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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 4

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TUE . I..AIAU S ST51Ai~ATEnU , UJWMANYIL4 E, ONTAMHO ' T flAV iY N m a - 1AO ivex -- Fermer Edit.r of the Star Weeidy oeves0 Vievi on Charitable Act The Taronto PaperM articular- Iy The Star, conhinu P te keep iiarping away about Uic Charit- able Glîts Act passeci at the asat session a! the Ontario Legisiahure. -Many colummn have been writhen about this Act, particularly as it affects thie will o! tue late J. E. Ahkinsen, publisher and awner a! The Daily Star and Star Weekly, Who was a well-known Durham County boy, having been bonn ah Newcastle. Te keep aur readers up-te-date on thîs much discussed topic we are publisbing, te oun mmnd, one of the lairest and most reasonable summaries of the wbole affair, wniten by J. H. Cranston, who for 20 years was edihor ef The Star Weekly and was therefore close- Iy associated with Mn. Atkinson. a i t a a' e. i * a .5 est and mont recent. Its forma- tion broughh laho the limelighh the se!h spots la the Succession Duties Act which shlow Uic founding of trusts under the name o! charity, and grant them immunity froni succession duhies taxation. The new Act plugs up Uic soIt spots, and seeks ta prevent evasien af taxation by the. formation af charihy trusts formcd te aperate businesses in perpehuihy. 1h per- mits trustees ho bid Ion and pur- chas. cerporations which have been willcd te charity foundahions. It aise gives the public trustee thc rigut te examine all accounting. H. will aise be given knowledge of ail salaries and direchors' lees aven $8.000, and wili, aiong with the trustecz determine the pro- fits ta be paid ho charihy. Mr c~ranston fias smnce been edi- Despite the dust and confusion tor a! the. Midland Free Press in et the acimonieus Legisiature which paper the fol]ewing article debate seme things stand out appcared unden this beading:- clearly. Grantcd that ih i. desin- PUTTING HORSE IN STABLE able in thc public interest ho levy AND LOCKING THE DOOR succession duties on large estates, _______then the law had te b. changed te prevent sucb estates establish- THE TUMULT AND the shout- ing charitable foundatiens as a ing is ail oven. The Charitable means net onîy of cscaping tax- Giîts Act et 1949 bas been passed ation but o! retaining family by the. Ontario Legisiature. After wealth and power in penpetuity Uic bitherest debate in many years wIt is only tain aise that ail estates it i. now the law of the land. past. present and future, large and The Act applies te ail charitable smali, shouid b. put on the same foundations, past, present and footing. Thse eperatien et cern- future, net just tise Atkinson menciai business by chanities is Foundation as seme opponents fundamentally undesirable. It is soughhte imply. The Atkinson possible for business to fail in Foundation, howeven, is the Iarg- whicb case govemmcnt and char- 1 Gasoliue. Special ýM Vý'FREE 2 Eveready Flashlight Batteries with Each Purchase of 5 Gallons Gas CARTON GARAGE DANCING AT V1ARCOE'S PAVILION TO THE MUSIC 0F JACK FOWLER AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIOHT .$2.00 Per Couple DANCE IN COMFORT- Varcoe's Pavillon I. Completely Air Conditioned Odorono Arrid Eiquet Fresh Creani Creanx Crean, Dendorant 39e - 59e 39c - 5e390 39e - 59e Specials RelnMatch Maker $1.60 Value for -.- $1.00 Brylereen,, 49e size and Men's Comb Fr.. Houzehold Rubber Gloves----- 29e 93e aize Noxzema --69e 100 A.S.A. Tablets - ----19e 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton --79c 2 Prophylachie Te;oth Brushes ----------- 39e FOR SUNBURN Tangel -- - ----------- .5e Unguentine - 50c Nive& Cream ---50c-$1.0() BRLCEE INAOY 254,49' f ~mowoêF >aep reIIeve DULLNESS 9 SICK HEADACHE ACIO INDIGESTION a CONSTIPATION iLunch Kits ý-- -------- --- 98e Thermos -- qte. 2.5o-2.75.3,50 Thermos .---ptg. 1.50)-1.65 Thermos,--. -- %pis. $1.35 CAMERAS Baby Brown le - $- 3.00 :620 Brownle .S 6.72 616 Brownie $S____5.12 «20 Markaman --. s5.95 Bathlnt Cap@ - 1e ho 95. Sun Glasses -- ..25e to $3.95 Insect RePellanta 25c-49e-5gc Atisn would continu~e MuockHoling rany home with valuable anc pneached for ever. Tise rone Tii. National Trust Company attractive pnizes. wbicb wauld etbenwise bae en as corne te tise detence of us The climax et this big evening te thie state in succession duties, valuation o! the total estates at will corne when tise Rotarians let woul beretinedlasworinï$8,767,854. Mn. Frost clairned tise off their gigantic fineworks dis- capiulfer teStared 1spaorngStan was wontb two on tise times play. Last year's firewonks were and the prAfits wauld go te char- tisat arnount. The Trust Company rnagnitmcest, but the Rotanians ity. points out that Mn. Atkinson say tbey mwill do even better tbis But Mn. A. hung on too long. 5tltÇxo la4tPuilxojcdPpaumoe year. Thousands wll be able to Had b. been as wise as bis citics of the total stock. Tise Mulock b. comtortablv seated on the now ar, after the event, b. wouhd holdings must tiserefome be tise scisool hilI ta watch thii lantasy have brougnt bis foundatien inte other fiftb. Oid Sir William must ef cohour. eperation somne eigiat years age bave been pmetty brigbt ho beat Wbat could b. a better way ho when firsh he toak eut tise charter. J. E . A. at the stock gathering spend an evening tisan ah tise Ro- That was ibat W. E. Mason o! ganse. His son, Pete, tise former tary Fair? Tise pmeceeds wili b. tise Sudbury Star did wben b. Pastmaster.general, awna the Mu- donated ho the worthwisile cause formed the Mason Charitable lock atock now. o! heiping crippled chîhdren. The Foundatien. That is wbah Pub- Mn. Atkînson made a sisrewd election vjiil be over, tempers lisher Gannett efthtie Gannett bargain witb bis financial backers cooled down and aid friends can newspapers did in tise United when tney brougut him Irorn get togethen ho talk aven tise ne- States, Their foundations weme Mentreal ta manage the Stan. H. sults. Mark the calender ton June funchiening and dishributing pro- was te have a.- rigst ho buy in 29tis and oe sure ho attend the Ro-. fits te named cisarities wbilc tiseir tbein stock ah a faim market price tary Fair. founders were stili living. wbeneven h. wished . And as the Mn. Atkir.son wenh se far as ta years went by h. managed ta get name Uic trustees, of wborn b. contrel O! al of it except that Trustee .sM eetig was one. H. did net, iowevcn, ewned by the. Muiacks, mucis te take the final step and' hum over tise disgust o! tise owners wba tise hewernmag fortune whicis h, Iouusd tise Star their most profit- (Continued Inorn Page On.) bad buiht ta tise partial central able investment. Arneng tiiose Home and Scisool, Association e! othens. Tisat is quite under- thus frozen out was tise late Sir very kindly served lunch and caf- standable. He cnjoyed the ganie John Eaton, who inhenihed a tee te al present. o! nsaking millions. Altisougu block of stock lnam bis father, 1h was moved by Mr. W. H. Jor- over 80 years of age - he wa Timetby.' dan, Port.Hoge, and seconded by 82 whcn h. died in 1948 - nie If, as a resuit a! the Charitable Mn. Jack Harnilton, Nestieton, ho sili bad tue Midas touch. He Glîts Act, control of the Tenante acceph Mns. Clarke's invitation te jush ceuld net retire. He is flot Stan must Iinally b. soid eutside hold tise County Public Scisool te b. blamed for that. M¶any tise trustees. it is sincerely hoped Speakiiig Contest lu Bowynanville. other men bave died in hamness. that it falIs inte tise bands o! This passed unanimousiy. Mn. Atkinison bad ne other bobby mon ef iberal minds and poiic- Officers and Directors tor 1949- tban piling up dollars, unless it ai pbîlosophy. 1h would be a 50:: W3in propagating saciaîistxc calarnity if Toronto and Ontario Hn rs.E .Obon:Ps Coud Nt B Upet papers aien. for thein news and C. R. Carveh, Vice Pres.-W. H. Coul NotBe rset Political opinions. Labor spokes- Jordan: Sec. Tneas.-Mrs. George Had the, Stan been aperated mien have declaned that Labon Stapleton. during the last eight yeams for must buy tise Star, theugu wisere cbarihy, several million dollars Laban weuld get tise necmsary Labor daily. Histery semehimes wauld have been se dishibuted. millions is anybody's guess. Non nepeats. ,He bimself wauld bave been an 15 it ah ail likeiy tisat any news- Aftenal Uic fuss made about band ta defend bis rigbt te do paper centrelled by Labor and the Atkinson Foundation, I don'h with bis wealtb as h. plcased, Operated in its interests would b. believe 1h i. wortb my wbile and ith.weuld have been difficuit1 successful financially. Mr. Atkin- establishing eune. I sisali just lake for an.,, go'.ernment te challenge! son, got his chance with tise Star 1my millions with me. It w'ill he him. Tise Foundation wouid npv#sý long ago wben its Labor owncrs 1 quite as easy as leaving thern j bem uet.ablished on à permaneuti failed ho make a g0Ofo it as a behind. ities alike would lose everythii The horse has been p'ut ba inthe stable and thec door locki The Atkinson Charitable Pour, ,ation has survived wlth its win clipped. It will control the '7 ronto Star newspapers for b seven years inutead o! the lin,. less ages of eternity as pianni by the late Joseph E. Atkinsc Alter seven years it will b. pe mitted ho own only one-tenth the Star's stock uniess in t] opinion o! tbe Courts an exte sien is desîrable. The. balance 90 per cent must cither be givi outrigbt to named charities, so to outsiders, or the trustees mi purchase the whole busines tbey desire. The proceeds mu be invested in the type of accu ities prescribcd by law for tru funda. The Feundation will thE bave unquestionable rigbt ta tf name "charitable." When Mr. Atkinaon died a litt' ever a ycar ago it was announce that be bad Icît the great bulki bis newýpaper millions to chant: Those incliiied te b. skeptici pointed out the will w.as primar. designed by Uic late president k the Star newspapers to retai ideological centrol e! the papex for ail time to corne so that the migbt prapagate bis doctrines an beliels, and in addition provid positions with good salaries for tb members of bis family, thei children, their grandchildrer their great-grandchildren, and s on ad irÂinitum. By establishin the Atkinson Charitable Founde tion the Star's president expecte that under the Succession Dutie Act bis estate would escape th normal taxation wbich i. levie, on aIl estates of the ricb. Profit made by The Star were to go t charity, but no specific charitie were namned. That was left t, the discretion o! the truste*~ There could be no kick from an: organization that its share wa not up ho expectations. Weaith Not Earned Mr. Atkinson was a very cleve man. No penson can starh fri 'scratch and pile up many million without possessing much mon. than the ordinarv amount et gra: mather. 0f course, be did no do it alone. No one can eve accumnulahe se much wealth of hi own efforts. He does it by direct ing the efforts of ethers. Th, Star presumably expressed thi view o! Mr. Atkinson wbcn i said on June 9, 1941: "Tihe fact te remember is that great wealth is not earn- cd. It is amassed, accumulat- cd, ceo11ected, gahhered, taken -there anc many words te describe the process, but 'earned' ià not one of them. lUnder our present social sy- stemn there is nohhing. wrong about the weaithy man being ricb, se long as be makes right use of bis riches. But there is notbing wrong, either about the governmenh takîng a substantial part o! bis riches away, to make good use of them on behait of the miasses of the people lrom whom tbey have been col- lected." When 1h camne to bis own case, owevcr, Mn. Atkinson did flot want ta give the moey direchly ack te the people. He knew %at the payment o! several mil- on dollars in succession dues >vauld Put a serious crimp in the eorking capital o! the. Star, Pan- cularly alter be had taken eut imillion or se te previde sub- tanhial life annuities for mcmn- )ers af bis lamily. A Foolproof WilI Se back in 1941 he took out a ,arter for the Atkinson Chanit- ~Ie Foundation. It weuld, when he timne came for bim te. die, ishile the vast Atkinson estate 0Paso intact inte the hands o! lgroup ot trustees named by Lmsel!, tbree et wbom were nembers of bis tamily, and four ere emplovees ot The Star. They ere to held the stock for the 1 undation, and any profits made rY the Star corporation were te ýtumned aver te them for dis- ribution amnong charities as tbey Rw fit. The wilI was very carefuliy repared, alter a study et Amer- sn Foundation plans. Ih looked )ol-proof. Mr. Atkinson's famn- Ywould be secure, for gener- on altr a ratiun _ h -.peut ag. basis. ick Instead he chose not to br' ed. lit into actual existence unhil ai id. his death. In addition h. devii .58 such regulations as would mi o- 1h sure that bis kind of S- )ut would continue ta the end it- ie. He declared humself ,d most anxiaus ta prevent the o mn. nership and operahion o! the Si !r- Iran, falling inho "pnivate banc of One wonders if the. Star wasx he in "private banda" when it 1 ýn- ionged ta Mr. Atkinson. Tii a! la nothing necessarily cvii abc eni newspapers being owned a Id operated by private hands. Nos' ay ail newspapers in democra il cauntries are publish.d und ist pnivate awnership. There was r r- thing wickcd, eitber,, in Mr. .4 it kinson's desire ta provide for t n future a! his own !amily ai e lniends. Most men who achie success like te pass the cent le e! their business.. on down tht ýd famiiy treca. Or should it b. u of since trees grow up? Y. al WhY Succession Duties ly The. new bill wiil in the futu 1)f prevent the formation a! chari in ablc foundations designed prii rs arily ta make easy the carryi: ýy on o! private business., ai id fortunes. If it wcre possible Iý le other corporations te foliow h] ie example of Mr. Atkinson ti ir wboie pbiiosopby bchind succe nsien duties would b. upset. TI 10 intent of these duties is net ali ýg te previde meney for aperatir -tue affairs et the shate. Prima diiy tbey are designed te brez ?S up huge concentrations o! weali le and power, whicb are net gai dfor any nation. Thse ight of ai ts cit.izen te build up a great ente Sprise is recegnized, but parli Sment, representing thc peopl Ssays that buge fortunes mnay ni S. be passed on unimpaired te ti ynext and succeeding generatior ,s A large proportion o! tbem mul be returned te the people froi whom they came. Critics et the Frost bill decli ýr that ih was primarily aimced ahtdi n structien et the Star, Tories' chig is pelitical enemy. There may t -e some truth in that. Certainly th y Star bas given the Conservativ )t party ne cause te love it. Ith b ýr excecded ail limits et fairness ar is deccncy in its campaigns again. ;- George Drew and other leadir " Tories. If the Censervatîves d( " tcrmined te stnike back it wou] ýt be understandabie, thougu politic aliy unwise. No party sheuld us the pewer o! parliamnent te r, venge its wrongs. WLala Not Sacred Much was made in tise debat o! the sacred nigut o! a man t dispose o! nis own property as h secs fit, providcd b. keeps with in tue iaw. It is claimcd that Mr Atkinson piayed and won th, game according te the rules, anc that the gevemnment bad no righ te change thie ruies te make hir lose. Tise new act will make hfi will subject te iaws that were no even dneamed et wbcn lhe wa planning tise Atkînson feundatior Retroactive legisiation is no usuaily good practice, but it iý semnetimnes neeessary if a weak, ness in Uie iaw bas been discov. ered. There is nothing absoiuteiy sac. rcd about wiiis. In 1894 Sir William Harceuri said the foliowing in a Britisi budget speech: "The State has the lirsh titi. Upen thse estate and those who hake atterwards..bave a suh- sequérnt and suberdinate titi.. Nature gives ne man any pewer over bis earthly goods beyorud the tenm of bis own lite. Wbat Power he Posscss- es te prolong bis will after bis death - tue ight o! a dead hand te dispose of pneperty- is a pure creatien et the iaw, and tue St.ate bas thse rigbt te prescribe the conditions and limitations under wbicis that power shahl be exercised." 1 reterreq canlien te the Mason feundatien established by the late proprieter oethtie Sudbury Star. It differs tnom thse Atkinson Foundation in that none efthte trustees are relatives et Mr. Mason. Seme efthtie benetitting cisarities are directl-v named, and there is ne attempt te eperate tue trust in perpetuity. The trustees have the Power te sdli tise newspaper pnoperty ah any rng Itec ake tar of 'w- ;ta. not be- ere nc krly ti( der the knd ve roi air 'p, nre it- ,ng for he he 'h. Me rig r- [th .1y -r ia- [e, eot he 's. ist )m re e- ie! be 'e 15 ast .d e- Id n- se te so Little Leisure Thus in this quarter-century cycle ot transportation, Sherwood Collacutt was alawys on tise job. In spane moments trem this per- senal bard work and individual executive respensibilities, he feund hlm. te cruise on bis yacht tnrnm Oshsawa barbon and take an active intenest ins the Oshawa Yacht Club, as well as spending the winter menths in Calitornia. This brie! record, centributed by thse editor et The Statesman, a fermer sciseelmate with Mn. Coi- lacutt, is written as a persenal tnibute with the hope that 1h may be read iwth interest by today's students in Bowmanviile High Scisool, tise aid Aima Mater that has tunned eut 50 nsany success- fui students. New Opportunitica But tew bave acquired the ma- terial success af Sherwood Colla- cutt. The lesson is that he saw eppertunîty, gnasped it, and went on for 25 years te take on the bard- est kind o! wonk, persenally and as an executive, te win tise suc- cess tisat apportunity beckoned. As he said, wiscn Collacutt's Coach Lines were sold: "New epportuni- tics are epening in Canada every day for young peopie et vision and SHERWOOD J. COLLACUTT ing as he took is burps on tie football field. It is probable, te, tiat as he bumped over the stony roads on is bike, ie oresaw the change tiat must cere with tie advent o! the moton car. Stats Career Completing Higu Scisool ise fol- lowed bis notion about automo- biles and opened a garage at Pickering with very limited capi- tal. For tie next 25 years h. be- came just about tise busiest, single ewneship, executive in tie pro- vince et Ontarie. In tirne be be- came tise sole owner et ancetftise greatest irdividual bus-transpor- tation businesses in North Ameni- ca. But is took isard' consistent work. He stanted bis bus lin. with a single Fond velsucle, hauiing pas- sengers between Pickering and Arrangements For Rotary Fair HAY BALING 1949 Long Baler CUSTON WGRK FOR PRICE AND PARTICULARS - PHONE M.s LIEGGIETTE 3744Wl OSHAWA j .1 Mn.GeogeGraham, Newcastle, was groomsman for his brother. ýg A reception was held ah thc ýt borne et the bride's parents. 5- On tiein eturn fmomn a trip -e threugh Northern Ontario tise sbride and bridegmoom will live in sNewcastle. yOrono Midgets Win From Bowmanville eA flusten ef 8 errons set Bowrnan- eville midgets down for a 9-7 loss e i Memorial Park, Friday even- sing, wisen Omono midgets stepp.d iup a ntcis in tie Lakeshore Mid- get Baseball League. Lane and Bates pitched fer Bewmsanvile and struck out 5 and 2 baters mecive]yî For nings te fan the sarne number. Hits were even, 7 apiece, but Bow- manville had 2 doubhes. Onono kids played steady ball and turned in enly 4 errons which gave tiern the margin in tie scr- ing. These two teams appear te be about tise mesh evenly matcbed in league play se fan this season. Orono: R. West 2b; Joncs p; C. Armstrong lb; Lunn rf; Boyd 3b; G. West ss; B. Armnstrong cf; Goode If; Copping c; Hall, cf. Bowmanvilie: M. Brooks 2b; B. Ellis r!; S. Piper ss; R. White 1f; T. Dadson lb; J. Staintn cf; E. Brooks c; D. Sephens, sub s; Jefery r; L. Deweli 3b; Bates p; Lane p. Umps: F. Shannard and Roy Tie average Canadian uses whll ever twenty pounds o! soap a year. Mestly on Sahurday nights? In its -native habitat, tropical Amreica, mrabogony, the "Premnier cabinet wood ef the %%orld' used maitly ton lirewood anà rough construction.1 FIX IT YOURSELF SAVE ON COSTLY LABOR-AND BUY IDENTICAL..TO..ORICINAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS AT 816 SAVINGS! Oct mnoresfun out of asmmer drivine by keepins 7our car in tire-clalm ma ýhanic lcondition, Out' taft la veil Informed fnd rea dy to hein you vith i, on "h.w to do it." K Een e -Crm TROF IG ý ý \-ýy SETMA 2.mq% Adi a note of distinction and relieve the barene&s eto3f the new widp t'enders witii lies, snappy Bulck-type 3 5 "port trias rings.-' BrIlliantly linished in gleaming Ti * ,.bI ehronie. 1lre11ab19 gau,, hes YOn to drive moe 33-Pe. % "Drive reconomiîraiiy - Seoket Wrenoh 'f.nor'% 1ea valves, ringS, etc. rTeai1I1aà viiether SETy o u r gagoline SE . 8 milesge la o. NEHNIS! hýhett-treated. seiected inlstrument 1 a seel wrench set lncludes a selectIon of tue moat used eastil 1 n a t a 1 1 e d sockets and fadaptersý. Exepfional value .... .9 on w i n S a i e 1 4 AS ABOVE-in useful mnetl tool box.......... 10.50 . arae. )Vèw Seiled Beam t FOO ANDO DIIVINO LAMPS AT C.T.C. SUPER SA.98G ' Va Uiversai ts.e -eunt-to lit U cars. Modern - 4" clear. driving or amber t'a,1 I)owertli eaied bcam units. New shailo J I M cSTRucn Eauti- 8EALE»D BAM ADAPTER KITS Fer 1939 and Ranli., Cars MOTO -MASTER SMARE»EMAX CONVÉRSION KITS coistala every- thi grequired to brIn but' bead- &igta up ho the hitbuelticiency .t' tihe new car SAVE UP TO 50%. ROUND ORAP£ SPECIAL SEAPS MON., TUES., THURS. WEDNESDAY -..- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY e I I I E H 8:30 a.m. te 6 p.m. 8:30 arn. to 6 p.m. 8:30 a.m. te 9 P.m. À Baby Scales for Reni "390ECOW LING'S ORUG STORETUSE CLGSED FOR HOLIDATS July 41à Io July 151h inclusive - IrE WILL BE OPEN AGAIN JULY IOTH - VJali> ioom, IWW 1 Sherwood J. Collacutt Won Saccess Dy Shrewd Judgmemt and Hard Work The. sale o! Coliacutt Coach franchises ini Ontario and to hold Lines last week at a figure said it required laithful adhercnce te to excecd a million dollars, proves sciiedules. Not only did Mr. Colla- as lcast two things, (1) that op- cutt bold it but 11e acquired others portunity still exists in Canada that served ail Eastern-Central to make an outstanding success; Ontario. Ail these were retained (2) tat success cores rom by te exacting requirements of shrewd judgemnt and honest servifg the public. bard work. Sherwood Collacutt Into Big Money won bis success by accepting By 1928 Sherwood Collacutt had these precepts. 15 modern' busses in operation. A Maple Grave larm boy, Sher- This capital investment, together wood, Coilacutt used to bike to with service plants and so forth, Bowmanville High School over ail gotten together within the tbe gravellcd roada of those days. space of four years, was pretty While getting his education be close to Uic quarter million mark. was a chap who was always smil- It went on and on until, when the sale was made last week, about 50 modern busses were in opera- tion as the Collacutt Coach Lines. As soon as Mr. Colacutt's ony son,,Lloyd, had cempleted bis ed- ucaton he joined his father in the great enterprise and was equally popular with the large number of employees. The Oshawa-Tr- onto franchise was disposed o! to ~* E ~ Gray Coach Lines in 1932. Over the remainder of the routes, very ýrequently, the Colacutt's person- S ai Cadiliac was seen hastening toi Points where trouble-shooting was COF GIRLS BREAK EVEN OdBL.ByBc IN LAST VWEEK'S OdBrief B y B ci ACTIVITIES For BifH â a ne B0wIflfville C.O... GfrI Looklng hale, heerty and prq.m Softball team lnvaded Whitby perous, i which he qualifies in last Friday evenlng and came out ail respects, Ed. Worden, Weyburni on the sznal end of a 14-7 score. Sask., native of Ebenezer and dis- Doris Larmer started pitching trict, called for a brief visit witl2 for Bowmanvilie but had to be the editor on Tuesday. Studenta relieved by Emma Sbred who fin- at Bowmanville High School ar- ished the game for the local girls. ound the turn of the centuMy Gwenn Wil]atts was prominent when both were ardent football. with the bat and Emma Shred got ers, an hour was spent mn recount. the only borner. ing "remember wben" On Monday night in Oshawa it Bd went west after graduation w as a b righ ter story as the B ow - a d f r t e p s 3 y a s h s b e manville girls handed the Oshawa a successful merchant in Weyburn, tcam a 17-3 setback. Emma Shred With long service on bi3 citYs pîtched ail the way for the C.OF. schooî board and active in ail girls and turned in a fine seventh c m u i y af i s d l i s h inning borner. Doris Joli also had community afaisofdthaims bi a borner and Jean Perfect and burn Curling Club for 42 years Bernice Buday aise bit well for straight, probably a record for the Bowmanville girls. Western Canada where curling Il This coming Friday the girls curling. play hosts to the famous "Whitby Belles' game time 7 p.m. Public An enthusiast for thc west, Scbool Grounds. Ed. told of the lortitude of west- Some of the EirIs. Rost Fine ern farmers throughout the long years of. drought and depression. Batting Averages He carried accounts running to Player A.B. Hits Av. many thousands o! dollars, didn't Doris Larmer-- 28 18 .643 send out bis, and came tbrougb to Bernice Buday 28 16 .571 better times wben more than 92 Emma Shred 31 13 .419 percent paid Up in full. Peggy Goulah - 29 12 .414 Chic Wright ---- 12 5 .417 Just to hear Ed taik along these Dorothy Kiipatrick - 12 5 .417 lines shows bis faith in Canada Gwenn Willatts----- 27 il .407 and particularly Canadian farm- Jean Stacey- - ------ 26 10 .384 ers. His son, now a partner in the 1Home runs-Bernice Buday 4, business, will motor down to visit Emma Shred 4. relatives whien Bd. returns. Tbis Runs batted in-Doris Larmer breezy visit lrom such an enthus- 15. iastic old schoolmate bad refresb- ing repercussiens in botb extreem- is Tie feRture attraction efthtie Directos- -Rotary Faim te be iseld next Wed-l Cartwrigist, E. Doreli, J. Hamil- -nesday night will b. tie football tn; Manves, H. Riciardsn, Mr. game between tie arnus Ulster Porneoy; Cavan, Oakley Caley, -jUnitd Teain from Toronto and the J. H. McKnigit; Darlingten, Mrs. Durham Ail-Stars. Tisis game wili Clan. Allin, Garnet Rickard; ttake place at thse Bowmanville Clarke, Mms. W. E. Reid, Ted Cep- s Higis Scisool grounds and tiser. ping; Hope, Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Al- wili be a loudspeaker on hand o an Peters, S. Meton; Bowman- ielp make tie game more excit- ville, Mrs. W. Clarke, A. M. ing. Thompson; Port Hope, Mns' W. H. Tise Rotarians neyer do things Jordan, Lewis Roberts; Newcastle, by halves and.tisis yeam they have Mns. Clarence Allun, Gamnet Pom- moe.tisan ane featune attraction ter: Millbrook, Percy Stinson, te make this ain a night ef nights Pecy Hamilton. in tise fieldI et entetainrnent. The Auditers-Mrs. Clarence Allun services of the well known Osh- and Mrs. Clan. Aluin. awa Kiltie Band-thse men in tise Swing Skints will be present. It is guaranteed tisat their pipes wiil WEDDINGS thrihleven tises.wiso do net pro- tess te have Scottisis blood in teir veins. GRAHAM-ASHTOlN Atter the football game, thse faim At the United Chumch Parson- wiil really get underway as tise age, Enniskillen, Saturday, Jiane 1ligisis go on over the midway. 18, Rev. R. Seymour uniteci in Special attractions wili b. pro- marriage Helen Asiston, daugh- vided for tue chihdnen such as a ter et Mn. and Mms. Will Ashton, Merry-Go-Round, Pony Rides and Enniskillen, and Stanley Graham, a Fishpond. More and better son et Mrs. Graham and tie late booths are planned, se that ai: Fred Grahsam, Newcastle. wiil be able te join in the fun. Ev- 'Tise bnide were white moire en gnandad will be abi. te test tafteta with corsage et ned and bis eagie eye at tise shanp-shooting white roses. Mms. Cranston Scott, beotis. Aspiring Babe Ruths can Colbomne, was bar sistcr's at- try eut tiseir skill in baseball tendant wearing yeilow tatteta thnowing. Bingo and many otiser witis corsage of blue and white 1 iqmýý r-4a%ýý 0, SAVE Up TO 50% ON GUARANTEED PARTS F'or cars. trucks and tracto, uca depend on Canadien Tires i. aas atomotive store in t e orid- o upi owhhrgnleqpeaiuit replare'Ment parts--AT BIG SvNO.Diet uig vsyumaadiae and our nioney-bsck guarantee ives you lu,, protection o Ovry dolrcs- WATER PUMP5 AN» PARTS PISTONS AN» PiSTON RING ltAiIATORSPIRTONSCADPSTO IG MIiFFLERS AND CLAMPS TIE KOENDLs PISTON RINGS FLEIE EADS~ iN PISTON EXPANDERS KLEIBLEN ETLTMN SPRING SHACKLE SETS KNPNST HYDRAULIC fRAKE PARTS CONNECTING O Rl AND ClRANE- CLUTCH FACINGs AN» PLATES SHAIT INSERT DEARINOS C.ASKETS ENFE-ACTION AND WHEEL SUS- SPEEDOMETER CABLES PENSION PARTS MURAK E AI GS S FVWATER PU3P REPAIE ITS M U F F E R R P A I E S L E E E S N IV E R S A L JO IN T S A N D P A& r S Save lmostMotorists' Exterlor Viser EBAUEC The ,Iate.tt safety en.ineered Exterior Windshieidvliser et imost hait' the crice asked by new car dealers. Dresses up the car: Fiiuts Out Clara and sun dazt'e- makes dayiight driving saler and more enjoyable. Egasiy insauied. tlniversa-to lit ail cars. j aOSO A wa qqwlv PeàlrAIVAIY afflappommoAle ý-.

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