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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 8

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PAGE ZYGET -" TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMÀI<VTLL ONTi2RTO' _____ .L5IL>5~OLJi~Z1 ~ ~ XYU i The Newcasl .Mn. P. F. Le Gresley sçpert the Weekend in Peterboro and attend- a~d the wedding of her niIýce ýMiss ~~a7MOrgaret Balfour, daughter of \mAzcdeacon and Mrs. Balfour to J Frank Coyle of Monteal. on This community was sliocked to berof the tragic death of Lau- ronce Cryderman in Bowmanvilie. (M.and Mrs. Cryderman and Ann ed here some years ýigo an.d Wer highily respected by ail. Our -'icerest £ympathy goes to hiS 4 Widpwand daughter Ann. k'vTIr.Fred Rowe, Ottawa, haS i-4%eenlspending a few days in tow-n SVlsiting his family and friends. Mis Louise Trenwith and her niece Dorothy Trenwith, Toronto,' enjoyed a holiday in Buffalo over teweekend. Mr'. and Mrs. Tom Spencer and Mt and Mrs. Talbot Alldrcad and Chelse te ekndwt Mr.an spent ter'veHardris, andMr. Bute' aris ~. 'ellLake Ontario. has finally Um M'PRE BARYO MI' Pet, ~1 Dor M ý and: CoIf S ta n lE Ashto et Er, her dg Mîlla. Mr Mr,. wke<Il Ml» Mrs. i Howa. ter 0k Mr. Oshaw Mvrs. t Mr. famaly' mondc Mr,. a nd fi; McGii Mn. hiolida daught' Weavi' W..M . ho0me Shanp, Mns J.A Mns. J. had char gra m: Staul t he Ashi test leadef Mrs.l R(IOND OIBRIEN RB[JSIACI< ATravel Short ""Wan A Cartoon in NON., TUES., WED. - thebi0ADULTENTERTAINMENT men. C" î-clI W*RUE«08:9 new dromotic h nny IE 10HARLES BICKFQRDTe( weekend with her dau ghter Verna le~ Mr.ep naend' Mr&. Reg. Lovein Largaret Ash Mrs. J. Coulson. Mr. and Mis. Harold Bennett, Bowmanville ,spent Saturday ev- warmed up' On Sunday the ec nn with Mr'. and Mns. Jack -was crow ded w îth folk trying ta Wade and Douglas. 5escape this extrerreiy hot weather. Mr'. George Brown, Port Stan- Mr'. and Mrs. Ed. Skinner and ley, and Mr'. Harper Kelsey, St. family, Oshawa, spent the ek Thomas, spent the weekend here. end with Mrs. rrank Gibson IMr. and Mis. Stanley Powell Basebail has taken a- turn for and Baby Beth, Newtonville, visi .............. the better around town. Friday ted friends and relatives in town. evening saw îhe Ladies Softball Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Hockin team beat Courtice 6 to 5. Satur- and family visited Mr. andi Mrs. day afterooon a record crowd saw Stanley Powell and Beth......... oui' boy s beat Port Hope 6 to 5. Miss Catherine Tucker bas tak- Yea tearns! en a position at a summer resort Congratulations to Stan and at Miner's Bay for the summer. Joan Coud-. (nee Curson) on the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clarke,. birth of iheir' daughter, Linda have left on a motor trip ta Cal- Sharron, in Bowmanville Hospi- gary, Alta. tai, Jne 17.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson Work as started on Miss Ma- .... Miss Mason purchased the lot Nay rmiedfra e o forth of Miss Meda Couch's. a. It was ilice to see Cyril Mead- Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Wight spent ows in town on Saturday. We Sunday keeping cool in the cool think be iooked right purty in his breezes off Cobourg beach with uniform of the Provincial Police. friends. Here's iuck to you Cyril. Mrs. J. A. Smith, Jacqueline . 4 Mrs. R. A. Milligan spent the and Jdey are spending their leis- ure time at their cottage at Gare's Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock motored to Ottawa and Montreal kfor a trip. h V/X Mrs. Frank Law, Toronto, spent the weekend vîsiting friends andCrs d relatives. rse Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Weston, vis- ited ber sister Mrs. P. F. Le Gres- - - le3y Rcar oekn e S.S. No. 9, Clarke )WMANVILLE castle, who graduated this year from the University of Toronto Farmers are watcbing the skies with bis B.A. in Honour Law, s for some sign of the much needed S DAY - JUNE 22 -23 spending the sumnier with the'le- ramn to save the crops. we' t gaI ranh o th R.,A.. i Correction from atwe'i- ..~ Trenton. Eric intends ta return em-No. 9 picnic will be held in ta the University for post graduate Creani of Barley Camp, Bowman-. ýork next year. Eric is younger ville, Saturday, July 2 sports be- son af Mr'. and Mrs. C. R. Lovekin. ginning at 2:30. Supper at 5 p.m. Newcastle. sharp. You are asked to bringf Sunday visitors with Mr. H. T. lunch and silver for your awn1 Manes and family were Mr'. and use.E Mrs. E. M. Parks, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linehan, Ot- Mayar and Mrs. Tracey Manes, tawa, called on Mr. Bowen on Leaside. Mi'. H. T. Manes return- Sunday en' route home from an ed ta Belleville with Mr. and Mrs. Eastern Star Installation at Col- - Parks for a few days. lingwood. aiocletnM' LiteMiss Jean Clarke, daugh- Mr'. and Mrs. John Hendry,c * I W 'Çis staying with her aunt, «Mi's. Bowen on Sunday. Lloyd Stephenson wbile ber Mrs. Branch has returned fs'om mummy and daddy are away. the city where she had been stay- oon and a Short At the Public School Field Day ing with ber husband wbo under- held at Orono two weeks ago the went an operation this week. 2foilowing pupils af Newcastle I-.________ %Yz JUNE 24 25 High School came out on top as winners: boys and girls under 10a ITRTIM EN SY1 -David McCullough and Velma Lak e Shore, Clarke 7 Haris; boys and girls 12-Bîliy ____ * * Brunt; boys 17-Jim Creamer; Have beard of a granddaugbter boys under 8-Gary McCuliougb. wearing ber grandmother's wed-E Miss Shirley Gaheen bas gone dn on u ee fagad * ta Ferndale, Muskoka, for summer son gwrng bisnee o grand-er' wok.brown suit. Anyway it takes ones F, Word bas been received that A. mind off the forthcoming elec- E C. Lovekin of Victoria, B.C., pass- tion which is something or do I ed away June 17. He was an uncle should be on nathing else. Ohm of F. B. and C. R. Lovekin and hear some one say our minds bas travelled, ail over the world well! At aur last K.S. & C. meet-E AIppc.since he left this community He ing *at Mrs. Chas. Alldred's we I) was born on the Klcohnan Farm. a a short discussion on polîtics, Wehp opbihan*iur n oa saying that if we ei Miss Helen Alkenbrack spent gether that tgteral o a is, we couid do any- the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. thing we wanted ta do, and every-w -t E. Bull and family. one wauld foilow. That will be P ,W Weken gusts with Mr'. and the day. bdadicson nc were Miss Reta Roecliff, Guelph, Emily Post, and arranged an eti- . Mrs. Sam Brock and Mr. Archie quete quiz for oui' next meeting. a] JOHNROOEY îîît W[SH MeLod, elfuntin.Aiso talked about how bot it was JOHN ROOHF.Y RAOYLOtt[wa, made and why don't we get same ramn. si ýderin1g Thru WNaies" a short visit with his parents, Mr. Oui' next meeting place bas flot i Tecniclorand Mrs. Keith Aiken.vitebr yet been arranged. It was nice i Tech icoor rs.J. G Jakso viite herta aveMrs F. dset wth s.v - daughten, Mra. Keisey, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and to Mns. J. B. McClusky who bas family and Mn. and Mra. F. Wil- -,JUAIL 27 - 2 -29 been staying with ber parents, Dr. son, Oshawa, and Mrs. J. Basker- to and Mrs. L. A. Weissgerber, is ville, Newcastle. with Mr'. and w now with ber busband in Sault Mrs.' W. Baskerville. Ste Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alidred R lbMrs. Bert Coffee and daughter and family with Mr. and Mrs. ar here Mrs. Richard Comerford, San Roy McKay, Brante. Diego, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. F. Cani- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clemence. W was erford and Mns. Art Hamrnd, Toronto, Mrs. W. Clemencean1 Rochste, N.., isitd teirIsabel, Shaw's, with Mi'. and Mrs. w uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. P. Jack H-olmes. W, temtteiec)n Brown and their cousins, Mr. and Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Skinner, aj Mrs. M. J. Gogex'ty and Sheila. Tyrone, and Mr'. Jack Niel, Bow- t] in Mn. R. Gioffe, New Yor'k, is manville, with Mr'. and Mrs. W. Si holidaying with Mr'. Walter Doug- Lake. e las and Mrs. H. J. Ragen. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sbupak, Mr'. c. erPost Office bours! Mrs. H. Rowland, Orono, and Miss 01 IlTime's running short befane the E. Holmes, Oshawa, visited, Mi'. 1 heipless, Lions Carnival on the 3th! Ar'e and Mrs. W. Holmes and called il M Metigsofte eflsmetand the home of Mn. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholis and Mr. and Mns. Earl " h m o k Inch planning for the ganden JORMENT! Mr. and Mi'a. Ar'nold Thorn- O PE N S' Whrever motondyke and daughters, Mn. Victor IRT RUD R are shown, this is th. Launa and Helen Binsted and year's moat discussdg Ruth Payne attended a famîly CUPSan SAUCE dramaf picnic ut Cobourg beach. 1 Mrs. W. T. Nicholis and Mrs. ehIv*m.tEthel Payne, Port Hope, heiped' Other Pieces Prlced with the quilting ut Mrs. Hold - T. ~ a xeletopruu S away's.ThssanecUn potii iSeveral of oui' ladies attended complete set or to f111 iln set ~e1indathe Liberai Rally at St. Mark's 3elin d aParish Hall, Port Hope. q veoeN w r.Demilie and daughters and 'X 4ovietone News \îs. Smith, Port Hope, with their L. VV J chnicolor Cartoon parents. Mr. and MJs. A.Haie Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Jervis. PRON'E 556 $BIG 2o'. MJClintor. soent ';nday withMr and Mrs. C. Payne. 1Signais on several others. Mr'. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor and family, Courtice,%with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and family visited at \Caesarea. Mr. Archie Hendry was home for the weekend and is now at Georgetown. Mr'. and Mrs. F. Comiford and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dick Comi- ford, Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. J. Cof- fee, California, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Hawthorne and son and Mr. and wars. LGrant Stevenson, To- ronto, witb Mr. and Mns. Ai!. Brown. Most of the community attended the funeral o! the late Lawrence Cryderman. STARK VILLE Mr'. and Mrs. Claude Henry, Toronto, are with Miss Norma Mr'. anad Mms. Ragera, Oshawa, ad Mr'. and Mrs. Bnowniee, ['aronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. bhutka. Mrs. M. Bennett and Miss Joan Bennett, Toronto, are with Mrs. racob Haliowell. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and lelen with Mr. and Mrs. Llew ïallowell. Mrs. E. Farrow, Garden Hill, Aith Mr. and Mns. Perey Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. B3. Wonmington, lamilton, witb Mr'. and Mrs. A. lobson. Mns. Ross Hallowell ententain- ýd Newtonville W.M.S. at ber lome. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow vith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimingon, 1ontypool. Mi'. and Mns. Richards and laughter, Mr. O. Richards and Mn. Richards, Toronto, visited Mr. tnd Mrs. A. Dobson. Mi'. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, howed pictures in the school riday evening. They wene veny nteresting and those of Jaspei' re beautiful. We look forwand oMr'. Canveth's return. Rev. Bunt was making bis pas- oral cails in the vicinity last eek. Mr'. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and ýarbara, Newtonville, with Mn. rad Mrs. Lamne Todd. Mr. and Mns. Howard Farrow as in Bowmanville. Shilob Annivensary services 'ere well attended on Sunday ith Rev. F. G. Wbiteiey, Osh- wa, as guest speaker. Music in e afternoon was pnovided by hiioh young people and in the vening the Goheen family, New- stle, bad charge. The pupils of Mrs. Staples, ýrono, gave a recital at which ary and Maurice Hallowell and lay Lau Dobson took part. Dinnerware EN AND BSILVEW 'Lf nRs - 50C 1Aecordingly tej buy at low cost a, ýts partially depleted. :RwELL 27 KING T. W. , BURKETON Last Monday evenung Mrs. Or- ville Greer was hostess ta approx- imately twenty-five ladies who gathered there ta honour a recent bride, Mrs. John Archer (nee Dorothy Wotton). The living-room was decorated with orange blos- soms and pink and-white peonies and streamers, and the bride was seated on a chair decorated with pink and white streamers. Miss Lois Davey delivered the address ta the bride as the gîf ts were presented. After Dorothy thank- ed the visîtors, lunch was served. Mrs. J. Greer, Mrs. Pearl Avery and Jim Glennie with Mr'. and Mrs. Nelson Mullen, Sunder- land. The Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Church, Blackstock, met at the home of Mrs. J. Carter for the June meeting. Mrs. E. Adams with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, Peterboro. Mrs. John Carter attended the Charter Tea of the Silver Cross Chapter given at the home of Alderman and Mrs. H. Dodds, Peterboro, June l4th. Mr. Cecil Coates, Mr. Jack Mc- Ilmurray, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. Mrs. Rîlda Stevenson and Al- bert, Toronto, were home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Tompkins and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Cochrane, Osh- awa. Mrs. B. Hubbard with Mrs. Merle Hubbard, Bowmanville. Mrs. J. Gatcheil with Mrs. Cecil Gatcheli, Bowmanville. Miss Ruby Bailey., Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey. Congratulations to Mr'. and Mrs. L. Beech, nee Dorothy Rahme, on their marriage. Mrs. Breckell, Toronto, Mrs. W. Frankum, Roy and George, Mrs. M. Bogie and Sam, Scarboro COOL OFF- REFRES!- YOURSELF WITH 'A DELICIOUS GLASS 0F ICED A & P COFFEE - A WELCOME TREAT AT ANY TIME 0F DAY. 3 BLENDS-CUSTOM GROUND. BDOKARJu VIGOROIJS AND W NEY l 54c RED CIRCLERICH-FULL BDED lb51 c 8 O'L C MIDADMELW b47c ANN PAGE-IN A BRAND NEW WRAPPER MILK DREADSUCEO WfUTE 24-az l 2c ANN PAGE YUKON CLUB (Contents Only) GINGER ALE FANCY RED COHOE SALMON QUAKER CGRNFLAKES 8-az jar 19c Z 30-oz btts 9c 1/2 's fin; 33c 2 'ks 25c Every Item Price-Marked For Your Constcnt Protection A &P FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA VALENCIA, No. 1 GRANGE Very Excellent for Juie, PIEPLSCuban, No. 1 ie2 Verdotll, Na. t% Su. 30 SNow Wib CAIJLIFLOWER New Co, o. 1 Froash Graom CABBAGE New Crop, N.1 Frosh Tender RADIS-m-Large Bunchee GREENONIONS F.,No. 1 TONATOES NteHouee' No. 1 Doy. 4 in Pkg. E..h 2 o 190 RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF ï CAWM lsm, sr owo WAVMtffmfwO 8MR1YOU nom M«AI IUkuII Stocks or RoeE! BLADE IOAS DOlIbOUT < LAK E NtIGOfE SLICED wEIU DR AK'A T l,5~ lb. f d FRESH. BLUEf MAPLE LEAF or PReWIVII, RtNDLIRS pPCu LFILT SIDE DACU * lb. FRESII GA^WffT R1 QOJ SWIFT'S PIJRE-LOOSE SLWSTEMKS COAE IBLS *lb.93< THE PARTS YOJ LMR ffBEST COTG SU e i e.... Customers' Corner Pieuse don't keep your coinplaints about either the food or service you get in A&P stores ta yourselU. Tel them ta us! We know that most peo- pie are flot letter-wniters. If something doesn't pleuse them about a store they simply take tbefr trade else- where. We don't want that ever ta happen in aur stores. The men and women of A&P try ta give you always the best food, the best va- lues and the best service. But perhaps w. fail you once ini a while; and in any case there is always roomn for impravement. You will be heiping us make your A&P store a bet- ter place ta shop if you wilI let us have yoesr complaints and suggestions. Pi1e as e, CumoeRelati.sDqpi, A&P Food &loreo6 131 Laughton Avenue, - Toront,ont Bluffà, were gu.ats of Mr. and under their own control, would Mis. J. Frankum. achieve bath a hlgber price, and ,'Mrs. James McLaughMin la stay. greater statbilty, than would oth- ifig with Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Me- erwise be the case. Laughlin. Mr. Henry Fnick with reOlativeus. The statue o! Jupiter (Zeus>, ane o! the.seven wonders o! the Ancient World, was made by the PROPOSED MARKETING Greek sculptai' Phidias in 430 SCHEME FOR FALL WHEAT B.C. A proposai by the Kent Caunty Boston began instituting regu- Federation o! Agriculture that a lations for putting wires under- marketing scheme be set Up in ground mare than 50 years ugo. Ontario ta bandie the marketing o! faîl wheat crop was recentiy endorsed by the Executive Com- mittee of the Ontario Agricultur- jhgK nil al Council, which ia composed of members of County Councils."F L h K Mr. Arthur Wilson o! Chatbam, and Deputy Reeve Edgar Martin of Paincourt, Kent County, point- t ed out that Onturio fuli wbat does not now came under the juis Insulation diction o! the Cunadian Wheat Board, und la therefore, on a free competitive market, without the provision o! the floor price aimi- lai' ta the fixed pnice eatablisbed an Western wheat. Duning the war years the marketing o! fal S wheat was supervised by the Can- adian Wbeat Board but this con- trol waa nelinquished ut the end o! the 1947 crop year. Ontario fanmera, they stated, Upstafrs raams are up ta feit that a continuance o! central- 15% cooler In hottest sum- ization o! marketing for this crop me atr-yo eu would be udvantageous. Most of me watr- ueu the Canadian production o! faîl sleep! - whea 3.-M. Super- wheat la grown in this province, Feit is installed. but the total output is relatively ____ amaîl in comparison with world output, particularly the United 3.-M. Super-Feit cuis fuel States, where this year's crop is bis as much as 30%. expected ta reach 900,000,000 bu- Consider what that savlng sheis. Most o! the Ontario crop (26,000,000 bushels in 1948> is would mean ta you! consumed in the domestic market, YEAR 'ROUND COMFORT wbile the price level which farm- ers receive la closely tied in with DO the world level. le was feared tbe DO CR GI worid price level might fluctuate HARDWARE CO. widely in future yeara, and On- Phe38 KigS.. tario farmers are o! the opinion Phn38 KigS.W that a central marketing agency, --d t c s E E E ei b w p dý J. a] si. Fi in w to to w ar w w W ali th si ýv m Di m Wi ï, et Pi= mlm ---ý ý -e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOVIL&"= ONTARIO ' IPMTRQIklw Tryww 04b-a MA. 0 .-. - i--

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