A?. 5W! NOs, 1~ ~AWAWAW q'A~MA~ UflWIDAUWW? Y &L~L&UI. %J41 IIL~ALF PAGU UYUI SOCAuIDPEISONAL Dr. and Mn. V. H. Storey are vacationmng at tlheir cottage at Lake JÇpsslng. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson and famlly are vacationing at Jack LAke, Appsley. ,Miss Ruth Henderson. Palmer- $ton. is holidaying with her grand- ther, Mrs. S. J. Hendenson. MrGeorge Melrose, Milverton, has been visiting her nieces Mrs. N. Pingle andi Mn. E. Marjerrîson. Mrs. George Meirose, Milverton. vsiter hem siffter-in-law Mns. f~ eyobert Gray at Newcastle. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Papin- eau, Tarante, spent thie weekend with Mr. and Mns. Cli!! Papineau. Mr. andi Mrs. Carl Smith and famiiy, Tarante, visited friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bryant andi daughter, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. and Mns. Douglas Bryant. Mr. and Mns. Stewart Ferguson andi Kathy, Toronto, spent Sunday SALVATION ARMY Sunlday, July 3 WELCOME SERVICES for CAPT. V. CLARKE and LIEUT. M. WALTER e in town visitlng tlieir parents. *Mrm. Agnes Lewis, Hartley anti MarY Ellen are spentiag the summen at Canoe Lake in Algon- quin Park. Miss Eleanon Whitc andi frientis o! Tomante, spent the weekend with hem mother, Mnî. Chai. Wight. Mr. and Mns. Fnetiemick Hughes and son Jimmie, Toronto, are holidaying wîth hem mother, Mmi. Geo. E. Pritchard. Mr. anti Mmi. Kenneth M. Henti- erson anti daughten Joan, Mmi. Ann Davis, Palmerston, weme Sun- day guests with Mns. S. J. Hender- son anti Rev. S. R. Hentierson. Mr. anti Mmi. J. Cator, Tomante, visiteti his mother, Mms. F. Catar who is recovering fmom blooti paisaning anti is being loaketi alter by Nurse Wilmot. Lieut. John Spurr, veteman of the North Africa anti Italian cam- paigni. flew fmom New Yomk for a weekend viîit with Mmi. Spurm anti Mr. anti Mms. C. A. Jarmett et the Balmoral Hotel. Mr. anti Mmi. Arthur Dunn, Elgin St., attentiet the Langdon- English wetiding in Pearen Mem- criai Church, Mt. Dennis anti the meceptian attemwartis at Casa Lama. Mmi. Gamnet Mahooti spent the weekend with hem son anti taugh- ter in Tarante anti attendeti the Chmistening ef hem granti-taugh- ter Patricia Margaret Byers, at Bediford Park United Church. Mr. anti Mms. A. W. Pickamti at- tendet à wetiting in Tomonte Humbemcmest Unitedi Church Sat- 9 t u -ehu -u * MORNING SERVICE - il a.na. Guesi Soloisi - Ross Meicaif Classes For Beginners and Primary Durnn Mornlng Service as Usual. COMMUNITY EVENING SERVICE AT ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH THINITY UNITED CHUECH Rev. JS. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minuster. Mr. R. G. Harle, .Organist. i BOWMANVILLE urday evening andi spent th* week- endi with their son, Mr. Jim Pick- ard andi famnily. At the Tennis Club Lucky Draw on June 22nd, Garry Tighe and Michael Tait, baby son of Bill Tait, wcre the lucky winners o! two tennis rackets. Congratulations te Mr. George Roberts, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Wil- liam Robers, whe passeti hi& 2nd andi 3rd year Commence andi Fin- ance exams at Tenante Univerity, wîth 3rd cdais honeuns. Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Strike bift by plane Monday ta attend the Canadian Electrical Association Convention at Banff Springs, AI- ta. After the convention Mr. anti Mrs. Strike plan te continue their trip ta the Pacifie Coast. Congratulations te Miss Pearl Breslin, daughtem of Mm. anti Mn. Maunice Brcslin, who passeti hem lst yeam in the Moderne Ceunie at Tarante University. Mrs. Georgie Armour Wetrep, 1308-6th St. N. W., Calgary, Aita., in renewing hem subscription ta The Statesman wmites: I am en- jeying the paper, particularly the coiumn "Dira anti Distant Paît." Mr. Gea. W. James anti Mr. anti Mms. Bill James were in Port Hope Satumday afterneen ta attend the "Open House" o! the Mathews Canveyer Company when over 1200 people frem Part Hope anti district- visiteti the factomy. Mr. Ward Hoffman, son-in-law a! Mn. James Sr. is assistant superinten- dent ef the plant. Mrs . Hoffman anti twe chiidren Andrea and Jimmy movedt tePart Hope fram Toronto iast week. NE WTON VILLE Well the election excitement is ail aven with, some feeling elateti andi others a littie dusappointeti but ail thankful that we have a democratic government where the cemmon man can still wieid the whip. It is fine, tee, in these days of poiitcai upheaval anti confusion ta feel the security of tic British Crown which is ever calm above Politics. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dmew anti Glenn, Oshawa, Mr. W. W. Hen- derson, Bawmanville, anti Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur Martin, Carolyn. anti Marilyn, Brighton, at George Stapleton's. Agricultumal Representative E. A. Sumnmers, ant i ii assistant, Sidney MacDonald, took some Cal! Club membens an a jutiging competitian on the famms o! Geo. Stapleton anti Del. Whitney. Last Sunday momning was S.S. Annivemsamy. Mrs. Drummonti, Orane, was guest speaker. Hem ýadress was well chosen and she helti the attention of hem little folk thraughaut. The junior choir sang beautifully as did also Glor- ia Lane in hem soie. Miss Margaret Ovens, Sunday School pianist, ac- companieti the singing in a way Mlake Graduation ÀATiM TO REMEMBER To thé couintieus number of young beys Mad girls who are graduating te a higher grade on whe have ueceesfully eompleted their achooling we offer car engnatulatins. To the Parents of these bright Canadian youths we eau thlnk cf ne botter way of niarking thiç Preelous oeccason than by Presenting your son or daughten with a Glad- stone Watch - A gift they'll eherish thnough Uhe years. FOR MER rOn RHI!' Gladistone 17-Jewel smartly designeti golti Gladstone 17-Jewel swiss movement, de-ýig-ned filleti case, etainlesta fit close to steel baek___________ $27.50 thc wrist _________ 2.75 Gladistone 17-Jewel, speciatl feuture eunveti tuaI wîth roc-k erystal, Itical gift for yaur daughter - $32.75 PHONE 747 Gladistone, the wateh a! a ifetime, 17-Jewel golti filleti case, smssmoveent 35.00 FREE'E EXPANSION BRACELETS 28 KING ST. W. lBURKETON 1 Mr. and Mrs> 'J R. Henderson, BOwmaRnville, wxrth Mn. and Mrs H. Grace, Mn andi Ms. 1D. McTaggart, Prince Albert, Mr. andi Mrs. S. Moffatt, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. Orvilie Greer. Misses Effie anti Helen Çrlennie, Oshawa. with Mrs. Pearl Avery.l Mr. andi Mre. Clilford Brown anti Dianne, North Oshawa,. with Mr. and- Mmi. D. Gatcheli. Mn. andi Mn. Merv-vn Gatcheli l andi family, Mrs. C. Catcheil and Tom. Bowmanville, with Mmi. J. Gatcheil. Mr. and Mrs. Russel white and family, Highland Creek, with the Gatcheli's. Mme. Thomas Newton, Toronto, visiteti Mr. and Mns. Herb. Hocev and callèd on mnany olti fiends. Miss Ruby McDoniald, Toronto, with Mr. and Mmi. T. Bailey. Congratulations te Mn. and Mmi. an a on the birth of a son. Sevenal from this village were prement at the showver given in Devitt's Hall in honour of Mn. andi Mmi. John Archer. Dennis Cochrane, 5. Oshawa. grandson f Mr. and Mmi. . Ad- CARDS 0F THANKS To the People of Durham County: In «xpressing my sincere thanks to al Who supportoti Me in the ecent election I wish also to con- gratulate the succesaful candidate Mr. John M. James, Mp, ahd to [gîve MY !aithful assurance that 1 shall de everythin In MY power te support the very arduous duties, thnt now faf te hlm as thé mcp- reséntative of the grand olti Coully of Durham. I féel highly gratified at the many fine person. ai cOMPlimnenta h. extend.d to me during the eamnpaîgn. lât us al strive tôr peaee andi pro@perity fer the. future. Palthfully, Yours Charlie Stephenso Your SDUT IMARKET For Eues Rocs LANIS CAL VES SLITE1 POULTET JPickering rae - LIMTED - 1 Phone 331 Nlgbt orDà Wbltby Ontario s al BEcoam sENATORi ý 1 which plese4 the col4regation very much. Miss Fae Jones and Miss Claire Allin, Newcastle, have zone o aa summer resort for holidays. They wlU waat on youi if YOU happei ta be a guest at Burnhoam Lodge, Stoney Lake. Mrs. Chus. Morris bocame very ill Sunday evÈni4g and Monday morfling was taken by =~rbulance to OshAwa hospital. Mer many friends wish for her a speedy re- eovery. Mr. and Mr&. Jas. Stewart, Or- angeville, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. -Morris. Mr. Alfred Thompson with his son and dauighter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Win.fThonpson, Oak Park, Ill., are visiting Mr. George and Miss Bet-tha Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and daughter Leone, Plattevijie, wîth bis mothe- Mn. Wm. Lane. Mrs. Bertha Marshall and her son Mr. Thos. Marshall, Toronto, with Mr. S. R. Jones. Rev. and Mns. John McLachan, Whitevale, called on M7r. and Mrs. Si Lancaster on Wednesday. Friends on this circuit wii be glad to hear that they are te have an extended holiday. Mrs. McLachan with their son Ajrehie of Winnipeg and Mr. McLacvhan wth relatives in Scetland. Incidentally Mrs. Me- Lachan expects ta .start for Win- nipeg twelve hours ahead of het husband's departure for Scotland but he expects ta land in Scotland twelve houri before his wife's ar- rivai in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap. wounen's litstitute June meeting of the Womnen's Institute was h-eld in the wel- kept lawn of Mrs. Clifton Webb's home,. with thirty ladies in et- tendance. In the Presiden*ts absence, Vice Pres. Mrs. Harry Wade pre- sided for thé opening exercises, and business period. Financial re- pàrt mentioned that approximate. ly $28 was cleared from the Dist- rict Annuel Convention dinner. A delegation was appointed to in- terview the Dept. of Highways regarding the reason for the mon. ument property flot having been finîshed off properly. Convener Mrs. Rowe Presented the following' prograzn: readings on the topic, Agriculture and Can- adian Industries by Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Bunt; Roll Call; Read or recite a peern Or Astery on the topie. Current events.-Mr$. S. Lancaster; Several short poems in, connection with the motta "ýWe get out of life what *e, put intô it,, read by Mrs. Rôwe. A soap con- test presented by Mns. M. Jones and won by Mrs. Bunt's group. Lunch WR8S erved bY thxe hos- tess and her group, atter which M'rs. G. Kimbaîl made the expres-1 sion.ot appreciation te Mrs. Robb.1 Next mnonth's meeting will be1 n the form of a Picnic, planned1 by the executive.i Ponds Angel Face s1.15 Certlfied Body Rob 39e-SOc Velvetta Bath Salts Sgc Hutinut Oesney Cologne...-------- 1.75 Lady Esther Fae PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. MWeGre por, Druags We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. rug Store Phono 792 minority here, wîsh ta congratu- !ate Mr. Johnny James on being elected to represent Durham at Ottawa. The weather and ita ii ffet on our crops ha. held an equal place in conversation with the el- ectian tapies. On Sitturduy, while all around us came reports of good raine, we barely got eneugh ta laY the dust. On May 22 we hati Our last- gooti nain. he drought thie sweltering heat and aimait IAurara. Mr. E. Graham, Courtice, spesa Sunday with Miss Luey and Mr. Milt Graham. Mn and Mrs Robin Alldred ni family with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alidreti, Orono. Mmi. S. White fell while paper- ing, ,njuring henself ant is îinibcd. Hope she is better soon. Mer daughtems, Mns. P. Andirews and Mms. T. Andrews have been witb her. Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne with Mr. anti Mms. Bill Lake. Mr. andi Mmi. Jim Reynolds, To- renta, wîth Mr. and Mn. Ai!. Brown. Mr. anti Mn. AI! Brown andi Jack with Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Skinner, T3 rone. IKENDÀL JM r. Robt. Hildîtch, Genemal Mo- tans, Oshawa, was home. Miss Juanita Mercer, Peterbomo, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mercer. Mr. andi Mns. John Ferguson, north Clarke, visiteti Mn. anti Mr. Joe Gordon on Monday aften vot- ing. Mn. and Mmi. Banney Wattens, Peterbomo, with Mr. and Mmi. John Thompson. Mn. antiMri. Wm. 'Hcney anti Mary anti Mmi. A. Jackson, Milli- ken, with Mr. aitiM mi. Wm. Jack- son. Mmi. Ethel Gartihouse anti Wm. Christie andi Mr. anti Mmi. Fred Gartihouse, Toranto, weme Sun- day guests of Mr. anti Mmi. Milt Robinson. Mrs. Ross, whe ha-, spent the, past twa weeks with hemrtiaugh- ter, Mms. Wm. Jackson, returned to Tomante Thursday. Mrs. Jack- son anti Mrs. Couroux enjoyeti a day's shopping in Toronto. A number fmom here attended Decoration Day Services at Omono cemetery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Coumoux and Ray anti Mmi. Norman Patton were in Peterboro visiting Mr. anti Mrs. Alvin Lowes. The eleetion as usual causeti considierabie argument anti excite- ment amound here. Of the thr-ee candidates running Mr. Kenny, CCF, alone helti a meeting in kcen- dal anti the attentignce at it *as toil of cnisped pastures and àtrQW' bernies, gardlens and grtinu. The- tobacco crop prospecta are not gooti (unless rain soon Cornes). An extra amount o! work has alneady been necesaary as fn game case*' thc crop rquired ging over thrht or four times ta tepant-with many plants yet minus. In a London political disturb. ance, steil baIl beaninga anti glms mambles werc scattereti to make NOTICE In order that aur staff may enjoy the full holiday weekend we will be CILOSIED, for JULY lst, 2nd and 3rd In Case of Emergency Cali 2133 for Service COME IN AND LE1I US DISCUSIS TOUR FARII .W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Camc Farm Maehinemy Fircîtone Tises DeLavai Mllkens and Sepanatone Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment el Ring st. W. Phone ,sY5Yt> Stock.-up Be fore You Leave Don't wait until the lait minute te, shap for our vacation needs.. . heme we have listeti some o! the many neetis which help ta make youm holiday a mare enjoyeble one. S/F4I4'S612 Iet RePeIIant ----59e 1 Noxzemna Cream for Velvetta 622 Su- rn 21e-49C-6Oc-$1,39 Bayer Aspirin ---- . 18c-29c-ÏÏ9e Alka-Seltzer -- - ----- 29c-37c Chase's Nerve Food ---69c-$.79 Carter'« Little Liver Pills --- - 33c-67e-98c Fruitatives - ------- 25c-48o Siendor Tablets --- ---31.00-$5.00 Meltoways $2.95-$4.95-$9.95 Kynon Tablets ------ s 0-s5.0o, Mynex Itablets - 33.00-$5.00 se Brght! réel Right! TAKEr mi' ~"FRUIT IAI OSSY P BU TOAY 5f.9e Inser esKpCitllt - -49e Tantoo Insect Repellant 57e !vy-Dry Poison Ivy Lotion ---. --- .----59e Poison lvy Lotion. I.DA. fBrand .......2ge-59e 011 of Citronella, I.D.A. Brand - -----....25e Olympene for bites 75e-SI.25 Bottie Stoppens 19C-290 Paper Cups ---------pkg. ]0e Drinking Straws ....-,10e Velvetta Suntan Crearn 39e Noxzezna Suntan treme or 011------30e-SOc sizes - . 32e-37c-48e-etc. A.B.S. & C. TABLETS, I.D.A. 'Unguentine for sunburn etc. - ------ec-$1,20 Snow~tan ---- - - ---- 49c A<Qua Pruf Ear Plugi 25e Beach Bails ,------- 29e Up Finît Aid Kits - 89c-$1.504$2.75 Up rAmERAS:- Baby Browne ........ 3.0() Tanget Bnowniei *6.72-S8.12 Bnownie Reflex ----11.76 fluaflex ----- $14.56 Kodak Tourists 25.25 up Films, ail popular 497 TAIN WITHOUT BURtN*~G Suntan ----- ---. -----. ---.--49e Brand, 100's, reg. 23e .---- 17e1 PENETRATING LINIMENT, I.D.A., 4-ez., reg. 45e 33e SULPHUR, I.DA. Brand, 14-o1., reg. 15e Ilc COLD CREAM, Evelyn Rloward, 1-lb., reg. 69c 54o WITCH RAZEL, I.D.A. Brand, 4-oz., reg. 25e 19e A.S.A. TABLETS, 10019, 3001o l____ 1e-iGe ATTACHMENT SETS Comblnation _ _ _39 COMBS, Ladies' Dremhsg, 10e Value . Se . 2 for 15e COTTON PICKER, Emuer Dac____ - 50 REVLON Aquamanine Lotion- ----. *1.00 I.DA. HEALTH SALIS 16-z. tin -- --- ISoft Soif..NoutJ 2 sites ... IRegular, Juior lot of 12 5 SePECIALLOW.PRICEOFFI i With 10 GIIIefte Bilue as la Yardiey. Fragrance Calcine $1.50 Lotus Colotne $1.50-$2.50 Odo-Ro-No Cream Deodorant 35c-59c Ugioe Arrld (ream Deodorant, - 3gc.5ge We will give absolutely FREE a matching expansion bracelet, either lady's or gent's, with the purchase of every watch starting to-day until Saturday, July 9th. Il 0 p EIt SJEWELLERY AND HOOPER'SO Look and Feel Fresh William A. Fraser Ex-Mayor of Trenton andi for- mer member of the Heuse of Com- meons for Northumberland Coun- ty, Who was appointeti to the Sen- ate on Saturday, the announce- ment being miade by Prime Minis- ter Louis St. Laurent. Mr. Fraser was Liberal erganizer in this dis- trict in the recent federai election. ams, is in the hospital for con- cussion and scalp lacerations fol- iowing an accident. Congratulations te John James on his success as Liberal candi- date in the Durham riding. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Joyce Martin spent Sun- day with Miss Lillian Osborne, Bowmanville. Miss Barbara Ann Alldred cele- 'brated her ninth birthday with a party. Mr. Bill Laverty andi Miss Ann Kennedy, Oshawa, and Mr. Neil Anderson, Morish, with Mr. andi Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. Kejth Ormiston and family, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alidreti. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skedding and a number ef others attended the Decoration Services at Oron.. Coeupetftmv Priéeas ed Peraonal Servicé SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Tkursday, Frrida, Satmrdap W. tma eherv aigbt th ilmit quaaihes daily high winds are taking their the police bac their f~>oUng. m»ý. mmil a ".um 1 MEMBER OF OAF E.D.A. ý POWDER PUFFS 9c - 3 for 25e 1 1 ÉVLON Aquamarine Lotion TM emADL4m RTA"Mux- Rnw",& m Ovr,& *,ro%