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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1949, p. 1

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i ~inabnrn "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" VOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE., ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST llth, -1949 6e PER COPY NUMBER 32 Lupressive Decoration Day Çpemony Is. Well Attended' Mayor Mlason Gives Address At an impressive Decoration where they laid beautiful glad- Day ceremony in Bowmanville i oi on the graves of the 61 veter- Cemetery on Sunday afternoon,. ans. On the stonei above one of Mayor L. C. Mason paid tribute the graves which was decorated, to the Canadian Legion for tak- the name of H. T. Mollon. a vet- ing the initiative in reviving this eran of the Criîmean war, was worthwhile occasion. inscribed: "He died at the age of The service started at the Town 100 years and 6 mônths." Hall wbere, despite the stifling The afternoon's cerpmony con- heat, over 100 mnembers of the cluded with the Last Post and Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary Reveille played by James Nokes. Lormed into a parade beaded by Many citizens frein Bowman- Orono Citizens Band. With col- ville and fromn distant points were ours flying. tbey marcbed through present during the service -and the main street witb fine precis- commented favorably on the ion whîle the band played martial beautiful appearance of the ceme- airs and the large crowd of in- f ery with almost every gravei terested spectators lined the marked by flowers. streets. Arrangements for the event S Arriving at the cemetery, where were in charge oi Legion Pasti a platform bad been erected, the President J. Clifford Samis and large gathering joined in a relig- mnember of the executive Rae ious service in memony of the Abernethy. Parade Major was deceased. Rev.-'G. C. Quigley of Arthur Kilpatrick witb Mrs. Geo. St. Paul's United Churcb, took Willatts acting as Chaplain forI charge of the ceremony. assisted the Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs. S. C.; by Legion Vice-President Stan Preston, Ross McKnight, _Arthur Dunn; Capt. Clarke of tlie Salva- Hooper and James Newman tion Army. and Rev. Geo. Nichol- formed the colour party for the son of St. John's Anglican Church. two organizations.' Officiai re-1 Music for appropniate bymns was presentatives of Town Council' provirled by Orono Bi'id led b and service clubs were present Bandmasten M. J. Tamblyn. at the ceremony. Graves of vetenans which wene Mayor Mason in bis address re- decorated by the« Legion included called that the Town Council the following: several years ago bad sponsored G. C. Bonnycastie, R. Clark, E. the annual Decoration Day ser- C. Southey, N. S. McCrimmon, T. vice but that it bad been dropped Ward. C. W. E. Meath, R.F. until this year wben the locai MrMurtry, W. E. Lockhart, T. An- branch of the Canadian Legion nison, A. Cracknell, D. A. Bagnell, had undentaken to restore the K. C.' Martini, H. T. Mollon, J. C. event. Bell. F. Cryderman, V. R. Oliver,1 . e stressed the worthwhile H. Fry, J. H. Edmund, L. Sanders, nature of the occasion and urged E. Hoar. G. Pritchard, W. C. King, citizens to decorate the graves of W. C. Nicholson, V. M. Moses, E. their dead frequently as fitting Stonebridge, E. L. Sanders, F. tribute to the memory of the de- Storms, J. Grant, R. Greeness, W. parted. Most, of those wbo lie J. Hoar, J. B. Thickson. A. Aber- in Bowmanvil:. Cemetery are, i n ethy, A. H. Scobell, W. H. a sense, not dea~ because theîr Thomas. E. A. Wren, A. Moore, influence and example continue .H. M. Côle, C. Spry, F. J. Good- to influence the living, hie said. win, R. Davies, A. Simnick, D. Most of us have parents, brothers Drew, G. T. Almond, G. L. King,t or sisters or friends nesting in T. E. Flaxzian. F. A. Gill, C. H. this cemetery and it is beneficial Gatchell, J. Davies, C. H. Lowens. for us. to turn our thoughts to R. J. Lowens. T. Hamilton, H. them and to remember them. Moses, M. Tuerk, T. Sumersford, As-:the conclusion of the formal F. Rogers, S. Hogarth, R. M. Cot-c ezice Legion members were ton, G. Corke, L. E. .Yeo, P. ,~.di into seven gnoups, each Hughes, W. Clark, C. T. Ross, W. te9 a portion of the cemetery Fewster, A. Cole.r - - - -- - - - Lions MembersHetar Dg Siemon Cive His'Second Address In W.ilc Speaks at Clubs Dr. C. W. Siemon who recently returned from a seven weeks' tour of the British Isles and Europe and bas been kept busy the past week speaking on bis trip at both the Lions and Rotary Clubs. His addresses ap- pear elsewhere i this issue. Stewart -Bratley Victim of Accident Near Maple Grove Crossîng the bighway to ne- tnieve bis' cane, Stewart Bratley, 69 year nId farm belper, xvas struck and fataily injured by a car west of Mapîe Grove Satur- day night. Mn. Bratley, -wNho bad worked1 for many farmers in this area and1 was latterly employed by Cyril Rundle, had followed bis regular weekly custom of going to Osha- wa b *y bus every Saturday nigbt. Always, be left bis cane in the bushes at Robt. Preston's service station and picked it up on the way home, crossing the bighway to recover it. Complete wilh walking stick be would then walk the baîf mile to the Rundie home souith of the highway. He bad fol- lowed this pattern for years. Unfortunately, fate took a hand on Saturday night. He made the Oshawa trip without incident, had discmbarked from the bus on the return trip and bad started across the bighway to secure bis cane. Suddenly as be was halfway acros.c the pavement, it is believed that he saw a car approaching froin the east. The car driver, Phillip C. Nedbam ,Toronto, must Rotarians Enjý On British Isle As Seen by Dr His excperiences in Europe dur- ing a, seven-week vacation was the subject of an informative ad- dress delivered by Rotarian Dr. Cyrus W. Siemon at the weekl', imeeting of the Bowmanville Ro- i tary Club held in the Balmoral IHotel, Friclay at noon. In introducing the speaker Ro- tarian Frank Jamieson mentionec that Dr. Siemon had just returnec from bhis educatiorjal tour of Etir- ope and the British Isies last week and that the club was fortunate ini securing -him for bis recent first- hand impressions. He stated thal Dr. Siemon bas always been a not- ed traveller in Durham county having travelled ov'er higbways and byways of the county by foot, b orse and buggy and car in prac- ticing bis profession during the past 43 years. As well as travel- ling at bis work.he also made full 1use of bis vacations to increase bis knowledge by seeing how people hive in the various parts of Can- ada. United States and Mexico and ini addition viewing historical and scenic points of interest. Early Preparations "It is impossible for me to cover aIl the higblights of my seven- week toûr in tbe short time allott- ed to me to-day," stated Dr. SIc- mon, "but I wilI endeavotir to give you a brief outline of our jour- nev,." He continued that the trip entailed considerable preparation beforeband witb various trips to George Moody and Lin Mitchell, Imanagers of the local banks, to get monetary regulations straight- ened out for the various countries through whîcb they would travel. Dr. and Mrs. Siemon set out on their European trip immediately following the Bay of Quinte Con- ference where he was a delegate. Tbey were accompanied to the Belleville station by Revs. C. G. Quigley and S. R. Henderson who saw that tbey got off on the first leg of their trip in proper style. Leave on Empress Boarding the train at 2:30 in the morning they arrived in Mont- real several hours later and em- barked on the "Empress of France" on which they made the eastbound trip to Liverpool, Eng- and. On their return voyage they sailed on the "Empress ôf Can- ada." On board the ship they had a very enjoyable time with excel- lent cabin accommodation and oy Travelogue ViisBTS Urgent Need f os and Europe Discussed at Ji .Caw.uSMento Council and Pi Glasgow tbey were to meet the "' A special meeting of thetw rest of th e 18 members who made council together with the Bow- up their University Club tour. manville Public Utilitv Conimis- In Scotland, tbeyvivsited ail the sion was held on Fridav night te yscenic points in the famous City 1 attempt te arrive atsome solution~ -0f Glasgow as well as journeying for the imminent threat of a towr i to the "bone banks" of Loch Lo- water crîiss 1mond and the Trossocbs. On thein .r Mayor L.C. Mason presided, -wav through Scot]and 'and Eng- with the only vacant chair being 1 land they saw aIl the outstanding :tat fConior arues 1 hi.storical points in the lands of and quickly called the meetinjg te -Burns, Scott and Shakespeare and coider an(* cct down to buiu-î i finalbr landed in Torquay, Bri- ness by calli ng on Chairman of -tain's RWvera, the Public 'Jitiliti-2.i (Comm;,.-ion. - Home of Ancestors Ross Strike. to outline the pre. t While in this beautiful part of sent water situation in the town. England Dr. Slemon was fortun More Water Needed ate in being able to visit the home Frankly summing up the situa- of bis ancestors in the county of tion. Chairman Strike stated that *Devon around Bideford fr0m the town water supply 1l:Is been a wbere se many of the original serlous problem for «the past 20 settlers of Durham County came. years. The Skinner's spring sit- The great metropolitan city of. uation north of Bowmanville bas London was thein next main, stop --pnoved inadequate and the water 3wbeî-e tbey stayed for a week andHo Wm aito pumped from the Happy Valley *while ther e were able to go out to o.W.Hmlo creek bas failed to relieve the Oxford and see the college whene Recently appointed. Ministen of situation, Mr. Strike went on to their now renowned son, Dr. the Depantment of Reform Insti- say. that the town in tbe peak -Harold Slemon, Toronto, obtained eidisungealthtol part of bis post-gnaduate educa- tutions in Ontario, who paid bis pnemioi nglne ay the tta tion. first officiai visit to the 'Boys and in the event of a serious fine 7 Going -b * the Hook of Holland. Training Scbool on Friday. Mn. within the town limits at sucb a the Siemons started on their tour Hamilton is 47 years of age and is time, a serious water cnisis would of continental Europe witb Am-wl uifeteilhimo- be inevitable. According to bis sterdam their fîrst stopping place.weluafedtf11tempr estimates. there sbould be a cap N-ere they saw the people witb tant office be now occupies as bis acit 'y of one and one-haîf millionI wooden shoes and quaint costumes cancer bas been largelv spent in gallons, in order that theewud and the land of dykes and canals. public welfare work with Pau- always be a substantial eev He nemarked that the Dutch bel d tclremhss- .. waten supply for emengencies. a ver.\ higb opinion of Canada for Lake Only Solution the excellent work ber troops dîd Boy Scouts, Board of Trade, Mn. Strike stated that the only in the liberation of Holland from Victory Loan, Re-d Cross and solution te the problemn was to the Germans. Community Chest Campaigns, to pipe waten from the lake. %*ng "0 Canada" mention a few of his activities. In answer to Coun. Vanstone's On one of the bus tours througb He is marï-ied and bas five chil- suggestion that another pipeline Holland they were accompanied be laid out to the present water by some Dutcb and English. On dren. 1supplv, the Chairman, along with the trip the Dutch partv stood upj the other membens of the Com- and sang their National Antbem mission. predicted that this would and then the party of eigbteen Former Maple Grove only provide a temponany relief Canad bans sang "O Canada." etKle and that in order to insure a per- When 'the Canadians had finished Residn ld manent adequate water supply a the English on the bus wanted te By Fal1ing Brick pipeline to the lake would bave know what wvas the sông they had to be laid. just finished singing. - t was explained to the council Along this samne line, Dr. Slt-- A former Maple Grove man, that the present situation neces- mon mentioned that the only Cao- Peter Lîtovchik, was kîlled at bis sitated the building of an ele 't- dian piece of news tbey bad seen Osihawa borne on Monday mon- ed tank whic-h would nelievèvthe in tbe English papers was an item ing as he was repairing the siuitation until the lake project from Yorkton. Saskatchewan, chimney. Two bricks stnuck hlm could be undertaken. comment ing on the binth of a two.? as they rolled down from the Site of Tank be aded caîf whicb appeared in the roof, causing him to faîl to th The Comsinuprpsdst London Times. gnound wbere, he landed head- TeCmiso' rpsdst Starting on their tour to the finast among a pile of bricks. Hel so th of Europe thev stopped at was about 54 years of age. her Next BigEveâ Br.zel, hecaitl>f eliln, wsnot so long ago that anothter ~ ~ V~A for ada 'v and then wetonte tragic accident struck thi.s ufr ýLgo Carnival - -~- - - --time' and slammed on the brakes, they were on the 20.000-ton ship I tractions including the foîlies j living a t Maple Grove one of tr ay Au st2 Makig te scon Addessscanin th mariag coumn ofwhie steering bis car to the left tbey bad plenty of ententainment They thcn continued on to Swit- their young daughters felu into Makng he ecod adres sannng he arragecolmosofin a fnantic attempt to avoid an te keep them occupied with the zerland where they sopda a well and was drowned.IReinsofB mavleac subject, Dr. C. W. Slemon spoke really worked. accident. Bnatley, apparentlv, Iatest movies, concerts and games. BasIc and Lucerne as wlîaaAsovac.'vs okig nthe w i t h i n o u rAda yIo nath e s a m e t h n e w s p ad ir stto ste i f h e f a b l backed to the south side of tlîe One of the featunes of the ship's speoding four days in the Swiss roof at the time of bis fathersue rrounding stitwil wat t at-Lions Club on Monday night The English and the Swiss rail- pavement which proved to he a day was the walk around the pro- Alps. accident, taking bricks from th e free. for tbis is the date thatte and held bis audience entbralled s ame in for special'mention bad move because it put him i0 menade deck. 8 turos about theMisdD.Mle chimney and putting thcm into Bowmanville Branch of the Cao while he touned England and parts waysc. k l 1* bgw'ih e oDrp.stoadaMLgonbaeleefrthi of the Continent, tinsspeaker. In England, the line with the car's flew patb and deck equale a mile. TeS'on nlavn aaa bfat hrtocaprve toutld rond nna mamob caniala As bis finst addness has been fse r much smoother and the accident occurrcd. Kept Everythlng had hoped to sec Dr. Geoi-ge MiI- 1'He called to bis father to look ot nt whic tby opete bareakail epoted n anthe colmlen-ter coa hs e bin Canacompant nd e btly D. W s emon ow- M0 tbe 2,933 mile trip from ler, former director of the Dur-we w bik.stl tckt-peious tendane t reks repontrdaintonLîverpool, be sea-edwham and Nbrtcumesland Hcaltbtgethervstartedttodroîl rocnrtse ptison wîllbe adehereaoW of ments. seating six people to one manville, i:nd was taken to Bow- that somne of the most picturesque t3nit and nnw witb the World roof. The eIder Litovchik was The carnivai will stant at 6:3 potin o wib e lboaldcompartment. Each sepanation manv'ille Hospital in Morris Co's. scenery was along the St. Law- Health Organization i0 Switzcr. -uîîable te awoid tbem and xvas p.m. at the High Scbool Ground or on new malenial he intnoduced. bas its own doorway to the plat- ambulance but died before he rence River and out loto the gulf. land, but due to unforeseen cr- struck on the head. Fi 1-te inc with a Benefit Baseball Gam He apeaed 1 bemost îm- form. In Switzerland, the dlean could be admitted. They' went via Cape Race due to cumstances hoth parties wene sidewavs off the ladder, about 15btenOswaSr.ndPe- presscd with the facility o! mak- electric trains came as a deligbt- h cietwsivestigaled tefa fieeg nteuulloigfrec te r acasafeet 1e the ground. 1hor no Sshl thnoughnd thegm ing such an extensive trip unden fui shock a!ter the dusty tripbThD. R. c'denmotf orone route tbrough the Strait of Belle result they failcd t eet. ThisaaAblnethere will be lucky attendanc organizcd auspices. Everything, across France in raîher dilapi- Po r .MDrof ooeTeOhw muac a including hotels, tours, buses and dated coaches. Also, in Swilzen- PrtHooe, and 'bv Provincial Isle. Both Bowmanville members ItalY was the next counitr ' yt h e callcd and Dr. M. P. Townsend i pnizes. As a feature attractio bighlight features had been an- laDrSemnîi tcoat Constable Ray' Kowal, Bowman- boasted that they dido't miss a visited where they first stopped at attended. Wben it was deter- at the end of the carnival ther raedan pid orbyth ltan Dr. ere len, n-itriedt otct ville. No details conceroiog char- meal or lose a meal altbough the Milan. Then bo Venice where thev mincd that Litovchikwa dead wiIl be the grand draw for ih rangd an pgesforry an tanqur.esorgbaveerbneenDine-ctsea was a bit rougb in mid- had the pleasure of iding a mile Crnr r . .McDnl 1949 Chevrolet Car. chrsbeor te lfICaad.Governor of Lions and former leased. Atlantic. in a gondola in order to get to was called. The only money nequined duning medical officen with the Durham TeEpesaeae40mlsterhtli h iyo 0 j the trip was for tips on the boat jaoc! Northumiberland Health Unit. The funeral was beld fromF. F. Tr mns vrae40mlsthi oe nth iyo 0 llis Crook, who was in a st rew and for personal purchases. This Unfortunately, they neyer did Morris Co's funeral chapel on e a ntevyg cos thbieshad 20cni.J tl-ars the stret, ad Mr. ea inspcto Meature made travel less confits-i make contact allhough bolb Dr. Tuesday with bunial takin g place fin ally took Ihcm around thie hy bad then greatestproblc Body, who lives on Albert Street, A k fo -operation îng because there was no worry Miller and Dr. Slemon were do- in Ebenezer cemetery,. nntdrollafrrlnd 10te it oeyhen600oureCnian were bolh eewtnse.Mr about learning rates of excbange: ing Ibeir utmost te locate each Mn. Bratley, a bachelor, is sur- Irish Sea past the Isle of Man and dolrbngh 0 i e x- Body was hanging out clothes 10 In Cuttinr Weeds and urrecy alue. I addtio, oter.vive bythre brther, W lo to the Port of Liverpool. Atj change. It involved a mathemat- the 'backvard of ber home when litt1e lime was lesItnying te locale DrSmo wainodcd1 of Halifax, Herbent of Wb itby, 15i great Englisb port aond at (Conninued on Page Seven) tbe accident occurned. Bnth eye-L'mrwhwa atrcinIeas h rvl D. eo a itoue eadGog fSuo sadadwitncesses said that the man Ïell Thos.Lve. h a appoint atraton bcus teIrvethe club by Howard! ..efferyao!anGerefSuggsan and hcad first. He bas beeni doing cd weed ýnspector tbis Nearfo folder delailcd exactly what wasý Dr. E. W. Sisson moved the volee MapleGrove. Percy Bycrs r, osieal or nbshome Bowmianvile, 15 receivîng numen 00pe sistes. cosidrale or onbi teb enaedo ie.Eip ftak.'S udents C n ow En y oldaîn necent months, having almost ous cOInPlaints fnom citizens tha to e een he a 0 lmencept ! bansHe will be sadlv missed in the completed teolb ewrk ewecds are 001 beinget in fr lime. such as during the weck in0 Lion President o. Kent on Maple Grove-Courtice anea be I ALumlDdi was an employee of the Ontario of mnany properties. At least two London, England. almost evcrv- ducted the fiendly and at limes 'cause be was a man of gond char- MI nner o Cmpny tir5IfVhepepl aeISk lbngwa panedabead. Thi abu etnIeblnl e acter and a stnong, vigorouîMlebemnCmay thise babssavannae b 'aueîg auseeibythe aclivit e 0f worker. m R su ts utSurviving besides bis wife, are pride in their premises bv cîîttin there could be no side trips to sec newly appointed Tailtwistcn Fred__________ June Bîcklc-Comp. C;Lit. C, C;Lat. A. 3;Lat. CC; Fr. A. 2; ho o s. ckandfe dHaery. aITwo oerweds. eupets t ohers b places wbich werenefot listed in Cole as he pursued bis pnocliviîy home.aoc! ive daghter.BTw.coo;eZteoan.cu; tFirsC.stC. Ihe îineany.o! colleccing fines. One of theMis eaAgCGom IBt2Zo2Fr.C daugbters, Jean aoc! Lita, are aI of baving the town'go to thec- th tnrr.M s e nNoble Cbem. C; Lat. A. 2; Lat. C. 2. Gerald Morris-Comp. b; Lit. 2; homne. whilc Helen, Grace and penses when lax money is necd Dr. Slemon mentioned the most interesting episodes was the Stella Bonk-Comp. C; »Lit. 2; Hist. 1; Lat. A. 1: Lat. C. 1; Fr. Vena are net living aI home. cd for better sidcwalks. movies on the boats as one cf the wplcome home te Dr. W. H. Birks Home Economist l4ist. 3; Alg. C; Gcom. 3; Bot. 1;* A. 1; Fr. C. 1; Genm A. 2; Gcrm. Afe ofrigwt Con He also reports considenabi- besl cures for seasickncss or at who had just retunned from ra T eieH r ol ;F.A ;F.Cm.C .2 fe ofrigwt rw least as a good preventative. oiany NtsorToReidtHeetZohe3Fn A.2;Fr.CSpec. .e2-.Attorney Alex C. Hall. Dr. Mc- poison iv.,nag weed and golde While walching one of the most ar elo Osborne read a letlen ___ Neil Britlon-Comp. C; Alg. 1; John Mundia\-Alg. 1; Trig. 1; Donald 'said thal thene would be rod in many gardens which is ba reen rlese, hetrvele fr-from a Lions Club which the gen- Miss J2anNbeBA.Sh- Geom. 1; Trig. 2: Phys. 3; Cbem. Bot. 3; Fn. A. 2; Fr. C. 2. noin -t for those affliclcd with hay fever recent relcases, tobleaveA.,rSfor- 3- Fr. A. C; Fr. Comp. C. >James Patenson-Zoology C. __________If you are net familian with pi got the rolling sbip and stopped lal Dr. bac! visited on bis travels. bourne, bas -beeti appointcd as ' ' Pdel-i.3:Ag ; soni ivy phone 379 or caîl atMn wondering when he would be A young club, they werc most County Home Economist in the2 Grant Brooks-Comp. C; Fr. C. eitbC;Pdh i. Fr.A. C r vp' os t6 ue sick., Fonlunatelv. bolb the Dr. împnessed by the story Ibeir visit- counties uof Durham, Nort'ýumber- 2 C. C. Cekt einand he will show you some. S and! bis wife were good sailors or told them. of the wonders o! land, Pelcîboro and Victoria, John Cattnan-Comp. 2: Lit. l; Dunocan Pbillips-Comp. C; Lit. ltsalgtbs o-a n and as he expressed il: "They the Bowmanville Lions Club. They Miss Noble is daughter'of Mr. Alg. 3, Geom. b: Trig 2; Phys. C; C; Alg. 2; Geom. 1: Trig. 1; Phys. ,, II algebuyt-yan gl neyer missed a, meal aond neyer wene aise inlerestcd wben an- and Mrs. A. V. Noble, R.R. 5, Shel- Chem. 3; Fr. A. 1:Fie. C. C. 3; Chem. C; LaI. A. 1; LaI. C. 1. ~.,. h ed u lest one." othen o! their visitons, a cbaP boumne. She graduated from the Kcnneth Crawford - Gcom. 3; Gail Price-Comp. 3; Lit. 3; Hist. A tombstonc in Scotland drew from China, signed bis name te Univcrsily of Toronto Ibis e-cr Cbcm. C. fi; Geom. 2;- Bot. C; Zool. C; Fn. A. . --*~M r.A .C J their attention because o! ils un- i us oki hns n HousEihold Economics. Prior DeGeer, Tom-Comp. C; Lit. 2;: C; Fr. C. C. 1 ~0~ usual inscription. Il read: "Here Dr. Birks, an acquaintance of the ging te University, she taught Hist. 2; Bot. 2; Zool. 2; Phys. 2: Arthur Reynolds - Comp. 31, *,. lies the mother of 28. There Chinese Lion, proceeded te do school i0 Wellington Countv. Miss Chem. C; Lat. A. 3; LaI. C. C. Hitnoredst. ; AgFrCiends 3 mighl bave been more, but now exadtly the same. "Now wc have Noble bas alneady taken up resi- PgyDpelCm.C i.2 Phys. 2; Cbem. 3; Lat. A. 2; Lat. Onf.aU LIA nnversary it's toc laIe." Tbcy also visited two guest signatures-'inChinese, dence 10 Bowmanmp. C-iit.e. Hyde Park te hear the soap box the secretax-y wrole. MisR-lie o d . Bot. 3; Zool. 2; Phys. C; Chem 2; .2 Fn. . 1;Fr. . C;GenmA9:1 Jeanne Revnolds-Comp. C; Lit. .> M ao!MsAbrClewe orators and appancntlv reccived Beautiful fiowers, the gift O! daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Norman Gem.C.2.,'2;o. C:Zo.;La.A2;aI"plsnlyspîsdbmmbs a real IbnîlI as eigbt tond oratons Dr. Sisson. adorned the tabes as onnwrsdn nTnno'.1 r .2 n .30 hi former bridge club o reaily put on a good show wilb the ladies of Group 1 and 2 o! is another one of the six bome Albert Finney-Comp. C: Lit. 3; onRc*em.1 o.C ondv îgt hhaeieda discussions on almost every topic St. Paul's W.A. served a delicîous economists namced for the field Alg. C; Gcom. C; Phys. C; Cbem. Zoo,. C; Cbem. C; Fr. A. C; Frterhm nScggS.bhl imagineable. The peculiar pant dinner. wonk in Ontario Couinties vi ih C- Fn. A. C. 'C. C the popu Ian couple celebrdte thei of the scenle was te sce people Guests included ex-Lion Raipb the Women's Institute Branch. 'James Frank-Comp. 3; Lit. 2;' W m. Robinson-Comp. 3; Lit.- 25th wedding anniversary. standing around in gronps lisîcia- Ames, Qt4ebec City. and John M. Hen fathen. Dr. Found, is a na- Bot. 2; Zool. 3; Fr. A. C. 1b; Hist. C; Geom. 1: Trig. 2; Lat. Mr. anc! Mrs. Cole had just nr ing -but raising no objection. The James. Bowmanviile. Singing led tive o! Ebenezer. Gregory- vFriend-Alg. C. . A. 3: LaI. C. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. 2 turned fnom their holidays whn onators wonld say their piece and!1'by Don Williams with W. E. C. Miss Found is also a zradi.ale ,Gwyneth Griffith -Comp. 2;1 Wm. Rundle-HisI. 3; Alg. 1, eucpcedvstn nie get il off their minds anc! nobody Workman at the piano. almost fnom the Universitv of Toronto in Lit. 2: Hist. 2; Alg. b: Geom. 1; 1Tnig. 1: Bot. 2: Phys. b; Cbem. I1ilst.o an evcniing's fun and wol bîerte.1o wudgel out of! banc! on abi unseason- Household Economics aondbas, Tnig. b; Lat. A. 1; LaI. Comp. 1;1j Stanlevý Snowden - Comp. 3; .entcrtainiment. tbey appean te be doing anyone able request number "Jingle been appointcd Home Economist i Fr. A. 1; Fn. Comnp. 1.1 Lit. C: Hist. C: Alg. 3, Geom. 2; The eighl couples of the club apy neai banm. . Bells." but the laillwisten sean in Nutrition witb the Womcn's Ralph HuIs-Lit. 2; Alg. 3; Bot. C; Zool. C.j presenîcd the bride aond groom o In Beigium. a statue was an- bac! things well in banc!. Institute Branch at Queco's Park. l Geom. 2; Phys. C; Cbem. C. i Audrey Sturrock -- Alg. C; twnt-. . eas gowilh a other intenesting higbiigbt. Tra- _________ Toronto. 1 Vinginia Hopkins-Comp, 2; Lit. Geom. 2: Bot. C; Zool. C; Chem Iet-ic er g ditin hld Iat f an sigle- I ~ A ~LaIComp 2;~ iattractive silver hot water pitche woman wouid rmb ber banc! on Mn. Wesley Heard. bis two Fr. A. 1: Fr. C. 2; Gcrm. A. 2; Morice Tambîvo Trig, 1; Bol. priate words of appreciation. tbç'arm of Ibis statue, she wouid sisters, Mrs. Clinton Brown, New- Mn'. J. M. Burns. Judy aoc! Germ. C. 2. .2; Phy-s, 2; Chem. 1; Fr. A. 2; Fr. m1.Bar At henptimn nt be mairried witbin a yean. As tonville; Mrs. Cecil Dean, Toronto. Robent. Peterboro. and ber mo- 1 Robert Knox--Comp. 3; Lit. 1; C. 3. 1 1.I Baoc forenofhe ntetan met inatd most df'tbe eighterî people were aond Mn. Gordon Heard moîered then, Mrs. H. H. Dillinu, ha've ne- Bot. 3; Zool. 2; Cbem. C; Fn. A.. Fred Ttàerik--Comp. 3; Lit. C; wbo hbas been Clerk of the Town- licions lunch was servcd. single ladies on Ibis particular te Buffalo, going east te Syracuse, turned from visiting the latter's j C; Fn. C. C. Alg. 2; Geom. 2; Trig. 2; Phys. 2; .sbip of Cartwright for the part trip. Dr Slemon watched with in- Utica. north te Watertown. Alex- daughten Mrs. H. C. Allun. Sum- 1 Alan Lobb-Lit. C; Gcomn. 3: Chem. C; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. C. 1 44 yearq tendered bis nesignationt terest as almost bis entire party ander Bay-a boat trip around the merville. i Chem. 3; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. 3. Murrax- Wallon - Geom. 1; at'the August meeting te take1 Mn. aoc! Mrs. Geo. W. Jams took part ini the traditional pro- Thousand Islands, returnîng by Mn. and Mns. Ronald Hall and;ý Betty Lunn-Comp. C; Lit. 2; Cbemn. 3; Fr. Comnp. C.i effect the end o! Ibis 7ycar. Thisj and granddatighter Heathr ceedings. He stated tbat be and Tbousand Island Bridge te G an- Jimm ic. Chatham, arc spcnding , Alg. 3: Geolm. C; Bot. 3; Zool. 2;: Wm. Wddeecombe-- Lit. 3: Hist. lis probably a record for contin- i James spent Sunday wîth thei bis wife wili be spendin-g some 1 anoque anomre. A most inter-. hoIiday\ v.ith Mn. and Mrs. James ,Chem. C: Lat. A. 3: LaI. Cnmp. . C: Alg. 2; Zool. .1: Phvs. C; Chem. 'ious aond faitk ý1il vejrs in officedaîhe MnadMs. ad Urne during the coming yer, esting and enjoyable trip. t Hall Joyce Martin-Hist. 2; Chcm. 3;ý Lat. A. 3; Lat. C.*C. las a municipal serv'ant. i Hoffman, Pont Hope. for more Water [oint Meeting lublic Utilities for the eleviited tank is on Cbrch tSt. on the lot directl.v behind St. Josepb's Roman Catholic Churcb. A maximum estimate of the cost of the erection of the proposed elevated tank, as given to the counicil by the Commission, was $75,000. If the counicil grants its approval the Commission stated that the tank can be erected by next summen. .Debentures Requlred If the council gave their consent to the erection of the tank, the .Commission put forth its plan o! financing tbe project witb $75,000 in, debentunes. Before the 'required debentures can be issued by the council they must have the approval of the Muiîicipal Board of Ontario. A motion was passed that the council give per-mission to the P. U. Commission to build the ele- vated tank if the latter can fin- ance the debentures. An important by-law will be put before the electors at the next municipal ele tion 10Decembcr, reganding the tîansfen of the maintainence of the sewage dis- posaI plant from the Municipal Counicil to the P.U. Commission. Speclal Meeting A motion was passed that a special meeting be beld with the Finance Committee of Counicil and the P. U. Commission in attend- ance at wbicb tilpe three impor- tant issues will be discussed. Finst, the Finance Committee will recommend to the Commis- sion that tbey nevise the rates changed for*I . ni-d .xper 1Ji cubie feet bnacket upward, to pro- vide for the payment of deben- tunes arising fromn the elevated tankojct ,t *- uest will be placed before the'. uumrmission that tbey with- draw the bydrant rentaIs for this year.1 1Section 414, sub-section 10 of the Municipal Act, relating to the Assessment Bill will also be dis- cussed. Next regular meeting of the counicil will take place on Sept. 6th. It was moved that during lVayor'4lason's vacation from Aug. 8th to 3Oth, Reeve Allison will Scouts and Cubs Leave f or Camp At Pigeon Lake Members of the Bowmanville Boy Scout and Cub troops left Saturday on a chartered Garton bus for a v-eek at camp, at Pigeoni Lake, under the leadership of Scout Leadier Denis Pickard. The boys will be living in te».its and spending thûýr tinie passing tests and learning camp lore. The leaders at the camp are Denis Pickard and John Brooks and junior leaders are Art Ma- guire, Ted Buttery, and Doug Heyland. The camp cook is Bob Kennett. Following are the names of the boys attending the camp: Gary Chant. Rav Crawford, Glen Rich- ards, Alan Richards, Gary Hum- phries, Jack Humpbries, Denis Hughes, Douglas Hughes, Boyd Wooley, Dean Allun, Alan Porter, Ted Clil Frank Harvey, Bihl Clarke, Ralph RogerP, John Stacey, Harold Kennett, George Kenneti, Gary' Pickard, Wayne Pickard, Charlie Bruce, Race Burns. Bru'ce Colwill. Stewart Seed Store Being Enlarged Mr. Sam Stewart is building an addition to his seed and feed store ,which is .3iluated on the east side of Division St., directly behind the Balmoral Hotel. This addition, which ks being built ýn front of the present store and k 13 fret long and 22 feet, wide, will serve to enlarge the store and also add a front en - trance and two rooms to the Stewart's iiving quarters on ýthe second floor. The foundation for the addition waq; ]aid lI&st week and the con- tractors 1 .im Port Hope have set the middu": of September as the date of completion. As 'vell a.s this building project the Stewarf's are remodelling the present store and their apartment and also onstalling a bot water heating systemn for the whole building. Orono Street Fair Next Wednesday One of the big attractions of the district will lie the Annual Street Fair aond .ance to be held in Ono- no Wednesday evening, Atugust l7th. Spoînsored b.y the Orono Athletic Association, pnoceeds wili be used for sportiog activities in thé district. George Wade aoc! bis Cornhusk- crs will be featured at the dance aoc! the Orono grnup promises something new in games and! en- tertainment. Rus-Peil Hailman bac! real fish- erman's luck necently in hi s even- ing diversion while fishing in Ihe west pier at Bowmanvilie Beach. To bis surpris;e aoc! delight wbile trowîing, he landed a 7 lb. pike wbicb measured 32 inches. M. oël - nom - 0 iê- lo'mb' i am -0 6c PER COPY NUMBER 32

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