~URBDAY, JTJNE Oth, 1949 TRI CANADIAM STÂTESMAIi, DOWMANV1LLE, ONTARTO P A ftW WU~VW OBITU ARIES MRS. F. H. MORRIS Death came suddenly an June Ist to Edith V. M. E. Carscadden, beloved wife o? the late Frank H. Morris. Stricken with a heart at- tack at her home, 40 Beech Aven- uce, Bowmanville, Mx-,. Morris was rushed ta Bowmanville Hospital wh.ene, failing ta rally, she slept away peacefully.1 Having devoted much of hem lite ta caring for those who need- cd her, her deccining strength was sapped by the long ilness and death of ber mother-in-law, Mrs, fMhn H. Morris, in April of last '?-, and by the passing o? ber 4w 'brother, Albert, in March or this year. Skie was born ta Elizabeth and James Caiscadden at their home li Clarke on December 24, 1875, and moved ta Bowmanville in 1882 where, but fox- a few years, hem lite was spent. Educate'i in Bowmanville Pub- lic and High Schools, hem young womanhood was spent in caring for ber mother, and in actively panticipating in the work of the church wi'eme she was fôr mary years a member of the choir and young people's oxganzatiors. On October 16, 1901, she was married ta Frank H. Morris, also ot Bowmanville, in aineremory at wbich hem brother Albert, an or- dained ministex- of the Methodist Church, officiated. The couple re- sided at their home~ on Beech Ave- nue>until .191.3. and then lived suc- cessive]y in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Montreal. Fohioxtîng hex- hus- band's death in 1925, Mrs. Marris neturned to Bowmanville. She bor':ý thmee chi]dren: Ralph, who lived but a few days; Blanche who was taken from her by un- tùnely death in 1926 at the age of titteen; and Kenneth, w'ho resides in Montreal. Lett ta moux-n hex-, in addition PHRONE 573 Older citizens in Bowmanville were sorx-y ta learn this week af the passing the Rev. Hugb Mun- roc, a former csteemed and papu- har minister o? St. Paul's Presby- texian Church, Bawmanville, be- tween the years a? 1905 ta 1911. Former moderator of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada, Rev. Dr. Munroe, 78, died June 4 at hi, home in New Glasgow, N.S. His hast pastox-ate was Westminster Prcsbyterian Churcb, New Glas- gow. Box-n at West Zox-ra, Oxford County. Ont.. he was at one time assistant ir St. Andx-ew's Cburch, Toronto. He served as moderator of the general assembly in 1937- 38, and as moderator o? the Synod a? Montreal and Ottawa in 1926- 27.1 He was the sor of the late Wil- iam Monroe, a public school tea- cher, and attended Woodstock Col egiate Institute. He graduated in arts fromn the Univer-sity of Tor-1 Heres the sianly-styled, liI-new Admirai portable that will.make s bit with every member of your fam- ily. Exquisicely styled in Lustrex plastic - Emfperor Red with French GoId tcnim - it opereces instantene- ously on AC or DC as weil as baccery. Aucomacic switch elimi.naces accidentai bac- tery drain when used on AC-DC. Acroscope in. geniously concealed in hinged lid gives amazing reception. Ainico No. 5 speaker. Ideal for vscaioning HES and travelling-here's che portable that's "in season- any ime of year. Here's the perfect "extra 'ý radia chat deserves a place in every home. Rich and clear with the range and depth of many console radios. New checkered grille and exquisite easy-to- nead dial. 5 long-life cubes. Builc-in- aeroscope. Ainico No. 5 speaker. AC-DC. Superbly 5tyled in polish- cd mahogany or ivory plas- tic. BIG in perÏormancel SMALL oniy in price 1 Festure for feacure- Ad mirai offers the best value! t 7'NE PERFECI' RADIO Ivory $29.93 39 KING ST. E to ber son and ber daughter-in- law, Milda, il a wide circle af rela- tives, neighbours and dear friend.s. The funeral service took place at 2:30 in the afternoon of June 4 in the 'Morris Funeral Chapel, with Rev. S. R. Henderson, minis- ter of Trinity United Church, conducting and Mrs. J. Gunn at the argan. Interment %vas in thue family plot at Bowmanville Cerne- tery. PaUlbearers were Harper Car- scadden, Robert P. Corbett, Fred Brimacombe, Oscar LaBelle, Wil liam B. Young and Carl Billings. Amangst those attending from out of town were her niece, Miss Edith Caxscadden; her nephew, Arthur Carscadden; another ne- phew, Ivan Carscadden, and his wife; Miss Bertha Doncaster; aîl of Toranto; her grand-niece, Miss Barbara Perkins of Barrie; and her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. J. G. Carscadden of Wakefield, Quebec. REV. HUGH MUNROE Alter a lingering ilîness o? sev- ex-id months Max-y Louise Brown, wife o? the late Max-shahl McDon- aId, entered inta rest at hem late residence, Cburch St., Bowman- ville on May '25. Deccased spent most o? ber life in Coîbomne, but in latex- vears resided wîth hem daughter Mrs. Kari Hall, in Tam- onto, Newcastle and Bowman- ville. She leaves to maux-n ber loss anc son, Harry, a? Cobourg, and a daughter (Irene), Mrs. Kari Hall, Bowmanville, one grandson Claude McDonald, Oshawa, and two grand-daugbters (Evelyn), Mm,. Jack McGill, Oakville, and Marilyn Hall, Bowmanvillc. Two daughters px-dcceased ber in 1921 and 1924; <Luella) Mrs. Strachan Fux-riex- and Pearl. She was a life long member o? Coîbox-ne United Church and whihe in Bowmanvilhc attended St. Paul', United Chumch. Funemal services were held a? ber late residence with tuxther services in Salem United Church, Coîbore, canducted by ber pastor Rex'. Cameman Quigley a? St. Paul's United Church, Bawman- ville. Intemment w'as in Salem Cemetery at Coibomne. Floral tributes were rcceivcd tram Tox-onto, Kitchener, Col- borne, Part Hope, Cobourg and Bowmanvil le. Bearers were nephews o? de- ceased; Gordan McDonald, Rus- sell McBx-ude, Fred McBride, Wes. McBxidc, Howard Ratz and Jack Mitchell. CADMUS Blackstock W.A. bas invited Cad'mus W.A. ta join them as goests at theix- Jonc meeting a? the home a? Mrs. Allcy Johnston. Cadmus chox-ch had a minister tram Orono Sunday for their morning service. Theix- new min- ister is ta begin July lst. Mr. and Mx-,. Jimmy McMulien, Pontypool, spent Sunday with ber parents Mx-. and Mx-,. Larmar Hyland. Mx-s. Norman Pbilip and daugh- tex- spent Sunday witb Mrs. Fallis and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gibson. Mr. W. B. Ferguson is visiting bis son Mr. Bill Ferguson and a?- terded the Beacock-Sanderson wedding Jonc 4. Mx-. and Mx-,. Bill Robinson and Gay, Toronta, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gibson. Mr. Lloyd Henr-y, Bawmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lorre McKee. Miss Eleanome Parkhurst, Osh- awa, witb Mr. and Mms. Bob Viv- ian. Mx-. and Mm,. Hax-xy Phîlp, Stirl- ing. called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarke William,. Mx-. Ronald William,, Markbam, and fxiend, Toronto, ai. so with Mr-. and Mx-s. William,. BURKETON Bath Anivemsamy service were %veih attcndcd Sunday. Mr. S. Say. well, Myrtie, was guest speaker. Music o? the choir, unden direct- ion ai Mm,. K. Rablîn, organis?, addcd much ta bath services. The flowers on the communion table were placed theme by Mx-,. b. King and Mm,. S. Moffat in memary o? their mother, Mrs. Fred Hudson. Mx-. and Mrs. Francis Werry, with Mr-. and Mm,. Wm. McLaugh-1 lin. Mx-. and Mx-,. D. Kay, Toronto, attended atcrnoon service andi cailed on several friends. Mm,. E. Caughili and Mr. W. Hoskîns with Mmm. Ida Smale,i Hampton.1 Miss Vivian Hamilton with Miss Jean McLaughlin. Mx-. and Mm,. T. G. Breck witb Mm. and Mx-,. Wallace Breck, Porti Hope.t Mx-. ad Mrs. Orland Bailey,1 Miama,lTia., with Mr. and Mrs.c T. Bailcy.1 Miss R. Staphes, Toronto, withi ner sister, Mrs. FrankHolroyd. Mrs. L. Heasman is with beri brotbex-in-law Mr. John Heas-j man, Omcmee. Mr. and Mm,. Ç. Francis and1 onto and later fram Knox Callege. Ordained a minister li the Pres- ibyterian Church li Canada, in 1903, Dr. Munroe's tinst post was assistant in Knox Church, Winni- peg. For several years he was min- ister of h5t. Paul's Church, »ow- manville. After two years as assis- tant in St. Andrew's Church, To- ronto, he became pastor of St. John's Church, Cornwall, and in 1928 began hi, pastorate in N4ew Glasgow. In 1927 the Preshyterian Col- lege of Montreal confcrred upon him the honorary degree of doctor af divinity. Dr. Munroc was a do- minant figure in the Presbyterian Church in the Maritime Provinces. He was married to Mary Ethel Miliman in 1904, who survives him. Alsa surviving is a daughter. While in Bowmanville Rev. Munroe was a valued player of the famous football o? that day and played full back with Frank Kerslaké?. Other members of the teamn were Drs. C. W. Slemon, J. C. Devitt, Wesley and Robert Clarke and Arthur Marris, Messrs. Billy Inch, Herb McCready, Art Baker and George James. MRS. MARSHALL McDONALD. family, Gelert, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hanthorn. Miss Ada Dadson, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace. Mrs. Wm. Argue, Bethany, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Trick, Ponty- pool, with Mr. and Mni. Leslie Argue. Mrs. C. Ashton is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. L Tay- lor. Mr. C. Hoskins was in Toronto. BLACKSTOCK Mx-. and Mrs. Lorne Reynol and Donald, and Mx-,. Frank Peterbaro, with Mx-. and Mn,. Le lie Mountjoy. Miss Verena Graham, Toront with Mx-. and Mrs. Ras, Dut?. Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Baihey vi fited Miss Reta Swain, AIma Co lege, St. Trhomas, and Mrs. Erne McLaughlin, London. Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Brant twith Mr. and MrM. Norman Moun jay. Congratulations and best wiu] es are cxtended ta Mr. and Mr John Beacock (Evelyn Sande. son) on their marriage on June A shower was beld in the Con munity Hall on Friday cveningi. bahnau- of Mr. anid Mrs. R. Psr (nee Jean MeLean). Mr. and Mrs. Narman Malcol wex-e in Toronto an Saturday an attendedthe Moore-Brant we( ding. Mx-. and Mm,. Pcrcy VanCann Mr-. and Mx-,. Arthur Baîley an Miss Jessie VanCamp werc Peterboro Tuesday evening toa tend the graduation o! Miss Je Werry from Nichal's Hospital. Somry that Baby John McKil bin is in the Sîck Cbildren's Hc. pital, Toronto, fox- a few wceks, Mrs. Nicholson and son Lesii with ber sister Mns. George Fom 1er. Mr. and Mx-,. Frank Carter ai family, Bowmanville, with M, and Mrs. Lewis Henry. Mrs. Wilbcrt Archer is visitin Mx-. and Mx-s. Elmer Archer, Whil by. Mr. and Mx-s. Harold Snook and faml v, Seagrave, with Mi and Mx-,. Ray Snaoks. Mrs. G. Fo-wler and Mm,.I Mountjoy with Mrs Gee. Finlay son. Mr-. and Mx-,. Allan Booker an, Miss Leona Devitt, Trenton, wit Mx-. and Mrs. C. P. Devitt. Mr-. Merlin Bailey, Petembor( home fax- the long wcekend. Mr. Bob Smith, Peterboro, wif bis parents Mr. and Mlrs. M.i Smith. We wcre sorry to hear of th death of Jîm Hunter on Monda- Hi, cheery broadcasts were a dai.: habit in auir lives. We wisb ta ex tend sincere sympathy ta bis fan ily. June meeting o! Blackstock Wo mens' Institute. was at the hom, o? the President, Mx-,. Normai Malcolm on June 1. Lengthy dis eussions were held an matte pertaining ta the Annuel Con vcntiçn at Newtonville on Thurç day Plans.were, made to bave Garden Party. ProgTani was il charge o! Mx-,. Norman Maountia: Convener o! "Community Activi tics and Public Relations." Mr ROY Taylor read «'New Add-esse, which corcerned the new Cana dians in aur midst. Mmi. Mcmvir Graham read "The End o? a Per ?ect Day". A very interesting tall on "Publid Relations" was, giver by Mrs. Stantord VanCamp. Mms Norman Moun'tjay rcad "Go Otý and Hurt for Friends". Meeting cloeed, with lunch served bv thi group and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamn and Mr. and Mn.. Cecil HillI t. tended the Brooklin Spring Faii on Saturday. We wish tô offer congra'ula. tions ta two o? aur local Yoiing men who have realizcd theix- am. bitions. First ta Jobnny Werrv wha is now through for a Do' tci o? Veterinary and is locati' .in Bowmanville where he wii bE av.ailable for service in hi, blome district. Next to, Jack Greer w"ic is an hano- Student af KemptvillE Agricultural School and ha, beec appointed official Tester of Dp ix- Herds- for, Durham Courtv. IV dds iks, .es- ita, iest 1te, nt- sh 4r. er- in Im, m cd ýnd a t at- ýan ib- >5- "Tii. Litte Country Hospital" 137 Edirar Ouest The Little Country Hospitul là hidden out of view, And people seldom notice it as pleasure they pu.rsue, But let ani accident befall-which lm the fate et men- The proudest maen is glad, to sec the umali town dactor then. And in that little hospital wbich humble folk maintain, He'll find that bcurts are merciful and quick ta comfont paiA; It isn't like the city place, with sections blocked spart, Where cvery patient's listed as a number on a chart, And àapeclîits for this and that convene ta thumb him o'er, And ask a thousand questions of the i11, he's bad before. For in Uiecocuntry hoispital, wbich lacks ahl pomp and style, The surgeon on bis morning rounds bas time ta chat a while. And wbether pain be in your groin, your stamach or your toe, The cause of At the doctor there assurcdly will know. He will not shunt you round the Place for rays of that and this, H'll diagnose your case himsclt and veny seldom miss. And whoso-cr shail tnead the hall wbcn you are free tram pain Will stop to speak a cheery word and wish yau well again, Sa little country hospital, whicb humble folk support, Whicb stnuggle for existence since its funds are always short, I pay this simple tribute now ta alI your tender care In lcssesling the hurts and pains which martals have ta bear, And pray for God's richeit blessing an the men and womnen brave Who give their evcry ounce o! strength another's lite ta save. M-ssBel--1 nnt uytii, Mi. nc Mrs. Otto Virtue. are all proud cd these young mnen. At the Livcstock Judging Comn- Too Many Ifs Petition held at Orono, May 28, ____ several o? our young fellows re- BY Joseph Lister Ruthedge eived high standing. Howar-d Trewin-was third, in the High Jun- The appeal of communism, or iors with Bill Fex-gson High No- shades of it, ta dehuded if often Vice. For High Senior, Howard wel-intentioned people, resulis Farder and Neil Moffat, Ororo, pex-haps, from a confusion of theI were tied. High Standing and Marxian and Christian concept of High Coach was won by Howard brathex-hood. In the Christian xiew Farder who gets a trip ta Chicago the ideal o? bxotherhoad is giv- International in November. First ing. "If thine eremy hungex-. feed place teamn was, Howard Txewir' him; if he thirst, give him drink." Bill Ferguson and Noel Chant. In' The communist', idead of so-caîl- Individual winners for Juniors ed bratherhood is taking. It was Howvard Trewin was fimst for .;a set doxvn in type a huncired Horses; Noel Chant was first for yeax-s ago. in the Commun ist Man- Dairy Cattle; Bill Ferguson was ifesta. "The theox-y o? the coin- first for Beef Cattle. munists may be summed up in a APpax-ently a local woman is of single sentence; abolition of pri- the opinion that the Blackstock vate property. Correspondent is slipping on her Ir a womld whex-e this remnained job as reporter. I wîsh ta state 'i]a lheory it must have had an that the item regarding the Park ,îppealing sound, especial-v to Improvements as a îittle prerra- 'have flots" of w'horn Karl Mar-x, ture. The Park, Commission have was one. If you abolished private engaged certain young mn~ px-aperty and distributed its hen- help make al safe place for the uts equall 'v; if :, ou granted that childrcn ta play. Our wox-k is just al who rpceived the benefits had begun. and we are very thanikful equal talents, equal devotion, eq- that these young men wbo have ual unselfishress, equal enthus- dore a strenuous days' jobs are îasm, you might have arrived at willing ta work evenings and Sat - the Utapia envisianed by the good urdays for what we consider a dehuded folk. The trouble is, there fine projcct. Alsa we are desîx-ous are too many ifs. And we might tha, ou coumnis nt ued oý'add anathet-If it had neyer been complRints. Our fine counicil istid u1i a entre.I a ready at ahi times to take care o? had more than thix-ty years o? trial this part o? cammunity life. and, as fax- as anyone can sec. it Thecorespndet ad te Ei-bas flot braught about a miller- Thecorespndnt nd he diniumn or changed homan nlature. 1 tom like contributions wbich do fiat It has arly changed tbe group of1 santain malice against anyore and popewho contrai tbe power. with the sender', name signed We are told that the resuîts are' clearly. wondex-ful, and the misguided goad folk 'believe t. But, if the', are, why must tbe people who I T YRONE beneit sa gx-eathy be guax-ded against anx' intex-minglirg. in fact Mr. and Mrs. Andy Craig 'or inittoi!ýi1. xi ie, Miles and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ram- to the o Id a W-. say Craig and Ann, Toronto Curtain", cuttirj with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgsan: Wh.) can Russi nd Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry with Mr-. eign broadcasts ir. L. Squair and Miss 1. Stephens, of their lives?V Salem. visit other lancý ng Miss Jeffery, Maple Grove. Mr. books' Wouldi t- Doyle, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. naturallY confit L. Skinner. eommunists wh( ks Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, advalitagt2a Wi Ir. Marilyn and Ronnie, Miss Jean literature and sc Philp with Hon. and Mrs. Win. cine, and religà L A. Goodfellow, Codrington. of any reniern ýy- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham, ways of tboughl' Bowmanville, with Mr-. and Mets. ciaims perfcectici nd W. J. Macdonald. mocratic way. It th Mr. and Mrs. AI?. Ayre, Osh- dom-the possi awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold mistake. But,d o, Skinner. it did spend li Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down. Blle th and Carolyn, Lakefield, with Mr. C. and Mrs. Russell Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. he, r and Mxs. Fred Bigrili, To- Y ky.Ëoto wih r.and Mrs. Lorne Y u C lx- Mr. and Mrs. G. Larmnar and n- Patricia with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. n-Larmar, Millbrook. o Mrs. T. W. Robinson, Lindsay,! visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard ne Brent and Mrs. C. Bigelow. anl Miss Yvonne Byam visited Mrs0 is Jim Colville, Bowmanville. rs Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Marlene - and Roslyn and Mrs. W. F. Park$1 s visited Mr-. and Mrs. Earl Steph-COVN a ens, Sutton. n Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif-IF0 Yford and Grenville, and Mrs. W. 1Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Mor- 5timer Cummings, Ottawa.* es Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear. a- Port Hope. visited Mr. and Mrs. n G. Rosevear. r- W-1. will mnéet at the home of Ik Mrs. H. Skinner on June i5th at n 2:30. S. Mr. Harold Skinner is attend-I ut ing the spring fairs at Quebec ig with an exhibit of sheep. e Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy afid Doreen, Bowmanville; Mr. Russel ip Hardy, Toronto, and Mr. Arthùr tThompson wlth Mr. and Mx-,. G. r Alldread. Mrs. W. Miller spent a few days m. n Bowmanville last week. ig Mr. Jack Richards, Mr. and Mrs. ,_Chas. Richards, Ronnie anýi Elaine, 1 -y Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C, r Bigelow and Mrs. T. Richards. n Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley e and tamily, Myrtle, Mr. Donald eLamib. Enniskillen, Miss Jennv oBeckett, Bowmanville, vistdM le and Mrs. O. Beckett. m Mr. and Mrs. J. Bird and Jac- -y. queline, Mrs. P. Hayward. Bow- le mavle ihMs .Miller. Mrs.Iren GroesChilliwack.! B.C., in spending the summer with: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bec- kett. wiWbe Youngrnan, Pontypool I iLine, with Mr. and Mrs. Murray iTabb. Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierie and children, Maple Grave, Mr-. and1 IMrs. J. Colbary and children, IBraoklin, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. H. IColbary. On Thursday cvening, June 2 a group of young ladies gathered'at the home of Arvilla Beckett to, honor Miss Dorothv Wright, bride [to be, with an e namel shower. The bride thanked each one for th eir kindness. Remàinder of ev- ening was spent in contests. A dainty lunch was servcd by the T 1Quarterly Tesao W.M.S. was> held at the home of Mrs. W. Mii-,Phone 573 leBethesda. when Mrs. Haroldi j Ferguson wais guuot speaker. Her 'ilh ttoso xi'ho cing ys? Whs' the "Iron ng a %vorld in haîf? sians listen ta fox- ,only at the pex-il Wh', may 'tbey rot ds. or read foreign flot sucb contacts rm the behiefs of ho enjoyed greater Vh'.' muat q'rt and qcence under miedi- ion taa be purged mbrance of ather t? Certainly no one on fax- oux- free de- It has faults of fx-ce- ibility of human despite its falts, mndx-eds of billions o! dollars to mitigate suttering alîd restore a world. Communism fought desperately ta prevent the gift. Democracy worked for an organization where people might discuss their probleins, flot fight about thein. Communismn tried ta delay and Cestroy that hope. Why, if Communism's brotherhood bas s0 much more ta offer, must peo- ple be tricked or forced into ac- cepting it? Lift the curtain and let the people see, sa that they can talk was one which will long be' remembered. Mx-,. E. White pre- sided. Little Jane McClure play- ed a piano solo. Mrs. J. Cook gave a reading and a recitation on Temperance entitled "Little Blos- som" by Jane McClure. Mn,. D. Cale gave thc devotional. The two Mrs. Shackletons, Salem, sang a lovely duet. Mrs. Leon Moore gave a paper on Christian Stew- ardship. Prayer by Mrs. A. Huis. Mrs. Rab Roy played a piano solo "Safely Through Another Week." Mrs. R. Hodgsan niaved a vote o? thanks tao oùr speaker, the .hostess and aIl thase wha helped to niake aur meeting a success. A dainty lunch was served. Next meeting at the home a? Mrs. H. Philp. Mx-. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Ron, Clem and Doreen, and Miss Jean Haynes, Bawmnanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, Car-t- wright. Mx-. and Mrs. F. Webb and Mx- S. Duval, Nassau, with Mr. andI Mrs. W. Park. Mr-. and Mrs. Talbert Findlay. Mx-. Bert Findlay, Thornhili, and Paintry Sheif Shower For Jean Crouman A shower was held at the home of Mns. Jim Martyn May 26 for,, Miss Jean Crossman. The ubower toak the fo-m of a pantry shelf shower and was attended by about 25 girls. After the popular bride- to-be had received her xnany pre-, sents, games were played and re- I nvestor service Saféguards your securities in a modern vault. Collects and remits income. Renders regular statements (includirig consolidated statement for income tax). Carries out securitv transactions in accordance with instructions. Reviews your entire portfolio at least once a year. Makes suggestions from-time to time of such action as may appear desirable in your interests. You retain fùll control of vour securities and titie remains in vour naine. Pamphlet giving full particulars, including rates, sent on request. TE TORONMLGNERTURUSTS CO RPO RATION? Hecad Office: 2.53 Bay Siçeet, Toronto A~~~~~ ~ ~ L)MTN1STER1 s 3o n n o ô,on WAR SURPLUS STORE 24 DIVISION STREET BOWMAN VILLE II)AINT ALCOLOURS GUARANTEED INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR $3.25 per gallon Army Boots Reccndltioncd New Soles and Heebâ Special $3.95 Blankels S'pecîal $3.95 A. 17. Army Shiris Special $1.49 Special $2.50 Work Panis $2.85 Army Malfress Special $3.95 ARM'Y Fafigue Pauis 'I aon't Beat the Pricel You Can't Beat the Washeri HOlPOI NT TODAY'S BEST BUY AMONG QUALITY CLOTHES WASHIRS * Corne in today and see for yourself the important advantages the new Hot- point offers in performance, economy and durability. Custom-made for extra years of trouble-free service, Hotpoint's quiet, smooth-running mechanism is permanently Iubricateci. Its Loveli wringer is equipped wirh safety release and pressure indicator. Hotpoint's famous Activator creates three gentie but positive washing actions. Let us show you this Hotpointr value today! Tbree ol/er models from $139-111 fe $174.50 THE SUSB-TU£B cives YeU twe washea's in one Fit, in a Iiff y inide your Hoepoint Washer. ldeil for smaill.washeg, for souing starching, I~ acecilizaag. Capacity 21/2 gallons.8 Ofliy. . .. , 6.5 HlE RADIÔ0 SHQP Bowmanville 38 Kinq St. E. - The RADIO SHOP BRYANT KOTOR SALES DON BRYANT. Proprietor FPERGUSON TRACTORS Comploe Lino et ImpI.mmnts New en Dimfparî. MOLDBOARD PLOWS FIELD CULIVATORS8 ROW-CROP CULTIVATOIS TILLEUl SPIKE TOOTH RARROWI NPRING-TOOTH NARROWSl TANDEM DISC HARROWU NEAVY DUTY MOWES8 90IL SCOOPS CORDWOOD UAWS - PHON U W ITS Y 1Il» tEtM]DAY, XMR §th, 1949 make a reasaned chaice. treshments were served. TIM CANAI)I" rrAT»bL4R, BOWIL&NvnýLE.- ONTAPM PACSX inlmqplm . 0 38 King St. L -