'RUESDAY,' .TULY tUet, 1949 SPORT NEWS JuveRiles Split Double Hecder With Omihawa Team (By Geraid Morris) Saturday the Juveniles split a hard-fought doubleheader here with Oshawa Motor City Club winning the second gamne 1'l-10. after iosrg a tough anc 10-7.' In the finît game "Lcflty Jack" Buttanshaw lait a pitcher's duel ta Nick Morozek (the feliow who pitched a -no-hit game against the Juniors last year). Buttonshaw ,allowed Oshawa 10 runs of'0 hits and struck out 7 whille Mlono- Szek Allowed 7 runs off 8 hits and struck -out 10 batters. For Bow- manville Spence Crearner ai-d Dean West collected 2 hits ar while Hamilton, Gallagher, son and Crook each had one. In the second game Roy1 went ail the way for Bowr villes l2th win. While Os. uscd three pitchere to hold bard hitting Juveniles. Fal lowed 10 runs of 8 bits and s'i out 6, while the Juvenibesb mered out 10 hits ta score 13r For Bowmanville Bob Ci gher coiiected 3 doubles a: borner on as many trips tc plate, caught a very steadyg and led Bowmanville ta their victory of the year against on loss. Don Masters, with 2 hits West, Hamilton, "Jug" Le, Stutt, each had one hit. This coming Saturdlay the vendes will play Whi'by at F aaauim i Admission - w w w 75C M0.0 RWLUCM' ' POH T Tim immi J fUANLIEE YOUU CAR et el set of 8, Z 02 39 Was 03.19 1.-95 2.39 1 pv "'new Uulck-typel" Gentchrome plate; cIOAnIETTE LIGUTER AUroaioUiveral-to I &Ul cars..ri 3.79 4" ORINDER- quomplete w It h Wh eel a.Well Worth $55.o moTo* MAST(R Carkor.tors - Fuel Pumps CASflURTOB-Prec%on bult î- Oriinal Eciloetot Qullty--SAV UP TO il %. l'orS 4-cyPa Po e Frd V-821.9f Chevy. ,io1-.29ai . '- 0ev. '32-48 12.4, Plymouth _And Most Siber Dodge '33-48 13.93 car........J4.70 FUEL PUMPS-To lit lPerds, Chevroiets. ?ly- mouth, Dodue and soany others ....... j. Ïl uarts no5g ae om0letely overhaul your fuel pumo, for economy driving! Chev. '29-30 .. .39 Çh. 874 ..S Ford. FyOt . 9 3 ali .. .79 te 2.235 odela .81 te 1.235 Most ether $MasudaStrucks At similar aingol 5.75 PAIR CAR WINDOW .19 GORA v E L ANTI-RATTLER SUCTION CU p cHroE.LTo - -Does flot hisn- COAT RANGER Chrom. Tofit Adiseres firmi chrysler - bullt der wlndow op- to ayeoî car 142-8. eration. iau -ace. »003 SPOTTER Mit- T ULELAMP I d- .89 WENI ROR--Siparkîîrig chrome. volt. For cars ad4-WYRMWEc 1tuk, 25-lt. $3.00 -slturdy forging, lits De Luxe Mirros' value. cluer lm futs. Featur. .69.2 .23 PAIS WREEL SPINER E CHAIN VANITY MI-P4LpD -OIGvea o 'i% Luxki'7" ic ' ior. Large vis-, To fit over cluteh .ten cot'0.Charmion. anxd brake pedale. 1e=46ý New Safety Engineered FAN DELTS BACK.LJP LAMPS ALL CARS Thiese hand&ome aux- iîlary lampo, Icentical ~ .to a el Oe or- ci ND rD i l Fo mrtLietuô Bac-up Lya ri249 .0 od9 AUTOMATIC BACK-UP UGIfT SWITCH .99 Othere. 75 tu 1.75 STORE HOURS MON., TUES., THURS. WEDNESDAY - - - FRIDAY AND StATI'RDAY - - 8:30 a.m. te - - 8:30 a.m. te -8;30 %.m. to Op.m. TH C DOWgANVILLROTM Juvemile lattiug Averages -- The Philadeiphia Coloured GCianti will play the ipeice Wil- rman- ihawa 1 the la al- truc k ham- runs. xalla- nd a Dthe game -1 2th lily 1 sand evett, eJu- Bow- th ar H; ed lir, t4 TataIs Butta: Falls Won Lest mshaw 6 1 -------------- o o 13 40 43 22 1.000 2.48 'lits 25 13 10 10 6 2 1 100 101 26 9 2 PfTCHING au»a 30 6 10 7 12 il 3 1 4 0 1 ERune 23n A3 manville at 2:30 at the High School grounds. Bowmanville need only 2 wins in their remnaining 5 gaines ta en- able them ta advance ta the O.B. playdowns against the Belleville district. Sa be sure ta atend and support these hard-fighting Ju- veniles. Summary: First Gamek Oshawa---- 10 10 4 Bowmanville ---- 7 8 3 Batteries: Oshawa-Morozek and Claus. Bowmanville-Buttonshaw and Gallaghen. Second Game: R H E, Oshawa--____ 10 8 2 Bowmanville 13 10 2 Batteries: Oshawa-Marsh, Mc- I'aggart (4), Morozek (2) and Woodcock, Claus (4). Bowman- ville-Falls and Gallagher. Umpines: Walby Braden, bases Afa Tweedle, plate. Floodlight Gamne Here Monday Night With Colored Giants The Philadoîphia Colared Gi- ants, a classy barn-starming team of basebaîl stars will play an cx- hibition game in BowManville against Bowrnanville Royals an the High School grounds, Mandayj night, July 25. It wilho a flood- Jones lB ght game starting at 9 p.m. with ,e equipment carnied by the Gi- its ta be inritalled by the local îydro crew. This will be the first occasion hat night baseball has been play- d in Bowmanville. The following ineup a! the Giants, shawing here they played in prafessionai Chestine 11F nks, is good assurance o! a bang- gaine. Here is the campiete ras- Line up of Giantg Jones, ]st base, Pittsburg C, iw- '; Jordpn, shartstop, Baltimr...e ack Soxs; Randoiph, 3rd hase, ladelphia Star,-; Petus, 2nd se, Kingston North Carolina gies; Fillmore, cf, Washington ots: Morgan, If. Raleigh Col- ?i Stars; Chestine, r!, Cleveland ckeyes; Berry, c, Richmond nts; Brown, pitcher, Baltimore tes, Banks, pitcher, Washing- i University; Jackston, pitcher, ihington University; Kend- ks, pitcher, Homcstead Grays; xebb, pitcher, Harrisburg Gi- le thorougli in ail voti do andi ember that thaugh ignorance n max' be innocent, preten- 1is always desjpicable.-W. E. Istone. Up ter: for Buc bias Eatm ae at Et tion 'Glad 0 70. 2 0 5 . 0 0 9 .2 0 0 03 .2 0 0 3 .1 0 0 0 .1 0 o 1 .0 ô0 ô O . t 1 ývo. 156 304 144 '86 173 22; 100 ,00 154 091 Rite 9.. B A e R'unPet. 4ita8 19EB v.8Ru8 P4. 40' 43 22 19 .800 4.4 Ebenezer SURl Leads In Darlingion SoftbgllLoague Mapbe Grave Hawks, still con- tenders for the league champion- ship, maved into a second place tie with Courtice as they pounded their way ta a 2-17. victary at Sa- lem on Juby 13. For Maple Grave Ted Hoan was leading hitter with a home run, double and single and alsa sconed 5 runs. Every batter an the Maple Grave team show well in the hitting department. Ile winners were neyer behind as they pushed 4 *runs acrass the plate ln the opening inning.. H. Snowden pitched al! the way ta B. Snowden and the infield look- ed very steady. For Salem Shackleton pitched the first 4 innings and Stevens the iast three. C. Langley caught the full game and also had two soiid hits. Bill Polley hit the onby Salem home run with two mateb aboard. Salem can stili make the play- offs by defeating Shaws twice. However, a mankey wrench was thrown into Salem dreams when Shaws defeated the league leading Ebenezer Tuxis by 16-6. For Shaws Ken Werry pitched a stea-. dy game with Garnet Rickard catchlng. Hawever the star o! the gamne was Harold Hammond Who played le! t field. He was big man at the plate accaunting for over haîf o! Shaws runs. He had 4 solid hits including a homer and a tri- ple. Besides this hie made at-least six put outs in left field with nice catches on halls which were weli hit. In the fifth inning he bounced oaver a wire fence trying ta pull down a long foui hall. Bibi Rundie hit a triple for Ehenezen which was goad for 3 runs and brought the score ta 8-6 in the fifth inn. ing. Fn the sixth with Ken Werry and Harold Hammond leading the way Shgws scored 8 runs and that was the bail game. The rural league is now making arrangements ta pick an ahl star team ta play Bowmanville Al Stars which pàrticipated in the game at the Lions Carnival. Fur- P W L Av. Ebenezen ------.--- 8 6 2 .750 Maple Grave 7 5 2 .714 Courtice --------- 7 5 2 .714 Shaws ------- 7 4 3 .571 Salem --------------- -7 2 5 .286 Tyrone --------- - 8 0 8 .000 .Future Games July 22-Maple Grave at Cour- tice. D U TIfLf1Tfl) Mr. and Mrs. Nélson Mullen, Sun'derland, Mn. and Mrs. H. Mar- tin and baby, Blackstock, Mn, and Mrs. C. Pethick, Mrs. Stutt, En. niskillen, Effie,- Glennie and Frank Allison, Oshawa, with Mrs. P. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard and Terry, Bowmanville, Mrs. L. Force, Miss Betty Vigar, Norwich, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubb'ard. Mrs. J. Latremouille and Aud- rey,%,,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Latrcm, ouille, Toronto, with Mr.and Mrs. J. Carter. Thursday, Mrs. J. Wotton was WANTED YOUNG WOMEN YOUNG MEN for Harvesting Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Grapes, To- matoes and other Fail fruits and vegetables. Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps August l5th - to - Nov. 15th Campers mnust bring bian- kets, sheets and piIiow cases For further information write:- Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street, East Toronto 1, Ontario Auspices:- Dominion -Provincial Farm Labour Committee Stafford Bros. Nonunental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS hostess ta the W.A. Arrangements were in4de ta haid & quiling ta raise funcis. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morton and Nowlan, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. Haeaman. Player Errers Gallagher @ Creamer _______4 West-.._____6 Masters 1 Hegth 0_____ Levett ~3 Hamilton ---8 Buttonshaw ____4 Falls ._______ 2 Wilson ______ 0 Crook ___0_ Rice 8 Stutt -------. 3 Moorecraft 1 Sellers -- -_____ 0 WESLEY VILLE Wumcens' Association met in the church basemnent ta make arrange. ments for the garden party in Ju- ly 20. Mies Mabel Bowen, Mrs. G. Bradley a-ad their sister, Mrs. John Bcighton, Port Hope, called on Mrs, L. Hoidaway. Mns. F. Telford, Vancouver, had Wedncsday evcning tea 'with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. CiarQnce Nicholis (nec Dora An- derson) who were married at Wcstmeath on Saturday. Mrs. Carter, Toronto, cabied on -Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. Rossa and Ronnie Dinner had their tonsils remaved on Tuesday at Port Hope hospital. Mrs. F. Telford, Vancouver, Messrs. Arnold and Victor Thorn- dyke, Murray Payne and Mrs. C. Payne attended the funeral a! Mn. George Mitchell at Ororno on Saturday. Mn. Art McKay, Newtonvilîe, with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowcbough. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Beebe, Shirley and Phyllis, Bailieboro, spent Sutiday with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. Maple Grove Farmer Adopis New Method 0f Plcznting Corn Stuart Morton, Maple Grove, and his son Jack, intraduced a new style o! corn cultivation in this district this season. They planted a 3-acre field ta hybnîd corn by starting at the autside with a compîcte circle and cantinucd ini that way right ta the centre of the field. After the corn was up it was .a simple miatter ta use the culti- vator without any timc-wasting stops and the only headldnds werc the smali corners for hand plant- inga an pumpkin hcds. The schcme was secn by son Jack at the OAC and hç decided ta try it out as bath a land and tim e saver. The only di!ficuity seemed ta be that if the openatan ws caugbt in~ the centre o! the field at dinner time he would have ta wark bis way back before he couîd eet. However, it bas'proved ta he practical. The only caution is that fields should be as square as pas- sible. Long fields couîd be sub- ivîded. Ramn doesn't run off but foîîows the circles. Cartwright Council To Hold Municipal Cartwnight Council held its JuIy meeting with ail members present and Reeve W. G. Bowles presiding. Deputation from Rawan's Beach and Cadmus appeared be- fore cauncil ta have calcium eblor- ide Put on the streets. No action taken. Road Supt. and Cierk were in- structed ta get mileage of streets at the vaniaus resants along Lake Scugog. Requeat fan road work along D.McArthur's praperty at the loke was held aven titi 1950 whcn1 the bulldozer wil e in the vicini- ty. Reeve and Road Supt. wiII meet with Daniington Cauncîl ta con- ider road repairs at at part of Town Line. Complaitit of E. Young o! trees and atones Icit an bis fence line was rejerred ta Road Supt. Cîenk was instructed ta prepare by'-Iaw for holding nominations and elections at an earlier date. Clerk wiIi notify parties having stones pîaced in front of their pre- mises on the 8street ta have(hem remax'ed and thus gave ftr trouble. These accounts were passed: R. Wall, stock valuatar -- $ 2 .50 E. Gibson, 1 sheep, 2 lambs injured ----- 15.00 D. Beer, Prem. n,- grand stand---- 7.50 E. White, prem. Cammunity Hall - 63.00 Couacil adjourned to meet Tues- day, Aug. 2, 8 pi. *When vou get right down ta the roat of the mcaning of the word .sLces"vou find that itsirnph'ý No one cati save himacîf with-1 out God's help, and God xw'ii help each man who pcrforms bis own I Part.-Mary Baker Eddy. _- 4 was started at the Liong Com- munity Centre lat week loir those in that section. The kiddies whq attend these specially supervised playgrounds are kiaving a wonderful time learning songs, playing games, working with plasticine and try- ing out thp new bean bag gemes. Under the wgtchful eyes of the supervisors they -are not allow- ed to play near the roadi, sa they are sale as well as having a won- derful time. I LAST CALI Pyground Ž~News Mr. and Mrs. Erneait Twist, sons Rayraonçi and John, accompanied the forrmer'g brother, Mr. Fred Twist, on 4 mnotor trip'through the States to Cape Breton Island, No- va ScOtîa~, where they will visit an 1Uncle. Mn.- S. L. Bartlett, Toronto, ~ent Sunday with ber sister Mrs, Mr. andi Mrs. Hioward Osborne, Bell, Califarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Osborne, Miss Rosalie Os- borne, Royal Oke, Miçh., visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. Misses Muriel Stevens, Greta Snowden, Jean White and Anna Johns, Messrs. Stan Snowder, Ross Metealf and Ron Brooks are attending Oak Lake Camp. Flower Sunday next Sunday; hope to see a good turn out. Sunday School andc Commuhity pîcrnc will be held Wednesday, July 27, at school grounds. Every- body is welcomc. Bning the family and Your basket. Congratulations to Ross Met- cal! an passing his Grade IX music exams. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jarvie and Stewart have returned from their trip out west. for F LY SCREENING 42" Galv. Wire - -- 98c yd. 36"' Galv. Wire - - - 84c yd. 32" Galv. Wire - - - 73c yd. 26" Black Piaygnounds have been operat- entered in this Pee Wee Tourna- ing for more than two weeks now ment. In the minor league the la- and alrcady yoi4 have found out cal boys, 10 and li years aid, the fun there is in playing with thec playing unden the name ot Buffalo rest of the gang, either at the were defeated 8-6 by a fast teanm Public Schooi or at Memanial from Weston (Jersey City). The Park. Central Public School is Toronto Maple Leafs from Mt. tops in attendance with an aven- Dennis won the championship ai age of 85. The Memorial Park has this league. The major league had an average of 56. Just the made up of Il and 12 year olds same there are sttîl quite a few was won by the N.Y. Yankees youngsters wha haven't shown up (Leasîde) who dcfeated the Bow- ut either playground ta join in manville N.Y. Giants 5-3. the fun, so scout around and try After the*games, the boys were ta bring a chum with yau. treated ta some entertainment at Lacrosse and Volcybail Sujinyside and a show. One o! the mnost exciting games These boys wiil be outfitted in will be played at the Memnorial emart uniforms which wene donat- Park now. Yes, the lacrosse nink ed by the Legion. Following are bas been finished and at last you names of boys who will be play- will be taught how ta play this ing in the tournament: game that the Indiana liked so New York Giants- Ken Kelly, much. Wallis Larmer, Bruce Cale, The main attraction at Central Ronald MacLean, Russel Lane, School this week will be the vol- John Hughes, Boyd Wooley, Carl leyball court that has been com- Piper, Marvîn Brooks, Ted Col- pieted, and abready a few o! yau wcll. show promise of becoming real Buffallo-Joc Markle, Morley experts. Volleybalb is anc o! the Richards, Ronald Woolner, Vin- main sports at High School, so cent Vanstone, Gary Lane, James if you learn ta play now you wili Clarke, Tom Johnston. John Ma- be anc step ahcad o! the others son, Tam Gould, Don Treble. that don't, Hikes As an added attraction ut the Summer wouldn't bo summer Memorial Park horse shoe courts without hikes and picnics, s0 are einglaidout.hikes are going ta be a regular swimmiing part of the program. Oniy these Swimming Classes have started hikes will bo real hikes. Plans at Cream of Barley Camp and have been made for an alb-day there is a full class of 40- camp et Orono Park. 20 from Central Sehool and 20 These hikes will be spread out from Memorial Park. If yau miss- thraugh the terma and notice when cd out on this class, there will be they will take place will be given a new class starting iii two weeks. at the playgrounds. But remember you have ta be If the weathcrman didn't inter- rcgistered at anc of the play- fere you really had a good time on grounds before yau can join a that picnic that you had in Orono swimming class and also don't Park an Wecl. Between swimming farget that red bathing cap that in the pool, playing games and points you out as a non-swimmer. runnings races your time was Hardball pretty well filled up. The base bal experts had a Tiny Tta %\onderful chance ta show how The tiny tots have reably got good they were at the "Littbest into fubl swing ut the South World Series' that took place in Ward School grounds, with an Gibson Park, Toronto, iast Thurs- average attendance of 41 daiiy. day. Bowmanville had two teams Anoher tiny tots playground DUY YOUR SIL VER PLATED FLATWARE NOW! FOR XMAS ! 1 Du e to the large demand for silver- plated Flatware this year the manu- facturers of Community Plate an-d 1847 Rogers Bros. are unable to keep up with the demands of the retailers. We are fortunate at present in having a complete stock of patterns. See them today! SERVICES IN THE "'DEBUTANTE" CHEST 26-Piece Service for Six 34-Plece Service for Eight Contents: 6 Dessert S1poons, 6 Teaspoons, Contents: 8 Dessert Spoons, 8 Teaspoons, 8 6 Farka, 6 Knives, 1 Butter Kni!e, 1 Sugar Forks, 8 Knives, 1 Butter Koife, 1 Sugar Spoon ---- -------------------------- 41.75 Spoon --------- --- ------------------ ------ $56.75 SERVICES IN THE "NOBILITY" CHEST COMMUNITY PLATE 42-Piece Serviee for Eight Contents: 8 Dessert Spoons, 8 Teaspoons, 8 Farka, 8 Koives, 8 Salad Forks, 1 Butter Knifc, 1 Sugar Spoon ---------- ----- $69.75 52-Piece Service for Eiht Contents: 8 Dessert Spoons, 8 Teaspoons. 8 Prks, 8 Knives, 8 Saîd Faiks, 8 5 o'locks, 2 Tablespoons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar 1847 ROGERS BROS. Remnembrance - Eternally Yours - Adoration- First Love 26-Piece Service for Six (including cheat) Contents: 6 Knives, 6 Parks, 6 Tea Spoona, 6 Dessert Spoons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. Piece by Piece Price - ------$-- 47W25 Quantity Disçount -------- ------- ------5o Compiete Set Discount Price ----------- 44.75 44-Piece Service for Eight (incîuding chest) Contents: 8 Knives, 8 Forks, 8 Tea Spooris 8 Tea Spoans (S), 8 Dessert Spoons. 2 Table Spoons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. Piece by Piece Pnice ----------$6783 Quantity Discount ---------- ---- $ 5.08 Complete Set Discount Price ----- $62.75 34-Piece Service for Elght (including chest) Contents: 8 Knives, 8 Forks, 8 Tea Spoons, 8 Dessert Spoons, i Butter Knife, 1 Sugan Spoon. Piee by Pcce Price --------- $5933 Quantity Discount ----- $ 3.38 complete Set Discount Price -$5595 52-Piece Service for Eight (including chest) Contenfs: 8 Knives, 8 Fonks, 8 Tea Spoonis 8 Tea Spoons (S), 8 Dessert Spooris, 8 Salad Forks, 2 Table Spoon, I Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. Piece by Piece Price $81.66 Quantity Discount - --- ----- $ 5. 16 BUY YOUR FLATWARE ON OUR LAYAWAY PLAN la 00 pE R SJEWEJIERY AND HOOPR'S IFT SHOP PHONE 747 BOWMANVILLE 28 KING ST. W. Salurdey Special SQUAR~E VARIETY Size 14' x 10" x 91, Red and White REGULAJg $1.69 Special - $ 1.29 DON McGREGOR HARDWARE CO. Phone 386 Kint St. W. Bowmianville Royals Infermediale Hardball Team under Ffoodlighi MONDAY, JULY 25th at 9:00 pa. IA w- ý M; Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail ore YOUr assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. Zarned 1 . Coronation à PAGE Tnmmrm r PTTRY'PTnu Morning Star BOWMANVILLE 28 KING ST. W.