THUMAY' ULY 8th'1949 PAGFOURT CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO M. FTY YEARS AGO WlUie Eoswell, son ef Thos. Boswell of* Station Hotel, was drçwned after a canoe capsized Pj which be and Frank Bailey nd John Sinclair were occupants. -Jai. Parr. Blackstock, bas been appoihted by the Ontario Govcrn- ment, Magistrate for the township of Cartwright. The new organ of the Metbodist Church bas arrived and al l u in -Teadiness for the grand. opening.i *Thos. Baker, Solina, bas pur- cbased a thorobred 'Yorkshire White saw 10 improve bis stock £rom Allin & Sons, Hampton. L ' Henry Cann, Miilbrook, lest bis arn .ànd, most of ils contents by lightiing. t Clitire Langmaid has passed 4Pormigi1 and II mn one year. He -*Deh't bons me oriundi *Wind me reguterlyl -*Don#t weorme whn*,hng * epuil, my broien srystmII. *Ineed iu.nine enid oilins, fool AU THORIZE DI IBULOVA »ISTRIBUTOR . Marr'5I rcccivcd the Principal's Facu Prize for standing firsl. Gco. W. Hogarth heu becs pointed principal et Whitby legiete Institule and W. F. 1 blyn has been appainled Clas Master. Henry Elliott, Township Hope, bas been appointed Rq trar for East Durham ta fill vacancy Icreated by the Charles Ward. James Alcotfel off bis bic and broke bis collar banc. Alex Bcilh bas accepted a ilion in tbe Bank. et- Montreal Marys. .Belle Murdoff broke the 1, bancet her left arm by fa] off a swing. Maple' Grave - R. R. Ste, raîscd the new roof on bis b ...C. H. Snowden bas assui bis duties as organist n cburch. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGl In tihe Diii and Distant Pasi F'rom The Statesman Files Fred Jennings caugbt a big ane ('lunge) in Lake Scugog thal weigbcd 18 lbs. and was 44 inches long. Arthur Pascae, Enniskilen, bad a valueble Percheron marc struck wilh lightning. Allin F. Annis, son af Arthur Annis, Tyrane. bas acceptcd a parlnership with G. D. Conant, barrister, Oshawa. Congratulations ta Miss Pearl Cale, daugbter af Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cole, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, who won tirst prize in bier first year Psycbiatry and also for bigh- est standing in practical nursing at the Ontario Hospital Training School for Nurses, Wbitby. H. Pawson leil et the Statesman Office a blede o a feuwbeaî mea- suring 6 feet, 3 inches - a faim sample tram a 16-acre field. Harry Brimacombe of "Rose-1 bolme", Scugog SI., wan first 'prize et the Toronto Rase Society Show with a collection of roses. Jae Levigne, telegraph repair man ai C.N.R., is in Bowmanvilie Hospital as a resuit et talling tram a trec. A bad accident was the resull of George Tabb's new Star tour- ing car coliding with e Star sedan et the corner et King and Scugog Streets. Board oi Education eppoinlcd Hubert Brerton janitar oet-the scbool. Congratulations t o Morgan iLunney, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Lunney, for abtaining the highest marks in Ibis district in the Entrance Exems. Congratulations ta Nelson Jack- man, son ai Mr. and Mrs. F. Jack- man, and ta Jim Devitt, son et Dr. and Mrs. J. C. DevilI, for wnning prizes for bigbesl marks in Arithmctlc and History, re- spectively, in thc Entrance Exams. Nestîcton - Rev. J. E. Griffith bhas been gctting; ecquainîed with e number of bis perishioners and bas made a vcry favorable im- presgion.I Enniskillcn-Miss Elva Griffin BAT BALING 1949 Long Baler C US TOW O RK FOR PRIVE AND PARTICULARS- PHONE Me LEGGETTIE 3744Wl OSHAWA DARLINGTON ABATTOIR HAMPTON PHONE - BOWMANVILLE 2836 ONTARIO A Reminder That We Stili Do CUSTOM KILLING - PICKLING SMOKING - SAUSAGE MAKING RENDERING LARD THE JOHN DEERE MODEL "MI' TRACTOR Tbe "M" is a good-ieoklng tracter and It'. Just as good as it looks. It's a simple, usturdy tractor with every feature you want . - . bulit-in "Touch-0-Matic" bydrauiic control, air-c ushioned seat, adjustabie steering wheei, case of servicing, wide adaptability wlth speeda varylng froms 1-5/8 te 12 m.p.h., plus a variety et "Qulk-Tatch" worktnc equipment that ne other small tracter offers you. Corne ln or write for fullIinformation on the John Deere tractors and ful i he et farm equipment. A. G. HOOKER AND SONS DROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE RROOKLIN 18-r-2 (3 miles west ef Breoklin) i I MRS. IIANNAH KEATS Mrs. Hannah Keats passed away afler a three weeks illness et bei late residence, No. 2 bighway, Ra- leigh Township, Chatham, or Wednesday, June 8, 1949. Mrs, Hannab Keats was in ber 6811 year and wes the beloved wîte a: Samuel D. Keats, dear mather a: Miss Ethel Keats, Chatham anc Mrs. Morley Camr, Dresden, anc sister oi Mrs. Sam Jackson, Dover Centre; Alex Newbem, Chatbam, and Robt. Newbam, of Buffalo, N.Y. Funeral services were con- ducteci et the Ncedbam Memorial Chapel on Saturday, June 111h, by Rev. Hugb W. Stewart of Wil- liem St. Beptist Churcb. Inter- ment in Maple Leat Cemetery. A large num-ber ai relations and friends ettended the tunerel. cou- sins tram Toronto, Mrs. James Mowat, and Mrs. Ernest Keats, and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rich- ards ai Or-ono. Personal Stimulants J By Joscpb Lter Rutiedge 'Wc rather expcct the aider statesmen to look back with an- Sxious eyes, a littie fearful of the days ahead, a littie homesick for the oid," the sure, the familiar, Fire dies out in aid eyes and ad- venturing is done. But in aider statesman and former president H{erbert Hoover. noa tire has died. His fear 15 flot of the future or what it holds, but only that the men and womnen of aiur day may forget the quai- ities of daring and adventure that are the sure and only promise of pragress. Speaking et the instal- lation of a new president at Ohio Wcsleyan University, he urged his young hearers ta hold ta the dreams, the advcnturc and the1 daring, that the lhought of a New Era is supplanting by a depend- ence on a timid securily, donated Srather than earned. * Herbert Hoover, newlv made Doctor af Humanities, was human enough and wise enough ta sec the faisit.-v of the reasoning tiiat wauld make security a first con- sideration. It is the death af those vital qualities that alane make security possible. He bas a caustic word for those wbo urge it as a be-al and end-ali. "They hold out the attractions Ihet, with this security, you xiii be furnished with an old age pension and your funeral expenseq from the gav-c ernment." This is flot new, as we believe, he affirms: "At ail times in history there have been those who sought ta escape inta securityt from *self- reliance. "c He urged his hearer.s not ta choose that mean and timid course "that kiils the joy that lies in competition, in individual edven- ture. new undertakirigs and new achievements - wbere eech step nmust be dictated by same officiai or unofficiai bureaucral with stop-and-go signais." Urging upan his audience that 1 the greatest good he could wish for them was ta, use initi ative ta echieve their awn future, he add - ed: "If you observe the workings af these newest New Eras thra- ughout the world, yau mey notice thal the judgmenl of the Lard on Adam bas riat been entircly re- versed, even by the Supremne Court of the United States. More- over, gove.-nnents have flot been able ta f ix the wvages of sin. Nor jhave they- found a substitute for profit and other personal stimu- lants." Those are brave and wise %£ords from an older statesman who stili secs a hapeful future and an un- j esseilabie security for those whoi are ready to earn it. - Talking Peace in Indonesia Business Conditions As Reported By Bank of Montreal fi Tborny Probiemns Arise ln External Trade The rcview describes as amin- ous the disclosure early this month ai a critical drain in the hard-currency reserves of the United Kingdom and the rest ai the sterling area and the nccomn- panying intimation thet, "ta the smaximum extenî practiceble," no new purchase commitments by Britain fromn dollar countries will be entered mia, e t least until September. "For Canada." il stresses, "a creditor in trade relations wiîb the sterling area and a debtor on current-account transactions with the United States, the present sit- uation poses special and pressing problems, the mare so since the possibility of a return ta canvert- ibiiity af the pound and the U.S. dollar naw seems ta he pushed even further mbinthe future." Chianging Pattern et Capital Flow Citing recent afficial publica- tions. the bank presents some significant aspects ai the flow ai capital 10 and fromn Canada dur- ing and since the war years. "Between 1939 and 1947 the United States' investment stake in the Dominion increesed by a billion dollars," the statement re- ports. 'By contrast. within the sanie period the United King- dom's investment in Canada de- clined byý, more than $800 millions, the reduction reflecting. in the main.,\vaitime repatriation ot Canadien securities." It was oificially esti mated that United States-controlled menu- iacturing companies represented about 37 per cent ai the total capital investment in Canadien manufacturing in the year 1946, the B ai M continues. "For Can- adien industry as e whole, in- cluding non-manufacturing cate- garies. the percentege ai total capital investment which. is U.S.- controlled is oificially stated ta be something iess than 20 per cent." Motorisi Poli Shows Speed, Cutting In The Worst Off ences 7'oday we Lire in -a Groater ýCanadat c- ulty's 1 ap- Col- Tam- sical 1 of tegis- 1 the late cycle pas- 1, St. arge illing yens barn. imcd the ;0 et Ibe top near the posl. cipal grains and a bigber price draps bim. THERE'"S new activity in Ontario's bushland north of Lake Superior. Marathon and Red Rock, Terrace and Heron Bay: they ail tell the saine story. New tow ns have arisen, old ones ex. panded. Only five years ago on the site of Marathon, for example, there w-as nothing but bush; today a new com. mnunity beside a new pulp miii is contributing millions ho Canada'& export trade.. Such spectaculer developments in thc north are rnatched by contjpuing industrial expansion in the older established communities. Throughout Canada today ever-widening, avenues of opportunity await the enLerprise of young Canadians. Witb ncwsprint production 50% ahove pre- wer levels, Canada today "Canada is a land of opprtunity..e. A,, There is a field for aimait anything anc can think of, and anyone itb a %villingness for bard work has a gond chance ta achieve success", says Donald J. ~IIr Smith, President af Hernet Industries Linited, Guelph. Ontario. Hornet Industries I imited, m-bich was fouinded in 1915),lias in îhis short time achieved remarkable succeas ina the inenufactujre of chain saws and combustion etgline. More iban baif the production of the plant reaches markets outoide Canada. From a staff of oniv a haiE dozen men in 1915, Hornet Industries Limited hes expandcd ta tlîree pianu in Guelph, employing 296 iiorkers. le prmm u. f rugau by Cuidla ofuCuidas pssmt gflaiS '. - for wheat. Incarne frola the s&Ce of hivestock and livestock Pro. ducts at $264,76,OO for th ic : uary-March period of this. yeal-ýS relatively unchanged Irom It of the same period of 1948.,~ the exception of cattie and caNel4 the 1949 marketings of liv%9tole were down this year asaahimt Iast. Prices an the other- haAd were, without exception h.lgher than a year ago, with the iftdbq of livestock prices indicatirtg %'n overali increase of more tIbm 20 per cent. .4 There pesscd away an July 131h, 1949, et lhe home of bis daughter, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Bowmenvilic, George Jecorb Mitchell, afler an illness et ten weeks. Mr. Mitchell was hemn in New- tonville an September IsI, 18Q0. He took up fermning, and bis greatest dclight was the breeding af registered Sbortborp cattle and Hackney horses, which were in great demand aI that lime. Mr. Mitchell \vas a member oi the Methodist Cburch aI Newlonvjlle and superintendent of the Sunday Scbool for lwenly-five years, aise an officiel in the churcb. He be- longcd ta the Sons of Engiand Sa- ciety (Wolverhampton Lodge). On September 131h, 1884, he was married ta Ruth Meadows af Port Hope, who predeccased bim o September 201h, 1921. In the ycar, 1929 he was married ta Nellie Em- mans oi Belleville, who predec- eased hlm seve-ral years ega. He leaves ta mourn bis loss, three deughters, (Laura) Mrs. T. W. Cawker of Bawmanville; (Lii- lien) Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Orona; and (Eva) Mrs. Leisbman af To- ron ta. The tunerel was hcld July l6th et the home af bis deughtcr, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono. Rev. A. E. Eustace officiated. 'Many beautiful floral trîbutes showed the high esteem in which. he was held by bis many friends, emang them being one tram the Sons et England Lodgc. Palîbeerers were bis thrce grandsons, Chas. M. Cawker and Glenn A. Tamblyn, Belleville; George Cawker, Bowmanville; and James C. Tamblyn, Carias Tamblyn and Ivison Tamblyn, ail af Orona. Interment Iook place mn Orono Cemctcry. had a painful accident at ber bro- ther's in Cartwright, badly dislo- cating her right arm. Misa Mary D. Soucb, AZ.C.M., A.O.C.M.. has passed ber musical theory exams of the Toronto Con- servatory of Music with honours. Newcastle-John Douglas has installed an up-to-date water system and plumbig in bis home. ..David Shaw, Provincial High- way foreman, bas nioved with his famidly to the Caswell bouse.... Eileen Cooke won tbe J. Scott Montgomery History prize and Charles Thackery the Maàonic Lodge prize for bighest standing. OBITUARY GEORGE JACOB MITCHELL lice ranks second in rural acci- dents and third in tbe combined figures of rural and urban acci- dents. 'Cutting In" was picked as the worst offence by, 24% ot thase polled, while 22 % picked "Pass- itng an Curve or -Hll". A positive way ta avoid these' lwo offences as well as the offence-et driving an the wrang' ide of thc road, is ta, 'Stay in Your Own Traffie Lane." Approprialely enough, Ibis same rule is ancet the cur- rent themes in thc Departmrent of Highways' newspaper advertising campeign et this peak period of dangerous summner holiday traftic. T'he Union Jack in properly lawn with the broad white band Farmers Receipts Show Increase Preliminary figures issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in Juiy, indiçale that during the first three-manths of 1949, farm- ers' receipLg trom thc salé of farm products amounted to $406,386,000 as campared with $380,006,000 in 1948 and $333,779,000 in 1947, a gain of 6.9 per cent and 21.7 per cent ifespectively. Compared with a year ago, cash incarne tram thc sale of field crops et. $133,878,OQO for the firsl quar- ter of 1141, was up more Iban 20 per cent. This increase cen be lergely attri buted ta the increases inthe marketings of the five prin- Montreal, July 25-The busi ness news ai Ihe peet manlh bas sberpened the contrasl between "the gcncraliy faim weetber stili prevailing in tbe domestic econ- amy and the rising clouds ai dii- ficuity -and uncertainty that threatened Cenada's exte r n a trade." TJais reading ai Ihe econ- amic barometer appeers in the Bank af Montrcal's laest manthly Business Rcvicw, issucd today. "Total private and govern- mental capital expenditures an ncw plant, equipment and housing in 1949 may again atlain a re- cord," the B ai M saysf. "A mid- ycar official survcy ai investment intentions in this regard shows that such outleys fer Ibe full year are now expected la reech $3,400 millions, an advance efthrce per cent aver the estimaeeof $3,280 millions made aI Uic beginning of the ycar and an increase ai 11 per cent over the $3,045 mil- lions s0 spent in 1948." "Exlernal trade slalistics Ibis ycar reveal less fevourable trends," the bank comments, "and these eppear likely ta became aggravatcd as the resulî of cur- rent dcvelopmcnts abroad." Cenade's officiai reserves et gold and U.S, dollars reilect the trade trend as well as seasonally heavy transters af profils by American-controllcd concerns, the B ai M observes. These reserves, whicb bad incrcased witbout in- terruption rom $480 millions in Navember, 1947, ta $1,067 millions in March of this year. fell la $991 millions in April and $997 millions in May, remaining unchenged in Talks between the Dutch and Indonesian Republicans mider aus- pices et the United Nations Commission on Indoneuia have resulted ln the return of the capital, Jogjaka#a, to the Republican Govern- muent. A cent erence will be helg at The Hagrue on 1 August between representatives of Indonesia and The Netherlands te disousuthie set- ting up of a United States of Indonesia. Here, Dr. J. Leimnend, chief Republican member ot the "Ceas. Fire"I subcommittee, dis- eusses the situation with Dr. . M . Van Royen, ot The Netherlands. To find out haw mucb the aver- age driver knows about avoiding tratfic accidents, the Department of Highwe s bas been canducting e public opinion poli among driv- ers. One tact stands aut: the public and the experts are agreed Ibat excessive speed is tbe most dan- gerous action that drivers.indulge in. The poli asks the question: "Which of the tollowing bad prac- tices, in your opinion, is the worst?" In the resuits, "Excessive Speed" beadcd the list ai six bad driving feults, with 41%7,ot the votes, 17% mare tban any other single feul. This checks with officiai pro- vincial accident statistics for last year, which show "speed loo ia§t for road or traffic conditions" as an accident factor one third more otten than any other reported vio- lation. On the ather hand, the poll shows the experts that the puolicj is not as concerned as it shouid be about other dangerous driving praclice, driving an the wrang sidej swers ta the poli rated "Driving on the Wrong Side" as the worst offence, whercas in actuel acci- Accidents d.monstrai., agola, ond oin;-The foIIy of leuving your truffic lune The "cut ln", driver fis menace ta 1f. and proporty. PLAY FAIR-PLAY SAFE. FolIow the ýroad linos laid out for your guidance; 090. Hf. DOUCm, MIuistoe 0OlmIr O A rImEmN Or HSN w A y 3 M4W5490 s Whcn a -,man gets te Wbera business interfers laa much wiii bis picasure, il's lime for hlm to drap business before businesa 1 PAGE POUR PrtitTin@&T% A" TVTT Np a.- ........... .