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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1949, p. 8

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~'t~'~ ,--~ *...~ :'~'~ Couuty Health Unit Conducis Seco,d X-Ray Survey for T. It wus li June thut the second port of the Christmas seul cam- mass x-ruy, dosigned to caver the paign continues, it is hoped thal United Counties for the- second the re-survey et the United Coun- time, was begun. The Provincial tics by mass x-ray can be complet- Division of Tuberculosis Preven- cd during the next two years. tien he]d mass x-ray surveys with June et 1949 was aise an out- a mobile x-ray equipment ut standing month for the number ef Gore's Lunding, Custleton, Woi- persons wbo had chest x-rays ut or and Carrying Place. clinics. In addition to the regular West and East Northumberland monthiy clinics ut Cobeurg, Port Tuberculesis Associations threugh Hope and Bewmanviiic ,travelling tunds ruised by the sale et Christ- clinics were bcld ut Campbelprd, mas Seuls assisted in de! raying Brighton and Coîbomne. At those the cest et these surveys. Special places 283 persons had cheat x- local committees et public-spirit- rays ut the requet et their famnily ed citizens carricd eut the local doctors. canvassing and cempleted the le- During June Heaith Unit nurses cal arrangements for these sur- made 65 home visits te tubercu- veys~.tesforpit95pesn losis cases, contacts and suspects. presentcd tbemselves for chest PRECAUTIONS AGAINST x-rays. No cases et tuberculesis POLIOMYELMTS Ivere found in these surveys. This is an encouraging indication et At this scason et the year pur- the. progrcss that bas been made ents begin te ho concemned about in the tuberculosis central cam- the dangers of infantile paralysis. paign in the United Counties since There bave been scattered cases the tirst mass x-ray surveys were reparted in Ontario during the started in 1946. If the Public sup- past two wlieks. It is weil that I MONTREAL -Wenderful for quick sand- wich fillings, between meal and bedtime f snacks, the uses fer jamns and jellies are al- inest endiess! Se take full adviantage ef the J tangy currants and juicy, flaveurful cherries new in season. Make a supply et jams and j cilie the quick, sure, easy way mith CERTO Fruit Pectin. Anyone can make perfect jams and jellies by tellowing exactly the recipes under the label et each Certo bttie, Do try Certo -yu'Il love it. Recouse Tii.,. Were Sa Moeny Letteons tram readers asking fer th is -- .wondertuilv informnative bookIet about how to hook rugs I'm repeating the offerl If yeu haven't yet sent ior "A New Hobby Prom An 0Wd Crat-How te Hook a Ru g" . . . this ia your "chance-at-a-iife- time "I IL's your epportunity ta begin a hobby that içill give you a great deai ef pleasurel This boakiet nat only gives the tascinating histary of hooked rugs in aur country ... but tells you exactiy how ta go about this pleasu. able business et hoeking yaur vcry ownt It's fun-inexpensive- easy- and such rewardi»g resuits! AIl you need ... a set et wooden tranes-burlap -bits of cloth or wrsted-a steel rug hook- colourful, Al-fabrie Tintez Dyci and, ef course-the boaklet! It'a j y ours for just 10a .- simplY writ e ta me, enclcsing your dime.. Barbara Brent, 1411 Cérescent St., Montreal, P.Q.! A F.. iftand a neat littie .",labour-saving » de- this « cute s a but- ton" "Baby Food Saver"! It's a plus.. tic "scoop" (pale pink or blue> for scoeping eut the last morsel of goodness tram every tin et Heinz Baby Foodst You won't want ta waste one tiny bit of Hein. Baby Foods for they're just right for baby- and how he loves them 1 Sa write ta me- Barbara Iront, 1411 Cres- cent St., Mont reai, P.Q. - fer your free "Baby Food Savef" I Tell me 'whether you'd like pink or blue. An d -remember- tomer- raw's a good time te order a new supply of HEINZ BABY FOODS, HEINZ NEW BABY CEREALS or HEEINZ JUNIOR FOODS from your deaier I Tempflng Fesh Fruit ln Seosonj Snowy whipped cream and iight, fluffy cake -it's lbard ta equal a delicious combination like thisf Particulariy if the cake is a Swans Down cake . . . iight as a drcam . ull of ail that delicate tendemnes and moistness that SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR gives to ait cakes. Made from soft winter wheat, Swans Down is miii- cd by a " Controlled Milling"' pracess and sifted again and again until 27 Urnes as fine as ordînary heour. Beginner or expert - 'eU can't lielP but make better cakes, if you use Swans Down Cake Flour. Try the wonderful tested recipes on the package. Trael With A Lght Heurt . . . and a carefree mind, unwarried by maneY Problems . * with yaur funds etra-safe in Travellers' Che ques. Issued by the BANK 0F MONT- REAL, they're cashable ut banks everywhere in Canada and cerne in canvenient amounts et 810, 82o, $50 and $100. Travei-wise folks imuch prefer them te cash because they're uselesa ta the thiet or fInder, if etolen or lest. Yeu igu each B of M Travellers' Choque on top when you huy iA and on the bottom hen you cash it-right in the presence et the toiler. And yau're the anc persan in the warld who can sigu yeur name Vour wayunder thas circumstances. Thats why B af M Travel- ]ors' Choques wili help you on.iay a worry-free vacation. And Boet M branches will get you special choques fer travel abroad. 7~~L VACUJUM PA.CKED * ALWAYS FRESN -What's a Picnic Without a Coke? i a m ti A t( a Aurmd bmS.dw et va.ColU au"mrct wM h CcC&aLed UANDBLY'S CAEBONATED DEVERAGE 4)SHAWA PHONE 753 PAGE EIGHT PONTYPOOL On Tucsday -evenling, Juiy 19, a group of our maie citizens were riding in a "pick Up" truck. About one and a hait miles east oft Miil- brook, thc truck driver sounded his homn as a warning that he was passing a car going in the same di- rection. The car driver crowed his vehicle too close to the (cige of the pavement, with the r wlt that the car, upon striking the gra- vel shoulder of the road, went out of control, tumned over, injuring the aduit occupants, besides kili- ing a two year oid child paseenger. The occupants et the truck turned back and rendered assistance tili the police came. Yelverton Girl'& Basebail Club held a very succestul dance in the local L.O.L. Hall on July 20. Ruth Wilson's orchestra supplicd the music. The Club cleared $34.00. A squabble broke out during the eviening between some Janetville and Bcthany young men. Seems that Janetvilie had the Indian sign on Bethany ailsecason, trim- ming thcm cvery time the two teams piayed. Later on, during thc dance, the Bcthany boys, who were very clated over their suc- cess couldn't resust a littie bragg- ing. Resuit a fight! We noticcd -on JuIy 21 that dressed hogs on the Edmonton market wcre $35.00 per cwt. dress- cd'. In 1932 or '33, we soid dressed pork in Pontypool at $6.()o per cwt. One of our wcaithy customers had the carcass weighed on a set et broken scales. which showed a ditterence of twvelve peunds. In vain we argued that our scales were almost new, therefore apt to-be more reliable than the old, borrowed set just used. The old skinflint kept back the 72 cents. Since then he bas gone the way of ail flesh. If he took the 72 cents with him that he cheated us out ef, it has probably meltcd long before this, presuming of course, that he went whcre the writcr consigncd him. Wben our young Dutch triends, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berendsen caîl- ed on us, they showed us a book- let turned out by a Dutch Forestry firm. It cent.ained an article by Bill. Although we *were unable to read the language it was printcd in, we did enjoy seeing the pict- ures of tamiliar spots in Port Hope, the Ganaraska watorshed, etc. We noticed too, that every ar- ticle in the publication was over the name et a well known profes- ser. Indicating that Bill Berendsen can turn out, just as intcrcsting stuff as the best of themn. Ail kinds et intcresting people call here. 0111Y iast Sunday the chap in charge et the repuir de- partment ut the Ronson Lighter Co. called. He was a stranger te us, but it didn't take long te asic why the Ronson we had, wouIdn't work. ýWe wero aise hosts to the wrestlfng coach of Toronto Uni- versity. A few days ago, an al Ontario weight-lifting champion visited here. A couple of days ho- fore that a Party of Americans toured the ares,, thoughtiour work interesting, hoped it Would be pro- ductivê et much good in the fut- ure. They Were kind enough et SaY that the trip through the For- est, heme, was the best part ot their vacation. We particuiarly like our own County rosidents ha- ving a look areunand asking question~s. About six mil«e aît of ponty- THE CANADizAN STATESmAN, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTARIO THVRSDAY, JULY 28th, 1949 SHIRLEY (Cartwright Township) Ail the past and present furnilies and triends et our cammunity are cordiaiiy invited to attend a combination picnic et Bethel Sun- day sehool and cemmunity; the picnic te be beld in Geneva Park, Columbus, on Saturday atternaen, July 30. Came and bring yeur basket. There will be games and races for ail. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Coates, Mm. and Mrs. L. Siute, Mrs. Merle Siute motorod ta Niagara Falls. Miss Minry Lau Robertson is hoiidaying witb ber grandparents Mm. and Mrs. S. Robertson, Port Perry. A gaodly number et Orange Lodge members and their familles attended the Orange Wuik en July 12 at Fenelon Falls. A deluxe bus suppiied transportation fer some torty people while others drave their awn cars. About 30 members et Purpie Hill Lodgc took part in the parade. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fenton and tamiiy with friends enjeyed Sut- G. F. JAMIESON TIRE DEPNT Cor. Klnt and Silver Sts. Boulmanville - Phone 467 1- it r t RECORD NUMBER 0F VISITORS IN MAY A record seasen in the visiter industry fer Ontario is forescen by officiais. An indication et the trend, for the first five menths ot this year, Amerîcani tauriîig parties entcring the pro- vince totalled 204,222, an increase et 13.3 % over the same period in 1948. This figure cxceeds the dermes- pending five month period in any yeur oack te 1937, the next largest being in 1946 when the totdl was 163,807. During May thore were 95,817 T.V.P.'s issued te Americun tour- ing parties cntering Ontario parts, an increase et 21.8% ever 1948. This was the biggest May on re- cord. Surveys et the period over the July 4th heliday indicate a furthcr increase in the number et Ameni- YOUR EYES au Visia Rewritt trom previo copyrights C. H. TUI Optometri Disney BId '1W (Opp. P.0 Oshawa, Phone 1516 id )n, tten. Dus s et CK ,ret Idg. Eye fatigue ut school or ai werk therefore, is a common trouble and most cases have the complaint but de nat knew the cause. Accampanying oye strain, wiil corne a long list et such troubles as nervousness. head- aches and general debility. These are but the results et fighting against an imposition. You might as weil try cerrecting by mule et tbumb or theory as te correct by consuiting a mail order bouse. :The cbid oetot-day is the man et tomornow - give hlm a chance in the werld. The value et yaur eyes is such thut the best is none tee goed where the exarnination is cencerned. (Cepyrighted) Siafford Bros. Monumuental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundus St. E., Whitb FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precîse workmunship and curefu] attention te detail are your assurance when vou choose tromn the widc selection et imnported and domnestic Granites and Marbles in stock. P arenta ,ahiuld e c oncerned abou this digeaso as -they ahould be wlti regard to any,ot the dangerous di seases, but it is-alzo wefl that par ente should base their attitudg upon a consideration ot the tact known about this disease. 'Although. medicul 'science hai still muchte learn about infuntili paralysie, the public should- nos lize that definite progress has beer made in the knowledge regardini the diseuse during the past E years. One tact'which has been de. monstrated and, which should bi reaâsuring to all parents is thai far *tewer poople- develop paruiy. sis ator an attack of poliomyelitià thun was ireviously- belleved, Dunlng the. paet5 years over 90 %i et ail repocrted caeà of- poliomnyci itis i4, Ontariô have been admittec to hospital for-~treatneint and of these onily 12 per'cent -had residua. paralysis of any deireo upon dis- charge from hospitai. Recent 'analysis'ot cases have shown that the .more severe torms of paralysis tend te occur in those patients who have continiued toe tee active atter the first symptomà have developed. This would in- dicate that during the peliomyei- itis season parents shouid ho pur- ticulunly careful te ensure that children shculd. be kept ut rest early atter the enset et any tever- ish cendition, upset stomach, or y other condition which might the ver y eariy stage et a begin- ning attack et peliomyclitis. Avoiding an attitude et panic on the one hand or carelcssness on the other, parents sheuid take al ceasenabie precautione te protect .hildren agaînst the dangers of Prevention et poiiomyclitis in- .lude ail measures te maintain health and attentien te personai hygicne and general sanitation. (1) Be sure your food is pretect- ed front flics. Have yeur bouse .herougbiy screened and kilI cv- ery fly that gains entry betere it 'caches your food. An insecticide such as DDT may bo used. (2) If you have.an.eutside toiiet nake sure it is fly-proof and use picnty et chieride et lime. 3) Keep yeur garbage cevered to prevent the brceding et flics. 4) Do net eut*raw fruit or vege- tables until they are, theroughly vashed or pccled. This includes wild or other fruit picked trem ushes or trees. Do net drink un- iate MUl or water.. (5) Wash and rinse ail dishes ind ceoking utensils in boiling hot rater. (6) Do notbatho orswim-in pol- uted waters. ,7 Do not allow chiidren te 0v- ýr-exercise or get chilicd, and see bat they get extra rest each day. .void crowds. If suspicieus symp. ;ms de occur or w'bcn in doubt tdocter shouid b. consuited. This Is the distributive age. Different graups seek gaverument -aid - tell us they cannet breath witheut it. The spirit et self- reliance is gne. It gave power te the pianeers, they drew it ini witb their methers, milk - the present generatian gets it from tamily aiiowuncos. We seek a Father Bountiful, with intinite capacit3g te come ta aur aid - cash tram the stute is ta make us strang! Same deem it te be more important than productien. This is anc of the weuknesscs et demecracy. The cry tram every side is for state aid. We need mare bauses, lot the o eonment buiid them. Provide aur yeuth tvith athletie fields and atbietic experts ta, direct their spart ac- tivities. Let the chidren ho raised by the state ar ut leust provide them with sufficient meney te ebtuin the necossary "cokes"! Let us consume ail we praduce, few think eftomarrew! The real task is te strengthen the ecanamy et the nation and thus buiid a national edifice which wiil withstand the storms inevit- able in human 11f e therefere in the histary ot every country. This atter ail is a democracy. Party leaders desîre te attain ef- fice. We have just passed tbrough an election based on magnificent promises. What tallows? If these pramises were ail kept ut least 50 % ef the national incarne would ho spent by the state. We have gone a long way in that direc- tien. In a tîme when wc were richer than ever hetore we have pussed out hundreds et millions et dollars ta, be spent on consumer goods. There will came a day when normai operution et econ- amie luws will caîl a hait ta these uctivities. We wili net be able te answer. The fixed charges wiil ho tee bigh if we yield te every dlaim fer geverument assistance. LA weak gvernment wouid net be able te resist these dlaims, backed as they are by subtle ar- guments. We are toid that these expenditures are simply transters of purchasing power tram one section ot the community te an- other - from these who earn te those who consume. The plea is for a re-distribution et the nation- al incarne, more burdens for thase who work - more case for those who boaf. Prosperity means the Iargest possible army et produc- ers equipped with the best mach- ines praducing with the greatest possible efficiency. Mepnwhi]e we postpone te a later day the things which should have been started generatians ago. What about afforestation? The loss from forest tires is enor- meus. Then there is soul erosion which represents an immense an- nual ioss. In these things we live on promissory notes which are neyer met - we pass on te the future the problems creatcd by the waste ot today. Yet still there is hope. Slawly we are beginning te think - even te act on some issues. There is indeed much te be done. V.K. ÔILS A»DFATS Domentie consumption of ig CALL UP AND seed où ini the United Klngdom in- creased to an estimateci 12,100 "COALUp 1 short tons in 1948-49 compared with 5,500 tons in 1947-48. Pro- duction of slaughter fats at 44,100 tons in creased by il per cent over N W the level of the previous year. N W Fish-oil production also increased. Whale oil during the past sdason Thre n oe was down about 10 per cent from the season before, but sperm cii ahivew-nop a fuel shortag.- output pvas up about il per cent. FAIM MACHINERY for the mon who burma ard Austria is p roducing two types coladflshkbnery of tractors; one suitable for horti. cultural gardening, the other an export machine suitabie for.oper- ation in muddy rice fields.InA Hungary production of the first modern type Diesel tractor was expected to* be completed by June. This machine weighs over TRAD!MARKED WITH TINY RID SPOTP three tons and it is claimed that it can plough neariy an acre and a half to a depth of over eight OWEN NICHOLAS inches in onie hour. Spain isFU L also constructing tractors; a 25FU L horse-power track-type and a six Phone 410 or 2249 Bowmanvill h o r s e - p o w e r m a c h i n e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IELIE'NULTO OI have been Insuluting hanses through this district for SIX YEARS, nd there are still ouses For sumnier prices phone- 1F. A. Bruce 18TH ANNUAL Sports Day', at PORT PERRY r PROCEEDS IN ArD 0F COMMUNITY MEMORIAL RECREATION CENTRE Sponsored by the Business Men, on Civie Holiday AUGUST 1lst, 1 949 HORSE RACES '- $1100 PURSES Feature Events - Free-for-All Trot or Pace- $500.00 purse 2.26 Trot or Pace, (2 seconds allowed trotter.) - $300 purse 2.19 Trot or Pace (3 seconds aiiowcd trotters) - $300 purse Pari Mutual Betting. Bradley Starting Gate. $5 entry tee NOTE:- Thc Commnittee are assured of some cf the fastest herses competing in these events. PONY RACES Isi Race - 12 %~ hands and under - Znd Race - Over 12 % bauds (2 Heats) Oshawa Sea Cadet Band in Attendance BASEBALL TOURNAMENT ai 1:30 p.m. Sunderland, Cambray, Stouffvillc and Port Perry $100.00 in Prizes SPORTS-Races for Boys and Girls Bicycle Race for Boys MONSTER STREET DANCE1 Starting at 9:30 p.m. Music by Van Walker's 10 Piece Orchestra TREET FAIR-Booths, Games and Refrcshments. Fun For Ail ADMISSION TO GBOUNPS Adults 50o (includlng tax) - Chiidren under 12, Froc Street Dance and Lucky Draw' - 50c Autos Admlttcd to Grounds Free J. J. GIBSON, GORD. CARNEGIE, President. Secretary. "'I e ,~' d im ON TH BLU WATE HIGW O1C The Blue W-ater Highway il; Numer 21 ptarting jîst east of S'arnia. It paraillîs ILake Huron's shore, north 150 lovely miles to the Bruce Peninsula, Owen Sound and the Georgian Bay district. Every type of accommodation and vacation fun can bc fund n the way. There are resorts, cabins, In Ontario we have a holiday Paradise... et's do al we can te encourage visi ters tram acroas the border. Pulished in support of the tourist busi- ness by John Labatt Lirnited. rent a hoat or take a Pruise., swlm at saridy h'ýacheis, fish t he lake or irîiand streams-and enjov the varied scenery. From Oweil Sound take Ilighway 26 for Barrie- 10 for' -Hamilton and 6 for Guelph. Write the Blue Water Highway Association, Sarnia, Ont., for holu- day plan details. Twentv -one guns comprise the- LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME DACKI national salute te, The Flag. _ ___ 'j Pool there is a couple et sharp corners that have been the scene et several accidents. The odd thing about it is that, aitheugh tarmers et the district rolied their cars over, the County oud utticials didn't seem te be unduiy worried. But, wben one et our Jewish tour- ists rolled his car over ut the same spot a couple of weeks ugo, a checkerboard was erected immed- About 5 p.m., Juiy 22, another Ot the Jewish traternity spailed the appearance et a nice Meteor ut the other corner. Let's see if a cbcckerbeard is erected there. The writcr recently received a letter fron-b Ralph McCaw, aur aid schaol principal, now attending summer school ut Western Uni- versity, Lendon, Ontario. Harvest is in full swing areund these parts. Most farmers report that, tbough the straw is short, tbey will bave mare grain than tbey had at first anticipated. urday atterneen ut Geneva park, wbile attending the Legien Picnic. Ail report a geod time and several prizes wcre carried home which were won in the gumes and races. Farmers will be threshing this week as seme have already started ut their wbcat. Crops will be harvested by an early date this year. Sa it looks as though there should 'be time for a vacation for ail. Be good ta yourself and arrange one. Sinclair Robertson and Tom Duff attecded the Scatt Baby Beef Cuit Club visiting and judging ut the variaus stock farms, cnding up witb a picnic supper and swim ut Genevu park and then ta Beath farms. By R. J. Deachman The peeple et Canada are stihh taiking about the election. There are those whe tear thut the ma- jerity is dangerous, alike te the party in power and tbe country as a whole. Regardiess et the party which mnay bappen te be in power the gevemnment of the day sheuld bave a majerity sufficient te carry eut its platformn - if it bas one. There is ne greater danger te a democracy than a government in office but net in power, bidding for support tram the weak - the political strays, with no real con- victions, wha sit on the fences et expectatian iookîng for a band- ,le in 1 1 1 l n e 1 p 1 1 ýý 1 WhichRoad é? Bowmanville 494

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