1~EBDAY, jtflqE l8th, 1949 T~E ~A>iAD!AN STATESMAN. ROWMANV!LLE. ONTAMO The Newi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wi Douglas spent Sunday w~ and Mrs. John Box, Part Mr. and Mrs. George Belleville, called on Mr. a Jack Wade. We are vecy pleased t that aur Council is con the purchase o! land in NE for the construction of L new hauses ta rent throu tionial Housing. Good LucI Cpuncil in this very ente: RIOORS GIE GENE RAI ELECTRIC Fie or Polishe you simply guide it! Two counter-rotat- ing brushes do gAsy TIl 'iii the work. Hliggon Electri Your General Electrio Appliance Dealer 42 King St. E. Phone Bomvmanville DIJ D 'J SHELI FARM E RVI1c TANKS AND IOTARY PUNP; AVAILABLE aven'l You WaiME Long Enough For Yours lIveries ta- DARLINGTON and (ARTWVRIGHT and Western Haîf of [NVERS & CLARKI E. Saunder OSHAWA PHONE 4386R For information in Bowmanville Area PHONE 497 Re-elect the Best.1 Durham CountyJ1 STEPHEI r Meg Nesbitt's, Nestieton. l oti flAilà] W UUU (Intended for last week) Mr ndMs.M Santn Dr FLOU S oMryand CMrencM. Staito ln r Mr.arid Mrs. Glenn Martyn and Bob, Mrs. Fred Martyn, Bowman. LAID, . ADZI ELL ville, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freernan, a dFINISHED Oshawa, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. -* Mr. Ross Ashton enjayed a !ish- ForSanders weekend.GerinByac Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black andi r'a . Dli..Dora visited Mr. Frank Black who' I .Lauers &. olisIlers is ill in Oshawa Hospital. Representcrtive To lent In Manitoba, in 1947, over 23,- For artculrs he ommecia grwin ofsun- Has Ever Had -Vote fFor Pa0rticular. sedsranks PHONE OSHAWA 3744w'l close taolive ail in texture and color; the rest of the plant bas niany industrial applications. 19 O NlxM.LEGCETTIE Ï Modern Egyptian mathers be- NSONXOSHAWVA ]ee that an ex'îl eve account.q for an. 5ckly appearance in their il rainegLeeTorar, were week- NEW O VLL caste..depY dem To. G.-. Bon athan, Toron ta, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Rowe are NU» Margaret Ash spent the ekn ih erdw rmAbtaviigr-J Mia Mrgre AIIdaughter Mrs. Morley Sal]ows. latives and friends.1 Sehool exams, particularly High Several attended the Anniver-1 ade ad venure.School, are in full swing. The kids sary Services at Kendal on Sun-t ad ad enu.e.expect to be through in a 'week's day.S vith Mr, Mrs. Gordon Ash is spending a time. Th1oa il ls aCutc Hope. few days with her sister Mrs. R. Telclgrsls aCutc eWade, G. Wright in Toronto. Miss Helen As a resuit of 'a freak accidçnt on Friday and were victarious av-r and Mrs. Ash spent the weekend there. between a raiiraad n'otar car and er Orono on Monday. an automobile, three men were W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Congratulations te. Miss Ethel badly hurt and thus out of work. Ross Hallowell.- Mrs. George ta learn Spencer who was married June Last week the motor car; under :Stapleton was in charge of the sieig4 ta Mr.'George Brown, Port Stan- the supervision of Percy Tamblyn, business session and Mrs. Barrie ewcastle ley. The marriage took place in CPR foreman, callided with Her- presented the program. Mrs. Ken.s 5 or 20 St. Thomas. Mrs. Dara Brooks act. man Schmid's car at. Schmnid's Werry, Bowmanville, was guestv ugh Na- cd as, matron of honour and Mr. crossing. Ail the railroad men speaker, ber subject being "Ad-F k ta aur Harper Keisey, was groomman. were thrown from the car with vance." She stressed the impar- I rprising Mr. and Mrs. Phil Williams, To- only Mr. Tamblyn, Leonard Lamn-, of training children in the hap- ronto, spent the wcekcnd at Mr. bert, Jack Gray and Mack Mc- piness of service ta others rather Parnaby Martin's. Mannes escaping with bruises. than in just earning money, also RD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetier Charles Lake received a nasty the importance of meeting aurP and Cheryl, Oshawa, were guests gash on the head whleJack Smith newcarers over haf way. Mrs. ShelerandCheyl emanedforhislegmuscles badly bruised and- piano solo. After the meeting a a fewdays straned.Mr. Frank Lave cut bis -social hour was'spent, the hostess Mr. Bl Thickson, Kingston, knees badly and bas his wrist in servinj( a delicious lunch.d spent the weekend with bis par- a cast because of three cracked Local Wornen's Institute served ents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tbickson. ýbones. Mr. Ed Powell was taken dinner ta the West Durham Dis- We welcorne Mrs. M. Westan, ta Oshawa Hospital ta recuperate trict Annuai when about 115 were h Coiborne, ta Newcastle. Mrs. Wes- from a broken pelvis. Mr. Schrnid present. fi tan lias opencd a Beauty Salon in was apparently unhurt. There is Mrs. Cecil Robinson'bas been s Sthe rooms formerly occupied iby no dnubt however that they were udrtewahrfrteps Dr. D. P. Sutton. Mrs. Weston bas ail badly .shaken Up. uwekh. wahr o heps r ad 20 years experience in aIl Miss Mary Schmnid, Toronto, wMr. RyodShw(e l beauty culture. spent the weekend with her par- eanor Johnston) and babe left for C( ~z7\ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mc Lean, ents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orleans ta take up residence with ";e Toronto, and Miss Linda McLean Schmnid. her husband wbo is stationedG j ae pedin afe dys it MSS Several from here, bath cantest- there.h Ethel Lockhart priar ta leaving ants and spectators, were present Cecil Rbno n lln forFrnc Mraco.Afîc. t the Public Schooi's annual Field Lane are oriving new cars. a ____ Byto hs tirne Dr. andors. D. Day in Orono. Newcastle made a Schooi children report a fineri way Sttshube eon Chroteir good showing and copped the holiday at Orono last Wednesday di way a th Quen Carltte s -shielci for the school totaliing the when they wr usao h lad, f tewstcas ! .most points. A detaiied account Newcastle Lions Club, ti where Dr. Sutton intends opening of the prize winners wiii foliow Mrs. Gardon McKay and Mr.. d inl another practice. We were very next week. Bob Pearce were borne from Lis- ir CV sorry ta ]ose Dr. Sutton as the tE towni is sorely in need of a den- Mr. Fred T. Couch, Welland, tOwel. t5st. KitAinviidhe was home over the weekend. Rev. Thomas Wallace was cail- SE Mrs.Keih Akenvistedber Local Ladies Softbaîl team ing on aid friends this week. sister Mrs. F. Corcoran in Toron- were hasts taO rono team Friday While here be was the guest of! Y to. ~in a nip anÂd tuck biîî game going Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. M Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch have eght innings and ending in an Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. G moved inta their new home on 11-7 victorv for Orono girls. Willard Morton. (nee Francis El- 13 'Mli ~Mrs. Merkley Clark, Miss Myr- liitt) wha were married an Sat- er iCitizens have ail been very in- tie Clark, Mr. Jim Broad, Belle- udy I teresied in the new method used ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid and Mr. Robt. Nesbitt is confined ta M p ySom otacigi utn Kirk, Shannonville, Mr. Don Bur- his bed under the docttor's careM a new asphaît surface on No. 2 iey, Miss, Shirley, Young, Toronto, at the home of his niece Miss An- Highway through town. Storms Mr. and' M-rs. Jack Delvin and nie Nesbitt lerRnd Man ?r have their crushers established TaryinshnanadMr.anmil Bowman-rJohn, O saset Sunda wndt' near Sid Lancaster's Garage and Tvi .r and fMrsil od tep- lJ othhwr. n uda iha Sthe place is a bive o! industry.vilMran s.LodSehhsmte, Sex'eral local boys are now em- enson and famiiy, xisited Sunday Mrs. H. A. Bunt entertained the fr, ployed with Storms. with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark. Shiioh W.A. at the parsonage an Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Dawson and If any persan bas a copy, of The Wednesday evening. Sa ERMS Mis T. . Der, oroto, ereNewcastle Independent pubiished Mr. Verdun Johnston and Miýs ev Sunciay guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. oy the iate' L. B. Davidson, xiii Lillian Fowier spent the weekend nc S. Dyer and Frances. they kindly leave it at the' Post with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John- Mý Several tram here attended the Office with Miss Margaret Ash. stan. Wbile at callege at Guelph fe' Ban Cocer intheNewMemr-A subscriber in Toronto is mak- Verdun won a $25.00 prize for ml laia Arena in Bawmanville. The ing this request. best knowledge o! farm cequip- Ni Band was from Central Air Com -__ment._____W 438 mand Station at Trenton and gave a fine evening's entertainrnent.' W S EY IL The Concert was under the aus- W SL IL HAYDON --pices of Bawmanville Branch of Sunday Sehool vwas held at Il the Canadian Legion. During the arn. with an attendance of 2,5. Mr. W.A. met at Mrs. T. Cowling's evenîng an initiation ceremony Carroil Nicholîs, in the absence O! and Mrs. W. Blackburn's on Thurs-. was conducted in whch Albert Mr. Wiifred Bee, acted as superin- day. Bible reading was read by Naylor and Herb F. Gibson, New- tendent. Mrs. A. Read and the devotianal castle, were among those welcom- W.A. met at the home o! Mrs. by Mrs. W. Blackburn. Rcadings ed. Harold Reeve, Wiilow Beach, with were given by Mrs. R. Tbornpsan. Master Leonard and Miss Grace 28 ladies present, a record attend- Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. T. Cowling and Beilamy, Toronto, have been hall- ance. Mrs. Reeve was in charge o! Mrs. C. Garrard. Lunch was daying with their grandparents the tapic which told of the events served by Mrs. Olesen's group. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bellamy prior ta fallowing Christ's life tmp ta the Our school, took part in the leaving for theirnew home in events ieading ta the union of the music festival last week at Enni- Montreal. three churches in Canada in 1925. skillen, On Mondayatrno Mr. Ronald Munrae spent the Miss Muriel Masori sang a solo, the elirminations were held in the weekend with bis sister in Osha- accompanied by Mrs. Reeve. hall. On Friday evening the final 1 wa. Miss Margaret Binsted spent cOntests were held in the church Mr. Art Toms and Miss Lor- Sunday in Bowmanville witb shed, when the public were invit- f riends. eci ta attend. Ray Ashton won Mr. Ross Dinner returned home first prize in the senior vocal solo from Port Hope an Sunday after (school sang), also first prize in convalescing at the borne o! Mrs. the senior instrumental solo (op- Ethel Payne. en); Margot Rankine won second Mrs. Toppin was in Toronto iast prize in the senior vocal sala week. (open); Canfiecan and Katie Oie- At Hope Field Day Miss Laura sen, Mary Liptay and Ray Ashton Binsted won the Senior Girls' entered the senior vocal graup EChampionship withl Miss Muriel (apen) and wan third prize. Austin tied for second place. Misses May and Winnifred Tre-, Mrs. Ethel Payne, Mrs. W. Nicb. win were bostess at a linen show- ails, Mrs. Crossley and Mrs. i er for Miss Jean Crossmian, a ..,...Snell, Port Hope. attended the bride-to-be. The room was prett- Women's Association meeting on ily decorated with flowers. At- Wednesday. tacbed ta the ceiling was a decoý- s ~A large wolf which the Austin ated watering can with streamners S famiiy saw at sceding time was flwing down ta a pink and white seen again by Jas. Darch in the decarated wheel-barrow, which Who i ai fuli? waods on bis afrm. ls ekt was filled with a variety o! par- Wh sa alA b Aas held ls wd ecor Jandwtspnsetencamrsn paint the windows at the church. eoadwihpnstamrad Mr. nd rsWilredBeeandbo ws, xvhile Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 0F course, since you are a family spent Sunday at C ampeil- peingher madngift an vcAtr ed careful driver, in case of an fabd tend lered tanks. Mrs. has.e Sparks from a train ignited Rankine endered asvos.Casl S.S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 Home and School met June 8 with lst Vice President, Mrs. Russell Osborne in charge. Program committee was canvened by Mrsý F. Bowen and the guest speaker was Mr. Parkhill f rom B. T.S. Mr. Parkhill spent some time teachinig near the Abitibi paper mills at Iroquois Falls and he gave quite an instructive and interest- ing talk on the "Paper Industry". Providence Quartette, Orville Os- borne, Douglas Wight, Gordon Barrie and Wm. Bragg, rendered some splendid selections which we thoroughly enjoyed and Miss lent readings. No. 9 picnic is ta be held in Or- ono Park June 25. Ex No. 9'ers please take note. Mr. and Mrs. E. B*. Stockdale and Doris were Sunday guests of M'r. and Mrs. Fred Bowen. Miss Elsie Bottreli spent Sun- day with Mrs. P. Kichko in Osha- wa. Mr. Fred Bowen was pleased ta have his former neighbor and friend Mr. David Gibson cali ta see him. Mr. Roy Branch has been in To- ronto General Hospital. We ail hope he will be better when lie comes home. We are sarry ta hear that Herb Gibson is stili very ill. We hope he wilI soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Brunt and family pic- nicked at Linbrook Park on Sun- day. We noticed several picnic par- ies along the creek here on Sun- day. People were evidently try- ng ta find same relief from. the errific heat which is becoming a seriaus threat ta the crops. Mr. Stanley Bowen had a fami- ly gathering on June 5 including Mr. and Mvrs. Clinton Farrow and len, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tadd and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bow- en and Dariene, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bowen and Harvey, and Mrs. Robt. McRae of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes drove Mrs. 'IcRa.e dowh ta visit her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen, Mary, and Bert Bowen. Miss Mary Bowen was home fromn Cornwall for the weekend. Mrs. W. T. Brunt gave a tea aturday, June 4, afternoon and cvening for her daughter Shirley, now Mrs. Wm. Gordon. Mr. and Urs. Gardon had arrived home a :w days before from a honey- noon trip which took them. vial iagara, Rochester, New York, Lake Shore, Clarke Mc.t and Mcs. A. Holdaway and Alian, Port Britain, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham, Bcown's, with Mc. and Mrs. Robin Alldced. Mr. and Mcs. Arthur Bedwin and family with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker, Brown's. Mrs. Sam Powell with Mc. and Mrs. Carl Selby, Newcastle. Mc. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and SCHOOL and Mrs. Gea. Skelding. Mrs. Alex Hendry witb Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris, Chcsley. Masters Donald and Walter Ri- ckard, Shaw's, are with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McMinn, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Loveli, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. A number from here attended the funeral o! Mr. Thomas Simp- son. -Mc. and Mrs. Al! Brown and Jack visited Mrs. H. Brown, To- INorth Caralina. Mrs. Brunt was assisted by ber daughters, Arvel- la and Donna and ber niece Wan- da Malley. Mrs. A. Saundlers pour- ed tea in the afternoon and Mrs. Fiske in the evening. Mrs. Maurice Pedwell assisted serving in the afternoon and Mrs. Wm. Barchard in the evening. Mrs. Gardon, wearing bier wedding dress o! Powder blue sheer, displayed ber many gi!ts which were lavely and completeiy filied a raorn wbile the things which Shirley bad ga- thered'hersel! fiiled another, Mrs. Brunt ceceived wearing a gawn o! flowered crepe with naxvy ground and Arvella ware a flow- eced jersey. The Ladies Club heid a d'ance in tbe schaol bouse on Fcîday night. Our young people report a goad time. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrie and their six daughters, Port Perry, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. D. McReelis. STARK VILLE Shiioh W.A. was entertained at the home o! Rex'. and Mrs. Bunt. After business and a fine pragrarm lunch was served. Next Meeting at Mrs. Dabson's. Some from here attended Ken- dai annivecsary an Sunday ta bear Rev. T. Wallace. Miss Beuiah Hallowell with ber sister, Miss Norma HalloweIl. Mrs. McCready, Winnipeg, vsi- ted Mr. and Mrs. Cari Todd. Mr. and Mcs. S. Brownlee, Ta- conta, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr.and Mrs. Walter Simpson, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. MVr. and Mrs. Lawrence White at Ross Hailoweli's. Mrs. E. Farrow, Garden Hill, was guest a! Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mc.and Mrs. Morley Robinson were in Miilbrook. Mc. and Mrs. Orme Falls were in Peterboro. KEEF THE SOIL ON THE FARM It takes about 400 years ta pro- dfice an inch o! soil. One heavy ramn car) unda centuries of Na- ture's sal making if the ramn wat. er is not contcolled. Given the op- pactunity, the sal will be washed into creeks, rivers and out ta sea. The top six inches o! the sal is the main natural resource o! farming lands the world avec. In aIl too many countries it is beling allowed ta Ilrun away". Govern- ments are cansciaus of this sal loss and are spending millions of dollacs on drainage, reforestation, assistance in the use a! fectilizers er conservation projects. But in thinking in general terms, often the particular is a'verlooked. The farmer who on his own farm diverts what may be only a trickle today, may prevent a steady stream tamarrow. Changing a con- tour, grassing a water course, planting a few trees- haif a hun. dred small and inexpensive opera- tions-if done in time, cantributes to the overall program of sol con- servation. In the final analysis the only asset of a farm is the soul. If the soul becomes unproductive, the farm is useless. Almost every city in China has, its characteristie fan, distinguish. able by its color and ornament. DUAL PURPOSE SHEEP 15 AIM IN QUEZEC A joint progcam witb tbe Do- minion Department o! Agricul- ture is being undertaken in Que- bec province ta imprave the sbeep industry bath for wooi and meat. More than bal! of the sheep in Quebec are a! Leicester breeding and they are not producing an en- trely satisfactocy quaiity a! wool, nor a x'ery desirable market car- cass. It is propased therefore, ta import fromn Scotland a number of North Cauntry Cheviot sheep which wilI be used as a nucleus for a Iong-time breeding plan in Quebec province based on the pro- duction o! "baif-bred" ewes. It is these femnales, crassed with Down rams, which are used sa extens- ix'ely in the British sheep industry for market lamb production. The impocted sheep wiIl be placed with Prov'incial and Do- minion Exp7enimentai Facms in Quebec and the subsequent pro- gram will be supervised by a cam- mittee of which Mr. Pierre Lab- recque, Director of the Livestack Branch, Quebec Department of Agriculture is Chairman. The cost will be shaced equally by the Do- minion and Que-bec Departments of Agricuîlture. J. W,.IJ E WEL.L "BIG 20", PHIONE 55 DO WMAN VILLE ROTARY PAIR G ROUNDS Startlng at 7:115 pan I UNITED5 ULSIER TORONTO v S. DURHAM ALLuSTARS SEE FAMOUS SCENIC VIEWS yCome f0 tife" IN FULL COLOR... YHREE DIMENSIONS Take thrilling armnchair trips ta Anieri- can National Parks and Cities, ta South America, Hawaii, England, Switzer- land, Palestine with View-Master ster- eascopic 'travel" pictures. Pictures arc munted n seven-scene Reels for use in View-Master Stereoscopes and Pro-: jectors. Over 300 different Reels now available. STE REOSCOPE Wednesday, lune 29th Denefit Football G ame ÀND GIGANTIC FJREWORKS DISPLAY THE IIGGEST CARNI VAL 0F THE YEAR PROCEEDS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDEN'S WORK Jashington and as far south as family, Bowmanville, with Mr. 27 Ring St. W.. Bowmanvllls and agriculturai lime, and on oth- TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGIE FTTTXIM HIOR* MU MAT, JUNE > lgth, 1949 AT THE FEATURING WITE