.-dclicious for beartier ealada I June Has Always Been A Favourite Month For Brides. Perhaps that's because it's supposed ta ha lucky... HRappy is the bride the Juna sun shines ou!1 " The Î\a truth of the matter is that any month can ha lucky for a bride if she encourages good luck with good management, for ber linances. And this la where brides - * ail across Canada flnd the BANKC 0F MONTREAL such a great help! At the Bof M you snd yaur bus,. baud can have n Joini Account, so that you can save tagether. Or you can open vour own Household Accouni, whirhi will make it so much casier ta, deal with bis. You']l slwayas knnw, just whcre the budget stands. Wýhv flot " pave the way " for future good fortune . . beginning tomorrow? Viqit yaui- nearest Bof M branch .- and start those Savings Accounts for happiness to anme! It Works Like A Chom ta ram ove laded color £rom g4 , clothes . . . this iL4l' wonderful TINTEX COLOR REMOV- ER! Prep are yaur Summer wardrobe for a color <«transformation"> with Tin t cx Color Remover .. . then add gay ssew color with Ai-fabrie Tintex Tinta and Dves! AI-fabrie Tintez eliminates ail wos-sy and guess- work firn borna dyeing ... sin- ply follow the easy instructions for guai-anteed results! You'll find .MI-fabii Tintex Tintas snd Dvca lut your drug, department or výar- iotY Store at 15e each . ... choose your favorite colora firn the Tin- tex " rainbow " range of beautiful ehades! Happy Home Ever After for the bride w ho plans ber meais with ' appetita-appeal in mmid! And smart E-g is the g irl1 wbo (eMS' knows the wondcr.. fui affect that gay, rafreshing JELL-O desserts eau bave. Haras a calai-fui serving sugges- tion that's sure ta ha a favorite: Arrange srmahl canned peach haives in ecrving glasses. Place a few broken nuts in hollow of each paach; then caver with dissolved Lamon Jlli-O. Chili. You'll find with economical Jell-O Jeily Pow- ders, a hast of intriguing desserta ]ike this are quick aud easy te niaka!1 A New Treot for Ail Coke Loeus-this le Crearn Meringue C-ake! Moist, tender, airy-light - with SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, cake triumphs like this are sUre to be yoursI à5iý ICE CREAM MERrN'GUE CAKE YI¾ cups sifted Swans Down Cake Fiour 2 egg yolks, unbeaten £¾ýI teaspoons Calumet Bakmng Powder 7 tablespoons milk i.13 teaspoori salt *%teas onvanila 4 tablespoons butter or other shortening 2 egg Whtes '% cup sugar ','2 cup sugar Suft flour once. mneasuro. add baking powder and sait; sift together 3 times. Cream butter thoroughly, add ýý cup sugar gradually, and cream 4;ogether until ligtit and iluffy. .Add egg yolks, one at a 'time. beating thoroughly siter each. Add flour. alternateiy with milk. a smati amount et a time. bcating ai ter oach addition until smooth. Add flavoring. Pour ýnto greased pan, 9 x 9 x 2 inches. Peat egg whites until foarny throughout«; add rermaining sugar. 2 fable- spoons at a turne. beating after eacih addition until sugar is thoroughly .bIended. Continue beating until mixture will stand in peaks. Spread over cake batter. Bake in moderato oven (350 deg. F.) 45 to 50 minutes. Lot stand 10 minutes ta cool. then remove carefully frnm pan. Cut in 3-inch squares; top each with arnail bail of ice cream. Ape You The Better Hoi?.. Everybody talks about neot underestimnat- ing the power of a waman. M"e're supposed ta spend mnost of the money . . . and be responsibleI'I for the famiiy budget. AUl the ads. Bay wc are the < greatest influence. But the men run the country. Why, oh wlîy shouldn't wc have a say about whîch men run the couîntry . . . and how they run it? Weii, we have! Our vote is our protection That s the wiy we can state our opinion and help mak the kind of governrnent we need. There's an edcc tion eoring up on June 27th . . . a Dominion ciection. Everv woman ým this couîntry bas a vote of ber very own .. . and evcrv woman s-hould use that vote. Make sure that you use it to support the party -wNhieýh will do miost to imnprove voîîr lot and that of vour familx' . .. 1w mik ing Canada a sill btter place ta live. Vote for the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Candidate in vour riding. Vote to mupport the part y that will do mnost to make aà hetter life for everv mnember of cr Canadian farnilv. The Progressive Conspi-vative Partv is the family party. For a better future, vote Progressive Consecrvative. Local History in Text The caunties o! Simncoe anc Grey bave set an example that might well be followad lu othai counties of the province. A history textbook dealing with the Geor- gian Bay area is ta ha used lu pri. mary and secondai-y schools tbroughout that region. This 28. page textbook writtan hy J. Her- bei-t Crauston, Editor Emeritus of the Midland Frac Press, and il- lustrated -by C. W. Jeffreys, wall- knaw'n artist. planned in consulta. tion wîth thc scbool inspectai-s af the two cauntias. Durham and Northumnberland hava as intaresting a history as auv other counties lu the province aud should hava a prominent po- sition la the Histocical Hall of Fame. Before learning national and worldf-wide historv the young student sbould be tatught the back- ground of bis own cammunity. The struggles o! pianeers ai-a as cxciting and fascinating as any adventui-a story. Historv need not hae a boiing "mu st', but can ba mada real, by informing childi-en of the beginniug and develop- ment o! thai- awn cauntias. Wby can't Durhami follow Simcoa and Grey Counties lu this wartbwbile educatianal venture? * * 4, Womnen Aid in Scout Work Last week the yar's repart of the Scout Mothars' Auxiliary was publishad in The Statasman. This report shows that the Scout Troops in Bowmanvilla are foitu. nate lu haviug behind tbem a mast active group of wamen in Bow- m a nville. The Boy Scouts and Girl Guides are two o! the best organizations combatting juvenile dainquency iu the country. Conscquautly these women, by ]ending a belping baud ta the Scouts, ai-e doing a mast effective ' ob in 'building batter citizans for Canada. Sa bats off ta the Bowmauville Scout Moth- crs' Auxiliarv! Movie Star Marries Prince Canadians and Americans alike have been following with mingled intercst the romance of movie *Users prie 'blue coal' Budget iPIan..."Helps us mcike ends meet" IA VED REAL MONEY last year when fuel 'rices jumped. It may happen again, too, ~ut Uni ai! set. I've signed up on the 'biue coal' Budget Plan and havenon more worries about next winter's fuel suppy7 I the q4Qaity y ES, bundreds find their household budgets run more smoothly when they take this easy way to buy coal. They avoid big winter bis by buying in spring and summer and paying in small monthly amounts. You, too, cati save by using 'b1ue coal', you can save more by signing a 'blue coal' Budget Plan now and paying monthly just like a 'phone bill. 'PHONE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Buyîng 'blue coal' the way we pay for telephone serv ice takes the pinch off aur pockebook.' IT'S SO EASYI The «blue coaI, dealer let us write aur own terms. WC Cao face ali! ur expenses more casily uow." The Sheppard & Gili Lumber Co. Limited bwManville 96 King St E. E A S Y T E R M T O U I T O U . . . O R E T A P Plans civil wE side Ci the Fi( said " France the woi marri a that per camplet were n Cannes, The Bride Signs the Register p try. However, i'4 is oniy in recent years that wamen have gained rec- ognition in the political field which is almost Monopolized by! men. At preserit there are five wo- mcn sitting in Provincial Legisiat- ures. Mrs. Rose Wilkinson, Social Credit, Calgary, Alta., and Mrs.C. R. Wood, Social Credit, Ston Plain Alta., Mrs. T. J. Roîston and Mrs. N. Hodgcs arc bath Coalition~ members in the B.C. legislature: represcntiiîg Vancouver, Point Grey and Victoria City, respect- ively. The well-known Miss Agnesj MacPhail, CCF, represents York 1 East in the Ontario Lcgislature. There is only anc woman mem- ber in the House of Commons-- Mrs. Gladys Strum, COF., from Saskatchewan. Mrs. Iva Fallis, Conservative, Peterboro, and Mrs. Cairine Wilson, Liberal, Ottawa, are bath members of the Senate: of Canada.1 The uvoman who bas gained the' Most renown in the present politi- cal battle is Mrs. Fiorcnza Drew, wife of the Progressive Conserva- tive leader. Mrs. Drcw is not only a charmiug and graciaus woman, but is anc of the cleverest and best educatcd ,vomen in Canada. She is proving to the women of this country that there is an important place for them in the palitical scene. Locally, xva have as yet to ibe represented in parliament by a womnan member. In 1935 a waman. Dr. Lonira Cot- ton, ran as the first CCF candi- date in Durham County and was, defcatcd. Ho\vever, women of this vicinity are taking a growing in- terest in Polîtics. Women's party Who, organizations have sprung up with Unit amazing rapiditv and the mcem- the bers hav e already shown that thcy and are capable of efficient w'ork. of B With women taking an impor- tant part in politics, perhaps the lethargx- which usually envelops star R the ma ,sses following an election Prince may 'ha avoided and the govern- is able ment of aur country xviii remnaînnow Il one of the prime daily interests cized p of the average citizen, the ho' * * *a s lI Park St. United Church, Or a na, on Saturday, May 21, Bett -Jean Linton, daugbter o! Mr. aný ,fMrs. G. Meredith Linton, becam the brida cf Thomas James Pat tersan, son of Mi-. and Mrs. Ernes E. Patterson, Bowmanville. Giva: in marriage by ber father, th, sbride xvas gowned in old ivar' 7silk faille with rnatching finge tlangtb veil and carried pale pini buttarfly roses with lily-of-the 1vallay. Audrey Billings, attired ir orchid figuccd taffetteansd carry, ing pink swaet peas. was maîr of honour, and Kathleen Gamsbey cousin o! the 'brida, attired la tur. quaise figurad taffeta and carry. ing orcbid swect peas, was bridas. jmaid. Roy Ber-y, cotusin o! thE groom, was hast man, xvbile Arcb. ia McLaren and James Linton, brother o! the bride, wara ushers. The double ring ccremony was perfnî-med by Rev. E. A. Fustace. Miss Isohel Crosbay, Guelph, cous- iin o! the groom, was soloist, and Mrs. Victor Paacock. Oshawa, cou- sin of the bride, officiated at the orga n. Receiving at bar homne the bride's mather wora rosewood crepa with bronza and cameo gi-cen accessories. The groom's mother assistad, xvaaring hyacinth blue with black accassories. For the weddiug trip ta Quebec and the New England States the brida chose a California i-ose wvol gabardine stuit with browa fiug- er-tip coat and brown accassories. The couple will live in Bowmaa- villa. ty st le ýr tk George Baptiste Succeeds E. H. Brown C.N.R. Station Agent tSomenewhat balated xve ai-a glad ta we coma Mi-. George Baptiste and bis wife ta oui- community. Mr. Baptiste bas acceptad the posi- tion of Canadian National Railway Station agent, recently vacatad by Mr. E. H. Brown wbo was super- annuatad aftcr 44 yaars of cantia- uous service. An interview with Mi-. Baptiste revealed that ha is an extremnely courteous aud unassuming man who modestly refrained fi-arn talking about h imself. However, it was learued that ha bas been with the Canadian National Rail- j wav sinca 1913 and hefore moving ta Boxwmanville was statianed at Caladonia. Mc. sud Mrs. Baptiste baveaa familv o! thi-ce childran who ai-e al grown up. twa o! wbom live la Hamilton sud ana in Stratbmo v. Due ta the acute housing shartaga in Boxvmaavilla Mi-. Baptiste bas beau unable ta proacure a house and heansd his wifa are at prasent living with Mi-s. White on Church St. THE BIG CLOCK The dlock o! hîfe is wound but on ce, And no man bas the power To bell just w~here tbc bauds will Stop- At late or early bouc. ,Now s thc onlv -lima you own, Live, love. work with a xiii Place no faith in tomai-i-ow, foi-- The clock may then be still. 'More than thi-ce quarters o! al ' nmes in Canada bave a radio, 40 par cent bave telephones, il per u'ent bhave i-efrigerabion and 24 par cent bave elactrie vacuumn dean- To Publish Excerpts 0f Andy Clarke's "Neighborly News"' A million words of radia broad- cast avec an cight-year pariod soi-ted and sifted ta make the 50,000-word manuscript of Andy Clai-kas fort hcaming volume of 'Ncighborly News" camments. Mrs. Violet Clar-ke, widow af the graval-voiced hroadcaster wbo died last May, and Mrs. M. H. Cox, in thi-ca months have sliced the pile of copy ta 150,000 words. Bath are former newspaper wom an. They started with a 12-dozen cgg crate full o! foolscap-size typcd sheets - mare than 400 broadcasts. They soi-ted them out by montbs - than picked out the items most characteristie of the veteran newspaper man's home- spun Sunday marning broadcasts. Their first selectian will ha studied by a group of Andy's friands and winnowad down toaa final 50,000 words or so. Frank Macintyra, editor of the Dundalk Herald, and Dan Me- Arthur, chief news aditor of the CBC, will bandia the final selec- tion. Dr. Loi-ne Pierce of the Ryerson Press, which will publish the Clarke volume this faîl. bas read the first raugb manuscript and is pleased with the material. No name bas been decided for the Business Directory LEGAL supply your needs more econam- 'al.For instance, avaid guess- rkby obtaining information fore y au buy. Purchase with ie intention of keeping the art- re.Follow directions on the ,b1oel carefullv and make any report or returns promptly. S We are impressed xith the 'umber of skilful shoppers in aur MRO lown. This was pi-ven as we t HOME ECoeoM[Sr made ur survey recently. How- cver, we decided ta write thîs tuolumn for the many young pea- nie w-vho have w'ritten ta us lately Hello Hommakers' Aýccordiîw iquiring about budgets. ta reports there are m*any people THE QUESTION BOX born under the sign of the zodiac Miss J. R. asks: known as Gemini, which denotes How can I reduce food bills? a nature witb two sides! Versatile, n tertaining, lvable-but change- Ansxer abl, otenconradctoy. en 1. Learn how ta choose the say there is a bit of Gemini in, es xesv od omk every woman and if ths ha so. it 1.1P an adquate diet. lisadvsabe fr tem'o uder 2.Neyer waste food through sadvsadisfostitai unn. - cverbuying, carcless caoking, stan suche disposito as o ver-serving or improper .m ost w o mnen: the dream er, 3. Gstrox g ar e p o uc n ta hitch her wagon ta a star- rwgadnpodc n and the practical *one, with two pcs re. a s r lu o intr feet firmly on the graund. A 4. Eat meals at home or carry homemaker has always a drcam a lundji. home in ber thoughts and at the 5. Serve plain, tasty food for same time is practical about tha, cornpaniv. tbings in which she invests as part lirs. B. ask-ýz: of a long tcrm plan. 1SIOLIi!d 1 buv a large or small There are wavs ta judge the; vacuunm cîce.Ior for a fivc-room justification of any purchase- hlouse with just anc rug? first: Do I require it? The second Ans\%crt: consideration is: l-low much e.an I afford ta pay for it? In addition ta the dollars arîd cents value anc must consider comtort, conven- ience, durabiiity and usefulnes1s. To the many brides of this season we suggest you follow the! principles of Better Bu 'mianship: 1. Tackle the job wvith confid-m ence and determination.f ing inta the market, 3. Decide in advance how much you can afford ta pay. 4. Deal with reputable mer- KINGIS R Ai chants. 5. Learn how to recognize gen-24H R uine bargaîns.24H U 6. Read the labels and ask forý 7. Chose according ta youri Phone: Day 561 special needs. 8. Choose modemn aids that in- FORNWC S A creasa efficiency. i FU E ASA i9. Fit purchases intoyaur long-. term plan. ~RMT EFFICI] 10. Respect the merchant's busi- ness sense and knowlidge of! bis awn marchandise. OPERATE Il. Give duc emphasis ta spirit- ual and psychological values. Good buymanship on the con- sumcr's part helps the marchant Your purchase of this Item should depend upon your future tneeds too. If you buy the larger Lone and the polisher attachment, yau will save time and expense in keeping linoleumn floors in con- dlition and have adequate cleaning cquipment for the other vacuum jobs. Local Pianist Featured on Radio Rcsidents of Bowmanvillc wvere delighted to hear the -brilliant young pianist Ray Dudley, A.R.C. T., playing on the radio, Sunday afternoon.' Ray was featured in the radio proqram, "To-morrow's Concert Stars." To show his mastery of the piano and his brilliant technique, Ray chose two movements from Beethoven's Sonata in C major, opus 53. The movement was play- cd with an exceptional musical effectiveness and was followed by a brilliant performance of techni- cal skill in the fast movement. During the last two months Ray lias played at the Monthly Ad- vanc ed Grades Recital, at the Wo- mens Musical Club of Toronto and Plso v.ith the Conservatory Sys.nphioty Orchestra at the Royal Coniser\,atory's closing concert ini Massey Hall. Fast radio pick-up service acans no more long waits for a taxi. DIO TAXIS SERVICE Night 561 -707 -922 LLL PASSENGERS INSURED [ENT SERVICE 7ED BY LATHANGUE BROS. W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barristar - Solicitor - Natary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Public King Street W., Bowmanville sPhone: Office 688 - Resideuce 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solictor - Notary 91,,2King Street E. Bowmanvillc, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barristar, Solicitor, Notai-y Public Successar ta M. G. V. Gould Temperanca St., Bawrnville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DFVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental Collage, and Faculty of Deatistry, Toi-auto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. King Street - Bowmauville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.rn. daily 9 arn. t0 12 noon Weduesday, Closed Sunday. Office: Phone 790 Resîdance: Dr-. J. C. Davitt . 21 Dr. W. M Rudaîl - 2h27 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S.: Office in bis borne 100 Liberty St. N., Jawrnanville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. Phoanc 604 MONUMENTS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 5(01 - P.O. Box 622 Part Hope, Ontario REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 K:ng Street West Properrîas Sold, Rented Managed and Appraiscd. Membars o! the Canadian and Ontario IReal Estate Boards J. Shehynj D. Maciachlan Offiae - 326 Residance - 2017 _VET ERINARy DR. JOHN Hi. IWERRY, D.U.M. Graduai e a! Ontario Veterrhai-y Collage 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone 808' Bowrnanville WEDDING PATTERSON-LINTON Phone 715 MR. AND MRS. HOWARD WESLEY STURROCK )se marriage took place May l4th, 1949, in St. Andrew's ted Church, Oshawa. Formerly Miss Helen Anice Leavens, bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ernest Leavens of Oshawa, the bridegroom is the soni of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sturrock 3owmanville. -Courtcsy Oshawa Times-Gazette ita Hayworth and Moslem SAly Kahn. At iast cveryane eta breath a sigh of relief hat these two world publi- personalities were united in uds of haly matrimany last is bad been made ta have a vedding at the Prince's sea- bhateau de 1 Horizon, but rench Mînistry' of Justice 'no"'. As evcryone knows, Eis the hardest country in rld in wbich ta obtain a ige licanse. Thus, fearing i-mission wvould be rccalled etely, Rita and lier prince iarried in the town hall of sjust like ordinary folk. IOVEZY TO 1,00k AT# FA S Y TO WEA R d it ýr y ls s wnu MAT, M" 2ride lm

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