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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1949, p. 13

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ltbJMWAY, JVNE tS Ith. 1949 SPORT NEWS Tennis Taurnamnent Play.d wlth Whitby At Lions Centre Saturday Bawmtanville playeti host ta Whitby la a tennis tourna- ment on the local courts at the Lio ns Communtty Centre. Whitby arrived about 3:30 anti the tourna. ment stat-teti immediately with the Men'a Doubles on No. 1 Court and Ladies' Doubles on No. 2 Court. At the conclusion lunch ~-was, serveti by the social commit- tee on Mrs. Keith Jackson'e lawn. After the very enjoyable supper ail went back ta the courts foc the Mi.Xed double games. .Whitby came down under ar- rangements with Ennie Taylor, a l .ormec Bowmenville boy. It was déÔlded that one set only would be played. The nesuits showing game scores a!tec are as follows: Mens Doubles B. Match, E. Taylor, 5. A. Lobb, S. Murdoch, 7. P. Cook, D. Ellison, 2. K. Siemon, E. Withenspooa, 6. D. Williams. S. McLeod, 5. A. Anderson, A. Bell, 7. J. Switzen, R. Death, 0. W. MeFeeters, W. Tait, 6. Ladies' Doubles L. Sleightholm, M. Stanlick, 3. L. Dippeli, £. Anderson, 6. J. Ashby, H. Ashby, 6. B. Flaxxm n, M. Jaimes, 3. P. Bagley, B. Tennier, 5. N. Aluin, L. Dewell, 7. LL. Sleighthtlm, M. Stanlick, 6. P. Tait, E. Dunn, 3. Mtxed Doubles M. Stanlick, B. Hatch, 1. i-~ iwippeil, K. Witbecspoon, 6. H. Ashby, P. Cook, 4. N. Allun, K. Slernon, 6. B. Tennien, J. gwitzer, 3. P. Tait, W. Tait,6. P. Bagley, S. Mc'Leod, 6. E. Dunn, W. McP'eeters, 8. L. Sleightholm, E. Taylor, 6. M. James, S. Murdoch, 2. J. Ashby, D. Ellison, 2. A. Lobb, B. Flaxman, 6. M. Stanlick, J. Switzer, 4. L. Dewcll, A. Bell, 6. L. Sleightholrn, B. Hatch, 2. E. Anderson, A. Antierson, 6. A vote o! thanks was moveti by Whitby anti an invitation to ne- tucit accepteti by Bowrnanville with the date set for a!ternoon o! June 19. Harmony lin Colqur it NT» Murphy perd70~«e WASHABLE WALL PAINT Essy Sp<..dlq Louves N.e rush Marku FLAT e SEMI-GLOSS a GLOSS A. E. NeGREGOR & Co. HARDWARE KING ST. E. BOWMWANVILLE WANTED 1FOR EXP OR? Rtegistcred and Grade HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS PHONE 2403 W L E B FRANK R.R. 5 BOWMANVILLE PORT HOPE THfE CANADIAN STATElVIM, .. uwMA1VtLLE. UNiPfTAIU Goodyear Bowling Trophy Won by Reid Rink, Oshawa. The lawîî bowling season open- eti formally on Saturday with visiting rînks well represented in the play for pozesian a! the hanti- sorne Goodyear Challenge Trophy, the annuel prize representing the district championship. G. Reidi anti hie Oshawa rink capped the cup afler spiri ted play an the dry greens under the hot sun. Scores xvere pretty wide open save foc two ends, anc of which went toanar extra length. For Bow- rnanville Jim Newman's rirtk was the chie! threat ta the »isiting teams but in general the home rinks showed Iack a! practice. The visilors were entertained at lunch in the club rooms and meny fans watched the play fram the cool Firat Round Reidi, Oshawa, 20, Morrison, Oshawa, 11; MacMillan, Oshawa, 13, Newman, Bowmanville, 12, (an extra end set); Gondlnan, Oshawa, 18, Cochrane, Oshawa, 10; Reynaud, Peterboro, 19, Nich- oies, Bowmanville, 10; Highfield, Port Hope, 28, Bessey, Clarentant, Second Round Newman, 18, Moruon, 9; Coch- cane, 23, Nicholas. 9; Reiti, 14, Higlîfielti, 13; MacMillen, 22, Bes- sic, 17; Goodmnan, 14, Reynaudi, 7. Reidi, Hhgh!jcld, Newman, Mon. rison andi Bessey took the honauns in the third round. The final sumrnlng up was' as follows: Reid, 3 wins, 49 points, (eup win- nec); High!ielti, 2 wins, 60 points; Cochrane, 1 win, 52 points. Maple Grave Beat Bow'ville at Tyran. In Football Gctme Maple Grave football teamn is 'beginning to show c a!ater com- îng mia the Darlington League as a new team this scason. Play- ing Bowmanville in Tyrone Paerk at the annuelTyrone picale andt sports day, the Maple Grave boys won a clean, hand.fought game 1-0. It was a home gaine for Maple Grove, transferreti to Tyrone as a fine gesture for thein sports day. Maurice Preston, a fast young playen, camne stonming ia ta take, a pass anti score the only goal o! the garne. Maple Grave ha$ four Preston boys piaying on the team. Sons o! the well known aid- time football player R. D. Pr-et, they combine nicelý, with the whole team in coml4ination play. The teamn went back tai play Tycone on the came groundis Mon. day night. Bowmacnville Win Football Game From ZMon 4.0 Playing an the High School grounds, Monday ntght, Bowrnan- ville Football Club whitewashed Zion 4-0 in a Darlington League game that showed tnieti tenipers anti,:srne raugh play on the hot cvening. Bowmanville notcheti a goal ia the fit-st minute o! play, the anly score in the finst hall. Zion's backfielti playet a stnong garne but the ce-elignéti Bowrnan- ville aquati put on the powec rush- e rîght through the contest anti kieketi 3 mare goals in the second haîf. A laiger ccowti than usual watcheti the game andi a coterie o! young +hockey anti baIl players had a gooti time on the hilîcitie cagging the players. Orono Beaten By Bowmanville Midgets Bowmanville Mitigets camne lhrough with another win on June 1at Orono againet the local teamn. Both teams starteti scocing in the 2nti inning, but Bowmanville scemed ta have the superiar bat- ting powver.1 Batas pitcheti 8 innings for *Bowmanville, slruck out. 4 anti walketi 2. Lane scorcd 3 strikeouts1 anti walked 1, West, who pitcheti lor Onono. chaîketi up il stnike- )Ls anti walked 10. Lineup: C rono: M. Lunn, lf; K. West, cR. West, p: H. Boyd, r!; G. Joncs, 'b; Armstrong, cf; Ron West, 2b; jB. Hall, lb; D_ Carleton, ss. axx',man\-iiîe: M. Brooks, 2b; R. Wite,; If; T. Dadson, lb; E. rStephens. se; L. Dewll, 3b: Bates, p; S. Piper, rf. Alternates:. R. Lane. BLACKSTOCK Mr. Andrew Powers, Mr. anti Mrs. John Powecs, Ronald anti Joan, Lindsay, with Mr-. anti Mrs. Herb. Swaln. Mr. Sam Je!!cey in Toronto with Mn. anti Mns. George Jol. Mrs. Mvoore, Shirley, with Mcs. Eti. Daney for a few tiays. Miss Emma Henders, Yelvecton, is nursing Mns. James Parc who ie Mn. anti Mns. Walter Wight anti baby daughter, Armstrong, are hloiday ing for a month with Mc. andi Mns. Garnet Wright. .Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Mis. Nor-man Mountjoy. Mns. Tom Smith, Mrs. Peccy Van Camp, Mcs. Arthur Baîley anti Mrs. Stanford Van Camp attendeti Disttict In- stitute Convention at ,Newtonville. Our Institiîte was very aroudti t neceive the pt-ize of a leather brie! case for the best pninteti programs fan the past year. Ail agreedti hat the convention was a big success. Bishop Wells, Toronto, was at St. John's Anglican Chucch on Suntiay monning. Aftcr the ser- vice the Bishop anti the Wacdens, C. P. Devitt anti John Rahm anti thein wives were entertained ta dinner un the ncctory. Service was withdrawn at the Unitedi Church Sunday cvening1 awing ta Cadmus Anniversacy..1 Next Sunday is Annivecsary Suntiay at St. John's Anglican Chunch. Rev. dePencier Wright, Bowmanville, anti bis choir are taking the evening service. 1 Our hactibaîl team lost thein finst gaine Friday evening to Port Penny 8-7. Congratulations ta John Archer and Docothy Wotton on their mac- niage on Saturtiay, at the nectary. Miss Gertrude Henry, Sher- bourtne Bouse, Tononto, with Mcs. James Henry. Mise Vivian Satilen. Toronto, with Mc. anti Mns. Robt. Sadien. Mies Wilma VanCamp, Toronto, *Doa'î bang me crouindi *Wlnd m ep rqly *DOa't open me vii! *DO't Wear me ihon waIminot * lpoir my breluen trystuil * Id mieun <l. nlmd iiIg, toai AD1Ulbb1U1N FREEU Hot Dry Weather Takes Toli 0f Farm Cropa inrt cm r-qm L.ek and: ~REofficiai reports in U4INONTARIO'S W AR URP US TOIR ictd hatfennecs o! the province inw fceIhe most seriaus situa- GREAT OUTDOORS 24 DIVISION STREET BOWMANVILLE lion in yeacs past. Western On- arohsbeen hît the hardest with W tint thme grand fellowslip o! a bhg antindcommercial crops citiui3i' firesie- flic apmjitiziiîg r A IiloT ruinmed. Only a steaciv rein ellmdl o! huîri sizzliîig, andtibeans to on ays can help repair the rcookifig, wh en a great (j y's ti, ig ALL COLOURS GUARANTEED tamnaai donc. if; aver? Tîteres uollîimg lîke lthe INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR In Durham County, where carly. ahimmeriiîg lakes, rushuig streanim, rai h rought ccops &long .with anti ralluma woaclantis of Ontario $3.2 pergalon Ïoodpromise, the peet In days for a mcarefrpe camping holiday. $325psy allo ceca fali wheat and spring MWanît tnhear imoe? MWrite ta the cnsgreat ly retardeti anti the Departmnîtoff Travel an uîtPilicitv, .A~~rmy Eoois i GENT'~~~~~~1 pashuire andi hay crops almost nuin. alacetliîmlug,"rna2 ARe ond ts edE pnsdn':gAbout tattn the la,.ns are Omnt. Vou'lI mcd many visitnmrs frmî ixason rtout and gardens are s e-tue u. L, M lci ec t ot New $oles and bah iiîiaiaîîl iîtra S cal$,5r Bracelets Scarcity îof fee iis caLsing lhc LET'S iaKle Otario Stainîcas$3.e5l hipment' ofcattie t the sok Diankets Special 98C 'the past weekantprices are be- WANT TO COME BACKI ______!_ inning ta tumble. The anomalsy is Army ithat as farmers begîn ta take a Specal $95 , FATHER'.q DAY SPECIAL oss on livestock andi general crops - A. U.i swing. Only a general ram w ili, A yShrsBroadcloth Shirts heip tere<Ieemi e situation, I 1 * , 0 Speial$109 Rg. 4.5 ,,Demorac,\ isn't somnething *cm i cal$.4 ý$2.95 otbtsomething oLec Wor. IN A smile is contagious, but the health tiepactrnent doesn't mmnd. Singing increases the blooti pressure, says an American doc- toc, but he neglected ta say whose. The average under-water en- durance of peari divers is fromn )0 ta 80 seconds. EGOS ARE VEIRY SCARCE This is the tinie ta Start Io ship to Pickering Farms If you are not aiready an egg shipper. Here you can get the very highest market irlces as w'e seil direct te fthe consumer and can afferd te pav ou more. NOTE:- Highest price we paid lest week %vas 50e per dozen, basis "A"large. WANTED CHICKENS FO0W L CALVES L A MBS H 0G S (AIl Hogs gradeti by Gov't. Grader accocding to regulations) GET OUR PRICEM BEFORE YOU MARKET THESE PRODUCTS Pure Kettie Rendered LARD 20-lb. Pail $3.30 S t Pickering Farms - LIMTEDt Phone 336 Night or Day l Whitby Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. Mr. andi Mrs. Htarold Swain and family and Mrs. Luther Mount. ijoy at Thuratania Lake on Sun- day. Mrs. George P'owler with Mr. and Mr. Alvin McGill at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant andi Beverly, Tyrone, with Mr-. and Mrs. O. Wright. Every Friday riight we are treated te music by the local Fife and Drum Pand. There are around 30 members and they have been practising faithfully for many montbs. They have corne home wvith the cup for the past two years and we wlsh them the best this year. A great deal of credit is due Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil- ton and Mr, anid Mrs. Fred Ham- ilton fao- their fine leadership. This week we must say a few liii'es about another one of aur yaung people who is starting out te make the mo-ist o! his education. Stuart Dorreli received Second Class Honors on his course et the Kemptville Agricultural School. He has rented the fine farmn of his Dad, north of the village and in partnership with Dalton, who 19 also a Junior Farmer of note, is going te raise a good dairy herd. We ail wish you the best of suc- ces. Ladies o! Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. were entertained by mem- bers of Blackstock W.M.S.' et the home of Mrs. J. A. Johnston. A fine turnout of 30 ladies were pre. sent. Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Vice- President opened the meeting and gave a fine discourse on Courage. Mr&. E. Dorrell'â group had charge o! the pragram. Mrs. C. Hill gave a splendid explanation of "Liter- ature for the Literates" from the study book; Mrs. J. Henry read "What Experience"; Mrs. W. Ar- cher read two letters written by Rev. Merle Thompson on their work in Kennedy, Sask., which were much enjoyed; Mrs. N. Mountjoy gave a talk on Mrs. Aiken's 17 day trip pround the1 ?lobe which was thought provok- ing. Mrs. E. Dorreil had ar- ranged a quiz o! 17 question which proved vory interesting. Mrs. Mac- wood McKee, President of Cad- mus group thanked the ladies very heartily for a pleasant and profit- lable alternoon. A social haîf bouc was spent over a cup of tea. t NESTLETON, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Blackstock, andi Miss Ruth Proutt visited Mr. and Mrs. LL. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Willardi Cook, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and familv visited Mr. andi Mrs.è Ivan Proutl. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Henry andta family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Job-a lin.1 A nu mber of frientis gatheceti at the C.OF. Hall on Friday night and presenteti Miss Madeline Mar- iow with several useful gifts be- fore hec marriage on July 2nti Mc. anti Mrs. Lockyer and Misst Betty, Brooklin, visiteti Mr. andti Mrs. Alan Wilson.s Mr. andi Mrs. Lewis Fitze visitetib friends in Ottawa.a Mc. andi Mrs. Smith, Lindsay,c x'isiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth t Samells.t Mr. anti Mrs. Melville Tracey mid familN,. Barrie, Mc. anti Mrs. Hlambly Hoskin and family, Elm-P vaie, visileti Mr. and Mrs. R. M.si -loskin.V 10Ir. andi Mrs. Scott Hutchison t and family, Toronto, anti Mr. Ed. Bruce visiteti Mr. and Mcs. Her- mlan Samnels. si Mr. andi Mrs. Gortion Metcalf S nd family visited friends in v )memee. t Mrs. Herman Samelîs entertain -f ed the Ladies Aid of the Pcesby- p terian Church. a ______________________ iven stin 1948,000ounticitoan ýa eal thanble,0he00repod1ant asnalydulptercod14 In recent ycars there lias been nextraordînacv expansion ta the oduetion o! swect clover for et in the Prairie.,Provinces, Wilh faniloba anti Alberta the main adccing centr~es. Ten yPars ago) roction amounteti to onl-v *out 8,000,1000 poujndo, chieflY rorceti in Manitoba anti Ontario. The 1948 seasan provei ta be r' '- ax'ourablF anti. with a stronv i 2manti fram Amerian buvers at lractix'e .prices, growers were )le la cealize good returns fcam .s crop. Domestie requiremnerts in Cana- o! mweel claver seeti are cela- el 'v small in relation ta the ta- icrop produceti anti there has en!' therefore, a heavv mave- ent of q-,%eet claver seed ta the iteti States,ý where productioni ]q48 was consicderably leua than erage, KENDÂL Mn. 'Wni, Patterson viaiteti Mr end Mn. M. Saper and Mr&. Pat- tain. Mcc. A. Hall andi Mr. John Lux-. on with Mcs. Mary Luxon anti Marion. Mn. anti Mrs. C. V. Cooper andi Mcs. Annie Evans, Orona, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Mr. anti Mcc. L. Woods andi June with Mr. and Mr.s W. Ro- binson. Mns. T. Langstaff', Newtonville, wilh Mcs. Jennie Hoskin andi Mrs. M. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dunbarý and Eliiott and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven with Mc. anti Mrs. Reg. Elliott. We are aIl very pleasedti t have Rev. Thas. Wallace with us again andi fint i hlmsa well aftec his necent illness. Mr. anti Mns. Geo. Carson and Mcs. Best with Mr, and Mrs. C. Carson. Mc. andi Mrs. Jack Reid and familN, anti Mr. and Mns. Caldwell with Mcs. Thornpson endi Arthur. Mrs. V;,nce Allen, Orano, anti Mc. and Mcs. Ray Hughes, Port Hope. wvith Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Meccer. Mr. anti Mrs. Carman Bell anti family, Campbellcroft, Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Bell anti baby Ka- ren, Bowmanville, anti Mn. Wal- lace with Mn. L. D. Bell anti Hilda. Miss Valenie Howe, Lindisay, with her sister, Miss Betty Howe anti Miss Hilda Bell. Mrs. Wm. Patterson with Mrs. Mary Luxon while pneparing for hec sale. Mrs. Wrn. Boyd, Mr. anti Mrs. Ira Thompson anti frientis, Ton- onto, at the former's home. Mr. Dick Little, Bowmanville, was in the village Sunday calling on olti acquaintances. Mr. anti Mrs, Cy. Elsey anti Canal, OshaW<a, with Mc. anti Mrs. Geo. Mercer. Mrs. Elsey anti Carol are staying a few days. Miss June 'Gordon visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Earl Bucley. Mn, anti Mrs. Milton Robinson with Mn. anti Mrs. Art Low. Mns. Win. Jackson, Kathleen anti Phyllis spent Suntiay in Tor- onto. Hec mother, Mrs. Ross, ne- turnet i vth thern. Mrs. R. Mercer, Mrs. N. McKay, Mcs. C. Tebble, Mcs. F. Stoker anti _Mrs. Wrn. Meccer attendeti the West Durham W.l. convention at Newtonville anti inviteti the W.. ta holti the convention here next June. Kendal sofîbaîl te-am anti sup- porters went to Crooketi Creek F'nitay evening anti won again by a large score. The hard baIl game with thdr Port Hope Flyers, sehe- duleti foc Saturtiay was not helti as the Flyers were unable ho corne. Pupils of the three local schools attendeti Clarke Township Sports Day at Onono June 8. Congratu- lations to June Madll, Sixîh Line, w&.ho receiveti a prize in racing for girls undeî' ten, anti to Davidi Mec- cer, Kendal, who carne ficst in the Jr. Softball throw. Kential mehool hall team continueti their successes 'hy defealing Cowanvtlqe by a large score. Tbey neceiveti a silver cîîp as champions off rural Clarke. The dry windy weather, with errnpenatures near the freezing point anti then up in the 80s, is îitting Kendal as well as other pacts of Ontario. Hay, pastures,1 strawberries, gartiens anti root fieldis are being specia.lly harti hit. Vhiie the frost titi fot frecze the tobacco in Ihis section, the rubs, the continueti colti. the high cOOtis and drought have noces- itateti a great deal of neplanting. Kendal S. S. AnnivecsanY Sér- teies, helti Suntiay were well at- teadet. Rex'. Thos. Wallace, a comer pastor foc 13 ycars, occu- lied the pulpit anti heit the rapt -ttentian off the atults, as well as ýe chiltiren, as he -spoke ta the ;oung folks, in the rnorning, on 'The Tongue, the Face anti the lantis." The chilciren anti the ,hoir favoureti with fine selcc- ons in the nmorninga, while thc ýe\vca.xtle Quartette was rnuch ojo-eti in lhe evening. The ice- ýrearn supper anti pictures off Nednesday aie bQing eagerly awailed by the young folks. Wl.. me' dune 8, with Mrs. Stok- cr residingy. The-rall ca11,."A PHONE 467 CORNER KING & SILVER STREETE PAGE RMTg J OBITUÂRM THOMAS . SIMPSON Thomas James Simpson, 71, dieti suddenly at his hume, Orono, R.R. I., June 9, He wa,s bornaet New- castle andi was rnàrried to Frances Lillian Archer o! Port Hope. April 5, 1909, who predeceaseci hm thirteen years ega. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. W. Pattereon, at North- cutt and Sinith Funeral Chapel, Bowrianville. Interment Was in Orona Cernetecy. Floral tributes includeti wreaths fcom Clarke Unitedi Church, Prin- cipal anti Staff, Centre Street Sc'hool, Oshawa, Wood Senate, BOWManville, ibaskets fcom Staff, Association- National Life Insur- ancçe Co., Toronto, and, Chevrolet assembly line, G.M.C., Oshawa. Sucviving are twa sons, Hilliard anti James, Orono, R.R. 1, five daughters, Marion, Mrs. Clarence Guy, Oshawa. Ethel, Mrs. Robect Hendy, Bowmanville, Ruth, Mrs. MONTREA-Are yenî anc off the many xomen wxho lias decicet IIiat imi lue " 1 ill vocte 1 "? We hopie se. lront a worin'e et nduiojt Itere are rnanv hingî rigîmu now xx'lîli rail for a chantge. 'llice]rogrcssive (onservatixe Party je - ,pîctigedtotasupprl iiian îinpr-oxcnicats thaI xill mnean ime11ili ta lionsewixes. 'Tle salcs lax lias m, , lernt a tding a lot Iot hfic ost off vo tr cltîmes, " and houselioît eqi pamient an(l nian, off the otîtr îlings oi lu.v. The Progressive Con-rva bit c Party believes that tb» sales ax ;hoitid le lowxred so IhaI v an vill ge, m iore foir vo mr dollar. 'h i'i ae k eenlv nr e.t r in t ei i lit foodlprices a e .a clc fait anti -cit iliat iva ' . 'Fhmvy itid ta encourag-e ite pratimi- lion andi qlo of ali foo ts hbenoficial l Io a~b .Andt he bbc resive Coimarvat ives vill go tnt o action for mnore anti bei fer loisilig faor ill ho îed if. Tîmir election will inean litaý9taakanti mare liomîsiog un record fine. 'TlecProgressive Conservafivc Party i4 te faîmilv Primy- t imako it yam11r part y. T ' v believe lîat woinn'a opinion s lt in' e rýn oînt arc inipo rlenf i anti I)lil'~ii. On eectin day, tain or shine, -ion youriin ittrrc in gooni gox rnniciit ivt ig. Everv vote for buif>rPogrp-ix e (onsetiv',e Party is a stel) oward a better antincuire sccure future foc al of us. 114;s message (ontributeti anti paîcl for~ by The Progressive Canservative Party 1 Coni See le Nov,! ..,yaur femil.v's favorite fruit sîlad . . . Fo de- Icjouis on a xvairta une dcvi Yeomi ise lime fireshet fruit -lic cris3pret letîmic' . .be sure laonîcîce youi~res ing iill I1INZ VINE'GAi1-aged anui nnilowemi in, ~~ n-ot Ii tlev'ro fla%-or-I)erfecti 'fhis Fln 1h, J"riit ,Salad Drc.ýsiiig vilt hring omitlire bcst in yauri fruit gaaads!... Cmbine. bhending thmroughly after each addition, V, cup sugar. tateaspon alh. 11,j ablespooins flour, 1 egga yok, cip pineappe luire, U' cup orange ie and 2 table- spoons Heinz Whmte Vinegar. Cook, stirring consaatiy. until very thick. Hre Te-do y A Gone To. Soo - . la's tuIla rsory off be sa- son's fut But llici-c'.9 a fine w'cy t o îî a v c e u îroundîticnoymvient aof sumniaer - ripe fiiiiifs--limnkt bo C'ERTO Frmuit Pectîn. For withi Certo you can prcmerxo ui thie chaire, nuit flavor off ffill-ripe fruits tit jamsm and jeruies, so qtiîrkivy, éta caily . Be- caqui-ýCerf o rri)Peacumt ilie hoil- iiîg lune b10.Iust inminuite for bith umxas 8im--eveaixfor ]heginnr-- ii t n'y folloxvcr cl~ tîme testecid re ires in ticiè bookiet t inter the WeC111 ome The Summer Sun with ncrw-looking cîuiains Rnd lîpfîolstery j) . . reononaivally Tînlrx-dyedl! Hate fini intler the smiiini- stn in gayvl ' cloired tbrach andi playtinîc-cloîlipe niit o look lýie cv i iilie 'fini Ex l'aUlyit reit. 'i o' fC'cs-rv ngcîlens -TITEX COlOR lEM0XlER and AII-fahric Tiintex Tintp andi iyes! Silia. aL color wt the Coli i envr..andi add sur11niner-brghi t Color lviih Ail-i abrie '[intcx I AIi-labrie 1ii. Com'i ini a wtîle range of faiihionah)lc rlîadcs-c!îmiiinateg ail xvrvand gi -wî front hoine dveing! du-t fillow Ithe direct ions on th iir, e Ast for All- 1.abiao-in tex toiniorr.ow-aL your favorit(b drîîg, h partinient or ýai icîx' siorl. On ly 15e a<1 Here's One " Must " if yout want in enjov vmi iti îitner Jîolidays '8ta i lie fiil. Nw i am) îoon1ev oîîi nt nil! (Sarrx'BANKC 0F M N'flTRIAL Iri'us( 'Jicriiîcî wili tvoit wlîen. vmi go oin holitlav. 1 alivay.m ind an tlithe extra 'mmi v off FravrxeiErs Ciques bel ps In eii y- mx 1wo aiCe as îîtîîîrli fîîn i \en vomit h~ iiv TpiEl- 1cm., I.'îoisvom i"11 n ch one RaI lle'top; ma- voin C-1541 heî,vomit sigo Ef'fli aim ntaI hie bot iini. 'lmlat e-iibl-Im tvourî ijîlntit\,. 1(ms o sîirnple- ým ýcm v pvnî cm nd o F Yoii van grt votîr Irx u 'Chq13 rjîcit env I 'moivl of flii Il 01 M :îîîl blrvlalto pro% ide yon %viffi stecial choques for ii.e abro.îd Pcvparc îîow for a truly carefree bolihmy À Porty Month Is This Month 00 .Iune.-. . andi le it a m ati , ffrientily gailhering or ïome- th Ing more larefîn- I imiîs, tIle note ehast- eaknows wliat a ,to ilNt in 1r- tain witil JI, LàL-()close et hanni. For lliere's na cndto thle teiciotîs varlictis off essos anti salamis lhaîre pîoiile xith -.PI-O Jelly Po-prýAnti wifi J.ll-O coit. binig 6t aicai flly vii h Illie glimme-is bourniy off friii.4 iid mocgetibles . . . limelist offinýiicing fax ailles is alîmmst entilesa,! Serx e qmirk, e~'anti xxoiiiffmlly <.'4ini- amlival ,le'l-0J leseîis tandi siladn o f tci m. ' 'l nr ie ,e te ii, ,il i oi u , THE WAY NEW LOW PRICES 44045/2 440/50/219 450/475/500/20 13.95 11.85 OLD NI PRUTE PRI<'E 12.75 10.85 4-ply rating 525/550/17 525/550/18 525/550/19 600/16 6501/16 1810 15.40 16.05 13.65 19-00 16.15 18.45 15.70 G. Frank J amieson fi p If g g,9 p TIRE DEPOT Young Progresse Conservative with STAN PAYNE'S FAMOUS ORCHESTRA TOWN HALL Monday, June ZOth 8:30 p.m. 1 nl#Tr1ruITMy 1-n ri Ti ml I omm- A. G. Per-rin, Ngwcastle R. R. 21 Miss Dorothy St mpson, Toronto, and Kathleen, Mr&. Ellwood Gray, Port Hope, fine gcandchildren, andi two sisters, Minnie, Mrs. J. H. Vanplew, Toronto, and Margaretr Mrs. G. A. Todd, Oshawa. tEWARtD A ceward of a $10.00 BridaI- Koot merchandise certificate will be sent ta any persan who will write our camnpany, giving us the namne and adi- dress of any jeweller in their district that does net have Bridal-Knot diamnond rings in stoce. PEERLESS .YEWELLERY mFRS. Suite 202-203 Yonge Arcade Toronto - Ontarlo Home of Bridai-Knot Dlamonds 7e IN PHONE 467 LEADS

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