TROIDAY, 3UM §th, 1940 H AAJNSAEMN OMNTL.O'AI the unit turned ta freezikîg point Fri.nds Shower ion 2 days' Answer. If the spînach had been Miss Frayn Johns washed before freezing, it can be ____ cooked just the same as a pack- Miss Frayn Johns, whase mr- aged fro.zen vegetable . . . that niage ta Mr. Ronald McDonald is, have qn inch of boiling water lakes place this month, was hor- in a saucepan then drap frozen oured xith a miscellaneous shouw- spinach in it and cook for 10 min. er bv a number of her friends on Utes after wvater begins ta bail Th,,rsdia3, exening, at the home again. If *Une berrnes were dlean of Miss Helen Nelles. Elgin Street. they cari be left et room tempera- A ikadwteecre bs ture until thawed out, then Luse kAtpink d the ecoyraped s crushed and swe'etened on short- keteld hepets ly hwran p- cake or biscuits, with whipped hwepesns hih hno- creami or thin sweetened cream ened by Frayn revealed many Mr. B. F. &&ka: Can chipped beutiful and seful gifts. The enamel on a damnaged refrigerator recipint tankpd the girls for be covered? their kindies:, and extended an Answer: Ask yur electrical invitation toalal ta visit them in dealer about enamnel paint for thisteine hm. repair job. Misses M Narjorie Rundle, Mar- * ,garêt Stae" and Jean Cros sman Ann Alin nvies au a witeassisted the hostess in serving a ta her c/o The Canadien States- de hfllnh man. Send in your suggestion oni homemaking problems and watch BE profiin-vo can spell PONTYPOOI Last week we told you ,:tree planting gang belda * roast during the evenin, Aast day's work. But we n ',tp mention bow we gat a1 -.One of Une girls brough ome marshmallows, wl lied left in the shadows 'ýthe campfire. While îooP Ithem, your carresponden net!ce the large bucket af Winchester CIGARETTES if you have more tiian $10 in US. cash you should turn it in to your bank, in exchanqe for Canadian dollars, without delay. Ex- isting regulations make it illegal for any Canadian reuident to retain in hie possession more than $10 in United States cash. HERE'S THE REASON Canada muet have the U.S. dollars spent here by touriste in order ta niake them aveilable for the pay- ment cf iniported qoodu and services ne.ded to keep production and Bm- ployznent at a high level. POEIION IXCNANSE CONTROI BOARD FECà- 13 1Win Top Prizes ;ging Coxupetitions Lthat had iust been lifted off the ta throw it away irn the bushes, Car Boys middle of the bucket, got a scalded into Johnny Bowler's eve3i n that our ankle, and upset the pail's con- It'm a good many years since Inj a weiner tents on the sand. Butch and I attended one of those In LivestocR ud ýg of the The chap that was sitting about affairs, it's a long time since we negected three feet away sure hopped to have had as good a Iaugh over FotsiJuiramesoo hot-foot. his feet in a hurry when that the writer*s clunisiness. partyin teJAnuo a Juding oml ýt along streamn of hot water cannected According ta the papers, we petition he]d at Orono on Satur. 'iich she with the seat of his trousers. One are supposed ta be having a gen- day, May 28, with the group con. ;cast by lof the feliows offered ta, scrape eral election in June. Things aresitnofhrttreJuosan kigfor the sand off the weenies, provid- sa quiet back here. you'd think thirtec-n Seniors. nt didn't ed any of the ladies wished ta it was over. It's getting sa a fel- E. A. Summers, Agricultura fweenips dine. He picked one up, intending low can't get ino a good eleetion Representative, his assistant Sid- argument' anymore. Some folks ney McD3n)ald and the Junioi seem ta think it's disgraceful ta Farmners are very much indebte< stick up for the candidate of your ta the follawing farmers whc - - ... .~ -~ ~-'-~qg~ ~ c hoice. Nuts ta that idea! Talk- furnished stock for the campe. !r ing politics is simply another tition: P. H. Hinton, Whitney aetaking' an interest in their Rickard & Son, Garnet B. Rick- c country's Pffairs. Any aid time ard, Russell Bragg and Kenneth ~the rank and file quit getting Cox. steamed up over an election yo The judges were the Agricul- ive can bet that Canada will be dead tural Representatives from the 0, arrn the rniddle, bath ways. adjoining caunities, namely:-H, This is traditionally a Tory sec- L. Fair, Ontario: LeRoy Brown, pRO VAin, it was amusing haw quickly Victoria; F. C. Paterson, Peter- same of the party stalwarts came bora; and Sidney McDonald, As- ~pA »?ta lîfe when they heard that the sistant for Durham County. C.C.F. had a candidate in the A new feature this year wasa field. Even if the latter doesn't prospective trip ta the Chicago win, he will make the guessing International for the High Stand. as ta the final resuit a lot mare ing Senior who had also coach- est Bepresentative interesting. Wonder why the C.C. ed a group of junior boys. There F. atfracts sa many schoal teach- were four senior boys coached ity H s Evr Ha - V te es and preachers ta its ranks? teamns with a total of 16 boys re- ty H s E er iaa - V te ccording to Jahnny James'. pal- ceiving this special instruction. IM S O Nitical column last week, he is In the summary the senior u. st discovering that there's a Rwards were made on the tata: IX lot or damn nice people in Dur- core while the Junior boys re- hOam County. Shame on yau, ceiv7ed prizes on the four classes Johnny! I could have told yau that judged. The high novice judge, _______________________________ on the phone for a nickel, and Wm. Ferguson, Nestleton. receiv- ______________________________saved yau aIl the expense of run- ed the Canadian National Exhi- _____________________________ ning around ta find out persan- bition Shield which is awarded ally. The main reason aur familY annually. Last year's high novice has lived in Durhamn County for judge, David Craig, was, second in the past thirty years is because the total score for the Juniors, we are fond of aur neighbaurs. Howard Farder, Blackstack, was Just goes to show how a strang- awarded, high standing senior er Olten appreciates a place bet- coach and the award ta attend ler than sameone born there. We the Chicaga International Show ýiot anly think Durham County is in Navember. a swell place, but we are positive Summarv of Awards Vlîanvers Township is the bestJuirToa place in Durham, This 's about Junires ra -----otal------ 4 the only place where two neigh- David Craig---------------------- 5,7 bourg cani shake angry fists ac-H arTrwn-- --7 cross the uine fence at each other Orville Hindman -------------536 at seven a'clock in the marning, Bill Ferguson ------- 531 then go ta a dance together ait Alex Martin 529 seven o'clock in the evening. You Chanîey Peacock ---------------526 can have an argument with the J. Earle Brown------------------ 520 guy next door, then ask ta bar- Noel Chant --------------520 row bis lawn mower, he will flot Keith VanCamp ,------------519 D E L1 C 1 U Sonly lend it ta you, but will bring Donald Taylor -----------------512 it aver and helD cut yaur lawn. Ron Middletan ----------------- 518 Our local girls' basebaîl team Keith Wood 518 NOUiisHiNGhad its initial warkout Thursday Wilfrid Vine ------------ -507 N is1 1NGevening, when they played Beth- Clifford Bristow- 505 any in aur park. Score was 30 ta Alex Moffatt - - 498 13 for the visitars. In spite of the Charles Vine-------------------- 498 T 1 E A T 1 lop-sided score, it was a heads-up Hamilton Boyd-49 game. Phyllis Stewart had the Don Cochrane . 495 misfortune ta have ber glasses Gerald Jackson - 489 broken. She says that if she con- Seldon Parker ý 484 tinues playing she'. gaing to buy Milford White -----_ ------48.1 the glasses by the carton, the way Gerald Brown ----------------- 48r they buy cigarettes in the States. Lloyd Martin ---- ------482' We naticed Mrs. Dick Hatherly Richard Burrill - ---------47e, of Tyrone, chin wagging on the Russell Powell -----_.... ..-..46ý7 verandah of Mr.- and Mns. Lew Ernest Saunders ---- 5 Williamson. Earl Bowers .- - - 45 Rumor ha@ it that aur schoaol d rut - ------4., principal, Mr. Ralph Mý,cCaw maY John Lawrence 446 be teaching elsewhere after the Joh~n Coomrbes --432 holiays.Bobhv Coombes ---- - 42îiý çore notice there are stili raams Francis J. Cowan - - ------421 frrent around the village, also aq dd bouse here and there is 0eir sale. Didn't think the great Seniowrd s dr- 6 sboom was gaing ta Iast i Npil Moffatt ----- --- 566 r ong. uryLr 5601 -iere is flot sufficient enter-Mur Ld lavor ~~~ment facilities ta attraci d i. h ~ple in the twenty-year-old elastic tops. Boy,doImste etTe dmn baig comfnrt. of those long sacks, and 'rmnfishing and good danc- garters! Just goes ta show how a h In 11g. They are the ones wha, not poor defenseless nman can be bul- 00v have the maney ta spend, but lied around. ýýrp anxious ta speod, which leaves I 'm almost afraid ta go out in >sln e very yaung, middle aged and Public, noaw. Feel as though I've regu- 3ged for Pontypool. T he ver. N no clothes on. From now on l'in egu rY oung don't have the monev ta -eoing ta assert myself, going ta fam- zpend, the rest are rather cau- show who's boss araund here. Oh. 1 tious.oh, her she cames, guess I'd better I f the weather suddenly turns slip out and mow that lawn like cd and wet, frosty and snawy.I was tald, or I won't get my If Your correspond ent suddenly weekly 25 cents allawance. If develops bardening of the elbows, any of you poor dubs reading this, rheumatism and insomnia, please stili insist on marrying, go right blame it on the lady who runs ahead, but dant say I didn't R a e D a iry this hause. This past week e arn youi. eut shvethree times, change 0*00S 00S * 0 *0 * a 444 for Delivery m hr twice. Then ta cap it al made me take off My long Bowrnaville heavy winier combinations, and Put On those flimsy bniefs, a light -1 _______________________________ er shirt, and pair of ankie sacks, _____ yau know, the kndtht a ke e *eh*e e e e NomeECONOMIST Hello Hiomemakers! You wil! agree that as the temperature ris- es so does the waste of perishable food unless it cao be nefrigerated.î It is also true that only with 'the aid of the refnigeraton cao shop- ping be done thriftily. Moreover, the refrigerator enables us ta work nr.mre efficiently because new and leit-aven foodis are kept in top condition when tempera-, ture is maintained at 40 degî-ees while ice cream and other froze-n dishes cao be homemade by il ing ta the coldest point. Qitelt erailv, yaur re.fnigerator adds greatlv ta the deliciousness of the food you serve-from the soup course ta the sweet. 1. Set a tini of consomme. or a jar of strained chicken stock near the freezing unit of your refrig- eraton. To serve, break with a fork and turo ino soup cups. Top with cress and a suice ofr lemo n. 2ChilI soup bowls for .iellied con- somme, Plates for salad, sher- bents for frozen creams, in the nefrigerator about a bah hbour before serving time. .3. Use crushed ice in a soup bowl surraunding a fish or fruit cock- tail. We put ice cubes in a hea- vy piece of cotton and pound with a patato masher ta make crushed ice. 4. You cao make the cheaptýi steaks mare tender- if you pour a marinade over the meat anoÀ store in the refrigerator for P day. The marinade is a mixture of 14 clip salad ail, 1/3 cup vinegar, saIt, pepper, paprika. 12 tsp. of Worcestershire sauce and 1Itsp. of onion juice. This solution 15 poured off the meat1 befone it is broiled and cao be kept in refrigerator for similar uise again. 5. Prepare a simple dessert with left-over cake or graham wa- fers with a fiiling of soft cust- ard, a littîe jam or crushed fruit, then mask the top and sidesq with whipped creamn sweetened with honey or mapler sugar. I! such a glamorous des- setis kept in the refrigeratori for a few hours or ail] day the flavours will blend delectabl. -and Une cream nemains firm. i 5Chili pastrv dough and cookie, mixtures ta improve the text- uire and ta merge the fat and flouir. Do not let them freezr,. but caver and store in the mid- dle of the cabinet for a half hour at 'east before rolling on a lightly' floured board--or slic'ng a cookie rail. 0f course anY flour mixture, for tea bis- cuits, rails. pastries or cookiez cati be ktpt in a cnvered bowl direct]v- belom, the freezing unit for i Couîple of weeks i- dIt deterirmrating in fiavour. Fresh fi uits shauld be as dr,, as passible ta keep for any' length of time in a nefrigerator. r Therefore. neyer wash bernies. cherrie-, or melons ta be stored for four or fivA da ys. hiît Fprpadi themn on a platter and place on 6 ai i. the middle shelf of the eratar. )r 3d 10 refrig-1 Richard VanCamp ----- -- 556 Bruce Taylor----- - 556 Dalton Dorrehll.---------------- 551 Stuart Dorrell----------------- 546 Merrill VanCamp - -------_.4;3 Glenn H. Larmer --- - -------- 1 Ewart Leask __- _- ----- --- M urray Vice -- --------------5.33 Francis Jase 527 Hans Geissberger- 491 HIGH JUINIORS:- 1. Beverley Gray, Port Hope RR No. 1, 2. David Craig, Bowmaoville RR No. 5, 3. Howard Tnewin, Black- stock. HIGH NOVICE:- Wm. Fengu- son, Nestleton RR No. 2 (C.N.E. Shield). HIGH SENIOR:- Howard Forderk Biackstock, Neil Moffatt. Orono, >.---- --- - -- 566 (tie) HIGH STANDING & HIGH COACH: - Howard Farder. Blackstock, (trip ta Chicago Inter- national, Nov., 1949). COACHES 1. Haward Farder, Blackstock, teamn - 1. Howard Trewin, 537; Bill Ferguson, 531; NoeI Chant, 520. Total-,588. 2. Murray Lord, Campbell- croft, teami - 2. Bev. Gray, 542;' Charley Peacack. 526; Clifford Bnistow, 505. Total - 1,573. 3. Dalton Dorrell, Nestletan RR Na. 2, team - 3. Ran Middleton, 518; Wilfrid Vine, 507; Charles Vine, 498. Total - 1,523. 4. Stewart Dorreil, Nestletan RR No. 2, teamn - 4. Don Coch- rane. 495; Earl Bawers, 454; Don Proutt, 447. Total - 1,396. INDIVIDUAL WINNERS JUNIORS HORSES 1. Howard Trewin 2.00 2. Hamilton Boyd; 2. Alex Martin; 2. Geran] Jackson; tied 1.25 5. Charles Vine ,...50 DAIRY CATTLE I. Noel Chant . _ .--2.00 2. Gerald Brown---------- 1.50 3. Don Cochrane ------------ 1.,25 4. Earl Brown -__------- 1.00 .3. Ron Middleton , - _ .50 BEEF CATTLE 1. Bill Fenguson ---- - - 2.00 2. Don Taylor ------------ 1.50 3. Bey. Gray ,----------------- 1.25 4. Milford W hite ---------_1,00 5. Clifford Bristow ------- .50 SWINE 1. David Craig . 2.00 1 2. Orville Hiodman; 2. Keith Wood; tied - .-- - 1.50 4. Chantie Peacock -------- 1.00 5. Wilfrid Vine- .50 1 1212 Ibs. cattage cheese 1 2 teaspoon vanilla 2 cans condensed milk Juice of 3 lemons Grated rind of 1 lemon 3 tableepoons plain gelatin 2 cups whîpping creamn Soak gelatin in lemon juice Heat milk well, add grated rind and cheese and mix well. (Cheesc should first be nun through s sieve). Addl lemon juice and gela. tin and fold in creamn which haw been beaten. Make a graham cracker crust and arrange in ring mald. reserving a few crumbs ta sprinkle over top. Pour cheese mixture over crust, sprinkle with remaining crumbs and store in, fneezing tray for about three hours before ser-.-ing. Serves 12. Fruit Sherbert 1 orange 1 banana 1'2 lemons 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 10 greeni or red cherries Green or red caloring Crush banana through potata ricer. Add fruit juices, cut cher- ries, a little vegetable colorning, and aIl but one tablespoon sugar. Beat egg yalks and stir aIl mix- tures together. Place in freezing tray and freeze ta mush. Remove ta chilled bowl and beat. Adn] egg whites, beaten with the tablespoon of sugar, fold into mixture. Pour back ino freezing tray and finish freezing. Makes one and a haîf quarts. Refrigerator Pie 2 egg whites 12 cup sugar 4 tbsps. pawdered sugan 1 quart strawberries 1 cup whipping creamn Beat egg wbites until almost dry, add sugar graduaily and con- tinue beatirg until consiste'ncy of marshmallaw. Spread in, crushed grahamn wafer pie shell. Cut ber- ries in haîf, reserving enough fo decorate top of pie. Pres's bernies ino meringue mixture. Wbip cream, add powdered sugar and spread aver berrnes. Decorate %vith the whole bernies. Note: This pie can be made with many kinds of fresh berrnes. The Question Box .Mrs. A. B. asks: How aften shauld the refrigerator be defrost- Answen: When the ice is as thick as a lead pencil, defrost your refnigeratar. !Irsm. S. A. asks: Cao I use frozen spinach and bernies whicb had this column for replies. l'our eyes. w'hich nee.ded Optical help %orne time ago. mnay need lielp again. Changing- conditions, which originally necess*tated glasses, probahly have continuécd te change - unknown te you. Yeu, again. may need Grlases - new, ones. Yeu CAR decide, easily, qulckly. Our examination wil1 tell yeu the tacts. MARVIN HOLLENDERG Optometuist <Formierly J. T. McCreery) OFFICE HOURS Monday and Tbursday - 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday' - 10 a.m. - 6 Mr DVIIN T PHN22 GIFTS SIL VER FOR THE JUNE BRIDE GIFTS 0F SILVER . GIFTS THE LUCKY BRIDE WILL TREASURE, THROUGH THE YEARS . . . AND TRULY ADMIRE FOR THEIR USEFULNESS AS WELL AS THEIR BREATH- TAKING BEAUTY. COME IN --- CHOOSE FROM OUR EXTENSIVE COLLECTION. BEAUTIFUL SILVER PLATED SERVING TRAY $14. 95 USEFUL SILVEIl PLATEIi RREAfl TRAY $7.95 OTHER GIFT ITEMS IN SILVER 4-piece Tea Set in silver, complete-------- 12" Combination Relish and Serving Tray ----- Oval Relish Dish, Grape Pattern.--------- Butter Dishes -- Sil%,pr Ci eams. Sugars and Trays , complPte $6.50 to $12.95 MARR'lS $1.95 up - - $21.50 $ 8.50 $3.95 up Cheese & Crackers Silv er Grav,Rovl and Tray $8.95 $4.00 JEWELLERY profit from th sarne letters. rozen b~' accident when I left i I Glen1 Phone4 King St. W. 3TOP TOBACCOS VIR GIN lA BUIL EV TURKISH THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THntTEEN 22 DIVISION ST. PHONE 2024 ç--ýý 6 GOOD ADVICE. OF