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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1949, p. 4

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-_- v-- r -q- PAGE ro= ~ B ÂC STO K Roy Perguson took charge porm part c.thea ev ad by Mrs. H. Wheeler reading a program only. leaving the sale of (Intended for lest week) Thanksgiving Psalm and Mrs. R. good unUflj Dec. Mrs. N. Mai- Sa rs.Lam Renola ad Dn..Ferguson leadingin'prayer. 'The coli, Miss E. Parr, Mme. H. Mc- 'kld anid Mra. M. Franica, Peter- moasl e answered bya 1Laughlin and MUs. T. Smith each 1 2ýo ihMr. and Mme. Leslie r:d for the su hargeo al Mrs Jme Mcauhln, ur- rs. David Hill introduoed the tirs. gArthur Bailey invited the i _qton, with Mss. Fred Beiley. new study boak with Mrs. I. "tege girls to lber home toI *Out of town visitors at the ec- Wheeler esaisting, "Growing with organize a girls' auxiliary4on Oct. tor wee Rv.andMrs T.B.the Years," and took up the first l8tb. Butler, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. B. chapter in bier usuel very inter- The meeting closed with the Butler, Peterboro; Mr. Herbert esting manner. Mr&. Lawrence sngIng of a bymn and Mrs. Me- Rowbqttom, organist of St. Mat- Maclecmmîd4yMe .Kbbin pronouncd the benedic- thew'ls Episcopal Church, Toronto, Malcolm, sang very sweetly "Bless tion efter whicb lunch was served ,gnd Mme. Rowbottorn; Mr. and This House." and a social heif boum u'pent. *]Mrs. Leo Rowbottom and daugh- A short dialogu.e in the fomm of ters, Marylin and Anne, Mr. Fred a panel discussion entitled "Ad- Hagan, Ontario College of Art, vance" was presented by Mrs. Autos Collide Rut j'oronto, an>d Mrs. Hagan, Carl Hutton, Mrs. J. No On.andjured Mrs. Clarence Marlow is in Ta- Mms. Cecil Hill redd a letter 'ronto with Rev. and Mms. M. R. from Mrs., Merrili Ferguson of Arthur W. Sborten narrowly Sandemeon. Angola, -Ajrice. telllng tbe' treat- missed smaslIýng bis car badly and Mr. and Mme. John McAllister, 'mient Ïhe and their second daugh- possibly injrng hlmself when be ,Teeswater, have been visiting Mrs. ter Miriarn, had* been teking for sideswiped a car on No. 2 Higb- ,George Fowler and friends in this dreed diseese 'wbich affects way and eventually crashed into 'Lindsay and Oiiawe. the eyes and skin. We aIl hope a 1929 Ford parked by the Kings- Miss Nancy Bumieigh and Miss and pray that the treatment may way Garage on Oct. 16th.j ,Mable Bacay of Iroquis, with be. completely successful. Shorten, 101 Bloor Street West,1 !4ev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton. -The ladies were.ail urged for Osbawa, had been travelling east, ;-Mr. and Mme. N. Malcolm, Miss as many as possible ta attend the following two cars eiong the bigb-1 'Leona Devitt, Mr. Robert Smith, Fali Rally et Newtonville on way, the first driven by Lawrence 1 Mr. Fred Philp, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tbursday, Kbe 0 BokSret1saa tMcAllister and Mrs. George Fow- Mrs. Kenneth Semelîs on behaîf and the. second as yet unidentifjed. 1ler with Mss. Luther- Mountjoy. of the Nestieton ladie, thanke Upon approaching the garage, *Several fom bere attended the the ladies of the W.M.S. for their Kehoe began a left hand turn in- plowing match at Burford. interesting and informative aftem- to it, puiling across the highway e -Mrs. Harry VanCamp, Mýr. and noon. to do so. At the samne time, '-1 't fo;r]ow attendied 1 Lunch wes served by the bostess Shorten started ta pess bath cars- ,the golden wedding of Mm. and and Mrs. E. Doreli's group. and drove into the side of the ct Bh veacierîiý, Bethany, on Keboe vehicie. The impact car- :Oct.18th.eened bim across tbe road,'wheme ' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and ST. JOHN'S W.A. be skirtedJ the edge of a five-foot ,Mr. Cecil Hill called on Mr. Hart- Th;oe uxiayo t. ditch and barely missed going in- 'well Lowery, Kendal, who fell and JohsAnlcnCuc Bc- to it. He then carmied on into the. r. Grnt ersonadMs stock, met at the home of Mrs. driveway of the garage. passing 'T'lMr.GaTnt Fro, and Maso Fred Bailey with Mrs. Arthur between a telephene pole ancjeO ~Bakr'sScholDaringtn, pen BaieyPreidet, i tb chir. sign-post with little room to spare :BakeDevotionalpemiodngwastakenthnaHaving gotten that far wjthoui t 'the weekend et home. lpr. cKbio wrad sarn b damage, his luck ended and he 72î Richard VanCamp and Stuart 1'tl on Thanksgiving and also a smashied into the Ford parked be- ;Doreli have eturned from Ver- pasg Iln wt hssm side the garage. knocking it sorn .-milloth a h the barvest. subject fmom a book entitled ten feet across the driveway. The Fèt . and te rs. Vro hrn "Listen My Children." The study FrOWned by Lucien Latour, spe Dr.unsforvsiternothEenI on- book chapter on the Moslem R.2, Oshawa, wes damaged al- wa- Dells. advstda a Dr World was gîven by Mns. Norman most beyond epair and Shorten's Ch' re'. Ms .Lniga Malcolm. car suffered numerous, dents in riee Mr. nd rs. . Lnsin at Many parcels were brought for three fenders and the right-hand arc Herman Hooey's. the fali bale which is to be sent cloor. % N to the W.A. house in the neltr Provincial Police Constable AI twc W.M.S. ENTERTAIN future. Eight of our members Kitching investigated the crash. Fin attended the Deanery Meeting at Nobody was injured and there low A very interesting meeting wag Millbnook and eported a very bave been no charges laid. Car held at the home of Mn., Neil interesting program. anc Malcolm on Oct. 12, when the The committee for. our chunch Right motives gîve piiiions to Bru membens of the W.M.S. entertain- entertamoment on Nov. 4 reported thought, and strength and free- F ed the ladies of Nestieton UnitedL that Mr. Stephen Saywell would dom ta speech and actin-Maryna Church. prabably show pictunes for the Baker Eddy. Oct. mar Creý - *04'* ~. (4NADIAN LOWMEN TO GO A dian plowmeil, wbo won ull-exper rthe International Plowing Mlatcih shown above wth their coach-n Marquis, 28, of R.R. 1, Sunder medaliat; Alex, McKiriney Jr., oi James M. Ecèles, *30, alsooof Bra Thç tbree men wili spend six'we eultural methode in Great Brita The meinhers of tbo overseas tei live on fmins thet bave been ir genemations. Ali raise pumebredc morne of the famous bei-ds in the eoaeh-manager, in a dimeetor of1 andwill mecompeny the plowmen OBITUARIES V RS. THOMAS H. RIÙiHARDS The death occurred suddenly, t. 13, of Willia Mina Richards the home of her daughter, Mrs. inton Bigelow, Tyrone, in her Bod inyea ngo Twshp 3ob. n188 Derngtonhards hip b.n 4, 1878, Mrs. i hard.s hd is ail ber f nthsea.nith. suc af Canbadao! he wUnited urc o! Canada. Thmas meri- ds, 1901 asTonmas19H. c- Ms b Ricarsdoin 1945.d b ,os RicgharsisMarvived byH iday daohcr, Mry(Mrs. H.ge .layone snl, rthr.oC. igte- j, ae san, Albthon;a iser), d tio (Mras.lbnt HDekey)d Iuc two andosDa n cFnley. ed rm h meun er'wsn hu romichrs ne. 15f ber son Ant ichards, * 15, with iterm. et in.Bow esvwilcemeutyev.thA.se.c the home and et the graveside. ELIZABETH JANE PEARN Funerel services for Mrs. Eliza- bieth Jane Peamo, 97, la resident o! Ctiltus Lake, B.C., wba died et Cbilliwcck, B.C., an Oct. 3, wene beld et Sixth Avenue United Cbuncb, New Westminster, Oct. 6. Rev. B. F. Ennels officiating. Interment wes in Oceen View Bunial Park. Bain near Enniskillen Ont., in 1852, deceascd maved ta New Westminster in 1916. She wes a member o! Sixth Avenue United cburch, was made a life member of tb. Missionery Society o! the church in 1926. Surviving are anc daoghter, Mrs. William Marshall, Cultos Lake; two sons, Dr. Frank C. Peero, Portlandj, Oregon; William F. Pearn, Stettler, Alla.; anc sis- ter, Mrs. J. Pye, Taronto, Ont.; anc brother, C. W. Soch, Hamp- tan, Ont.; eight grandchildren end six gr-et grendchildren. JOSEPHl L. STEPHENSON The dee-th accorred et the fami- ly esidence, Lot 35, Con. 8 of Dan- lington Twp., on Wcdnesday, Oc- tober 12, of Joseph L. Stephenson. Me wes in bis 69th ycar. He was the. third son o! Gearge and r s teohensn bor I Carkbouglater going to Pick- ering Township. In 1910, he mar- rHed dt agta Pickering. RIVIE A NEW DODCE Hewas engaged in fanmiog al J f his life until he retined'abaut fourrstinsyulntces years aga ta live in Whitby'. ness. It(s samething more t1H He leaves ta rnourn his Ioss bis hixurioiis upholstery and "ki widow and tWO daughters: Mrs. P. comfort - it starts with the el Ward (Louise) af Whitby, Mns. G. Martyn <Marjanie) of Enfie]d, and On the righit are described s twa sans, Leonard and H-arry of standing chassis features whi %nfield; also two sistens and four bîp. bobsokads The funeral service was held vibration - ta help bring y'ou th, fnom W. C. Town & Sons Funenal ride. ln addition-,thie Dodge Home, Whitby, an Octoben 14 with ruggcdness which assures you1 Rev. R, M .Sey mour, ministen of! lie - famous as Docige Djepei Enfield Church, i0 charge, and was ]ergely attended by relatives That's just part of the extra va] and !nîends. The pallbeatners were old neigh. your Dadgc dollar a biggerd bore: Loroe Puckrin, Lonne Kemp, Take a look lit %vat Dodge give EdCrwortl Rn, RoyBron arkroominess and performance. T., Crawanth Jams Vale.andi îeg room, front and bac] VERNON LOIVENS performance of tih. powerful D( extra smnoothness of Fluid Dr His maoY friends and former models -... and many other outst school mates in Bowmianville safety and performance feature wcre surprlsed to Icarn of the passing of Vernon Lowens on oct. Let your Dodge deaier tell you 10 at bis home, 64 Queen's Drive, more srnoothly with Dodge Weston. Ifle w8s Youinger son of dlaswl ofrhr the late Mn. and Mrs. Robt Low-dolr vlgofdi. ens of Bowmaniville. It wi lie me. called that bis mother passcd away suddel Iessq than a month prevloins, on ept. 24.CH XTES "XTA .Mr. Lowiq;s wil, principal of CHECK ARE STNEXTRA" MeMotrl îPublic School, WestonW ON AE TAENEDO for 20 year.s utitiIl hùI"eignied lestONTE EWDI ~jtne becuuyc o() il! healtlh. lHe had Automatir elertrir <'boke; Aui alsaO beeau Pr'inc'il for several tion key smarting; Aluniinunia Ycears Of Bale Avenue Publie Four rings per pi~in ow Schol, Muni.Demmîs.Chuain ransha f drive; Oul bath BOrtn liu Engiliud Mr. Lowen (>11 111ev; Floating oiu intake rae tcalaada as a boy. H-e at- drive; Safoty-Rim wheeIs; Flo tended school iin Buwmiiatvilîe and eng imoluntings; Chaim.high Toronto Normal schiool and took with defrosier vents. btudies et the Urivoensîty (if To- rolitb and thé ic'Otarlo College of Art. Me semved in the First World War averàcas with the Rayal CanudisnDrt oxî,Witlx the nenk -- o! Captain. flu th(, Second World Wer ha was î 1 t 'Pe sta'ff athe M Csnadian Arliy T'ade school in Haem ton. Mr. Loweils whIs pMsït President nf the Federation of Toachers in Weaton and also tiie former West- On Art Society'. He was an active member o! St. 11hilip's Anglican church and WvIsident o! thp Men',sD om Club.lie wmms a»le menben of!om Weston-Mourit Derillis Rotary Club and il lf& e member of Doric @ Lodge. AF & AM, lit' %as a strang .II I supporter of si'o; poj.js. 16 i g S .E 1surviving iarC ibmâ widow, the . Difficuit Màtter <By R. J. Demchman) Wheme now are the planners W. have been told that every thing would tie as neat as a bu in a rug, smootb as e duck.'s foot- if oniy we planned. Britain trie, it. A socielist govemoment cbUcI full o! planners found it neces sary 10 cut the pound sterling 1, 701,î o! its former value. Why Costs had rispn, taxes were inox dinately bigh. The dream wonlý o! the Labor Gavcmnment of Eng land had ceased ýta exist, it wa back to a womld o! realities, land in wbicb two and two stil made four and'could flot lie ex. petdto seli on the marketfo ten and a bal!. At times the plans of thc plan. ROAD-Te 1949 champion Cana ners worked out to thc benefil se-paid tripse b tb. British Isles t of one group, the -dtriment oi i held nemi- Brantford recently, ar 1e thers. M. A. R. Mshe, Presi. nanager. Left to right-Ronald K. dent of the Canadin Bothrhaac rland, Ot., horse plow class gold o! Railway Employees came out >f Brampton, Ont., coach-manager; a few month7s ago in favor o! high- mpton, tractor class gold medalist. cm feigt rates. '"It would", said ieka competing and observinig agi-I he, "enabe tb. raiways ta pay %in as gueste of Imperial i! Ltd. ighr wage rates ta thein cmn ,an have much in common, for al ployees. The faimers want lowcx a their families for tree or four feigt rates but incresed wage cattle and look forwaid to visiting ates lead ta igher freight rates e British Ise. Mr. McKinney, the o,.penaps, in the long mn, to th. Ontario Plowmen's Association serius 'deteioration ô! railwav wen tey sail eary next .anuamy. services-a, prcess highly iinii- cable ta Uic wclfare o! the nation Cap this now with a resolution florneradeineHortnseClakeo! the Canadin Congrss of L- fnoeMdelneHrtne irkbar et its recent meeting in Otte- and 0e augter Dine.wa. It asked for "greatcr ca- The funerl service took place peation betwen labr and the Oct, 19. fonoray plbearers major farm groups". Here is a were Dr. H. B. Livingstone, M. task for the plnners: find first W. J. Gerdbouse, Mn. M. J. Lep- the common objectives af these ingwll, M. J. H. P. Morgan. Ac- twa grouD's, then see if an agree- tive pailberers wee M. M. J. ment cao be reaced between or- Hampden, M. W. A. Lsie,, M. ganized labr and organized L. S. Yerex, Mr. Eric Western, Mr. frmers, bth pulling t once-in J. P. Alln, and Mr. Cce Goss- opposite directions, of course. kurth. A representative o! labon ap- is leadership in school wak peared recently befre e meeting and is excellent teaéhing ability of the Canadin Association of were a mst valuable asset ta the Consumes and asked fon contris Memaial schol aod ta the twn and subsidies on essentils. such of Weston as a whole. as mccl: milk, butter and bread. The abject wes ta Iower the pnice of these commadities sa that la- Queen's Campaign bon, baving naw reachcd the highst level of ernings ever Al Canadin universities anc attinèd, migt ave cheaper finding financing difficut ight food. The argument on lihai! a! now, because o! bigbcr openeîing labar wes clearly 'statcd: 'We csts and lawcn rates o! interest need these contris ta lowr the an endowment fonds. Qoeen's cost of living-raisc fneight rates University et Kingston, is making so that wage rates May be in- a publice ppeai for thre million creased, contrai the pice o! frmn dollars ta offset increaed build- products s0 thet rcilway warkers ing and apereting casts. mcy bave cbeaper food. Yet nat a smle %vas cracked! The people o! Canada are living As Canadiens we believe that nour. Tbey are consuming mare children shauld have the best. In then in any other peece time per- war-tarn countries aversees chul- iod of Canadien bistony. Labor's dren are aniy esking for enaugh. contribution to lawered casts of Send food packages taday tbraugh living is highcr pey and a forty- non-profit CARE, Ottaw.a. hour week. What have the farm- The Smooth Dodge Ride .starts witli the a part of Dodge Dependab lty -and ane of the ils niding smooth- lian the resuit of scee-level" seating chiassis. same of bhe out- ch cushion road %vay ... eliminate Iis smooth Dodge echassis lias the long, traublcfrce endabiiity. alue wbich makcs dollar. ,es yau in beautv, lîcre's extra lîead 2k...fiashing Dodge engine... rive on' Custom tanding comfort, res. 1 vhy you'ii drive and how your qFEATURES EQUIPMENT )DGE utomatie igni- silo>' pistons; ressure tires; th air cleaner; e; Hotchîkiss loating Power i' seats,Ful- inville ej rs to say? How meny fermers in ducts is determined byBU# Canada have a forty-hour week and demand, prices fluctuete.e -five days, eigbt hours each,- wages of railway womkers are from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, from i to sboved Up in wer, and in tixnes of 5 p.m., no chores to do in the inflation. They remain up-they morning--none in the evening! neyer corne down. Wemge rates are With an eight-hour day the in- the doninating factor in fmeight dustrial machine wli b idie, 16 rates. Salaries and wages in 1948 boums of the day, plus two whole constituted 58.5%îý of gross earn. deys each wcek. Capital costs wiil ngs, 63.4l of operatlng expen.. be higher, employment will ie ditures. In 1939 the figures weme Iowe, ewen will he able to buy 50.3/o and 60.71,,(. Average earn. the Nioui rduced. We mey ings per worker are more then a' test the passi-bility of e bigh cost thousand dollars bighen then they economy-Britain tried il and were in 1939. These figures demi' failed, will Canada lie next'. with direct salaries and wages and There n-ay be overtime with do n ot touch the edded cost of ma- time and a haîf on douible tinieteesdu tancasdwg pey. Are fermers t o have aven- rates. Strange isn't il, in ail thest time pay? Labar bas claimed pmoblems, aur farmers have Zr that efficicncy lags aftem eight littIe, ta say! liaurs of factory ýwonk. ls that why labor dernands extra pay for A pure' affection, concentrie, aventime Sa Mn. Farmer if wages forgctting self, forgiving wmongs are higher xithi sharter boums v tarin eannings will be iower with and forestalling them, ebould longr, aur. Frm abo wîî ~swell the lyre of buman love.- harder ta get, mare difficuit ta May BaeEdy retain. A planned economy CARE, te non-profit ovenseas means e socicty in whicb each relief agency, bas a message for secks bis awn personal advantage you that il bopes will lie more and in doing sa rabs bimself as than just Ra reminder". Childmen well as ot.hers. Strange isn't it, and families overseas are stiUl the things which dreaming doesifacing hunger. They need youm ta some people. I help. Send e CARE food package Theme is e fundamental differ- today, Send eleven dollars to ence tetween farmers and mail-I non-profit CARE, Ottawa. Re-. way men. The pnice o! fanm pro- memben, CARE, Ottawa. v1 Tr4«Àui AMAZINGy 3~~~ TIESEAR ASK YOUR SERVICE STATION TO INSTALL ONE OF THESE LONG LIFE BATTERIES IN YOUR CAR1 DISTIRIUTOIR Dowmanville Auto Parts 28 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 48* t)1 fi RUBRER INSULATION is a substantiel contributar ta the fanious Dodge Fiaating Bide. There are soft, thick rubbcr cîushions et aIl points of contact hctwcen the bodv and chassis. Io addition, rubbcr lirnit bumipers on the springs climnate liard nictai-to-untal spring contact even under the most severe road conditions. SHOCK ABSORBERS af "sea-leg"' type are nounted an the rear asic ta cotintcract side- sw.v. Dodue airplane-tvpe double-action slîock absorberq, front îi'nd rear, *'mb ont" road irregularities. Shock absorbers an the nfw Dodgc have bcen raiscd 5 inches as ad(led protection against fling stones and dirt. INDEPENDENT FRONT, WIIEEI, SUS- PENSION allows cachi front wlîel iitcrally ta "stcp aver" obstructions without transmit- FRAME CONSTRUCTION is box-type of doîîhle-ulîannel, welded steel ta give great stal)llitv, safctv anîd long life. Front and rosir bunîpers are aîttached ta tlîe franue, the froînt bumnper Iî.m'ing a reinforcemnent plate for greater strength. BALANCED WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION is an important factor in the snîooth Dndge ride. The Dodge cogine is locatcd aventhie j front asie and the rear seat is alîcad a! the rear whccls. The resuit je a car whicli bolds the road and handlcs safcly and easily. AHl- passeogers are cradled between the front and reer whccls wlîcrc the ride is saîootliost. Motor Sales Dowmanville Pho~e 585 TE CANADIANX STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO .' THURSbAY, OC CTOBER 27,1949 r A BOWMANVILLIR 28 DIVISION ST. L PHONE 462. Phone 585

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