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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1949, p. 12

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PAON TWELV~ TEE CANAD!AW UTATESMAN, EOWMA2iVHLU~ ONTAUO "1'RTTR~AV. Ym~ mo. ieaoe iYou cannot brng about proe- Perity by dlsouraglng thrift. (Lincoln) Trhe Continental Limited directly serves Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Yancouver. This famous train has ail the modern comforts for long distance travel ... air-conditioned coaches and "through" sleeping cars with various types of accommodations, rooms and berhs ... observation lounge cars. Enjoy delicious dining car meals ... thoughtful, courteous service . . q ample room to move around. You arrive refreshed and relaxed when you travel by train. Sce Canaeda this year. Go Canadian National. CCURTESY AND SERVICE W' ei ber at homne - or ,,going Places" - in ail your contacts witb Canadian National, you will experi eneé courtes y aud service. RAILWAYS a AIRLIiIES e STEAMSHIPS e HMES a £XPEEBS0eTELEGRAPES PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE COLUMN PARLIAMENT AT OTTAWA By C. E. Stephenson Tlirough the courtesy of The Statesman I amn happy to continue my report on matters in which I have been given a part to play in the House o! Commons, Ot- tawa, during the 20th Parliameni, which was lately dissolved to give way to the general election called for June 27. In this issue I hope to deal briefly with the Labor question and the record of the Progressive Conservative Party ihereto, both past and present and its future policy. Two More Weeks Two more issues remain for a general discussion of the farm problem and the inter-related question o! personai liberties af- fecting the producing elements o! Canada's population, together with ihe vital issue o! external trade. C. E. Stephenson, M.P. No one will surely attempi bo deny that farm prosperity is the very basis o! national prosperity, and as such is the prime element in keeping factory workers em- ployed at useful production in the channels o! trade. Rights of Labor So far as Labor is concerned au a unit sharing in the national weaith, the Progressive Conserva.. tive platform not only guarantees the fuibesi rights of labor unions to bargain collectively under the besi possible safeguards, but as- sures as well its complete auton- omy and freedom frorn ail sub- servise elements seeking control o! unions. Experience has shown that where freedom is lost, then labor unions lose their useful [identity. National Labor Council Declaring for a National Labor Council, the Progressivc Conser-i vative Party sets the stage for the greatesi possible harmony be- tween Labor and Management and the fullest co-operation he- tween the Dominion and ail the *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * . *. * * * . * * . . * . . * . . * . .*.. . . . . * . . ~ ... ...... To Yo ung Men who are JY,"Pannîng their Future i Y May bc wondeding wbat carcr 'or prQfession ro taice UP Mhat wilj b: be' ô. you i i th' long r7un. Like ait YOutngs inyou wanCcertain funclamen tai Yvvrk you Can PtIt0 rh'- La "or YUd. t --i- 7tuencouragerne 0t for pro mno r .ti n le an d 0Ppor.. ,Yfl tfor recreation and a pnsion to look.nfo whe,ý YourW-okln das ac O a . ceai k se r d .luh a J 'llOuand5 of Yo un' n.of high Calibre arc todayeCfioying ths~adanraesi the R.C.AF.A.nd' they arc fno, only findng n Plannfing yur futur.e "ou would do eIt xm n rc he advanr.iges which the R.C. wl4.F xainefi.- 1 t,11,- -LI- .C rur;,, . _ dhiso d nis0whjch is so imnporta0 t cg yOa of curse y. oua o oWithout obli-gari*o,0C o -n o orr ROYAL CAINADIAN AIR FORC mA.F.30.WA4 provinces in this field. Every right so far won by Labor in fully guaranteed with assurance that every legitirnate, progressive advance for the workers welfare will be accorded any legisiation necessary. Further, the platiorni confirms the proposition of equal pay for men and women doing equal work. Free Enterprise The Progressive Conservative 1policies in respect to Labor are o! course predicaied upon the principle o! !reedom of enterprise as the best tested economic systeni in world history. The experience 1o! labor unions in Britain and Saskatchewan show that freedoni and wages corne under controls o! socialist governments, with no guarantees of continuity of em- ployment in desired occupations. This is the path in ahl dictatorships or semi-diciatorships. Noted Authorlty One o! the world's most noted labor leaders, William Green, President, American Federation of Labor, is on record as saying: "The A.F.L. regards private en- terprise and individuai initiative as fixtures within the democratic structure of government. If tliey are ever endangered, we will be the first to fight to preserve iliem."l This opinion was even more strongiy upheid by the National Union of Raiiwaymen of Canada in their officiai publication, Mar. 1949; "Be on guard againsi the faise doctrines o! Socialism." Best Labor Record Thai the great Progressive Con- servative programme for labor will be carried oui under the leadership o! George Drew as Prime Minister o! Canada, needs no other guarantee ihan his five- year record as Premier of Ontario. In no period o! five years in the his tory o! Ontario were there ever such substantial advances in labor legisiation and the administration of that legisiation ihan during the regime o! Mr. Drew. Heeded Warulng Time and again George Drew warned o! the infiltration o! labor unions by communists. His warn- ing has since had ample justifica- tion for labor unions are now striving to dlean house in this respect. More than that, Mr. Drew is on record that lie wil take every legal measure possible to stop the sabotage o! labor un- ions by communist elements and do the same for the Canadian public. Official Records The statemeni that Drew has done more for labor in the way o! beneficial legisiation and en- forcement of thai legisiation than any other provincial governmeni, cannot be successfuily challenged. The officiai records may be found in the Ontario Gazette, and the batesi amendments thereto rnay be found in the Dec. 19, 1948, is- sue o! ihat publication. It is open to any individuai, personaily to searcli the records if there may be any doubi on the question. Safest Party Ciearly when a great interna- tional labor leader declares for free enierprise as the besi saee- guard for organized labor uniong, and he is seconded by other long- estabiished labor organizations, and with the record o! George Drew fuliy estabiished in advanc- ed babor begisiation, ihere can be litile room for doubt thai the Progressive Conservative Party, defenders o! the free enterprise system, is the safesi national party to !orm the nexi administration at Ottawa. Vote for Freedom Jusi to sum iA ail up, we quote from a recent address by Mr. Drew. He said: "What we are reaily talking about is the simple, but vitaily important word... FREEDOM." May I suggest b al my labor !riends in Durham County, thai this one word... Freedomn . . . is jusi what they xviii be voting for on the day o! the election, June 27, 1949. U.K. WANTS BARLEY The British Ministry o! Food is stul seeking supplies o! barley from abroad, mostly from the countries where sterling arrange- ments can be made. The chie! source o! supply appears te be in French North Africa where, it is reported, 40 tliousand tons have been booked for shipmeni bo the United Kingdom. The new ciop is coming &long and it is expected that 110 thousand tons will te available from May onward. ADVANCED REGISTRY FOR SWINE A meeting was held in Ottawa recently o! the Advanced Regisiry Board for Swine. The Board was established in 1928 as a guiding and advisory body to the Domin- ion Departmeni o! Agriculture in matters reiating to swine testing. Advanced Registry is designed to assist breeders ini selection- essentially the basic meihod o! livestock improvement. It is now generally agreed that records o! performance are a necessity for accurate selection. For this reason the Board, In addition b ts taadvisory function, operates seven test stations across Canada to which breeders o! pure- bred swine send itter groups for feeding and testing. Each group consists o! four pigs from the lit- ter o! a scw. The test and records are based on the performance o! these pigs at the trough and on the appraisal o! quaiity carcasses they yield. Carcass quality require- ments are high and oniy sows and boars which meet these standards are recognized as "Quali!ied in Advanced Registry". In 1948, 650 herd owners were reguiarly tak- ing advantage o! this service. The aim o! the Board is to main- tain a sound testing and recording program- which wili yieid the breeder the most accurate ap- praisal of his animais, which after ail are thý seed stock o! the live- stock field. Improved seed stock -as with plants-is the founda- tion for improvement in commer- cial and market pigs. C.C.F. COLUMN Br JIM Kenny C.C.F. Candidate There is almost universai agree- ment that some change is neces- sary in thie metliod of providing social services for the people o! Canada. i Is obvions that the Liberals have done nothing ex- cepi give promises. Let's look at their record. 1919: They promised ... "an adequate system o! insurance againsi unemployment, sickness, dependence in old age, and other disability... " would be institut- ed by the Lileral government. 1928: They passed resolutions in Parliament to survey the ques- tion of Health Insurance. 1929: Tney again went through ihe same performiance. 1945: A draft Health Insurance bill was presented to Parliament, whih liy aid would be passed ..hm Kenny 7at the nexi session if the people ro! Canada re-elecied ihem. This bull lias since been forgotten. 1949: Thirty years following their firsi promises o! social ser- vices the same old promises have been renewed. The Liberal party seems to possess the happy faculty for 1bringing this important question iup around election time, and ihen !orgetting it around election time. The provinces were so convmnc- 3ed o! the Liberai government's honesiy that four o! themn have passed legisiation to bring about heaith services as soon as the Liberal government was ready to help foot the bill. 1 P.C.'s Haven't Promlsed The Progressive Conservative party is so interested in the social well-being o! the Canadian people that they haven't even bothered to present promises. Canada is being kept behind the times by the two old parties, Almost every country in the west- ern worid has made greater pro- gress in health than we. Even the United States - citadel o! capital- ism - will soon have socialized medicine if President Truman's plan is carried out. "You must rank me and my colleagues as strong partisans of national compulsory insurance for ail purposes from the cradie Io the grave. We hope to bring the magie o! averages to the rescue o! millions." Note that this judgernent was made - not by a socialist - but by no iess a defender of conserva- tism than Winsion Churchill. Health Scheme Today if you were living in Saskatchewan, you would receive the best hospital care availabie for a mere $10.00 a year. When the C.C.F formed a government in Saskatchewan, first, there were approximaiely four hospital beds per thousand population. Now there are approximateiy seven. Wili doctors refuse to contribute to the government health scheme? Again, look ai Saskatchewan. While awaiting a complete federal healhi cheme the Saskatchewan gevernineni is encouraging the establishment, on a voluntary basis, o! health regions. These will provide, locally, greater mýedi- cal care and healili services than the provincial government can afford without Dominion govern- ment help. In the Swift Current region, the greatesi advancement aiong ihese lines has been ef!ected. During the first 17 months o! op- eration the number o! dociors in the region has Increased from, 21 to 34. Saskaichewan Is ihe oniy prov- ince which provides completely free diagnosis, ireatment and hos- pitalization for cancer sufferers. The province also provides free TOUR ETES and ducts. Now these have dwindled Barrett. tuberculosis, Infantile paralysis, to only four; for wheat, bacon, and crippled chidren. cheese and eggs, and these con- National Plan tracts expire at the end of the On a federal scale, the C.Ç.F. year. We are flot to have any lias a nation-wide health pro- more inter-governinental trading. gramn ready to put into operation. This means everyone will help pay The first commercial jet air- for, and cveryone will reap the plane built in North Anierica is benefits of these services regard- Canadian, and will be test flown less of the thickness of their pock- in June. It will carry 36 to 40 et books. And people will be en- passengers at a cruising speeci couraged to seek early treatment. of 400 miles an hour, flying near- How often have we had ta say: ly six miles up. "I think lil get along all right now Itrainlgo-ili n doctor," when what we reaîî n~rainlgo-ilI n mean wa, " ca't ffod aY hanced with the receipt in Cana- moeantres atm n 'tdocor" nyda of thousands o! copies from more tre tme ts, oct r!' H olland o! a book on the N ether- The cost will flot be too great- lands for our school children. as everyone knows, health cannot Each book has a personai letter be measured in dollars and cents. i nls rmaDthppl The C.C.F. hopes, as Winston i nls rmaDthppl Churchill put it, "to bring the with personal snapshots. magic of averages to the rescue o! millions."Us orBn - Government Negleet UeY u od Under our present government's To Borrow When policies there is every reason why Y u we should be losing our !oreign Yo eed £voney« markets. Most of the countries of the world are f ed up with the It's Better Business To Repay old system of trading, with its a B of M Loan Than to ups and downs in prices, with the Spend Savinga fluctuations in supplies, with the gamb]ing and speculation in food- Like most other people, you stu!fs. They want to buy on long may, sooner or later, want cash term contracts. They favor bulk- in a hurry. Whether your reason purchase deais between govern- be opportunity or emergency, a ments to eliminate the speculators wonderfui bargain or a sudden and gamblers. But our Liberal illness you will show your mettie government will not go back to by thinking twice if it means the government level of trading. touching your bonds. They cannot as long as they stick You can easily cash good bonds. ta their out-moded theories of lais- But when the pinch has passed, sez-faire, or let business alone. your bonds wîll be gone too. Under the private-enterprise sy- That's when many people recali stem of trade there is no security the sacrifices it took to buy their of supplies for the buyer or of bonds, and they just say they markets for the seller. Policies can't replace them "for the time are directed solely !romn the point being." The next crisîs may find o! view of private profits. Gam- them really short of funds. blers and speculators buy and sell You can raise the rnoney you at the niost advantageous moment need without spending the sav- for their own gain. A good ex- ings your bonds represent. At the ample of this sort of manipulating Bank of Montreal you can borrow is found in the Winnipeg grain against your bonds, and keep your exchange. As stated above, other investment intact. And you can nations are sick o! this sort of repay the boan oui of income, in dealing, and if that is the way easy instalments. Canada insists on doing business, The cost o! the loan is amaz- they will take their business else- ingly little ... in fact, the interest where. And that is just what is on your bonds practically pays happening. Under the pressure for it. o! war necessity our government If you need money for a good negotiated 143 food contracts with purpose, drap in and see G. E. Britain, as well inier-govern- Moody, B o! M manager at Bow- mental contracts for other pro- manville or his accountant, R. E. a& --nd9a~' 3Cui{W DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS *'Lovely for a Lifetime" At your jeweller's ... or on a lady's finger ... remember, Blite River Diimond and Wedding Rings are Prouly Presented - always. Blue River dia mond rings are sold by bel 1er jewellers &crois Canada - /rom $2qoo Io $5,ooo.o«. e I -a e,..Vképf sas&e widi Westinghouse Only the Westinghouse TRUE-TEMP Refrigeratos' gives your food the positive protection of constant cold which is necessary for the most efficient pre. servation of vour food. Food la the big item in your budget today. Even a amnail pro- portion of spoilage or waste isa ser ious drain on your income. That's why it's ao import- ant to have your Wesati n ghouse Refrîgerator NOW. That's why it's a better investment today then everý before. Visionl Rew.-..e $-from previous copyrights o! C. H. TUCK Optometrlst Disney Bldif. (OPP. l.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 58 Grey's anatoniy tells us that it pigment is laid down in the hurnan systemn and, if I recall properly, il is flot known from whence il cornes. This is the expianation o! why some people who are evid- entiy normal otlierwise suffer from intoierance 10 light. There are many simiàlar things to be met witli and when no other explan- ation reveals the cause o! your trouble, it does no harm to speak with your Optornetrist whose ex- perience should cover this. 1(Copyrighted) You are invited to drop ln to aur store to amc the lateat modela of the Westing. hanse Refrigerator. You'II bc delighted with the roomy storage apace and ita eaay-to-clean. atreazaline design. With Sanalloy Super. Freezer; Covered Meat-Keeper; Glass- Topped Humidrawer;, CoP'IUient -*t A d 1tal 'vii 'th a nMembef ,- --- . ooffryou"C,0 ,;, - ...- ~ PHONE ail 52 wNaET W IWURPHY'FS FURNMURE AND APPLIANCE STORE 1flnmE *ud&M og OulnY C.IN.& fl LAN this.year to visit Toronto'. F "how window of the nation"- the Canadian National Exhibition. Last year over two million enthusiastie visitore flocked tO this greatest annuel exhibition in the world. Filling the weeka just before, and imniediately after Labour Day, this annual avent has something for everybody. Whethes you're interested in industry, coin. merce, agriculture, art, science, education, music, pageantry or sporta,. you'll find plent; to see and to do et the "Ex". Write te, Toronto Conven- tion and Tourist Association, Toronto. Ontario, for information about accota. modation during exhibition weeks. LETS MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACI e4 eam-U PACM TWICLVE TM CAMADUW C)NTAM "0 MAT. ?Mu m. indu ro 52 KING ST. W.

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