- P G Z O U T E E E P U ' ! A A ¶ W A U ~ A ' M ~ D A *BU W U W M L F O - ENNISKILLEN in and Lloyd Blackstock, with Carl Brunt, $500 Voucher-dona- O RIEN ST E O AE~ mother Mrs. Minerva Trewin. by Howard Pye; Tire and Tube- Mr~. and Mrs. Clifford Pethicl. Mr. and Mrn. Howard Gimblett donated by F. Jamieson and won Sunday nig)it service at Cour- Nestleton W.A. and W.M.S. met Salem Women's Association fnd Patsy, Mrs. E. Strutt at Mr. and Samone, Oshawa, witli Mr. by Earl Luke; Wall Mirror- tice appointment was well attend- at the home of Mrs. Lawrence met at Mrs. Hall's on Oct.e20 With '!*arry Strutt's, Oshawa. and Mrs. R. McGill. donated by Murphy's, won by ed, when Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Can- Malcolm Oct. 18 with meeting in 21 ladies in attendance. Mrs. -Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. M ilton Stainton Miss Mono Brunt; 5 gais. gas-do- ton, gave a helpful sermon. Rev. charge of Mns. Malcolm Emerson's Barrie opened the meeting with :had Sunday dinner at Mr. Haskin and family at Mr. and Mrs Wil_ nated by Garton's, won by Mrs. Frank Yardley conducted anni- graup. There were 20 ladies, Rev. a hymn followed by the Lord's Smith's, Enfield. then called ta mot Brent's, Uxbridge. F. Lycett; Permanent Wave- versary services at Elizabethviile. Hutton aîd some children pre- Prayer. Mrs.ssuttery read the d donated by Leola Thrasher Beauty Suitable music was provided by sent. Mrs. AIlan Suggitt red the scripture lesn Committees :tee the former's aunt, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley Shop, won by Howard Pye; Lucky the choir, with bMn. Frank Walters lOth Psalm land gave theatopic. were appointed for the bazaar an :Gray, Toronto who is 97 years and Bian at Mr. Arthur Brunt's. Spot Dances: Box Chocolates- canducting.M.M.Eesneaachpro.5h. Mrs. Gardon Barrie :ug.Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandersan, donated by Pocle's, won by Miss A new side walk, which was from "Growing With the Years". had charge of the pnagram. Mrs. Mrs. Clara Toppîng is visiting Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. M. Smith; Weather Breezies-. added ta the Courtice church on Other readings were "The Opti- Daw of Hampton was guest :with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Hubbard and son, Raglan, and donated by Bowmanville Motor Saturctay makes-a big improve- mist's Creed" by Mrs. W. Lamb; speaker and gave a very interest- S Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werny with Sales, won by Mr. L. Siemon; ment in the approach ta the "Creed and Deed" by Mrs. J. ing talk on "Good Citizens East *aMr. A.ffordeisOhwa tMr. Nil e an, orona, ethckLsadis ionaryg . C. church. A goodly number ai men Hooyer; "Kitchen Meditatian" by and West". The President closed 'M. lffr Ptic'. r Ni MLen TrntPehck tainaydonated bY came, and under the capable sup- Mrs. R. Sadie.Ms mrolh etn ihteMza Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin and spent the weekend at Mr. and JeweIl's; Men's High-won by D. ervisian ai Mr. Ed. Pidduck, cen- put on a contest woiibyEmen th. eneting. Doree an h Jean, Purple Hill, were Sunday Mrs. Alvin Boyd's. Lycett, socks donated by Char- tainly did a good job. Camne ta Lamb. Plans were made for a gnoup served lunch. November visitons at Mr. Russell Gifiin's. Mr. and Mns. R. Acton, Don tran's; Baoby pnizes won by Don- Turkey dinner Nov. 2 and see how pot-luck supper and pnogram. meeting wil be held et the Barrie ;Miss Jeannette Snyder, Toron- and Barbara, Victoria Corners, at aid Weann and Miss Anderson, nice it is. See panticulans in P'Com- The hostess and group served a home. Mrs Ross Lane and lier ,o.Mn. Jack Penry, port Perny, A. L. Wearn's. I novelties donated by McNulty's. ing Events". dainty lunch. Next meeting in group will Ïbe in charge. Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, Mn. and Mns. R. Thwaites with her par- The Club would like ta see a super Miss Ella Down was a0 weekend charge oi Mn.. Fred Crawiond's W. Slemon will be the guest1 -Mrs H. Millson, Hampton, at Mr. ents Mn. and Mrs. J. Fleets. turnout at the hall Oct. 28, as visitor at Norland. groUp. speaker. -John Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osbonne, Osha- they are having anather dance Norman and Mns. Clemnens and Congratulations tu Mn. and Mns. .Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn, wa, with Mr. and Mrs. AibLead- and euchre with more wonderiul Marilyn, Toronto, with Mrs. Trf.- R M. Hoskin who celebrated their1 Xambnay, at Mn. and Mrs. J. R. beaten. przes donated by the Bowman- vail and Fergus and Mn, Kins-âh wdiganvrryOt19S UT NE L T N 2Drmiston's. Mn. and Mrs. Roy S. Robertson ville businessmen. Ail proceeds maii. Mr-.4thandding annersi aOct.and ; Mn. Nelson Hudson, Burketon, and Mary Lou, Shirley, at Mn. in aid ai Bowmanville Hospital Mn,. W. S. Boyce is with her Billy, rnfdM.adM . >vas a Monday callen at Mn,. Mary ýnd Mns. A. L. Wearn's.- Building Fund. daughter Mrs. Penfound and LorneFrankiorad, n.and yMarns.Wnnfe lveOila Wriffin's. Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton and Clanence. m a wly and family, Mhapar-~ n M. afned lir aynlora, i-rMnand Mrs. F. W. Wenry, at iamily with Mr. and Mn,. H. Mr. and Mns. Smith, Oshawa moa, BlyMn itdM. and LingeChp- ai,? HueMssG. Taylor r.adMrs. Hugb Degee', Beth- Stainton, Hampton. LeeSna ussa h BaýadM.Baok ~n.on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. H. Milîs and ZO H p w . Oke home. ar.GoreJhns. ? Mnr. and Mn,. John Oke visited family at Mn. R. C. Mill's, Port M.adMs ereJhs.M.W .BaoksetFia ~n. nd Ms. Hnb Rndle Ham- Peny.C.G.I.T. met Wednesday night vst Mn. and Mrs. GLrgeJon. in. Wmr-r. BaoksetFia Mn.. andMrMn,. William Braggerry.(Intended ion lest week) at Countice Church. Aiter a periodViteM.anMn.LJoin inPerro M2n. aMMs nol otr rvidce, W im rand , Mrs. M. Camenon Allison with Mn. oi lively games conducted by the W.A. ladies had a successiul Miss Helen Bowers Toronto, Mr. anEthel sernoad PMn, RPHroidenAsihton.ad Msand îMn,. Tuifond, Bunker Hill. leader, the explorens went ta their sale ai cooking at iMr.- Sid Staples' Witn ber parents. isJ Ehe Wevig ndricky.,anTorotoR M.ad rs.A.n . Wanad Ms esi aitn aata, nom. Presitient, Margaret Mc- sale. Mn. and Mn,. Donald Thompson Weain an Rcky Trono aMir.at nd Mrs. A . WeanandswtbMiss BLaura Hamilton.orn Gregon opened the meeting. Mrs. Mn. and Mn,. Wilton Cnead, wene business visitons in Lindsay. -%w~ith W.H. Moare on his 76th fml tM.adMs .Wans ihMs ar aitn Petnfound told the Worsbip &tory Bannie, visited Mn. and Mrs. Mal- Mn. Walter Sharpe and Mn,. 3irthday. 'Congratulations Mn. Clanemont.atPer We are gladti t repart Mrs. B. -The Choice-and iniormal dis- colm Emerson. Geo. Farder visited fnientis in and :oone! Mn. A. Leeateat Peer Crossley bas necovereti fnom ber cussion on standards and ideals Ms elMlol iie n.araund Peterboro. m rand Mrs. F. W. Weny were boojdigBal Field Trials. sevene illness. led up ta the purpose ai Tbe Cbev- Lawrence Malcolm and attendedi Ms enMselwsa e St ýýdo an S. homs as Th SrvceClub ladies met at A quilting by the eastenn mem- non Group. Joan Kinsman i-ead W.A. meeting. h is OhMsel a a e ï4veek. the borne of Mrs. L. Stainton On bers ai Zion W.A. was belti at a pnayer. The oifering was ne- Mn. and Mrs. George Johns, and hme in shawa. = roaMns hM. and Mrs. evenoleiurOt.1 ing w sp enn calThat Mns. Fred Tufiord's home. ceived by Lamna Taite and Patsy Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin visited Mn. Mns. Sproule, Toronto, bas =orov E i ehM. and mak ve ing arraneenti socil ora Mrs. Edwin Ruthven attended Floyd and the President read a and Mrs. Frank Hannis, Cedar been visiting Mrs. Norman Lan- -e Mnls. VaanoddTnntwibcming ance anemhe.nch orthe Orden oi.Eastern Stan Bazaan Benediction. The iwo groups met Creek. sing. irs parns M.oad, Mrnt, S. R. was serve a ns u. cheat Bowmanville. for funthen discussion ai the Mn. Billy Johns attended tbe Mns. W. H. Johnston, Mrs. F. ;Wethick. Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. J. Siemon, Mrs. Morton and Helen attended qualifications ai a Chevron graup HnaPnbntwdig i oreM.adM, a.Ny SMr. and Mns. Carl Ferguson and the hostess. Next meeting at the trousseau tea in bonour of the also ta choose new names. The Oshawa on Saturday. Billy was Ion, Peiierlaw, wene guests at .ndfailyviite a Mn Fed rs O.C.Ashons, ov 1,atbride-to-be, Miss Jean Bickle. On Senior group chose the nam~e an ushen. Congratulations ta Mn. Grant Thompson's. i-dfaerguse a r Fe rs .C.Ahon's, Bowmvvil1, andtpm Saturday they attended the can- 'Rainbaw", and the Intermediates and Mrs. Gardon Hanna on thein Mn. andi Mns. Grant Thompson (. ohnny Aldwnead's, wandt8e. A fi nw tedt hedeih evc nBtesacuc r h Snems". The Sun- marniage. wene in Stirling with Mn. and el Mn n Mn,.GadNneowcstald.dAceai chne Otoene14thn ai the Budd-Bickle wedding and beams elected president Lois An- Mn. and Mn,. Reg Mitdieton, Mn,. Harny Philp. Tbey report =amily. Coîborne, Mn. end Mrs. the hall, sponsoneti by the Ennis- necept.Lon. tii andi Vice President Patsy Ilntn iieibrprnsM.M, bl sgetyipoeii =William Staintan, Onono 'wîth killen Service Club, with AI Mn. and Mn,. Clifton Moore, Floyd. A meeting ai the execu- and Mn,. H. Vine. health. =Mn. Lamne Lamb. Stack's Orchestra. Attendance Mn. anti Mn,. W. R. Brown; Osh- tives was cailed for Saturday af. Mn. anti Mn,. Frank Joblin, Mn. Mn,. Jas. Hedge called on SMn. and Mrs. Mervin Nesbitt, pize, were won anti donated by awa; Mis, Helen Ford, Mn,. S. tennoan ta plan a Hallowe'en and Mn,. Ronald Joblin and Mary ýestleton, Mn. and Mn,. Albert the follawing: $3.00 gas-donated Ford, Lindsay; Mn,. R. Honton, Party. Shelîcraft was enjoyeti by Lau visiteti Mn. and Mn,. L. Job- WnihtMn.andMn, Frd Tew byEdwrd' gaageandwonbyHuntsville, with Mn. and Mn,. E. the Sunbeams while the Rainbow lin. WrghMr adMr.Frd rw-byEwads arg ad o byRuthven. group added a few mare pages ta Mn. and Mn,. Frank Playioot Congratulations ta, Canal Cas- the Community Senap Book. anti Bnyce, Lindsay, visiteti Mis, well, daughten ai Mn. andi Mng. E. Countice W.A. met in the Ethel and Mn. Henry Tbornpon, Caswell, on winning the Inter- cburcb Oct. 20. Opening wita Nestleton W.I. will meet at Mn,. mediate Girl', Cbampionsbip, port hymn and prayer by Mn,. Barra- Wm. Steele's Nov. 2. Mn,. Rolph, Hope High Scbool. hall. RaIl cail was answereti with District President, will visit us. something for wbich each memben (This week's news) was thankful. Topic was given by Wedesayevnin ZnYongMn, H. MacLean, anti was veny JYLWTONVILLE Wednsda evnin Zin Yungseasonable on "Thanksgiving". NFI OF/c! CA 4liO~People met with the Wesleyville Scripture neading by Mn,. Wil- Young People in thoin negulan kins. Mn,. Hall favouned with twa Mn,. Davidi Merrill, Dantiord, William Lycettmeetig. Hl cho pei poems "Home" anti'"Wheni the with ber daughter, Mns. WillisL inaytnyaut wee heti a dteéminister cornes to tee". The presi- Jns Says ~~ine rythesolerenlta te rdntaktiteladies' ta rerinti Congratulations ta Mrs. Samiuel Pulc peknyanet.Tetheir busb antis that help weannt b e 0 en an the eedti o ly th cocree sde-on Oct. 22. Several ai the neigh- «'When a man dies awning Lufe Insurance, chairman was Mn. George Hembulaispethevnngwh bis maîî ciep sits are ira u sîa n - ilton, the contestants we e C a l w l t t e c u c. B z a ae b u a iss e tt e e e i g wt his mal depsit aremirculoslyIn-is December 7. Bazan commit- Mn,. Annott. t Pollard, Leslie Branscombe, Doriste ar: Te Ro Ms Mn. anti Mn,. Lennox Vasey, cresei t te aout h ITENEDta Anderson, Shirley Miller, Shirley Cot n.Baly isHi Port McNîcol, with ber panents,,,. .. save. Tufard, Maurice Pollarci, Robent Mn,. Nichols, Mn,. Warbuntan, Mr. anti Mn,. Wrn. Stepleton. Miller, PatsyMilr The speeches MnFltn-Hses onte Mn. anti Mn,. C. M. Jane, are rLET'S TALK THIS O'iER ail were ai such higb standard it tables-Mn,. Hall; Aprons, fancy in Toronto for the Telephane Con- was dîfficuit ta, give a decision, work andi quilts-Mns. H. Mac- vention et the King Etiwand. WM L. LYCETT Bowmanvllle, Ont. Phone 2382 but fineliy the jutiges:, Miss Don- Lean, Mn,. Antil, Mn,. E. Mac- Mn. anti Mns. Len Banton anti aida Cnothwait, Canton; Miss Lean, Mn,. G. Barber, Mn,. Tool- iarnily anti Mns. Elmer Wilbun, Bushey, Osaca, anti Mn,. H. Ces- ey, Mn,. Fisher, Mn,. Sbuttnim anti Hampton, with Mrs. Banton's wlchose Canal Pollard anti Mn,. Fowler; Countnyo well, ole;ContyStore- mteM,.Vno iOshawa. -Shirley Miller. In a veny publie- Mn,. Penfound, Mns. Lilly; Nu- Cangratulations ta Mn. anti Mns. spiniteti act Shirley Tufionti coni- velties anti Chiiden's-Mrs. C. Don Vinkie, nee Mary Burley, gratulateti the winnerm anti led in Simmon,, Mn,. DeCoe, Mn,. Carl who wene rnieti at the persan- aý round ai applause, Congratu- Adams, Mn,. Waltens; Home Cook- age on Setuntiay. When tbey. re -__ -----------______ lation, yourseli, Shirley. ing-Mrs. Gatcheil, Mn,. Scongie, turn fram their honeymaon they MisGwen Jane, anti Mn. RossM, asn n, tvnM, will reside in the bouse which Jons ttndd he r rs BlsnMs. SteesMs VikeB -Robinson, Ms îShpman, JFUiDnIdcaedfo RnldBr 1m' 1~ly wedding anti reception et New- ting-Mn,. George JohnsoMn.loy. ~~~1 OflWilkins. Attendence 25. Novem- Mn,. Charles Jollow, Misses Sunday Zion Thank-Offering ber meeting j, ta be on Missions, Doris anti Helen Jollow, Oshawa, Eustace, Orona, in vbange,- Prac- Wanburton and Mn,. Penfounti. son, Quebec, with Mn. anti Mn,. IEL ALW .~N ATE QWM.1 VLL tical anti inspîning messages wene Nov. Lunch Committee is Mn,. Len Banton. ATTRALIFORY ACKOE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b ro u g h t t a th e c an g reg a ti an . S p ec- H . M cL ean , M rs . a c e l r. P o rt H op e T elep h an e C a. tru ck O OMCT V L Y P CES T C ial music was annangeti fan; in. the Bradley, Mn,. Antil. was demolisheti in an accidentBA AN FEIDAY- SATU DAY OC. 28. 9lenelfon Miss Eleanar Roche aiof______ nean Mn. Wm. Milligan', on Wed- A REAL 6-Qt. 39 FRB Y S T R A C .2 9 Pr pgave the sala "OpenFndPoie nesday aitennoon. Neithen ai the 6Qask. th ae fteTemple,"-.anti SlO, ar aleWSrFrd mBe. Imm 9M ~~~~with-her sister Mn.. Andersan, the Ready for Queen's University lieneen, wenl Walk Tey CLLNFredEAIN d u et W h e n S ur v y th e W o n- stu d e n ts th is tern m, j, th e b e a u ti- H e e s o , e e in u e . T e yE C L N T O R E T N dtus Cro ss." eyarg the n fui new Stutients' Memonial were returning fnom wonk east A p'rs. hecorgv h Uinarcetoncnr o n diigtwrsth ui h ED OR N U ~ti n," includi ng a q a t t e b bth m en an ti w om en m a te p s- truck a ea ti w as flaggedt t slow B R o u ir ...anthem "H nk! t e G ai Cr a ina centeranttnoti e.yT ernt w a unNEWR U IT Fo.l1- 96 Mn,. Chas. Raby, Miss Connie Be- sible by funtis naiseti thnough pub- down which ion the momen hyNWCON.19' -lic subscriptions ta the cunrent di o otc.Te ih rotFoi be, nsE RtbenatiMn.H. Queen's Endowment and Building tr lw aa it crasheti the s' Caswell. In the evening the spec- campaign bumpen abeati throwing the truck Fresli Crisp, ial oiiering was a duet by Mn. anti out ai contrai. It landeti in the 5>88UIoKE Ready ta C Mns. Ronald Doggett, Welcome, nonth tiitcb on its side. The langer Mllf~3y~~ iir "Hold Thou My Hanti," antid truck owned by the Harvey Con- lu-'P O r sala by Mn. Doggett "Ah! Sweetly stucin -Ca. and dniven by H. ry8, T !V * Solemn Tbaught." The chair pre- tl o~wa a à ~sented the Dutch PrayeraiGdansfeeip ccy Tbana Ik giig WeGte Ta. .dage là .frd frienis ln the village. Mn. Eenl Dornell ha. beel heiping Geo. Bowers with hi. new garage for the school bus. Mn. anti Mn,. J. Tampkins, Miss Rogers anti Mr. White, Toronto, et thein cottage anti went duck shoating. Mns. Fred Rogers, Oshawa, Is visiting fnientis bore. Congratulations ta G or do n ,Hanna wlio was married in Osha- wa on Satuntiay. Mn. anti Mn,. Leon Brayley, Ta- ronto, visiteti Mn. Jas. Nesbitt on Sunday anti repanteti the break-in ai thein coittage anti four othor cottage, at Scugog Point. A veny great deal aiftdemage was done, especially ta the Stanley cottage. The five Taronta teen-. agers bave been apprehendei. A numben from Nestleton at- tended Anniivensary services in Bailydufi Presbytenian chunch when Mn. Douglas Conlan, a for- mer stutient ministen on this charge, gave very fine atitresses. The Pot Luck Supper, Fritiay evening in the Presbyterien chunch wa, well ettentieti anti the Travelogue af Flonitie, given by Mn,. Stanley Malcolm was much enjoyei. Mn. Nelson Marlow visited bis Western classical music is un- popular in India. Intiependent thought is the only preparation for the Proper study ai the thoughts ai others.-Cel- derwood. Is Your Rock Aching Today?, Whea you feel short, Sharp twîinges: with every suddep move-you simply! don' tee lilke working. Ask any bouse- wife bow painful it is ta iran, sweep, orwash dishes--when ber back aches sa she cen scarcely straighten up.i Many wamnen have founti that Dr. Chase's Kidne .iven Pilla bring quick relief fromn bacische because this timne- praven Dr. Chase remnedy acts on bath the kidneys and liver. Foeti 50 eas, 'Canadiens have use r. Chs aKidney-Liver PUIs- for backache andi painful joints, kidny andi liver disorders and a 'lu gis systemn. Try Dr. Ch4se's Kidney-Lîver f 4ýtýýÈýL Ai dEmIe cwte. 171 0This is the, landi of oontrasts, of rockhoUnd nlets and stretches of santi-the Bruce Peninsula, just a day', easy sunydrivingfo Southern Ontario cities via bigh- ways No. 4,* 6, 10 and 21. There's vacation activity and accommoda- tion ia variety, too-wrjte the Wiarton or Owen Sound Board of Trade for details. Anti remember vacationi8ts from across the border are guests of ours. "LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKIn rIk9. --. WALL CLEANER SuC & 5fl1 Pkg. 23< QUAKER GATS - - - Ige pkg 28c WHEN TxOI mobile Insuraj -Juat au lnieo -you get ONI of protection am you pay fon. Insufficlent 1 any botter tha, with a missinig StuartiB, INSURANCE - Phono: Offie RI Kh Street, UT buy Aut.- ace remember ,vrythlng cime LY the quality id service that. Insurance tint n an umbreila s ection! James REAL ESTATE 881. Rem. 493 Bowmanvil Let all your views ln i U- b. idirected to a solid,,however mnod- eerate, independence; without -It no man can ibe happy, nor even honest.-Junius. A few strike it rich, a few. ln. herit wealth, some are just plaUj. lucky, but for the majority the one sure way ta security and cotn- fort la the years to corne is to save now. You can't beat Canada Savifigs Bonds - and the Pay. roll Savings Plan. Stafford Bros. Monumental Wo Phone Whltby 553 318 »undaa St E., Wbitbr FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND» MARKERS Precise workmanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose froni the wide selection of imported and domestlc Granites and aa Wubtat e ubniM.Mrisisok md~ t Mn.Js enetuPe & UeaitCô LES E'EN SHELLOUTS. - EASY TO CARRY G RADE. la Marsh à>for q *dless 3 ? 3Washed Cello O Cook Pkg. 19 Fresh Green QtZ9 Sweet Pascal2 for 15e No. 1i elIow Cooking 10-1b. > Bag 39 E TABLE STOCK 25< 75-1b.19 COIN NIBLETS GREEN GIANT ANN PAGE FAMOUS, THREE VARIETIEB-MEW LOW PRICE BEANS 15-ozfi 9c 20-oz fin lc LIBBY'S TENDER KING CHR PEAS - 15-az fin iBc ALL PURPOSE ]ROBIN MGon FLOUR 7-lb bag 47c QUICK or REGULAR CUJSTOM ROfh CGFFEE i591 Ann Page oecrack"d What k' I pg I 24-oz of 120e 214-oz tins33< GOV'T GRADES -1 STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTERMOUSE, WING, &rIRLOIN or DBNELESS ROUND S. b. FIAT 5 I'çcI1~Sb. GENUINE SPRING LLA EG S Shank Off b. GENUINE BPRING LAM FRONTS. lb PEAM EALEDSb COTTAGE ROLLS*-l. SMOKED, SHANKLESS »PRE SHOULDERS S b. SMOKED SLICIED BREAKFAST BACON l. WIENERS MAPLE LEAF 1.lb.~:!io43<10ITHEEN GYSTEES ~' 59< 9 r -- .-ýà RED Ah EUTI 69< FRE 27 e< P FRE 49e<RA 43e HIà 59g Sn1 QUA1ITY MEATS WD BLUE BRAND BIEF 'HER END, FRESH M1 LOINS OIb55g ESH, WHOLE or HALP? ESH- KILLED, GRADE -A- "1;INGFOWL M-lb 3 K FED GRADE "A" ROABTING [Em ô bs. & up lb. 49< 8H CLEANED AND SKINNED EBI .aTS.l'39 SUA FOOD SUGGESTIONS LDDOCKFILLETS.'b. 380 [un EDFILLETSb. 37%, Ljwý, - PAGE rMMTZ" TM CMADL4R STAqnP-Uff,&v iuwuA m v -v o #%wm à %mm ý A 1 a DA« AMIN -A & P SUPER-RIGHT (