- r "s ê - ~fl £T' r -*- -v Tii. .wcasl depsadefl m Mwta MbAâ 1 ft.g.Cherge Richards, Orono, bat onmtospend lb. wiuter witb Mr.Frank Branton. Littl* Donna Ferguson entr- a.d number of ber little ffendz on Monday on the occas- iOn cf beir bfrthday. 1Mr. aud Mr.. Lloyd Ste»b-kaon, i*x Toronto on Sunday. e ed C ongratulations to Mr. and Mru. Rarry Hodgson who were married 1h Oreno on Friday. Mrs. Hodgson was the, former Mrs. Louis Bald- 'Win ai Ornn. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson Wlll reside lu Newcastle. M nud Mrs. Fred Cowan and bby, Marlow, Okla., are staying with his mother and aunt Mns. Fred Cowan and Miss Odie War- ren. T he recently married couple, !~. snd Mns. Morley Alfun, wene gucsts ai oueonur at a family gath- ering on Oct. 8 at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Duning thie course of an evening pleasant- 1spent with cards and crokinole, suaces and Morley were present- ed i wth a trilight floor lamp, ac- compaimied by an appropriate ad- dress nead by Ross Allin. WeL-wishers who called on AUCTION Mr. Tracey Manes aven Uic wcek- eà.to congratulate hlmn on bis Blst bfrthdsy were: Mayor and Mrs. . Tacey Manes, Leaside, Mr.i suýà Mrs. H. A. Gray, Miss Betty Grsy, Oshawa, and Mr. Len Reading, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Terwilieger and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Terwillcgen sud iamily, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mr. Percy Wood- ward, Tarante, as wcll as many of bis Newcastle iniends. Thanksgivlug visitons wlth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and Mrs. H. R. Pearce wcre Misses Kay McMullcn snd Peggy Peance, To- routa-, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stin- son, -Mr. and Mns. Hugh McLeod sud Brenda, Cbesley; Mr. Pst Fowler, Bowmanvillc. W.A. of the United Church was held Oct. 13 in the boardroom. The devotianal wgs taken by Mcsdams H. Jase, R. Dickinson, and Garnet RickarcL Mrs. Jase and Mrs. H. Pearce sang a duet with Mrs. C. A. Cowan sccam- panying. The meeting was then turned aven ta the president, Mrs. Cowsn. As the secretary, Miss Ruth Hancock, was unable ta be present, Mrs. A. Glenney acted in her place. The kitchen committee SALE Saturday, Oct. 29th- Extensive Auction Sale of household effects, formerly owned by the late ARTHUR H. ALLIN Corner. of Green and Coiborne Streets, Whitby, Ontario. Valuable antiques will be included in the sale; alsosome very fine pieces of furniture of different designs. - VERYTH!NG OFFERED WJLL BE SOLD - Sale ai 12:30 MRS. E. OKE and JAMES ROSS, CLERKI WILLIAM MAW, ATCTIONEER. I * mi 6 -I reported havlng purchased the sllverware for the cburch kitcheu. Tbey were Instructed ta purchase new tables lu readinessa-for the turkey dinnwr on Nov. 14. Plans were cotnpleted for thé diim%!r aiter wbich a daluty lunch was served by Mns. Joses group. Bei are Mrs. Howard Wilson and girls jalued ber hugband lu Niagara Falia, ber card club buddles, Mrn. T. Enwrright, Mrs. E. Walton, Mrs. T. Belsey, Un. H. Heekin, Mrs. Ross'Embley and Mrs. S. Pollard, surprised ber with an appropriate parting git. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyas and fanil- ly, Rouge Hilîs, ca)led on Mrs. Gordon Ash and girlIs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canner have lef t Newcastle te liv'e ln Oshawa. Mrs. Alex Adair and Miss Helen Ash spent tbc weekcnd lu Toronto with Mr. Archie Stanrey and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Mldrin Corbeth, Merricksville, apent thc weekend with Mr. and Mts. Percy Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shier, Lind- ýîy, callcd an the'Tamblyn's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Saudy Meffatt have leit Newcastle and are naw living ln Bowmanville. Mr. Clarence Clarke was Uic lucky winner cf the dray at the Lions Club Hard Times dance an Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gaines were guests, at Uic Hadgson- Baldwin wedding lu Orono. Mr. Gaines was best man. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. eritton, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carvcth -and Mr. and M'rs. George Walton, motored ta Ottawa 1ast week. The gentle- men atterrded thc Hydre Conven- tion while the ladies enjoyed a well-earned holiday. Mr, an Mrs. Morley Sallews, Danny and Randy, were Sunday supper guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tomlinson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Chnis Barchard attended the wedding of his bro- ther Calvert Barchard in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Barchard was an usher. Mr. Charles Lake spent a few days with relatives in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Rutland and Mr. Arthur Wartman visçted Mr. Wallace McAmond and'Mr. and Mrs. McKeown at Cookstown on Thanksglving Sunday. STARK VILLE Mns. M. Bennett, Toranto, wlth Mr. sud Mns. J. Halaowdil. Miss Mary Halloweil vlslted Miss Helen Turner:ý NewcastL.e Mr. W. E. Reid has ncturned irom Port Hope bospital. Sbilah W.A. met at Uic borne ai Mns. Lamne Paeden Weduesday evening. Plans wcre made fon Uic bazaar, fo]lowed by a prognsm consistiug ai piano solos by Miss Wilson and Mas. Llew Hallowell, reading by Doreen Laugstaii sud a talk by Mrs. Bunt. Mns. W. Weathenilt, Caesarea, with ber daughter, Mns. W. E. Reid. Ma. aud Mas. Ross Hallowdil sud Jackie were lu Port Hope. Mn. sud Mrs. Llew Hallcwel sud family wlth Mn. sud Mas. Austin Turner, Newcastle. Ma. sud Mrs. Orme Falls sud famlly atteudcd Rosencath fair. Mrs. Lamne Tadd with Mn. aud. ARTS -CAR, MARKET Ring St. W. CASH Bowmnanvllle - TRADE 1949 METEOR COACH-Blue, wlth heater and defrosters, and undercoatlng, 2,000 miles. Down Payment $880.00 «- $2200.00 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN-Black, wlth heater and defrosters, low mileage, for only Down Payment $700.00 $1750.00 1947 OLDS. SEDAN-Maroon, wlth heater and defrosters. $250.00 worth of tires and tubes alone. Doivi Payment $790.00 $ 1975.00 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE-Blue, wlth built-in radie and heaters. Down Payment $1140.00 -------2850.00 1942 CKEV. COACH-Llght green, 46000 miles, a car well looked after. Down Payment $500.00 .-. -. 3ý-ý1250.00 1940 BUICKSEDAN-Black, with heater sud defrosters, and a newly overhauled motot. Down Payment 3390.00 ... - $0---375.00 1940 PLYMOUJTH COUPE-Back, wlth heston. Down Payment $420.00-- $ 1050.00 M9 DODGE COACH-Good runnlàg ce«. Down Payment $318.00 $ 795.00 1988 PLYMOUTH COUPE-MeWIIf llght green, wlth heater. Looks exceptIonal. Down Payment $346.00 -$850-00 1988 PACKARD SEKDAN- Down Payment 3220.00 $W-0. 1939 CIRV. COUPE-With radie and heater. A oar in lot oeflaaitiott. DOWD Payment 889.00 - 3075.00 Phione 2148 - EASY TERMS 1937 LA SALLE CAB.-In good shape. Down Payment $270.00 1615.00 1986 CHEV. COACH STANDARD- Down Payment $270.00 $675.00 1936 TERRAPLANE COACH- Dewn Payment $190.00 $475.00 1937 LINCOLN ZEPHYR COACH- .Down Payment $220.00 1550.00 1935 OLDS. CAB.-A real buy. Down Paymcnt $198.00 $498.00 1932 BUICK CAB.- Down Payment $75.00 $150.00 1981 HUPP SEDAN- Down Payinent $110.00 1220.00 1932 FORD B COACH-Rebuilt motet. Down Payment $100.00 - -3200.00 1929 DESOTO SEDAN- Domm Payment $50.00 1929 FORD A COACH-. Dowfs Payment $65.00 $100.00 $128.00 1982 ROCKNEY COACH- Dowu Payment $100.00 $195.00 1980 STUDE. COUPE- Down Payment $90.00 $175.00 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1940'CEV. TRUCK-34-ton, stake, new motor recently. Down Payment $318-00 -- -3795.00 19« ÛiTERNATIONAL %4-ton Panel, A-i. Down Payment $30.00 $575.00 1988 XEO 3%-ton Plokup-- Down Payment $150.00 0375.00 * For your.listening pleasure tune in on CKDO - 1240 onyour dial, Saturday night at 7:30 to 8:00, for some od ttme muuic. i - its. exceU.t 4's manner which it la cors "IM CADLA1( SAIIESMI. 1EOMANMAXL. ONT1AM O sous Kelti sud De-an, Dougl a sud Congratulations ta Mr. sud Mns. Mas. Oke, Miss Jean Down sud Don Stapleton an Uic birth ai a Mr. lnen Down - are enjoying a sou at Bowmanvllle Hospital ar holiday at, Norland. Oct. 11. Ma. Jesse Arnott, Staidy sud Mr. Ronald Gibbs sufiercd s Mns. Ogle sud Master -Tommy. seniaus accident. Whcu alighting Maxwell's, wene Sunday guests from the car, he stcpped ou a rail- with Blake sud Mrs. Oke. ing stauc, bnesking bis ankle. He Mr. Peter Wall. Hanmany, visit- was taken ta the haspital ta, have ed Fred sud Mas. Balson. it dressed. He retunned home Conrtltiu r extcnded the ucxt day.t bytcr many finds lu this com- Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Mase, munlty ta Mr. sud Mns. Gea. W. Lindsay, aud daugliter Mas. Me] James, wha, an Satunday, celc- Joncs sud Betty Jo, Niagara brated their 3th wedding anni- Falls, wîth Mrs. G. W. Joncs. versary. May they have maîîy Messrs. Sid Lancaster, Clintor mare. Farrow, John Morrow, Carl Tadd B. & S. Association sud Ewart Robinson attended the The Courtfcc Home sud School ploughing match at Buniord. Association beld its meeting on Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hamipton, Thursday eveuing. The secntary's is guest cf Mn. sud Mas. Len Bar- sud treasunen's reports wene read ton. snd approved. On Sunday, Mn. Hanry Joncs, Mrn. Charles Archer was ap. Victoria, B.C., dropped lu ta visit pointcd visual aid couvener. Mrs. bis brother Ma. S. R. Jones. He Robent Barbara entertained with was sccompanied by his son, Ma. a violin solo accempauled by Mns. Heber. Jones sud bis grand- Blî Wae a Uc pano Mn du giter Miss Barbara Joues, George Chartran gave a reading Dul th, wha went on ta Ottawa. titled "Army Lufe", n s.Bantou Sr., Mn. sud Md. Mr. John Reynolds chairman Wm. Ba'ton sud lamily, Toronto.' Mns. Don StWpetÔrt Ncwtoniville. ofa the school board, wss gucat W Mn. and Mn. Victor Farrow at speaker snd spoke on pro$lems Roseneatb., desling ibsbd ares. Mi. Nôr- Mr. Ewart Robinson atterided uh st cdM.Byost the Ploughing match atý Burford. b is talk. W Mr. sud Mn. H. Ruèik Port The cammittee to look sitar the di Hop, sd n. ud n.E Rskgraduation supper were appoint- Ci THoe nd wtMran . u us'cd, Mas. Carman Thampson, Mm' g Halloell.Jack Gay, Mns. Garnet- Goyne tb Halewll -and Miss Kay Pidduck. 'Sc Rcfresbmeuts were servedi by Pl MAPLE GROVE eogeBthartice su M. cc Don't forget thé Yong Peoplc's c Union Hsilowc'en Iasquerade B UREKE TON t and party on Wednesday eveuiug, M___ Oct. 26. Everyone corne lu cas- aivna aîrw it tuPe.rty was held lu honour dl Don-N Mr. and Mns. Stepheri Jefiery, aldGill at the schoel. g 9 son Gary, Mr. Norman PlummTen, W. A. met at Mrs. R. Dean's. pi Town, vlsitcd relativesat Tilbury, Plans werc made regar"lg the ta Cbatham, Courtwrlght. and Sarn- showiug ai Dr. J. DYevitt's zmoies n( ia. Oct. 24, aud the bszaan, Nov. 15. in Mr. Bob- Stevens, O.A.C., Mn. and Mas. Grant Wilson and M Guelph, spent weckeud at home. Benyl, Oshawa, wlth Mrs. Pearl at Mr. snd Mrs. Steve, Muuday, Avery. ai Mr. sud Mas. James Leach, sou Next Sunday Rev. Hutton, i Mack, Caurtwrlght anc visiting Blackstock, will spcak at thecbc Mn. and Mas. R. R. Stevens 'and church services at 2:30 p.m. sud TI ather relatives. 7:30 p.m. I. Mr. Stanley' Snowden, Victoria Mrs. E. Caughill -visited Mrs. rE Colege, Toronto, was home for M. Hewi-tt, Part Penny. M Uic wcckend. Miss Donothy Ashton, Toronto, cc Mn. and Mas. Russell Gimblett, visited Mr. and Mns. L. Taylar. M Tammy and Sharon, Mn. Tam Mr. sud Mns. Fred Petesan, Gimblett with frieuds in Toronto Brampton, were Thanksgiving vl- an Sunday and visited Mrs. T. sitars with Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Gimblett, who is stillinl Western Taylor, Hospital. Mn. sud Mns. Kotchspaw, North- pont, with Mn. snd Mns. K. Rabbin. We are sorry ta lose frcm the Pl C O RTCEvillage aur store keepens, Mr. sud hi COM ME Mrs. H. Giland Donald, sud Mas. Ci J. Gill. We welcome Mn. sud Aiternoan Auxiliary ai Eben- Mrs. Ribey af Toronto, wbe have di ezer W.M.S. meeting was opened taken aver the business. h by Presideut Mns. R. Gay with Mns. Pearl Avery received word the Cail ta Wonship "O Give of the suddeu death ai ber thanks unto the Lord". Delegates brothen-iu-law on Oct. 6, Mr. Ro- a] appointed te sectional meet- bert Browu, Scugog Island. Sym- a] ing at Newtonville wene Mrs. El- pathy is extended ta thc family. SE ton Werry sud Mrs. Chas. Os- Mn. Howard Davey sud friends. bonne. Citizenship Sec. Mrs. wene ou a huutiug trip in the ai Pi-once gave some iuterestiug north country. 'T items fnom letters r eceived from Mr. Robent Stockes, Paland, el Nurse Bessie Suowden on hen Man., s cousin ai Mns. M. Taylor, tl work amoug the Indiaus at Bella- died 'at his home last week. Bella hospital. Worship service Mns. John Prescott, Mn. Mer- B was conducted by Miss Aun Hoît vin Prescoitt, Oshawa, Mn. Robent 'T and passages af seipture were Hannah and Regie, Bannockburn. read by Mrs. K. E. Osborne, Mrs. Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Smith, New- E. Werry, Mas. A. J. Gay, Mrs. castle, with Mn. and Mrs. Norbet f Lloyd Down sud Mns. Carl Down. Prescott. D Chapter freom the Study Book ou ai Evangelism given iu three parts el were Educaticual, Visiting aud aMU Preaching sud given by Miss An(A M Sv Hoît sud stressiug the point that more youth be necruited fan work Mn. sud Mrs. Russell Welsh, gi in Uic Chunch.' Osbawa, aud Mn. snd Mas. Bob ir Eveniug Auxlliary was held at Vîvian weut te West Giliord. Ebenezer Sunday Schaol roam, Mn. and Mrs. Flintofi sud fam- M when they had as their guests thc ily visited Mr. and Mns. Vivian. F Aiternoon Auxiliany. The devo- Mn. sud Mrs. Gardon Brooking A tional "Faith sud Prayen" wss also with the Hannas and Vivians. ably taken by Mns. Anchie Muir. Miss Marie Hauna was lu Osh- Si wbe also gave au illustration teaswa. ir carry out ber thoughts. Closed Annie sud Chanlie Fee's shower "ý this period with prayer by Mns. came off Friday night with s big It Eric Countice. Pnogram wss then turu out. Yelverton people gave tc given: Piano solo by Mns. Will them anothen shower ou Mondayw Wade, sud Mrs. Yandley gave a night. fE most iuterestiuig talk on- ber Cadmus chunch thankoiierng t3 trip ta Uic eastenn coast sud Nova services wene held Sunday with li Scotia. Thauks was exteuded ta Dr. Bowles preachiug at the mrnu-v Mns. Yardley by Mns. McKay, sud iug services. Cadmus chair sud Mr. b Pres. ai Afteruaon Auxiliany, Howard Saywell, Blackstock, sup- a Mrs. Gay, exteuded thauks ta plied the music. The eveuing ser-h Evening Auxîlîary for their kînd vice was taken by Rev. Hutton t( invitation ta be their guests. Va- with Yelverton chair assisting. c cal solo by, Mr. Harold Muir after Cadmus W.A. sud W.M.S. meet-I f which Mrs. Carl Down, Mns. iug was postpaued on account ofi Lloyd Down sud Mrs. Glen Pick- the Presbyteny' meeting ait New- si ell, membens ai Aiternoon Auxil- tonville. Meeting will be heldd isry were chosen as judges as next wcek at Mrs. Wesley pI The Travelling Shirt, was pre- Swect's. Sr. s sentcd wbich Eveuing Auxiliany Mn. sud Mrs. Msrwood McKee ei have been making. The ueatcst rnotoned to Toronto Saturday ta g patch, wiuner-Mrs. Harry Gay; aiteud the funenal cf Mr. McKee's l mast original patch-Mrs. Lynch. uncle, Mr. Wilbert Cully, Toronto. e4 Refresbments wene served, sud He used ta live hene sud was& a social time enjoyed. Present 35. kuown well iu this commuuity. I Best wishes irom their many Mn. and Mrs. Henb Galbraith, 9 friends sud relatives here, is cx- Bowmanville, Mrs. Mabel McKee, tended ta Mn. sud Mns. Wm. Gay, Blackstock, visited Mn. sud Mns. Detroit, wba celebnated their Marwood McKee. Golden Weddiug Auuivensany au Mn. sud Mns. Walter Moutenief Oct. 11. Mrs. Ro'bt. Adams lis a sud girls, Fraserville, with Mn. ssten ai Mr. Gay. sud Mns. Clarke Williams.E Congratulations te Mn. sud Mns. Mr. sud Mrs. Leslie Thompson, 1 2ilIy McKnight (nee Joan Antil) Tyrone, at Mn. sud Mns. . Lame w hase marriage took place st Eb- McKee's. enezer Cbunch on Satunday. They Mr. sud Mrs. Jîm Fallis visltcd will reside lu their ncw homo Mn. sud Mns. Donald Tbompson,S north ai Courtiçe. Nestîcton.b Services au Suuday were lu Mn. Pion Larmer sud JoyceC change ai Rev. F. Yardiey with a Taronto, with their parents. Miss tc good attendance. The Junior chair Aima Harris wss home with them pnovided suitable music. sud sttcnded the showen Fridayc On Friday night pictures wcre nigh-it. .- sbowu at Ebenezer Chunch by Mn. Glsd ta hear Dave Wilson la up Cecil Fouud on his necei nt n aarnouud agairin, but Mrs.czASidne Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gcary have purchascd Mrs. Wm. Patterson's house aud are tearing the barn dawn te rebûild it into a garage. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley sud Iaughtcn will be moviug luta the iouse enow accupied by Mr. and vIns. Geary. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Hoy and Mn. and Mn. Tattensal visited Mn. and Mrs. Henry Hoy. Mrs. Tatten- sal Is staying fon a few days. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Therteli and Mn. sud Mrs. Norman Elgear, Toronto, at their summer home enjoying the lovely weather over the weekend. Mns. Walter '1'hertell and sons, Bownianviile, visitcd Miss Selmna Therteil and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- nan Thertell on Sunday. Mr. and Ms. Jack Glover and family, St. Thomas, with Mrs. Darlington and Bill on Saturday and went on ta Mr. Howard Glov- er's, Trenton. Mrs. Dsrlington Lccampanicd Uicm te Graiton ta visit Miss Allie Cooper. Miss Mary McLean, Toronto, Is guest ai Mr. aud Mrs. Milt Rab- insan. .Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Mercer taok Milss Violet Mercer ta Ux-bridgc Frday and visitcd Mr. and Mns. Ai. Grant. W.I. met Oct. 12 in Uic Sunday1 School noom with Mrs. Reg Eiliott n charge. The raill caîl was 'Soething I arn thankiul for". It was nated that Orene and New- tonville W.I. arc invited te meet with Kendal for a District Con- cerence an Developing Communi- ;y.Activities, Nov. 24. Some of the ladies wishcd ta attend Uic Con- vrention lu Toronta for anc day but none fcît at liberty te, take in all three. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and .\'Is. Mary Luxan wene persuaded to, attend the Leader Training course in Bowmanville on the 'Cereal Sheli" for leaders cf the Eomemaking Clubs. Since we stiil have Dayligbt Saving Time, lue ta Uic shortage ai electric power, Mrs. Mencen gave some simple ways ta save clectric pow- er in aur homes. Mrs. Roy Mercen gave an interestlng talk on the ucf ai Madame Curie, how she educated herseli aud her sisten aiter the death ai ber parents, and became a Dr. of Science, iinally giving radium ta, the wonld. Local Salvation Army Officers to Attend 67th Annual Congress Captain Vera Clarke and Lieut. M'ay Walter, ln charge of local Salvation Army aperations, wil be delegates te thc 67th Annual Congresa lu Toront>, Octaben 21 to 25. Gatherings this vean will be conductcd by the Salvation mEN!!l Army's international Chief of Staff, Commissioner John J. Allan, Lonclon,- Eng., who is pay- ing bis first visit ta Canada in his present capacity. With hlm la Mrs. Allan, who will address various women'a groups. Cammissioner Ailan wau the -first Arnerican officer ta be chos- en for the important position of second-in-comfmand of the world- wide Salvation Army. He won the Croix de Guerre for bravery on the battlefield in World War I, and In World War Il was princi- pal assistant in the Chaplain- Gencral's Office in Washington, D.C., where he helped ta set Up the chaplaincy service for U.S. troops. He held the military rank of Colonel. Early years of bis career were spent in charge of the Bowery Corps in New York City, work- ing with the destitute and the desperate. He once disguised him- self as a derelict and lived like one ta learn the problems of the men be wanted ta hclp. LOL. Low RGPhone oct 2eils FARE AND ONX-iÀIX FOR THE ROUN> 12* Good Gelng--Saturday, -Friday, Oct. 28 Return-Leave Ottawa t er than midngh, Sat., Oct. 29. ail information frornm a7ag C A N A DIA 94 N ATIO10N A ,'ith Mr. and Mns. Len Barton.Woî.0m nle itut. The Women1s Institute met at the home o±ftdrs. .. Parce, Oct. 12, vith 25 ladies preoelit. Plans were Llucuseid for attendlng Institute Convention in Toronto in Novem- ber. M&s. Pearce reported froffi the park beuch committee that the school seats could be used in the park when ne longr requlred ln school. Mr. Hancock reported fromn the~ council that they have practically completed the taàk of preparing the park and ereêting the monu- mient. and Mrs. Gilier moved a vote cf thanks ta Mir. H-anicock, for bis part In the work. ,Mrs. S. Rowe, leader of the group, presented the following program: a discussion cf thc Mot- t - "The secret cf happiness is Lot; in doing what one Likes, but in liking what anc bas ta do," bY Jirs. Bunt; an lnteresting talk btout-turkeys, by Mrs. Jahnston, and a solo, Galway Bay,kby Gloria Lane. The roll cail was "A la- bour saving device I would like." Thcre was aise a piano solo by F'lorence ]Rowc and Mrs. Rowe read a poem, "'Granduiother." Mrs. Harvey Wade conductcd a contcst, and lunch was served by Mrs. Pearce and her group. KENDAL J.' WEEK-END SPECIALS, MLK CHOCOLATE FROSTED Downyflake Dontuts Pecan Chelsea, Roi TES! Tou will be sold on the musie etô JACK FOWLER'S ORCHEST once you've heard titis terific bsand. If YOU'd like toý te the musiecof Canada'. fèremoat arranger, *p thon plan no%; to corne te VARCGE'S SATURDAT NIORT,. We are very plessed t. announce that oommený WEDNESDAYI OCTODER -$TT ""REDà" ARDI'ý.' wlll be your M.C., playlng your favourite recoi2 Wednesday nlght for your dancing pleasu Don't Ferget - "RED" 13ARDIE - WED. NIGHT AT VAR( VARCOE'S PA'VIL 8 Miles West of Bowmanl1le on Highway Hall available for rent for priva- Few vacancies avallab L -q Md future parents, the nervous «ing an oarly Canadian custom, ve homespun. In the 16001s, ail for the average Co.nadian family Here s a 700's. Her i aSensationazd GIET SUGGEST,0chinqan -l Ighborhood. in 1879 Jui Arrived for CL. e 0nd --- -.'uue ta kea ndflnished clothing. 9 among the fineut the most beautiful an. DRESSER S Sets similiair to cut shown. One-piece solid construction - 100% jeweir Bronze Copper backed bevelled mirror. Specicxl feature of sets is the removable DuPop' Brush - each set has a spare brush whic1 -be removed by a press of the thum See these to-day while a good selection is a OPEN A LAY-AWAY ACCOUNT TODAY AI YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EASIà 28KRing StW. I j *1T. r k, HOOPER'S JEWELLE Y otwt CINT lowmanville PHONE P HONE 855 i85 1- -i r& d F) m r ?. , -P 1 -V - * P3.2321 Ir