TKUBflA. OCOBE 2?,190?"M CANADIAN STATSMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO "SPORT NEWSI fort Erie Eliminates Dowmanville Juveniles iu Two Straight Canmes Bowmanvilie îost the Provincial Championship in the Juvenile Class o! the O.B.A. last Saturday ,whe they dropped their second t basebail garne to Fort EIu'one run margin, 4-3. 'l Iey, Iost the. first garne the we e e fore, 2-1, after ten inninso 'play. The locals d id not look as strong in the field in the second game as in the first, as Button- shaw's pitching was erratic at times and bis team-rnates com- mitted five errors during the play. Thair bitting wàs far botter, bow- ever, and tbey were credited with nine bits, including a home-run by Creamer in the f ifth. Fort Erie was comparitively weak at bat and was only able to knock out four bits duing the play. They took advantage of six walks and five errors given up by Bowmanville, thougb, to take and maintain their one-run lead, with Vinrce Feltrin's strong pitcbing ta cover them. Feltrin struck out 12 mon altogether, while walking only one and xvas at bis best when the pressure was greatast. Fort Erie's big inning was the third, wben tbey brought in 3 rons on as many bits. Logan led off with a single but was picked off trying ta steal second. Mc- ,.L.ynolds and Lainson were both '~kd a nd,,-ti~ffi went down, pi~kmt irst, advancing bath runnafs.' iiden bit a short pop- Up in short left xvhicb the wind took bold of, confusing the short- stop and the second baseman, who bath missed the catch. Since there were two out, bath runners started running when the ball was bit and bath scored wben it was missed, Eden advancing ta second. Feltrin followed with a walk and Fredo came up with a double which drove in Eden. Pilotte walked, ta load the bases, but1 nothing caMne o! it as Atwood1 ended the inning with a fly ta ule!!. Bowmanvilie tîed the score up in the fifth at three apiece when Creamar bit a horne-ron to deep le! t filid witb West on base. Fort Erie came back with a run in the sixth to take the lead and from that point neither team got an- other man past second base. 1 Creamer, Buttonshaw and West led the hitting for the day wîth two bits apiece. No player on the P'ort Eric te'um got more than one bit, although Freda's was good for two bases and a run. Umpires for the game wera Savoy, at the plate, and Clement in the înfueld. Batteries: Bowmanville - But- tonshaw and Gallagher; Fort Erie -Feltnin and Fredo. Score by innings: Bow'vilie Fort Erie R 100 020 000-31 003 001 0OX-4à Orono Athletic Association 0f ficers 1The annual meeting o! the Oro- no Amateur Atbletic Association was held in the Orange Hall on the avening o! -Tuesday, October 1 8th. At this meeting, in addition ta the election o! officers, reports were received from the retining secretary, treasurer and the heads o! the various branches of thr- Association. A very successful year was reported by ail dopant- ments and new plans aid for the ensuing year. The newly elacted directorate for 1949-50 consists of: President -Leroy Hamilton; Vice-Pres.- A. E. West; Secretary-C. S. Mc- Claren; Treasurer-Mrs. W. L. Bourne; Directors-Fred Lycett, Wm. Armstrong, O. W. Rolph, Emnie Dent, Sid Rutherford, Carl Flintoff, Carl Tannant, Miss A. Basnett, Mrs. Ken Gamsby and Mrs. A. E. West.*1 l ack Gay Takes Over IHig Triple Honora In Mon'. Bowling Jack Gay, the Courtice Fiast represented' the mid-way viliagt in great style when be rolled 761 to take the bonors for the higt, triple for the season and aie( boosted bis average from 222 tc 231 ta take over top spot in thie dapt. Bruce Milne is in second po. sition in the averages with 225. Other bigh triples for the nighi were Ross McKnight 737, Charhlu Rundle 733, Bill Bates 707, Dick Little 704 and the manager of the aileys, George Eiliott 701. Ross McKnight won the Royal Theatre tickets with higb single game o! 315. This is higb single for the season in the league. Reg Hearie had 296, Bihl Bates and Charlie Rundie were tied with 295 and Art Spicer had 291. Bill Westlake's team had high score with 3à20 as well as high single score o! 1248, Bruce Milne's team bad 3275 and 1158. Elgie Hamnden set a naw iow sîore with 77, Janzen was next with 90. Ted Miller 91, George Perfect 96 and Ted Tice 97. Doc Rundie tried bis new bowl- ing shoas but Reg Hearle still beat Doc out for the nigbt. Morley Oke and Bill Hearle are now off tbe sick list and are back at it once again. Men's Major Bowling League Team Standing Team Points Milne - ------- -------- 21 F. Williams------17 Luxton ----------------------- -- 17 B. Williamns------- ------- 17 Bates ------------- ----------- 17 O sborne ------------ ------ 14 Coola ------------------------ 14 Cancilla ,---------------------- 13 Westlake ------------------- 12 Rtndle------------------------ 12 Oke --------8 P iper ----------- -- - 6 Individual Average@ J. Gay-----------------------231 B. Mine ---------------------------225 A. Osborne -------------- --220 K. Luxton -------------- --. 218 R. Hearle --------215 B. Bates ------------214 G. Eiiott ------------------- 214 C. Rundhe --------------- ---- 214 Dr. Siemon -------------- - -213 R. M aynard ---------------212 M. Yourth ------210 ----- i Dr. Rundie-------------------- 206 H. Palm e,- ------------ 206 F. Williams ------------------- 205 T. Hoar ------------------ -------204 J. Calian ------------------- 2o3 D. Carter------------------- 203 A. Brooks ---- --------------- - 202 A. Piper ------ - ------------- 202 D. Little .-------201 H. C. Osborne ---- -------- 200 M. Dale --- ------------ -------- 200 R. Maos-------------------- 200 L. McFeeters ---------------- -200 Hockey Tearns to Start Practice 0ct, 27 Juvenile and Junior O011 .A. Hockey wiil staî-t in Bawmanville next week with the first practice ta take place in the Oshawa Arena on Thursday, Oct. 27, betwean 10 eand il p.m. All boys in Bow- 1manville and amea wbo can quai-1 îfy (and play hockey) are invited ta take part. To qualify for tbe Juvenihe team, a boy must ha un- dem 18 years o! age as of, Nov. 1, and for Junior, under 20 years aon the same date. Corne on out fellows-tbere's nothing ta hase and you may find you bava some bidden hockey 1 talents. Let's build up a cbam- pionship team. - SENIOR HOCKEY FOR ORONO The Oron, «imes comments, hast year \ve nad a taste o! this band o! hockey at aur local aena. It provides a lot o! bard hitting hockey, a typa which is always appreciated by the blood thirsty fans. Literally, evarything goos witbin reason. This antry is ta be madle up o! Newcastle and Orono. This senior team will then be entered In the Ontario Rural Hockey Association. It is expect- ed ta bave this team practicing on ice by November 15!. Sa if you bave big hips and lots o! what it takes, yeti have a chance o! mak- ing the tearn. Judging from las! y ear 's camments this team shouid provide entertainrnent for many o! this sport. Newcastle Lions to Enter Tegm As in previaus years the New- cas tle Lions Club are sponsoring either ana or two teams in that community. Possibly thesa will take in the minor hockey groups and will ba entered in the O.M.H.A. rn folowed by, dark lines - an d crows feat these latter are more fre- qetydue to strained ayas than O W RATE 1 o old age. Consider for a mno- ment the demands mnade uipon thxe eysto-day. The dernands made $10,000 for your faim ipan your own eyes, I as]k you ~. P X e a a fi ff q tc rr e: u to Iflifi. \(Copyrigbted) rTwenty New Records Orono Again ta Enter An Animal B. T. S. Tam in Ir._Hockey Track and Fiiý1d Meet After three workouts ony the Oshawa rink the Orono Juniors h TWenty new records were set are rounding into shape for the e at the Annual Track and Field coming program of hockey -very ;8 Meet held recently at the Ontarlo favorably and will soon be ready h Training Sehool for Boys. The to start pre-season round of ýo meet is held"each fall as an intra- exhibition games to ready theni omural competition to determine for the drop of the puck in the ýs individual and house champions race to the O.H.A. championship. -for the year. The, long serles of They are going to miss three of races and events was organized last year's players, in Jr. West, ýt this year by Winton Bagneil, who Gus Pollard and "Gibbie" Gibson, e also coached the 95 entrar1ts for but with a number of the new k the big day. recruits now with the team, the e During the alternoon 45 eventa management feels that they wrill were run off in four and a quarter be just as strong, if flot stronger hours, before an audience of boys than last year. efrom the school wbo were flot Most of the old familiar faces ecompeting. Mr. J. J. Brown an- will ba back again this season, in 9nounced the events and winners the persons of Bill Gearing, Chuck 1over the public address system. Hutton, Spencer Creamer, Steve 1.The following houses came out Stevenson, Don Mercer, Raye on top during the day in the three West, Rickie Richardson and Dean classes represented: West, with a line-up of at least Jurîior Champions-jury House, six players stili in the running to s171 points; Kiwanis House, 112 fil the shoes of the three absen- points; North House, 105 points, tees. The team this year is being t Intermediate Champions-South handled by the same management House, 186 points: Jury House, as last season, with Carl Flintoff 132 '/2 points; Kiwanis House, 121 i'~ as secretary-treasurer; Bud Hoop- points. er as coach, and Dane Found man- t Senior Champions - St&uth ager. Nip Cooper Will be respon- House, 1801/ points; Centre House, sible for the equipment, etc., this 107 points; Jury House, 1051/2 year. Thé final line-up of the points. team will be announced later. as After the end *of ail regular ail the personnel has not definite- events, 'three inter-bouse coin- ly been decided on as yet. petitions were beld: the tug-of- 1war, 440..yd. relay and the March Past. After thiý points were I arn Free Enterprise totalled for the houses ai-d the ____ winners announced. Champion (By Benjamin Decasseres of the House for the ý'ear was South National Union of Railwaymen) House, with a total of 4801/2 points. They took second in the I amn the Spirit of Private En- tug-of-war and first in the 440- epi. relay and the March Past. Sec- terie aeeise r ond and third places were w omn of mind and body have ex- by Jury House (423 points) and' Kiwanis Hlouse (302 points). itd Wherever 1 have been murder- Individual winners for the day e ycletv asadgv wereas ollws:erlimental strangulation freedom Junior Champion-C. Lçwis, 44. of mind and freedom of body have points, set new records for the died. basebail throw and the discus I was the physical lever of Ath- throw; LaPlante, 39 points; E. enian civilization. Brown, 33 points. I died in--the collective feudal Intermediate Champion - Rey- ages. nolds, 42 points, set new records .-I wasresurrected in the Ren- for 100-yd. dash. running broad aissance, beginning the modern jurnp and base running; Beaumont, age. 33 points; Nicholson, 31 points. With the rebirth of free private Senior Champion-R. Wilson, 48 trading came the vastest expans- points, set new records for 100- ion in the arts and sciences the yd. dash, shotput, running broad world bas ever known. jump, hop, step and jump, discus I, Private Enterprîse, have throw and rugby throw: Hiarman, brought men of the same coun- 38 points; Stratton, 36 points. tries and men of distant countries dloser together in friendly inter- -course than ail the Socialistic and THIS YEAR YS THE PEAK Communistic doctrines combined. 0F PARTRIDGE CYCLE My trade routes have been the routes of human progress. (Pemnbroke Bulletin) I arn the expression and sus- Partridge hunters should make tainer of aIl that is lordly in the human soul-Sei"-Reliance, the an effort to get their bag during Adventurous Spirit, emotional the shooting season, which opens and mental Initiative, Ambition, in ten days' time, because, accord- and Inventive Resourcefuines. ing to the Department of Lands Wt yrbrhi h eas and F'orests, this year is the top Wsanc bth mn heel o!lin o! the ten-year cycle which sees beaneth e.mnlvl flvn partridge go from plenty to prac- he oshkes nsae ao tical]y nothing.Th hclsosavlbrbe Nobody can explain how or gan to rust and crack. ~vh ths hppes.butthebioo- Money became internatîonak. L why his appes, ut te bilo- Man at rny touch took on some-1 gists are satisfied that hunting thn fteapc facetv doesn't do it. Nature somehow bg o h apc o ret takes a hand and, when the birds gI, Private Enterprise, buit reach their most abundant per- America. iod, thins them out It is there- If she is a giant today in pro- fore expected that after this year duction it is 1 who have magde her partridge will become scarcer and a giant. scarcer until they pretty nearly I cleared ber forests. vanisb, and then tbey will corne Ibithrrira back and increase for another I buinlt er rier ods. ns period. I erected hem factories, dug the \ A pecuýiar thing about these coal and ore in ber mines, and cycles is that they may have holes sent out ber ships on Seven Seas. in thern. For instance ,a few years In my -brain was born every ago when partridge wera at thair creature comfomt you enjoy. lowest ebb in one section-~of On- 1, Private Enterprise, with my tario, the birds were plentiful in free laborers and xny unshackled a srnall area o! Quebes, just a few captai.ns of ind4istry, buiît the miles away. Now, with tha cycle muskets, the airplanes, the tanks, at it.s peak in this province, thay the submamines, the great guns are reported to be low across the that down through the years have river. safeguarded the shores of North There is every indication that America. oartridga are more plentiful in I amn the hope o! Europe and this area this faîl than for a nurn- Asia. ber of years. The Lands and For- 1, Private Enterprise, am the ests Departrnant reports that a workîng classes, the rniddla class - tourist coming in from Round es, and thue well-to-do classes. Lake bad to stop bis car to per- I arn the butcher shop, the mit aight partridge to cross the naw,%s stand, the great departmant road and local citizens have re- store, the giant furnaces of De- ported seeing the birds in large -r1tan t . l Our Famous SANITONE Dry CI.aning G,91s Your Topcoat Cleanert Jaded colors spring to life. Spots are gone ... Original "fit" and drape restored.. garments hold a better pre'ss longer! There's no dry-clean- ing odor, either ... and we do minor repairs FREE! Costs no more than ordinary methods-cali us today!j qe ' Oshawa Laundry &Dry Cleaning OSHAWA Phone Zenith 13000 19 Playing the Devil, Br Juosejh Lister RutIedge The vicar of K.nowil Hill, Berkshire, England, ha. a graph- ie way of presenting 'the truth. The other Sunday ha startle4 his parishioners by announcîng that he, or anyone, could play the dcvii quite effectively, and without losîng standing in the cornmunity. The method wvas a process o! "nibbling". Now "nibbiing", as hae explained it, wasn't a matter of being outright devilish, smash- ing moral laws and conventions, and decrying ,those wbq upheld them. It wasnt a matter 0, saying "to bell with ail religion". It was a softar approacb, like arguing that ail religious beliefs weme pretty much alike and anyway differences weren't important. It wasn't an attack on church- going or church-goers, it was the plausible argument that churches are stuffy places of a bot summer day and that you can worship God in your car, your garden or the golf links as well as in His House. Just enough truth in a davil's ar- gument to make it convincing to those who wish to ba convinced. We are cornpleteiy in agree- ment with the Rav. Basil Clarke that this '-nibbling" method o! playing the devil is everywhara effective. It permîts teihing blows without disturbing opponents or arousing anger or opposition- the tacltics of infiltration. By just such tactics some verv good people, with the very bast intentions, are belpng our own prîvate devils to get in some very effective lick-s. We have heard tbemn arguing, for instance, that there are many admirable tbinigs about tbe communistic theories- that they jibe completely with the teacbing of the Man of Galilea. That is as perfectly true as it is a perfect devils argument. It permits good people to be un- moved by the tbreat of commun- isrn. It keeps themn and others from. mecognizing that they are the arguing an abstraction; for the communist theories that they use as a 'base o! argument bave no shadow o! existence in the politi- cal tbinking of today. Or they argue that socialism is the basic Christian doctrine. That is true, with qualifications. With the '"good toalal" men, there is aiso the demand for the unaiterabie integrity of the individual-his right and'his obligation ta use bis own gifts and maka his own cboi- c~es, ta improve and enlarga his talents, flot hide tbem in a napkin until some-one is ready to take charge o! them for him. The final levil's argument is that politically sLocialisma is a dead duck. What !oily, when botter than one out of every eight-in a set-back election-stiil voted for it. Tbey sbould remamber that a party bhat took ilmost as grest a beating has govemned the destinies o! this country during bal! the yearsj since confedaration and will again. No cause is dead while there ara people to remember. Thriving in Scotland's highlands until 800 years ago, reindeer may be ra-introducad. Phone 438 Bowman ville 42 King St. E. far beyond your ixnmediate gras>. Whatever it is, Canada Savingi Bonds are the stepping atones up which ahl of us can climnb, ~'ear by year, until we reach it. THE CROWN LIFE; Insurance Company' Established 1900 Home Office, Toronto, Canada AGENT:- Lorne Allun 17 Division Street fatoy-rand ecanc ad peil 7/!s n Facptoaretme cai n secaltools andu serviceotstare the cf obin mton tatmaeour stenieou...anfin! fjob wanrpropt,cdrteou dse us today. Be wise. Winter-ize! Palmer Motor Salese VOUR CITIES SERVICE OIL DEALER 20 Ki" St. E. - BowmanVilie - Phone 487 DISTRIIUTORS FOR CHRYCO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES DUFFERIN4 p AR K TORONTO 2 P.NM. OCT. 22 Admission (Includiny Tax) m NOVa 7 a a $1.2à Children tJncer Sixteen Not Admitted 8U FIRSI CLASS LUNCH COUNTER CAN cOIT $IO«OO INSU RANCE PROECION mily if you die from a natural cause; or- @-Ar TOTAL DISABILITY AND ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMEN FITS w&tUCouJ'ederationbif e N s à0 0@ F ac f A.sociatioji t o ao N , of Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Peterboro P. J. XATHZ3, Divisional Manager PArn! ,11irU~N PICTURE 0F A HAPPY GUY WHO HAS NO ELECTRICAL WORRIES Ha consultcd lis first about his alectricai wiring' Droblems and liow he is complateiy happy. We toid hlm what w-as best for his particular job and then proceeded to carry out the wîork tsing our tachnlcally trained and skilled îvorkmen. Only the bast of materials were usad throughout. If you have alectricai probhams "'a can do the sama for you and guarantea that you wilI be just as happy. Cal us to-day and we will bc glad to furnish you with. free estimates. HICCON ELECTRIC .Vour General Eecetric Appliance Dealer BEST I'VE EVER GROWN, SAYS JOHN HENDEL I figure the robacco crop 1 got with Bienn this year is the bt I've tivr grou. Because of the outstanding resuits I've had for the pst rwo !earu using Blenn, lm growing my next years tobacco crop exclusively wich Blean. l'm plaions my PULL 0101K FOR BIE'IN TODAY." Mr. Hendel used Swif t'a Blenn because ha knowa that the cholce of a good plant food ia jusa'tabout as important to raising profitable tobacco as the choice of good land. Swif t'& Bienn lsa a clentlfic plant food Sdeveiopment, prepared ln Canada by Swift experts to heip grow more profi t- Sable tobacco crops in Ganadian soit. Now la the buet tinte to see your Swift -Plant Food Dealer about your neit " u 9C yemr'a suppiy of Swlf t'a Blenn. PLANT FOOD DIVSION P.O. Box 39, Nw Trnto, Ont ;F&U1fUU if you die by accident; or- $30,000 if you die by accident while riding as a passenger i a public conveyance (aeroplane excepted), or due to a fixe i.n a public building. Liberal cash paymen t for Iàas of parts of your body end total disabi)ity. As for printed cord "$10,000 Law Rate Protection" which explaisir thas policy. It will inteet you. SAVING MAKES Ir SO Dreams, ambitions, hopes and fears - we aIl hava thern. No two are ahike but there is one thing they ail have in common. It is that, in the final analysis. they ahl invoive money. - That is oe reason wby Canada Savixugs Bonds mean more to most people thari sirnply a sound in- vestrnent. "Investment" is an ab- stract word witbh ittle emotional warmth. Most Canadians who buy Canada Savinga Bonds neyer stop to thini< that they are -invest- ing". They are doing sometbing much more exciting - making dreams corne true. What 15 your.dream? Is is tra- vel in far-off places? Is it edu- cation for your eilîdren or retire- ment and security in youm old age? .w 4-&%xrj JL Ag JL JUM 7BE READY FOR WINTER WITH THis 7 POINT COOLINIG SYSTEM CHECK- UP *Radiator cleaniing with radiator cleaner and reverse-flow lushing gun. 2 Water purnp chck for las 3 Fan beit adjustrnent ACheck for Ieaks and deterioration la rubber connections. SEngine check for leakage. Thorough radiator core cleaning to 6eliminate summer accumulation of bugs, etc. - 7 Anti-freeze. 1 TXUP.ST)AY, OCTOBER 27,1049 PAGE »-nFèrxý