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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1949, p. 7

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?KUEDAY,3VN lOt, 199 T ~ANDTAP WrTU~MV flIwM~. ONTARIO - PQ&TYPOOL We had a quick looksee at the horse show in Milbrook lat'Wed- nesday. There wat a aurprisingly tobiïe'ount aof arm machinery Ohiibited. Each piece had its own gartieular group of admirers, but theone machine that made every- body gawp was thie pick up blow- or, that is used for picking up liay, then blawing it inta a maw cir silo without forking it. Just to demanstrate the suction possibilities, the operator would Place a m~n ai water weighing 65 poundsoan the ground and that niachine*Woulçl suck the pail tight- Sta the mouth ai the suctian pipe db aid it there whiie the oper- atar Ilitec! the pipe three feet f rom *thLgound. We noticed the man hd té give the pipe quite a shake 1 to make the 65 pound psul leave go. Which prornpted us ta remark ta aur companian that, we would- n't mind poking that thing through an qpen windaw in the Royal Mnt at Ottawa f or five or ten minutes. The only annayance would be that' we would have ta, resign iram aur job here in order ta spend ail the àccumulated .maney before we died. Whicb would, na daubt, prove very iboring ta a guy that just manages ta stay hali a jump ahead ai ge bailifi mast ai the time. We were surprised ta learn that those exhibiting heavy horses were only given a prize ai $5.00. Proving that a man must have a lot ai love for the game when he will prepare, transport, and ex- hibit an animal for that insignifi- cant prize. The hanar ai winning apparently, is the cherished re- ward. 1 PLATFORM ,~ j' SOUNO ýTaxpayor's Canadians pay too higlk taxes for what we get back front our government. The spending of more of Canada'e money shouid b. ln the hands of ýCanada's people, if Canada Is -to grow. M .1 PFa r m*wr were the first buildere of Canada. Fa rm er a have, alwaye beigved in Free Enterprise. Farmers feed the NJation. They must have reason- able safeguards. Working wVomon Every year more and more women are having te struggle to earn their own livings. We assert that women have net been dealt with fairly in terms of wages and salaries. Working Mon Labeur has played a great part in Canada's national devel- epment in peace and war. The job~s ef three eut of every eight Canadians are dependent upen expert trade. Immediate steps wiIl be taken te recapture this lest business in order te create more jobs. New Canadians Al Canadians are immigrants or the descendants of immi- grants, Canada has long been ànd shail remain a haven of refuge for the oppreseed of ail nations. ALL - Personal Incarne tai exemption ehould b. et least $2,500 for inarried persons, $1,500 for single persons; the exemption for dependent children chouM beI. noreased by $200; the qeneral rate cf permonal tax should bo Iowered. Instead cf limit- tag tai relief faicorne taxpatyers only, we will heip ALL by reducing the Sales Tax. if 0 We will enact permanent floor-price leg- isiation; we favaur restaration cf the Canadian Wheat Board Act ta serve its original purpase as a marketing crgency for wbeat producers. The Progressive Consarvative Party stands pledged ta assure the maximum stability of incarne ta Can- adian fariners. We stand for the equality of women with mon in ail goverrninent responsibiliuies. We will give practical application ta the principle af equality. We believe in equal pay for mon and wamen doing equal work. We assert that an evér-expanding levai of production and opportunity for employment in Canada under a free-enterprise systema will gain the greatest job security and the highes t ake-home pay for Canadian labour. We belleve labour sbould have greater representatian an Governinent, Commissions, Boards and Agencies. We reaffirma oui beliaf in Trada Unionisrn and support of coin- pulsory collective bargaining . 0. 0 A national palicy for the developinent of Our natural resources . . . makes necessary the introduction of a long range immigration policy calculated ta bring into Canada selected fmnii- grants wbose qualifications permit thera fa be as- similated int o aur democratic way of life. Immi- gration should be conducted in close co-operation between the Dominion and the Provinces. c ERVATIVE TO CANADIANS Full support cf Family Allowee leis- lation and improvement ln Its administration. Allowances will.be paid annoa uniform hbaus per child regardieua of the *number of chlldren ln the family. We will take Immediate emergency mea.. sures foalaleviate Canada's housing shortage., 0 We stand for the stimulation el enterprise and production by encouraging the development of sinali business, whether incorporated or nat, wbere the praprietors are actively engaged in the business, by exempting from tai al money flot paid ouf as profits but ef t in the business for further development. 0 We propose a "Contributory Social Security Pragram" ta include the following benefits: Retire- ment pensions at 65 without a Means Test; accident, sickness and disability benefits; health insurance -. fa include adequaf e medical and bospital care. Until the cantributory plan becomes fully operative the Dominion will pay 75% of a Retirement Pension of flot less than $40 a month.11 Acceptance as accurata and final cf ser- vice persans medical category as recorded on enlistment with subsequent deterioration regardad as resuit cf service and not "pre-enlistrment con- dition." We will exlend benefits under veterans' legislation ta include the Marchant Marine and ta mon wbo served in England during the first World War., The amaunt cf permissible earnings under the W.V.A. will b. increased ta $500 a year. 0 We are pledged fa at prograni that willl open up a great, new Canada for the enterprising, productive youth of aur country. A Progressive Conservative Governmnqnt will stimulate business and, industry ta new heights cf production and anterprise, and sa develop mare new, welI paid jobs than Canada bas ever known bel are. We muet keep Canada's youth in Canada. Bocial Securlty muet 1bu avafll. able to every Canadian Irrespec. tive of 8<0e , roccupation. No SocialSeIZ pogram lM of any vwe muie.am. decent* bomes for ail. Business Mon 1mai! bueisues mon -share witli farmers the responuibiity of being the economie backbone of our country. We must have more smail businesees. We must have more prosperous smail busineses S en We believe the OId Âge Pen- sion should be paid, in time, to ALL Canadians-irrespective of income. But t h a t paynents shouid be made during working years towards this end. Mean- while, the government must hold itself reeponeible. We wil eet Up a standing Com- mens contjnittee on Veterane' Affaire te give veterans a higher "court of appeal" on ail matters related te their special intereets. New Voters More than 1,000,000 young Canadians wiIl vote for the first time in this federal election. Under George Drew, the Pro- gressive Conservative Party ie the Young Canadians' Party. VOTE FOR ce YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR DURHAM COUNTY STEPHIENS ON THE MAN WHO 15 'EXPERJENCED AND CAPABLE TO SERVE INSERTED BY DURHAM COUNTY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION PROORESS IVE APPEALS , Moth",@n Farmors 'c I Eo . 1 We gat a bang out ai seeing the folks an the merry-ga-round and hearing its musical arrangement of "Over the Waves". Althaugh we have lived within 12 miles ai Millbrook for 30 years, it is the first time we have visiter the fair on horse show day and was agree- ably surprised ta see such a large turnaut ai people. Early an the morning af the saine day, we were flattered ta re- ceive a long distance caîl from Sammy Crystal. Sammy is a re- porter an the Toronta Evening Telegram. He wanted ta know if the frast had afiected aur root crops, the night before, in this area. Also last Wednesday we found aut why the oak trees in this dist- rict have lost a lot of leaves this spring. Mr. H. L. Seamans and Mr. J. A. Hammond ai the Div. ai Entamology, Ottawa, pÉoved to this dumb cluck that this is the the nice hedge on the à.P.R. right make the best of a bad job, so, pre- ".year of flight" I o those pesky of way, tagether with some of tended ta enjoy the occasion. hard shelled, flying bugs known their 'pales were burned. Every- We ail agreed on one point, that around here as "June bugs". Ac- thing is tinder dry because af the the wedding supper was tops, that cording ta these two gentlemen, bad drought. the waitresses, daintily attired, who have spent 25 years studying Kathleen Olan and Fred Young- were, under the supervision of bugs, the June 6ugs, in the even- man were married on Saturday, Jean Callanan, ail that could bc ing, fly up in the oak trees to eat June 11, in Pontypool United desired. the leaves, after which the female Church. The officiating minister It is customary ta report what lays her eggs in sod. Then next was Rev. R. Honey, Lindsay. The the principals wore. As far as we year when the eggs have hatched, bridesmaid was Doris Stinson, the could see, they seemed to have the miserable grub eats the grass best man Ernie Youngman. The plenty af clathes on. roots, thus destroying large pat- weather was ideal for the happy Having a preacher at the recep- ches af pasture, etc. event, warm and sunny. tian always tends ta give it an air *During 1947, their last destruct- After the wedding ceremony, of respectability. ive year, they cleaned up on a lot same seventy-five guests held a We welcome Kay to the Young- af cur freshly planted trees. As reception in the church basement, man Clan, and sincerely trust that this is the "year ai the flight", we which gave the relatives on bath she will find us to her liking. We may expect considerabde sod da- sides an excellent opportunity ta hope that she and Fred will have mage next year, then every three take stock of the folks on the op- a happily married life. By an odd years from then on. pasite side. No doubt, each side coincidence Art ware a brown A bush fire on the farm of Har- wondered why their pet was so suit when he was married. Helen's ry Carter had peoaple warried foolish ta get tangled up with such groom Don, and Myrtle's groom, Thursday aiternoon and evening.j a gang of screwballs and morans. Ken each wore ibrown. Last Sat- Also, an the same day, a chunk ai However, everyane tried ta urday Fred kept up the tradition by marrying Kay while attlred in these entries include Up ta SIX a brown suit. (Editor's Note- exhibits. Last year's entries total. What we wauld like ta know Ed, led only 158. is this brown suit an heirlaom Judges appointed by the Wo- handed down from generation ta men's Division wiil award six gerteratian?) iprizes or mare under classifica.. tion for the competitive school YongAris'swork. Each af these prizes it ,ta Youn Artst'Work be given in two parts. Onea Big Feature at C.N.E. plaque for the prize winning class ai the competing school. The other a cash prize ta be sent Canada's buddinfg young artists ta the principal and used accord- are definitely on the upswing bath ing ta the wishes ai the winning in number and ability, the C.N.E. pupils. Womnen's Director bas announced. Well over twice as much art wark An ancient remedy for fever bas reached the C.N.E. far dis- was ta wash the water over the play this year than was sent ta patient and on ta a frog, ta which the 1948 Exhibition. Much ai it is the fever wvas suppasecj ta pass. superiar in quality to that dis- Moulting is a severe strain on played any previous year. the btrd because ai the great Schools from every province In amaunt of blood needed by the the Dominion are represented skin for the growth of new ieath- 1 i , TRUMDAT, ZLTM lôth, 1949 TIM CANADTAN BTATESM«. BoWmAig v , x.t.p. numà ierd% e t;ý w Veterans MMM*

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