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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1949, p. 12

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BRING YPA CSHAN MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS ftqUBLI9,»mP. fi 1 BIRTHS NROWN-To Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Ihy Brown, Newcastle, a daughter, born August 19, 1949, in Bow- manville Hospital. 35-1 CRYDERMAN - Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cryderman wish to an- inounce the birth of their son, William Michael, at Bowmanville Hospital, on August 26, 1949. 35-1* PUMMELL-Mr. and Mrs. John Pummeli (nee Laura Philp) are , happy to annojince the arrivai of their daughter, Eileen Grace, at Women's College Hospital. To- ronto, on August 24, 1949. Mother and baby doing well. 35-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow of Orono, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Phyllis, ta Mr. Alan Henry Cornish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish, Orono. The marriage will take place in September. 35-1* *Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Payne of Orono, annouince the engagement of their daughter. Beverley Jean, to Charles W. Disley. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Disley of Bowmanville. The marriage will take place Scptember 24, 1949, in Orono. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. U. Stephens, Bowmanville. xish to -announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Bernice, to Charles Piper. son of Mr. and Mrs. . F. Piper, Bowmanville. Wedding will take place on Saturday, Sept. l7th. 35-1 Mr. and Mrs. Melville H. Staples announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Carol. to Williami Glenn Blakely Wiggrns, son of1 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wiggins. Brampton, Ont. The marriage will take place on Monday, Sept. 12, at Orono, Ont. 35-1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, Bowman viMe, Ont., announce the engagemY¶t of their daughter, Helen Aileen, to Mr. John Edward Alan Greville. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. 9rreville, Toronto. The marriage will take place on Sat- .Urday, September 24, 1949, at 4 o'clock in Trinity United Church, ,1owmanville. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. Lorne D. Simpson, ;Enniskillen, ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Bethea Lee (Betty), to Donald ,Edwin Ferguson, son cf Mrs. Ferguson and the late Oliver An- drew Ferguson of Niagara Falls. The marriage will take place September 10, 1949, in St. An- *drew's Church, Niagara Falls, Ontario. 35-1* DEATHS 13AILEY-Suddenly on Sunday, Auut 28, 1949. at Toronto Iso- =ainHospital, Harry J. W. Bail- .ey, beloved husband of Dorothy. Soucb and dear father of Wayne and Mary Lynn. Interment took place at Orono Cemetery, Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. 35-1 COLWILL-In Owen Sound, on Tuesday, August 30, 1949, Annie Louise Ashton, beloved wife of the late John Colwili, aged 84 years. Resting at the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bow- mranville, until noon Thursday, September lst, then to Hampton United Church for service at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton Ceme- tery. 35-11 VENNING-On Aug'. 29, 1949, at the home of his daughter. 25 Maple Bush Ave., Weston, How- ard Venning, deariy beloved bus- band of Louise Lewis, dear father cf Florence, Grace, Fred, Doris and Albert. Intermtnt Riverside Cemetery, Weston. IN MEMORIAM KELLY-In loving mnemory of our dear daughter and sister, Isabelle, who passed away Aug. 29, 1947: lier memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away. -Mother, Father and Brothers. 35-1* Help Wanted GIRL for light housework, no -heavy laundry, sleep in or out. $15 a week. Phone Mrs. M. Bres- lin. 35-1 PART or whole time girl or woman for housework. who also çould occasionaly stay to look after cbildren, sleep out. Apply 3 Ontario Street, Bowmanville. 35-1* ýVACANCY - Rawleigh business tiaw open in Bownianville. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write at înce. Rawleigh*s, Dept. ML-i. 40-89, Montreai. 35-3 COMING EVENTS1 CARD 0F THANKS1 Canadian Order of Foresters will hold a euchre in S.O.E. hall, Thursday, Sept. lst at 8:30 p.m. 35-1 Dance wjll be held In New- castle Community Hall on Friday, Sept. 2nd under auspices of the Board of Management. Russ Creighton and his dance band, Toronto. in attendance. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Admission 50c per person. à 34-2 Don't miss the floodlight Don- key Basebaîl game at the High School grounds on Monday, Sept. 12th, at 8 p.m. It should be the greatest fun-producer of the year. Admission 50c and 25c. Proceeds for Jotary Crippled Children's' worRî 35-1 Notices Dr. Storey's office will be clos- ed September 4th to 25tb inclu- sive. 34-5* Dr. C. J. Austin's office wili be closed from August 6th to Sept- ember 5th, inclusive. 31-5 The office of W. R. Strike wili be clôsed for holidays from Aug. ust l3th to September Sth, in- clusive. 35-1 Anyone wishing the use of the Lions Community Centre please contact Howard Jeffery, Silver St., Phone 949. 35-1 e NOTICE-will the person whor borrowed sink rod from W. Len Elliott Plumbing please retumn it, immediately. 35-1 GERALD B. THOMPSON, *DC *Doctor of Chiropractic. Spinal analysis by X-may. Office boums 9-12 and 1:30-5 p.m. Mon. and Sat. Phone 2927, 185 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 32-4 Mrs. C. A. Wight who bas com- pleted a course in Nursey School Practice in Toronto, will be pleas- ed to register a iimited number of 4-year-old children for the coming year. Phone 2222. 35-1 WE DELI VER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases to Bow-g manville, Enniskilien, Tyrone,i Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bobi Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf Wanted ROOM and board or light bouse- keeping room in quiet home, for business girl. Write Box 300, Statesman Office. 35-1 DEAD borses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone charges. Gordon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD Stock! Frée Service. We will pick up ail dead or crippled farm animais free of charge. Highest prices paid for oid horses. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. 20-tf Wanted To Buy CALVES for vealing. any size. Ralpb Davis, Solina, Phone 2413. 35-1* SCRAP batteries, $1,00 per bat- tery, G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 32-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf WANTED - Approximately 100 acres, suitabie for grain and beef cattle. Good buildings and water supply. Prefer to deal with own- er. Write Box 299, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-2* Wanted To Rent TWO or- three unfurnished rooms in Bowmanville. Phone 2085. 35-1 HOUSE or apartment for couple and two children. Write Post Office Box 187, Bowmanville. WANTED-small house or, apart- ment, central location, by Oct. 1. Contact Vince Mathewson, Bow- manville. Phone 982. 35-1* 100 ACRE farm, good buildings. hydro preferred. Apply Fred Middleton, R.R. 1 Burketon, one mile east of. Biackstock, Phone 172r21 Port Perry. 35-2* Livestock For Sale CLYDE mare, nine yeams, about 1600, reliable worker single or double. Phone 2585. 35-1 TWELVE Yorkshire pigs, eight weeks old. Orville Hindman, Phone 2254. 35-1 EIGHT young pigs, seven weeks old. Apply Taylor and Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Phone 2402. George Soucb wishes to express his sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for kindnesses shown during bis recent sad bereave- mient. 35-1* 1 wish to tbank Dr. W. H. Birks, Miss Dewell and nursing staff of Bowmanville Hospital and neighIbours and frîends for kindness shown mne while in hospital. Ruby Colwill. 35-1 Artbur Gibson wîshes to ex- press bis sincere tbanks to neigh- bours and friends for their help while he was in bospital. A special thanks to Base Line and Maple Grove friends for thresh- ing of grain; also thanks for flowers sent and the many cards and telephone calîs. 35-1* For Rent n5 1, d- Articles For Sale '34 PONTIAC. 4.pply 209 King St. E. 35-1 MODERN ice refrigerator. Phone 2183. 35-4* CORNELL faîl seed wbeat seed. Phone 2341. 35-1. SEED wheat, Cornell 595. Tom Baker, Phone 2180. 35-1 THREE acres standing corn. Will Ashton, Phone 2150. 35-1 KITCHEN cabinet in good con- dition. .Apply 27 Liberty St. N. 35-1 BROWN winter coat, raccoon col- lar, size 18. only worn one winter. Phone 2998. 3- ONE bundred bushels of last year's oats, $1.00 per bushel. Phone 2983. 35-1* 1946 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, SMALL apartment, immediate defroster, heater, reasonably pric- possession. Phone 2382. 35-11 ed. Phone 439. 35-1 TWO ',heated unfurnished rooms. Apply 38 Jane Street. 35-1 STORE and dwelling on Division St., behind Poole's Bakery Shop. Apply 105 King St. E. 34-2* FIVE-room apartment with base- ment for rent. Occupation Oct. lst, central location. Write Box 301, Statesman Office. 35-i* Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Pets For Sale REGISTERED Cocker Spaniels, golden red colour. Apply Bern- ard Dilling, 23 Nelson St., phone 2770. 34-2* Auction Sales AUCTION SALE-Friday, Sept. 9th. Farm stock and implements, the property of Geo. W. Samelîs, Con. 9, Scugog, 4 miles from Port Perry. Pony, cattle, "New Façt- ourite" threshîng machine, M-H. tractor on rubber, etc. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. 35-21 I bave meceived instruction from Mm. Fmank Bamsey, Lot Il Con. 4, Hope Township, finç farm east of Canton church, t seil by public auction on Wec nesday, Sept. l4th at 1 p.m. shar ail bis farm stock, implement. hay, grain and furniture. Fo further particulars see bill Termas cash. No resemvý. Jac] Reid, Auctioneer. 34- Don't forget the Durbam Cour ty Community Auction Sale to bi held at the Sales Barn, Oronc ýI'bursday, Sept. 8th at 7:30 p.n There will be offered for sale a: kinds of livestock, machinery furniture and dozens of othei items. Remember the date - Sept 8th the Sales Barn, Orono, thf 25tb - 'he Sales Barn, Orono, tht place wbere ail farmers meel Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction. eer. 35-1 I bave been authorized to se]: by public auction f«~ Willianr Konopacki, bal mile north oi Courtice, on Saturday, Sept. :3 the following: The property, con. sisting of 2 acres, more or less, or which is built a good frame housE and barn, bydro, close to, storE and highway, wîll be offered foi sale subject to reserve bid. TermE and conditions on property will be given day of sale. Chattels: 1944 Ford truck, stake body, good; 8-inch Fluery grain grinder; De- Lavai separator; Moffat electrîc water heater for stock; set of large wheel pullers; 2 barrels of roofing (tar); 3 100 squares of roofing; set of scaies; 2 circulai saws; car"tires; pile of hardwood lumber; 20 feet heater hose; fbrks, knives, cow chains and other articles. Furniture: small stove, round table, square table, double bed, 2 buffets, dresser and many other articles. Terms on chattels cash. Sale at i p.m. Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer. 35-1 Custom Work Wanted SOWING in vicinity of Enniskil- len, bave fifteen-run tractor, fer- tilizer drill. Appiy. R. Stenger, Enniskiilen, Phone 2824. 352* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaanteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS to all make's of refrlg- erators, domestic and rommercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 26-tf OIKL for cashier in modemn groc- -5-1 COMPLETE brake service, brake #ry store.' knowledge of bookkecî- YOUNG cow ta freshen soon druin lathing, grinding and hon. ing required, experience prefer- (Royal Governor). Phone 352, ing. Bra]ýemaster cylinders ant1i able. Apply in writing, stating Robert Mutton, 6 Badshaw St. wheei cylinders honeti and polish-i qualifications, to Box 302, States- d Pemfs Rabn brk1 tnan Office. 35-11 35.1* bed PermoafusetRaybondbrake brake linings. Brakes shoes ex PERMANENT sales position in Lost . changes in stock eady to go. BobXe Bowmanvilie District for neat ap- Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. Je:ring intelligent man who bas CAMEO broocb, lost in Bowman- Bowmanviîîe. 22-tf1 eb business ability to meet the ville or on Garton Bus, valued - public.. Must have car, AI refer- as keepsake. Reward. PhoneP ro a énces. WÉite Box 296, Statesman Oshawa 4984J. 35-1eso a Office. Bowmanville. 34-3 YINCSPLE - rbe rouna gootis) maileti postpaid in plain V/ork Wa te sealeti envelope with price list. CANE on Kîng St. Ownem may Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00. TRUCKING donc Pt reasonable nave same by calling at States- Mail Order Dcpt. T-38, Nov-Ru b- prices. long or short trips.. R. D. man office. pring same andi pa- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. rmeston, phone 2493. 34-3i ing for advt. 35-1' 27-91 MAN'S good, used bicycle, in excellent condition. Lewis J. Wood Phone 2001. . 35-1 ACRE of standing canning corn. Apply H. Van de Belt, Creamn of Barley, South Side. 35-1* WINDMILL, self oiling Brantford. Apply to Gea. Glanville, New- castle, Clarke 2512. 35-1* '35 FORD coupe, good running condition, heater, seal beams. rumble seat. Phone 906. 35-1 WHITE pram, in excellent con- dition; baby's play pen; two f ish aquariums. Phone 2960. 35-1* TWO-room bouse, insuiated, wired for electricity; must be moved. Cheap for cash. Phone 913. 35.1* SLIDING garage doors and track. Can be seen at the Lions Com- munity Centre. Phone 443. 35-1 '301 PONTIAC, tires and body in excellent condition. cheap trans- portation. Phone Clarke 13r12. 34-2* OAK buffet; circulator coal heat- er, in good condition., R. W. Stocker, 12 Second St., Phone 864. 35-1* TWO iron beds with springs; wooden bed and spring. Apply Mrs. D. L. Sweete, Bowmanville Beach. 35-1 WHITE metal ice box, excellent condition, capacity 75 lbs. $30.00. Apply A. R. Spencer, Newcastle, Ont. 3- Articles For Sale ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf FREE-I have several acres of apple trees that will make gÏood fuel which J will give to any person who will cut them up and take them away. I will uproot the- trees with a bulldozer. If interested contact T. Wes. Caw- ker, Butcher., 35-1 FLOOR -COVERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in your measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf ONE dinin g-room modemn suite; 5 diners and 1 at-m chair; table and buffet; 1 large buffet and china *cabinet combined; oval, white table; bed, mattress and springs; jacket heater; 1i ou 2- bumner circulator stove, ail in good condition. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 2337. * 35-l* NEW -Norge refrigerators, im- mediate delivery, 8 cu. ft., will accept trade-ins of ice boxes or o]d refrigerators, easy temms; new chesterfield, wine and green vel- our. reg. $279.00, for $179.00; spring-filled mattresses, r e g. $29.50, for $24.50; ribbon springs, reg. $16,00. for $P.50. Murphy's. Bowmanville. Phone 811. 35-1* TRADE-INS - American baby carniage, bluish grey, collapsible. like new. 1/ new price, Cogsweil chair; wine velour chesterfield suites, 3- piece, M2s new price, used one month; kitchen stovei equipped with oul burner and drum, priced to seli; General Electric washing machine, e - conditioned, guaranteed one yýar; steel beds, ail sizes. $5.00; electric o eu,. , 4 b ar antee. Murphy's, Bowmanville, Phone 811. 35-1* NEW Case forage harvester and blower; new Case VAC tractor: new Case VA tractor; used Case C tractor on rubber; new Case tractor manure spreader; new General tractor manure spreader; Tiew Case 2-furrow tractor dise plow; new Case offset disc bar- row; new Case hammermill; wime fence; steel posts: electric motors: DeLaval and Beatty pressure systems; space heaters; Swifts P EEIN omn binder, in good DaePhn 9,35-1 S, condition; farmn sold. A. Neilsen, r Leskamd, Phone Orono'*1r2 after BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King [6 p.m. 3-1' St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. ,k bedroomn suites, $69.00; steel bcd 3 '41 BUICK sedan, under-seat outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base heaters, motor recently overhaul- floor covering, 49e a square yd.; ed, perfect condition throughout. chrome chairs, $6.95, ahl colors; )e Phone 2981. 35-1* 3 pc. allover velour chesterficld 0, ~suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finishý n. HORTC;N'S seed rye; Ford Fer- breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- 1 guson 10", and 12" plow. C. filied mattresses, $24.95; tri-light y, Payne, R.R. 3 Newcastle, Phone lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes. ?r Clarke 2811. 35-1 ranges fromn $59.00; 3-pc. allover t. velour bed chesterfield suites, Ë24 FEET -1/" pipe with elbows and $119,00); 9 x6 Axminster carpets, ýe fittings; also bot water tank. green or wine oriental designs, t. Thomas Gould, 71 Liberty St. S. $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; -Bowmanville. 354*ý table lamps, $6.75. Evcrything for SOFTWOOD and bardwood slabs, the home at Badlcy's. 40 King cut in foot or cordwood lengths. St W.. Oshawa, Phone 271-. 6-tf delivered in any quantity. Knapp's n' Auto Parts, Phone 418. 153 R a saeFrS l >f 35-3____Real______________For___Sale__ 31935 DODGE sedan, 59,350 correct -mileage, new battery, good tireS, HOLIDAY SPECIAL! * dlean condition tbroughout. Ed- JAMES NIXON * ward Foley, Phone 2229. 35-1* .$3,500-Insul - bric, 4 - oomed ,r COOL off for summer. Canada's bouse. bydro, fully insulated, hea- s finest Venetian Blinds measured vy wiring, full basement. stool, [j an installed. Free estimates. F. water. 14 acre, some strawber- F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 25-tf ries and aspbernies. CORNELL seed wbeat, power 2-roomed bouse, new. partly fin- -cl@aned; 1941 Ford Deluxe sedan; ished, new furnitume, stool, hydro, crubber tired wagon and flat rack. and extra lot in a good location, f Phone Bowmanville 2552. 35-1 $3,000 or $2.500 without fumniture. f ~would accept sterling in part pay' ,f MASON & Risch piano, walnut, possession aranged. r lovely tone, medium size, excel- Slent condition, looks new, bench. New insul-bric bouse 22 , 38. 5 ;Phone 2287, Bowmanville. 35-1* rooms, hydro, 3 piece bath, in'- 190DDE eueseago sulated, full basement, double con0don, ne tie sear. Applwindows, combination d o o r s, cRegnditepnens, resetnv ala shrubs. lot 166 x 50. Full price sTooley's Road, after 5:30 p.m. $6,0ortms 35-1 Solid brick, 8-moomed bouse. GOOD rubber tired buggy; cut- bath, bydmo, water. 2 fîreplaces, ter; and Renfrew cream separ- 2 extra lots in good location. One ator, medium size, cheap. Apply Of those outstanding properties. Mrs. J. Greer, Burketon, Ont. $7,000. 5- Insul-bric 5-roomed bouse, water, ATLAS 10" inch tbread cuttng bydro, attached garage, hen lathe, 30" bed on bench, 1/3 h.p. bouse, Srds. frontage, 8 rds. deep motor, change gears and equip.' on No. 2 highway near Maple ment. Should be seen ta be ap- Grove, taxes $20. This propemty preciated. Phone 2703. 35-1* is convenient to Oshawa and PHONOGRAPH, goodwoin Bowmanville. $3,300, order, mahogany cabinet in per. 5-roomn frame bouse, 21 ft. sun fect condition; also dining-roorn parlor, venetian blinds, bardwood buffet and five leather-cushion floors, well, insulated, dccorated, chajrs ta match. Phone 631. 51f on No. 2 highway, double garage, BARN with some goodsur bus stops at door, just what you! tîmbers, rafters and other buld have been looking for - $5,000! ing materials. Convenien S loca- Frm oseadlt wtr v tion. Apply G. D. Conant, 05 F anti ost, neblock fatrom v! SimcoeSt. S. Oshaw. 03402dro, n to.oebokfo Simoe t. .. shaa. 4-2King Street. $1,200. lot alone NUMBER of new steel ail drums, wortb the money. dlean andi ready for use for stove Ihv te itns am n oul or gasoline stomage, on sale at Ibv te itns am n $ 3.50 each at Bob Stocker's Gar- dwellings. age, Bowmanville, phone 804. James Nixon, Brokem. 33-tf 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 Bowmanville 35-1* LINOLEUM rug, size 9x12, wine carpet effect;' boY's 3-piece win- A plaque will mark David tem nnitfit, sîze 3, teai blue; ski Livingstone's African homesite,c outfit, brown with turquoise, size, now q.umbling and overgrown. i 16; man's tweed winter coat. size Indian treaty money will be c 36. Phone 972. 35-1* paid in Canada "~as long as the Ir grass grows and the rivers run.- BONDED Brake Shoe Excbanges, Swarms of stamlings, &jtting on1 no rivets. In stock ready ta ýgo; the hands of- Big Ben, recentlv Chev.. Dotige, Plymouth, Cbry- slowed the famous dlock four sier, Olds.. Pontiac, Buick (drums mninuteç. lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage. Sr.owflakes always have six Bawmanvii.e. Phone 804. 22-tf Bides. Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate For $(d1e" 3. A.* WILLOUGH BY & SONS $25,000.00-180 beautiful, undul- ating acres. One of the better farms in Durham County. Well- fertilized dlay loam. Solid brick, 10-room house, modern in every respect. Two batbmooms, new furnace, laundry, hardwood and mastic floors. Stately trees, ter- raced gardens. 5 acres youngý orchard contaîning a variety of fruits in full-bearing. Large, mod- 'ern, L-shaped barn, designed for efficiency, with stanchions, water-, bow]s, etc. New silo. Neyer fail- lng water supply. 3-roomed guest cottage. Two well-stocked trout streams. On open winter road in Bowmanville vicinity. Haîf cash required. Stock and implements at inventory. Illness forces sale. This excellent farm property will appeal to the more discern- ing buyer possessing an eye for ;>w.tnurarliuu Oacres, Ouuworx-t SACRIFICE able, close to No. 35 Higbway and $7,500.00-Owner, now in Europe, village of Pontypool. Barn 50x30, wishes to dispose of his 10-room driving shed 30x15. Frame one- solid brick residence. Central storey 6-roomed bouse in good location, hardwood,' new roof. condition. Two good wells on freshly decorated, oil-heated, full1 property. basement, bright, cheerful rooms, attached garage. Immediate pos $2,000-Farm, 27 acres near Pro- session. vincial Highway No. 35 and vil- An excellent buy at this figure. lage store. Barn 50x3O, 2-car garage, ben bouse 20x2O, ail steel SERENITY, CONMFORT AND roofed. Trout stream, 6-roomed STABILITY 11/2 stomey frame and insul-brick $9,500.00 - Substantially buill, house. Good cellar and well. large brick home surrourîded by HAMILTON & SMITH stately trees and shaded sweep of Broker Orono, Ont. lawns, il roins, includîng seper- Phn320,r1 92 ate self-contained 5-room apart- hoe335-1r]6 3r ment. Hardwood floors, new fur -________________ 1_ naces. Double garage. 60 day Possession. Reasonable down pay- PROPERTIES FOR SALE ment. A lifetime home in plea- $,0.0Cs.Fae6ro santsurrundigs. ouse at gurketon, 12 miles nortb DESIGNED FOR HAPPY of Bowmanville. LIVING $9,500.-00 - Modern, practically $3.500.00-Log bouse, 3 roomns, new, 1 ýý storeys. 7-rooms, kit- i wtb cabins, on 40 acres at Orono, FIVE-room Bungalow, lighti and water. Phone 468 or write P.O. Box 146. Bowmanville. 35-1* CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mre. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. '22-ti FOUR-roomed insui-brick bouse, fully insulated, batbroom with electric bot water tank, 1/-acre land. $3.500. Apply Russel Brown. 87 Libe rty St. S., Bow- manville, Phone 819. 35.1* HAMILTON & SM!THf $6,000-Farm. 45 acres on No. 2 Highway between Newcastle and Newtonville, good barn and creek. 2-storey i0-roomed bouse With stone foundation. In very good condition. Stock and implemnents $1,500 extra. ing room with fireplace. R ot $3,5750.00 - witn $2,175b.00 cown. water heating with convector rad- 5-room semi-cietacbed brick bouse iation. Hardwood floors through- with h.a. furnace, 2-Piece bath, Out. Fully insulater. 2 addition- on Ontario St.. ai heated rooms in basement. One bloc fro Kin St. Im m diate $4,00.00-w th $2,000.00 cash, 4- epossession. iroom bungalow, h.a. furnace, 3- piece bath, at Mapie Gmove, on SUMMER COTTAGE Highway No. 2. $2.O00.00-Fuily fumnished. Situ- ated on Lake Ontario with breath- $4,200.00-with $3,00Ô.00) cash, 7. *taking view. Sturdily built, of room frame house, 2'-piece bath. eframe construction. practicallY garage, hen bouse, large lot 66jc new. Oversized living room withý 454, on Hunt St. e large stone fireplace. Large$6000-Cah Sscreened verandah. Two bcd- 60.0-ah 5-room stucco, erooms. Kitchen with built-in cup- bungalow, 3-piece bath, garage, 1boards, store roomn and pantry, verandah, on Church St. :Hydro. Two acres of land. $ 0 An ideal summer home. Youm $,90.00 - Cash. i-roo bungat- 1children can romp here. low, 3-piece bath, garage, at 109 Elgin St. Ultra-modemn. SPACIOUS GROUNDS $1 00.0Soi, ie-om rck 500.00-witb $4,500.00 cash, 3- ;oue.-koitcen n bath. brLakapamtment bouse, wîth extra lot 1 hosekithenandbat. Lrge at King St. East. Good business Iý grounds, 1-1cluding valîîable, well- proposition. »treed building lot. Fashioneù for ____ tcomfortable living, this property$1600-wt hafastn colde'yi bc converted into a roont brick home, on Concession two-famnil.\ at littie expense. 2-St car garage. 60-day Possession._____ SECURITY Lots in best locations on High- FOR TO-MýNORROW. way and Elgin, Liberty, Cburch $28,000.00 - 17 5 acres, excellent and Wellington, etc. daPY loam, aill\vorkable. Two complete sets of buildings. BOVMANVH.LLE REAL ESTATE Owner's homec, modemn in every 78 King St. West respect and well planned for cf- J. Shehyn Brolçers D. Maclachian ficiency. Two large barns con- Phone 2017 - 326 taining everv labour saving de- 35-1 vice. 2nd house. 8-roorn solid brick, The farther north a bird sum- designed for herdsman or man- mers, the farther soutb it will ager. Iwinter. This "'property is just a step1, from No. 2 Highway and 3 mins. from Bowman ville. I A complete uine of most modemn equipment and rcgistered herd of EaseUm..gay inventory. Owner is retiring. Theis~ farm i a proven money- HAFER CHOICE BUILDING LOT desirahie,' well-treed--lot on Sýc-_ gog Rd. Cail Bowmanville Representative Telephone 2456 Fergus E. Mormili No Sale - No Chargej We have a number of clients looking for farms, 'large and small. For courteous. fast and efficient service contact: J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Reaitors 156 Yonge St. o Toronto, Ont. Bowmanville Repi'esentative Established over 50 years 35-1 Notice to Creditors and Others IN the matteî' of the Estate of THOMAS J. SIMPSON, late of' the Township of Clarke, in th err County of, Durham, Farmer, De- ceased. ALL persons having dlaims' against the cstate of the said Thomas J. Simpson, deceased, who died at the said Township of Clarke on the 9th day of June. 1949, ar~e requircd to file proof, of the same with the undersioned Solicitors for the Executoms of the said deceascd on or before the st day of October. 1949, after whieh date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the dlaims of which they shahi then have notice. DATED this 2hth day of August, 199Grici'son. Creighton & Fraser,! 5 Simcoe Street Nortth, O!zhawa. Ontario, 1. Solicitors for the Executors. 35-3 COOKE RIFAL ESTATIE Are you looking for a cQ1mf6rtý.. able place to snuggle in for » winter? $8,700-will buy you. a Icvelyý storey, nine-roomed brick home with aIl modern conveniienites, splendid apartmient posuibilities, double garage. Ternis. Immediaté possession. $5,500-in Newcastle, uix-roômed frame home, full size basemýnt, nine acres, bighway frontage, easy termis. Immediate possessiôn. Tbree properties in Newcastle cbanged ownership Sept. lut. Miss H. A.* Mason's home was taken over by Rev. and Mms.. R. J. Merriam cf Kettleby, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor f Toronto, bought the home on King St. formerly owned by the late Mrs. Robert Gibson and Mrs. Mary A. Stevens of Newtonville, purchas. ed Mrs. Mary Pinnegar's borné on Mill St. These contacts were made Ànd the deals were consummated by Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor, New.j castie. Phone Clarke A2621. à5-1 Sunday School and Chumcb wil be at the usual time Sunday After- néon. Keep in mind the mee ings of the W.A. and WV .S Wed. aftemnoon, Sept. 7. Mr. Ray Bryson at borne. Mr. and Mrs. Reid and fiily in Toronto. Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hannon and Rose with Mr. and Mms. Wm. Rutherford. Mm. P. J. Bigelow and tamily with bis parents. Mm. and Mms. E. White, Orono, and Mm. and Mrs. Keith B3radley, Pont3rpool, with' Mr. and Mrs. Thoômpson. Lake Shore, Clarké Mm. and Mms. W. Longyear ànd family and Mr. Alec Kelley, Eliz- abethville, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade. Port Granby, and Mrs. V. Holda- way, Brandon, Man. Mr. and Mrs. W. Arch, Streets- ville, witl4 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mmld.an Mr..Wes. Mke .din. r. E. W lýg'. family, Toronto, visited Im.V Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mrs. S. -Powell, Floyd, Doreen and Elaine, witli Mm. anid Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle. Dr. Murray, Mr. Borland and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Hendry, Hall- fax, N.S., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry, Mr. Arc-hie Hendry is home from Welland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Newcastle. Master Jimmy Dean is visîting his gandmothems in Orono. Master Jack Neal, Bowman. ville, is visiting Mm. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mrs. Aif Bmown and Jack with Mm. and Mrs. Harold Skinnew, Ty- rone. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benson and baby, King, Ont., with Mr. and Mms. Aif Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hammond and son David, Rochester, N.Y., Mm. and ?Ars. Skip Schievin and fami- ]y, Webster, NY., are staying at Mr. Aif Brown's cabin. We are now living in the geo- logical epoch Holocene. 'ever Sufferîng! REMEDIES .-l u y t D -----........ -----.---------------...ip.L.uu - p6 O Asthma Nefrin Outfit ------------- $16.50 Asthma Nef rin Ref ills ----------1/2-oz. $3350 Asthma Nef rin Refilîs ----------1 -oz. $6.50 Dippne Inhalant Liquid --------------$2.50 Lantigen ""E" ------------------ $6.00 Rexaîl Asthma Powder --------------85c Sensatianal NEW VAPOUR Cures Hay Fever Ne Shota . . . No Serum No Scratch Testa! Sclentific INHAL-IT brings -amazing re- lief with soothing medicated action. Ask for Duke-Fingard ONLY - $7.95 Special 1 FACE-ELLE SAMPLER SALE One 10e box 2-ply Face-Elle One 20o box 3-pi>' Face-Elle One 20e box 2-pi>' Face.-Elle INHAL - IT JURY & LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Wben W. Test EYes It la Don. Properly PHONE 778 BOWMAN VILLE NeNAIL BRILLIANCE By Cutex -New artist-type brush! -New steady-based luxur>' bottie! -New exclusive formula! -New miracle wear! -16 Stunning colouru! ONLY - 29e Bottie NOW-Carux blades ln the Foiproof Whiz-Pak Dispenser. Fits Double Edte Razors -Ail blades eovered aud protected! -Made of plastie, chromé top! -Won't rust! -Feeds oni>' one blade at a tîme! -No blade ever exposed until ready for use! 1 f i -,P'77ý - 77ý 77ý -77 L-- *PAGE TWELVE 1 1 Now! -ilM cuz-AntAm laIrAorreuàv lteWUAV".T.lir 0%%"Alpyd%

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