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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1949, p. 7

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TEURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1949 TH~ CANADIAN STATZSMAN, EOWIWqv~LLu m<TAMe _________ FA rw~ um,., ISOCIAL Ai Mr. F. S. Philips, Ottawa, bieen home on vacation. M r. and Mrs. George Mc are holidaying at Kingston., Mr. Walter Cramp, Mcaf visited Nie. and Mrs. Reg. Cra Mrs. Arthur W. Wright. Hai toit, is visiting her sister, Olga Tod. Mr. John Gay. Oshawa, wa &eday visitor with his siE ele C. A. Bartlett. Mizs Allie Bragg and MVrz P. Hall are holidaying at Hai ton Lions Club camp. Mr and Mrz. Lloýd Har.( Larry. Paul and Jon have ret. ed from their hohidays. Mr. and Mrs. C>ril Jebl London. were weekend guesti Mr. and Mrs. George Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ne Belleville, spent the weekendv his mother. Mrs. F. W. Nelles. Mr. Carl LaPrairie. Tor<ý 'pent t.he weekend with Mr. Mrs, William Clarke. Miss Kathleen Sisson, Torci is vacationing with her pare Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson. Miss Colleen Clarke is vacati ing with Miss Janie Bellman, 2 Bowman ville. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quickj Don have returned from va tioning at Caesarea. Mr. Donald Kemp has retu]i to town after visiting hisv and family at Gananoque. Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey h, returned from vacationing at tf cottage at Lake Nipissing. Mr. and Mrs. R. M\,cCrea Ingersoll, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson. Miss Helen Jones and N Barbara Ann Dopp, Toronto. vi ed their aunt, Miss Mae Bottr Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fergu. and family have returned fr vacationing at Jack Lake, Aps] Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Au Diane, Charlotte and Patricia. holidaying at Sturgeon Lake. Misses Frances Rowe and R Worth are enjoying holidays Grand Bend on Lake Huron. Miss gose Marie Morrill1 returned from vacationing w. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Varcoe, Ro GOSPEL TENT MEETINGS at HOSPITAL CORNER 8 o'clock nightly Til Fr1., Aug. 12 'ONCLUDING Evangelistic Service IN TENT Sunday, Aug. M. AT 7:00 P.M. LIINENS IFROM THE ORIENT SPECIAL DISPLAY 0F EXQUISITE AND SEAUTIFUL GRASS LINEN LUNCHEON SETS 54"il x 54" 6 Napkins LOVELY FULL - - $12.95 SIZE TABLE SET TABLECLOTH 12 Napkins Complete DAINTY BRIDGE - - $22.50 S ET S 34"I x 34" 4 Napkins $2.50 - $2.75 sel HAND MADE CHINESE LACE TABLECLOTHS Large Size - - . - $9.50 Also showing our usual range of the well known Gordon MacKay Linens including Table Linen, Towelling and Towels. *Ide S4eâ"&me 1 PHONE 451 BOWNIA!NILLE 5 KING ST. E. Kendal's pitcher. lîad tbrec tie outs to bis credif vhile Janetvilie had only aone. Play on bath sides xyas a~s sloppy as is nd icated by :fîe score 16-10. A second ganse 15 being piayed1 i Janet\ville Friday eveniýng. t when a better exhibition o! lard-1 bail is ans icipated.f Rotary Club (Continued frons Page One' ical mind ta brîng pnices down ta them proper level. Bastille Day Tic travellers tcft Italv via i Genoa and %vent ta Nice in Fraîîce wvlire the saw 7tic famous Bas- tille DaY celebrated. Dr. SIe-mon said be iad never seen anything like it for grandeur and enthus- îasm and gave the French credit foi- putting on abhigi class exhilb- Mante Caria, tic gambling resant iii tic finy principality o! Monaco. ýHe stated fiatthîey didn't gamble but just watcbcd and had ta pay 65c Canadian moîiey for one snsali glass off lensonade. 1 he University Cltub tour tien stantcd on themr return trip home tirougi Grenoble. Lyons, Paris and ta Calais wiene tiev saied for tic whife cliffs o! Doy'en. Tien up ta London and back ta Liver-' pool fronswience the 'y made fhii retuino voyage ta Canada. Tour Well Coaducted On ticir fouîr by train. boat and mfono coach. Dr. Siemon iad no- thing but tic bigbcst praise for 'tic Univcrsit ' Club Tour. Tbev lookced aften cvervtiing and made t a tboroîighl ', enja 'viaile vaca- tion. 'Tic ofier memberso i party includiiîg Mn. an Mr Frank \'rtue off Buli'ngton madel for good companianship fon tic entire seven wcck. Rotarian Albert Darch in nsox- ing tic vote o! tianks on bebal! o! tic club men!ioned some o! bhis o%ýn ,w.artin-le expenienees wifh European mnootar,\ conditions and fcouid easilyl realize Dr. Slemon's prpdicament. A heartv rotund o! applause sliowcd tic a0ipreciýat'on o! tic club ta Dr. Slemon for his interesting travelogue.f Other Business Birthda 'v flowers and best wisi- es o! tic club wcre cxtended ta Rotarians Ross Stuit and Ab. Darch. Pre.sident Walter DeGeer announced that Vie club was sorrv ta hean liai Rotarian Elmer Ot iwas sick and tiat one and al twisbed hns a speedv reeaverv. r fVisitons includcd Rotarians Rev. Cax ne Gifford, lUkiph. California: RilI Bnîimicccimi-. Toronto, andý 'Ed. Jennings, Acton. visit relatives and friends i Wapella and Wolseley, Sask., an M PERSNALDuncan .B.C. MD PE SONALThe editor of The Statesma Phon $63was plcased to have a cail la: Phon 663week fromn his old friend Mn. Ken dail L. Doli, Toronto, who wit Mrs. Doîl were returnnng from bas nah holiday at Rice La e. Ken is as 1 r.Neliie Palmer bas return- isociated with the tJquhart Mc lois 1 ed from an enjoyable motor trip tors. FordI distributons. through Nortbern Ontario and The make o! creamery butter ii ford, Quebec. Durham Countv in June wai ,m. Dr. J. C. Devitt is enjoying his 1127.634 pounds as compared wit] am.annual fishing trip at Algonquin 141.898 pounds in the same mont] imil- Park and is negstered at the a year ago. The total rnakc fc Miss Highland Inn. the six months of the year wa Mn. and Mns. Jack Dunn, Bobbv 172,545 pounds as compared wit] as a and Jamie. are spending dieir va- iod2a956 posfrtesm e ster. cation at 'William's Point, Lakeîdayergo Scugog. Misses Dorothy Johns, Margiý Mr.. Mr .AtHmpg n Reynolds, Helen Maguire, Lenor, and rs.ArtHumageandOsborne, Lorna Fletcher, Bett, mi-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swindells are Cowle,. Diane Webber, Shirlei touring through Eastern CanadaPooc, aelWbradLo rknd h aem tts raine Quackenbush are repre- ur- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McLean, senting Trinity Canadian Girlý Beamnsville. Mr. J. C. Danraugh in Training at the C.G.I.T. caml bson. and Mrs. Ralph Lamsden, Ajax, at Oak Lake, near Stirling. :s of visited Mrs Mina Colwell. Io our report last week o! th( Mr. and Mns. Bob McIlveen. To- Town Council meeting mentiai lles, ronto, and her mother Mrs. Ro- was made that Mrs. F. Diiling hac with berts, Lonuion, Eng., were Sunday sent in a letter ne refuse disposa, guests wit.i Mrs. C. H. Mason. at the beach. This letter wa! onto, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, from the Dept. of Health and no, and Town. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence from Mrs. Diiling who is secre. Batson, Port Perry, spent their tary of the Beach Association ti rnto, vacation at Montreal and Ottawa. whomn the Dept. sent the letter. ents, Miss Ida Hoskin is back on the Mr. Don Fairbairn, populai local Post Office staff doing ne- broadicaster o! "Neighborly News' ion- lief duty while regular staff mem- each Sunday morning over CBL R.R. bers are on bolidzcys. gave' The Statesman officeî Mn. and Mrs. Eari Thomnpson, frieodly eaul Tuesday whiie on hi, and Mn. and Mrs. Si. Trewin, spent, way to Prescott where he will raca- their vacation motoring to Windl- participate in the Centenar' sor, Detroit, Cleveland and Buf- Celebration next Sunda3-. Don i. rned falo. a son o! the late Ford Fairbairo, wife Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks have a well known Durham County returned fromn visiting their boy who xas born in Clarke have daugbter, Mrs. R. G. Stapley, Township. their Saskatoon and other relatives in Among those who represented Alberta. ýthe Durham Chapter. No. 181, ýady, Dr. Charles H. Moore, Winni- Order of the Eastern Star at the w'ith peg, Man., has been visiting ir 26th Triennial Assemblv. General townfor cople f weks ithGrand Chap ter. Order 'of Eastern town foer rs.Fcou ple o lwees, Pit-Star, held at Maple Leaf Gardens isiees. . .PhlipPr-from Sunday to Thursdav wvere: isit- vdne n r.W .Rgr Miss Mary' Jewell, Mrs. James ýreîî. Rev. ad r.W .Rgr Marr, Mrs. E. J. Anderson, Miss have returned from a very plea- Velma Gax-. Mrs. D. Buckspan, uson attowesvaainaLu r.Oe ihls r.Grn ýrornmin sant t onheks'vaateio ayLu- rsc . e Hoas Mrs. rd r ley. iaLdeoh aeo Bays, LeRch rsHowrd RossaSteves, ý1" Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Smale, Ot- Mrs. Herbert Jarnieson. itrs A. are tawa, Mrs. Ailan Balson and chul- W. G. Ncrthcutt, Mrs. Gordor dren, Judith, Peter and David, Moffatt, Mrs. Wilbert Teeple and Reta Cataraqui, were weekend guests Mrs.' E.*J.* Gibbs. 9at with Mrs. C. J. Smale. A gathering o! the Weish family Mn. and Mrs. Frank Downs, was held ut the Cream of Barley bas Detroit, Midi., have been spend- Park. Sunday. Aug. 7. This long vith ing part of their vacation in thet established custom was this year ose- old home town while guest of revix'ed and arranged by Mrs. bis sister, Miss Lola Downs. T. Prout. Members o! the family Lieut. David Spurr, New York attended from the nearby district City, arrived by plane Saturday. and as fan at Toronto, Cobourg ta attend the birthday party for and Tweed. The oldest person Mrs. Spurr. arranged by Mr. and present was Mrs. Margaret Mns. C. A. Jannett, Balmoral Hotel. Adams, Ciurtice. and the young- Her many friends are pleased est was B'enda Mundock, daugh- to iearn that Mrs. T. S. Holgate ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mundock, who was in Bowmanviiie Hospitai Bo,,manviHle. for several weeks undergoing About 75 people sat down to an operatians is now home and ample picnic supper, during much impnoved in heaiti. which officers for the coming year were elected with E. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackman as president and J. Weish. secre- and Mary, St. Catherines, Mr. try-freasurer. Affter this a livelv and Mns. Richard Withenîdge, ho un of races and games ended Town, matored to Eastview and the dai"s activities. were holiday guests with Sgt. and ______ Mrs. E. Hunt and Sharon Anne. Misses Helen Gunn and Mar-1 Janetville \Vins jorv Cnocker, Toronto, h ave ne- - tur-ned from an enjoyablensotor rrom ±K.endal trip to Montreai, the Laurentians ___ and Northern Ontario. and spent A hard bail gamne of -x idei a few days with the former's par- spre@d inierst \vas beid 'I uesday ents Mn. and Mns. J. A. Gunn. evening on K-endal Mlemorial Miss Ileen Baison o! The States- Park bet%-cn Kendal winners o! man office staff, and her cousin, Rural League in the south and Miss Lois Larmer, Biackstock, Janetvilie, winner o! north league. le!t Sundav on a three week's trip I spite of intense heat. a crowd MW te the Pacific Coast. They wili o! field day proportion was on hand to support their tearos. Jan- etville took the lead in the first inning and mnanaged to keeo, it troughout the gamne. Quantril], id OBITUARY 1 anl WILLDLX J. BAGNELL n- After an Iliness of eîghteeni h months, bonne with considenablel a patience. William J. Bagneil, one!i S- o! Bowmanville's best known and 0-oidest merchants, passed away in the Toronto General Hospital, August 1, 1949, in his 63rd year. in He was bonn in Bowmanville and ýs lived aIl li:s life bere and was son th f the late Mn. and M'rs. William th Bagneil. rs Bill a hle wsfamiliarîx ýh known to bis host o!f fiends, was - actvely interested in sports in bis T H eanly days. panticuiarly baseballi Jo I later life hie was a supporter jf ýe o! basebaîl, hockey and othen lo- CV . cal ganses. He enjoyed hunting ýy and !ishing and each fall i look- Your Monday morning callers. v- d forward ta bis annual deer Sally Ott and Adrienne Fox again hunt. He also took considerable thank you for co-operating witb -pleasure and satisfaction in bis them in gatbering items of Beach Is ganden. which was one o! the best interest. ,P kept flower and vegetable gar- At- the Cottages: ýdens in town. . Daisy Dell-Mr. and Mns. Nor- e t As a young man hie wonked i man Watt and Sandra. Oiie Durhams Rubber Co. plan Happy Hutch-Mr. and Mns. ci until lie was unfortunate in.iosing Donald LedDonadStw bis hand in an accident in the Mrt Leod, Donny and Stew- Sfactory. This misfontune chang edarwihIeS itrs Shis career and for several yeaI Summer Haven-Mr. and Mrs. -he conducted a tobacco business J. Carran and Mn. Gordon White o in Frank Pethick's barber shop. with the Simpsons. Thirty-nine years ago le purchas- At the Armstnongs-Mn. aMc red tie Grand Central confection- Mrs. Hughes of Toronto. erv store frons Mr. Fred Manning. Bunny Burnow-Mr. and Mns. Since tien, with the able assist- a.BxeMs.Steln n a ance of bis wife, the business lias Grace. S been cosdr ye nianged and Cottage 129-Mrs. V. Cowan Ilslhowed a steadvN increase in Mar, Margie and Annia Mac ypatronage. For a number o! years rnl. he bias been the local issuen o! Lakeview-Misses Lynno and motor o!enes Wendy Dwiglt with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carlton Il. He as meberofFlorence Petunia Lodge-Mn. and Mns. Nightingale Lodge, . 100F., Bow- MeMlilie McCartiy, John, Jean nianville Lions Club, Beehive and Richard. Rebekah Lodge and was conneet- Temporary Absentees: ed with Tinity United Churci. Mrs. Howard Pickard at thi Leit ta mouro bis passing 1,'; 6th trienniai Assemblv Genen- ihis wvife tie former Mabel R. a rn hpe re fte Davev, oneso Winton (Bill) EastrnStrMpie Leaf Gar- SBagneli, on the staff off the Boys dens, Tornînto. Training School, and one daugh- The Chequers people at Stoney ter, Bernice. Mrs. Stuart Candien. Lake witb Coi. and Mns. Wm. sAlso surviving are two brothers, Bonus. ,George anîd Charles Bagneil. '.Robin the Ranger" (as lie signs l3ow&manvýil]e, anîd a sister. Mer- hinssel!> wnites from Algonquin rina. Misý. H. Rodd o! Lonsdaie. Park: "Don 't fonget to keep send- Oniari o. A brother Alex died a ing me The Statesman. It goes number off years ago. ox'er big. The funeral whiecb i large]\ Disting-uisbed New-Comner attcnded, 'vas ield at the Morris "Tie Dingle" lias been sold ta, Funcral Chape] on August 2, .'the Yuens' o! Toronto, Mn. and iservice being conciucted by Rex'. Mns. and Catherine Yuen. Mr G. Ca.meron Quiglcy and mscSn o un A.R.C. pla.ved by Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Me-m- recognized as one a! Cana- rbers of Florence Nightingale da's foren-ost sculptons. As a Lodge attended in a body an d vouti lie assisted Mn. Emmanuel conducted the:r impressive ser- Hahnona the Sir Adam Beck tvice at Bowmativillc Cemeteny monument at University and whcreý deceased was bunied. Queen Streets, Toronto; later Palibeareis iwcre members o! for 5l yeais hie was doing wax re- Sthe Lions Club, Jack Brough. Bob productions for Dr. Park in tie Kent, H. Palmer, JamesMar department o! Palaeontology at~ Byron Vanstone, Dan Wi'im thfe Ontario Museum, iast year att Maiiy floral tributes surrounded the National Exhibition o! Art 'lie casket including tributes in Montr2al his bust o! his w!fet î rom Lions Club, Goodc!r-r Dept. (fornîcnly Norai Chambers '273A. Oddfeilows and Rebekai daughter o! tie late Dr. W.J" Lodgýes. Chanmbers) was considered fieý Out o! town relatives and boremost exhibit in its class. fiends atteiîcing the tuncra] ùin- Letters have been received frons cluded Mr. and Mis. H. Rodd, the Ma.yon and the Town Cicrk f daualhters Lilliaîî and Mary. Lons- stating that aur recent petitions diale: Mi. and Mrs. R. S. Dave, for a speed limit and for action daughter Eleen, Flint, Mich., Mn:f'Lo a ilay the dust nuisance on the aîd AMrs. Wes Dave,, Detroit,i road leading ta the West Beach Mich., MnAf. aind Mrs. Al! Kenshaw. h ave been given favorable at- 1 MrS. W. Kinkendali. iVrs. Jas. tention bv tie Coancil.t MeQîtinn, Mrs. M. Warren. Mn. Chape] -on -the-Hill and Mrs. Ken Warren, Toron to. The 10:30 service for ehildren. ir. and Mns. A. Atkinson. Mns. ' Siîîce youngsters prove the most IGeorge Suckley, New Toron ta excellent welis o! information Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Edger, Mr. that can be succeSsfully pumptec' MV. Miller. Peterboro: Mn. and vthttle priming you have here Mrs. Russell Lewis, Madoc; Mn. i ronsoesalby i eayo and Mrs. Rex Cavenlcy, Apslcy: Mis.; HarrFp's taiks on Gideon! Mr. and Mrs. GardonFndatîusaed by the flannel-graphi Wicklow. method. He nad tl aI-Gideon the israclite faîlm boy-that struggle î)ctween h is nation and tie Midi- i Mn. and Mrs. S. R. James. Non-- iîites-the crust off bread-the man and Douglas and Mrs. N. S. choosing 'o! the 30(-the broken B. James are vacationing at Gan- pitchers and the trumpets-the anoque anîd points east. Ivîctory ovex tie disnsayed enemy. --------H e seemed also ta know about the T I CK E ~ xork of tie Gideons in distnibu- TO 1 CEEYTHSRLitg the Scniptunes. Nine times AirRailor teamhîp dtîning aur sommer seasons aven CiRalon suteasip hinty o! aur yoLiogsters have an! Consult usuai opportunity o! learning one, J UR Y & L O VE L L o ieesoefoundamentai to Bow-manville joaur faith, as toid by trained con-; 15 King St, W. Phone 778 secrated wonsen. ________________________tThe 11:30 Service Eariy arrivais last Sunday who i ad a short wait while the cii- dren were scattering ta theiri homes, seemed happy ta use the White $.ft Whte 650 gheet ILÈ -TSS 3 fer 22c WHITE EMBROCATION 4 and 8 oz. --Special 23e, 39e OINTMENTS Zinc, Boracie, Suiphur. Etc. R eg. 25e - --- ----------- ----- 9e Special! COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO Gives a rich foamy lather 4 oz. Reg. 250 1 9C I -oz. I.D.A.--13 Soda Bicarb Price 7c, Ilc. 19c For Hay Fever Haytone L'quid 50c-$ 1.00 Idaphedrin 1.D.A. 'Nose Dropa 50C EstIvin -51.19 Templeton*s Raz-Mah caps . 60e-$1.23-S5.00 Gluco-Pbedrin <Parke-Davis) -. 90c Duke-Fingard Electric Inhalator - $79 Medication - ----- - $.00 Inhalit Jr. -- --7i Privine -- --- - 7.1e Certo for preserving hottie 25C Jar Rings Red Rubber pkg. o! 12 6c DeWltt*s Pi Ils Blie Beans M:vnex Tabiets Nature's Pepto-Besmal 60c-1.20-1.80; Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 69c-$1.79 or. Fowler': Extract cf Wild Strawherry 60e Combs Bobby, Pocket or Curi -ý.4c, 3 for 10e Revion Lip-Kit 2 60e Lipsteiks -$1.00. West Beach News (Ey Beach Comber) Mrs. M. Michel, Toronto, with Mrs. W. R. Durno and Bruce in "Cheerio". Mrs. E. Feather, Toronto, bas returned Io the beach after a trip« thru the States and is visiting Miss E. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. »ryson and daughter Donna, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bryson and Roddy, Toronto, at V. Mathewson's. Miss June Gabourie has return. 'e ed to her home in Toronto after visiting ber grandmother Mrs. C. Halmnan in Fyvie.1 thyanne Currie. Master Robert Burnns, Peter- Miss Joyce Curnie holidaying boro, at Linger Longer. in EEEE's. Mr. and Mrs. Shunit and famnily, Mrs. A. Masters, "Good-E-' Grimsby, with bis cousins Mr. and Nuff", was hostess to the weekly Mrs. R. Haliman. euchre' on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. Dale and Mn:. A. Cul.. Mrs. N. Greeet and Mns. B. ford at the Log Cabin Murchison will entertain the resi- Mr and Mrs. 0. D. Robson, dents of the Beach and their Gloria and Patsy, Miss Novelda friends at a Bingo on Thursday Berry and Miss Donn~a Diiiing, Cveniflg. Town, with Mnr. and Mns. Laur- A Gener&l Meeting of the Beach ence Goddard. Association wiil be held on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fry and Glen, day afternoon at 2 p.rn. at the Log Town, Miss Margaret Skinner, St. Cabin. President Bruce Murchi- John's, Newfoundland, with Mn. son invites every member to be and Mrs. B. J. Severs. in attendance and 'On Time'. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cordon. Mn. Sid Tomlinson has been bus', and Mrs. Walter Goode &t'Sand- trucking 1fill' for the Beach Asso- hurst. ciation in order to provide a park- Mns. C. F. Rice is visitirig with ing space on the north side of the Mrs. C. L. Rice. Beach road behind Cottages 38. Miss Dorothy Marshall and Mrs. 39, 40, and 41. The Association E. Griffin, Toronto, at "Edmnar" would welcome any donations of with Mrs. G. Eddy. earth from excavations in the Mr. and Mns. 1. J. Lam.b, Wind- town. Any of the Beach residents sor, Mr and Mrs. H. W. Pierce and or offcers o! the Association family. Lindsay, with Mrs. C. would pass on the good word wO Bounsali in the "Better 'Oie". the proper source if any such fili Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell, To- was offered for this very neces- ronto, Mn. V. Masters, Mn. and sary purpose. Mrs. R. Dilling and family. Mrs; G. B. Dilling, Town, at "'Good-E- Nuff!" Miss Marie Moise Mrs. A. Mushing and daughten. dr_~ Torofito, 'visiting her sister Mrs. Showere d byrrieno.s Dorney at "Cylant Phore". Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dornev and Mrs. Stewart Ferguson, Miýs Miss Margaret Dorney, Toronto, Helen Roach and Mrs. Douglas with his -.nother. Jeckman were hostesses at the Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwards, To- home of Mrs. Ray Frv. Church St.. ronto, withi his mother Mrs. A. for a surprise shower for populaI7 Edwards in "Fra-Vel". bride-to-be, Miss Marie Mnise. Mr. B. Latimer and Mr. and Approximately 20 friends of the MrS. R McLeish at Lattimer's guest o! honour were present to Cottage. give their best wishes and take Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennyworth part in a pleasant social ev.:nLng. l and sons Albert and Steve. Ten- On her arrivai Marie was led nessee. U.S.A., Mir. and Mrs. A. to the place of honour wbliil V% as Lowe and son Bob., Mrs. Finlay, attractivelv decorated witlio- Mr. and Mrs. G. Finlay and oured str'eamers and gladio.i.1 daughter Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. She was presented with a dýora- S. Redman Joan and Douglas, ted basket fiiled with be-aut;fuliy Miss Shirley Fowler, Toronto, wrapped gifts. with Mr. and Mns. A. Fowler, in Aften the gifts were unwraDpf:,, "Irmadell". and Marie had expressed lier ao- Miss Donna Pethick. Griso--int, preciation, a delicious lunch wa- M:ýcJ.. with her cousin b oro- served 'by the hostesses. - ON SALE AT - Kouey Hollow Restaurant CHAS. R. KNOX New~castle Phione. Clarke 3504 Eavetroughing House or Barn Furnaces AND FUrnace Repairs Waler Pressure Sysiems Out or Tnivn Work a S pecia liv li'ite or PHONE 72-r-2 BROOKLIN Knox Honey tnein gardens ta help ýus forget *Don't bons me oràundl 1i1 ze ravages of the continued ab- *Wand me rooulorlyl 1 tnormal leat. Don'topenme U I Next Sunday Miss Willa Sinlp- f zon, anc o! Mrs. Canleton's assist- I *Don Wer m whn wahingî i;nts, will tel fie ciildren their * Npoir My breken <fysfail Bible stan3' and at thie aduit sen- ýice Mr. C. P. Robins wiil speak S lneed ceangoq nd.n;tng,toot on "Challenge and Response". AUTHORIZIDTiese service are deiightfully AUTHORZ.DJIinformai conducted by iaymen SU LOVA banded fogethen to, give holiday- DISTEIBUTOI ens an apportunity for Sunday recognition. Won't you join them 1 next Sunday at 11:30? I 1 Mr. and Mr.ç. J. Living and Mn 1H. Edgerton have returned home affen iolidaying witi Mr. J. H. Edgerton, Laurel, Ont. Wbile there a famiy eunion was held in honoun of a sister, Mn:. R. JTandy, London. En%!., and tie 83rd birtiday of Mn. H. Edgerton. ITwenty-tw~o m"ýmbers cd tUic tami- ly wene present. 1 i Special ! EPSOM I.D.A. FrieuiIty, Cqâyr1eqwîus Service FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY TH PCILÙwD OVN *u:I.1vuEIuI D'rJI WITE Be Bright! Feel, 'ÀAKI ENO'S Right! "FRUIT S'q' Parowax Seal preserves salely . ----- -.-1 lb. 17e Re medies 47eS.O $3.-$4.95 s os. Reg. 390 32c PRESCRIPTIONSA PCLY A LE McGREGOR Your Local I.DA. DRUGS Druggist We Deliver Phone 792 SALTS Brand Guananteed quality purity and strength Reg. lie 16 or. MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's, 300's . Speclal 2le, s9e A.S.A. TABLETS Special! TOILET TISSUE DRUGý si'OR l'mm mý,-Àmm ý uni m«»=ýa" TRtTUDAY, AITGtfST 11, 1049 TZM CANADIAN STATMUN, BOWMAI;VM=. ONTAM' .9 à 04M -- r No. 1 White loo's, 300's Speetai l9e, 49e , a

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