'LUMqSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1949 ____________________________________________ * W~A~S~AJAjM~ ~ A2L.L~D~NU~.K~ ~P P~AI.?A~VAW *A..,~aa~v ~ - - 1, ~.J W LUA~ V JJJLL5. U~4TABIO ORONO *Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen lef, Saturday to motor to Fort Francii to visit ber father and other rela. tives for a month. 1Mrs. John Elliott, Bowmanville *visited Mrs. T. A. Reid and othe: relatives here. 7.Mrs. Alex 1 Watson visited Ir Toronto with her son Mr. ArchiE Watson and family. Mr. Fred Green la in Torontc for further medical treatment. We hiope he wiIl soon return home. Congratulations to Mr. anc Mrs. W. J1. Rowland, Toronto. or b~.irth'of their daughter. 4*.and Mrs. John Armstrong vUedin Morrisburg recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Henderson on the birtlh of their son Beverley John. in Bowmanv,*îîe Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and family, Dunbarton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ellott and famiiY. Perrytown, called on Mr. TO SEPARATE VINS CRACK OFF $MALL En~ I4ALF INCH DEERAVE AND YOL( WILL $TAY 8N 'SHOLL FOR - STORAGE. - and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Congratulations te Mr. anc Mrs. W. H. Carinan (nee Barbara t Ann Rolph) wbo were married is Saturday afternoon in Orono. L_ Previcus to ber marriage Barbara Ann was given a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Jean rTurner. Miss Shirley Porter and Misi n Laura Begley, Oshawa, spent the eweekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter. 0 Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto. e with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. d Miss Marjorie McLaren, Uni- nversity of Toronto. was home for the weekend. g Congratulations to Mr. anc Mrs. P. H. Hinton on the birth 1 of their daughter in Bowmanville 1 Hospital. Mr. Percy Lunn returned on Saturday from Texas. Mrs. Lunn Iremained with ber mother who is quite ill. On Sunday merning the service Io! Park St. Church was bld in the Town Hall. Next Sunday the church will lie re-opened. There will be special music and guest speaker will lie Rev. D. Amos of! Bridge St. United Church, Belle- ville.' Visitors witb Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn were, ber cousin Mrs. Cor. nelia Stout, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Whitby. W.M.S. Thankoffering meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home o! Mrs. W. E. Arm- strong, with a good attendance. Mrs. M. H. Staples gave the de- votional. Guest speaker was Mrs. Seymnour o! Enniskillen. Rev. Mr. Seyiçiour sang a solo and Mrs. W. Cobbledick and Mrs. C. Jones sang a duet. President Miss M. Davy presided for this special meeting, and conveyed thanks te all who took part and made pas- sible such a helpful and inspiring afternoon. Lunch was served and a social bal! heur enjoyed. h1irs. Veak of iruro, N..,was MisSin Thtei ndMs a-guest at the Carman-Rolph wed--Ms eiaTereladMs 'ding on Saturday and is remain- Blake Alexander had an enjoyable ing for a week's visit with Mr. visit ia Bowmanville with Mrs. "~'I ~ - - and Mrs. O. W. Rolph. Walter Therteli. r~ i________________Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clarke, son and friends, Lindsay, visited Mr ENNISILLEN and Mrs. Blake Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover and family with Mrs. A. .Drigo * The Mission Band met in the and Bih.gto .basement of the church on Sun- Ms on adnadDre day, October 2, with 31 children arnd Mrs. Tone Langstaff were and 6 adults present. The meetin9gus oMr.JniHsk. Loyd Asho r ed a soyfo onyadMr, ilkna the ~Umbr.ell fr te Jniorsa ndth Mr. and Mrs.Geno ark wred 0 - also read a outissandThmas a t hi um e oe the Mr. and M nrs. . S ae wth Man d Mrs. JohmnvilwThM ro iMr. onand s.Roer m alesr, h-and Mrg ae Ann ave o ve awa, seandateded therWson- into theA. housoned bystark Daviydson wed tPciga t Starkville vneyand aed by the at e ohenewSaturybo Mh Fyngfr.Mernomeee VWIIIVVbela' Mr. and Mrs. O.C stnGwt eai e at Coarsan and Phne44aSnrd abotis Noms. the Bay.e hme NEW'M r. and Mrs. J.dGan,Pont- Mr. and Mrs. AlvinTLoesan pool, atdMr. andbMrts Clff oP- fandmily Petrbooneithhaer par- . h..k's. etsndMr.tadnMrs.tN.L.WPttto- ...iyatM.ad r.H San ganahing thseowed yscholnar Daisn ednga Jceigat trville wa hoe. ytelt MI3f~Oli ~7 on S ato. A WMrla . Marart acsoan Mr. nd rs.S. odma viite M .SW. FelJ a y bon anqPut and Mrs. . .Orshton Ftridaveing. wssn n . pet..nd..t Mr. and Mrs. GiPny Mr. and Mrs. Edi oesCorou tH.Orso, Enil.nto r.d M Cache .BatFoida a. Conr. tandMrs.L. tainMr. and nMihs AnnieTo Mis Twhres Mrs. H atro.asho nd .H the aiv-al Courouxack to the ho l e. Cr. awdth Mrs. eaWm. lJackson Sund Mr.an Mr. . mals nd oraMisi es are ac Dmvi, amptdonMr. and Mrs. R ran Mcrs. ay HugdhesN w Mend an, utsilewih usts o!HM. FargdLuxon ande -.mu.:Mr. and Mrs. J. m Re. Oms MnFiao n n Mr. a SndaMrs. HMJ. Samn, To- r day ws usydayeatKen- H rontedon Mrel. adMrCR.dyacoc.Toheayth nrses Cngrtl.ainTM.slonMs. and ih adcto er pMesent givin A an. HaodMstoerdonL theparvl orupîlsafldouneroe '&a~41& Mnte du!,Mr. and Mrs. J. Falis and fora isitwhoenr ouheec maidu Hpo, Mr. and Mrs. M ereved rs Rry tgeslern 6etiht F~Muoes androlnewaHsle wihirth ets fMrs. natrsfLuxo an SLIE RLE IALMr. ad Mrs. S Allan res Marin.Wna.Kry feldw BUILT UNANTErNAandimyMrH . BilierAustn Frtaîrswas aut on the hea Kn. MINATRETUES osh, awa, oMr , Llo d Pý.Re yston b oke ollarboe bsdalt use- SUERETACDCMal r, a iT M r. aend rs. vernd aking u erep. eren dalvin Beuiu MDNMCSEKR Mr. and Mrs. VWiunmothretey. l adYune hid Moulded CONTRariert ta ndtonTr nto M. and wo teetin Pot Hopne iritingMr f CoourONL MrW.. aioOrn o r.J.Fii, Cwith rand Mrs. Ray H ughe . PlstcmruandMr. dMlonStainton. Mer. andrys. ofythose an an CralNewsm te, wnield, vi- fatmlrnd. - and rs. Hu re- i* Cabinets pats r. and M. . ams.ewîn ess ! Miss Kati S ert n BUILT INskNllen, Mr. and Mrs. Fa resFer Richmnd, V. irginia ldwr NEWEIor OLS: guso n Bimmani Mr. lleAtn tis a u nteha n MINIATURErs.BELloyd, Br. oy d r etnd M rs. nclaroebsie e OnSPHTl R.DC Mal BoivewctleMr. d Hs er- hkn p.HrKn eIRCU T Arthurescott, Efel it r ed ihhra peyrc BeCUifU PMDYNMICSPEKER M.and Mrs. . Frgu on. rntey Mouid d CON R rs. S. E. We'Try o n spe ndt eei ot Ho e vst r Plastic r. SundwiMrMitnSat.r. and Mrs. Francis an Cabinet ~~~Mr. Fan mi lthOkfed i-friyadM.adMs ud 36 KIMr. at. E.sPhonel408 Mr. andRicsmoCa, eroniOke, Osh- 4 BOwmanv$z9 9 w a and Mrs. Abert rte and usso isK twr n COOR MMrRC. ~N falrn Mr. Albr Oke,n MaognyMA IGN RAD I le r.aMr s. d ra- Maron COOUS: 3195 gton, Bvsiinmrand le Mr.Run- Ms ly rw,ýr. and Mrs. Jh k iie LîvsickforSae R. and rHerb Rundaste, M.Hmp- O ceabton, whottelda irlwthMpr. WYRS S T O C K E E S nd re . C. guets POTECION Mr. and Mrs. R Weaingsp Inason & ale RickeyTro with Mr. and s rni HADAEMr. aAdbem. Stbit o, Torttne htteehraa 36 Ki E S D.E. ne40 peMt.Snday with rnelativkeshd t. uh... hr' etm We ansuplyanyquntly Mr.land M o! mAberbeCaterran famlyTreton Mr hoardl, Mr.JmsM. aultr O ke«d acy:ca a lny toi iigMr. and Mrs. Lenr Rus- Dn eay e o h TeMeeing et t Jhne Quarte Latlsfacocattferdalee .and ery unke frniond amp- Phn 50ton, whonaela ithdaypart 'HYRUSJHe ST C E S wile tninmebsc the INURNC RALESA orrandaction a. busin.d PneROffiCTIONls. Enniskillenig teyheurosntby theMrladKIgSreBwav ____________Mr._Albert_______ mmeToronie yte____________________________ EpntS nfa ied reg a tvesu adtuh t er' otm Norma Hallowell. Mrs. Laurence Jamieson, Bewd- ley, visited Mrs. J. Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilmer witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Burley, New- tonville. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halloweil and light to the graup. After the busi- 1ness meeting in the church, whlch was well attended, the gentlemen icame te the parsonage wbere the ladies *of Burketon served very dainty refreshments. AUI agreed that the evening bad been a grand 2success. Planned by the minister, the Quarterly Board and their î wives met in this way twice dur- ing year. in October and ini April. Final plans were made for the Thank-Offering service on Sun- day, Oct. 9 at 7.30 p.m. when Rev. *Lougheed, Seagrave, will lie guest speaker. Special music la being prepared. Rev. Seymouir gave paver on *"Emotionalism" as it appears ini the every-day experiences of lîfe. at the. monthly meeting of the West Durham Ministerial asso- ciation held in the parsonage ai Hampton. Mr. Seymour made special reference te the Bible as a book that contained stories. in- cidents, history and a declaratioil o! our Chiristian' way o! lile. maintaining that these stories and incidents are te been seen in aUil o! life's activities and in conclu-' sion te the paper he stated as bisi own personal thought, "That many o! our cburch members,1 boards, etc. are in a state o! at l east partial anasthesia, from Iwhich sometimes we have te be dynamited into action. One o! the most important things that our church people have an arm- chair philosophy and wheel- chair action in their religicus ex. perience.'" Good intentions and real intellectual belie! are splen- did things but unless they find their place in the lives o! en- thusiastic Christians in real gen- uîne service for the Master, they have lost much of that which adds zest te life and service te the kingddm o! God. te, spent the weekend with Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. Henning, Osh- IMr. Neil Stewart. Mrs. Aqerb Mercer has been In St. Joseph~s Hospital, Peterboro. for some week& She là progress- ing fai>ourably açd we hope she wifl soon be home again. W.A. met Sept. 28 ln the Sun- day School room and in spite of the excessive dampness succeed- ed in plar.ting a bed of peren- niais, etc., ta beautify the church lawn. The weather this year seess to 96 in extremes. Saturday and, Sunday were two grand days, ap. pearing even nicer since they fol. lowed such a spel of cold dirty weather. The summer was exceed- ingly bot with no rain while Sep- tember has been mostly ramn with littie sunshine or warmth. We hope next year will -be more evenly balanced. THE THURSDAY # awa, and Miss M arlene Laking, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rickard, Brian and Ralph, Beaverton, and Mr. Lloyd Pedwell, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sutton. Peter- boro, and Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Oshawa.' with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent. Miss Carol Tuerk, Bowman- ville, was guest o! Miss Helen -Tturner. Mr. and Mrs. Disley, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gib. son motored through the Halibur- ton District. We welcome Mrs. Sykes and Bobby o! Whitby who are living at Mr. Stan Bowen's. Sunday visitors at Mr. Stan Bowen's were Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Omono, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Bruce, Starkville, Mr.and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darlene, Newcastle, Mr. H. Samis and friends, Lindsay. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch were Miss Pauline Branch and friend, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Airthur Clarke, Hampton.1 turned from Saskatchewan whe.re No. 9 Home & School wîhl hold INTERIOR & EXTEEJOR he spent thesummer and has re- - Moderato Prices - LOCAL their first meeting of the seasen on October l9-Pease take no- tice. The Dim & Disiant Pasi 50 Years Ago Mms. 'J. M. Joness and Mrs. Jas. McLean attended the 6t.*.i annual conference o! Bay o! Quinte Branch o! the Methodist W.M.S. at Picton. Mr. W, S. McKowan, foreman o! the Statesman office fqr the past 5 years. left te accept a simi- lar position with "The Canadian'). Fergus. Cartwrighit Fair was again very successful. Main prize win- ners in their particular groups were: T. Woods, Poultry; Mrs. J. Y. McLaughlin, Ladies' Dept.; T. 25 Years Ago Members o! C.E.F., 136th Bat- talion held their annual reunien at Balmoral Hotel. Mr. Ralph Carruthers bas me- KENDAL Everywhere The Train of Tom orrow has appeared, it has excited tremendous interest. Many people have travelled miles'to see it pa's' by. You will be able to look through the dame type cars, the sleeper, diner and observation lounge car, and see the General Motors Diesel Locomotive - the sanie type of locomotive as will be buit at the new General Motors Diesel Locomotive plant at London, Ont. Pack Your Family in the Car and Drive to See l'h Gmmra Mtos TRAIN OF TOMORROW i F;M E. 3. BROWN Bowmanville Phono 2639 DecoralorJ MEMBER GREAT GENERAL MOTORS FAMILY RýOY ICHOLS COUEBTICE AND BOWNANVILLE EXTENDS A CORDIAL INVITATION TO THE PEOPLE 0F DO WMAN VILLE AND DISTRICT TO SEE THE MOTOR-S' AT ITS STOP AT OSHAWA ON 'Tei l3th GENERAL iý- Ti L!l CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY STATIO.N, OSHAWA) Lsumned ýstudies at Queen'la Uni. versity, Kingston.' Maple Grove: Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Snowden on their daughter Lilian winnlng first prize at the baby show at Orono Pair. Maple Grave won the sbield for gaining the highest number of points at scbool fair. Enfield: Geo. Cochrane was a successful exhibitor at Port Per- ry, Blackstock, and Orono Fairs. Jas. Stark was also among the winners at Blackstock. Tyrone: Harold Skinner attend. ed Collingwood, Newmarket and Barrie Fairs and showed his sbeep, securing a great number of prizes. Newcastle: L. W. Thomas and J. B. Bonathan bave resumed their studies at Trinity College. Toronto. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Misf Carol and Master Bill Kent are with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. HendersowY Bowmanville. "Silent Sistersl' will meet this Thursday, Oci. 6 at Mrs. Ritcbie's. Hope everyolie will make a special effgrt te come. f4r. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, Osh- awa, with Mrs. Fred Bowen. Mrs. Gibson stayed over till Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry, Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McReelis. Sunday v'isitors with Mrs. Fred Bowen were Mr,. and Mrs. Jim Garvoch and Ro nie, Newcastle. Mr. Elroy Gibsoï and Mss Viv- ian Hogle, Oshawa. Sacrament service was observed at Shiloh on Sunday afternoon. Services will continue in the after- noons. Miss Beulab Hallowell, Toron- 1. 1 q_ CANADIAN- - - NATIONALf&.0 RAI£à,LWAYI TRAIN WILL BE OPEN FRON 2 TO 9PS N. OF THE 1 ', 0 q7m- tq-AVÀ"TAW Ir ffl -iký- ý- STARKVILLE s, 1