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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1949, p. 5

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MDA,_MM' I M_~ ,__90 _______________ Ix-Conservative Urges People To Support Liberal Comerment (From the Toronto Star) The article on this page by Mr. ation off the shoulders of thou- W. R. Givens cames fram one of sands of Canadians in the lawer the patriarches of the Conserva- categories; tive Party. Because of its length, Has increased old age pensions and the importance of the closing and established greater social se- paragraphs, The Star bas here curity, inciuding unemployment BeParated them and present.s themn insurance and old age pensions; for its readers' cansideration. Has a higher standard of living Reading what Mr. Drew bad ta than any country in the world; Say in this canipaign, one would Has been one of the leaders in neyer know or littie realize these the North Atlantic Pact; facts: Has put into effect a Canadian Canada in recent years bas be- Citizenship act, establishing and corne a nation, free and unfettered recognizing Canadian citizens; and recognized as such every- Has kept Canada on an even where in the world and as a, real, keel, and played our full part as a power for good; nation, wining admiration and re- Has played an important part in spect of al aur allies; world affairs and carried its ful Has drawn dloser and dloser the share of the world's burdens and ties of friendship with the great responsibilities in war and peace; republie ta the south of us; .Has not only loaned $1,250,000,- And finally, in bringing ail this 000 ta the United Kingdom, but about, bas flot had a single scan- has extended that loan; dal nor even the whisper of a Has added a new province to the scandaI. Dominion by the admission of Sureiy aIl this is a record that Newfoundland, to the ternis of cannot be lightly passed aside and which admission Mr. Drew has that our people wili not ignore or taken exception, for some myster- soan forget! jous reason apparently known W. R. GIVENS only ta hiniseif - cleariy a futile Kingston, Ont., June 8, 1949. gesture; Has put into effect the baby I bonus that has given new life, G v.H at li hope and relief to every mother Got elhPa and child in the Dominion; Has paid in cash on the barrel- lProducing Re uits head for everything we got franis the United States when iend-lease was in effect; In addressing the Essex County Has increased aur trade mani- Medicai Association in Windsor fold with the United States - the recentiy, Minis ter of Heaith andt increase in exports alone ta that Welfare Paul Martin called atten- country being over $25,000,000 in tion ta the enormous improvement ;April alone; in the fight against tuberculosis. Has managed despite the short- From the start of the century, age of dollars ta keep aur heads when the death rate from this di-f well above water; sease, exclusive of Indians and Has greatly reduced the national Eskimos, was approximately 200 debt; per 100,000, the rate was reduced Has passed a budget lifting tax. ta 38 per 100,000 in 1947. Keep Record Straîg] Writes Calgary Ma 606 Rideau Road, Calgary, Aiberta4 June 1Oth, 1949. Mr. Gea. W, James, Editor, The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville, Ont. Dear Sir: I observe, as stated iny issue of May 12th iast, your% unins are open for the express 0f pahitical views contrary to th heid by you, and accordingi: take the liberty of placing bef the electors of Durham Cou. some observations in support the Liberal candidate, your n hew and partner, John M. Jarx Having been a subscriber your newspaper for some yeî and consequently familiar with history and traditIon, I musto fess sanie astonishment at, severity of the attacks which3 are making during this campai 0f course, yau are not alone this regard, as such appears to characteristic of the utterances Conservative newspapers in go erai, as for example "The GIc and Mail." Truly, newspapersa publicenien are hard pressed: material in eniisting support fi the public, when a paper (' Globe & Mail, May 28th, 19ý and a leader (Col. Drew at Brî don), cail the Minister of Just " a liar." I da hope niy aidd trict paper will not take su latter level in public discussi although I feel the tume has coi for "The Canadian Statesman' take down the fiag of jaurnalis independence, and erase from editorial colunin the words independent newspaper." y have surely departed a long v from your leading editorial August 29th, 1935, entitled: "T Statesman is not a Politi Organ." One thing that is crystai ci. ALL OTHER GRADES 0F FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE PUT ON THE "'QUICK SALE" TABLE AND REDUCED IN~ PRICE - TH16 I8 A & P's NEW MODERN WAV 0F GWJARAN' TEEING YOU TOP QUALITY PRODUCE. Ctomers' Corner Ib.. do yeu Rie thse cck- out Wst'on hiOui Éoes? for hmprovwng h? Ouer t.'alIned. efflicient ebechers uke es'ery effort to speed up *ie eheceing-out pocem md spore yS mny Bst we that devh- * ag a checirout sysewita ,tme«s ALL thse anti of A ow u oecsns at ALL U*me i. eme 01 &WItuigit W'e wek~u y bepyoau us g lV M ÎsMWg it. 'àmobe lntechecitoutstands Sstmt? leme wi e: i~.sPo" Btish Columbia Winesap Appas est for Eating, Fancy Grade ORA GES Caiornia Valencia EN SImpoted Verdelih30' New Spring Crop CABDAGE Fresh Green, No. 1 CELE T HE ITS New Spriflg Crop Arrivng Fresti Daily- New Spring Crop, NativeC Oniord% -Pmdishez, Rhubarb, Cauliffower amd 1 Priced to ae. 2 25e of 4 U He.d Bdie.à9r Grown Green StravPWbrries. FANCY RED-NEW LOW PRICE CORQE SALMON - - 3c A & PD FANCY-NEW LOW PRICE TOMATO JUICE -2 »- "15C A & P CUSTOM GROUND DOKARCOFuEE. 16*54c LFSBY'S - BuY 2 Tmet, Get 1 Fv'..w*h Coupon TOMATO ma fflomFE2 2EmimU23c AYLMER fE TOMATO CATSIJ - io'w 17c AYL-MER FAN*CY TOMATO JUICE -2 »,màuI1c ANN PAGE FAMOUS MAYONNAISE tw -lf ANN PAGE PEANUT *- * 35C F$WR CANAVIAM 0QLOtUReo L ?oeo*oOnt.~QUAKETLA AMN PAGE YUKON CLUB ('Co.nts bOn4y) 3K D AD iN&ER LE - - R* DO % .w R*PER MOTHRJACKSON$S 2*«4ducCAKE MIX UI@M5c * 2pgsm 9 2 o'iS2c 2 ».« MIZ CIe"CK THE TRIM OF YO>IJR WENT AT A & P. MOT OWLY _j DO YOtJ SET TFiE DEST T-ERE 18, BUT MORE FOR YOMR )MONEY AS WELL. BUY CANADA'S FIN£ST QIJALITYs RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF IONELESS ROUND MA OeE OUT STEAKS or EGASTS l. PORTERJIGUSE i69 SIEL GIN or WING %%WR A£ P MEAT SUV 0F TNE WEEK FReffl GRADE 'A»-3 To 4 Lbs. MILJNW & a Il- W STEAK or ROAST 40< tbOKED St4ANKLESS, PICN4C TYLE SLFCE D BREmifASTRAM lb. PURE SLICED BEEF BUN 5 FRESN LAKE NIPtGON WIHTE FUH », FRESH R£ST$GOUCHE SALMON STEAKS TECANAIi STATESMAN, EOWMALNV!LLEoNTAMo rhàt social THE CoMIN1G ELECTION poi considi By JOHN M. JAMES that Il LIBERAL NOMINEE FOR DURHAM exemp taxesj IL ~mentj time I The electian temperature is the Liberals in this election, it is social certainly rising as the big day of certainiy gaing to be a great battie only rr June 27th approaches when the an election day. This is reai de- public your fate of the three local candidates maocracy in action and it is aur No, col- wiil be determined by you voters. hope that the largest percentage speake moan Win, lose or draw we wouid hike of voters in history will place the pa ioeto pay tribute to the many volun- their ballots in the boxes to show sent ti ,hs tary workers throughout Durham how highly they prize that right Omit Il fore County who right at this moment to vote look I unty are holding meetings, checking We sincerely regret that, due Liae bt of lists and preparing ta do 'their ta, lack of time for writing, we Lbr utmost ta bring the vote ta the did not have an article last week gaver!, nep- polis. They are the people who in this paper or in any other paner Canada mes. eiect or defeat candidates and if in the county. We were jus ttoo o ai 7af the Conservatives or the CCF have busy meeting Some mare af the gaverni ars, as many working supporters as fine folk in the rural areas and ity ta h its higher con- wishing we could do samething of the the in this campaign, is the Tory Party you has nat yet sensed the trend of Ti ign. Mass Political thinking, and stili l ed ta r a i ciings tenaciously ta the privil- en's Ih obe eges and pawers of the wealthy iticai ri ýs of minority. The Republicans, under discuss en- Dewey in November, 1948, made major1 lobe the samne mistake. It is not sur were di and prising, however, for the Tories >iowing. for ta commit that error for, as ail has coi rom Ontario knows, The Family Coin- fears cl The pact of tfue iast century is its ency ir M49) progenitor, and that its traditions validîty an- determine the Tory Party's course ' It has tice of thinking and conduct. Such isinua dis- well illustrated by Coi. Drew'sbin ;uch demand for a revaluation of the penderi ion, Canadian Dollar, and a "free famiiy :me market for gold." grants. ta Anyone with a meagre know- enlightE stic ledge of economics knows full welî ans' chE its that such steps would adversely ** shaped "ýan affect Canadian trade, and increase hih i trou the cost of living. On the other îîionsl iray hand, the Gold Mining interest -------- aei of would be served, and that is wherepec The the Tory viewpoint f its in. The W ical adoption of the prefix "Pro Mrs. La gressive" ta the party name in success lear no way camouflages the Party's John M. James rause i intncs togQ The Liberal Party, on the other ta bring some badly needed rain In Co hand, was created by the cham- ta the parched farm lands. We scribers pions of political freedami, W. L. did run inta same tragic circum- on this MacKenzie, Brown, Baldwin and stances and also some amusing the edit Lafontaine. Laurier and King ones. We visited one family copy ti have carried out those samne tra- which had just been burned out taken tl ditions into the realm of the social of their house and were living here in and economic spheres, and today in the garage. Almost without be able we have an ail Canadian Partyý anything ta wear or ta, use, they June 2'ý under Prime Minister St. Laurent, were busy making the best of- pressing forward for that stan- their ili-fortune. This was at dard of living which wiîî give ta Happy Valley, east and south of * the great mass of aur people, that Tyrone. The husband's naine is security in aid age which ensures Bill Dawson and hie and his wif e peace of mind in the eventide of have a family of four youngsters. life. Yes, Gladstone's words stili Aimost at his wit's end, his anly ring true: "The Principle of Tory- comment was that it mîght have ismn is mistrust of the people, been worse. He and the young- qualified by fear; the principle sters were nearly burned alive of Liberalismn is trust in the peo- and the garage, their new home pie, qualified by prudence." was saved only because their was Naw, in light of the background no wind. We pass this on ta, the of the two old parties, ]et ail enter subscribers in case anyone would the discussion of the campaign like ta help this famiiy ta be- issues, and personalities if need came re-established. Down in be, with eminent fairness and Hp aisiw er fWs strict accuracy. Sa when you sa ton Banister, a brother of Rev. Prime Minister St. Laurent "ha Frank Banister, former minister arý aristocratic ineage" and "spent a t Paul's, Bowmanville. He most of his life as a corporation was throwing brush onto a fire counsel" (which in itself is a tri- and a twig flipped back and bute) if associations contaminate struck him in the eye. Wheru we one, also tell of Drew's colleagues were there he was in Peterboro amongst Canadian millionaires and 1îi opti o eti fh leaders of finance and manufac- would be able ta see again. Then, turing industries. Mr. George in Cavan township another fam- McCullagh, proprietor of The iiy of five children and their par- Globe & Mail, and the Toronto ents had lost their home by fire *Teiegram, can give you the par- and the neighbours were starting ticulars. He might be able ta, tel, a drive for funds and ciothing 0 0 who is financing the Tory cam- ta outfit them again. paign. Yes, we too are pleased that And, when you relate how after 38 years of living so close Prime Minister St. Laurent, fol- by such fine, solid citizens, we lowing the vote on the Atlantic have at last taken time out from Pact, waiked across the floor of working at newspaper production Y 4 the House and shook hands with problen-s ta see Durham County Col. Drew for his speech in favor at first hand and ta realize the of the Pact, please don't place the extent and the possibilities of this incident solely on the basis of a electoral district where we were stirring speech made by hlm, but born. No matter what the out- tell of the anxiety which filled came of this electian, we shahl ail fair-minded Canadians, origin- alwvays prîze the friendships and ating with Col. Drew's previaus acquaintances we have made dur- continued silence on the Pact, ing the past few weeks. while his Quebec leader and sup-. But, this is not discussing polit- porter denounced it during the les and after ail this column was by-electian campaign in Nicolet- very generously aiiocated ta us Yamaska. for that purpose. One of the It wauld be eminently fair an things about this election which your part, when stating that the we sincerely regret is that the Tory Party favors old age pen-1 leader of the opposition bas found 1welfare reforms than those hthe Liberals have inaugu- 1.It Just doesn't add up. Dalso find the Conservatives dsing what bas aiways been ,ered impossible. They state they will cut taxes, increase Lptions, do away with hidden and cut the cost of govern- generally whiie at the same praviding bigger and better 1security schemes. This can nean that they will increase espending while reducing it. ,thanks, these Conservative cers and writers who quate )rts of Hansard which pre- them in the best light and the parts which make themn foolish just dan't seem ta sense. We'l stick ta the als who have given us good nment, have helped ta, make Ja and its citizens prosper- and have sufficient men of umental experience and abil- Scarry this country ta stili r status among the nations Sworid. sweek, we were very pleas- note that the Sauina Woni- nstitute were holding a pal- neeting at which they would ;the piatfornis of the three parties in the election. We dlighted ta submit the fol- g"The Liberai government onstantly sought ta banish of unempioyment, of indig- in aid age, of sickness, in- ty and childhood insecurity. Sestablished unemploynient =ce, pensions for the aged, and veterans wîth their de- nts. It bas established rallowances and health iIt is operating the most tened and generous veter- harter in the world. It has 1policies ta encourage pro- n, expand trade, ensure a level of employnient and il income and ta pramote certainly wish President' ,angmnaid and her Institute sin their endeavour to a- interest in government a- the ladies of Sauina area. conclusion, we urge sub- ,ta read the letter appear- spage, which was sent ta tor from Alberta with a ao the writer. We have the liberty of publishing it 1case the editor might not eta find space until after lth. B A t!W VWU c.va Hâow Mr. Drew Lowered Cosis Bureaucracy is one of Drew's targets. Here is bis own record i.n Ontario: The Tory leader inherited 7,600 civil servants froni the Hepburn Gavernnient. When hie went ta, Ot- tawa iast fail, he had increas&d that civil service by over 50 per cent-by nearly 3,900 appoint- Pments. The Drew Government durlng their years of office passed 2,000 orders-in-council annually. Mr. Drew appointed three more cab- inet ministers that his predeces- ors required ta govern the prov- ince. He established three new de. partments of government. To fin- ance ail this he neariy tripled the provincial budget during his ten- ure, from $113,000,000 to $316,000, 000, and remember the province was flot financing a war with this YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE LIBERAL RALLY at Dowmnanville Town Hall on Friday, Jane 24th1 ai 8:30 p.m. Corne ouf fo hear Johnny James, the firsf Federal LiJberal Candidate from Bowman- ville in many years. Guesf Speaker: SENATOR J. J. DUFFUS, Pelerboro GOOD ENTERTAINMENT PUBLISHED BY DURHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Thisisa dfais DUR FUTURE.0- ~AND CANADA'S Conditions have been good the. last few years. More people are working tharn *ver b. fore - making more, spending more, saving more. Isn't that what you want? Af ter ai, you have a family to think about. and you are planning for their future;;;. The Liberals are planning and worlcing for your family's future 100. Here are some of the things the Liberals are doing: elly Allewences ore Increased. Already a hit. ndollars has been invested in Canada's Idren. Millions of boys and girls are better thed, Led and housed- have a better ince for an education and a real start in - because of this Liberal measure. It brought new security and well-being ta ntfess Canadian bornes. bousinU, too, the Liberals have taken the d in providing Canadians with decent nes. More homes bave been huilt in nada, in relation ta population, than any nation. Already a million Cana- ns live in bornes huilt since the war. Lliberal government is ready ta belp ie the low-rental housing prohlern an offered its cooperation ta provinces 1municipalities. y, tere Is tie Uberol bealli progru.. Already crai grants are belping the provinces ta 'ease their healtb services. But the eraIs' aim is a nation-wide contributory It insurance plan which wiIl end, for ryone, the tragedy af inadequate health and the financial strain of lengtby ilness. Or faîke enployment. Liberal measures are help. ing, ta maintain cmploymcnt in Canada at record -levels, and at the saine time unein. ployrnent insurance reserves have been building up. The government bas encouraged enterprise and bigla production. Plants bave expanded, ncw industries started up. New opportunities are being created every day. OId Age Pensions and pensions for the blind have been steadily increascd by the Liherai government. But it isn't stapping thiere. Its aim is a nation-wide plan~ of contributory pensions which wiIl help evervone ta enjoy a conifortable and secure aid age- auto. matically and as a rigbt. These are ail part of the Liboral program of social befferment, ... aiprogram ta achieve a "national standard of social securityand human welfare which assures the greatest possible measure of social justice to ail Canadians" MAKE SURE THE WORK IS CARRIED ON O TE LIBERAL!' INSERTED DY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTIr ýte for John MI. James YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE ýcý0, STA*N 1 - N S For Uniform.-T ýua 1t Always! 1 MI 's i pýj A pAt".lt irrum m m m m paign, when queried about his refer ta the socialistic tendencies healt attitude, he invariably states "the of the Canadian gavernment in a everý Progressive Conservative Party vague way as though the very carej favors family allowances." That idea of "socialism" were a men- is what the platform says, but ace. They dlaim the Liberal ad- where does Col. Drew stand. ministration has gone too far on One could go an interminately the road ta socialism. We gather referring ta your published views, that socialism means either state such as your anxiety for Canad- contrai of utilities or industries ian farmers, the future of Can- or state provisions for the weifarè adian trade, ta say nothing of the of the people, Canada owns a desire of the Tory Party leaders railway system, an airline, a broad- 1 for power - as expressed in the casting systeni, the Post office ~slogan "Ifs tume for a change." systeni and others. Ahl of these Change for what? The Tories are apparently acceptable ta the have inserted no national issue Conservatives and they make no i nto the campaign. Itfs simply promises that they will abolish - 'change without cause, but change any of them and give theni ta for their sake." private enterprise. They rnust beW But space will not permit. Sa 1 referring then, ta the social wei- merely conclude with this admon- fare projects of the government itian, "let's keep the record and here it is noticeable that the straight," and remember Lincoln's Conservative press as The Can- words - "You can fool some of adian Statesman has aiways shak- the people ahl the time, or al 0f en its jaurnalistie head about the the people sanie of the tume; but cost of such services and about you can't fool ail of the people the danger of meddiing in people Va aIl the time.*" ives. But it is noticeable taa in l'Il be seeing you Mr. James, the present campaign. that while when next I go ta Bownianvilîle. ihe Conservatives accuse the Lb- Yours for fair piav.1 erals of Soc]alisrn. they- themse1- A. W. Maguire, ves promise aven more costly e9 V; weet PÀ- e- le *ee-elwi k reell &- dommommoup

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