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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1949, p. 7

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v - - ~'mmBAY~MT. lot,1949 Mms.Heiena Cosens and Ruth, Colborrie, visited Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mis« Betty Mutton is visiting hon aunt, Mrs. Ralph Douglas, Toronto. Miss Winona Clarke is em- PIOYed at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. Mr. George Cawker won sever- al prizes on his saddle horses at Peterboro Exhibition. ~Mr. Fred Dean, Garden Hill, riited Mr. and Mns. N. G. Mc- 'Vufkèlough on Monday. .Mrs. J. Swinton, Toronto, la visltlng her daughter, Mns. John Henderson, Mearns Ave. Mr..and Mns. Charlie Hoar spent the weekend with bis par- enta Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mrs. Carmen Henderson and Terry, Palmerston, are holidaying wlth Mr@. Henderson at Trinity Parsonage. Mr. and Mns. Manseli Stacey and family, are holidaying at Gore's Landing and Glenvwrdean Lodge, Haliburton. Miss Eleanor Johnston and Mr. Bruce Wesley, Walkerton, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mn.. J. H. Johnston. Mr. William Henderson Jr., ieft last Wednesday for Western Canada and ia now at Vermillion, *Mberta. il 1__b- a ST. JOHN'S Anglican Church Recton: Bey. Eenl Sigston Organist: Mr. W. E. C. Workman SUNDAT SEPTEMBER 4TH 10 a.m.- Sunday School ahid Bible Clats i1 S.M.-1 Roly Communion Evenlng Prayer DAPTIST GOSPEL SERVICES held Sunday Evenings 7:30 p.m. In the Union Hall at 10 Division Street LPastor -1 L. W. MATHESON, BA. 35 Horsey St. Phone 2655 Go By Train to the T ORO0IfTO0 Canadian National EXHIBITION Auguat 26 to September 10 LOW RAIL FARES From Bowmanville $2.25 coach Good going Thursday, Aug. 25 to Saturday, Sept. 10 inclusive. Return Limit-Sept. 14 Full information from any agent FIRE 110 Wellington St. Mn. and Mns. Reg. McCullough, Campbellford, spent a few day. with Mn. and Mrs. N. G. MéCul- lough.- Mesrs T. H. Robinson and Ralph Calven, Rochestere, N.Y., have been visiting Mn. and Mns. Normnan Hannon. Rev. W. P. Ragers bas been sup- plying et St. Peul's. Presbytenien Church, Port Hope, during thein minister's vacation. Rev. and Mmi. R. Smelley, Lias- downe, retunned home Monday after spepdiag a few days witb Mn. and Mn.. N. G. McCullough. Mn. and Mns. G. F. Purdy, Mn. and Mn.. S. McMurtemad Sharon and Mn.. H. Magabay, Toronto, spent lest week et Miner's Bey. Mn. and Mn,. Orlaad Plummen, Canai and Alan spent a couple of days with Mn. and Mn.. G. F. Purdy et Miner'. Bey. Mn.. Wend Haffman, Andrea and Jimmie, Part Hope, spent Sunday witb Mm. and Mn,. Wm. G. James and family. Miss Carnie Scott, Toronto, and Mn. George Undenhili, Peterboro, spent the weekend with hi. pan- ent.s, Mn. and Mm,. M. Underbill. Mn.. Mina Calwell, Mm.. Bert Colwell, Ted,ad Irwia, have ne- tunned fnom a two weeks' holi- day witb friends et Beeton, Bond Head and Milhumt. Mn. and Mn.. Harold St. John (nee Ruth Abennethy) spent the summer et Vallentyne on Lake Simcoe. They are now mataning tbnough North-western Onterio. Mr. and Mn,. Frank Pascoe, Zion, bave picked aine 6-qt. bas- kets of lusciaus peaches fnom a tree la thein owa ganden, this1 yeen. Mn. and Mn.. Ras, Stutt while attending the Raiiway Ticket Agents' Convention et St. An- dre*s-by-tbe-sea, N.B., toak e tnip ta St. John ta visit Mr. Alex EI+iott, formerly a well known jewellen of Bawmanville. Mr. Stutt regretted ta report thet Alexc bas been coafincd ta bed for sev- enal mantbs by illness, but is as cheenful and optamistic as even and sent' bis regard, ta frieads in tawn. Mn. and Mn,. H. A. Logan apd Douglas, Brownsburg, Que., have been visitiag ber parents Mn. and Mm.. C. A. Prout, Sbaw's. Mn. La-s gan bas been appointed Techaicali Supeintendent of the Canadienr Industries Limited et Edmonton,1 Alta. Mn.ad Mn.. Logan and sonè left Fridey by car, teking a tnipi thnough Nonthern Ontario and0 thnougb tbe States and will arrivec in Edmoaton ta take up duties ong Septemnben 8.0 COVE At the Cottages- HpyHutcb-Re-unian of tbe Hutchinson family et annuel bon fine given loy the Sweitzers lest Saturdey. Cave Cottage-Mn,. E. C. Corps of Brown Hill (better .known as Mary Stanr, Satundey columnîst of the Toronto Stan). Miss Mary Waddell, Orono; Miss Evehyn Mc- Kechale, Oillia; Mn.. A. M. Hob- benlia, Mn.. J. Patrick McGrcgor and, Miss Eunice Dyke, ail of To- ronto. Breeside Cottage-Karen Mon- ison and Sandra Candîlen, Towa, with Eleanon and Margie Pickemd. Mn. and Mn.. Ernest Ramm,4 Gardon, Margaret, Barbare and1 baby, Edward Fnederîck <Teddy)4 of Ajax, Ont.1 El-Ti-Di-Sa-Mrs. T. Ott, Nie- gare, Mn. Kennedy, Toronto, the J. McNultys, Town, Frank Swin- burne, Moatreel, Miss Ginny Leet Howell bas lcft for Moatreal af- ter a twa manth's visit with Misst Selly Ott. Gale Cottage-Mn. and Mn.. M. t Crawford, Toronto; Mr. and Mns.c John Slaten and Lyna.s The Harraps-Although still t limpiag fnom an infection in bis i foot nequiing tetaus serum, Tom Harmap bas lef t for a two weeks'v boat trip tbmougb the Georgiens Bey and Lake Superior with bis t parents, .LIFE Phono 957 TRE CMIADTAI( STATESMAIf. I3OWMANVILLZ. ONTAMO SOCIAL AuD PEISONAL Miss Jean Milligan bas neturned rm ber holiday witb relatives n Minden. Mn. and Mn.. Willis Farrow wt [r. and Mm.. Russel McNeil, Osh- iwa. Mn. W. H. Burley spent bis !nd binthday with bis sister VIns. Geo. Ovens. Miss Pet Were aad girl fniend vith ber grandparents, Mn. and Irs. Geo. Oveas. Mn.. Tone Caagstaff i. visiting riends la Toronto. Mn.. Mary Stevens bas pur- hased a house la Newcast1 - here she and ber mather, Mr. 3rwn will reside. Electnîcians are busv wiring he schooh. A partition is elso eing built ta meke junior and enion raoms. Mn. Ross Brown i. in Toronto or a holiday and ta take in the 'hibitian. Congratulations ta Courtice ;il'-Soit bail teem who bested 1 Pehunla Lodge-Diting Mn. Malcolm McCarthey's Ibsence ln Belleville on a week's visît wlth ber parents, John, Jean and Rich- ard anc unden ber slster's, Miu Alice Potter's cane. The Elma--The winter abutters hene are a silent reminden thal Mn. W. S. McCantney Is shill un- iden bis docton's observation Jr Toronto and I. faclng a session in the hospital eerly in Septem.- ber. Hoeever, be neyer fails te send the enticing weekly chapel cards. Wlth the Armstrong - Miss Lamna McCieren and Mn. Trevor Muidoon. At Grey Sennen-A Bonfire Suppen celebrating William'& teath birthday. Thnee Gables-Master Don Hathaway enterteaed bis young fniende at a bon-fine.. 4lobin-the-Ranger %vrites egain: "We bave bad an exclhing but sad week; one of oun camp mate. was dnowa 'ed end 1 lied ta fly with our*Supenintendent to the inquest; then to Steyaen wlth five othens to act as hononery pahi-beanens. Shcrthy aftenward, one of our fellaws cbopped bis knee rlght ta the bone and we bad to carry him (195 lb..) aven a mile thnougb the bush to, a waiting car. Now we have been alerted to be needy ta join the fire-fighters up here." Speed Demons One cottagen irrltated by the weekend disturbence of motor boats, sent &long the following cutting from "Rod and Gun" hop- ing it would reach the eyes of the three guilty would-be sports- men who a week ago forced the swimmers to make for tbe shore: "Speed Demoas - Powerful outboards have a definite place for nacing, for legitimate pheasure for those who respect other people and their praperty, and for com- mnercial use, but in the hands of irresponsibie young scapegnaces constitute a menace that should be curbed with drastic action." Trhe Chapel-on-the-HIIII Mn.. Donothy Latimer, (of the West Beach), well-known to the children, and Mn,. Joyce Attwehl, a 'teacher of wide experience, resident of Cedar Crest, took the S.S. services on the hast twa Sun- days. Mns. Canleton having ne- turned from Halifax paid ber chihdren a surprise visit and en- joyed with tbern Mn.. Attwell's hesson on the importance of Little Tbings. At the aduit service Mn. Ezra Nash, another of our high- minded laymen, gave an address on "Waters ta Swim In". H1e based his unusual talk on a pas- sage taken from Ezekiel, admon- ishing bis hearers to seek the fui- ness and joy of the Christian life. In introducing bis subject he aptly drew the anaiogy of Christ talk- ing ta his disciples on the siopes of the Lake of Gahilee with that of aur littie group gathered ta- gether in His name on the cnest of the bill here on Lake Ontario. A trio of aur own singer., Wilha Simpson, Grace Sutherlend and Grey Barnick, witb Mn.. Barnick et the angan sang a byma, "The Magnetic Christ" based on the passage "If I be lifted up. I wilh draw ail men unto me." As an introduction ta the sang period fallawing the special request of one of aur lest week's visitons the congregatian sang "The Little Brown Church in the Willdwaad". Mn. Hanrap announced thet Mn. Albert Bell, acconding ta the cus- tain of the last eight yeans, will conduct our final service for the season on next Sunday at 11:30. We agreed with the speaker that in these services aur eldenly friend sends us forth ta the win- ter's wonk with God's benedic- tion. The- Anîstnongs of the East Road opened thein attractive new cottage lest week for the ennual business meeting of the Chape!. The officers appointed were: Hon. Pnes.-Mr. W. H. Carleton; Pres. -Mn. C. P. Robins; Sec. Trees.- M'rs. Constance Nash; Assistant Sec.-Treas:Miss Audrey Arm- strong; Leaders: Mn. W. S. Mc- Cantney and Mn. Geo. Harjep; Ushens: Mn. Sid Gage; Mr. Albent Ball; Mn. J. Armstrong; and Mn. Deve Barr; Bell-Ringers:Bobby Carlton and Edmund Barrick. A cammittee was nomineted unden Mn. Wm. Leslie ta take lai- SCHOOL 0 PE N 1NM S PE C1AÀL S POUNTAIN PENS 69c aud up BALL rO0INT PENI. 69e aud up DIPIT PENS 15e each Zipper Binders A variety of eolours aud styles. School Bags Soeys' and Girls' Baga AUl Sizes. A complote stock of text bocks, work books sud supplies. STORE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. TUESDAY EVENING W~e wl do our best to give you prompt and efficient service. - J. W. JEWELL 27 KnIg St. IW. Bowianville 6.BIG ..201, PHONE 556 ORONO On Tbursday afternoon a de- lightful tea was heid on the iawn at the home of Mrs. E. Milîson under auspices of Evening Aux- iliary W.M.S. Mrs. Harold Allun, President, and Mrs. C. McLaren pouned tea from a nicely decor- ated table. There was a large number of ladies present. Pro- ceeds $20.00. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan and son Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cobbledick left on Monday by rhotor for Winnipeg where they will visit relatives. Rev. Cecil Allen with bis wife and son from U.S.A., accompanied by Miss Laura Allen, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Al- len. Miss Ethel Rutherford bas ne- turned from a two months' visit to Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Wm. Cornish suffered à stroke last week at the home of his son, Mr. Henry Cornish. Hi. condition shows improvement and we hope be will have a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ro,ýrIand vis- ited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Miss Alice Bassinett, ber sister Elsie and ber mother visited Mrs. J. Dickson. On Friday evening friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton McGinnis held' a corn roast at the summer place of Rev. A. E. and M. Eustace. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis and their family from Orono but wish them every success in their new work in Marmora. Mr. ad Mrs. W. Craven (neer Madeline French), Bolvia, S.A.; Mr. W. Craven Sr., Napanee, and Mrs. McLaughlin, Mantoulin Is- larnd, visited Mrs. J. Dickson. There was a good attendance at P~ark St. church Sunday morning. Mn. W. J. Riddell conducted the service with Prof. Homer Thomp-, son as guest speaker who brought a very interesting message on "Greece" wbere bis work keeps bim about six months of each yean, having just returned home this month. He gave first hand information of conditions thene which are not good. Miss Mar- garet Allin, Bowmanville, as guest soloist, sang a well rendered number. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar bave retunned from a two weeks' holi- day. '1'bey spent the first week in Rochester with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass and David and the second week id~ a cottage at Apsley. It was with sense of profound los that the people of this district ELECTRIC WIRING House and Farm Wiring Pole Linos and Alteration. RANGES, WASHERS aud APPLIANCES Sales aud Service Everett Caii Oreno Phono Onono 56r19 ber of friends amongat whom, were. ber niece- Miss Marolyn,* Lowery, Toronto, wbo la spend-' ing thc weck with her; Mn. Trow- er, Canton; Miss Laura Hamilton, Mns. C. Robb and Mns. Harold Caswell; Miss M. Trower and Miss Bossie Hamilton, Toronto. Mn. Edwin Ruthven visited «Mn. Cecil Mercer, Elizabethville. k thic ocaldgil Meday vmnig. tan Aflin, Bruce and Hugh and Mr.md ra.Cha. elsh amd Mn,. BIUl Allin, Margaret aldi fârniY, Harrnoy, with Mn&. John Helen and Mrs. Chas. Glenney, Lancaster. Mrs. Vermillon- and N.lfle, Ger- 1fr. and Mns. Pimcy Gr.entlsld, aid and Russel and M.ns. Wally Bowmnanvile, with 1fr. and Mrs. Gibeon, Bnian and Ralph and Len Barton. Mns. 8tan Riçkard, Bewmanville, Mn. and Mns. Cleland Lane and Also present were both of Barry's familyt are holidaying at Port Grandmas, Mrs. Irwin'AllUn and Britain Shores Iln one of Cynil MnÉ. Harold Pedwelh. Evenyone Darke's cottages. bad a nice Uhre and enj oyed the Mn. Melville Joncs vislted the bfrthday cake wlth ail the trlm- Bell Telephone Pole Depot at minga. Trenton on Tuesday, purchaslng. Little Russell Gibson was -two a car load of creosoted polis for on Saturday and bad a party on use on the lines.' Monday wben he had as his. guess The water situation in aour vil- Marlene and Mrs. Laking, New- lage la. gettlng serlous. Some cashe, Susanne and Mrs. Thomp- have only hard water and orne son, Bowmanvllle, Barry and have neither bard nor soft and Mrs. Pedwelh. Marlene stayed are havlng to draw waten. over for a few days. A loveiy Mn.. Wills Jovei who bas been lunch was Served includlng visiting ber mfdthen, Mii. David blrthday cake wlth 2 candhes. Merrill, ah Wankwôrth, returned Another week of holidays and on Frlday accompanied by her back to ichool for another yean. sister, Mrs. Zenna Carlaw. Mr. and Mns. N. Belch, Mîi- We read in the paper that brook, spent Tuesday evenlng et Orono la to bave the hydro system the Banchards. impnoved. We hope to have ours Mn. and Mns. Maurice Pedwell underway shontly. and Barry spent the weekend in Mn. Melville Joncs, Mn. S. R. the Niagara district. They visited Jane. and Mn.. G. W. Jones et- the Fells and spent Sundey witb tended the funenal of Mns..jas. Mn. and Mns. Albert Youngblutt Millson <Mancy Joncs) at Port ln St. Cathenines. They got peaches Hope on.. Monday, beld at the while they were thene. George Funeral Parlons. Mn. and Mn,. Wally Gibson and We were veny pleased to bave famihy with Mn. and Mrs. Char- wlth us Sunday evening oun ow ence Osborne, Bowmanvilhe. Rev. Robent Wragg ad bis very Mrs. Bowen spent last week- estimable wife. Rev. Robert bas end ln Toronto. a wonderful deliveny wbich will Mn. an-d Mn.. John Shaw and not fail to take hlm places. We famlly, Oshewa, Mn. and Mrs. noticét i n the congnegation John Henderson, Bowmanville, auctianeen Jack Reid and bis wîth Mn. and Mrs. Bob Kent. wife fnom Orono. Mn. and Mrs. 0. Russell, Camp- Mr. Aif. Tbompson accompanied belîford, and Mn.. Ennis and Jim- by his son and daughter-in-law, mie, Chapieau, visited Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Wm. Thompson of Mrs. Chas. Fisk. Chicago, wbo bave been visiting Mn. Jobn Fisk has returned af- Mn. Geo. and Miss Bertha Tbomp- ter visiting bis sisten, Mrs. Joe son, lef t for home Satunday. Lee at Fenelon Fe-Is. Mrs. Joseph Hoad, Agincount, Mn. and Mrs. R. McCalme, visited ber brother. Mn. Chas. Roseberry Hill, with thein daugh- Morris. She was accompanied bv ter Mn,. A. Ritchie. Jean retunned ber son and bis wife, Mn. ana for a weeks' vacation witb them. Mn.. Alfred Hoad and daughter. They also took in a presentation for Mn. aind Mrs. Harold Payne of Newtonville. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mn.. Harold Gibson visitd ber mother Mn,. Annis, who is . We wish ber a speedy recovery. Members of Newcastle Golf, Hunt and Country Club held a successful picnic at Willow Beach on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery and family enjoyed a trip to Niagara F'alls on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bîllamy (nie Bessie Law), on the safe arrivai of their little boy; a brother for Betty. Mr. Geo. Stephengon, Miss Peggy Stephenson and A.C. Don Nivins, R.C.A.F., attended Peter- boro Exhibition on Saturday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bob Williams and Jili to our communi- ty. They have buiît a home west of'Riechrath's. Miss Vivian Megit, who i. on the staff at Honey Hollow Res- taurant, has been on a week's va- cation. Rabbits can run faster up hili than down because the hind legs are longer than the forelegs. Fog indicates approaching fair weather. William Pitt was the Prime Minister of England at the age of 24. ZION (Hlope Twp.) Mn. and Mns. D. Clack accom- pale teir dmugbter Mrs. Roy A soand baby, Shirley te ber home in Hamilton. Mise, Betty Dickinson, Peter- bono, was home for the weekend. On Thursday evenlng Mns. Ka- win Ruthven entertained a nurr- learned of Uic deathh ofMn. Harry Bally on Sunday morning ah the Toronto Isolation Hospital. Orono can 111 afford te hose a young man of such fine character and ho will be gneatly missed. The si-. cene sympathy et the community i. extended ho bis wirfe Dorothy and childnen Wayne and Mary Lyna, miso to bis parents and1 othen relatives in their. sad be- reavement. The funerel was held Sundey .eftennoon with intemment In Orono Cemetery. Mn. and .Mns. John Million and son, Kcingston, visited Mn. J. Dlck- son. Mn. and Mn.. A. L. Woodley, Santa Monica, Flonida, and Mn. and Mns. Bert Robinson, Windsor, were guests of Mn. and Mmi. Dave Hoopen. Mn,. Henb Munny enjoyed a week's holiday wlth relatives la Oshawa. Mn.. J. H-oakin. Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. Russell Best and cmlled on othen relative,. Mn. and Mn.. Charlie Glenny, Mm.. H. Curtis. Mn.. C. Wood and Mns. A. Gienny, Ne*castle, et- teaded the funeral of Robent Delve In Oshawa on Seturday. H1e was tlie son of Mn. and Mn. John Delve and ta tbem and ta bis gradmother Mn.. R. A. Dev we extend sicene e sy pat y i their sad beneavemént. ÛnOWN'S. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 8 Cu. ft. $399oOO Easy Terms Trado-ins aeeepted on youn old refrigerator on Ice box. NURPEY'S Applianie and Furniture 152 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 811 uI!lIIr ia Friendly, Courleous Servie PENCILS H.B. Rubber Tipped, IDA. BLANDOIL Pure Vegetable Oils, Reg. 25e ea. 2c OLIVE QIL I.DA. Brand, 4-oz., Reg. 35e - 29c VITAMINS. Help keep the whole family in the best of e this faland winter by strting now ta build ei ence ta colds, etc. ealth esist- SQUIB IDAMALT 10D jCod Liver 011 Extrect ni Malt 75e - 1. 5 - & C od L iver 011 WVATERBURY'S Cod Liven Camp. Pleasant tasting $1,00 nutnitiaus vite- M I FRLOSST'S min preperatiail. Nec ChemiCal 1-lb. 2-lb. 4-lb. Food Caps. $1.45, $2.65, $5.95 65c-Sl.09-$1.89 Xllenbury's Halibora ge - - 85e S.50-27 Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver 011 . . 5eS S Kepler Malt & C.L.O. 90C4-51.0 Oua-A-Day A. & D. Tab& ---- - $13-2 j Prke-Da vis -Abdol wth C. S2.7044.95-1150 Wampole's Cd Liver Ext. .-.$1.00 Ume I.D.A. Haibut Liver 011 Caps------- $1.2944.79 Mead's Cd Liver 011 -- 60c-$1-20 - Vitavax Cold Vaccine & Vitains---------_ $2.50-$7.0 Vitavax Multiple LACTOGEN Meada I 1 and 2% lb. PABLUM \.I1 79o - $1.79 or i-' PABENA BABYS OWN Pre-cooked Tablets Cereal î 8-oz. 18-0z. ka' IDSLTablets for pain, zooloi R. 89c * 59C à . eIBrlghtl FeeIlRI'ght! A.B.S. & C. Tablets, I1».A;, 100's.Reg. 23o 17c T E dRf IDO'L - AGAR Minera 011 aud Agar 59C $1.19 TKEENO "FRUIT COLD CREAN18i-oz. jar, Reg. 69c 54c I BU S ' 9e 8 1Soft e Saf. - Neat1 SPECIALLOW-PRICE OFFER 1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREG.OR Your Local I.D.A.DUG Drugglat R G Phohie 792 W. Deliver NORGE REFRIGERATORS Lady'% Dressing a GEORGE WHITE INSURANCE -AUTOMOBILE SEALTITE INSULATION LI1MI1T E D Special Discount On jobs over $75.00 for the month of September Six Years of Continuons Work ln ibis District Satisfied Customers Guaranteed Jobs. - Ternis PHONE: OSHAWA 3258 - » BOWMANVILLE 494 F T7- S Lvr. anu vLr.,%,are nce StOl*1o I, Sandr aend Juditb, Courtice, witb bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. A. Gibson. .Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Glenn, Newtonville, Mn. and Mn.. Herny Bowen and Darlene and Mn. Sam Brereton, Newcastle, with Mn. Stan Bowen. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Berchard visited Mn. and Mn.. Dan Budd, Port Hope, in thein new home. Thresbing in this district is just about aven. Bob Kent and Stan Bowen finisbed up witbia thc past week. The fruit grawers are busy witb thein apples and pears. Thene i. plenty of fruit but pickers are scance. Tamatocs are also in full swing. Growcns repart a better cmop then was expected eften al the dry weetben. Don't forget "The 'Sient Sis- tens' meet this Tbursday et Mn.. Brunt's. )Why not stant the ycar wîth a bang! No excuses this time of the ycan. Surely yau can spane anc evening a mantb ta visit witb aur neigbbours. Bring along your sewiag on knitting. Don't fonget, collection. Mn. and Mn.. Bill Banchard and Mrs. Henry Bowca and Danlene visited their mother Mrs. E. Hoopen et Ajax who has been under the weethen. Bithday parties are ail the go this month. Barry Pedwehh enter- teined severel little friends and cousins along with their mnummies Friday, on bis 3rd bithdey. Those present were Gaîl Aluin and Mrs. PENCILS H.B. Rubber Tipped, I.D.A. 1 1 ,r Mý TRZ CI&ADL« STATubt4s. P'OWMANVU=, 01fTAMO PAGifs%7mý ýl. 1 COMBS 8c, 2 fi -1-9c 1 1 U

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