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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1949, p. 16

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* *i:~. **.~"**~ -~ 4. MAE SDCTEEh TUM C4AALMÇTATESItAN, QWMANVXLLK. » ITAMT TNTJUMBAV. A~w*~ em, TRADE BIRTHS ELLIOTT-Mr. and'Mn-.-G. N Elliott ard happy to announce the birth of a daughter, at Bowxnan- ville Hospital on Wednésday, Oct. l9th, 1949.431 WERRY-Mr. and Mrs. W. Wesley Werry are happy to announce the birth of a son, William John.-at Bowmanville Hospital, on Octôber 20th, 1949. 43-1 MARRIAGE GREEN - KING - Ôti Saturd$ay October 22, 1949, in Toronto, by the Rev. R. L. Hunter. Miss Mavis King, of Bowmanville, formerly of Blackpool, England, to Mr. Reginald Green, of London, Eng- land. The couple will make their home in England. 43.1 * DEATHS SNOWDEN-At the residence, 115 Agnes St.. Oshawa, on Sunday, October 23. 1949, Amelia Brim- acombe, in her 8th year, beloved wife -of Richard D. Snowden and dear mother o! Foster and Ron- aid. Interment Bowmanville Cern- etery. 43-1 CARD 0F THANKS- St. John's Sunday School wishes to express their thanks and ap- preciation to ail who cantributed to the success of their turkey din- ner, Friday evening. We regret the inconvenience causedta those we were unable to serve, but attendance was beyand aIl ex- pectations. 43-1 IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In loving .memory. of our dear son, Clifford, who passed away October 24th, 1947,. in. his sixth year: His memory is as dear to-day As in the haur he passed away. -,Lovingly remembered by Moth- er, Dad and Billy.431 FOWLER-In loving memory of our mather, Isabella T. Campbel who passed away Oct. 17,0933; aiso our dear father, Thomas Wil- liam Fowler, who passed.away Oct. 27, 1939: *rom memory's page time cannot blot Three littie words: "Forget-mieý- flot." Sleep an Dad and Mother, and , take thy rest, They miss you mast who loved you best. -Ever remembered by daughters and sons. 43.1* FRY-In loving memory of a dear mather and grandniother, Eliza Jane, who passed away October 27, 1946: Her memary is as dear taday,. As the haur she passed' away. .-.Lovingiy remnembered by Maud, Olive, Bert and grandchildren. 43-10 SPRY-In laving memory of. a dear wi!e and mother, Mildnedi Spry, who passed away October 28, 1943: O happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweel their memory gtili. But Dealh has left a loneliness The world can neyer f ili. -Always remembered by hus- band and family. 43-1 Lost MAN'S Pierce wnfstwatch. Re- ward ta finder. Walter Connelly, 164 King St. West. 43-10 BLACK WALLET lost Saturday morning containing sum cof money. Reward ta fînder. Phone 2996. 43-1 * Notices Dancing Classes i Ballet and Tap, laught by Irenie -Harvey, A.C.C.M., on Fridays, 19 King E. 41-tf To whom it mayconcern: I will nol be responsible for debts incurred by my wile in my namne after the scventh day o! Octaber, 1949. Harold E. McKnight 41.3* Anyonc having deposits on merchandise or laid away goods in aur store are requested te o ik up the saine by the 7th of oveimber at.the ToI Toggery. 1 Mrs. Berniece Collis, Owner1 43-2 I am now taking orders, for subscriptions and renewals ta al magazines and ncwspapers and solicit y-our patronage. Mrs. Helen Stinson, 4 Phone Bowmanviilc 2723. q 43-1* Voters' List Posted Clerk's Notice of Firat Posting et Votera' Liat Votera' List. 1949, Municlpality et Rowmanvllle, County et urha» NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and thet I have posted up in my office at Bowmanviille on the 26th dlay of October, 1949, the Eist of aIl pen- sons entitled 10 vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions and thal such lst renMains there for inspection. And I heneby call upon ail vot- ers to take immnediate action fo have any errons onromissions con- rected accordîng ta law, the last day o! appeal being Wednesday, November 9th, 1949. *A. J. LYLE, Clerk o! the Town of Bowmanvoj1e. Datedi this 2eth day of October, 1949. _ 8- HelpWanted GENERAL assistant 'required. Apply Balmoral Ilotel. 43-1* YbUNG -womennforflght factory work. Apply Paul H. Simpkin Cabinet -Co. -43-1 GIR L cerki - bookkeeper for local businies. Write Box 330, States- mian Office. 43-1 GIRL, or womnan, general bouse- wotk, sleép i, Toronto home, central location, two adults, one child, $60.0,0 per -month to start. Write Box 329, Statesmnan Office, giving references. 43-1 REFINED womnan required as companion housekeeper for a lady, 4plendid opportunîty for a person requiring. A gaod home with ne- mune.ration. Write Box.328, States- man Office, Bawmanville. 43-1* WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumera in'Bowmnanvile. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- 1er cansidered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-J-140-131, Montreal. 40-4 EXPERIENCED man ta work an a farm close to tawn. Ideal -for married man living in Bawman- ville who is flot afraid o! long hours and good pay. Machine mnilking and tractor equipment. Write Box 331, 'c/o Canadian Statesman. 43-1* Room and-,Board ROOM' and Board available for working girl. Mrs. -Willet Clark, Phone 988 Bawmanville. 43-1 COMINÇG EVENTS Dénce at Soli na School, Friday, No.4th, Alex Stack 's orchestra. Auspices Football Club. 43-1' Dance and Euchre, Enniskillen Hall, 'October 28th. Valuable prizes., Praoceeds for hospital. Admissiten 59c. 43*.1* Reserve the week o! Novem- ber 28th'to December-2nd for the Bowmanville. High School Com- mencement Exercises. 41-7 Come te the Anglican Y.P.A. Hard-time Party on Fniday, Oct. 28, at 9 o'clock. Admission '25c. 43-1 Home Cooking Sale on Satur- dey, Oètober 291h by St. Paul's Junitec W.A., te be held in the Hydro Shop. 43-1 Scout' and Cub Mothers Aux- iliany will hold a rurnmage sale i Bowm4rpvill Memonial Arena, on Satueity, Oçt. 29th, at 10 a.m. * . 42-2" St:. iul's.-C1hurch la sponsor- kng a "Food -Gifts for. Britain" da_. Io 8Vp4ay, .Ocloben 3Oth. Bring pr ufnd your gifla or dona- tions .ta noning or evening ser- vices. 42-2 Friday; Oct. 28th, ai Newcastle Community Hall, the Newcastle- Oronô Senior Hockey Club is holding a Hallowe'en Dance. Door pnize o! two tickets for an N.H.L. hockey g *âme. 42-2* Countice United Chunch Thank- Offering Service, Sunday, Oct. 30, aI 7 p.m. Special speaker: Rev. Frank Whitely, Centre St., Osh- awa. Wednesday, Nov. 2, Roast Turkey Dinnen. 43-1 Nurses' Association is holding a cuchre, 500 and bridge panty on Wednesday, Nov. 2, aI the Lions Conimunity Centre, aI 8:00 p.m. Lunch aerved. Admission 50c. Tickets available from the nurses. * 43-1* Public Speaking Conteat for Public School children of Dur- ham Cotinty will be held in Baov- manville High School, Friday, Nov. 4, a1 8 p.m. A musical treat as well. . Make Ihis a record night. 43-2 $alem Women'a 4sasociation are holaipga bazaar in the Lions Community. Centre on Nov. 25th frorn, 3 te 5- p.m. Booths o! sew- ing, knitig,, country store and loeaking.. Aflernoon tea wil b. served. 43-4* Réserve Thursday, Nov. 3, for bizavir, sale of home-made cook- ing d aflennoan tea in S.O.E. Hal. Sponsored by Companions Qf Forest. They will also hoid a euchre ai 8:30 p.m. in same hall. 43-. Articles For Sale QUANTITY Narthenn Spy apples. Phone 2351. 43-1 '34 CHEVROLET sedan, $200'00.1 205 King St. E. 43-1! TWO Quebec heaters, ln good condition. Phone 577. 43-1* 1935 CHEVROLET coach, gond condition. 104 Duke St. 43.1* FINDLAY OV f coal and wood range, splendid condition. Phone 577.. 43-.1* DINETTE suite, fi-piece, natunal finish, red triim, leather chair seats. Phone 866. 43-1 1947 TWO-ton Studebaker truck, in good condition. Phone 1827J1,i Oshawa. 43-1*; CIRCULATOR caal heater, in goad condition. Phone 804 or 864 after 6 p.m. 43-1 '35 FORD sedan, $195, goad tires, seal beam lights. J. Heatlie, Les- kard, R.R. 2 Orona. 43-1* PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measure and instal. 37-tf GIRL'S 3-piece winter outfit, royal red, size 4. Phone Port Perry 172r32. 43.1*- COAL furnace,,used, hot air pipes, price $25. Orr Venning, Part Pcrry 197r22. 43-1* WHITE figure skates, size 5, C. C.M. Apply 54 Liberty. St. N. 43-1* SUSSEX coal or wood range, white enamel, good condition. Phone 2715. 43-1 1936 -DODGE sedan, new tires, new battery, in good running con- dition. Phone 2242. 6 43-1 DRY hardwood, in stove lengths, $3.50 a single card. Robt. Sim. Tyrone, Phone Orono 62-4. 43.2* 1935 FORD coach, new motor, mileage 8,000, new battery, mud grip tires. Phone 2964. 43-1* TWO auto heaters. Apply James Sedman, one mile east jof Cour- tice on Highway No. 2. 43.1* QUEBEC heater, large size, nearly new; alsb lady's skates, size 7, jn good condition. Phone 965. 43.1* NEW stock o! baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and ail baby's needs. Sec these specials at Morris Ca. 37-tf 1929 OLUSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, in Ai running condition. EarI Penwarden, Pontypool, Phone Orono '62-13. 43-1* DRY Beech and M#pIç, $18 per cord,' eut in foot lengths and de- livered; dry cedar, $12. Fnank Gilmer, Phone Clarke 613. 42-2 YOUR apples custom pressed. Sweet cider for sale. Fred La- Salç, Harmony Rd. north, finst road east. Phone 3430J1'Oshawai. 42-4 ONE .child's crib with spning mat- Iress, only siightly used and in excellent condition. Phone 853. 43-1* WOOD furnace, in good condition, will seli cheap. Marwood McKe;, Bunketon, Phone 1 1 ir2 Port Perry. 43-1 * 50 NEW ýHampshire pullets,- laying 5017, $200 each. Two snow tread tires, 650-16, practically .new. Phone 2819. 43-1* 1934 MASTER Chev. coach, ex- cellent brakes, motor recently oterhauled.- Donald R. Davey, Tyrone, Phone 2737. 43-1 GIRL'S winter coat, light blue; blue plaid suit; red, white and blue checked suit, ahl size 14. Appiy 119 Liberty St. S. 43-1 FLOOR Cavenings for every room o! yaur home, chaie, cheerful patterns, wonderful value. Sale 49c sq. yard. Wilson's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 42-2 BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no ivetà. In stock ready ta go; Chev.. Dodge, Plymouth, Chny- sIen. Olda., Pontiac, Buick (drumns iathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf FRIGIDAIRE-Commercial No. S. 20, 20 f t. Frigidaire, double doors, meanly new, cheap for cjuick sale. E. A. Leamen, Supertest Station on No. 35 Highway, R.R. 2 Orono. 43-1 NUMBER of new steel ail'dnums, dlean and ready for use for stove ail or gasoline stonage, on sale, at 1$3.50 each ai Bob Stocker's Gar- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ClassiFied. Ad.vertîsing Rates-- EFFECTIVE JANIJARY 23, 1949 BuRTHS - DEATHS ENGAGEMENTS - MARIAGES CARDS 0F THANKe - $1.00 Fer Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a Une for verses per insertion NOTICES - COMING EVENTS . ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must bp pald before Insertion If Changed:-3e a word (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies dfrected te thisi office. (Additional Insertions ai Saine Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER TRAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order with order to get loiw rate, CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Articles For Sale FRAME building, 22' x 501, good steel ro of, to be removed. W. A. Miller, Phone 62r16 Orono. 43.1* HOLLYWOOD Studio C o u c h, sping-filled mattress, smart cov- erings. Special $39.50. Wilson's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 42-2 1936 PACKARD Cab., in good condition, will sell or trade for smaller car. Apply E. A. Leamen, Supertest Station, No. 35 High- way. R.R. 2, Orono. 42-2* '34 FORD Coach, seal beam lights, excellent tires, ncw brake job, engine recently ovenhauied, little adds and ends. Apply ta sec car at 107 King St. West, Bowman- ville, Ont. 43-1* WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available with water pump and electric heater - heat yaotr water right in the washer, from $117.50. Easy termis. F. F. Morris Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf NOW is the correct planting lime fer Giant Flowering Peony roots,, in colons ned, white or pink. Im-1 mediate delivery. -Three for $1,.1 Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries,i Bowmanville. 40-71 ALL kinds of meat. good qualily, .smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger.lDarlinglon Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; alsa custom kiliing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf 1934 HUDSON sedan, a real bar- gain, excellent mechanical condi: tion, new appearance, good tires,I ncw slipcovers, well kept and carefully driven by owner. Apply M. P. Irwin, Orono, Ont., Phone 17r4. 43-1* CHESTERFIELD Suite, /a floor sample, all over lovely velour cavering, spring-filled construc- tion, guaranteed. Special law price, $135.00, reg. $225. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 42-2 SPRING-Filled Mattresses, ail sizes, guaranteed construction, smart covenings. Special manu- facturer's clearance makes this very low price possible. Sale $19.95. Wilson's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 42-2 TWO new Quaker ail burning heaters; used Case tractar; new Case S tractor; .new Case offset dise hanrow; Beatty and DeLaval pressure syslems; 2 rails snow fence;. wire fence and steel pasts; 2 used Quebec heaters. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 43-1 ONE Case roll-crop tractor, V.A., used aPproximately 150 hours, equipped wilh starter, iighls and pulley, power take-off, hydraulic lift. Anyone requiring a traclor would be well advised ta sec this machine before they make a de- cision. Durham Matons, Port Hope. 43-1 1 Pets For Sale TWO Collic pups. Phone 2090.1 1 ~43-1*1 REGISTERED Cocker Spaniel puppies, golden buff colour. Ber- nard Dilling, 23 Nelson St., Bow- manville, Phone 2770. 43-1* COLLIE and Fox Terrier pup; alsc New Zeaiand white rabbits. Apply fourlh house an Varcoe Road, easi a! Oshawa. 43-1 Livestock For Sale YEAR-oid Rock hens. Phone 2154. 43-1 BARRED'Rock pullets, 5 monlhs old. Apply Richardson Farms, Pontypool, Phone Orono 81rl6 43-1 * PUREBRED Shorthorn bull, nine months aid; also 100 White Leg- horn hens, one year old. Ear] Trewin, Enniskilicn, Phone 2351. GRADE Jersey cow and grade Jersey heifr, bath bred; Clyde mare, seven years old. Apply Wcllbanks and VanAllen, New- tonville, Phone 3603 Clarke. 43-1*, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut flow- ers, all colours. Bouquets and floral arrangements for ail oc, casions. Graham's FIqrists, Enqi- skillen, Phone Bowmnahville 244P. 43.3* TWELVE bred Holstein heil~s coming in next spring; 4 pisý, 12 weeks old; 6 pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply S. Buma, ane miles east o! Nestîcton, on 7A Highway, Phone 225-r-24 Port Perry. 43-1 Wanted ToBuy CHEST of drawers; single bcd (woaden); small dressers. Phone 577. 43-1* SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467.41t POULTRY wanted, highest pri ces paid. We cail at your door. Phone Oshawa 301l3R. 36-tf BEFORE seiling yourlive poultry try us. Our pnices are highcr. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 n 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Chiropodist T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and lcg. General chinopody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St,, Oshawa.! PhoÉe 3947. 35-if Personal SKINNY Men, Women! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs. New peo, too. Try famous Osîrex Tonic Tablets for double results: new heallhy flesh: new vigar. New "gel acquainted" size anly 60c. Ail druggists. 43-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain age. Bowmanville, phone 804.. TRAIJ-IN- Beatty washer, ne- scalea envelope witn price liat. St. John's Churcèh, Blackstock, 33-If conditioned, guaranteed anc year; Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Annual Supper and Concert, 1931 MODEL A Ford coupe, in General Electnic washer, newly Mail Onder Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- Thurday Noembe 3r, i Copainted, recanditioned; 4-bunner ber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ThusdyNoemer3n, n - good running condition, with seal Westinghouse ehectric range, used 3- firnnity Hall. Supper stails ai beami lights, numble seat, snow anc monh, new gi.arantee; steel WHY Be Constipated! - Why en- 6, pin. Programme. moving pic- lires and new pint job. Wiîl sdi j beds and apninga; Sien Glowdr h dsrs nddsofr trsby Mn. Stephen Saywell, reasonably. Phone Bownille1*ail burners for kitchen oange onsdure the onistrsa and dscom!oa Oshawa. Admission: Aduhis 5c: 2586. 43-4* Murphy's, Phone 811. 43-* cnditio that may ead o sentous Children 35c. 43-1 1 ands _________ otnh v I en BRAL)LEY Furniture Ca., 40 King PLASTIC Wall Tile-There is a disorciers? Thausadhvebn A Shoeting Match wil be held St.*W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. distinctive STYROTILE colour helped ta relie! with Dr. Jack- at the farnm o! VanDamn Bras.. 2 bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bcd that will fit int your plans for san's Roman Meal. Here ia ne ,miles eist o! Bunkelon, on Satun- autfite, conipletp, $26.95; felt base madernizing your bathroom, kit- harsh, griping or irritating lax- day, 'Oct. 2th, at 1 o'clock p.m. floor covering, 49c a square yd. chen, laundry or phayroom. Ap- ative but a delicious. wholesome &rsng your own sholguns and chrome chairs, $6.95, ah] colons; pîied by trained applicators at a and natunal cereal. Developed by riflés, ammunitian will be aup- 3 pc. allover velour chestenfield moderate cost. Fresa estimates Robent G. Jackson. MD., il coin- pid.Came one! Comie ahI! suts34.0;6p.nualfih will be gladhy given ta those phon- bines the nalural food values and ____ 43-1* breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- îng Bowmanviile 772. 42.3* deiciaus flavona o! whole wheaî filled maîtresses, $24.95; tri-light and whole rye with thé gently Dance with Ruth Wilson Variety lampa, completii, $12.95,, nangettes, BEDROOM Suite, Group, beauti- laxative properties o!fifax-o-lii, ]Band, Fridy, Oct. 28, !iallowe'en ranges !rom $59.00; 3-pc. ;llover fuI walnut fiish, modern wAter- and bran. Make Roman Meal youn Party. 4,t Ida-, Saturday, Oct. 29, vehour bcd chesterfield -suites, fahi style, incliuding dresser, chif- daily ceneal for the whole family. IUllowe'en Masquenade with priz- $119.00; 9 x 0 Axminster carpels, fonier, bed, cable apring, spring- Write today ta Dr. Jackson es, at Bethany; Monday, Oct. 31, green on wine oriental designs, filled matîreas, twa piilows, bed; Faods Limited. Dept. K, I Willing- Blackstock CommUitiy Hall:, Fri- $49.50; cbenille bcd apreada, 36.95,1 lamp, 2 boudoir lampa and shades. docln Bivd.. Toronto, for FREE' day, Nov. 4, ai Pontypool, 'Satur-'tabhe 1amp*-. $6.75. Everything for, Extra Special $123.00 camplete.: Bookiet Nature's Way te Good day. Nov. 5. ai Tyrone. Everyone the home at Bradley's. 40 King Wi1son'e Furniture Co., 20 Church'*Health" by Robert G. Jackson. ,weciie. Adàit - N 50<, U-1- âh. W, Oshawa. Phone 271. I-tU 1St., Oshawa. 62-2 M.D. .43.1 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-noomned bungalow, lights and water. Possession Nov. ist. Phone, 468. 43-1* C ORNER builIding lot on Duke St., approximately 54.' x 111'. Apply 91 Duke. Street. 41-3* FOUR-roomed, insul-brick house, fully insulated, bathnoom with electric hot, water tank, '4-acre lanid, $3,300. Possession immed- iately. Apply Russell Brown, 87 Libenty St. S., Bowffianville, Phone 819. 43-1* NEWCASTLE DISTRICT' Estate Sale 150 ACRES of rich dlay loam in excellent state af fertility (includ- ing 11 acres o! full bearing apple orchard). Located on goad gravel road 1%14 miles northwest from Newcastle and Highway No. 2. Owner's home of 8 raams, cottage for help. Large barns and stables and autbuildings. Possession as arranged. Near schools and trans- portation. This farm is regarded' locally as one af the best farms in Durham Caunty, which county, in turn, is highly regarded as an apple beit. This farmn must be sald ta wind up an estate; any reasonable offer will be consid- ered. Price $1 9,500. Co-operative listing. See your own Real Estate Agent or cammunicate with us. John Stark & Co., Realtors 353 Eglinton W., Toronto Daytime MAyfair 4439 Evenings HUdson'1079 ASK FOR MR. STOCKDALE 43 -1 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE $6,500.00-Solid brick, 9-roomed house on Queen St., opposite High School. Hardwood, heated with ail, new roof, recently redecorat- Wanted To Rent FOUR or five-roomed apartment or house for couple with one child; ungently needed. Phone 872. 43-.1* URGENTLY wanted to rent - House in or 'within two miles of Bowmanville, any district, where twa boys going ta schaol net objected ta. Phone 2273 vafter 6 p.m. 43-1 For Rent FOUR-roomed apaniment. Apply Neil Lathangue, c/a King's Taxi. 1 43-1 FOUR-roomed house, one mnile trom Bowmanville. Possession about October 25th. Write -Box 325, Statesman Office, Bdmmpn- ville. 43-1* Wanted DEAD horses and cattle for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone charges. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD or crippled stock removed free o! charge. One hour service. Highest prices for oId horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Cail Coliect: Bowmanville 2679. 41-tf WANTED - Two roomers. Would prefer gentlemen in business, would furnish breakfast if desir- cd, centrally located, Phane 517 or caîl at 32 Wellington St. 43-1 DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up ahl dead or crippled farm anîmals free o! charge. Highest prices paid for aid horses. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. 20-tf Work Wanted AUCTION SALE' GARAGE TOOLS £QUIPMENT~~ frein the eutate of * C. A. Bari1lei' 152 King St. Euat, Bowmio*dttI Saiurday, Ociober 29 as follows: 1 Set Chain Hoist Block -sad Tackle; Grease Buggies' ad Pumps; Hydray~lic Jack; Adr Grease Gun; D'rive-Socket Set; Brake Rivetting Machine: Battery Charger (slow); Bench Vise: Heavy Duty Sopket Set; 1/8 h.p.: Motor and Grinder; Vulcanizer: Blow Torches; Air Compressor and Tank; Taylor Safe; Large jWheel-Puller:, Gear Puller <Ford); iCylinder Gauge: Stocks and Dies;, Wrenches, Punches; Pliers; Chains; IDrills; broken lots of. grease and ail, and a great many other itemSt toa numerous ta mention, Terms Cash No Reserve Sale ai 1 p.m. (under cover) Wm. Challis, Auctioneer.. 40-1 FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE, FARNI STOCK AND ~ AND IMPLFMENT The Propers:4 y Wm. Dawson LOT 3, CON. 5, DARLINGTON TWP., Just cast of Rappy ValIeg, Friday, Ociober 28 HORSE$ Brown Horse, Il years; Bay Marg, ilyears. CATTLE 3 Ayrshire Cows, 4 years aid; 2 Hereford Cows, 5 yrsold; Jersey Heifer, 2 years aId; Roan Yearl- ing; 2 Calves. moved ta Europe. This 1s~j ALL types o! sewing. Appiv Mrs. I SIINE gain. Ha~rry McDonald, opposite C.N.R.! 8 Pigs, 6 weeks aid time o! ae _____ Station. - 43-2* 3 Young Sows; 7 Pigs (175 Ibs. - HWYFAMeach). t HI.00.0=00WA FRM ce . oid WHITEWASHING-Barns, etc. E. IMPLEMENTS $9 00.0-10 tactn ares SoîdG. Caady, 38 Glynn Ave., Ajax, M.-H. Binder; M.-H. Mower; M.-H. *stone Mi~ starey residence; hard- Ont. 40-4* woad, hydra, on No. 2 Highway. Hay Rake: Frost & Wood -Corn Large barns, silo and drive shed. Au io Sae Binder; Waaden Roller; Disc4_,-., 12 acres good mixed' hardwood Section Harrows with draw bar *bush. Exc4usive listing.Baif Sle-13 Pnic Sawing Machine; Teamn Seuffletr; Bailff Sle 193 PoniacSingle Scuffler: M.-H. Cultivator; REVEUE RODUING Sedan. Serial No. 170220, the pro-! 2 M.-H. Gang Plows; Single Plow; REVNUEPROUCIG prtyof ohnH. llittwil beWagn-,Rake: Team Sleigh~ 1930 PROPERTY old at Frank's Garage, SCUgog Ford 1/ -ton pick-up Truc Dotato $11.0.00-Large 15-room resid- St., November 2nd aI 3 p.m. Wmn. Plaw; Renfveýw. .Srprt~e ence pn nice corner location withI Challis, auctioneer. 43.1* Hans: rchigHrnes kspaciaus grounds. 3 apartments, Forks; Chains: Shovels;' now rentîng for $115.00 monthly. Hoîs;tein herd and implements, trees; Quantity o! Mixed Additional suites and income cas- on Saturday, Oct. 29th, 'the pro- Other articles loo numerous t0 ily obtained by modest renova- perly o! Arthur A. Palk, Con. 6, mention. t ion. Hal! cash required. Lots 8 and 9, Cartwright Twp. Te ah Sl t1PM Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Te(Das ae i i.S.. Caîl Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 42-2 (... Bowmanville -epresentative. T. S. Mountjoy. cierk. Telephone 24501 The undersigned has neceived Clifford Pethick, auctioree~. N SaeFergus E. Mornili instructions from llarry Living- ________________ N Sae - No-Chiarge 1 stone, Con. 5. Clarke Twp., threeRe is WN have a number o! clients I miles cast o! Orono, ta seli by e ar ioaking for farina, large and smail. public auction on Monday, Oct. 1For courteaus, fast and efficient 31, aI 1 p.m. sharp. his entire CHAIRS - hand caned. Apply service contact: household effecte. Terms cash. 23 Silver St., an Phone 2558. JA.WLOGB &SOS Jack Reid, auctioneer. 43-11 43-141 Realtors Thtîrsday, Nov. 3rd, aI 1 p.m.- FOR prompt, efficient, guananteed 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. D.S.T., auction sale of 90 spring- service, dyeing and custom wonk, or ers, milkers. heifers. buils, stock- try the Neat- Way Shoe Repair > Bowmanvilie Representative ers: 80 shoats; 4 sows, and saddleI Shop, King St. West. 9-tf Established aven 50 years * hanses, the propenly a! Oliver REPAIRS 'te ait makes o! nefrnia?, 43-1 Denny, on Highway No. 2, oneC eraters, domestic and commeroial. 'BOWANVLLEREA ESATEmile west o! Coiborne. Arnold Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., BOMNIL ELESAEPoole, auctioneer, Hastings, On- phone 438. 264f NiebikbnaosxMistarie. 43-1 Nicebrik bugalw, sx romvCHESTERFIELDS completely ne- built-in china closet, natuiral f ire: The 7th Annual Blue Ribbon bujît and re-upholstered. Satis- place, garage, large grounds, suri- Shorthonn Sale of 38 purebred 1 faction guaranteed.' Have aur porch, starms and sereens, hot airi Scotch Shorthorns will be sold aI consultant cail aI no obligation. heating. jacket heater, hieavy, wir-, auction at the Fair Grounds, Osh- Enquine aI Weber's Fabric Cen- ing. Ail this for the attractive awa, on Tuesday, Nov. lst, at tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf pnice of $6,300 in a nice neighbor- 1:30 p.m. Jack Baker, manager, hood. Terms may be arnanged. Hampton, will send your catalo- gue. Auctioneers: Duncan A.1 ENFIELD, Seven-raam house, garage, about 1 Brown, Shedden, and Ted Jack-, one acre,. newly decorated, well i son, Port Penny. 43-11 r n r.A .Pect, bul, modern kitchen and bath-j Aylmer Prescott, Misses Ruth i room, nice ganden, chicken bouse, I have received instructions I n M,.arie Prescott with Mn. and low taxes. Pnice $4,200. from Oliver Denn -v & Son, Twp. -sJ.EdvaRcmn o! Cramahe, on Highway No. 2, IM.aMs. J. W.an Rchon Wa Farm on No. 2 Highway (vacant), mile west of Coîbonne, to seli by and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. 100,acres, newly painted barn and public auction on Thursday, Nov. IRj omn lcktca .R large chicken house, hydro and 3, 90 head o! Ayrshire and H4ol- Bowman Bartie. aIT.R town water in ail buildings; 3- stein cattle, fresh cows and spring- 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niddeny, piece bathroom, good frame house. ers, 80 shoats and complete uine M adMs ali idr n Pnîce $9.000 with ternms. of !arm machineny and equipment. Mrand, TrontoatinW. Pands - ,Sale aI I p.m. (D.S.T.). Terms: in. and Mifrs. Edgar~ Prescoît and W~ANTEDi cash. No reserve. Arnold Poole, ln IEle1isn~,Gen We have clients waiting for Auctioneen. 43-Vl Glenn. Emr isnGen amaîl farms. 10 ta 100 acres. bun- iMr. and Mrs. Charles Ryder, galows and houses, businesses,! Don't forget the Durham Coun- -.Misses Mabel and Albert Vin- etc.; aise 1 te 5 acres o! land on! ty Community Auction Sale ta be tué. Toronto. at Jas. Pp,:r*s. Scugog Road. held at the Sales Barn, Orono,; Mrs. James Stark at Jamie BowanvlleRea Esate Thursday. Nov. 3rd. aI 1:301 p.m. Î3tank's, Columbus, tor visit a new Bowmanvlle Rea Estat There will be offered !an sale alî,rndagtr 78 King St. West kinds o! livestock, machinerygadduht1 J. Shehyn D. Maclachian f furniture and dazens o! other 1 Mr. G. a3owffan, Mrs. Jas. Parr Phoe: ffie 36 -Res 207 tem. Rmemer he ate- Nv.and Mrs. T. R. Bowman, Biack- Phoe: ffie 36 -Res 207 1ites. emeberthedat - ov., tock, with Miss Bessie and Mrs. 43-1 3rd - the Sales Barn, Orano, the, L. C. Pascoe, Oshawa. place where ail farmers meet.i Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Ormiston, JA5WS NIXON Terms cash. Pleàse note the pew1 Enniskille!n. a, H. Smith's. Mn. change a! time - 1:30. Jack Rid,, jn Mrs. Ormistton and Mr.and Briclibhose, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, 1 auctianeer.42 Mrs. Smitlî motoned ta Tor'te, furnace, hydro, heavy wînîng, 1 to 'mit tLhcir aunt, Mns. J. Orv garage,. bardwaod floors, lange lot, 1 On Saturday. Nov. Sth, the who en.ioys good health aJi r-aSperries. $5,000. Bowmanvilhe Lions Club wil hold âge oi niniety-seven. ______ its Second Annual Co mmunity Mn. G. Eowman with his aister Frame dwelling in excellent con- 1 Auction Sale, aI the Bowmanvhlle; Mns. H. Weir, London. An enjoy- dition, on Na. 2 Highway west of! Memnorial Arena at 1 p.m. sharp-;. bhJe evrnîng ývas spent in the Bowmanville, good location,' bus!rHundreds of articles, bath new ichurch Wednesday when Mn. stops ai door, hydro, bath and! and used, including clothing, hard- ,,a,,th, ecateeneaid garage. Yours for $6,800. lm- Wý,ane, fianniture, produce, lie with pidtures. Most enjoyable médiate possession. 1 stock, etc.. donated by business, alFo were the solos by Mns. Lloyd firms and citizens o! Bowmanville Ashton, Haydon, and piano solo by Frame house, 10 rooms, well de- lard district. will be so!d ta the Ray. MWs Ashton is bortunate in corated, bath, hydra, floor caver- highcst bidder. Tenms, cash. No çuI -.ieacopniti ingg lefI, attached garage, goad résenve bids. Auctioneen, W. J hen son Ronald. garden, perennial rock garden. Challis. 43-1 T ,he tbîg inst finally came but $5,500. Possession arnanged.. w e can t cam plain as we have had IThe undersigned has received a delightfully long season of Frame dwelling in excelîqnt con- intuton osiby ulc u-!oers. The lea! lettuce ha stili dition in Bowmanvilhe, good loca- tien the farm stock and funnitune, dong fine and is extra crlap and lion, 6 rooms. sun ponch, bath, Ithe property o! Clarence Avery, setth4: litme o! yeaer. furnace, hydro, gas, hardwood Lot 13, Cati. 8, Darlington, li Congratulations te Donald floors, fineplace, garage, large lot.! mile east and 1 mile nonth Of Prescott as one a! the mnembens cf $6,500.* Haydon. on Satunday, Oct. 29. the team which came finit in Sale will include: horses, 17 head judging at the Ontario boy's and hav otendwehigs ndi o1 cttie; 10 pigs, 8 weeks aid; ginh's Provincial lnîerciub Corn sheep, hay, harnesa, inipiementa, pétition aI the O.A.C. lest week, farms in Bowmanville vicinity. and furnitune. Farm soid, no ne- __________- JA74ÉS NIXON, Broker serve. Terrnis cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Phone 682 160 Liberty St. .ST.. T. S. Mounton,. cîerk;' Apple tree> boiomed twice this 43-1w Çiford Pethick, auctioneer. 42-2',year in the French Alps. PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM iCOST 35c PERÂJD IVUMAT. b, 1

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