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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1949, p. 1

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VOLUME 95 (,i"ad of Education 1[eans En Outarlo Street School Rot Rteady Until December Tentative Plans were made for thle opening ceremonies of the new Ontario St. School which is MlOWlY nearing completion, at the October meeting of the Board of ËdUcatjon held Friday evening at the Public School. Dr. J. C. Dev- itt, chairmdan, occupied the chair with ail members present. Though ihere is stiUl a consider- able amount of painting ta be done ta the building, and the re- quireci chalk boards are flot as yet available, it is expected that the school will be ready for class- es by the first week in December. It is believed that there are a number of pupils under 16 years of age Whio reçeived permits in June for working on tarms, who have flot registered at either school. A check-up will be made of those unreported, by. district attendance officers. A report from Fire Chief L. Hoaper stated that the public school childrçxn had vacated the school in one minute and 15 sec- onds during recent fire drills. This statement Grought up the subject of a proposed fire escape for Central School. Plans wcre re- ceived from the Quinte Machine and Repair Co., and discussed by the board. Installation of a 4-foot wide escape would mean an ex- penditure of nearly $1.000 and somecansideration was given to whether it might be advisable to wait until the new year. Alex. MeGregor advocated going ahead with the added safety mneasure, and- moved that the con tract belI r awarded ta the Quinte Machine and Repair Ca., which carried. 3 Due ta the overcmowded condi- tions of tbe high achoal it has Êbeen necessary for some added tplastering and painting ta be done ta make another clasa roam. J. H. Aber-nethy was given the cantract for this work. Principal L. W. Dippell reported that the new hot water heater installed in the High School wvas ready for use. The board decided that same enquiries should be made at To- 'ronto and Peterboro, for infor- mation concerning caretakers' cantracts, and a written lîst of duties for the same. A request from Mrs. Victoria i'rank for the use of the new school for one Guide Company and ane Brownie -Pack was granted. Until such time as the school is completed, the Guides and Brownies will use the High School Gymnasium.Arrangements for kîndergartenf cbildren ta be given transporta- lion ta the new school were made. Mrs. W. Clarke moved that the Gartan Buisbines be given the contract, providing they will meet with the special contract specifi- cations.c Alex McGregor gave a repart0 on accumulative sick leave . which is under consideration at present.a It wvas decided that representative teachers should 'be consulted be- fore a final report was made. Accounts for $1,407.63 for Pub-9 jic ýcnoi, aa ýuï.à foIUi1Jg School were passed for payment. Junior' Farmers' Day Will Be Held Al.Nlemorial Arena,_Saturday, Oct. 29 A Junior Fat mers' Day will be of Cartwright. Clarke and Dar- held at Bawmanville on Satur- lington is eligible, although only day, October 29, under the aus- o .ne, essay may be sent from each pices of the Bowmanville Cham- schoo]. Teachers in these schaols ber of Commerce. On that day are asked to choose the best essay ~~*~nio Famerunder 26 years fram their particular school and o',will be welcone ta display forward it to the Bowmanville or her produce at the Memor- Chamber of Commerce before MI 'lArena. 'October 25. The ssays, will tÉhen During the aiternoon there be judgedi and prizes awarded will be a caîf show, a display of accordingly. The first 25 essays farm mrachinery, movies of 'in- received will each be given a terest to farmers and a sale of prize of $1.00. E. C. (Ted) Morris produce, home cooking, etc. has cionated $25.00 for individual S For thte younger set there will prizes. Essays will be judged on be gxhibits in fifteen classes, the basis of 75 marks for material with prizes for each. The prizes and 25 marks for style. The will be awarded for the largest $2500 doinated by Roy Nichols pumpkin, squash,' citron, turnip. will be split into three prizes, as rnango], potato, beet, carrot. follaovs: First Prize-$12; Second parsnip, onion, head of cabbage, Prize-$8; Third Prize-$5. cob of corn, apple, faîl bloomn and Incidentallv, the topic of the pear on exhibit. essay is ta be "Wh I think a Essay Contest Junior Farmers' weekly m'arket In additLon, an essay contest in Bawmativille wau]d be a good wilL be held. Every pupil in the thing for both Bowmanville and public schools in the Townships the community. Women's Canadian Club Hear - M-11-à%- tW. "Ul * a À * et- "Drn4bConn ypt .ifi- Ilrilk «Durhm flf~jflf~g flvpnt nqnlst s',erJ W AA.*Ii4 JU.I41 i BOW MANViI~ L l4JrA Tfl rUTTDc1TnAV n rrn lL. 1OneU I ft A Six Contraclors Suhaniling Tenders l'or Building New Memorial Hospital Scouts and Cubs Get Headquarters By Generous Citizen After having been run froni pillar ta post in their attempts ta establish a meeting place for themselves, the Bowmanville Cubs and Scouts have fînallyl found a place suitable for this purpose and available ta them- ta them only, in fact. Through the generosity of Art Collis and his company, a room has been fixed up for the Scouts in the Specialty Paper Products build- ing, (D.O. & P. Ca. factory) on Temperance Street. The room is situated on the south end of the building and is open (via windows, of course) on three sides. Originally, the plans for heating, elumbing and elec- tricity in thue building did not in- clude this room. but the company Fawv fit ta extend these facilities for the use of the Scouts, at a good deal of added expense ta them- selves. Old pipes have been torr out, the walls Plastered where necessary, electrical fixtures and otitiets installed and pipes and radiators put in for heating. Mr. Collis men.tioned that they- were neot going ta do this originally and probably would not have done it for any other reason. They feit, however, that the Scouts were certainly worth giving a hand ta and made the necessary repairs. -lncidentalv, Chief S. Venton reports that the Cubs and Scuts collected approximately 16 tons of wvaste paper a week ago Friday, from which they have realized a Profit of nearly $100. They wish ta thank ail those who gave themn aid in this drive, particularly the truckers and the Radio Shop ' vh o generously donated their services. 1Meat wvas the byword of the ther than trv ta show the proced- Bowmnanville Shows evening as the Lions Club gath- tire invol ved in the processing of cred at the C ommunity Centre, ail tyýpes of meat, the story deait Remakabl Gro th Mndayevening, for their regular chielly with cattie and beef. When In'I1L Srvce dinner-meeting. It was nat the the desired weight and age of the In elepLone nevie eat on the table wbich draws cattle has been rcached, they are this statement. althoughi it was shipped by trains either directly During the past four Y c7ars, deliciaus, but the meat on the ta the packîng plants or- ta feeder there has been a 50 per cent in- silver acreen used ta display the farms for fattening. In eitber crease in the number of telephones motion picture 'Meat an the case, a great deal of haggling is in service in Bowmanville, and Move." donc betveen agents for the local calîs have also increased Lion Gardon Elliot intraduced buyers and sellers, who work at 'by 50 per cent, F. Williams, Bell the speaker, Mr. L. G. Irvine, no fixed rate but set a new rate on Telephone manager here. said this Sales Manager of Swift Canadian practically every beef sold. week in reviewing the record- Company, who let the film do In some areas, cattîe may bc breaking post-war demand for moat of his talking for him, a]- shipped di-ectly ta retailers who service which bas required the though there is little daubt that have thel r awn abbatairs, but this addition of much especially-made he cauld have done just as well is a rarity taday. Eventually Most an'd castly equipment. without it. cattle arrive at packing plants via There are nov 1,880 telephones In introducing the pictume, Mr. train and truck, wýhere they are in use in Bowmanville compared Irvine explained the idea behindibutchered and prepared for fur- with 1.240 four years ago. Local it. "The consumnera of, the coun- ther.-shipmtrffy Varlous WaXrys. cails average 9,500 per day or try have only a remate apprer- Bceff may be cut clown la halves 3,200 more than in 1945. iaton of the Miles meat must or quarters, properly chillecl and In order ta meet this unprece- travel from the ranges ta the me- shippecl ta retail autiets, or in dented denand for service the tallera." he said. "This pirture areas of large retail sales, ta feed- company has continuously îm- explains the situation. Sînce the er plants and then ta storcs. There proved and enlarged ita facilities.* greatest portion of. the popula- the butcher does the lest of the In February, 1947, the chah ex- tion la ta be found in the cast ivork necssary ta prepare meat change was enlarged by the addi- and the majarity of meat-provid- for sale ta the consumer and seil tian of tereminals for 200 or mare ing livestock aie raised in the the mneat. That portion of the pro-t telephones, and a limilar exten- west, the main mavement of meat cess fram the parking plant an sion was completed in June, 1948. is from west ta east in Canada. Must beclone as speedily as pas- In pie o tis as imrae-The meat industry has beconie the sible sa that the meat is always P ment pragraf hich as mreedfaurth larges t in Canada and the as fresh a passible xvhen it reach- t int Ihe m haddtinof64 elene second largest in the world ýand es the consumer. Keeping it at thef in ouryeas, hee ae sillabut right in the middle of it aIl are proper teiperEture alsa aida ini 190ou aplianst wearting fo e-th e meat packers. whonr 1 re- this respe,,t. a vice hereatbe matngefr said - Apresen t. We are the middlèmann furt her extnia t haaer cha il- in moat cases, between the farm- Park is treated Famewhat dif- -- j.equirîng ~ ~ er and the retailers and, as suchfrnyt hepcigla.AI- ities, i an enlargemenit ,;,,,, .. . thnuuizh 1]a pr ' '+in :a L'AIfi PEZUw RLit Uj-Y NUMBER 42 Durham Oràtortcal Contest to Be Held Ski Club Holds Weiner Roast at Depew's Pavilion Last Wecbnesday night about young peaple gathered at Depe, Pavillon, East Beach, the arc .Ofn being the Ski Club Weit Roast. There were a number new faces and laist year's mem-bi turned out in fine style, They got off tà,a goad start w a Paul Joncs> and everyane gat know earh other. This xvas fi lowed by a binio dance startedi by Jark.Tait anîd Ruth Reynol After dancing around for awh a few gamnes m7ere suggested ai they passé-, the lifesav'er clown t lie on taothpicks. The tootbpic weu'e beld ho the mauth andi hands usecl-we ran thhnk of oi team that nligbt have won exce for yours truly. A lithle practi s aIl we need. It seems theme iw a bag dance but diue ta a sligý nishap it didn't last x'ery Ion a rar te e of teenf ryy 0 "; d.he aic-l ttme tibO in ai neexnagebuldngispln-' n" [ivr ytingm o on encs og" Â, cokes ....and .c.tt u luu. wrage hhdn ned for n xt yeard t ricnrd rgt a the plan ____n_____ t i hidr n11 tinof outside wire ndcble isInthis pictupe we try ta show asndlmsand ads are aften han ry a teyoped hnhtfrsaoltIvsmn e expeted a cotinu at hih just haw the meat industry oper- mk-ue ih tTepatdg.cksadape eee-adbwte ucin -We should overlook the child's and nagging; 'over-sahicitude that level in order ta keep Pace wîti tsi aaadwath made mav hasor cooked aind jA Pedbyery one. rdnt touigte pa-rr crime, and try ta fjnd the crime la pampering the child without demand. .position of any n'eat parker ila. maetreal o~f ork clnsupian. A Presid t e n fougHrnhen ol RoainamH drsnn committed against the child" said giving it same respansibility, ail ___________ Swifts is anly anc of many prk- rd ucn h pikrmnin ___________ retdk-fpnki pcilvrto temn lasfrtecoming that Mr. Soragge is a n hr Miss Isobel McNeil, superintcnd- these thina are basic causes for ers, aIl of whom do the samefor aVeu sens. shîpment, the aidies season, surh as aur newbgerhePliRotosCmit ent ofthe Onaria Tainingdisturanre i a chid. Thechild reciou Nlemoi I wok in te samemanneUtSis heîî tceudinarutsrom the' chaet .tranrsfortatrasportaion hefthe Ineslmen Deales' As workin he ame arier hisbark not found an sides retailed and other ideas for a bigger and School for Girls, Cobourg, in a1 who fidgets, stutters, bites thel inCad. better club. and raisci:1 n Tron o oi high.y informative and enlighten- finger naîls, or bias nightmaresl Providence Church The picture began an the rich, The business of supphy-ig meat. The evening finished up with a graduating fromi the Unic~i ing talk an "Hostility hn Children" shows the firat physical signa of . i y grass-growing ranges of Al1berta, fo thetables f Cand'se oesung-soannd danigad thksfTrnoi om at the Women's Canadian Club nervousnesa and insecurity. avrs. .aDowson where the greateat portion a raaofaaatse aeta gh SocalaComng. an an nsa ceTor o a n Commre.l ,held at the Parish Hall on Mon- There are other signa whîch Canadian livestock ila raised. Ra- (Continued on Page Six) tndhe SBoilnamteve eenFiancef of ortth . rid afi day aftemnoon. President Mrs. H. mav be, recogr>ized surh as a In yaur valuable paper a few ande lrv Brappn everone vent sitf or te o A. . is&C Gibson introduced the speaker, child's constant feeling af infer- weeks aga, there was a brief ~D successful evening. nem tbos. wha gave service during the war iority whirh hl revcahcd by a desire wrît up on the early bîstory of 1ur. Jam tlieses a- ship in thc Royal Canadian ta overcame bis feelings. Then ried a son of anc of t hose pioncer A m 'Imuumm iPoli Tax Penalty Navy. Miss MeNeil was espon- there il the child who indulges in famihies. 1 am able ta add a littîe sible for the training of 5,000 excessive day dreama. or shows a ta, what aiready bas been written. AndSo l SiriqSem onai 0f Beîng Single Wrens during hier terni of com- disposition ta hate people, and ha The Church was built in 1865, iiy U ie h rh A nv rar hr îllkl ears d position in 1948. againat real or imagincd wro ngs. Christ ian Church. The fallowing marruage licenses in .the nearfu Speaking on a subject which il Some youngstera have a tendency year sometbing warthy of note, 0 ture. This* week ail unmarrieed of tremendous intemeat ta ail con- tarlive in the past, which may was.that of a double mariage in -~We live in a xworlcl that il ug- The cburrh was weil-filled fa! men over the age of 21 and scientiaus citizena, Miss McNeil be more pleasant than their pres- the churcb. The officiating minis- norant of what trie hfe of Christ the servire whîch was condurted under 60 eceived their notic declared that we are taday reap- cnt way of ]J.e, or tbey will be ter was Rev. William Jalhiffe. in God really is ', saîd Dr. James bv bhe minister, Rev, S.R. Hender- that paymcnt of their poilI ax ing a barv est of depression ancl satisfied witb very mediacre ar- The contmacting parties were Mm. Semple of George St. United son. The choir under the cirer. was due. Officiais at the Town war. Many of those %vho are rom- complishmun ta. . Thomas Smale and Miss Prudence Cburch, Peterboro, gueat pmecrer tuon -r- Mr.R. G. Harle assiated Hall reparted on Wednesday that mtted ta the Training Schoals Misa McNeih stresseci the 'im- Ann Johns, and Mr, John Johns at Trinity United Church Thank- un the service and sang Quilter's, payments were coming in faimlv are children homn of parents wha partance of the teacher in dealing -and Miss Lovedy Smale. Aftem Offcrîng Services last Sunday, in anthem, Non Nabis Domine". fast and should belp ta swell the were on relief. When the war iiith children and the fart that their honcymoon ta Toronto Faim bis mornirg address. Vemy fcw The soprano solo, "Repent Ye" dwindling tow n caffers. The coat came, the ftthers left ta fight for tao frequently they try ta deal and Niagara Falls, Mm. Smale and people hav such a witness of Jesus waa sung by Mrs. R. G. Harle, ta the maIe population hasî$1.00 their country; motbers started ta with the expressions of delîn- bis bride eturned to the famm on Christ that thev ran speak of HimL work in factories and the children quency instead of the roat causes. whhch the rhurch was buhît. He irecîx at anv of theur social func Smplere ah the aclig evice br. were expected to find for themn- She stated that coparal punish- proved ta te a valuable nimber thons",ble continued. ngmcle reeye the Chrstan cebmhIJ.1go Ixclv selves. Problem children do not ment was uselas in dealing with of the churcb. as hie and Mr. Mark Taking for bis text Sang li n Japan, China and Plan for ic corne from this clasa alone. how- a delinquent child. Ail that it coca 'Dowson altemnated an Sundays as Sangs 6:10, "Faim as the moon corig Bree rotain, aom'.uscuss Pa o e'er. They mnay be observed in s make a child behave better Superintencient of the Sunday clear as the suni and as terribleta een rposfou he middle classes and from the while çhe bias the threat df pun- School for over forty ye.irs. Be- as an army with bannera", 1Dm. tstandhtineshurchmn frm iFaanAexi.e milles of the very wealthy. 'shment over bier head, but it cloes sicles working with Mr. Smale, Se'mple set up the qualifications ml f~httesii (Gd T e~d Miss McNeil, Aduhts attri- not change the rhild. Experience Mm. Dowson was Class Leader for of an effective churrh in aur day. a oinantonTeshd el- e exerutieo omnil bute the increase of juvenile de- witb children blas praven that many yeams. In recognition of bis '"The churrh neecis people inter- mented th eiclenre of spiritual brnb fCnadian Legion, diF- linquency ta gangs, mavies, com- those mioat vioîently abused- are services, thç cangregatian pre- ested in rigbteousness instead of recessonnA merca Th pesetrussed many plans for future icsanmd other things: evervthing the most hostile. sented him with a large uphol. safetv. It il easy ta be a Christian American or ep f Gdrt s t ar tivities ai their meeting laFt 11.P. Spi-agge except their own inadequacy." Miss McNcil outlined the activi- atered char and ta Mrs. Dowson heme in Bowmanvihle,. but in1 "He i n anrt e essitat week. Ta begin wvith, there wull The childmen of the training tics of the achool, and what us a cabinet af fIat silvemwame. China and Japan it takes cour- tho g He i tl ab u onjb a m tjn O o er 2 wh hH l!s D i g W r schools, wben they are first ad- being donc ta meet the persanal- Another name omnitted fmom the age. There ila no roam for cowvard- uhH ssulaot01 will feature a film ta be presented After reprcsrnting this om mîtted, are filled wîth hostility ta ity needs of the rbildren in theur former repart. was Mr. Carter ire", hie stated. He also pointed wben needed in time of trouble by the Carling Breweries.' panry in se'-cral impoi-tantcets everyone and express these strong came, by caunselling and the or- Blackburn, vha w'as Bible Class aut the social implications of the I'ln Canada there il a definite On Ortol-er 28, the Zone mpeet- in Ontario. he was reca lIed a emotions by the beaking of win- ganrization of hobbies and recrea- teacher for farty years. Gospel, for while unemplayment emphasis onu the Evangel, and a in of the Canadia Legio will Tomanto ofice just pmr ta l dows and other violent reactions. tion activ:ties. is rampant, theme can be fia sur- growth of the 'cel' idea wýhirh tag lae i saand gr.Nov a II jie p v and usually with badl language. In bier 'concluding remamks the Duing ai those years there had vival of the Christian ideal of lif,. rnay well bc the hope of relig- 6 *there wilI be a chumch parade dealers, ail throiufh the warpr Some of the children are so badhy speaker stated tbat the difficul- anly been anc funeral service in The speaker also stmessed th e ion", said Dr. Semple, 'but. what of local members. i od, hie wisauciy cý-ngucjr damaged emotionally, that tbey ties we are now facing in dealing the rhumch. a Mr, Alhin, father ai importance of vaung people. us the znatter with the rburrh that OnArilc a Nv beWrFnnewok cannot be cured hy therapv. and with juvenile delinquents could Mr. Samucl Allun. It was Mr. John wamk in tbe churcbi. Taking illcîs. we have time for evervtbing else. OnA iirDa.N ebrWrFnncwrk must be sent ta mental institu- have been siope yfn- Hoar who broke bis iba inatead tratians from the pages of bistory but lttle place for the vital things il, the Bowmanville LeRion will For a tiue ho as on icno menalChrstanprinciples. She of Mm. Frd Hoar, as formally me- ne silawed bis congegatlan thb't of the Christian life, Bible study hold a memorial service at the la full-time basujs Io ihe Natoa Of cauricai these outward outlined five uletatmgten porteci. aIlteetleaera CeIas,. and prayer?" As be concl'uded aàeoahu h onn n War Finance Con-umitice ada- expressions are the resuits o! sure a happy and emotionaîîy ba- Wonder ïf sameone could give . Luther, Wesley, the Pilgmini vcry powerful and searhing ad- Aimeomiannero i thiaea eren-ng.ssel1trtn ptc emn deep-lying causes. Miss McNeil iancd child; spiritual and moral a fuller hîstory of Providence Fathers, the leaders of the French, dreýs, Dr. Semple stated tbt the Al"trn ftisae r 0ctWam Finaner Oigar..;-aon then procceded ta, set forth the training which will enable the Church, for the benefit af those Rivoluïon, and lattcrly of tht' eal necd of the United Churrb ited ta the dinner, whether or Toron-a. IJoj"aclcuo. thmig outstanding factors which cantin- chilcd ta stand under the pressure who cherish happy memomies of World Wars.. ....ere men stijli tclayusl spiritual revival. ....not they are members o! the Leg- se\e- o! tue nune Vuc-toxLoi bute to their mental disorders. Re- o! life; and undemstanding and de- thase by gone days. in 'the early years of life. -~yOuth a p resemvatioiî and rejuvinatio'n ion. The probable speaker ls the Campaigný. lie v sVîccir- jection. that is, beîng unwantecl. velopment o! the child's persan- Mrs. Seward Dowson bias a plade in the rhumch o! today. of its present life. Rev. W. F.' Bannister, well-known man of the Gerý ua!-Scie:fr o eesDised, or madle t feel that, aity; for very child a home with -and of tomorro,' lbe said. The choir led thi rongregatioal past ycars. sumoci bJs owr. v iii e Ame tbey are înterfering with parent- love and security that a home pro- May or Joe Smith, who bias been Conrîuding with the .od fsnigac as otiue w fimm where ho us i ov, a 'dcco rr r;t-zzsing exces ai "e!y safe, saritary and wholesome, and Recreational Amena. estimnates it clared that only that kind of ànnga -ldaTad ar n abc-.,t cml ,c-- imagined faufl or a commur.ity which will make will casi $75 a day ta operate it. rhurch %wauld commandl the r chorale. 'lesu. Joy of Man' De- Canigtvald a tae n Faim,001 anAarke -D ~prnval whîch ila provision for the cultural and so- Use of the ire wilh be charged at 1 ýpect of the warid and lead ntbs ring*' and Jug meOGd' Recreational Amena on Nov, 25- 'Mr. Spriizer, corrmnun-cd i expressed ÔY constant acolding cial needa is0 the child. $8.00 an boum. people ta Christ,. by Mendelssohn. 26. rlin adesby àkr The Place of the Investment Dealer S75 ýw's as- 0cer 1of cèrs itb 1ta off Id . ile tne hoe hti a iýetnittD, me id d" was iho ,ub.icct of an unfri 'pt inative and tml addrcs dclii se emadi by W. P. Spragge, a diirect( -as of the A.E. Arnis & Co., Toroit, bt ta members of Bowmpinville R( 1 il aucic-ce ftic quci-tion .-é bat us Or- an, Iovestmcnt Dealer?" and then iv- Pror-erdrd ta tell what lie la liai. tor An un\-rstmejot dealcr la not a o. brukeur A broker, %x'bo is usually o- a mecnber of the stock exchange, ie dcnfot act as a principal but. as Ir. an agaent. He exerutes i aur order i- ta Livý or sel! with fia liability on îg bis part, If he carries out youm rs ai-dem, lie .obarges you a brokerage or a ecmissîon based on a arale n- agi-eei ta l-y ail membrs of the cd Exchange. of An invePýtment dealer, on the ee othrr hand, la not an agent but a - principal anýd a merchant similar rn ta the corner gracer. Tbe 'grorer on bu * s vaîrious merchandise and xý thu.s la bis ioventoi'y, bis stock in dý trade, Some of bis articles move ce faster than athers but as % mule hie ., deals in fast maving staples at a ig profit or bass. Profit ani Loss ISimilari,- the unvestmnuct deal- er~ us a merchaiii, but hîîstead of graccrurs hoe deals un the mer- cbauîndising of srcuirities. Just like the g-i-ccu-. vben lho buys thcmn he owns then and bias an inven- tai-y of secuirities wbich la bis * Aock in irade. He huys tliese at oie prier-.aud scîls at another but the differencé is bis profit om bass. If theueaIe's decision is 'rigbt" on the position lic takes andclie u-nakns a profit, it ha commaiîl] nown as good .uuclgement". n 1 the ou ber band if lie is- wro(g reusultiog in a loss it la cammou ly knawn as -bad Itick"'. These mer- u-bandiscîrs of securities are the îmen wbo go t rfuake up tlîe mem- hrrsbip of!fice Investmcnt Deal. ers' Association. i SmaiI Beginning Up untul Worîd War 1, the in- 'calsment business in Canada was ralier a small affair. Canada wqs an iumparier a! capital, and the Caiîadian markct was dominatecl lau-gcly by London, England. At the outbreak of war in 1914 the British malrket was shut out and Canada tcumned ta New York ta finanice be-r mar requirements tîntil the United States entcmed the war in 1917 and Canada was foruced ta market lber Victory Loan bonds at home. It was duming this period that oum go\vemomirentoffemeet tax ex- empt gox-emfimeot issues, somne af wîýn vtbi cocupans of 5 !2',.Mr. Sprapgc ziatecd tat this was the furs iie *that Canadians mcaîized the aclvantages attacbed ta 'Ar- mcd Int-,resi" and started the uctecrting hobby of coupon clip. ping. Also at thua linme the Bond Deiilcrs' Association of Canada ow knowý.n as the Investment I)eaîdma of Canada was harn. This gu-oup in ils infancy was called uipon by *lie Dominion Govern- menu tola rganize and ronduct Cànala's Vucîory Loan Campaigna of World War I. (Continued on Page Six) S1There are at Ieast six - firms dancing and earned $1.15. This r figuring the general contract for sumn was turned over ta the Hos- the erection'of the new Bowman- pital Board and the Secretary was 7ville Memorial Hospital reported instructed ta write the little girls sMelville S. Dale. Chairman of the thanking themn for the hard -Bowmanville Hospital Board. This earned donation. ireport was made at the regular The remainder of the meeting manthly meeting of the Board was occupied with a technical dis- held in the Nurses, Residence oni cussion an the plans and spec- Friday evening from a repart ifications of the new hoapital sub- cked up in the Daily Commercial mitted by the architect, Harold wews published in Toronto. J. Smith of Toronto. In addition sepprate plumbing * and heating and electrical trades The SuperintendentIs repart for are figuring on. tenders for the the month of September revealed new 50-bed T-shaped structure. the followi*ng farts and figures: The tenders wîll close on Monday, 1948 1949 October 24, at 5 p.m. and the No.'of Admissions -76 94 Board decided on a special meet- No. of Discharges -80 115 ing ta be held on TueséTay, Oct. No. of Births ---------- 23 30 25. ta peruse the variaus tenders. No. of Deaths a ------ 4 5 One of the highlights of a rather No. of Stillbirths - O- 0 2 stereatype meeting vhere the us- Patients% in Residence 28 23 ual accaunts were passed and the Days Stay ----- ----- _ 613 1019 sulminar matters were dis- Operations - ------ - 37 49 cussed was the announcement of No. of X-Rays ----- 0 17 the Superîntendent, Miss Lenore Districts from which patients Harding, that she had rrceived a are admitted: donation for the hospital. Male Female It was not the size of the dona- Bowm-anville _- ---il 28 tion but rather the way that it was Other parts of earned s0 it could be presented Durham County -- 10 27 ta the hospital. Three little girls Other Couinties living in the vicinity of the has- in Province -----------6 pital: Brenda Kitching, Margaret AIl others------------- 1 >O Buchan and Beverley' Wilson, - - went around ta variaus bouses in 28 66 the neighbourhaod singing an-d1 Total - 94 Lions Club Shown Educational Film on "Meat on the Move"'ý For the f irst time in twelv %ears the annual speaking con test sponsored by the Durhar Trustees' and Ratepayers Asso ciatian will be held in Bowmar ville. Here la the apportunity fe ahl up and coming yaung peopli ta give forth with their oratorica fireworks Pt the Bowmanvill High School Auditorium, on Fr day. Nov. 4. The winner of this cantest wil be eligible to compete . for th( championship in the District con. test, ;vho in turn will take pari in the final campetition at Eastei for the Provincial prizes in To. ronto. Winners will be judged ai a basis of 100 marks-,*15 each fai material and style; 10 for lang. uage; 30 for effectiveness in de. livery, and 30 for x'oice. Judging will be an the following specificatians: Material-Are the facts trust- wurthy and accurate? Does the speech caver the subject? la it interesting and worth listening S t y l - ( C h e r e c e ) I s i t c l e a r - ly and accurately expressecl? Are the ideas wvell arranged? la the transition from idea ta idea smaoth or awkwvard? Force-Are the sentences and languuage farcible? Is the begin- ning such as ta challenge the at- tention and has the speech an ef- fective conclusion? Language-Is'there an. adequate vo2ýabu]ary and accurate expres- sion of ideas? la the language fresh or hackneyed? Are there errors in the use of wards, or in grammar, or in pranunciatian? Delivery-Effectiveness-Is j5the speaker in sympathetic touch vith the audience, or is he mere- ]y reci-ting a memarized speech? Is it convit-cing? Does he grip the attention (f audience? Is there any emotional appeal? Delivery-Voice-ls the vaice agreeable or harsh or strident? Is it modulated or manatanous? Does it carry? Is enuniciation distint Pension, Plan for Employees Enforcing of Speed Limits Passed at Special Session r le Pension acheme fou town cm- by Reeve Norman Alhuson again aiplox ces, e fomcing sýpecet Ia,, a s, ro- sparked off another debate on the le poseci tav n waterexe al~0e toi%, aExr situation. The final ion Publir Utilîties takîng ovCk outrome resultecl in the two sewage system and annual muni- above memnbers moving a motion il cipal election a \vere anhy a feiv o! requesting the Utilities Commis. ýe the tapirs discusseet at a ]euîgtby sian ta engage an additionah con- 1- special meetinîg o!thie Town tiCouin- Scultiug engine er ta look ino the 7cil Tuesclay evening. AIl mcm- xx-lole maîter o! future water ýr bers were presenit xx'tlî Mayor supply. -Lawvrenc C. Mason presicling. j'lie by-law for the aninuFi mu- n Penion Shemuicipah elortion passed. Tlis yeam PesonSheethe rlrctiouî, if necessarv, x.-ilh be A by-haw aetting uup a peniiSoni eîd an Monclay, Derembrr- 5. -scbeme for aIl to\wo eunpldyees %%as the niaat diseussed niatter Floor for Amena wh icb finally led ta readiîîg a A requcat by the Mruiorial 9bv-law \vhich wiib autiiorize tlie Ameia Cammittee wxaa macle scheme ta atari on November lat. thraugb Caun. Melville Dï.'-c ask- eUnder the plan past service ivilIig permission and ic. -?ssary nat be taken ino consideratioîîIuuîda ta go ahcad xith tlii"Flaor- cdue ta the town being outstaîîding iuîg o! the irena. A pricc o: $3.899 u n munirloal rirrîrs for its aId lîad been ohtainec from a Tor~onto age employees. However. this firm. This sum would covc:- drain- may bc chFngccl laier but t pres- age and sumfaring wvbicb would cnt the system raIls for the mnui- bc guarantee for two y ccrs. The ripality Ia provide 5.3 Çof the majamity of ratuncillors x'cre flot' employecas sahary ta go inta a satisfied- that they had sufficient igoverrimerit annuity s c hcm e. information regamding the projert With the settiog-up o! this plan and as the Committe hsalaready the tawn will be eutitled *a me- in debitat the town for approx- ceive 25<, annuahîx- o! police imately $7.000 ta $8,000 the matter costa through a provinciàl grauît. xvas referu'ed back ta tiie Amena Under the by -law cadi emplov- Committee for mare information. ee that is uîow emlPloyecd by tie Council also rdqucsted that a town cao Eldct as ta wliet'hrr he represduîtative from the firm -be xisbes ta jcin thie plan but iuî fu- present ta exPlai- exartly wbat ture it will bc a coniditian of onm- hhs compariy would do ior this ployment. Imoncy. Enforce Law Communications were receiveci fromn the Lathangue Bras. asking Coun. Nelson E. Osbor-ne. Chair- pe"mission ta erect gas punhp and man of Police Coniunittrc, brought tank in front of iheim stand, Mat- i'n sevcîral matters couîcer-uing bis ter- as refcmred ta Public Propcr- de.partment..-The înostimîportant ty Committe wlo arc ta obtain xvas a motion that thie police eii- advice from the Town Solicitor foi-cc the spced laws iii to\wu-i aund andi ta report bark to counril. A issue summanses when a violatioun equest' from Hotbrrington andt is macle. Police Commitîre wcrc Hay for xvater and storm sewem alFo authorizeci to purrhrse "No an Meadomview Baoulevard was Parking on Thia/Side" aigns ta be 'tumned over ta ýRoad Supt. Aif erecteci an Queeîî St. Pe-rmission Bickeil ta bring in a report. was also granteci b have the Po- opDa [lire car re-ette-ed witb the wodsý Poppy Day it c a "Bowmanvi!Ile Police Dcpart- Leghou-n ap omtc a muni" inscribcd tJ-iercoui. gi-autecl permission ta bolet Poppy The b7-Iaxv for the ' rte on the Da on Saturday, Nov. 53. Letter question of taîkiug ovcr tîîe se from the Bell Telephone Ca. re- Comissiorn the Public Utilities gards prapoaed icase i0 rates Commision as read once and «vas laid on the table after con- the lad o te fblefo a urtersue'able discussion. Deputy- thenlaidot e pseîr fora fuitbem R*-aevýe Frank Jamieson moved by-cilaw t befasc t the r that advertisement be inserteet special emeein e fsoîn te eg- varning lhouseboiclers that it la larNaemar~esso. --j-gainast the law ,ta hum bIaves or Watr W mkIrubish on surfaced road. a] aj it it &ZJAJIUS VIN £Mlljtj. 'l-IILJKLi] )A Y - t M ;,It )K14;H. Y.flt.h ]YIti r.- IDV» '----t

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