TEM CANAD!AN STATrsMAN, EOWL&wvff LE, O!qTAMO) ?RVRSDAY, ATIGtTT 18, lm'5 R TRADEPAY CASH AND JFM*f T~j' SAVE-MIIMUM i -COST 35c PER AD sel£ 4 t4--- BIRTHS ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Jack) Allun (nee Louise Cole) are pleased ta announce the birth cf -their daughter, Margaret Eli- zabeth, at the Cobourg General Hospital, on August 6, 1949. 33-1* BELLAMY-Bessie and Howard Bellamy, Orano, are happy ta an- nounce the birth of their. son, George Loftus, in Bowmanville Hospital, Saturday, August 13. a baby brother for Betty 33-1 HOAR-Ted and Lenore Hoar (nee Collacutt) are happy ta an- nounce the bîrth of their daugh- ter, Pearl Diane on Sunday, Aug- ust 14. 1949, at Bawmanville Hospital. 33-1 LARMER-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer (nee Margaret "Peggy"l Snawden) wish ta annaunce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Carol, in Oshawa General Hospital on Baturday, August l3th, 1949. 33.1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kersey, Hamptan, announce the engage- nment of their daughter, Audrey Hannah, ta Meichoir Lee, son of Mrs. B. McCune and the late Mr. McCune of Sudbury. The mar- riage will take place Sept. ? 33-1* Mr. and Mrs. Graham Craw- fard of Brampton, Ont., announce the engagement of their anly daugiter Marion Elizabeth ta Donald William Jase, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase of Newcastle, Ont. The marriage will take place Saturday, September 3rd, at @3 o'clock in Grace United Church, Brampton, Ontario. 33-1 * DEATHS - JENNINGS-At the Nightingale Nursing home, Lindsay, on Tues., Aug. 16th, 1949, Thomas Herbert Jennings. son of the late.Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings, aged 80 years. Resting at Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Ce- mnetery. 33-1 JOHNSTON-Suddenly in Man- vers, July 7, %p49, Mary E. Ponter, wlfe of the lite D. W. Johnston. Interment Cadmus Cemetery. 33-1* COMING EVENTS Tyran. Harvest Homo Services, 8und*yý August 28. Special son- vices aftennoon and evening. Wednesday, August 31, sports, Oupper and concert. Funther partieulars next week. 33-1 August 25, 8:15 p.m. there will be a musical evening put on in Newcastle United Church unden the auspices of the choir on corn- pletion of organ repair with Mr. Robinson anganist and choir master, Smith Falls, at the organ and other talent. Keep the date open. 33-1 CARD 0F THANKS The Bratley family and Cyril Rundie wish ta thank thein friends neighbours for the many kindnessos, cards, and floral tri- butes in the sudden passing of a dean brother, Stewart Bratley. 33-1* Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate of W. LEN ELLIOTT, Deceased ALL pensons having dlaims against the Estate of W. Len El- lîott, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, wbo died onf or about the 3nd day 0f July, 1949, are heneby natif ied ta send in ta W. R. Stnike, solicitor for the Executnix, Bawmanville, Ontario, on on befone the lst day of Sep- tomber, 1949, ful particulars of their cdaims. Immediateiy after the said lst day of September, 1949, the assets of the testatan il be distributed amangst the parties entitled thene- to, having regard only ta dlaims ofc whieh the said Solicitor for theP Executnix shahl thon have notice.f DATED at Bawmanvillo, thisq 2nd day of August, 1949.E W. R. Strike, K.C., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for theu Executrix. 31_3e Wanted SET of walnut dining room chairs. Phono 577. 33-1 ANYONE driving West ta Brant- ford or London on Saturday aftor 12 noon, please contact James Mogan, phono 477 between 9 and 4. 33-1* DEAD hanses and cattle for free pick up. Phono Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phono charges. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up aUl dead or crippled farm animaIs free of charge. Highest pricos paid for aid honses. Phono: 'Peterborough 4026 Collect. 20-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six sampies 25c, 24 sampies $1.()0. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.1 27-9 Notices 1 Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be clased from August 6th ta Sept- ember 5th. inclusive. 31-5 Dr. E. W. Sisson's office wiU] be closed fram August 12th ta August 27th inclusive. 32-2* Dr. Keith W. Slemon's office will be closed for holidays from August l7th to September 5th inclusive. 32-3* Law Office of Lawrence C. Mason. closed August 8th ta 3th inclusive. For completian of cur- rent business up ta . ugust 1Oth phone 688 or 553. 31-4 WE DELI VER Texaco Gasoline Motor Qils and Greases ta Bow- manville, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf GERALD B. THOMPSON. *DC 'Doctor of Chiropractic. Spinal analysis by X-ray. Office hours 9-12 and 1:30-5 p.m. Mon. and Sat. Phone 2927, 185 Simcoe St. N.4ê Oshawa. 32-4 Lost PARKER pen at Memorial Park, Monday evening. Reward. Stan Dunn, phone 682. 33-1* KEY-CHAIN, between R o y a Theatre and Arena. Phone 540. 33-1* Wanted To Rent 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, central, heatod, by Sept. 1st.: for refmned lady away most of week at busi- ness. Phono 2714. 33-1 Room and Board Wanted GENTLEMAN desirps roam and board in Bowmanvllle. H. Jan- zen, phono 690, Downham Nur- sery. -33-4* WIDOW with 4 yr. old daughter; GM. employoe, desires roam and board or rooms whore child will be carod for duning warking hours. Write Box 294, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 33-1 Notice to Creditors Creditors and others having dlaims against the Estate of Gearge M. Nesbitt, late of the Village of Nestleton, in the County of Durham, Gentleman, deceased, are hereby notified pursuant ta R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 165, Section 51, and amending Acts ta send in their fully certified statement of Accounts ta the undersigned on on before the 27th day of August, A.D. 1949, aften which date the Executnix will distribute the As- sets having regard only ta the claims of which she shaîl then have notice. DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, this Ninth day of August, A.D. 1949. Moore & Jordan. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc., Lindsay, Ont. 32-3 L For Rent ,BUSINESS offices above Carter store. Available immediately. Appîy N. Seott, Duko St., Baw- manville. 33-1 Help Wanted BOYS wanted. - Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 32-2 YOUNG mon, 18 ta 21 for ma- chine wonk. No Satundays. Apply Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., 160 Chuch St., Bowmanviîle. 33-1 WOMEN or girls wanted, light factory wani*, no Saturdays. Ap- ply Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet Ca., 160 Church St., Bawmanvlile, 33-1 WOMAN 'or girl ta help witb bousework Sept. lst ta Oct. lSth. To sleep out. Write box No. 295, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 33-1* GIRL for cashien in modern gna- cery stone, knowledge of book- keeping required, expenionce pro- fenable. Apply in writing staling qualifications ta Box 293 c/o The Statesman Office. 33-1* WANTED-Salesman ta soul vac- uum cleaners and electnic paîish- ers. We have the best proposition even offened, must have car, gaod references, married pnefenred. Write Distnibutor, F. H. Pattenson, 466 Bolivar St., Peterboro. 32-2 WANTED-Reliable man as deal- er in Bawmanville. Experience 'jot neçessry. A fine opportun- .ty ta sp into old profitable bus- iness whero Rawleigh Produets have been sold for yeans. Big profits. Produets funnished on credit. Write Rawleigb's, Dept. MIL-H-140-163, Montreal. 31-4 PERMANENT sales position open n. Bawmanville district, prefon active aggressive middîe -aged nan, must have car, with expor- once in selling insunance, elec- nrical appliances, bread route on imilar sales wonk, inost of aur dealers have madeoaven $1.800 irst six months of 1949. Write give nefenenees, Sales Manager, 86 Water St., Peterboo. 32-2 Announcement I wish ta annaunce that I have )poned a Hair Dnossing Establisb-i îont at my nesidence 126 King treet East. Phono 972, Margaret omris, (nee Margaret Cale). 'i si fi si dl Articles For Sale THREE Burner ail stove. 18 posts 16 ft. Phone 2672. 33-1* HAY, approximately 7 loads, phone 2738. 33-1* HEAVY bush harness, used one seasan. Apply H. D. Millson, Hampton, phone 2432. 33-1* STACK of new fall wheat straw.' A. W. Graham, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1223. 33-1* 28 foot extension ladder, wheel' barrow. other farm tools. Mrs. W. N. Stevens, Newtonville. 33-1* 1940 Huds.on Coach, radio, heater, good condition. Phone Jack 446, 18 Third St. 33-1* BROODER house and stove com- plete. Phone 2085, Bowmanville. 33 -1 WHITE folding carniage in good condition. Reasonable. Apply 36 Queen St, Bowrnanville. 33-1* McCORMICK seed dri l 1dise. John Nichais R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2168. 33-11 OAK library table in good con- dition, matching racking chair; chest of drawers with mirron. Phone 342. 33-1 BABY carrnage, maroan, folding style. Priced for quick sale. Ap- ply David Park, 98 Queen St., or phone 2701. 33-1* FORDSON tractor, frdnt wheels on rubber, in good condition, re- cently overhauled. P. J. Element. Middle Road, phone 2194. 33-1* COLD WALL eloctric refrigerat- or (Frigidaire) like new. N. J. Scott, Duke St., Bawmanville. 33-1 MALL Model 7 chain saw, rocent- ly overhauled, used between 5 and 6 months. Phane Clarke 4304. 33-1* PHONOLA Battory Radio, floor model, in excellent condition. Ap- ply 59 Brawn, St., Bowmanville. 33-1* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measuned and installed. Free ostimates. F. F. Morris Ca., Phono 480. 25-tf 1932 Fard V8, mator recently avenhauled, goad tires, goad body, also 1931 Chev. half-ton stake, good for farm use. Apply 28 Jane St. or phono 846. 33-1* '48 HALF ton Chevrolet truck, deluxe cab, painted racks, heater and defroster. Apply Lloyd Down,' R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phane Osha- wa 1938j-1. 33-1 DRY apple tree wood by the load. $8.00 per truck load, and $4.00 for wagon ioad at the farm. Clare E. AllUn, Bawmanville. Phono 2847. 33-1* COMPLETE set 1/2~" drive mech- anical sockets, Grey Bonney make; also man's bicycle, bath in good condition, Phono 2368 33 - 1* BARGAINI Vestal cook stove with ail burner, Quebec heater, medium size with 8 inch ail burner in good condition. Two drums. Mrs. A. E. Mellow, New- castle. 33-1* NUMBER of new steel ail drums, dlean and ready for use for stove ail on gasoline starage, on sale at $3.25 each at Bob Stocker's Gar- age, Bowmanville, phone 804. 33-4 BONDED Brake Shoe Exehanges, no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry-I sier, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bawmanvilie. Phone 804. 22-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality,1 smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Danlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phono 2836; aiso1 custam kiiling, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf FLOOR COVERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arnived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congaloum and Rexoleum yard gotds naw in stock, 2 and 3 yds, wide. Bring in your measurments for quotatians at F. F. Morris Ca. 25-tf NEW eloctnic nefrigonatars, 6 cub- ic foot $289, 8 cubie foot $379. Im- mediate delivemy, 5 year guaran- tee. New 3 piece veloun Chester- field suite, wine and green, negu- lan $269 ta dlean $175; Continental bed, full sizo rogular $79.50 for $59.50. Mupby's, phono 811,1 Bowmanville. 33-1* TRADE-IN 3 piece Chesterfield like now; steel beds; 4 kitchen chairs; rangettes; ovenottes; min- nons; table lamps; Il tube West- inghouse radia, FM band, used one manth; washing machines; band saw; jig saw; Quebec tl coal stove; iceboxes. Mui, ys phone 811,/Bowmanville. 33.1* I, "TARNOFF" gives your car the brand new look. No washing na palishing-just dny cdean by nub- bing "Tarnoff" on, and wiping off. 16 oz. tin, 60c, 36 oz. tin, $ 1.00. At Alexander Motors, Bowmanville; Newtonville Gar- age. Nowtonville. 9 BUSH shanties ail sizos, sui t- able for summer cottages, bnood- en houses or funnishing fan dwei- lings. 3 geldings, 1 Bay team, 1 grey. abaut 1700 each. About 300 cards of 4 ft. hardwood at $12.00 per cord at bush, on will deliven. Aiso went ta winton feed 100 ta 150 head of cattie. Apply H. M. Kyte, R.R. I Burketon, phono Port Perry 193r14.3-2 Articles For Sale' USED FARM IMPLEMENTS-17 run seeder; 8 ft Dises; 2 cultiva- tors, spring tooth; 2 plows, 2 and 3 furrow; 6 ft. tiller; 3 used John Deere tractons; 21 tooth wheel cultivator. Also new John Deere Model B tractor and Model M; 2 and 3 furnow plows; rubber-tired wagon; bailer and bailing wire. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession, phone 594, Bowmanville. 33-1 BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; felt base floar cavering, 49c a square 31d.; chrome chairs, $6.95, all calors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfield suités, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spning- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complote, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf Auction Sales Don't fargot the Durham Coun- ty Community Auction Sale ta be held at the Sales Barn, Onano, Thursday, August 2514t 7:30 p.m. Thone wiil be offered for sale ahl kinds of livestock, machineny, furnitune and dozens of other it- oms. Rememben the date - Aug- ust 25 - the Sales Barn, Onono, the place whero ail farmens meet. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auction- eer. 33-2 I have received instructions fnam Mn. Harold Little, Lot 25, Con. 1, Manvens Township, 1 mile south of the Marsh Church, ta soîl by publie auction on Friday, August l9th at 1 p.m. sharp: 1948 Fond tracton; a full lino of tnactor implements; patata equipment; his entire bond of Durham cattle; twa standard bned colts, sined by Peter Grattan Royal; pigs; grain, and many other items. For fur- thon panticulars see bills. Tenms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 32-2 1 have received instructions fnom Mns. George C. Fosten ta sell by public auction an Satur- day, August 20, at ber Glenn Lamra home, 264 King St. E., Bowmanville. This salé will in- clude dining-room and living-room funniture, beds, drossons, pullout couches, chests of dnawens, sew- ing machine, angle iran, extension ladder, lumber, bricks, staves, cooking utensils and many other items. For furthen pantieulars 500 bills. Torms cash. Praperty sold. No resenve. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Jadk Reid, auctioneer. 31-3 Livestock For Sale 100 NEW Hampshire Hens, year olds. Phono 2186. 33-1* 200 CAPONIZED roosters, il weeks aId. Jim Staintan, phono 2734, Bowmanville 33-1* 12 PULLETS, 51/ months old, hybnids, iaying. Phono 2042, Bowmanville. 33-1 100 LEGHORNS, 1 year old. George Skelding, phono Clarke 1930. 33-1 TWO cows, and heifen. Also bal'- ed hay. Phono 2738, Bowman- TEN Holstein heifers-2 freshen- ed,, balance ta renew before De- cember lst. W. C. Evans, Orono. 33-1* CLYDE mare 6 years aid; M.H. 2- furrow dise plow; also girl's bi- cycle. Lamne Thompson, R.R.1, Burketon. 33-1* 300 ROCK and red pullets, ap- proximateiy 30 per cent laying. Aiso 6 Yorkshire pigs 8 weeks aid. Phono 2435. 33-2* REGISTERED Shorthonn bull, dark red, 1 year aId. N. R. Green and Sons, R.R. 2 Nestletan, phone Part Perry 197r21. 33-1* Work Wantéd EXCAVATING, grading, bulldoz- ing, farm drainage. F. F. Welch, R.R. 1 Oshawa, Phone Oshawa 3744J2. 32-2* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custam work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS ta all makes of refrlg- erators, domestic and rommercial. Higgan Electric 42 King St. E., 'phone 438. . 26-tf COMPLETE brake service, brake drurn ]athing, grinding and hon- ing. Brakemaster cyiindens and wheel cylinders honed and palish- ed. Permafuse Raybond brake bonding, no rivets, Raybe$tos brake linings. Brakes shoes ex- changes in stock ready ta go. Bob Stocken's Garage, Phono 804., Bowmanville. 22-tf Wanted To Buy SCRAP batter~ies, $1.00 per bat- tory, G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phono 467. 32-tf CUTTING box in wor:king condi- tion. Phono 2566 Bowmanville. 33-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our pnices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges, 17-tf, Reail Estate For Sale FARM, 60 acres with ten room house, three piece bathroom, hy- dro, barn, chlcken bouse, pig pen. Phone 2738. 33-1* CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf FIVE-room Bungalow; Lights and water., Phone 468 or write P.O. box 146, Bowmanville. 33-4* FOUR-roomed insul-brick bouse, fully insulated, bathroomn with electric hot water tank, YÏ-acre land. Apply Russell Brown, 87 Liberty St. S., Bawmanville. Phone 819. 33-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE We stand for good service, hon- esty and fair dealing. If you are thînking of listing your property, or if you are in the market for buying a bouse, farm, summer resort or a store contact the Cooke Real Estate. New listings com- ing in almost every. day. Choose now while the selection is good. Evelyn E. Caoke, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 33-1, JAMES NIXON $3,500.00-Insul-bric 4-r o o m e d bydro, fulîy insulated, heavy win- house, full basement, stool, waten, ing, 1,1 acre, some strawberries and raspberries. New 2 - raomed bouse, pantly finished, new furniture, stool. bydro and extra lot in a good location. $3,000 or $2,500 without funnitune, would accept sterling in part pay. Possession arrangod. New insul-bric, 22' x 38', 5 roams, hydro, 3 piece bath, in- sulated, full basement, double windows, combination do orns, shnubs, lot 166' x 50,. Full pnice $6,500 on terms. $7,00000-Salid brick, 8-roomed bouse, bath,' hydra, water, 2 fine- places, 2 extra lots in good lo- cation. One of those outstanding propenties. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Phono 682 Bowmanville 33-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $3575.00-Terms. 5-room brick semi-detached bouse. H. A. fur- nace, deep lot, in Bowmanvillo. $4,200.00-Seven-roomi f r a m e bouse, ebieken bouise, garage, large lot 66' x 454', m odern bath- noom, bydra. Terms. $3,500.00-New Log home, with1 cabins, on 40 acres, with trout stream. Hydro, pressure system,1 telephone. $2,500.00-Fish and Chip businessr in small town. Completeîy equip- ped, business, stoek, and equip-f ment. Immediate possession.r Rent, $15.00 a month. Tenms, $1,000.00 down, and balance of1 $1,500.00 payable $25,00 per montb. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West BowmanvilleI J. Shehyn, D. Maclachan,J Broken. Rep. à Phonos 326 -2017 33-1 HIAMILTON & SMITH $6,500.00-Famm, 150 acres, 80 workable, 45 pastume, 25 bush. 1 mile north of Na. 2 bighway near Newtonville. Barn 30' x 60'. 2 staroy frame and insuî-brick bouse, 10 raoms, in good con jM- tion. Gaad cellar and 2 good welîs on pmapemty. $6,000.00-Famm, 45 acres on No. 2 highway between Newcastle and Newtonviîle, Good barn and creek. 2-stomey 10-roomod bouse with stone - foundation, in very good condition. Stock and impIe- monts $1,500.00 extra. $7,000.00-Farm, 50 acres choice land on No. 28 highway midway between Part Hope and Peton- raoms, bath and sunnoom, new Miss Ruth Reynolds bas returnn furnace, good celiar, wells at ed fnom a week's vacation at bouse and barn, apple orchard, Hawk Lake. small bush, steel roafed barn Miss Fae Reynolds enjayed a 30' x 60', implement shed, bydno weekend visit with Miss Canal thnoughout, land ready for faîl Chant at Oak Lake. seedîng. Close ta schoal and Mn. and Mms. A. E. Wbitnelî, chunches. A very fine property, Tononto, are visiting hem brothens, - open for offer. Immodiate P05- Messrs Jack and Jim Reynolds. session if nocossany. Miss Shirley Pingle and Mr. HAMILTON & SMITH Art Reynolds enjoyed a moton Brokens Orono, Ont. trip ta visit bis aunt, Miss B. Rey- Phone 32r10 - 1n16 - 39r2 nolds at Head Lake. 33-1 Recent visitons witb Mn. and Mns. Cecil Lackwood wero Mr. Business for Sale ancimrs. Hugh Squires, Picker- LADIES DRESS SHOP-Estab- ton and family, Mm. and Mrs. lished ton yoans. Priced for quick Bruce Hamilton and famnily, Mr. sale. Option of buying or leasing and. 1Mns. Luke> Hamilton and building. A. G. Williams, Bow- familY, Oshavýa; Mn. and Mrs. manville, Ont. Phono 439 33-1 Robent Glanville, Omono. ________________Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, is a guost of Mns. E. H. Cale. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Purdon The tatsma Sd son John, Toronto; Mrn. The fafemailSold Mrs.Newton Armstrong and Mr. Jim Burns, Janetville; Misses Af Fllowng Sores Dora and Margaret Pundon, wene guests of Mn. and Mns. J. Purdon. Dyer's Dnug Store, Newcastle Dr. ana Mns. Walla'ce Horn of D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Mantroal and Mrs. Catharine Wilson & Brown, Newtanville Jacob, Pont Hope, visited Mrs. R. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen Avery, while an thein holidays. P. L. Byam, Tyrone Miss Bileen Wray, Siek Chil- G. A. Barman, Hampton dren's- Hospital, Toronto, spent Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool Friday and Saturday at home. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffney C. B. Tynreli, Orono Toronto, brother-in-law Bort Roe, W. J. Bagneîl, Jury & Loveli Kitchener, wene Saturday guostsI J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and of Mns. C. E. Jeffney. The Statesnman Office.- Miss Fay Reynolds spent the HAYDON Mrs. Don Canr was hostess ta several ladies on Wodnesday ev- ening wben Mrs. T. Westlake, Hampton, gave a demonstration of Wearever brushes. About sevonty-five friends and relatives gathered at the shed on Saturday evoning in honon of Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Slemon, a re- cent bride and groom. Duning the playing of the Wedding March the couple wore escortod ta tbe platform. which was prettily decorated with a white bell, pink streamers and baskets of flowens. Rev. A. E. Crosswell acteci as chairman. Mr. Wilbur Blackbun read a short address and the couple were presentod with a Iavely pair of white woolen blankets and a picturered top card table by Mrs. Dan Camr and Miss %M4ay Trewin. Gardon very ably tenderod thanks. Mns. Lloyd. Ashton nenderod a solo "The Sunshine of Your Smile". Mrs. A. Read played an instru- mental. Miss Vivian Cowling sang a couple selections, accompany- ing herseif on the guitar. Read- ings were given by Miss Mary Niddery, Hamptan and Mn. Clan- once Woodley. Lunch was senved also ice-cream which was a treat from the bride and groom. Melville Bertrim has put steel naofing an the twa extensions of bis barn, that was damaged by the windstonm. Chas. Garrard bas painted hO3 house. Jack Potts is putting brick sid- îng on bis homo. Chas. Ganrard, Roy Graham and Clayton Read are very busy these days picking thein crops of cu- cumbers fer the canneny. W.A. was held at Mns. Chas. Garrand's on Thursday with pro- sidont Mrs. C. Slemon presiding. Devotional was taken by Mrs. C., Garrard and prayer by Mrs. C. Slemon. Roadings wene given by Mrs. Fred Ashtan and Mrs. T. Cawling. Wayne Blackburn andj Lynda Potts sang a duot; music by Miss Vivian Cawling and a solo by Margot# Rankine It was decided to bave a caornarast. Lunch was senved by Mrs. W. Mantin's group. Mn. and Mrs. A. Read, Ina Ber- YI and Lynne, Marlone Ashton, at1 Mn. Hugh DeGeer's, Bethany. i Mn. Ross Ronaid and Ray Ash-1 tan, Miss Marie Ashtan at Birch- cliff Ladge. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Brownlee came home with them and had tea at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's, Sunday evoning. Mn. Deîbent Martin, Mns. Lil- [ian ToIler, Wellsville, N.Y., Mn. and Myrs. Max Jahnston, Mn. Gar. don Martin, Oshawa, at Mn. Jack Patts'. SMn. and Mrs. Gardon Slemon, Tronto at Mn. Cecil Slemon's. Mn. Frank Tuerk, Miss Ruth ruerk, Hampton, at Mr. Frank )enby's. Mn. and Mns. R. Andenson, To- ronto, at Mns. T. Cowling's, Be- venly netunned homo with them after holidaying with ber grand- nother. Mn. and Mns. Bob Chapman and family, Toronto, at Mn. M. Bert- rim's. Mn. and Mns. Clifford Trewin, 3owmanville, at Mn. C. Aveny's. Mn. and Mns. Jim Aikenhead, Mrn. and Mrs. Lumlay and Nancy, T'oronto, Mr. and Mrs. Russell )rmjl:ston, Miss Mona Brunt, Mr. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen, Miss Jean McLaughlin, Burketon, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. Wîîbun Blackburn, uns. T. Cowling and Vivian at- tended the Black*bunn Family picilic at Onono. Mr. and Mns. Fnank Denby ac-- companied Mn. and Mns. Walter à >ke, Enniskillen, ta Lake Simcoe in Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Mrs. ;iffard Trewin, Bawmanviile, Wr. and Mns. Chas. Gray, Sud- )uny, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Mr. Hubert Stacey and family, ýhaws, Mn. and Mns. Alvin Stacey, owmanville at Mr. Don Camer- )ns. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, rononta, Mns. Don MacKenzie, ;alois, Que., at Mn. E. A. Mc- eil's l'a expenditure. Reduction of calorie@ intake, alone will reduce weight. Thene is no easier way, -.nd irý- discriminate use of dr produce dire resuts The longing for fraternlty oezn nover bo satisfied but under sway of a comnion Father.-Benjamin Disraeli. weekend with Miss Canal Chant aRt Oak Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Oshawa, were guosts of MrÉ. E. H. Cole. Mns. J. R. Reynolds, David and John and Miss L. Reynolds visi- ted relatives in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. A. Reynolds, Toronto, visited Miss L. Reynols. Mn and Mrs W. Chapman and Raymond Petit, at the home of ber brother, T. Gibbs, Tyrone. Gary Chant and Ray Craw- ford attended Boy Scout camp at Pigeon Lake. Mns. H. E. Tink, Sauina, visited at Poney Dewell's. Miss Helen 'Baker, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. James Smales. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Manilla, with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Elson, Fraserville; Mrs. Chas. Blezard, Toronto; Miss Margaret Reid, London; Miss Helen Anderson, Peterbono and Mn. Arthur Baker, Bawmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Rov. E. S. Linstead wîll bo back from his holidays and will bel'n charge of the Sunday even- ing church service. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. *'Alber'Cale, Bawmanville, (nee Mary Souch of Hampton), who rocentiy celebnated thein 25th wedding annivensary. Admission ta Bowmanville Business Scboo1 for the faîl termn will be on September 6 and Oc- tobon 3. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett will give youn problems hon careful, pensonal attention, See ad on page 6.-Advt. Watch That Weight A man 90 pounds avorweight is twice as likely ta die in the next year as one of normal woight. The British Medical Journal points out that abesity predisposes ta arthnitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, artenial de- gonoration, pulmonary emphy- sema, and cirrhosis of the liver. Its contrai is thus an important part of theso disordors. Obesity-the state of being overweight-is a consoquenco of the body's energy intake exceed- ing its energy output-that is, ca- lorie consumption oxceeds calorie G~. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP Corner King & Silvor Sts. Phono 467 Bowvmanville /o4Lme GREATEST TIRE SALE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Phone <<~Phone 4 -CIL e; O ST OVE GIL m KEROSENE FOR PROMPT DELIVERY DAY OR NIGHT CALL BOB STOCKEIR'S GARAGE Corner King and Brown Sts Bowmanville Ne w, Toni Spin Curiers No Rubber Bands Special Off erl Toni Refi $1.25 Now! Spin Curlers 2.00 New! Creme Rinse .25 $3.50 Value for oflly $2.79 Insecticides - Fly-Tox Insect Bomb Contains DDT -- -$1.69 Fiy-Tox Spray with 5% DDT, .- 25c-45c FIy-Ded - Fragrant and Stainless - with 5% DDT . ý. 33c-49c Rexali 5% DDT Residual Surface Household Pest Paint or Spray 8 oz.. 24c Black Fiag Inseet Powder with DDT - -.....25c Bridgeport Aer-A-Sol Inseet Killer ---- ------$1.98 New! Colgate Ammoniated Tooth powder - . 29c-49c New! Kolynos Anti-Decay Tooth Powder wlth Amnmonium Ion - Helps prevent cavities, each --49e Rexali Chloradent Paste JURY C LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When W. Test Eyes It la Done Properly PHONE 778 BOWMA NVILLE f ./ PeGE TWELVEC BRING 'YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS Photograph Your Fun Koàak Target SIx-20 Camera - ....-...... $6.72 Kodak Target Six-16 Camera ---- ----- 8.12 Kodak Baby Brownle -. $3.00 Kodak Duaflex Camera ---------- $14.56 Kodak Tourist Camera Takes Kodak 620 films Kodak Anaston f/6-3 Lens Flash Dlomatic Shutter............------$48.50 Flash Attaehment for Duaflex Camera ----- $3.25 Renwick Cowhide Case for Duafiex -.- $2.75 Kodak Brownie Reflex Camera Takes 127 film - -- ------- $11.76 Carry ing Case for Reflex -- ----- --- $2.25 Flash Attachment for IN M qi TIME a toiWO - HAMPTON