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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1949, p. 12

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1 .1 't.ý PAGr( w q'ovh 1= ANA!A STMM~BOWNMN2VIIL. ONTAM! THURSMAT, OC'IVMzR 5. lia Mai. eGrov. W. IL 7roramCram Ful -rclcal Suggestions ZPresident Mns. Lawrence White ioducted the business for the October meeting of Maple Grove Women's Institute. Mrs. White announced that Mrs. -Coverly wilI be the leader for the 1'»49-50 Girls Homemaking Club, %With Mrs. Jas. Geddes as assist- -lint. Mrs. E. Twist in the absence 'W Mrs. Coverly gave information toncerning the project for the £.lub which Is "The Cereal Sheif." .e Mrs. Alex Camnpbell, assistant glibrarian. in speaking of new ma- .teriaî being added ta the library :spoke of one article in particular; ,The Story of Mary Stewart. The ~uthor of aur W.I. Creed which p alsa knowr as "The Mary Stew- :art Collect". (short prayer). Mrs. R. R.hme, director of aur :lay, "Always Tell the Truth", oreported $7110 added ta the .treasury. Mrs. L. C. Snowden reparted -from the Conmunity Welfare #Council meeting- held in Toron- 'ta The Council j governed by a tqtharter fram the Provincial Gov't. nnd consists of Religiaus, Éduca- tional, Welfare and Government bodies. The work of the Cauncil lhas heen warmily commended- by 'the Ontario Minister of Welfare, ,Dominion Minister of Health and 'Welfare and leaders of the Catho- tIic and Protestant church and by :those of the Jewish faith. SThree speakers of an outstand- jing group of welfare workers :ptressed the great need for indi- :vidual responsibility in fashioning -abetter wonld for ail. People swho knaw and people who do; :'.hose who work with their hands. ,Director of public recreation, sCity of Ottawa, Mr. M. McKinnon, 4,%old of the programi there where 5t is hoped 1,000 persans may in ,time form a co-operative> plan- :ýing board. At present aduit ,,committees include youth repre- 4,entatives in an advisory capacity à and the youth graups include aàdults in the same manner. The >yuth council by secret ballot give an award ta some outstand- GILMqON iCONTRACTING C O. LTD.- undertake GENERAL BUILDING * WORKS * and ALTERATIONS, ETC. ROOFING AND ALL DECORATING 10 Caroline St., Port Hope *Technical Advlce Gladly Given P130NE 836 ing young persan as recognition of unielfish or sel-sacriflcla.l service ln the home or communi- ty. On a Friday night 1,000 per- sons may be employed li vanlous activities at the community centre in Ottawa. Mr. McKinnon stated that though much can be and has been done for youth outside o! the borne nothing can compensate for abundant living in the home wbene families work, play and pray together, tbey stay together. In speaking on the practical side of the aid age problem in in- dustry Mr. Philip Walz of the Eastman 1<odak Co., Rochester. N.Y., gave an'insight into a plant where labour unions do not exist. The health of employees is the concern of a medical board and work is assigned according tai physical and mental ability. No o ne at 65 or 75 years o! age is pen- sJoned *if he desires ta work and is able.- Institutions fuil of non productive people is no asset toaa nation. Older folk can give much from yeams o! experience in giving those younger and up. On the subject "Labour Looks at Weifare" it was bmought out that management appreciates recreational facilities when la- cating new properties for plants since recreation makes for more efficiency and a happier way of 1f e. In replying ta a question from a labour speaker i.e., what is the church doing for labour? Dr. J. R. Mutchmor stated that the church was doing what was possible for ail classes of labour ail across Canada. Some classes of labour are in a priviieged position and this does not cantribute ta the weifare of aur groups o! labor- ers wbo may be in the majority. Much mare couid be reported !rom these meetings but the im- portant factoar in the CouncIl program is that of ca-ordinating groups warking for the cominon good. Mrs. Chas. Greenbam, publicity convener, took charge o! the pro- gram. Miss Edna Swaiiaw read an mnteresting article on the motta, "It pays ta Advertise". District President Mrs. 0. W. Rolpb, Orono, in making ber an- nual visit spoke by request on the badges or pins of the W.I. A mem- ber who bas paid ber fee ta the local branch may purchase and wear the pin of ber branch, the district, the federated W. o! On- taio, o! Canada and o! the Asso- ciated- County women of the World, but pins o! the !ederated boards must be won by service given previousiy as officiais in the branch and district and by election ta the boards. Mrs. Rolph aiso spoke ohi duties o! members and officers in their organization and o! responsibili- ties as members o! an organizatian with the motta "Fan Home and Coiinty" in the home. In the anganization members must stand shouider ta shouider, not one ahead o! the other. In the. I n FOUR BEST DRESS VALUES4 (v~, b.K Careful selectlng on our part brings you attractive dresses at pnices that are truly as- tonlahing! In the most want. ed colors and fabries . . » the most Important casual and "occasion" styles of Mt season! 0 PROM $4.95 Up Ië 49 King st. W. - BOWMANVILLE IRECREATION CALENDAR Thursday, Oct. 27- 1:45 p.m.-Dressmaking Class, Lions Community Centre. Adult. 7:30 p.m.-Dnessmaking Class, Lions Community Centre. Adult. 10:00 p.m.-Juvenile and Jun- ior Hockey practice, Oshawa Mrena. Must be unden 18 years or under 20 years on Nový. Friday, Oct. 28- 7:30 p.m. - Community Choral Society, Town Hall Auditorium. Aduit. Satunday, Oct. 29- 9:30 a.m.-Bays' Bowling Lea- gue, Martyn's Alleys. Fnee pop, caurtesy Cold Spning Bever- ages. Public Scbool boys. 8:30 p.m.-Sat-teens dance and bouse panty, Lions Comznunity Centre, teen-agers. Monday, Oct. 31- 6:30 p.m. -Halloween Party, parade, costume conteat, games, surprises and fun galore. Meet at' Central Public School and march ta Anena. Parents and spectators weicome. 7:00 p.m. - Woodcraft, Central School basemnent. Aduit. Tuesday, Nov. 1- 1:45 p. nm. - Smocking Ciass, Lions Community Centre. Aduit. 7:00 p.m.-Leathercnaft, Lions Community Centre. Aduit. 7:30 p.m. - Smocking Class, Lions Community Centre. Adult. Wednesday, Nov. 2- 7:00 p.m.-Boys' Gym Class, High School gymnasium. Public School boys. Running shoes es- sentiai. Thursday, Nov. 3- 1:45 p.m.-Dressmaking Class, Lions Community Centre. Adult. 7:30 p.m.-Dressmaking Ciass, Lions Community Centre. Adult. home the mother (head o! the hause) can through ber example and wisdom do much in creating peace at home and abroad. Our personal pubiicity is how we live aur lives. Miss Edna Swallow, on behaif o! the membens, thanked Mrs. Rolph for ber heip!ul message. Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Mrs. Les- lie Collacutt, Mrs. Chester Mc- Gnath, Mns. Lou Hockin, Mrs. Seward Tyler and Miss Edna Swaliow staged a fashion show o! miilinery with Mrs. George Brown giving enlightening infor- maton on the bewildering array o! flower pot, cart wbeel, flowen garden, stove pipe, and what have you fram down thnough the years. This could be repated and en- joyed. Gentlemen are invited ta the November meeting in charge -o! Mrs. Harry Wright. Refreshments were served ta 44 present by Mrs. Greenham and her group. Pasi Perceptors' Night At Blackstock Outstanding Success ldoe, Wilbert Falls, P. E. Lang- iey,- J. J. Bucanan, IL. Zagleson and others, andi sonoa by Percy Chuse, Howard SayweU and Ed-1 die Payne., Words o!fapreciation to the ladies for the spledid sup- pen were- exp-esed by Arthur, Holden and John -Smith to which Mrs. Fred, Hamilton,, W.M. o! L.O.BÀ. replied. The W.P. of Blackztock, Herb. Swam, tbank- ed everyone for the part they took in making this 2th Ai-muai Past Perceptor's Night the best ever. WEDDINGS On Fniday evening, October l4th, Mrs. Baldwin,. Orono, was umited in marriage ta Mr.. H. Hod- gins Newcastle, Mrs. K. Gamsby and Mrs. Gaines accompanied them to the parsonage. Mrs. Bald- win wore a tailored suit..o! wine gabardine with black accessaries, and a corsage. of yellow mumis. Mrs. Gamsby was in black with yellow and mauve mumis. Rev. A. E. Eustace officiated. Mrs. Gamsby gave ber home for the reception afterward. The raoms were beautitul with bronze and pink mnis, and some seven- ty guests, inciuding many out o! tawn, awaited the arrivai of the happy couple. The bride's table laoked very pretty, and a three-tiered wedding cake took the centre of the table. Rev. Eustace propased the toast ta the bride in. Wbich bie expressed some very kindly thoughts. The, groom responded, after which Mr W. Bantingtaok Over the piano. Messrs. Perc. Lurftn and Dane Found sang a duet, IlWill You Lave -me in December". A very deligbtful lunch was served, a!ter which ail were invited ta see the wedding presents which were nicely arranged in a separate roam, and were many, bath use- fui and decorative, expressing the high esteem in which the bride was held in the céommunity. The bride and groom left for Toronto ta spend their haney- moon, bringing ta an end a very pleasant and simple evening with one and ail wishing the happy couple the best a! luck on their return ta their own home in New- castle. BICKLE-SABINS King Street United Church Parsonage, Oshawa, was the set- ting for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, October 22, when Kay Manie Sabins, o! Oshawa, daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Hediey Oke, R.R. 2, Bowmanvilie, was united in marriage with Mr. William J. Bickle, son o! Mm. and Mrs. John Bickle a! Oshawa. Rev. Ernest J. Robertson pem!ammed the cere- mony. The bride was gowned in navy blue faille crepe fashioned with a moulded bodice with a lavaliere neckline and long sheath sleeves. The graceful sikirt was draped ta give fuilness at the hip line. She wone a large of! the face bat of navy feit with matching satin ribbon trimming. Hem jewellery was the bnidegroom's gi! t, a gald, bmooch in flower design with1 matching earrings. Red roses and The 2th Annual Past Percep- bier corsage. tors' Night o! R. B. No. 398, on Mrs. Neil Knight was matron October l8th at Blackstock, was o! honor and wome Huntem's green iargely attended by Grand Lodge' faille crepe designed with a fitted afficers o! British America, Ontario bodice and a tucked pepium ac- East and visiting and local Sir cented the skirt. Coque feathers Kts. tnimmed ber small bat o! black Among tbe Grand Lodge o!!ic- felt. She wore the bride's gift aý ers attending were: Most Wor. Sir. camea on a fine gold chain with Kt. John Smith, Toronto, Grand matcbing earrings. Black acces- Master o! B.A.; Rt. Won. Sir Kt. sanies and a corsage o! mauve and Cecil Palmer, Frank!ord, Grand white chnysantbemumns campleted Master Ont. East; Most Wor. Sir her costumeé. Mn. Neil Knight Kt. Robt. Ritcher, Peterboro, Past pen!ormed the duties o! best man. Grand Master B.A.; Most Wor. Sir The reception was held li the IK t. Arthur Hoiden, Grand Lect. o! Blue Room o! Hotel Genosha. To jB.A.; Thos. Engiish, Gr. St . . receive the guests, Mrs. Oke, the Qntario West; Roland Darhing, bnide's mother, ware a taiiored Lakefield, Grand Lect., Ont. East; suit o! black gabardine, a white A. Mel Holden, Peterbona, Grand siik blouse and a feather tnimmed Censon, Grand Lect., Ont. East, bat o! black felt. Orchid and G. Menzie, Grand Censor of B.A.; white chrysanthemums composed Wilbert Failis, Grand Censar, On- hier corsage? Mrs. Bîckle, mother tario East; Percy Chase, W.P. o! o! the bridegmoom, who assisted Lindsay; John J. Bucanan, W.P. chose a navy crepe dness, match- of Oshawa; R. E. Langley, W.P. mng lace motifs accented the bo- a! Peterboro and A. R. Eagleson, dice and dnapery lent interest ta W.P. o! Millbrook, and many othen the skint. Hem bat was a smali distinguished Sir Kts. model o! ibiack felt with pink Lodge was apened with the fol- feathen accents, and she wore 'owing Sir Kts. occupying the mauve and white chrysanthe- airs: W.P.-Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. mumis in a corsage. eighton Devitt, Past Grand Mas- Mn. Nicholas KnaPp, as toast -r, Ont. East; D.P.-Dr. John Mc- master, praposed a toast ta the IArthur; ChaP.-Herb Hooey; Reg. bride and bnidegroom. The toast -Henry Thompson; Treas.-EI- to the bride was propased iby Mn. mer Nesbitt; lst Lect.-L. Thomp- Neil Knight. Mr. T. H. Sulis o! son; 2nd Lect.-Les. Brooks; lst Niagara Falls and Mn. Carl Shortt Con.-Cecil Hill; 2nd Con.-Hil- aiso toasted the newiy wedded don Johnston;, lst St. B.- Rup- couple. The mother o! the bride ert Byers; 2nd Con.-M. J. Under- and the father o! tbe bridegnoom hill; Purs.-J. Rahm; Tyler-M. also voiced thein good wishes. Griffin. Miss Canal Sabins was in charge A!tem a short session the Sir o! the guest negister. Dancinx was Kts. adjourned ta Community enjoyed with Mns. Robent Lîdasten Hall where a deliciaus banquet and Mns. George Candy presiding had been spmead by the ladiés of at the piano., Pnide o! Cartwright L.O.B.A. Rt. Mn. and Mns.,Bickle left later Wor. Sir Kt. C. P. Devitt acted by mator for Buffalo and othen as Toastmaster. The Sir Kts. Amenlcan points, and on thein me- were very pleased ta have present turn will reside, in Oshawa. For Sir Kt. Jas. Howe a! Janetville, travelling the bride donned a gney one o! aur oldest Sir Kts. fur shortie coat oven bier wedding The guest speaker was Most ensemble. The bnidegroam's gift Wor. Sir Kt. John Smith G.M. ta the best man was a leather o! B.A., who chose as bis suibject, wallet. "New!aundiland," Canadas tenth province. The Grand Master paid ff~y. an official visit ta this province MAPLE UIIUVL during the summer. He gave a____ very detaiied description o! the isiand, its people, churches and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pascoe, the growth o! the Orange Assoc- Master Donnie Pascoe, Toronto, iation on the Island. At the con- with Mn. and Mns. J. R. Metcali. clusion o! bis address be bnought Mns. Ross Stevens spent the ta the knowledge o! the Sir Kts. wee4cend with relatives lI Roch- the plight o! a Brother Orange- ester. Miss Carnie Martyn, Bow- man, Clifford Mclntosh, a member manville, wbo lbas been visiting o! Warkworth Lodge. who two relatives there accompanied ber years aga while picking tobacco home, by aeroplane. developed polio. He bas been in Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden hospital in Toronto ever since. and Miss Marion Snowden with He will soon be taken home a Mn. and Mns. Albert Brown. coffiplete cripple. The Orange Hamilton. Association is providing him with Mn. and Mrs. J. L. Raok, To- a wheel chair, hospital bill, type- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. writer and magazine agency, etc. Swallow. He asked for a donation !rom Sir Symr*pat.hy of this community Kts. present. Sir Kt, Menzie toak is extended ta Mr-. Richard (Dîck) up collection which amounted ta Snowvden and family and al over $60.00. other relatives in' the passing of Addresses faliowed bx- Wor. Sir. Mrs. Richard Snowden, also ta Kts. Thos. Engiish, Cecil Palmer, M'vrs. T. Pen!ound, Miss Paul Rolandi Darlin.g. Rob,. kitchîe. Bnimnacombe in the passing ofl Arthur Holden, G. Mexizie, Mel.' their sisten. Forestoes Wlnd Up 1 Basfebail Season WIth Big Frolic Under the able direction o! Harry Snowden, energetic man- ager o! the Bowmanville C.O.F. boys' baIl team, the four girls' teams, and the six boys' compris- ing the C.O.F. softball loop, along with loyal fans, and club support- ers crammed Vancoe's Pavillon to the limit, ta bring ta a close a most successful season. In addi- tion ta the presentation of league cups, crests were also donated to each team, witb Lamne Haynes' Ëowmanville Champs, neceiving extra creats, the gift of McNulty's Sport Sbop. Cal Braun, District Supenvisor for the Order, pnesented the cups and crests ta the girls' clubs, as follows: H. B. McCabe Trophy, Collette Beauty Salon Trophy, and Tournament and Inter-ý,i.y Trapby, Bawmanville C.O.F. girls; Vic Coolçson's Maple Grave Hawks, Bob Craig's Salem girls, and the Oshawa Hospital Club, in the ab- sence of Harold Walton were -re- presented by Betty Brown and Jane Welsb. Each manager was1 introduced- ta the fans, and they' Ii turn introduced their team. Charlie Ferguson, League.Prisi- dent, made the presextation In the boys' section, and the following managers and teamas were intro- duced: winners of the Axtefl Trophy, Ted Twining, Oshawa C. O.P. Club; Canada Bread, TIommy Seton; Brewers, Cec. Bonnetta; Bowmanville C.O.F. Club, Hanry Snowden; Whitby Quakers, Peter Siblock; Pickering C.O.F., Cec. Lockwood. In bis addness President Ferý- gusan congratulated ail the team. managers for a' goad job well done, stating that sports played a vital part in the Order's Youth Programme, and that the pro- gramme was most successful as could be witnessed by the ýob these young managers were doing in thein respective communities. Harry Snowden, Johnnie Bath- well and Roy Collis and their as- sistants were again congratulated an the success o! the evening, only possible through the loyal ca-aperation of bahl players, team managers and loyal fans. The C.O.F. Sports Committee would like-toalaso thank CKDO, The Bowmanville Statesman, The Oshawa Times-Gazette, and ail those that contributed s0 unsel- fishly ta the seasan's activity. WESLEY VILLE About 55 chlldren were enter- talned at a supper on Friday evening sponsored by the Wo- mens' Asàociation. -Dr. Oýe wai chairman and gmies were played, led by Mns. Egar Barrowclougb, Mrs. Clarence Nicholls and Miss Berneice Best. 1Young People's met Wednesday evening with an attendance o! 31. Christian Culture Canvenen Clan- ence Nichoils took the topic. Games were provided by Miss Helen Binsted. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Cable and !amily, Rochester, with Mn. and Mns. Percy Snell. Misses Jane, Reeve and Elsie Schwarz and Fred Rowe with Mn. and Mns. Clarence Nicholis. Mrs. Edgar Barrowciough spent a few days in Manvolvilie. Miss Jane Reeve, Tononto, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reeve. Mn. Edgar Barrawclough and Helene with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough. Miss Ruth Payne spent Monday evening with Miss Betty McHolm at Welcome. Atorn bomb conferences wiseiy might ibe held in Hiroshima. SUITS. for FALL Corne sec aur vast collection of men's wear for Fall . . . more styles, fabrica and colora than we've had lu many a year. Double and single breasted, pin %tripe and plain suits. Wlde lapels, slut pockets. In blue, brown or grey. Al sixes. Corne in NOW, while our racks are tuil and your seleotion lu atitls best! $19-50 Up Couch, iohnston & Crydorman CADMUS.4 Cadmus W.A. and WXMS. meet- ing was postponed on Wednesday night on account of the presenta- tion for ýMr. and M.rs. Howard: Harris and family at Devitta Hall. It wil be Thursday nlght. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Green and Betty, Omemee, with Mr. and Mrs. James MeKee. 'Mr. and Mrs. Billy BHanna and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry and babe, Toronta, with Mns. Meredithý Thompson and John. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian, Mi* Marie Hanna and Mr. And~ Halmes attended the HannaI- Parkhunst wedding on Saturday at Oshawa United Church. Mr. Lloyd Henry, Bowmanville, with Mr. and D4rs. Lorne McKee. .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and Gay, Toronto, with Mr. agd Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. James McKee and Mr. Charles Gibson with friends in Uxbridge. About one and a bal! tons of chewing gum annually are scrap- ed from New York's Central station. d n n F- .- i

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