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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1949, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR In the Dim and Distant Past Prom The Statesman Files Flfty Years Ago Newcastle - Messrs. Warming- ton and Joli's butcher business D. B. Simpson, W. M., cf Jeru- bas increased to sucb an extent salem Long-e anri bretbcrn C. P. that lhey bave two carts on the Blair, J. B. Mitchell, E. R. Boun- road .. . . At Quartly Board of sali, T. H. Spry. Jos. Pattinson, Metbodist Churcb. James Rickard Anthony Mitchell, T. G. Braga.. is delegate ta District meeting Jas Gilifillan, W. C. King, Carl and G. Rickard and W. H. Chap- B. Kent, J. S. Moorecraft. J. A. lin a committee te wait on the McClellan, Dr. J. M. Bimacambe. statiening committec at confer- Dr. Jas. Coîville. C. M. Cawker. ence . .. Mrs. S. B. Chandler and John Lyle. W. H. Foicy. R. Dumas, son, Howard are planning te build ail visited St. Andrews Lodge. a beaubiful brick residence on Toronto. cre fKn n ilSs Thomas Hear and R. A. Treve- cre fKn n iiSs len ieft for Mantreai by train A portrait off Jas. A. Werry, where' ..ýI wîIl 1- - fiip for Solina, and a short sketch of bis England life graces the first page off Sons Leskard - Thos. Brown pro- of Temperance Record. poses taking a trip througb the The team purchased by Mn. R. Nortb West and State cf Dakota. T. Reid fromn Mr. R. Beitb, M.P.. REDUCED to0'22 OFF Our entire stock of Spring Coats and Suits has been slashed 1/3 t o '/2 Of f in order to clear our stock. Corne early to take advantage of .these trernendous savings. '6 LCouch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 49 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE a ~ ~ N~ -Ig~ ais' ~zI:hî a i At the TOI SCA RFI HOUl You can't go higl get more "surfa( you'II find in Scai For greatter bril coverage, better p: use these finishe5 Fading Trim Pa eaves and down-s _______________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO n Twenty-Fjve Years Agt, Miss Marian Dixon, Orono, was awared Jdge . H.Scott's prize eH ain M sio of $15.00 for prize essay contest Sc H ai iesin of Navy League of Canada, her 0f ChristianSce e subject being "The Raid of Zee--___ brugge.". Better health, greater security, nfed-Frn H.Ba and more bappiness for ail man- hoefromn Oshawa nursing a Lu nd are possible today throg damaged linger that got caught the demnonstrable teachings of in the linotype of the Reformer Christian Science regarding the Office. ,ead uhrtofG ,d- Special music at Base Line S.S powerd authority of Go C.Sde- Anniversary was given by Bow- .lrdHryB aRe ... in a public lecture in Oshawa manville Methodist Men's Quart- Sunday afternoon. ett - Melville Dale, Raymond Cole Gerge lapam ad Wll "Men have always prayed to be Cole GergeClapam nd illled into paths of peace, health and Pointen. Mrs. Alex Colville sang happiness," Mr. MacRae told a two solos. lreadec nPaaTete Congratulations to Raymond W. Olaeaudie e nPaz e uiae Snowden, Cyril B. Souch and Wil- nsaiwa, tore hspokmedrifTa Imot L. Wright who passed their Cnatianinaleurasaebr of Te senior examinations at, OntarioChsta SceeBorofe- College of Pharmacy, Toronto. tureship. Miss Mary McClellan, daughter "Men have listened for a voice of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan, above the human that would speak has obtained first year's certifi- and reveal to them the way of cate at Ontario College of Art, eternal Life. They have striven to Toronto, winning honours in hear a voîce of such authority that modeling. they wouid flot doubt but could Miss Dorothy B. Johnston, follow wittn confidence and assur- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ance into a ]and of liberation. Johnston passed her fîrst year Somne have beard, but more have exams with great distinction at not. Many have doubted wben the Ontario College of Art, To- they have beard." ronto, takîng four scholarships. Actual examples of physical Blackstock - Rev. Milton Sand- healing through the application of erson and Rev. E. O. Gallagher Christian Science, as well as the completed their course, the form- solution of other pressing human er in Victoria and the latter in problems of these times, were Wycliffe Colleges . .. Thieves en- given by Mr. MacRae. tered the premnises of David One man was instantaneously Archer and carried away 40 verY relieved and healed after suffer- fine bens .. . Miss Florence Prout ing intensely from a spinal trouble has gone Io Toronto wbere she that made walking difficult. The bas secured a position. lecturer -explained something of Newcastle - Wmn. Budd, Ponty- the scientifically Christian meth- pool, has moved into the Ug]ow ods that make such marvels a, propertv ... T. J. Cook has erect- standard occurrence among Chris- ed a verandah in front of his tian Scientists. h~ome.,. W. Foster was taken "In gainîng our salvation from ,uddenly il while visiting in To- the errors of sin and sickness that ronto . .. Mrs. Mathew Brown, seem to hold us, or from the phys- driving near the C.P.R. subway, ical business, business, or per- a train pipssed frightening her sonal probiems that sometim(erf pony and upsetting the buggy. come rolling over our mental hon:- Mrs. Browvn was thrown te the zori," hé said, ý we need to lift our ground, receiving several bruises thoughts above the clouds of sense and cuts. and emerge in the ever-present Mrs. T. W. Cawker sang a solo, sunlight of Truth. Mrs. VanAîstine and Mrs. H. M. "AIl the power of Truth is pres- Foster sang a duet and Miss Gwen enltot enable us Io accomplish jWiiliamns played a piano solo at this. We îîeed do nothing to the the Women's Musical Club Of clouds, thc errors of sense, for to Port Hope. attempt to do something to thern wouid be to try to make that real SHOW CATTLE which is unreal. We must mentally soar above and heyond them into Owners sending cattle fo Ciass the harmonlous realm of spiritual IA and Class B Fairs are remindedi realitv. where we find our libera- that tbey should notify their near- tion, ýur true salvation."' est Div'isional Officer of the A beautiful experience of heal- Heaith of Animais Division, Do-iýn g in Christian Science through minion Department of Agriculture its raye-r of aulhoritv brough, as early as possible in order that healthh, and employment to their animaIs can be tested and a couple known to Mr. MacRae. certified. Tbey bad been victims of the Instructions have been issued by unsettled econornic and living con- the Veterinary Director General ditions tbat were prevalent imme- authorizing Divisional veterinar- diatelv after WTorid War Hl. In ans to conduct anv tests neces- catednlow is the atime wof au mc sary, check identification, and is- middle age, thev were weii-edu- sue any certificates required for cated, ca'oable and refined. Tomn cattie being shown at these Fairs. from tbeir accustomed life of abundance and comfort, they Non-resident bunters in New feund theniselves physicalîv sick, Brunswick must empîoy a licens- mentaîly distraugbt, and home- ed guide. 'less. - LTie lectîrer told how tbis worthý couple received hea'ing and restoration when the authori- S Itv of God's law had be iiilýp of the Ladetr. 0-a prodate ie'ure i învoked in their bebhaif. Witbîn ',S XTERIORfor the fint limne Io a Christian E'S EX ERIORScience practitioner, the wife had been healed of a goiter htcm rS AIl 1$ pietely disappeared, ieaving no trace. She aise was hedled ofa hfer in quality ; you Can't constipatioin of 30 years' standing. 5ý 1 The hu;;Iband's health returned. Lce satisfaction">; than Within a 'few months a new busi- are's Exterior Flouse Paints. ness m'as undertaken, a comfort- able home established. and a great illiance, more economnical sense off contentment and security gained. protection and longer wvear,- -._ _ ýs along with Scarje's Norn. Get justly. distribute cheer- aints for windows, doors, ful*v ad-v onetdy ýpouts. %~5 E U '~ The Fallacies 0f Socialism By R. J. Dcachman 1. Mn. Ceidwell spoke recently aven a C.B.C. netwenk. It was a revealing speech. Coupled witb recent neits on the operations off the Crown Cove natnItS Wi bUS- cialist Saskatchewan it sbould ness ventures have been success- have seme influence on the future fui it uses the same metbods. By course of polltical events. this meanq lb could prove that Tomi 2. Recali the theme song cf the Thumb was as big as Jack Demp- CCF, it has burgeoned ferth on a sey by lcaving eut the parts of tbousand platforms. The essence Jack it didn't want te measure. off it was that we wcne exploited 7. The CCP states its profits at by industny, especiaily by mono- $1,626,720. Fnom Ibis must be de- polies, and that otîr eniy* remedv ducbed losses off $539,337, Ieaving was socialism, state-ewncnship an "openating profit" of $1,087, and operation cf indostny. 383, and from this must be deduct- 3. Came at last the testing lime. ed four items net previously men- the CCF Govcrnment was elected tioned-they total $83,624-tbe so- in Saskatcnewan in 1944. Il. as- called profit now falîs te $1,003. sumed the reins cf office on July 759. 10 off that ycar. The war was stili 8. These Crown Companies do on, everything was booming. To- not fonction in the same way asý bal cash :eccivcd fnom the sale ondinary industries. Tbe province of farmn prcducts in bhc yeans provides the money, they pay no- 1944-48 inclusive was twice as1 thing for the capital invested ini 1 2'oay eLire in a Creator Canado WANTED FOR Reglsfcred and Grade HOLSTEIN 11PHONE 2403WA T RF F. C. CROWE 102 Elgin St. J. H. ABERNETHY 64 Concession St. There is à fild for altnost anything one ran think o~f, andI anvone witb a willingnes% for hard wobrk liag a go<WI chance to acbjeve ,ices" avs Do<naldtJ. ,Smith, President off Hornet Industrie& Limited, DOn of a Sem IMpasuiibj Ilornet Indiustries Limited, which was founded in 1945, has in this short timp achieved remarkable succefia in the manufacture of chain saws and combusîtion eng-i oe. More than balf the production of the plant reaches rnarkets oîîtsidé- C'anadla. From à staff cf onlv à hait dozen men ini 19il, Horn--t Indusitries Limited lias expanded to three plants in Guelph, eznpioying 296 Norkcra. LIhARad rub in UD S. ani ntth, $tronc or unpleauant odar. LA la I Get & botule today; keep geONOMICAI 15-46 ia handy. as"' 6Os go771 d Mi con P u SPRING C GAIS AND UT 1 3 RANK i 1 to present to Governor-General, Sir Henry McCallum, Newfound- land, cast $l,ooo. Col. John Hughes, Newtonville, has been taking a special course at Kingston Military College prep- aratory te taking the 46th Bat- talion to camp at Niagara. Miss Eva Luttrell has been ap- pointced organist of St. John's Anglican Church in place of Mr. P. Hoack who resigned. The Standard Bank bere was burglarized and aIl the money taken out of the vault. Henry Metcaîf. n-ghtwatchman, was seiz- ed and left bound and gagged in the bank. Alex Luttrell has a dandy new bake cart that cuts quite a shine as he delivers "the staff off life" to his customners. Friends of Mrs. Jack Neads pleasantly surprised ber Manday in celebrating ber 85tb birthday. C. Morley Cawker, son off Mr. C. M. Cawker and W. C. Tole, son off Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tale. successfull-, passed the College of Pbarmacy exams. Mr. W. L. Smith, editor off the Weekly Sun, Toronto, paid a cal] on the editor. Mr. Smith was wheeling from. Millbrook to To- ronto. Cadmus -.- John Sproule, mason, Janetville, bas finished the found- atian of Jas. Nesbitt's new home. Tyrone - A._ E. Clemens had a bee changing the position off his farm buildings. U"DA'r, :tmr #th. I'è*ü years. If ever there was a time ed, Up ta the end cf 1948, a total ard accouiit.ing practice aie that when new industries could be of $6,563,646. Allowing 4 percent those interested may gain sote started with, at least, a tempor- interest this amounts ta $535,000. conception of real facts. ary prospect off success this was No interest baa&tecn paid by the the time. Crown Corporations, no bill bas The Great Mistake been sent to them. The Govern- POLISH FOOD EXPORTS 4. The CF was firmly convinced ment f Saskatchewan knows that I that socialized industries ('ould the. Crowni Corporations are flt I December, 1948, the Ujnited , , à psitin tapay.States Departmcnt cf Agriculture be operated at a profit and that, nipsinteay approvcd Poiish meat-packing through these profits, a .'ocialist 9. There was a bond issue cf and veterinany regulations whîeh goveroiment could reduce the rate $1 300,0>00. A sinking fund was to wiîî permit resumption cf pclish of taxation. There were two 90V_ hc set tip te cover tbis item. One1 canned ham experts to the United cnnment owned industries i a-contributio was made Io it but States dîiring 1949. Thiai itemn katchcwan before Mr. flog ot b", the industries. The Pro-1 constituted baif of the re became premier, the Telephoni, in<i;il 6averrment met the obli- war value off Polish experts te the Comnpany, established in 1908, tb'hi. M*tiun to the extcnt of $40,000. United States. Power Commission in 1928. The>g-Ih*'e total due at the end off 1948 In 1948 Podand exported to the companies werc operated, flot foi wdfi $452,000. United Kingdom 13 thcusand tons the specifie purpose cf lowerniz 10. 'Jhe-n lhe Saskatchewan Gov- cf meat products, mainly bacon, taxation, the objective wa.s lu rnrrit-r.t ;iý an '-.aborate organi- and aise fresh and trozen eggrn, provide efficient service and luoi ,atîun to r4an thpsc- diffirrent de- and dresscd poultry. cxpand facilities wherever ineed vlî,rrî 'hr' <.timaîc-d costs cxisted. They have bepn sa y-- of 11~ -4 tavgr.I- o date bas cessful that the CCF now takes l'n I2<îuu 'MO p;ýir by the pro- T 1 C K E T s credit for them, dlaims thpm foi i 'n,' if. T. ;lîtt. tahl iQ fus cut TO EVFiYWBEU5X ils own. lbe tnu1,rrt. Air, Rail or Steamszhip 5. Fitteen ncw industries vwer'f rîlu.' fle , $.535,M<1) started by the CCF. They roverred Sinkirig FVurl i Are<.mnt Consut a wide range: footwar, a tannery, 4.52.000 J UR Y & L O VEL L a woollen mil] and dlay product.s; Planning Mlarr, Fxppnss Bowmanville None cf these bave earncd a pro- and Salari<u, 200.00() 15 King St. W. Phone 778 fit. Their peraing lsses up to Total$1 871 date are approximately $300,000. The oeld profit of $1003, ________________ This dees net include interesl 7.9 bas br,n reaebed h v ipaving upon capital invested, noir deprec- out legiturrat<. <os.z) f $17( iation. lit is a loss which, in thr The Way off Escape ]REW A RD end. must come eut off the pockets Il. whatshou]d cibprdonc' The ' eadc 800 rdi cf the people cf Saskatchewan.Arwdofa$00 idl The cold fact is that the leaderr cf: oiginutis;budbewud Knet, merchandise centificate theCCFhav ben. etryedhvu p-wh. y s-ntigond monivafler th CFhaeben erae b ad' They cmuId not survive in a wii! be sent te any person, their own misconceptiens. Thev pno fînsa rseiv o who wili write or companly, believed the things they Salopro ftnsa rseiy.hw -n stenm n d about socia ism , tey ack nw long wouici the v ast in norm al givi guh a e m d the courage ta. admit their mis- conditions" The others, which de- drss of any jeweller i takes. pend mainlv upon mon.opol -v con- their district that does net PrfiamdLssstrol. exercised by the Sask at i have Bridal-Knot diamond Pro its and L os ese %an G overnm ent, should be 1 rings in st ck. 6. But thise cavers aniy four in- stripped off their artificial supports PEERLESS dustries, wbat about the other ele- and compelled to stand on their en? The CCF as an accounting own fect. Let them try tis fr a JEMIELLERY MFRS. system ,,hi h is a l its ow n. If it w hile- it ray prov de an ob e t S i e212 3 Y n e A c d wants te prove that the profits of lesson for r'tbers who might con- Toronto - Ontario industry are higb it gives the re- template similar adventures. Homne et Brldal-Knot sults cf the profitable companies, 12. The annual reports cf these Diamonds ignores the unprafitabie. Wben il corporations should aotsad ,dm

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