ie75 ~GE TEN _____________________________________ - - -- - - .~. ~.. = c .a,...a.... W a.&.rL&' I q'~U~ (~A ~.?AflA ?.2 ~PY'A'P1!as5A P3 Uf%~tIA s:~~2.fl? f ~ #~t1Wt A IlWEDDINGShe bridegroom's gift ta the wore a navy blue dress, with navy1 failure ini ail his teachini1er. Knns norevsl h Kitchen 1Clean-Up E DN Sbieadteid'sgf to her accessories, and a corsage o e Congratulations Ihoney tha 1. Do flot scrape food.fromgran- matron aof honor were rhinestone roses. They were assisted by the pupils. Mrs. Wallace srse ln~tesiga ~ .!e, s tchps oa eare MKIIHTATIL necklaces, and the bride's gift ta mother af the groom in cantinen- success, character, findingfrknns naohrLno kte,w&aidchips S oak enlMKIGTNI the flower.girl was a gold locket. tai green crepe with black acces- yourself a good vocation ini ok clinging food. Scour itains Ebenezer United. Chulh was The best man and xshers rereived sories and a corsage of red roses. choose a career, suitable to1 ur with scouring powder. the scene of the wedding on Ott. personal gifts f romi the bride- For their wedding trip to self and master it; give fiuUm - ufl 2. Do flot use soda or ammonia 15, of Joan Elsie Antil and Mr. groom. weLsterni Ontario and Detroit, the sure always. Presentatin o to clean aluminum. Rub William McKnight. The bride is Later the couple left for Niaga- bride donned a vintage wine gab- sterling silver.,pins with sft scorched aluminum pans with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ra Falls and Buffalo. The bride ardine suit with grey accessories, ciasp and the letters H .S _-msteel wool. Bail an apple peel- Antil -and the bridegroom i isso travelled in navy blue gabardine navy shortie coat, and a corsage (Hampton Public School) and14 ing mn a solution of tomateo o Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Mc- suit .with pink and navy blue ac- o! white 'munis. The couple will were given ta Bruce Caery juice ta remove stains from ai- Knlghf, ail of Courtice. The cere-. cessories.. reside at RHR. 2, Oshawa. Douglas White, Franklin Tul ,Mefo Homemakers! It's a won- that the door opens towards a uminum. mony was periormed by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight wil ne- Daniel Vivian, Gerry Chant a dàflfeeling ta have a dream clearing table. 3. Clean milk botties and flower FrankYardley. Ferns and autumr turn to their new home at Catir- Reynolds, Jewel Vivian,Yoad hWÔme a reahity-a brand new 8. The laundry equipment en- 'vases with a. solution of ami- flowers formed the setting and tice. HlAMPTOIN Pollock, Muriel Hindman n iZffdhen! We are very proud of closed in the cabinet area if mania..' white satin ibbons marked the Nancy Coouts. Gerry, on bhî or eas ti ohatatv thmahn ssi-r.4. Copper and brass are easily guest pews. The wedding music of the class, thanked the Hm otaiefficaet.It is bathatci the m h acne is piocdurey. cleaned with a coth dampened was played by Mrs. Eric Courtice FLETT-BARRETT (Intended for last week) and Pchooi Club for- the is in dgetr an as munchat oasn the slwell- is ous Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, They are ail but 'ène attedn ed ge era l candihe el- ranged tô allow space ta sort, wiig Pearce. Ferns' n standards ofwhtTon ; inih general working condi- wTo prevent arnewftpnsutensil The bride was given in mar- 'mumis decorated Trinity United Horn.ý,vstdM.adMs .BwavleHg co rgy The compact, step-saving10Strefaitescnnet from rusting grosse it lIghtly rnage by her father. Her gown of Church, Bowmanville on Octo- Mn. and Mrs. T. Dancey Bow- presentations were made b1 Ms rk uMn it combines a laundry and as well as adequate: (a) cut- and hoat it slowly. Aften white slipper satiiý on fitted lines ber 8 wvhen Rev. J. E. Griffith, manvile. were guests of Mr. and J. R. Reynolds. Mr. Farrowto chen area where anly 2 or 3 lery drawer in divisions; <b) washing tinware in sospy had a yoke and pepjum of lace Castieton, united in marriage Mns. Mervin Mauintjoy. made gifts for perfect attEn~n~ àps are equired from one work Lazy Susan shelves for cor- water, dry throughly. and s slight train. Satin rosettes Violet Louise Barrett, daughter Dr. and Mrs. L. B. wiîriams, t ee iin rn ln aa 6r.aaohr h ieo h nr;()se-psevsfr~ Always leave the aven door centred with seed pearîs orna- o! the late Mn. and Mns. Wmn. Bar- Toronto, Mns. Eva Luke, Osh- Chant, RalphVvaBy rim is 8 feet, 9 iches by 15 feet, spices; (d) cup rack; (e) of the range partly open after mented the bodice and the hala rett, Bowmanville, and Thomas awa, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Eus-hViaBynD- ,of inches. twlncs f ryrc~ ing poriod ta ventilate and headdress o! satin and lace which RbrFltsnoMradMs.ceFamct inn., Miss Leliith mnant. Mrs. Warren made a hat (g) mrtal lined drawers for prevent any passible nusting. held her fingertip veil of tulle Thomas Flett, R.R. 2 Oshawa. Penhali, Mi neapolis, Mînn., were vote o! Itohst ail wha eie hv th olwn intlain: ventil.ated container for Vege- drain-pipe by pouring s solu- red roses and white carnations. the wedding music and accompan- éll. e ylhADeuiv.T ofngeatort cloes oring u als ino washing soda down The mattron o! honor was the ied Mrs. Frederick Hellyar who MisJanRendsTrot nmtcle with ,clotean ring quîpissJtables.ynltsonroa!, d y the foree hr sy s~ce wasingmachnedoube1i. A place ta work sitting down the pipe (M2 cup of washng bride's sister, Mrs. Robert You' sang before the entrance o! the spent the weekend at hdme. 'aiasro frmre ebns e~k. food preparation table, bak- -about 32 inches from ,flon. soda ta 2 quarts waten). Rinse who wore blue taffeta wt bridai panty and during the sign- Misses Joan ButtorS' and Boy- Mns. Lorenzo Truaisl the mm ing centre, elcctric range, door ta 12. The bottom ai tho sink bowl with pienty of hot waten. matching headdxiess and veil, Èand ing ai the rogister. erly Frank, Bowmanvillo, visited bership convenor .~ t#ç dining roorn and breakfast at least 32 nches from floon. 8. Wooden handles should not carried a bouquet ai yeilow The bride, given in marniage Mrs. E. Bennett, at the home of ______________ couriter. 13. Ail buitin w'orking surfaces be soaked. chnysanthomums tied with blue by hier brother, Garfield Barrett, Mrs. W. G. Doidgo. jCG RIE 9.Do flot put the cags of the satin ribbons. The flowen girl in was gowned in white roa*d Ms.Th-n ontjoy enter-R. ~ " ' Wit hen we a e ral oelang te - o te 6 sam e h igh and width Do e n gg beater in water. Ye iow érgandy with green satin satina ashion d with a full skirt tained the W oman's Association oe:pui' oed.Mybeteeida i ihswd. papen before washing.. Dalby, the bride's niece. She The bodico was styled with a ny- The Ladies' Service Club wene kithe w mdoa is t eal A s-at inchelst sh dignd 27 . Lipe tet ailgesyans with wnibba s as itt hl e adi ss on whoiextandedioa l ong be tai n o! aynd n o ThrsM.Da vy, owanle oo 23 1. el-lghed or aea. lanning a new kitchen or re- newspape+ and a tablespoon and cannied s nosegay o! Talis- by seed peanîs. Hon strand o! Orono, on Wednesday night. INTERIOR & EXTER]O 2î, Provision for adequate x'enti- modolling an aid one, two things of dry ammonia aven this ta man nases. peanîs was the gift ai the groom. Sorry ta repart Mn. J. W. Bal-- Moderate Pnices ** l'ation. become apparent: First no one keep it sweet. Mn. Robent Young was best Fnom a crown ai white' orange son under the dactor's cane. ___________ el. Comfortable kitchen tempera- kitchen-laundry can have every- . man, and Mn. William Whittick, biossomns fell honr!inger-tip veil Congratulations ta Mr, and Mns. :tures-winton and summer. f hiigl, since goad planning ne- Anne Allan invites you ta write brother o! the bride, and Mn. Han- of double tuile illusion, and she G. Shackleton (nee Bossie Black- 4. Size and features o! range, quires elimination af the non- t eo / h anda tts idGaa see.carnied a bouqueto!rd ossbn)nthimaig. Ssink, and refrigerator ta suit essentials. Secondly,. a kitchen man. Send inyusgtison For the roceptian held at honr and bouvandia.P on 4'. aur particular requirements. laundny room is an individuai homemnaking probierns and watch hm tCutctebiesm- Atni~tebiea arn M.adMs .C elwosPhone t Othon appliances needed. problem-and one that is neyer thisc m o ele.thon neceived in s mulberry crepe fhnrwa Mrs. John, Living ite rlavsinToto n (L Provision for three work sur- solved for ail time. Even a now i ounfnrpis dress with black accessonies and in a gawn o! dusty rose Sunday. Sfaces - mixing contre near home can ýbe perfect for a family s corsage a! yellow roses. The filtaeasyle ihabnh iiosa .W asnswn fall t ffta t ed wih b rha Viit rs at J W B ls n' sr 'refnigeraton, dish clearing at of a given size and way ai lufe SL ER W D NG bridegnoom's mother was in navy yoke and full skint. Her hat was Mn. and Mrs. Andy Waugh, un sink. ind cooking-serving at until its size and way ofaif lueE W DD blue crepe with gney accesne a inatching bandeau ai feathers rnerberry, Sask.; Mrs. Jim Mile, - the rage, chage inevitably with the pas- a____ nd s cannage o! ned roses. Othens with maline rosettes, and she car- Inchkeith, Sask., Mn. and MrsO L ocation_ of_ the_________________ sage_ of_______M R._N D______R OY________ neceiVingg thee guestss w eree M rs. riied yyello rrases.JJa kk T hh m ss nn aand ffa mily, SSt 'Z~ L o c t i o a it h r e n i g n a t r s c g e f t m e .M R . A N M R . R Y F R G U O N P . J . D a lb y a n e M r s . W i l l i a m T h e b n d e s m a i d s , M is s M a j o i e M a r y s ; M . a n d M r s . A l b e r t B a l - About !ifty relativesan fi-Witc.unian MssHlnN e, son and Miss Ileen, Sauina; Mr. __ends gathered at the home of Autumn flowers and pink and wene gawned alike in Autumn and Mns. Harvey Balson and boys, -5Mn. ahid Mrs. Roy Ferguson .o! white streamers were used for green taffeta with bertha yokes, Oshawa. Oct. 15, ta celebrate with them was centred with a three-tien ing feather and maline bandeaus, fromn visiting !iends at Cobourg the twenty-!i!th annivenssry of wodding cake sot in pink tulle. and carriod yellow 'mumis. adBlioe I y A.à. ~ ~ ~~ 'their manniage.. Rev. C. W. Hut- Those sonving were Miss Kathleen Little Miss Peggy Bartt a cted HmtnHm n colhl Ra i Ta i apo oen colhl Ston called the company, ta order Pidduck, Miss Jessie Nemis,. Miss as flower girl in jasmine yellow their apening meeting in the and a short programme was given Margaret McGregor and Miss taffeta, and she carried a basket school with Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, DEALER FOR SRLN.GO I PC ETR cnsisting o!, cammunity singing, Lois Antil, sister o!f the bride, ai pfink and white carnations. President, in the chair. M. Wil- ANDI AG BRES _F AST RADIO PICKUP led by Mrs. Stuart James: repd,- Rev. Frank Yardley praposed Mn. Lance Beath, Guelph, at- fred Smaies, was elected Vice- ingby us.Jna. 1 Beacock IlBe- the' toast ta, the bride ta which tended the groom. Ushers werc President. There was a good at-FO PRMTD P4eans No More cause She Popped;" s reading by the bridegroom replied, ar.d the Mn. John Flett, Peterbono, and tendance, between 60 and 70. Mrs.Ernst armr "toat tothematon f hnorandM. Ronald Fett, Oshawa, bro- Mrs. Rta Dudley and Mrs. Albert ~,/, ~ "LONG W'AITS FOR band. Mrs. Cecil Hill read a the flower girl was proposed by thos' o! the groom. Colo, ai Bwmanville, delightedR u nAI L1 K' 1a T X poem compsedby Roy's uncle, M. William Whittick. M. Robet the guests woe received at the veyone wlen 'they played sev. O A AX M. . . eaoc, eyurYoung made theresponse. Lions Community Centre by the oral piano duets and Mrs. Ralpl 24 R UI S RV Csrk. Mr. Eari Dorel ead an bride's two sisters. Miss Anne Wallace, Oshawa, was guest spak-G R G address and Dianne Spencer pro- Frank Hyland, Mae and Betty, Barrott chose a black mannequin or and directed hon address ta Corner King and BrounSs omnlj 24-NOUR SERVICEsented themn with money towsnd and Mn. and Mns. Jim McMullen,. crepe dress with black. accessor- the 1949 graduating entrance class, Phne D y 61 - ihl 51 77 92 a refrigeraton. Bath the groom Pontyoool; Miss Ruth Dnummond, ies and a corsage af white 'munis. 10 in number. Mn. Farrow, pnin- Phon: B y 51 - Nigis 61 -707- 92 ad bideresponded !ittingly. Toronto. kc Mrs. P. T. Mutton, New Toronto, cipal, has nover had an entrance -Six Mbdern Cars The rest af the evening was spent in gamos and !iendly chit All asse ger Insredchat. A bounti!ui lunch wassen- Ail asse ger Insredjoyed by ail. Prompt Efficient Service 1 A highlight o! the evening a the beau tiful three-storey wed- O eae yL tangue Bros. ding cake made by the groom's sisten, Mrs. Cecil Hill and decor.n- ated by Ms. Ge. Fonder, and , T 'w -eut by the bride. v /ÀF W i iFand !arewells se, and ail agreed - la very pleasant ovening had been nl s I~8 8flI M Ilspent. lIT DBesides the Crwih red CA AD uwam.u.aU present wore: Mr. and Mns. Jas. Filce, Boa msville;, Mr. and Mns. pq e %. .Williard Spencer, Barbara ànnl Dianne, Mn. and Mns. A. W. Pic- TUK - .~ karj and Mn. and Mrs. ,Stuant R. % ~James, Bowmanville; Mrs. Ger- trude Stephenson and Mn. and a Mrs. Doug. Stephenson. and Marie, Richmond Hill; Mn. and Ms. Business Dreclory -BY NOW the verdict is in from ail th&e xprine.Bi oac LEGAL operators ail acrost Canada- less out-ofsrie(ie n - ~~~W. R. STRIKE, K.C. GMC is living right Up to its lower maintnnecssaem k ~~1 ~ Barristen - Solicitor - Notanyreuain frbte va e, ighoeainspsblDi- The sharp crack of axesSolicitor for Bank a! Montres]r ttin frbttrvle pl.rced the frosty ar ... ' Money ta Loan - Phone 791 udreeykn foçaig estoa rolllcklng longs of shantymen - omnilOtro rang through th, Maritimne -LWE~EC A ,BA conditions,.aoie-bcueo etrrd woods ... Ihis was the lumbor .LWtrCEC AOB..fvrt cabins and ships were buiît N anseS1ctn oayPbi GMC owners 'are - ,-..n th Industry In the 1600'.. Log ~ .King Street W., -Bowawnille-~2<to miecn nece .rtae fromlCnadio timbe fromPhon: Office 688 . Residence 553 ilowesr t haul. a oý1r-e dccsafety ana Yes, here' roo tg gow-inCano-rdW 1 9taeil 62 Unfimlîed. DR. E. W. SI-SSON, L.D.B., D.D.S. Office in his home Just hOw muc: main là îold in "Conada 100 Liberty St: N., Bowmanyillepl PuUMd iy th O'eefeFoudati Yo 9 am. o 6p.m. dally an@y 0"eh your copy by sending 25c in 9 a.m. te 12, noon Wednesday M E cash (neO atamp or choques.ase t Clesed Sunday. "Canada Unlim lied",, et.N3-.19, OV.f.Phne60 ho t.the Cau.d.aaCii..hlp___ ___ __ ___ ___ _ CoaaL *The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - PO0. Box 622 Ahdc fo» ooi Port Hope. Ontario REAL ESTATE c-4 BOWMANVILLE bitEING OMPAY LiiTEDREAL ESTATE * *REWING COPANY LIMIUD78 King Street West RyW i hl * enaneli of &«Vies, weltmrelabeut, bfirnai1andWh, Properties Sold, Rented RvW ï - ' oeg.lz.l.msWl,.. lun steocqaint~ ~ ,,~Managed and Appraised. bbe h*.r "In Is t b ee creoit ncIleCnadkm wUnMembens of the Canadian and p g .DEALER FOR CHEVROLET, PONTIAC. OLDSMOBILE. BIICI th pwSntosofre 2 dmc3d WgnbpIn O.Ontarîi Rosi Estate Bcandass, U v nE ADCDLA RCHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS on J. Shehyn D. PlaclacIsInT t OUs.- 326 'esidence -2017 I .-., t THE CAMADIAN !;TATV-quAm anwuA nwmA om ýjqUýLJE. ONTARIO TRUMDAY. OcToiRrii 27ý lon r 7 ~ PAGE TEN