HarCam. Brylcreem -- 29e-49c Vaseline Hafr Thaïec 55c-95c Fltch's Bab ir 0 - 19c-29e Vitalis _______ 4-990 Kremj ______59c-osc Wlldroot Cream 011 59e-99e Halo ______Ic-49c-89 Cocoanut Oil shampoo _____29C-496 Helen Curtis Shampos 69o NEW Bevion Plum Beautiful Lastron Combinaition - $2.00 Nail Enamel ____ SOC50 Lipstick ________65e TIM CAMADIAN BTATSM. B OW&ANqVlLE. ONTAMT SCOTT'S EMULSION -- Pmlty Teck- mis Ri h la Vitamin A - ed Sucahie lm Vltambc D 63e and$l19 Flashlghts, 2 -Z3else Complete - $1.294$1.75j$2.70 Nyal Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughs - BuiIds Up the Body Lge. BolUle -$ 1.25 Grove's Brome Quinine 35c-50c Laxaeold Tabs. --30e Buckley's Capsules- 35a 4-Way Cold Tabs. 40e Buckley's Mixture 40c-75c Mason's 49 ----------45c-75c Vick's Rub or Drops - 45e Toni Home Permanent UN INIY UBEwlth Spin Curlers $2.79 25ýe 94 Toni Refil--- $1.25 Hudnut's Home a lPermanent-------- ---$3.25 Hudnut's Refil- $1.75-$2.25 Simms Shaving Bru.shes - guaranieed brisiles $1. - $1.50 - $2. - $13. - 3.50 - $5. - 6.50 IT'S JUNIOR FARMERýBS' DAY in Bowmanville - Saturday - Be Sure to Attend - 95COWLIN G'S DRUG STORETUSE Isý The Nwhslldependent Mrs. Archie Riddell. Sharbot Lake, vislted hon sister Mrs. L. Deine and family. Mrs. W. J. Hockin visited in Ajax with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hock- in. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Fergus on the birth of their little daughter Cara Lee in Bowmanvllle Hospital on Friday. Miss Louise Trenwith has closed her home on Church St. and will spend the wlnter with her niece, Dorothy Trenwith in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jini Brant and Terry spent the weekend with Mis. C. Brant and Shiiley, Osh- awa. Miss Sarah Moise, Oshawa, visited her mother Mrs. B. Moise at Sunnylea Lodge on Sunday. Miss Mary Toms, bride-to-be, was guest of honour at a presen- tation held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, by the wives of the members of Newcastle Golf and Hunt Club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banchard and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Banchard took part in the huge shower and presentation in the No. 9 area for recent newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard on Satunday night. The Douglas home on King St. is once more closed for the win- ter. Mr. Douglas has taken hini- self to New York while Mrs. Ragen is once more established in hen home in Toronto. Mr. Murray Walton, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mis.. E. A. Walton. Mr. and Mis. Jim Garvoch and Joy have moved to thein new home ini Bowmanville. The Aiken Appliance Shop in Newcastle closes its doors this Saturday night. Why flot take advantage of the outstanding bar- gains in Kitchenware, Gifts, Paint and Wallpapcr being offered. Mrs. R. A. Milligan has returned home after visiting in Coldwateî and Toronto. Mrs. Herb Toms retunned homne from the west just in time to be co-hostess along with Mis. Lthel Fetties of Chicago at a shower for Miss Mary Toms, bride-elect of Novemben, on Tueàday even- ing. Misses Florence and Mary Tuff, Miss Salisbury and Mr. Percy Tuff, Toronto, visited Mrs. Frank Branton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Clarence Sims. the former Ruth Your Business in A Slump?9 More merchants are saying every day: "'I did less business this month than I did last; it must be the Slow- season Slump. It just has to happen every year. Mr. Merchant, Are You Sure ? Today, more than ever, the buying public is becoming dollar conscious. It is asking: "How much can I get for my dollar?" The Answer hs In Your Store! Today, with increased production, the merchants of Bowmanville have more to of f er than ever bef ore. Better quality at better prices. Many of our merchants are clearing their shelves of summer stock in order to stock more new f all merchandise. Many of those items are selling at reduced prices. Now Is* The Time To Duy TQDAY, now that you are clearing out your summer stock, you can off er your customers better values. TELL THEM ABOUT IT 1 Display Tour Nerchandie Through the medium of advertising in The Statesman yIou are enabled to reach a buying public of thousands. Once a week you are given an opportunity to tell the people of Bowmanville and district aboutthe big time- *ly bargains you havê in stock. Just remember, Mr. Merchcmt, THOSE WHO ADVERTISE REGULARLY' KNOW NO SLOW-SEASON SLUMP. The Canadian, Statesman i ]Rcid by 12M00 Prospective Cutomers Each Week p.. .1.. p. -q ORONO Mr. and Mrs. H. Turley daughter. Rae, Port Axthur, vlsiting her rndther Mrs. Dlckson. Rnd are ras. Honey-, Camenon, on the binth of thein second child last week. We are sonry to leain that Mis. Rod Carveth had the misfoitune ta be part of an accident just east of Newtonville on Sunday night. We are glad ta report she wasn't hurt seriouslv. Mis. Reta Embley, Mrs. Gardon Grey and Susan, Mis. Ross Embley, Miss Mabel Oldfield and Miss Evelyn Stapleton. were guests at a trousseau tea held An honoun of Miss Betty Gray of Oshawa on Saturday. Mn. and Mis. Jack Crago visit- ed Mn. and Mis. Sam Powell, Lakeshone, and Mi. and Mis. Eben Crago, Providence. The United Chunch Choir is working hard to give an out- standing performance on the oc- casion of the church's 125th anni- vensary. They are practising under the direîtion of Mn. Neil Stewart, Kendai. We are veîy sonry to hean that Mis. D. B. Simpson has been l in Kingston Hospital. She is now convalescing with hon daughteî, Mis. Martyn Estaîl. Newcastle Cubs held a success- fui "Apple Day" on Satunday. It is nice to see the people support such a worthy organization. Newcastle is actually gaing ta have a covened rink. The com- mittee has at last given thc green light ta the contractai and build- ing and excavation should have stantcd by Wednesday. The rink is ta be situated on land just west of Mis. Mark Allin's, flot fai' fram the Flats. Volunteer labour is cxpected ta defray much of the erection costs. Mr. Reg. Green lcft the Queen's Hotel and marîied a Toronto girl on Oct. 22. Mn. and Mis. Green expected ta sail for England on Oct. 26. Mn. and Mis. Henry Bowen and Darlene visited Mr. and Mis. Harold Crawfoîd, Blackstock. Chamber Commercel TYRONE Miss Annie Wright, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Cole. Mr. and Mis. Raymond Clapp visited Mn. and Mrs. Everett Bow- ers, Belleville. Mr. AUf Marshall and Charles, Mimico, with Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Mr. Donald Yellowlecs and friend, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mrs. W. F. Park visited Mr. and Mrs. Carson Taylor at Meadow- vale. Miss Joyce Woodley attended the Green - King wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley visited Mis. L. Woodley in Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Arlene and Jacqueline, at Long Island Point. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Howsam, Grcenbank, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mis. C. W. Woodley spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. Gregory Friend, McGill University, Montreal, with Mn. and Mrs. Otto Friend. Mr. Walter Annis, Mn. and Mrs. Harris Little, Dunbarton, Mr. and Mrs. George Annis, Ebe- nezer, with Mr. and Mis. A. H. Brent., Mr. Ed. Hawkey, Edmonton, Alta., Mr. and Mis. Richard Haxvkey, Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Bowmanvil]c, called on Mr. and Mrs. A, Hawkcy and Mrs. G. Phare. Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mis. A. Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Cecile and Douglas, with Mr. and Mis. Geoffrey Astley, Pickering. Miss Marg Quinncy, Bowman- ville, with Doreen Rahm. Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, visited Mrs. E. Prescott and Mrs. H. Hardy. Mn. and Mrs. G. Thompson, Mr. T. Hamilton, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Nelson Wilson, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Stire. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stainton and children visîted Mi. and Mis. L. Bradley, Enniskillen. Mis. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp atttended the weddlng reception of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickle (nee Clara Sabins) at 3URKETON Mr. Fred Truilla isvsiting his sister Mis. Allen in Rochester. Miss A. Basnett and Miss P. Gray motored to Nonwood Satur- day ta attend the Teachens' Dis- trict Federation meeting. We extend sincene sympathy ta Mr. A. A. Dnummond and fami- ly in the death of his fathen Mr. A. Drummond in Toronto. Mis. C. Wood lasvlsitlng her son Mr. Neil Wood in Lakefield. Mrs. Jas. Dickson was in Hamil- ton attending the wedding of Missj Rosallnd Beck and. Mn. John Clark on Oct. 15. Mrd. Fred TIull visited In To- ronto with hon daughten Mis. Ross1 Stonehouse. Mn. Sam Keene, Brighton, spent Sunday at hîs home here. Mr. and Mis. Bill Rowland and daughter, Toronto, were guests of his parents Mn. and Mis. H. Rowland. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Zavitz, Tonrance, Muskoka, visited Mn. and Mis. D. Hooper. Mis. Miliord Davis, Lakefield, visited her sister Mrs. Robent Ard. Mis. Agnes Alger, Oshawa, was guest of Mn. Robert Sherwin aiid Miss Edith Sherwin. Mis. Margaret Woodley, Santa Monica, Cal., visited Mn. and Mis. D. Hoopen. Mn. Beverly Henderson has bought the Burgess house in the Npith Waîd and will be moving in the nean future. Miss Maxirne Mallery and Miss Bernice Corbett, Cobourg, visited Mn. and Mis. H. Barlow. The choir of Park St. United Church were in Kirby on Sunday cvening assisting in the anniver- sary services, singing two wcll rcndered anthems. Dr. Oke, Wcl- corne, was guest speaker, giving helpful and inspiring messages. St. Savioun's Anglican Church was filled Sunday evening at their anniversany service, when Rev. Gordon Bruton, a former Oronoý boy and now the minister of St. Agnes Anglican Church. Long Branch, was guest speaker. Evening Auxiliaîy W.M.S. met at the home of Mis. Carl Billings- Thursclay cvening. Mis. C. Mc- Laren had change of the devotion- ai and Mrs. C. Smith gave a read- ing on the life of lilbert Schweit- zen. Mis. Ray Canelton was guest speaker and Mis. A. F. McKenzie and Mrs. Cecil Joncs sang a duet. Refîeshments were served and *a social time cnjoyed. - . PAGiF ug'!Wq Department of Educati on Concert Series Second Concert, HIGE SCHGOL AUDITORIUM Wednesday, Noyember 2nd,' Artisis:- MARIO DE SOTTO, Violinist, YVONNE GUIGUET, Pianist MARGUERITE GIGNIAC, Soprano JAMES MILLIGAN, Baritone Reserve Ticket Sale Opens at McGregor's Drug $tore MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st at 9:30 an. -Tickets Available from any Member uf the Lions Club- Saturday. - UNIOR FARMER'S DAY at F. F. MORRIS CO, <Continued from Page One) Mn. Hamill poînted out a number of reasans for them. Speakers in the schaols could be a very im- portant factor in helping a student ciecide in what field to apply his talents and what fuither educa- tiori he might need. Visits to busi- nesses would have the same cf- fect. Visits ta schools by members of the chamber would aid them in deteîmining what specialized training is being given which could be applied to their vaniaus businesses. In some cases, Mr. Hamill said, the members will be astounded by what is bcing taught these days as a practical aid ta students soon ta step out on their awn and take their places in the woîking world. As for the scholarships, he has found that some chambers have tricd them as a faim of boan in cases wherc students have ability, ibut lack funds for funther educat,,on. They have neyer been d!lsappoiritcd in these "loans" and have found thcy paid off handsomely when the students eventually lcft schaol and entened into business. To Aid Home And Schooi Highly stîessed in Uic suggest- ions fnam Kitchener was Uic idea that schaoling should be more publicized; that an impîovcd mannen of public relations should be cstablished betwccn teachers and the public, panticularly the parents of students. This would be donc in co-aperation with the Home and School Clubs, which the committee felt weîc not, et present, aIl they might be, due ta lack of intenest and participation by fathens. The opinion was statcd that these clubs have evolvcd in some plaw~ into women's clubs which gradually drifted away fîom the original intent of the argarfizations. Stant Woîk Immediately It was dccîded, by the mcm- bers of the C. of C., present, that work shauld be staited immed- lately on the pnoject, since t would likely take some time be- fore concrete resuits would be noticeable. President KeiUi Jack- son, Wm. L. Lycett and Geo. W. James were appointed ta select a committee who will be knawn as the Educationai Committee. At the same time, the educators of Bowmanville will be askcd ta form a cammittce. These twa gnoups will then get together and discuss education in Bowmanville and how it might be pantially in- tegrated with business. Mi. Hamill was highly pleased with thein reception of the idea and their enthusiasm. He stated his .willingness ta nreturn at any time the committees decide ta meet and ta answer any questions and give any aid it is possible for him ta do. CHESTERFIELD SUITES ~ 2A.- as low as $129-00 Cholce of FREE premium witli each cash purchase - Saturday onlyl Saturday Specials il Every Deparimoent Studio Lounges - Bed Outfits - Chrome Sets - Strollers - Cribs Electric Washers - Bed Daven ports - Floor Coverings - End Tables - Coffee Tables - Mattresses Cushions - Smokers Tri-Lite Lamps Complets Buy now for Xmas $17.95 v Save up to $15.00 on a fine I CEDAR CHEST IModel Shown - SaturdaY Special $48.85 &a low as $79.00 - SaturdaY Pay Cash and Get a FREE r - e i - q. Il, I -, Oulslanding Acconnis With STGRNS CGNTRACTING CO. LTDO will receive prompt attention Mail address:- NEWCASTLE -ONTARIO SUPERTEST STATION Hampton AERO DUO JET DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL PUMPS QUAKER SPACE HEATERS DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES PREST - 0 - LITE BATTERIES C. H. WILDUR Plione 2752 1 1 Approximately two hundred neighbours attended a 1-iewell party for Mis. J. GlU and Mr. and Mns. H. Gi and Donald on Tues- day evening, Oct. 18, at Ennis- killen Hall. Rev. R. Seymour act- ed as chairman. When the GilU famiily had been seated on the platform, Mi. Bill Johnston read an address of appreciation and a chrome kitchen set and electric table lamp were presented ta the family in appreciation of thein work in the community. Dancing took Up the rest' of -the evening. Sunday, Rey. C. W. Hutton, Blackstock, was guest speaker at Thankoffering Services. Special ni'usic was unden the direction of Mis. K. Roblin. Monday evening, Dr. J. Devitt showed his movies taken in the North. His reels included some excellent shots of deei, bears, loons and fishing. On the same program were Mr. C. Carveth's pictures of Banff, sports, and wild life. Between reels there was a short musical program. We wish to thank both Dr. Devitt and Mn. Carveth for their interest. Mns. H. Rahm had her house covercd with insul brick. Mn. and Mrs. T. Bailey are hav- ing their house wined for electrici- ty. Mn. J. Lawson, Toronto, Mis. J. O'Hearn, Mn. and Mns. T. Elvis and baby, Lefroy, visited Mis. E. Caughill. Mr. and Mis. L. Saunders and Diane, Millbrook, with Mn. and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick, Mili- brook, Mr. and Mis. Cyrus Trick, Syracuse, N.Y., Mrs. W. Laveny, Toronto, Mn. and Mis. Levi Glennie and famnily with Mn. and Mis. G. Carnochan. Mis. Crewson Woodstock, with Mn. and Mri. A. Ribey. Mn. and Mis. J. Kerr, Mis.. W. Fec, Peterboro, with Mrs. L. Haesman. Mis. E. Darcy, Blackstock, with Mîsr. J. Carter. Mn. Arthur Ribey was a gucst at the Rotary-Lions Club banquet in Bowmanville Monday xlight. KIRBY feby church held very success- fu hankeffering services on Sunday. Dr. C. C. Oke, Welcome, dellvened two very fine sermons. Ini the afternoon the local choir assistcd by Miss Dora Youmans supplied the music. In the even- ing Orono choir rendered two lovely anthenis. Ladies please keep in mind the W.A. and W.M.S..meetings next Wednesday. We are pleased ta sec Mn. Bull Wannan out again after his et- tack of pneunionia. Visitons: Miss Dora Youmans and friend, Toronto, with hon parents, Mr. and Mis. E. Youmans. Mrs. R. R. Waddell, Mis. Hattie Patterson, Mrs. Leslie McGee, Orono, and Mi. and Mis. You- mans visited Mis. Patterson and Mis. Wm. Wannan. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chap- man and Donald with Mr. and Mns. E. R. Bryson. Mn. and Mis. Aif. Perrin and son. Clanke, with his parents. Mr. John Tamblyn, Onono, with Mr. and Mis. A. J. Bigelow. Mn. and Mis. Mult. Wannan visited Mr. and Mis. Jas. Wan- nan and Jean. Mn. and Mis. George Clarke and Miss Gerîy Donnelly, Toronto rand Mn. Roy Sleep withMn. and Mis. Wm. Wannan. Most of us have a soft spot in oui heaits for the childien - - oui own and othens, too. It's too bad that many of us also have a soft spot in oui heads as far as the safety of childien is concenned. How many people are there who drive cars or walk across streets as carefully as they expect their children to do sa? The tiuth can be as embarrassing as it is danger- ous. Safety in traffic has ta be a family affair. What Dad and Mother do has got ta. be O.K. Eveny panent on aider child has ta set the kind of example on the stîcet that will keep their family out of traffic accidents for the rest -of life. Fedenal gavernment contribu- tion ta Canadian old age pensions is now more than sixty-foun mil- lion dollars a year. The Super-Efficient OILO - NAGIC 011 Heating MAKES YOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUPMINT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Money' on Your Fuel Costs- Phone or Consuit JACI< BROUGH PLUMBING - EATING, Division St. S. Bowmanvlle New Phone Number 615 The Statesman Sold AI Following Store: Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcaste Wilson & Brown, Newtonvill. 7 T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byani, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Haipton Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreil, Orono W. J. Bagneil, Jury &.Lovell J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry md The Statestnan Office, Genasha Hotel, Oshawa, Satun- day. Many thanks toalal thosewh helpcd ta maké aur bazaar such a grand succcss, also ta Miss Aked who so kindly showed lantern slides, Mis. G. Brent wha led in a sing sang and ta Mis. Jewell for a piano solo. Mn. and Mis. Murray Tabb at- tendcd Uic wcdding of Mn. and Mis." Earl Dingman (nec Jean Taylor), Oshawa. Mns. Tabb was matron of bonour. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Alldread, Mr. and Mis. O. Beckett visitcd Mr. and Mis. Albert Beckett, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mis. D. Stainton visited fiiends in Rockcroft. Mr. and Mis. A. Youngman and childien visitcd Mi. and Mrs. Ken Sparks, Richvale. Mis, George Alldread lcft Sun- day ta visit her parents in Monc- ton, N.B. Mis. W. Miller is with her niece Mis. J, Bird, Bowmanville. Miss Peggy Goulah, Bowman- ville, with Gwen Davey. Mr. Errol Hughson, Toronto, visited Mis. Mina Hughson. Mi. and Mis. Norman Byens, Toronto, visitcd Mn. and Mis. Otto Virtue and accampanied them ta Peterbora. Mis. W. C. Siceman, Mr. and Mis. R. J. Cassidy, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Brent. Mr. and Mis. Lance Plain, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Taîbert Findlcy, Thornhill, Mis. Effa Bellamy, Carvale, Man., visited Mr. and Mis. Otto Virtue. Miss Donothy Skinner and Miss Eleanor Robinson, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mis. Harold Skinrner.