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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1949, p. 8

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PAGE EIONT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVXLLE. ONTARTO 'UTI~~r~AV AT!I~T~m i. article as it appeared ini theHA T N -.Charles Hill of 683 Pics 'Iheworker of long experience. He Lenore and Alan, Toronto, were --lu. Muguaet AthS has workpd in the lumber in- guests of Miss Lulu Reynolds. ___________________________________________dustry for the past forty years Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and Mrs. or more and at sixty years of age W. G. Doidge were guests oa, Mr. Mr. and Mns. Hubert Osborne ren, accompanied Mrs. Ross Dick- is still going strong. adMsako ry saa have been bolidaying at Birch inson ta Rochester N.Y., ta visit His job entails the handling of adMs ako ry saa Point Lodge, Sturgeon Lake. with Miss M. E. Warren. anywhere between twenty ta Miss Bessie Blackburn, Salem, t While they were away Barbara Mrs. Arnold Coulter and twenty-five thousand feet of IogsMisied eBlacbrntM. a Ms visited ber aunt in Oshawa; daughter Gaila, Minden, with her eacb day for five days every MakBlcbun Beverly stayed at Carl Selby's aunt Mrs. Harry Dennis. week. In slack time, Charlie said Mr. Don Davy, Detroit, visited and Marilyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Hare and he handies only about ten tbou- his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mel Percy Patton, Orono. Teddy, Sarnia, called on friends sand feet. Davy. Mrs. John Lang, Hodge, Peace in town on Sunday. Born at Newcaum1e, On.tario, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur has been River, Alta., who is visiting Mns. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and sixtY years ago, Charlie moved visiting with relatives at Wood- Fred Cowan and Miss Adie War- Douglas, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Glan- witb bis family to Bowmanville stock. ville, Orono, spent Sunday in Co- wben he was very young. Wflir. hre ohso n bourg. still a boy he moved with bis baby Elizabeth, Peterboro, visiteda Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Douglas, parents ta a small lumbering her sister Mrs. Jas. Smales. Haileybury, and Mn. Thomas town near Orillia. M.adMs u lt n Douglas, Kitchener, visited their At an early age he started eann- M.adMs u lt n S UNNE Rbrother Mr-. W. R. Douglas and. ing bis own living as a bush cbildren, Dunbarton, visited ber Mrs. . J. agen.worker. He wonked at this trade brother Mr. and Mrs. RaymondC Campbellcroft, visited thein uncle Orillia and then moved ta Sud- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farr9w, » Mr. Frank McMullen. Since tbey bury district where he tried his Welcome, accompanied Mr. and went home their brother bas corne hand at steam jointing. '"It was Mrs. Raymond Farrow and Roger c to spend a few days. dîfferent in those days," he on an enjoyable trip ta Orîllian N Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick claims. and Midland. i and daughters Margaret, Gladys, After sixteen or seventeen sea- Master Burn Purdon and Miss N \and Edna, Montreal, Jack and Jim sons in the Sudbury district Helen Purclon, Toronto, are visit- n Ashley, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Kirk- Charlie rame ta Woodstock ing their grandiparents, Mr, and ir N, e patrick, Mr. and Mrs Bob Gray, around 1921 and decided that he Mrs. J. Purdon. ail of Oshawa, Messrs Harold and had enough of the lumber busi- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Metcalf and i Fred Adair were guests of Ms-. fess, 1 But after six or seven daughter Sharon, Campbellcroft, and Ms-s. Alex Adair. montbs as an attendant at the visited friends here. Mrs. Frank Branton is home Ontario Hospital he again return- Mran s.Ao P i ndb after spending a couple of weeks ed ta bis original trade with a M.adMs no hi n at Sunnylea Lodge. local firm wbere he worked as Audrey, Counlice, Mr. and Mrs.- Mrs Editb Chapman and Miss yard man and eventually took Gardon Mantie and Janice, Nova K N 1 T T 1 N C Nell Ruby, Rochester, N.Y., were charge of that departmnent. Scotia, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Bald- guests ofMn. and Ms-s. Percy He worked at that job for win, Courtice, Mn. and Mrs. Vic- Brown. eighteen yeas-s and then decidedtrPa, enadShlyO - KNIT NOW FOR Mrs Frank Gibson spent the ta go into business for bimself. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Will Found C FALL AND WINTER weekend with Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Chanlie operated a spraying out- Hrony, visited Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Gore's Landing. fit during 1945 and 1946 but once RselLk.P Fine 3-piy wool In attractive Mrs. Michael Gogerty and more lumber was bis greatest Mrs. C. E. Jeffery and Mns. E. Z shades for light welght Shiela were bolidaying in the love and he returned ta the firmn H. Cole visited friends at Port r setrscsadHaliburton district, where he bad spent 18 years of Penny, r swatr. sek adMiss Jean Williams bas taken. bis life and bas remained thene Mn. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and ci infant wear. up a position with the Robt. since. Nancy, Cobourg, with ber parents ci 4-ply wools for school Simpson. Co. in Toronto. We wish Charlie is a married man and Mn. and Mrs. F. Honey, th sweaters, soeks, gioves ber luck in this venture. the His live on Princess street. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Luke, Ron-, Ç and mtts.Miss Joan Duck, Toronto, and He manages ta look after a gar- nie and Ralph, Mrs. Russell Luke dî an it.Mns. Gea. Dawber and Georgie den and follow almost every and Mrs. E. H. Cole enjoyed a trip h( _____are visiting Mn. and Mns. Bob type o! sport, ta Ottawa and other points and 91 Duck. He is a member of Oxford also the boat trip through the 01 ______________ Street Baptist Church. Thoiîsand Islands.M "CARPE TE" -Salem community folk enjoyed M "C R E T " Native of Newcastle I Cartwright Clerk a picnic in aur park in Satunday,M for rugs and slippers. about ninety were present. The Rug Canvas, Hooki and In Lumber Industry Resigns End of Yea Rundle famiiy held a picnic here st Service ar also on Wednesday. r Cutr.More Tnan 40u xears 44 Years' evc Our Women's lnstitute beld an ai enjoyable picnic at Victoria Park, ar EWE L Seeing an article in the Wood- Cartwright Council met Aug. Cobourg, on Thursday afternoon. 3. W. JEWE L stock Se!itinel-Review about a 2 witb members ail present andi A Ganton Bus was chartered and st native of Newcastle we wondened Reeve W. G. Bowles pnesiding. thirty-six ladies enjoyed the out- ar «113G 20"1 how, many Statesmani readens Communication was received ing. ar PHONE 558 remember Charles Hill when as fsrn Minister of Education ap- . Çhurch service on Sunday even- a lad he lived in Newcastle and pnoving of By-law placing ail of îng ýý'as in charge of Ted Kersey IV 27 King St. W., flowrnanville Bowmanville. To bning ous- read- the Tawnship af Cartwright in the who pnesented a splendid mes-U ens up-ta-date on Cbaslie's cancer High Scbool District, sage. Geraïd Balson contributed VE we are pleased ta, publish the Lettes- was read from Wm. a vocal solo "My Task"'. Rev. Lin- Beacock sesigning as Clerk of stead is still on holidays sa there th the Township ta take effect end will be no evening service next, of 1949. Sunday, 'but Sunday School will jhc mUDeputation fsrn West Caesanea be held as usual at 10:30 a .m. R Viking Elecrie Ifam me mili nequested grant ta regatta erect- -a ion of speed limit sign and sevenal .- Jan othen requests ta be considered. SOLINAa Council will punchase 10 signs_____ "15 Miles Per Hour." M~ New and revolutlonary- On motion Miss Doris Mariow,. Miss Mary Hepburn, Kedron, 10, Sec'y. of Parks Commîttee, w'il i visiting Miss Donna Vice. this direct drive' Hammer. be given a key ta Community Mr~. and Mrs. Lamne Kellett, Li Hall. David and Donald, visited at Rea- Kg ibill saves power, time and By-Laws were passed ne Unem- haro. W pioyment Insurance, Ge n e rai Mns. Rose Blanchard i. at effort. Overload and ther- Township rate, Schooi Board Caesarea. rates, and ealier date of Nomin- Mr'. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- mal eut-euts give double ations and Elections. man is bolidaying at Hall's Lake. AIl tax rates in Cartwright Master Bannie Baker is visiting protection to the 1 HP. wiil be the saine as in 1948, except Mr. and Mns. Chas. Johnston,ý Continuation School, 2 milîs Iow- Peterboro. motr.es- and S.S. No. 3 up 3 and 2/10 Mr. and Mns. Ralph Davis and moo.mîlîs. Patsy were at Mn. Ed. Davis', Osh- Nominations for township of- awa. Grids rai orcor atan verge ost ficials will be held latter end of Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Scott and Grin s grin o cor at n avragecost Novemberan election, if nec- Mn. Robent Scott Jr., Mn. B. G. of 1 cent per 100 pounds essary, the first part of December. Stevens visited friends at Guelph. Onders were signed as follows: Mrs. Gec. Hamblyn and Nancy Regatta. Caesarea ---- $100,r vstigfniends at Milton. Recever enerl, oy Langmaid is building a O R N O E L C T ICunemployment stamp -- 8.68 new modern garage. B. G. Ste- Pho e 5--1OrnoPort Penny Star, supplies 17.82 v.ens is the contractai'. 11, Tompsn, Tras.,Mrq. Florence Pearce andý E. Dent H. Duvall G. Duval ne salary------------------------ 50.00 ,Douglas, Toronto, are visiting at fCouncil adjaurned to meet Mn. Harold Pascoe's. Sept. 6 at 8 p.m. Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mn. _______________________________________________________________________ and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe attended a picnic Party at Oshawa on the Lake in honor o! Mr. and Mns. W. Chas. Werry on WAednesday last. Miss Ileen Balson and Miss AFTER HOLIDAY Lois Larmer, B1ackstock ,left s week's trip thnough the Prairie a J VProvinces ta the West Coast. fl -Mn. Ted Kensey,. Hampton, FL v - SPE 'AL pneached an inspiring sermon here Sunday. He is a young stu- 36 Ilwide - - - Special $2.75 yd. HUDSON BAY CRIB BLANKETS, 43"; x 56" - - $7.95 each Weber's Fabric Centre and -David, Cataraqui, visited at holidays. and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thomp- rounded out a very lnteresting A. J. Balson's. Mr. J. Cooper, Carnarvan, Mr. son were in Toronto. and instructive course. Mrs. 'Addie, Tink visited at Mr. Ernest Barrie, Toronto, Mr. and *Mrs. A. G. Darlington is holi- Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. Mrs. H. Barrie and family, Port daying with her, daughter Mrs __ Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. El- Jack Glover at St. Thomas. mo Archer. Symaty i etenedta im Mrs. Stan Gray and Dwaine ? WILL THERE N fA B ROWN'S Sma~~etne ô. and Mrs. Roy Philps, Port Hope, Whteinte os o igting rnvisited Mrs. Mary Luxon. Miss Ruth Kalahaha has re- and burned. A quilting short course was FE turned fromn a two weeks' vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele at- held In Kendal Sunday School ngton, D.C. ash-tnday Miss Margaret Steele by Miss Edith Hopkins of the S O T G Miss Marion Feiker, Bluevale, ivas the bridesmaid. Home Economics Branch. Ons is hlidyin wih he siterandThursday, quilt histories, kinds i otherinlaw M r nd raTo Mr .and Mrs. Reg Middleton, of blocks, suitability of materials NX IT brotEe-nlA i .anMsTo Islington, visited Mr. and Mrs. and the examination of a great 0T ITE Macwen teandH. Vine and sons. variety of designsanth oppor- ofrthswou»od Mr. and Ms I Legettan Mr. and Mrs. George Joblin, tunity ta secure any of the pat- o o hnwouehr family, Buffalo, N.Y., holidayed Valentia, Mr. and Mrs. Ben How- terns, proved very interesting to cool and buy early. Why ne*Vi with Mr. and Mrs. R. H.. Davies lett, Fred and Beth, Janetville, those who enjoy quilting. On paeyu re o and Trevor. . . 1 vsiited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Friday we Iearned the proper paeyu re lW Mrs. Geo. Honey is enjoying a procedure in putting blocks to- holiday at Fenelon Falls. I 7~TU TT gether ta form a top, putting quilt Mr. Don Nivens and friend, R. W S E VL in frames, choosing and putting C.A.F. Station Riockcliffe, fl1 on appropriate designs for quilt- 9 À~ ~ l[P dayed with his parents Mr. and ing and also how to get all the m* M'rs. W. Nivens., Sunday School was held at il ladies to, quilt uniformly (so many Excitement struck this little with an attendance of 36. Rev. stitches to the inch). For practi:- w c l community en Thursday after- Richard Lyons of Cincinifati will cal demonstration a beautiful top; noon when three thieves broke preach Sunday morning. Queen Anne' design, made b.) TRADEMARKED WITH TINY RED SPOTS into the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Several of the Austin family Mrs. Reg. Elliott, was Lised. Nivens. Their boot consisted of a attended the funeral of Mr. Vic- A bookiet of practical quilting OWTEN NICHOLAS radio, watches, rings, money and tor Austin on Saturday. designs and borders was gîx en many other things. Neighbours Miss Catherine Robinson who the W.I. A hearty vote of thanks FUELS upon seeing the three enter the has been taking a Music Course was extended to Miss Hopkins. Phone 410 or 2249 Bowmanvllle home, notified the police who at Toronto, visited Miss Helene Lunch and the usual social chat,________________ w'ere on the job. At the time, of Barrowclough on her return to writing the' cuiprîts have flot 'Ottawa. been caught. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longyear and sons, Elizabethville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- NESTLETON Mrk. and Mrs. Toppin and Mrs. Graham, Ann Arbor, Mich., cail- Nestieton' W.I. met in Ceasarea ed on Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. church Aug. 3rd for our Grand- Misses Margaret and Laura nofher's meeting with 26 ladies Binstead with Mrs. Clarence Ni- present and several children. Mrs. cholis. ___________________________ E.Sues was convener for the Donna Oughtred with Mrs. meeting. Roll Call-"What I re- Edgar Barrowclough. fl nember as my naughtiest day in Ruth Payne spent Wednesday childhoold." Mrs. Wm. Steele was with Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke. organist for the musical Part Of Miss Barbara Prouse, Clare- .-.................. the program. Ladies plAnned a mont, with her cousin Miss Muriel quilting and ice creamn social. A Mason. I' iet hn bu dainty lunch was served. Ail went Sunday callers with Mr. and 100 LOS. NET w. I' iet hn bu horne with thoughts of our Mrs. C. Payne were Miss Oliveb- A ODCOFSIT yufetlzrndsoror grandmothers who have attended and Mr. Tupper Johnston and Mr.U 0 WFT yu etiie edsfryu our meetings in the past. Sept. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and Caul.,at meeting wiIl be at the home of girls.C6fl 7et Mrs. M. Emerson in charge of MIrs. G. Bower's. group.PLN Use the Best Mrs. Wilbert Archer, Black- KEN LANT FO00 stock, Miss Mildred Archer, To- DLL A.L.lL Swift's Canadian ronto, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Whitby, visited Mr. Mrs. Hîlditch is in Toronto.. ~2-12-8 G R O - M O R nd Mrs. Elmo Archer. Bob Hilditch has returned to the and give your future crops, Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Black- General Motors after a week at stock, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie home. the right start. nd Nola, Port Perry, visited Mr. Miss Jerry Donnelly is vacation- nd Mrs. L. Joblin. ing with Mrs. Geo. Clarke at her Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. summer home.1 Ivan Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Misses Madelon and Linda Ai- We have new farm machinery available for Immediate Lawrence Malcolm on the arni- len with their grandparents, Mn. delivery. Corne ia and let us show you this economical vai of their daughters. and Mrs. W. Mercer. iesvneqpmtad-wti ildofryu The Ice Cneamn social put on by Mrs. Wes Elliott is at Perny- tm-aigeupctadwa twl ofryu te W.A. was quite a success. town witb Mr. and Mrs. M. Dun- WHEN IN DOUBT ABOUT FARM MACHINERY - Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa, is bar. BE SURE TO GIVE US A CALL. àolidaying with her mothen Mrs. Mrs C. Elsie and Carol, Osha- R.W. Marlow. wa, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mer- Mr. and Mrs. John Duckworth cer.W *H BRN nd family, Elmvale, visited Mr. Mrs. Alec Buchanan and fami- and Mrs. Herbert Vine. ly are with ber father Mr. Wes DEALER FOR Mrs. Mackie and Miss Marie Cathcart. Case Farm Machmnery - Firestono Tires Nlarlow visited Mrs. R. W. Mar- We were sorry to ,learn that DeLaval Millkers and Separators ýow.Mrs We Cahcar isin he os-Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment Mr. and Ms W. R. Smith, pital)in Toronto for treatment of 91KngS.-.Phn Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 injuries received when struck by MEMBER 0F O.R.F.E.D.A. .enneth Samelis. Anna S amellsi1the limb of a tree. Yent ta, Lindsav with themn for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux HEY MAC!! M DON'T FORGET YOUR TICKETS ON THE NEW 1949 CH. EVROLET CAR TO BE GIVEN AWAY DOWMANVILLE LEGION C aRNV1 1 fA L TO BE HELD AT Bowmanville Higu ScIiool Grounds FIRIDAY, AUGUST 26tL (IN CASE 0F RAIN CARNIVAL WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, AUGUST 27TH) FEATURING AT 6:30P.N' SPECIAL DENEFIT DASEDALL GAME PETERDORO SRS. VS. OSHAWA SRS. ADMISSION 25c - Free Prizes to b. given away to lucky ticket holders 1 10 Kng t. . BomanileALL THE NEW AND POPULAR GAMES i. i k i i f. i Drapes Made-to-Order Drapery Materials - Rods Tracks *Cranes Hooks -Etc. Hudson Bay Blankets Butterick and Simplicity Patterns TEE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARIO PAGE ZIGET lrmlp-,;r)AV ATTr.ITyqpr il loin p 10 King St. E. Bowmanvile

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