a - .mc. m iIJi W T YA1V AI.L. '.LO i TIU>'HUSAAUUTO1 m iisaeRoe gadsingcnrlrse.ci th ne ed freare us of thse nts kl npeiinegffeig h ikr aensHe cstten th d at elzeciinic at sy uparb swig e Dean West crevaeout two singles.- 0 " 0w wr i uy lObig o ayqikswn ..sw vnpnsac av em It was the hast garna the Juve- support this warthwhile cause. uuuea~snl.rsosbeCtzncudfi aj .*..equaîîy efficient with heavy or fliimyfbis..fo ota 4eThis rapresentad Canadian youth governs speed . . . iight f toocis your wok.In diint h eto nues ave iayadthîsseaso andin action, and whiia thechp 2 FeM evas fast, requining less than two h e u rs f o r ri n e i n n i n g s. it w ac hte e u s u a l fe a tu r e s , V ic k e rs a llo w s y o u t a w in o b n w i e s i l s w n Ig 1a owaste the fine effort. was net how you won or leso ut5 a tima savar. Tha Viekers is built foriiemesrce-crmu LaI e SOEhow You Played the game that Dcame te Bowman- hrughutth M O N , A G . 'vi]e 10,0l,10 103 jMayor Davicison stated that he The Vickers Console 100100413ville, through Higgon Elactrie, the Portabl tol------ $3 T O Ohw 2,2,0 5 9 2 donor o! the Colete ofup, but cMel -..$179 TnîPles-Coggins, Doubles- Hughes, a citizen of Whitby andTrsMaBeAane - Fa, it.BasPes nBa- f: Mrzek 3. S W EE e would try to fulfili han duties 3, Ht bRPitharA..y: MFze"3.te the best e! his ahilities. Left n baesABvPllO10R sha-The game was cannieci everth wa 4. Struck eut by: Buttonshaw A O A P.A. Systam with Cal Braun at the FDMISSION -- (includling tax) $1.20 .5, Mrozek 8. Ws s atr h iGAR[l[ mike. Joe Healy was the winner B'Vile-D. W st s, astes 3 , CI ARE TESo! the lucky draw, and Mayor Children Under Sixteen Nol Adminîed' Falls c, Cî-eamer lb, Buttonshaw D:vidspn 'presented himn with a.Wýo t aitn2,Lvt 14 IGNEE Ample First Class 6th), R. West if. u tHahi At the conclusionoftegm arkig Sace unc Couter Oshawa-,Stroz 3b, Caggins 2b, Vbath clubs were entertainad rey- Your general Electdc A.ppliance Dae arigSaeLuc one ally at the home of Mn. and Mrs. D m iefarlb Jzkokî1'ý Lorne Haynes. Delly Beatn 1 Ol 4 IDay r!, Claus c, Jeffs cf, Mro- * _ *steilar 3rd basaman and presîdent zek p. af the Belles, had the honor of l'L A Pl NU PAGE TEN - I flm CAMAny-&lq qrAmr-QUAV #%WMADTO% Piper'sdtripl la iam sond.LDates of Semi-FinalI F. Willianxa Riiik cutting the îbeautiful, Canadian ton, was fined $50 and coïts forfrn o aeptt. hc oter tnw l ls. *ed th Forester cake. selling cherries the packages cf w r b 1 w t e m nl u g de C> the toIhtE Football a e Wins Carter Trop~hy The Collette Cup will b. de- which were overfaced.Tesaconwretkiude S PR TN E W LINE SCORE: RIf__InBowl nTure fended ïby Bowmanville, when it At Hamilton, July 15, Stanley Blile 30,002 4OU.13 H mfl a C utie again ges back into circulation Hose and Son, Bartonville, w a dct Gr es nd Sls At t Cbourg 1 02,305,x 2: 5 2 Aug. 15-Ennikill at Oro. in a district tournament shortly. fined $25 and costs for each 0 nai eatetc gi Cobourg 102,315o, 12 S12, Aug. 17--Courtice at Hampton.% A Bowmanville rink skipped The Order wishes te thank al the following violations: fo1 ulue outof osiion an wa fiall Obornll p.i 4ho,eyt o'Aug. 20-Orono at Enniskîlen. yFrank Williams was thenwin- thin lal fatns for intheir supora thoreak reeing a eeto o oees Rayais Regain First uoutHof aposition, anthe losl fansforytOsborupeolbre(p.g and4thioS nuprock r e p a cdlyaJ m i sod p t c e r p . i n 5 t , a d snn , a 6 h . , o mia nch m e g a m s pn ngii nni t e s c o d n n u l n s s s t iglh ebi nihnr l o c l i t o u f i s t r e e i v n gaiene s eE uoe lst hes c onn da ]ua Place by Defeating LINE SCORE:: Piper 3b, West cf, (p. in 6th.), goals to count. competition for the Carter Family youth program. from the inspecter. and for ofcotntinhewr. R H E Cox rf, Williams 2,(fi t) Lawn Bowàing Trophy. Monty C.F-JaPeft,.Stcy ~.,~Outi ere7-2 Coburg 01000100 2 4 owl if Fuey . (b i 4t2bGoslett and Allan Densem were B. Budai, E. Shred, G. Willetts, D. ____B'ville 100,014,01x 7 8 1 in 6th), Martyn c, (Bates in 7th.) Two Teains Lead rn the o onther t mmbr of te uLamerD. JElli, . WCoole, P. Cobourg dreams of leading the Bowmanville-T. Bagneil rf, Cobourg-,Campbell cf, Quîg- In ura rink th eld atw the touran amn olh .J0 .WihM league took a she]lacking, Sîtur- B. Bagneli cf, Gilhooley 2h, ley If, Hogan ýs, McMillan 3bF.LlR rlPa-ff eda h omnille Lawn Quinney, Manager L .Haynes, W.44bm' day, as the powerful Bowmanville Yourth ss, Piper 3b, Hooper c, Goody lb, Cooper 2h, Shorey cnSft~-t1 T Bowling Club green Wednesdlay Polley, Coach. club toppled them 7-2 and climbed Cowle If, (Williams in 6th), Os- (Zealand in 4th), D. Goody rf, Inafternoon.Last yeara rink fro Belles-P. Moore, H. Povinsky, back 'nto the rarified atmospherebonlWstp Jamieson p. WetbDaorthetrg-y D. Beaton, E. Barteil, R. Church, on tp o theLakshor grup. CoborgConnr i, (JmieonOn Frîday, Aug. 5, theDrig Runner up inl the competition R. Hanson, M. Sturgess, J. Cowl- on to of he Laeshoe grop. Cbour, Conor i, (Jaieso, twot t ea cati hroug w iwnnlues of hree gae ySahich _B.______C_______Man. W ith Y o u rth , H o o p e r a n d th e 6 th ), Q u ig le y c f, H o g a n ss, M - T e l e o ~ o d ta e r p a o f n e w y a d t e M M l a , O s u w , o l t e a k C l n . R a d n . - Bagnells back in the line-up for Millan 3, F. Goody lb, Cooper juve i s o k G d ton SPloftbai au e aly t Mild n ksOsha ip, ed y hS a cin ColB. ad, . McGro. M r. this crucial game. Bowm anville 2b, Shorey c, (Zealand ni 6th), eItlg ort H o pop teie s ti hr u h w t ook nesecofnd pl ace ho os . Hih HT E , I W X N I left rne doubt as te which was the D. Goocly rf, 14arrott p, (Camp- lxi Fast Gaseonipacnenur. ig T EAR better team. The only major bell in 8th.) I atG m At Maple Grave the Maple two game winner was taken by Reduced Rail Fares COMFORTABLY - AR- C NflN change from Royal's regular ____ Grove Hawks won handily from Jack Biddulph, Oshawa, and high lieu a h ace."on"Shaws by 18-7. Ted Hoar pitched one game winner by Sprouie of Announced for C.N.E. T U S A U U Ti une-p ws te cache. "onnThe absence of Captain BebbY an excellent game for the win- Cannington. Rinks frem Oshawa, ____ Hoop wer, j utbackf rt e o rd se r~- P t h d U o a s ai g e, J v i s regylar ners and held the heavy hitting Peterb ro, Lindsay, W hit y, Port Reduced rail fares for perso nisStar G r ier - V l ie H b o less~~~~~~~~ we k s utofth oder e to ob ur catcher, who leads his téam- Shaws te m el in c kHe Perry and Bowmanville made un r vli g t te C n da a took asoverYthe erecegdutiooesd..~o mates in batting, runs scored, te- scattered six. or seven hits over the 20 rinks that resulted in keen tional Exhibition te be heid at g geod there, considering his weak- InC u tyT w tai hils, doubles, triples, home the seven innings. From the open- cempetition, ddtin eoTranto, August 26 te Sept. 10,KLANC ened condition. AI Osborne, play- runs, runs batted in, and stolen in*g Pith it was al Maple Grve. The wiiners infditola od inclusive, were annunced this BNC ingfirt bsernaage taspol bou haf o th Inermdiae ases, was hardy noticed as the Shaws went down in rder and ing the handsome trophy and week. ingl' fir t asemangd t pibu afo the Ieilr eeasntejrm edt local boys welcomed Port -Hope for Maple Grave Ken Staiker led being presented with their per- Reduced fare tickets may he I e Ralyalser fect adin ge of the re gulne ars were s abse n foboWed- tetown Wednesday evening, with off with a screaming triple te snal miniature trophies ase re- purchased from stations in the Adult E n ranm n iyer r ers,tand! on ne fTs !hea - an daCoboights me i n C he oporg a 6-4 decision. right field. The Hawks screci ceived a beautifully dec rated Province f Ontario, except thoseM r h of Tim e Sho rtC l r a t o ere t h s tee! suppotkJuner t nd Cta oou t ae12-5the epor- Pitcher Jack Butteshaw donr- twice in that nning and 3 times fruit cake made by the Carter west of Grant, Jellicoe and White Mac enst ptc iid supporlet, Juni or teity adndet fA - IctOr-ed thecai n quipment, picked mre in the second and Shaws Family. Charles Carter, Sr., made River, Ont. after a shakey start in which he borne. To fill the gaps in his line- up a mitt, wh e ware on te ceunted one in the second and te pnin ate wînners. Round trip tickets wil be seld FIII % , ATUnu x -A li R hittwooppsin bater. H wa up AIfinllyresrte taMidetwrong hand, and calmly expleded twice in the third se the score The draw fer the suit of ciothes for the normai one-way fare plus hitle twao ppo n g of thers. e w as h p , ia liy rh e s arte t i g et p acth r e t hat bae b ail h ne s tod 5-3 at the end of the third that the B ewm anvile Club was bre haf for both first class and sp uote fromh ao e dof th ie ew tght p vers hohe sca rr i ng D n pa e f r J - a d d c t h r y and a l indications pointed te a sponsoring was m ade during the coach class travel. Tickets -w ili apt that he aido e d ea ise B resrvn. Ted sads Midetso n d payng an outstading game. He close scaing game but home runs turnament with T. Gould, Liber- be honored ging from Thurs- ta Ob rine.do ble ly, Giih ole Bates d T d radsn pero ame threv, ut the first runner at- by Ken Summersford, Barney ty St., Bowmanvile, the lucky day, Aug. 25, te Saturday, Sept. At bat Max Younkh slapped eut a pinch-hitter, whiie Dad had ting te steal and thenceforth Holmes, a triple by P. Finney, as winner. 10. inclusive. On the return trip plydasldgm tfrtb" as the Port Hope team stymied well as two or three ethen hits The individual team scores are ikts ilheacte lain fdoublper adcsge e led wthe ydn a oosabigame at'irst with his wondeful thows ta the led ta 8 runs and aso saw Johnny shown eiw. They are not in or- Toronto Up te midnight of Wed- fied. ipe wa clse ehid wth unig Cbeug'sbigsixh inîn, bases. Laten in the game, with a Stacey~ relieve Ken Werry on th der of meit nsaSet 4 two, singles. On the base-paths and participated in the neatest runnen on third and another maund. edySpt14 Bill Bagneli snatched three bases, pick-off of the season by Gard emWnLs wvhiie Giihooley was steaîing two. Sttirrock. stealing second, Buttanshaw Stacey couldn't stop the rami- Jackson, Oshawa -------- 2 1 - blazed the bail taward second paging Mapie Grave Hawks and Pascoë, Bowmanvilie ----1 2 LV.arriage C.erL1icaLe Cobour-g seemed weak aiong If Mr. Osborne can continue base. Pitcher Falls cut off the Dick Richard came in te pitch. Morrison, Oshawa---- 1 2 FrnCa.~u0 the ieft side. Third baseman Mc- raiding younger teams in order thnowr, whiried and threw ta Mapie Grave piayed spark]iing Sproule, Cannington ---- 1 2 or h n e Miilan made twe errons, and ta balance his awn greybeards, Masters at third who tagged the ýbail behindtepthn fTdDceLnsy- 2 1- ____ played a generalîy poor gaine, as Royals may win a championship -bewilderect runner. Falls later Hoar and the scarer could oniy Keel, Oshawa------------0 3 A change in the ma4frer 3inh rtC lr ato ddleft fielder Connor, who yet. caught another runner off first, find one errer against them and Bel], Lindsay -----.-2 1 which marriages are registered in _______________________________ rissed an easy fly all, was often Four hapiess Rayai Pitchers, with two pick-off throws inl that did flot effect the scaning. AadOsaw------2 i ntri fr ttitiaorupte -F---r et, Orne , t urrack nd qu ic k sucavessi on ah en ule The individual hitting star of Bell, W hitby ---------- 2 tok effect M nday, August lst, I N D Y T U S A- A G 15 6 vai W e p t a ed tethe C ud i n ptheirs have bee ce cetrain g the game was Phil Finney with Skitch, Lindsay .- 2 1 which was b nught about through - . 'Y T E S Cobour.. pik-offRay Munday, Barney Halmnes and Renaud, Peterbono ---o 3 nepresentations made by many icedd ay, at l h at ny t w es p a tîsa d pt he r n e h Su mrme sford close behind. M eM ilan, Oshawa ----- 3 o clergym en thrughout the pro- picd up wi eht s our B w avlksoffl t e mpast. e a f o t e f n The second and p ssibly fina o d a , s a a - ----- 2 vince, including at least one and a ift of fou B wWaviso he as. B evnanvll's top g meOf the seies wiîî be playeci W illiams, Bow'vile --- 3 o from Peterborough. eres isnat Shaws Aug. 9 andi if passibleCechrane, Oshawa --- 2 Last Apnil a new formi was Rayais netcheci three runs in hitter with a9rpean ige a write up on this game wiîî ap-WyaOhx----i 2 itdue ic temnies the first inning on triples by Gil- Falls had two singles. pa eswheint he taes Bddip, Oshaa_.----21 2 were rued ta fuitheutin its haoley andi Cowie and two Ca- LINE SCORE: Sae-Biackl, bugerrons. With the sale ex-RHE ceauingo Rlim'sige H Eot oi, --10,0,0462 Mape Grve-B. Snowden cCa le, Bowmanville -2 1 tests were received from amoa cn nlepto fW ams ' ingle g r r Bew Pont Hop - 400,200,x 46 7 24 T. Hoar p, B. H ames lb, M. Letcher, P rt Peny ----- 0 3 thein number cmpaining about mat nvil e w seunbt a gnen t o a eville - v00,0 , Po t Tighe 2b, H. Snawden 3h, K.th la g m u o ad i on . singles, a walk, errer and fieider's Hope 2. Triples-Wilsori. Doubles P Fineuc, . unayr: eeWTesBet hegvenmntpad ee t Eane rnsB'iieIf ntSumesfrdss K Sake I wrkths ntied Ter ane Moieon ew TchîclarCeto choice added two more runs. -Heath, Young. Bases n B Ps-A. Finney , . Stens, S. INhite Welx Firt 2thqestcompnts hafr nd ae ew W ED oNESD YINURDewsUG 7 Gillhci3ley was big mari for Off Falls 2, Lenehan 1. Left on snowdnH.Fny.pitdaewfr wic te Srtruck Out-by: Pon Hopel5.Shaws-G. R GaiKneryprne anwfomwic h R a ai w t h atr p l a d i g i . tr c k u 4 y ' al s , D . A sh - Rie armceK Worfa S e r e s n ew ly w eds th em se ves w i l be e- ton P. Hit by pitcher-Fails Iý p andi 3b, D. Phiilipps lb, G. Cax_____uretefiutaerhe a- --(D. Ashton.) 2h, N. Hoan ss, J. Stacey 3h and urdtfilotae hem- p and cf, D. Rickard cf and pH. Bowmanvilîe Pee Wee hardbail niage license is issued by the Sca Play$ COIp. prosoi UMéE Bawmanville..West ss, Masters Hammend if, H. Woods rf, B. team had ne trauble in handing local registrar, who is Town Cienk LU5R3h, Falls p, Creamen lb, Button- Bragg rf (in 6th.) t he Whitb3j club a 19-4 defeat in Alec Lyle, Bowmanviile. The t iM sha c Wiso 2, Lvet c, R. At Ceurtice the Ceuntice lm-th aenn gaef the senies forms wiii be supplieci hy the West 6th), Heath r~~ (Moore- periais edged Ebenezer 6-5 in an that \vas played in Whit'by Satur-rgitaaonwthhemnie craft 6th), Craok If, (Sellers 6th).exlincrtfcefom A pi o Xmeneii ay Brre or H p -B be l , .As e cele t played game andi typi- day m arning. __________________ SV~onKmveftd:BuBae.IIMIDtoss(pins),Lr3hEvn cal Playoff bail. Courtice moveci The big inning for the local cf , .i sht , rdmn3b, Dotz aheaci 4-0 and later led 6-2 gaing teamn was the second when they VIOLATE ACT into the seventh but Ebenezen batteci in 9 runs hefore the Whit-MAIY MXILL*RTU Spo ta gle 3. ** n ît.te make the score 6-5 but Whitby scored their runs in the Veri, Aldeshot, Ont., wasn aea * BUlPAULRSTENARTLOLRUTHU" il %R U DLK IC Ecould net push across the tieing 2nnd 3rd inning. $21n c-sievn Tbiere's neer a dul marent in this................Juvenilles Lose SecondrnJakGyegeieryPt- WhitbyP Brown, H. McGary, designateci for cempusoy in- C~roni ehioo . 0 ~son n a reai pitching dea. The H. Spanner, A. Waburton, Sey- spectin of fruits and vegetables favourite holiday area -whether Gaine ta Oshawa Fecond garne which is scheduled maour. A. Rousseau, D. Marlowe without the required inspection. A neetn hr You're on the water or Close Gaine for Aug. 9mray, appear ini this M. Wilson, R. Phillips. At Guelph. July 18, Frank Man- A neetn thee'salwys gag o th bech e I Clse arn edtio inthepapr.Bowmanville-G. Lane, R. Iy gana, 404 Hughsen St. N., Hamnil- or at the dance 'round Sçimroe's V.MsnJ.akeREIiiat, J Juenle scodloss of the Clarke, M. Richards, B. Cale, K. a nyrmoatsio dgc sand htels F rhe :.. current season proveci ta be a Kelly. Chamber of Commerce, Orillia or lerbekr sOhw lie Barrie. Good train and bus service-.54wnwe h rne h or about 2 heurs drive by highways a 5-4 have when the srunerh No.w2ud7have tied2the score for No.27 7 i o 12 nrt fomBowmanviile faîle dto tauch the COF Gil Win Lake Ontario. Every year, thou- ,.Plate. R. West came racing home up BI lands of visitos enjoy holidays here *.dwel in a ivance of the bal, crosC o l ttI want te coeeagain. ,Now owhHmnaec e as te/"nZ I gmeththatal h the catcher, andi declaneci eut. plate without touching it ne ane thrilis o i egI al n LE' MK HE Fy-casing isla 1ke verything knows. Soine spectatons declared which rp the overfiow rwBigsI Bo m ivle WANT TO COME BACKI» *Ise, Miss Abbot, youmstde, that he had steppeci on the catch-atM onaPrkBwm vieB ng B ma il, basope .' fO thr erey ms sn ce on the ecge of their seats, Lamne tain the Oshawa catcher, blcn- Han3es' Canadian Forester Club IWorld - Famous British thebas-blockad ung -Wstof Bowmanville, after traiing th oe bsie-ofne pha te. nueged Westwice carne d wn in front in the ta o e s de o th pla e. ne t înglast inning ta take the C ollette is certain, he was called eut. At [ l!Bat ae u ysoeo that Point ariother member of the Hep!Ba12- aon11.y creo ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ and Coa h D n F rgus n. nsu anc th t .just mis e. idei u til he ina fr me.k e r E l et r i S ei1gM ac11e West clan, Dean, was ready te Bert Johnstan, the Cannie Mack take on the umpire andi the entîre AfOEjs u frah c il al sdeeytiki Oshawa team, AlbutE us Ohef was fgilsbafinaiievrytrcki dissuadeci by. Manager Sturack wntsv rwlgmn the bag te head off the home town b ut h was finaly Nv n't ave drow ing an! cl ub, an di the issue w as neyer de- i krE l ci r S ee n Bath Bawmanviîîe lasses Bttcus et nrelceet year have been Ia Oshawa; bath giving full protection to al Bnnycuaisetantredlaforetse - timleS Bawmanviîîe rmerjted a win your pronpert i.výIl o1 ae Frsesadpthdgo1bal~ u up se n P o e ef r a c e -