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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 17

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'rHUSDA, JnE 23rd, 1940 H A~DA TTSA.BWAVLE NAT SPORT NEWS Memorial Football quested for a collection will be taken at the game ta defray the Gazne ta be Played at funerai expenses of a former foot- Eriniskillen lune 24 i lie and passed at avery young age. The game is calied for 7:30 p. A Imemnorial football game wili m. and the Ail-Stars wiil be ta- be played an Enniskiilen grounds, gether in action for the first good Friday evening, June 24, between practîce before meeting the fame th Dr]ngon Ail-Stars and Toron ta team aon the High School Mapie Grave. The Ail-Stars are grounds at Rotary Fair, June 29. the teamn chosen to play Ulster United at Rotary Fair an June 29. The Maple Grave team will be the Rayais Blow Gaine regular lineup save for their for-t mer player, Reg. Misquodis, who Ta Oshawa Clubt fflied on the Enniskillen field I ls cr - Xfme weeks ago. I ls cr - Attendance of ail fans is re- The Intermediate Lakeshore League basebali dished up Satur- day, between Bawmanviile Roy-t LUMBER ais anid Oshawa Hunt Club, proved ta be the best brancd of the cur- -e-,4 - rent season,save for two frames when each teamn blew up. Tied 4-4 up ta the 8th the Hunters put coW.LIMFTE across the winning run in that trame ta take the hanars 5-4. I turrock started an the mound forRoylsand pitched no-hit, no- Spoilangle hadrteady ae Oshawa ofo hi bamead she odnecoy n tai roch. aait hedrs althe up fnd d threpal fumiletbaes in thwe esh j i vth an dloley all ta Piver tltih n t. Haîsf e ayais rm 1,.a i th rea fanned Î Ospate. n "i idnt Ctchan wih tIISPOI. sheand 000,00i,410, 5 5 5 bu01IVe Buttourinnedboos!eloyal, 00,004000, 4 5 n Tro bas te hirt, Hooer, H all. Sin base OsHa7yais oevn0. ts, Run. ayas Pie r 2oasfoer 4 o e do hisb asedh, vale, 2a.rs hit. Furey, 1 run, 3 bits 3 fanned, O walks. Umps. McKelIýr and AI-n mué lin.0 Oshawa:: Murphy cf; Barnes rf; t.i Miiknatues mst n~aru sIn y u hres is ealth ypouto Milk, auesm.tna Dal rqir y atv McArthur c; McGrath sâ; O'Con- nor 2b; Jankowski If; Joskoski 3b; Hall lb; Gavas p. Royals: Gilhooiey 2b; West cf; Piper 3b; Yourth s; Hooper lb; Cox rf; Cawie If; Martin c; Stur- rock p; Furey p. Ted Bagneli ph. Rayais Take Hunters In Gaine at Oshawa FREE ANNOUNCING THE BIG, NEW D IAMOND RING CONTEST IT'S EASY- IT'S FREE- events of the district when the series opens June l7th at Wbitby. Schedule - June 17-Bowmanvilie at Whitby June 24-Whitby at Bowmanvilie July 8-Whitby at Bewmaný,ille July 15-Bawmanvilie at Whitby July 22-Whitby at Bowmanviile July 29-Bowmanville at Whitby Aug. 5-Whitby at Bowmanville .Whitby games ta be piayed eith- er at Park or new diamond Dun- das St. Schooi. Bowmanviile games at Public Schooi Dîamond. Maple Grave Teains Win Five Gaines The Past Weelc Junior West pilched Bowman- ville Rayais ta a victory aver Osh- awa Hunt Club, June 15, in the maetar city but in the final frames it was odds-on until the last out which lef t Rayais with an 8-5 mer- gin. West coasted behind a &-0 margin up ta the 5th tiien Hunt- ers, always quick ta take advan- tage of miscues, romped along for twa runs in the 7th and rallied for 3 mare in the Mt. McTavish, an the mound for Hunters, weakened in the 4th and was relieved by Brown. A Meature in Intermediate Lqague games this seasan seems to be biowups et some paint or other when games appear salted away. Maybé if's the hot weather. But it gives the fans a kick. Rayais, 001,050,020, 8 7 3 Hunters, 000,000,203, 5 7 6 C.O.F. Arranges Inter-City Seriez Far Girls' Teain In canjunction with the Cana- dian Faresters Youth Recreation- al Program, a best four aut of se- yen game series bas been arranged between two -ah-star girls teams, the Whitby Belles and the Baw- manville Foresters with the win- ners taking a beautiful trophy do- nated by Jeanne MeCabe, Collette Beauty Salon., The Whitby Belles, arganized by Bert Johniston, veteran sportsman of Whitby, are flot oniy a well coached t.eam, but are beautifully uniformed, and present a brand of bail that is certainly fan pleasing. ýFast 'n the field, they play their fest brand of bail when the chips are down and corne up with inside bail that is a revelation ta beilold. The Bowïýianville Forester girlsi are another top notch team. This team was organized by Lorne Hay- ries last year, and have a balance of yauth Rnd veterans that provide a sparkling performance et ail limes. The3, wear regulation mnen's uniforms, complete with gioves and big league accoutrements, w'ith the Order's colors prominent- .y displayed. These clubs have al- eady played one exhibition game and judging by the resuits there s very littie ta choosé between them, and this merles promisesta Hooper 's Jewellery IS GIVING AWAY FREE A BRIDAL KNOT DIAMOND RING During the. Coast-to-Coout Bridai Knot Diamond Cool est COME IN TODAY FOR TOUR FREE ENTET ILANK Guess the registration number of the. Bridai Knot Diamond Ring on dispiay in our window. You are under no obliga. tion to make a purchase; Doe't Foeffl t. loer YOU MAY au THE LUCKY WINNER Hooper's Jewellery and GIFT SHOP 28 King St. W. Phone 747 FREE Entry foxms at your local jeweiier. Sinmp1 gu est the four- figured registration oumber of the B6ridal-Hnoet diamnond ring yaur local jewelier bas on dispiay. There arte ducs in his window -watch for them ! Trhere is absoiutely no charge of any kind to enter the big Bridal-Knot contest. Just follow above directions. ANYONE CAN ENTER- FVc1', Orle is eligible. provided entrie3 are received on or before Juiy lSth, 1949. Winnprs names will be availahie on request from yaur local jewelier. WVIN A LOVELY £8iùd-J6wI DIAMOND RING! SEE YOUR LOCAL JEWELLER TODAY! Ail-Star Saccer Teain Chosen For Gaine With Ulster United Tue Ail-Star team chosen from the Darlington Football League ta play against Ulster United of Toronto, at Rotary Fair an Bow-l manville High Schooi grounds,! Wednesday evening, June 29.co- sists of 22 men seiected as a regu- lar and an alternate lineup. The league executive spent a long time scaoning the rasters ai everv team in the league ta pick the best balanced strength in eachj department, inciuding frelquent changes planned during the long, grueiiing contest. Tom Baker Jr was.named field manager for prac- tice games and the main levent. Fo]lowing is the generai lineup: Starting Team F. Payne, Hampton, - - - Goal J. Baker Jr., Sauina, - - - Rt. Back A. Lobb, Bowmanviiie, - Lt. Back Bob Muir, Courtice, - - - C. Haif J. McLaughlin, Enniskillen, - R.H. Ivan Sharpe, Enniskillen,- L.H. Rev. A. Cressweii, Tyrone- - C. Art Reynolds, Hampton,- - I. Rt. Cari Flintoff, Orono, - - - 0. Rt. Junior West, Orono, - - - I. Lt Mike Nemis, Caurtice, - 0 . Lt. Alternates B. Gearing, Courtice; Ross Sharpe. Enniskillen; C. Langmaid, Sauina; S. Preston, Mapie Grave; Bill Ne- mis, Courtice; Harv. Baison, Zion; P. Bathgate, Bowmanvilie; G. Williams, Hampton; F. Martin, Zi- on; B. Johoston, Courtice; Wes. Hilîs, Ty roné. Football Scores Show Changes in Teams (Intended for iast week) Maple Grave moved strongiy into the sporting spat-iight aver the weekend as they won ail five games which they played. The girls softbali team twice de- feated Salem by 7-3 and 22-13. Friday evening the girls played aone of the best games of the yeusr as they nosed out the Salem girls 7-3 and Saturday went on a slug- ging bee ta wallop the same teamn at Tyrane. For Mapie Grave Ruby Weish and Sylvia Buckneil shared the mound duty. Petite but starry littie catener, Nancy Hagerman, of the Mapie Grave Rackets sparked the girls with her pep and excel- lent catching. The rest of the in- field comprised of Norma Hager- man, Barb Spencer, Rip Richards and Lydia Bates played steady bail on the infield. Joan Wright bit the anly home run on Friday evening and played good bail in the autfield as did Greta Snowdeni and Reva Bates. Maple Grave boy's softball team alsa wvbn Frîday as they beat T.yý rone 16-14, Maple Grave boys started off in terrific style club'- bing out bits ta a tune of 14 runs in the first three innings. However Tyrone came back strongly ta mnake the game interesting. Mur-ý ray Tighe and Harry Snowden shared piîching duties and B. Snowden did an excellent job be- hind the plate. The infield of Ken Summersford, Maurice Preston, Harry Snawden, Murray Tighe and Bob Stevens piayed steady bal. K. Staiker, R. Munday and Phil Finney playing in the outfieldý staod out in the hitting depart- ment. Mapie Grave football team came up w¶th two shining performances on Saturday and Monday even- ing. Saturday Maple Grave beat Bowmanvilie 1-0 on Maurice Pres- ton's taily from close in. Monday evening Maurice again sparked the team as he scored the only two goals of the game as Mapie Grave won 2-0 from Tyrone. Mau- rice Preston, aitbougb probably the yaungest player in the league is rapidly developing ino a real football player and patentiai star. Aiso cansiderable credit must go ta Jake Laird in Mapie Grave goal who bas now beld the apposition off the score sheet for over txvo full games. The whole team as 4 unit are playing very steady ball and will give some of the leaders. a scare belore the seasan closes. Tied for fourtb place among 15 Canadian and U.S. cîties surveyed, Montreal, and Detroit have each cieared 13 per cent of their sweets of overhead wviring byý placing wires underground. The leader Buffalo, bas cleared 31 per cent wbile Toronto and Winnipeg bring up the rear with Iess than one per cent each. Since 1939 CANADIANS HIAVE LOST FOUR FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS 1. The Freedom ta travel where we wish. 2. The Freedoin ta import what we wish. 3. The Freedoin ta use aur mnoney where we wish. Closely fought games continued in the warmn weather last week as the Dariington Football League nears the mniddle of the 1949 sché- dule. Notable impravement bas been seen in the Bowmaoville team which held Sauina ta a score- less draw and then went on ta trim Enniskiilen 3-0. Maple Grave team bas also bit its stride and much credit goes ta Jake Laird, the goalie, who in recent ganies bas shawn formn that places him at about the top in that department in the league Prime interest today centres an the Ulster United -Darlingtoo Ail- Star game at Rotary Fair, Wed- nesday evening, June 29. The Week's Scores .June 15- Hampton 1. Enniskillen 0 Tyrane 0, Courtice 2 June 18- Maple Grave 2, Zion 2 Bowmanviiie 0, Sauina 0 June 20- Solina 0, Mapie Grave 1 Enniskillen 0, Bawmanvilie 3 BROWN'S Congratulations ta Mr, and Mrs. Stan Couch (oee Joan Curson) on the arrivai of their wee daughter, Linda Sharran. 'Miss Blanche Wotton visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and lamily an Saturday. Master Trevor Davies visited bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. Fleming ini Oshawa. Mrs. H. Reichratb visited in To- ronto aver -"be veekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Maple, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson and Jimimy. Mr. and Mr.ç. J. Curson and Jim- Head Men at International Chamber of Commerce 4. The Freedom ta make what we wish. Five years after D-Day Canadians arp. denied four freedoms without m-hicb their sacrifices ln World War H ivere ln vain. There is, in aur belief, no need for the eontinued deniai of those freedoms te citizens of a country which bas pledged ltself, under the Atlantic Part, to "1pre- serve demorracy, 'individual liberty andi the mile of law~.' Inserted in the interest of Charles E. Stephenson Continued denlal of the freedom to travel, to invest, to impori and to Malte what we Msay îi'ish is direct evidence of the surrender of parliamentary authorlty to an untouchable, and hence an Irrespon- sible, bureaucracy. As a treedoni-lovlng Canadian It te your duty to vote, an June 27, only for candidates who pledge themselves ta take power from the bureaucrats and restore it ta parliament. DURHAM COUNTY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION r, I THINK THIS ONE OVER BEFORE YOU VOTE You know very weii that it's the Good Lord that makes the Sunshine . , . flot the' Govern- ment at Ottawa. If you took the time and trouble ta charge up ta the Government the results of its awn errors, you wouid see that Efficiency in mian- agement of public business, and meticulous care in spending other peopie's money, are real cansider- ations in your awn persanai af- fairs. What bas been spent-and a pretty penny it is when you look inta it-is maney down the drain. If you want ta stop the flow of that vital stream, eut it down ta cam- mon seose, vote for a change at Ottawa. When you do this you eiect the Progressi ve- Conserva ti ve Pç.rty la affice-and you put your friend Charlie Stephenson back ino Parliamnent ta serve you and ail the people of Durham County. Vote Progreýssive -Cons eirva tive Philip D ReeJ (left> Of dency of the I.C.C. darin, time 12¶Ifi Eigland, the rci:, Pr - r York, membcr of the In'.crnatiýcn- Congress ;n the Chateau Frontn- (centre)' and SJa . ' D,;r.ýan. ai Chamnb'r of Cornmrrce .(oun- ac Hotel, QUebrre With him are presicent of the Conai c- -; Cil, just aller he assumed presi- Sir Arthur Guir.ess of Lorndon, Company China. '*the country of tea," pro- No bird soars ton high if he duces more wheat than Canada. 1 soars on bis own wings. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES OFFER EXTRA SECURITY AT LESS THAN 2 CENTS A DAY Play Safe with Possessions of Sentimental and Financial Value Tomorrow may be a day to late. Everybody knows the wisdomn of "doing things now," but many falk stili won't apply it ta their own treasured belongings. Thousands of xiser Canadians keep their small articles of value, their bonds and important papers in safety deposit boxes at the Bank of Montreai. If they should ever have bad luck with fire or burglary at home, their irreplaceable documents and keepsakes wiii stili be safe. This extra security can be yours for less than two cents a day. G. E. Moody, B of M manager at Bowmanville, and his staff, weicome enquiries. Drap in and discuss your aafekeeping requirements taday. F Ca'. rtst Finish NARVO Durable, high gloss, porcelain-like mmmcel A. E.5MCGEGRMI& CO HARWR KING T. E OWMANVIL Combine Ii c. minced cooked bcetf, 1 c. choppcd cookrd earrots, 1 fincily-chopped ornaitoîo; moisîen with chili sauce, kehup or gravv. Mix and sift int obowl, 2 c. nee.eiftk-d paotry fl<,,ur (or 1i 1, c. inco--sîftpd hard-wheai flour>, .3 îsp. Magie Baking Powder, 3' lqp. sait, i ths. granulaied Rugar. <'ut. in fin<ly, 3 ti. ehnrtening. Mix 1 benten egg and !i c. milk. Mak<- a well in dry ingre.dienim, pour in liqiiid and mix light iy wil h a fork. Roil dough out ta i tlîicknetw; eutl mb 4'* sqiarn.s and ecul .ach Square diagonaill*v, corne~r (o corner, mnaking triangles. Brush wiî h melle~d butter. Place a spoonru I or boer mixitore on ,.ach t riangle At centre (if long edge. Rolll up and shape ini cresceotl. Hake on greased pan in hot 1,ven,4501,12-1 -mmnIle. THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IP-OGz sv"lnmm . r/j It is time for a Change in Ottawa 0 14 years is too __long

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