THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1949 Daring>on Council '!as, More Demcmds SSheep Damages *-Darlington Cou 1ji et on Oc- Ititber 6th, withoemesalI pre- O.*nt and Reeve A. Milison presid- î;ing. I..; etter was read from Mrs. Mar- litant asking for"relief. This will 1.eIn vestigated by Councillor H. opan ýâAbout weeds growing on farm ~lear him. Reeve agreed to notify 41. P. Annis to take action to have H. Cameron asked for bonus 4 build wîre fence. This was not1 entertained. A. J. Parkhill visîted the onilre Building By-Law for . e Township of Darlington. Communication was read £rom iis-Apha I. Hodgins re Carl ~~ristian and gravel. aCommunications were read 1~~~~ 'la r from Alfred Laird and W. J. M. May regarding certain conditions of the road near their property. These matters were left in the hands of the Road Superintend- ent to look into and do what he could regarding same. Road Sunt. presented bis report and vouchers for Septemnber which were ordered paid. Clerk was instructed to adver- tisre Court off Revision on Nov. 15, at 2 p.m. The following bis were paid: H.E.P.C. off Ont. Service charges -$ 4.05 Bell Telephone Co. Service charges- 3.65 Counties' Treas. Hospitalization ---- - 69.75 Mkaýs H. Cryderman Registrar of Deeds Deed Particulars - --- - 16.00 Thos. Whillier and Co. Office Stationery - 120.631 City Treas., Oshawa Relief -.---- _ ___ 8.73 Trulls Grccerteria R~eief groceries ---- ------25. William Lycett Says Life Insurance is like a parachute; you don't miss it until you need it ...and don't have it. LET'S TALK THIS OVER WM. L. LYCETT Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 2382 K IN G'S Radio Taxis FAST RADIO PICICUP Means No More LONG WAITS FOR A TAXI 24-NOUR SERVICE Phone: bay 561, Nighis 561 - 707 - 922 Six Modern Cars ... *.Ail Passengers Insured. 90.Prompt Efficient Service Operated by Lathangue Bros. DRING YGUR ~~ *GUESTS TO ON *12 HIGHWAY FrieldChcen (FULL COURSE MEAL) $1.50 Make Your Reservations Early PHONE 3504 CLARKE Sid. Worden Sheep Damages 4C Grent Bennett Sheep Damages 21 C. A. Avery Sheep Damages 24 N. J. Woodley Sheep Inspection G. F. Annis Sheep Inspection7 J. D. Hogarth September Salary 1L..,45 J. D. Hogarth Excise and Postage 5 R. Davey Relief groceries 25 H.E.P.C. off Ontario Street Lighting (Hampton) 110 Relief --------------- ----- -- 126 Council adjourned to mi Nov. 3, at 1 p.m. 'Train of Tomorrow' Lczst Word in Comfort And Convenience 9 -fKLL r.1YaiTwF HEALTHY DIETS FOR GIROWING CHILDRIEN ] Growing chlldren need sPeclal attention Io their dailY i tet be certain that pienty oet liçalth-giving foods are caten. Pure, rlch GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK ai every maa furnishes energy and many off the necessary vitamsins. Buy an extra bottie to-day 6 . keep It handy for the y ouiigsters. THE CNADIN STTESMA. BOMANVPAGE< N3'ARTC Junior Farmers Visit Empress of France H~e ivho sows courtesy reaps History mes its- exceli iendship. and he who plants more .to the writer's manner 2 ndness gathers love.-George to the material of whach it la com- Prentice. posed.--Goldsmith. 11.00 !.00 5.00 7.20 ý5.0 5.00 i.00 0.00 6.25 aeet Jfrie D.1 - KEROSENE~ DEALER FOR SILENT-GLOW OIL SPACE HEATERS .>,i AND RANGE BURNERS. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY DAY OR NIGHT CALL -- BOB STOCKER'S~ GARAGE Corner King ahd Brow n Sts. Bowmanvlfle -4 "'w - - - - 'y ,à Part off the graup off 49 boys and girls, members off the Junior Farmejr Association off Ontario, which toured the Canadian Paciffic liner Empress off France while inspecting the Montreal waterfront under the auspices off the Bell Tèlephone Nakes Application To Transport Commissioners Ai Ottawa for Revised Rates Increases off 45 cents per month for two-party residence telephone service in Bowmanville and af 45 cents for nesidence individual lines, are proposeed in Bell ee phone's application forreie rates filed in Ottawa with thei Board off Transport Commission- ers for'Canada, according to F. Williams, the campany's manager here. The propased increase for indi- vidual liýe business service is' - The "G.M. Train off Tomorrowi1 *-a very appropriate naine in one sense and yet inapplicable ir another. It certainly has ail the innovations, conveniences and luxuries trains off the future will use, but we saw and rode in this train last week from Cobourg to Oshawa, which certainly is nol tomorrow. This General Motors product is years ahead off its turne and, as such, has created an atti- tude off pleased surprise and awe in ail those fortunate enough ta see it. Just a view of the outside off the train should be enough to convince most people that this is something new and different and a tour through the cars certainly brings even the most doubtful around to this line off thought. Easy en the Eyes Entering the train, the first car encountered is the day-coach, which has been named "Star Dust". Immediately you notice the difference èýetween this car and those now in service. The -f loors are covered with a special plastic, instead off linoleum. the chairs have a softer, more coinfor- table appearance, the windows are wider and affordS far greater view than the ordinary type and the indirect, fluorescent lighting casts a sof t glow over the interior, rather than a harsh glaire. This portion extends only haîf the length of the car. Here you corne acrass a short, curved set of!'stairs leading up into what is called the Astra Dome-another set of seats about six feet above the level of the other sdats. Over these seats is a raised cabin, of which nearly 75 per cent is win- dows. This cabin ita up on top of the car and is two anid a haîf feet above the roof level, so that a perfect view to any side is pos- sible. There are 24 more off those super-comfortable seats in this observation dame and apecial, double-paned, beat-proof safety glass, aIl designed for maximum passenger cçmfort. "Back down the stairs, we find yet another floor level under the ~Astra' Dome. Down three steps and we are standing outside the semi-private compartinents de- signed for groups travelling taý- gether. Along this aisle we also find the men's and women's dress- ing rooms--more spacious, more elaborately designed and morei comfortable than those on present-1 day cars. There will be na jamming-U'p at the exits off this train either.5 Baggage is placed in special cam- partments on either side off thet aisle and can be removed from the outside instead off belng placedc on the floor, in the way of disem- barking passengers. Eatlng la a Pleasure On into the next car, whicht turns out to be the dining c~ar,c "Skyview". Here,' the same luxur-r ious decarating is in evidence andP the general set-up is like that& of the chair-car, except that thec Astra Dome has dining tables ata all seats, there are tables, rather t' than seats on the main level, and ti the compartments below the dame 9 are semi-î,rivate dining rooms, where as niany as ten people may sit dawn for a meal at one time. The soft, pastel colors off the floor,A walls and ceiling are present here c( as mn ail cars and the eftfect is very f marked. Instead off the single, di dull color often encounterede on b present trains, the varying offdi bright shades and colora here bi seem ta cheer the very atmos- 1 phere and make you feel more fc at home. fc Ride to Music e Although they are present in vC aIl cars and the engine, it was l in this car that we first noticed f the radia-telephone. It provides di inter-car communication as well as making it possible ta phone anywhere in the country through .o Residence: Individual line ---- I'wo-party line ---- - - Rural lune- Extension telephane- Dominion Department of Agrictiltuire, is showî with the ship's Master, Capt. B. B. Grant. The trip to Moiitrci'l vas an awvard foir outstandini work donc by the Association members through- Out Untanlo. $1.40 rontillv. whi]e tie proposcd rate for two-party business ser- vice is $1.40 higher than at pre- sent. It is inteîuded that the proposed rates shall apply toalal stanîdard types of telephones supplied i.y the company. A comparison of pre-e'ît band telephone rates for typical cas of service with pnoposcd rates iii Present Proposeci - $2.60 - 2.20 -. 1.85 .901 luicre. a se! $3.05 2. 65 2.4.5 JBusiness: Individual line ------$--26---0-----$5.0l0 1.40 Two -party line --------------------- 2.85 4.25 1.40 Rural line --- --- ---------- 2.10 3.25 1. 1 Extension telephane - ------------- 1.1-7)1.2-5 1.1() P. B. X. trunk --- ----- ------ 4.05 7.50 3.,15 P. B. X. extenîsian lelephone -----. 1.35 1.25 minus .10 Until hand telephanes arce available in quantity sufficient ta supply ail who desire them sub- seribers who presently have xvall telephones will femporarily pay 35 cents less, and those hax'ing desk telephoîies 15 cents less, per month. Long Distance Rates It is pm'oposed ta increase the initial period charge for long c<1w- tance cails by 5, 10 or 15 cenits,J depending on the distanice involvx ed and on whetlîcr station-to- station or peî'son-to-person set'- vic 'e is requested. Somie persan- to-persan, night and Sunda.v cails would be increased by 20 or 2 cents. There are no ilîcreases for station-1to-station ca,.ls betwec1 centres lesLa than ten miles apani. -* the use off radio nelays and lonîg- distance liîies. There are also radios: wine-necorders and record- players for the benefit af the pas- sengers. The necord-play er is ex- cellent proof Pff the smooth ride and reduction off side-sway in ihis train-there is neyer aîîy fear af the needle being jostled out of Uic groove of the record. Sleep on a Cloud Moving back, we now enter' 'Dream Cloud", the sleeping car. Altogether, there is sleeping ac- commodationi for 20 people, mn the fonm off eight single-passenger, duplex, reomettes, thm'ee tw-o- berth eompaî'tmeîits and two lrawing raoms v.hiclî have tliree berths each. AIt berths run lengthwise and ma ' be easily aolaed away ta provide room for travelling throughout the lay. The skill ised in the [esigning off these rooms pro- 'ides 50 per cent greater free flar space than is commonlyl found in sleeping-cars duning Uicl day. For those who Indulge The final car off the train is the bservation lounge, which gaes by the namne 'Moon Glow". The lunge laoks more like a living- room in a m5dern home than a railraad car, since half off the chairs and' couches are movable nd may be anranged for greater aonvenience ta passengprs who ke ta group tagether. There are two up-to-date cocktail bars which apparently are capable off provid- ig aIl necessary items for the est in cocktail parties. We can't .e positive off this since they were lot in operatian on aur trip. The ;mallen bar is underslung and, )ecause off this praximity ta the ,round aven which it passes. has een named "Top O' The Rail". Jîcidentally, the rail referred ta s not a brass one upon which the oot may be placed-the bar is ar more modern than that. Clean, Quiet Power The engine presents the get st change ta be ffound between )s train and the ones mear ied ta travelling in. Thereisn irty smoke pauring ffrom the tack, no -soaty boiler or raging ire. There is an absence off noise ýthere are none af the great stonsý and steamn escape-valves. 01 is quiet, d!ean and efficient. 1 Io 1000 bonsepower diesel en- ines operate electric generatars ihich prov;i'de the actual power )turn the wheeels. This elimin- tes frequent stops.ta pick up coal id ailow the engine to cool and 1 le even mare frequent stops for ,aten. As a result, the tî'aiîî mav -a'el aven 200 fltu ;.itmn aving ta luake long stops or hange engines. ti Il r( r4 ci a] i t' al in bi bg n( sr b( gr b( is fo: fa th fir pi Al T' gil wl to at( an thl Wý t rz ha cli The Super-Effiient OILO - MAGIC Oil Heatînq MAKES YOUR PRISENT HEATING EQUIPÎMENT TIVICE AS GOOD Saves VouN Money on Vour F'uel t'nsts Plone or Consuit jACK BROUGH PLIJMBING -IIEATING Division st. S. Bowmanv-4le New Phone Number 615 Skinny men, womer gain 5,10,15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, vim, Vigor What a thrkI1iliBonY liba MIl out: 1191Y hollown 111, uf>: nec no110 lner Icranvbolyilait Itarved.irk]Y "be«.ajol"oo;bo of Igirls. wornell, men. Who Lever could g.iii breiire, gré IOW Proild of ehaelcy. litait -t (.,'iIi;9 They thank Ilelecia i agor-buj,î,g. Iýiùe'.,pI,u:,g ptrou. aI~nd dB1. calcium, elirich'bltiîod. aro apelth amiD i o otond Ives you In atfrer gerati noo rmn: Put rica on bane ) t,- >1t , a ei ~fofat. Sttopt Wia tO I 'h 0. i 1O Ii o 2 t m.loneeti for nra e aîigf.t. («i t i ile. (1-g aisainfei' aile i i Try faoua srea Tnte Tlabiets for 11011vig,, and added POunda. this vcrY day. At ail druggîsta. Butter Production Higher rlhan 1948 Il jl nSept0 ni ber tIlai aurt'hie ..v mot tia s ar ago. tOc ciis Eancli. Onîtario De- pa ctr1U1 t I. riîi ire.eports. gond wu' : . ,i%-(gvn as the l'eu- .onî. Se io as good mveatncr I ls:, iii. lîini will (conitin~ue. 1Ciini qýia f t ý;repIoriteri o be miucli bemt. due te cool w'euther, but se. erai tuiperatorn have cur- ta ilcd theu i. <'ccflricollect ions ta once a w cetk. Iutter. sales, picked îîp c'nné.dembhiy- durîîîg thle nîoîîh. lndicaUoîs arth iat there iH] lie illarge îneî'rea u' in entrtes in butter' cîi: w s i reni Ontario <'le eçesait lie Ruyal Wînter Fair' îextnient i. Creanîcrv ants îuieîocs afthe Diirv Bm uî.eh an il parts of the Province report tOtît rat us and good %vemuî.eî' have nmade a decid- cd înipro'.' iieiit ini pastuire. Cool niglîts have mîade a big improvýe- nient àî 'eaini qualîty also, their repor'ts mitcate. W'th le;'.' quatheatieons. Cania- .liuîs ns'. rîîga Finaîuical Post question recenlly %verc, almost un- 'uiîInousiîic.r o val of more ý'rnm'ratîOii 1lrni iGerman ', andi i urgecl thut w e lnid acu.cpt more i nin iteran t: t uni e: lir couîitries. SMost i.qii expresscd wus 'hez caution t'la, I liereaslhouid bu' i acaell irei.ngof îîewcomers. te kep u' 0. rom Communts- tie COInies or with Commniît- 'le ideas. More imnmigr'ation ru :!ic b * pe x.lîciî w'oîuil elp dle- ivelop Canadlus taititra I resoure.s <far"meus, . uitcci:eî,iîs)was ad- vouted Ï0v se e:'al. A quota ý.v-tini of îîationalîties. 'aased eon In are -ît percen tage n Camîd',,populatiion was ,ug- .austcclas c?'nieans fcidr'termîîî- ing the n lînur whru wri'm 1<1bc ac- cepted frornicacii CUlitrIS* Food i oftlen caaiied a weapan. but ftr niinv bucerv ý-peopfle: food i a u ua. , ..u defensu' ti 1*141 .m. It- à Ut j et epîî CARE, 0Utawa. >TOVE GIL PICTURE 0F ~ A HAPPY GUY' WHO HAS NO ~ ~-'ELECTRICAL - WORRIES H1e consultedl us first about bis electrical wlring probleins andi now hie Is completely happ~y. We told hlm what w4's best for bis particular job and then proceeded ta carry out the ioric using our technically trained and skilled wvorkmen. Oiîly the best of niaterials were used throughout. - If yoîi have electrical problems we can do the sanie for you and guarantee that you will be just as happy. Cal! us to-day and -,ve vill be glad to furnish you mî th free . estimates. RIGGON ELECTRIC Tour General Electrlc Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bownianville 42 King St.. 9. m n e ýd il is 0 )t S e e 0 e D s r r e r F3.232 If p Phone a Ir TI R E: b Il IE.- ~'c~42«.a4 Phone FIIS , FEL? jýâ ZION (litendeci for last w eek) Mr'. anîl Mi s. Grant Jack, St. Johnl, Nl. \îu L. Smith, To- ronte, at A!ex AleMaster's. Mr. an([ Mrs. To,'n Currie, To- lento, at Robert Killen's for 1Tlîanksg n. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abbott and farniIx- Mr-. and Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Pautl, Mcr. Clive Abbott. Misses Je."' Nýshta and Norma 1Barker, Oshîawa. Mr'. and Mrs. 1Howard Ab1)L ,,t and family. Bui'kcton, Mr. and MVrsý. Lloyd Davir7son andi Ronald, Raglan, at lPc rex' Davidson*s. \zsR-,e \Viene, Toi'onto, at Gsnîge Da\ icson broke his leg l.n a iiicY xvhile drivîng the ,rneice.' IMr. ard Mrs. Cor'don Venner and Lisa, P cl:c.riig Bcach, at Arnold Ttie' The Conmunits w-as saddcned Saturdaiy uiorrnn " when it learn- vd that Ml?. dGarficld Trevail iiad p'isFe-1 aw'ay aftci' a car ac- ciOlent on Fî'idiay night. She vwas a tî'icnd te -.1l and will be greatly nmscd in lier home and in the comnniîv-I. 1-ler finierai on Mon- day v'.as attcndcd by friends and relatives from far' and near. Thc fai1Y bas the sympathy of the colniiuiit' an the sudden, sad be- Mr. and Mrîs. Bo ' d A.yre at POil- p MVorrow's. 0Uýhaxva. if r. a îî M r1i'. lo\ý ln toff Morev iluîteff atnd Lamîlv, Maple tlrovc, at \Ves Cnameronýs. MiOs Dii:c Tîîompson is home riii thie 'iw l ntcc laving lher Dc~i avtd !iic'ok k ii ack :ýf suiv W iu tuî ater lia\vung bis M'îr. and .Vrs. Hisn.Geiss-)i-ger G Jvîn Cc.bergcr'sý, Max- 2m.. * W .'V:.t M lr. mand i rs. Alex *'.lc'M'!ts ci'and' lfamiil. ut MVrs. EI. J. Harshau,'s, Lanising. Mr. anîl.1 :.Rosd Avre at Mtr. anid Mc . Jas. MceMaster s as. ..ntîi). -out Thanks- Ii, ilum ;r' t anîd iHats Gei: s- hrrn, ' rrarrýv(-l laic eni omTaber. o bri,<n TI!e jas ý,r Jr. a id J h. P,ty vDart, West, Hill, i t H Jcx'Va rt's. TUi AVNG t/IAG«S Of "CANADA UNLIMITED" 's\e Surrounded by her relatives and future parents, the nerveus bride-to-be sot at the loom. Following un esony Canadien custom, she must prove she could weove homespun. In the 16001s, ail girs had te be able ta weave, for the average Ca.nadian family wore only'home-made clothing. Spinning bees were a picturesque feature of pioneer Canadien life in the 1700's.i Wives would gather for gossip and hard work over their spinning-wheels. After- wards, a goy* and colorful barn-dance would be their reward. By the 1860's, imaîl shop-owners made clothlng and sold it to the people ln their immediate nelghborhood. ln 1879 expert had begun in ai smalt way. World events of this century have helped Canada ta taesci major port in the production of textiles and flnished clothing. Todoy Canadien woolens und worsteds aire among the finest in the world. Our textile industry is steadily on the increase. The future is ons of vast opportunity. Yes, therns, room te grow-in Canada Unlimited. Just how much room~ is told in "Canada Unlimited", on illustroted 144 page book publish.d b> the. 'K.. f. Foundalion. You me>, oblain >,our cop>,b>, iending 25c in cash (no siamps or cho ques, pleue.) ta "Canada Unlimit.d", Depi. N3-18, 0'K..f. Hause, Toronto, Ontarif?. prins-yqur nom. and iean y. Ail manies r.c.ived will b. donaf.d ta the Canadien Ctizenthip Council. * IREWINBI COMPANY LIMITED *A council of s"vce, walfare, labeur, fraternel und elher erganizatiens whoe .alm ite eequaint n.w Canadiens wlth the apportunlîles eff.r.d by dem.afcfiieaeesi* in 5Canada. Il 1 17 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW'MANVILLE. ONTAR'IO out Ontario. 1 WANTED 0 A elv 1" in