THURSDAY, NOV. 10. 1949 The Oroi tended the funeral of M] Gilmon Contract Co. Ltd. FOR ANY TYPE 0 Construction We (Large or Small) ROOFING CONTRA( SPRAY PAINTING DECORATING EnqUiries Welcome Office 10 Caroline S PORT HOPE - Dial (We Travel Anywhe Fully Equipped) VENJETIANi iÎ13LIt4Db' Made-fo-Order Measured and Installed FR~EE ESTIMATES 14 Diffecent Shades oi Siats and Tapes froni whleh to choose. DROP IN TO-DAY WEBER "S Fahric Cent 10 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE Heinz Assorted Soups __________________THE CANADIAN STATESMAN4, EOWMANvIL, ONTARIO n0 News ELogan Mas Della Cheaney, Toronto, wlth her aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn. Miss Adelp Morton, Toronto, with hec parents Mr. and Mcs. Albert Morton. Miss Jean Farrester, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. Donald Staples and Miss Anna Staples, Toronto, witb their Parents Mr. and Mca. M. H. Staples. Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, spent the weekend at hec home. Mc. and Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Peterboro, with Mcs. C. Awde and Mc. and Mrs. D. Hooper. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, spent the weekend at bis home. Mliss Marjarie McLaren, Ta- conta, with hec parents Mc. and Mrs. C. McLaren. Mcs. Crane, who bas spent tbe last 12 yeacs in Ocono witb hec uncle, the late Mc. Barrett, bas gone ta Toronto ta make hec home with hec daugbtec. Hec neigbbors gatheced at the home of Mcs. J. Gibson on Fciday nigbt ta enjoy a social time and ta present ber with a gift. iMrs. C. Wood spent several days inNewcastle with hec daughtec Mcs. Gea. Ccowther who is con-1 valescing froni an opecation. Ocono veterans accampanied by Ocono Band went ta Bowmanviile Sunday mocning ta attend the ar-f mistice service in Tinity United Churcb. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cnn .,â- was inatO-- --- - l o,-,,iry r. Henr W.M.S. of Park St. Church met Miss Collette Ferguson, Toi enyTu esday afternoon in the church, visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mrs. M. H. Staples, lst vice presi- A bus load of Women's dent, presiding in the absence of tute memrbers were in Tc I"lT Miss M. Davy, Mrs. N. F. Porter Wednesday attending the 3 gave the devotional, an inspiring convention. message on "Talents". She also The many friends of Mrs. reviewed the books in the W.M.S. (Jake) Laird are glad to1 :F library. Mrs. Drumnmond gave a that she has sufficiently recoi challenging message on Christian from her operation to ri >rk brefardso? and Mrs. Staples a home. CTS Drummond, Mrs. Robirnson' Mrs. Crago and family in the pa ad Wood and Mrs. Cobbledick gave of Mr. Albert Crago. ad a humorous skit showing how This community was shc necessary it is to subscribe to the on Friday morning when il e missionary monthly and World came known that Mr. F. Swi St. Friend. Mrs.' Logan gave the had passed away early Thur 2589 Treiasurer's report, over $50.oo evening. The sympathy of ee being given for the Autumn cOmmunity is extended to re Thank-Offering. Swallow, Clifford and Edn, their loss. Tf r' Tr~1TOn Nov. 3, Mr. and Mrs. .f.L.EJJAL Snowden, Mr. R. D. Snový Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Si Mr. Alec Little, Toronto, with den, brothers and sisters-in Mrs. Neya Little. of Mr. Thos. Snowden, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Mr. H. G. Freeman, daughter and Ray visited Mr. and Mrs. AI- son-in-law, and Miss Ethel vin Lowes, Peterboro. ford gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mancini (Agnes former's sister, Mrs. John White) and sons, Toronto, were ders, Westmount, Bowman' guests of Mrs. Mary Luxon and to enjoy a dinner wîth them Marion. to honor Mr. Thos. Snowder Mr. Robt. Alexander, Toronto, his 90th birthday. On Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexan- and Mrs. H. G. Freeman er der. tained ber father Mr. T. Snow, We are pleased to welcome Mr. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr. and1 and Mrs. Annis, from Brougham, H.t R. Foley to an oyster sup to our community. They took Later in the evening his gré over the general store from Wm. children and great grandchjld Darlington last week. iumbering altogether about Organization meeting of Ken- met at the home of Mr. and1 dal girls' Rainbow Club was held H. G. Freeman when Mr. T J Friday evening at the home of Snowden wvas presented wit] Mrs. Mary Luxon. Miss Betty lovely Kenwood blanket. A dai Howe is president and Mrs. E. lunch was served and a very Couroux sec-treasurer. There joyable tirne spent together, a. were ten club rnembers present. which ail departed for their hoi Miss Hilda Bell invited them to 'ishing their grandfather nm her home for next meeting, more years of healIth and ha: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer and ness. Grace with Mr. and Mrs. Vance Woman's Missîonary Soci Allin, Orono. met in the church on Nov. 2 Kendal lost another of it's old- a short business session bef or generation in the passing of going to the basement to enl d Henry Hoy, Nov. 2nd in his 83rd tain the Sr. and Jr. Mission Ba year. He was born within one Somne 68 cblîdren in ail were p mile of Kendal and lived ail bis sent. life in this locality. Left to mourn Mrs. Charles Greenhani, leaý ef his loss are bis wife, three sons, cf the Mission Band, opened 1 James and Laverne of Kendal and neeting with a hymn and Alex of Oshawa, aAd a daughter, members giving> their purp< Mary, Mrs. Tattersal, Oshawa;. Bible readings were given aiso two brothers, George of Betty Carsweli. Five membi Petcrboro and Tom of Kendal, paid their 'birthday rnoney in1 and a sister, Mrs. Jack Ogden. Missionary Box and the membi The sympathy of the community is sang "Happy Birthday". extended to them in their sorrow. Pre,ýidcnt Kenneth Brooks to The funeral was held Saturday the chair and a very nice Mv afternoon in, Kendal United sionary program was presenti Church, w%ýhen the gathering of s0 A H.vmn was suing, and a prît- many relatives and friends show- by Kcnncth Brooks. A dialogue ed the higah esteem in which he 10 children entitlcd "Fun Go1 was held. Six grandsons served to Mission Band" ending b «y a sc as paîl bearers. "Praise Him, Praise Hini, ail Lake Shore, Clar Miss Kay Riches visited Nichals, Part Hope. Mr. -S. Powell, DarenE Mlaine, accompanied Mr. ari Jack Crago ta visit Mr. an( Don Caulter, Dawnsview. Mr. and Mrs. John Gay, D Mrs. Bruce Murray andf Sterling, Mc. Archie i Queen's University, Kin with Mc. and Mrs. John Hi Mrs. Margaret Hawtborn son Barney, Toronto, with M Mrs. Bill Lake. N Mc. and Mcs. J. Entv Toronto, with Mr. and Mn Brown. Miss Pat Buckerfield, Granby Scbool Teacher, ha and spent Fciday evening IMc. and Mrs. Aif Brown anc Shouhd be some beefing on came tîme foc power cu if the Niagara FaIls are bel luminated at the same Seems it bas ibeen decided luminate the fahîs this w Guess we tan be thinking bow pretty they'hi be lo whilst we're sitting in theè Miss Annie Wragg, Newc with Mr. and Mcs. Chas. AI] Sorry ta bear that Mc.A .White was taken ta hospit Toronto. On Nov. 7, bisn boucs facmed a bee of about 9 tractors and maay borses bis fail phoughing, dcev manuce and genecaliy belpec Hope ta see him acaund sao MAPLE GROVE . 3 tins 25c Woodbury's Soap - 4 for 30c Royal Jelly Powders La undry Starch - - pkg. 10c Harry Horne's Peanut Butter - - - in steins 48c Bread, sliced or plain We have a complete Uine of Peel, Fruits and Nuts for Your Cakes and Puddings SPCILTHURSDAY, FRIDAY & STRA 1I L of BUTTER FREE With Every Cash Sale of $7.50 or Over - We Deliver Ail Orders Over $1.00 CA WKER'S Phone 677 Bowmanville OýROCERY Kinci St. W. ý 1 :vr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry, t an V i oletÎ.* Hos t ess and hec ýgroup Boyd and June. Mcs. W. C. Mur- served lunch. ray. Mc. and Mrs. J. A. Aiken-I 1 ETOV---FOU head. Toronto, were weekond T A T R Newtonville Facm Forum met mistan. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ash tons, Regular $3.95 Woods with an attendance of 24. Marie, Ronald and Ray, Haydoa, . PRE - XMAS SPECIAL A haîf bouc discussion peciod Mc. and Mrs. Wesley Browalce came befoce the broadcast. We Leaside, Miss Jean McLaugblin,$34 decided týhat, the Federal Govern- Burketon, Mcrs. M. Crossnian, Mr. ment give fnanciai aid and con- and Mrs. James Nokes, Bownian-(Cord Extra) trol of sanie ta the provinces, those ville. woce Sunday dinner guests the sanie standard of education for at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston's. ail provinces. Mc. and Mcs. Clayton Yeo and We had as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Allia, Port Locing, wece Manday'M Moffatt, Orono. Mc. Moffatt abiy dinner guests at J. R. Ormiston ' M tlusabout the Durhami Ca- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wercy,I M oervctDuhosam fal sou l e an y. Mc.and nMs. A. AknhC .' I- optve Duh ailzatio l e an. Bor.and JnMrs. . AC. Mur-d long ta this worthwhile organiz- Toronto, wece weekend guests of- ation. Mr. and Mcs. J. R. Ormiston. T H E R A A dainty lunch was secvedt by The Service Club met at the the hostess and ber group. home of Mrs. O. C. Ash ton on Nov.g 3 King St. E. Bow'ma Next meeting at Mr. and Mrs. I. with thirteen preseat. Evening 3 H. MWade's, Nov. i 4th. 8:30 p.m. wi. asoscnt in social, directed hx Ever * body' interested in farming Mrs. F. Beckett and Mrs. J. Sie- cocdiahly invited. mon. Plans were made foc a dance HOY at Kendal on Saturday. Congratulations ta Mc. and Mrs. Donald Hamm on the birth of their daugbter in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fcaelick, Prince Albert, with their aunt Miss Mable Davy. Congratulations to Mc. and Mcs. Os. Cowan (nee Mrs. Hazel Flintoff) on their marciage in Ocono on Saturday. The choir of Park St. Churcb, Orono, went ta Leskacd on Sun- day evening ta assist with the music at the anniversary service. Rev. R. M. Seymour, Enniskillen, was guest speaker. Mca. Wesley Hoskin, Osbawa, visited Mc. and Mcs. R. H. Wood and Allie. Mc. Henry Leaman, Toronto, with bis parents Mc. and Mca. W. Leaman. Mc. and Mcs. Sid Barrabahl and family have maved into the bouse vacated by Mc. ànd Mcs. Gea. BaIl. Mc. and Mcs. D. Hooper enter- tained Mca. E. Workmani and Mr. and Mcs. Colin Taylor on Sunday. We extend sincere sympathy ta, Mrs. Richards and Mildred in the loss of a ioviag busband and fa- ther, Mc. Gea. Richards, wbo passed away in Weston after a long illness. Funecal was beld from the Barlow Funecal Home on Friday aftecnaon with Rev. A. E. Eustace officiating. Interment ke Little Children". Mr~.Cals~ SS o ,Cak and euchre. Lunch was served byPrvt re Snowden, pianist ô W.M.S. S .No9,ak s. P. Ellis, Mrs. L. Stainton, played for ail their mpasic. Mrs. G. Yeo and the hostess. Next Than Pi ýd Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Brown, Ass't. Lead- The "'Sient Sisters" met Thurs- meeting at the home of Mrs. G, er. gave an interesting story of a day evening at <Mrs. Glenney's. Yeo, Nov. 15. Teetr le and Mission Band in China, attended There were 19 members present. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ashton, h ni nd Mrs. by Canadin children. A Temper- Plans were made for the bazaar. Ross, Marie, Ronald and Ray: of al the1 d Mrs. ance reading was given by Wm. A letter of thanks was read from Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley North Amei Laird Jr. A dialogue by 10 rem- Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard. Brownee, Leaside; Miss Joan Mc- teen per ce Dr. and bers teling how dimes can build Lunch was served. Next meeting Laughlin, Burketon; Mrs. M. earned by family, churches, schools, hospitals and t Mrs. Bill Alin's. Crossman, Mr. end Mrs. James with the ef endry help support the agegd, but more Mrs. A. Barchard with Mr. and Nokes, Bowmanville. were Sun- of public] ngston dimes are needed for al branches Mrs. Calvert Barchard in their day dnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. privately-ov endry. of the work. Two accordion s0105 new home in Brooklin. J. R. rmiston. a wide mari ne and were given by Don Flint after Mrs. .Bill Barchard spent Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yeo and mnent econor 4r. and which ail enjoyed a hearty lunch,.dywt irsse r.HnyAaPr oig eeMna ntepo Closed with beniediction by M s d y w t e tMrsrs. He ry Aln, r tsLo frin andwe re Monday on t hef pr ov histe, Brown. Bowen, Newcastle. R.d i e gst o f M s ot privsu r.AfMrs. Wally Gibson, Gerald and Rwriso.sip gfivdtes, t5 AfRussell, visited lier mother, Mrs. vate manage Pot ES EYVILE Win. Hennngs Sr. in Oshawa. Approximately 200 rubber parts absorbed by ______Mr aly ibo and Mr. Bill in addition to tires, are used today iency it effi ad tea____ Hennings, Oshawa, visited Mr. in the production of an automo- lieve that th d Jack. Sunday School was-held t 11:30 Herbie Gibson in Toronto West- bile. Automotive engineers are mucl- of the Sgoing with an attendance of 35. In the ern Hospital on' Monday and are empoying rubber to replace other management ýut-offs absence of Harold Best, Clarence very pleased ta report hie is out of mterials as well as to improve ciaized indu ing il- Nichas acted as secretary.. bed and much improved. the safety, service, comfort and properly int time. Church followed with Mr. Say- Mrs. Bowen visited in Toronto appearance of cars. of politicalo to il- well of Myrte spealing in place on Tuesday. winer.of r. ke ho aspreaching t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne, abintr lD.Okwhwa Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- ooking Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- tin Turner. dark. dyke and famly with Mr. ad Mr. and Mrs. Mrwi Alli N w aste, Mrs. Walter Longyear, Elizabeth- Mrade. orley lin, New- l d r e d . v i l l e . Bc a s . H l s v s t n r e d n A ustin Mrs. Harold Barrow clough t- Gueî. H l svstig fi s i tai in tended the funeral of Mrs. Gardon Mr.Atiboad neigh- in Port Hope on Saturday. Mrrn r.At isnadPI t 8 or Mr. and Mrs. Pery Snell with Muriel with M r. and Mrs. Car- s, did Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford, Bunk- ence Gibson, Mape Grove. v' his er Hill. Sunday guests with Mr. and ou. Miss Jean Duff with Mr. and Ted'Bo Kent were Mr. an rs. Mrs BobCarol i andTe Twining and two girlsMr. Sympathy is extended ta Mis and Mrs. John Shaw and two Char andMr. ecto Dare ~girls, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and ¶the loss of their brother Cyril. three chiltren, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mr.Dik Mrtn Oon, vsîedKent and daughter, Mr. Jack wiV r ikrtoPan, rn, iie Frayne and Miss Lorraine Brooks, ýronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Oshawa, aelss. Don, Charles and Chum, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar_-llo Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cuda- Inst- rowlough. rie and Gwen, Bowmanville. ronto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and Mr. Bill Henderson recen tly re-j w.î. Laurel, Port Hope, visited Mr. turned from helping with harvest and Mrs. Archie Ford. inl Alberta. knowe NETm1ITTT ENNISKILLEN 7eVVUIV1LJ ___ To make room for Christi muni- Mrs. Thos. Burkell is visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. Rudeil and i- Mlbert her daughter, Mrs. Cieland Lane. Scotty, Bowmanville, at Mrs. M. real bargamns in mai ssing Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boyle and rs rl daughter, Linda, Ajax, with Mr. ns. are 1i ocked and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yeo andar li it be- Burley Brs, have purchased a' Allen, Port Loring, visited Mr. a îow n ew R eo bus an d th e T elephone and M rs. L orne L am b ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rsday Co. another truck. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Jim- this Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick, mie an~d Douglas, Scarboro Bluffs,I l te Mrs. Mrs. Verna Wood and 'agtr with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. a in' Nancy and Mr. Clifford Pethick, I Masters Alln and Garnet Wray, C Enniskiien, with 'Mr. and Mrs' Bowmanvile, Mr. annd Mrs. Har- CAB1NET S1NI Sam Redknap.. old McGil, Russell and Ross, To- vden, A deputation of M rs. Stanle y o t , a c n r. H c ils Size 54 x 24 x 36 ýnow,. Johnston, Mrs. Frank Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jacob, Price $159.00 1lwM.Wilbert Hancock waited ond Fonthi i, who werp recently mar- P anithe Clarke Council t Orono an ried are visiting Mr. and Mrs. PE - XMAS SPECIAL radreceived sane encouragement re Edgar Wright. f il u Ax- the street lighting. Congratulations ta Mr. and fthe Mr. Bud Jones, Quée's King- Mrs. Eal Masters (fee Evelyni $139.00 San- stn, was home for the weekend. Virtue) on the arrivai of a fine ville, Mr. Ge. Thompson is visiting baby girl.W A HERS iand relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Millan, Osh-W ASNEBS n on Mrs. Vinson, Oshawa, with hier. awa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. 8-lb. wash 1Mr. daughter, Mrs. Len Barton. Walter Oke's. e"'1Y a urne nter- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Langstaff, Rev. and Ms. R. M. Seymour, 1Ya urne dn, Ann and Helen, motored from Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Ennis- Aluminum Tub Mrs. Toronto on Sunday ta visit Mrs. killen, Mr. and Mcs. John Bar- 2OL per. Mabel Langstaff. rowdale and Brian, Oshawa, Miss 2OL and- The Girls' Softbali Team made Beryl Larmer, Peterboo, Mrs. Regular $154.00 ren j a surprise visit on Mr. and Mrs. D. Dale, Lorne and Penny, Toron- PRE - XMAS SPECIAL SDo V ike and presented their t, Miss Joyce Mc Gi, were Sun- ovr. c p n and c a h wih a s ve day visitors with M r. and M rs. 'hos. flower basket. E. A. Werry, beiag the occasion$1 .5 th a We were justy prud of the of Mrs. J. A. Werry's birthday. inty manner in which the young people Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusn n- took charge of the w aship se- a nd Bot wtrhiMrewad sti . E E T IR N Ifter vice at the W.M.S. Eastern Rally. Ramnd. F raakSp ecandsntlen R1C 1I nesIThe leader was Doreen Milson MRcs rn pyan o l any 1Who wvas well supported by Dor- Rchstr, N.Y., visited Mr. and Ieua 47 ppi- othy Stapleton who read the stor- Mrs. Edgar Wright. glr$47 and Genevieve Stapleton Mrs. Verra Wood, Toronto, is PCA ietylea inpraer; hihp Glme han holidaying with ber parents, Mr. -jety lead and Mrs.; S.iR. Pethickan for La uirie Stapleton plaed a y ni n d M rs. SMaRy Grtifn s viitn f re on their violins and onna Stark h r d u h e M rs. Jaryck Hecod, .stin $3.50 itoc- and Gloria Lane sang a duet. îdagtrMsJckHo, Less cord) and. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Weston. pre- Floyd Mihson on the bith of a M and M . F . Weracoman baby boy. and MRsEv . Ad M r . M Sem our3 le e ider There was some damage done ta eskacd and onjoR M yed urthe an-e the on Hallowe'en night but not as t ekr n noe h n the much as usua. After the foli c niversary services there. ose ad unsponsored by the Sunday 'iMr Frn Gibt.Sla, ELECTRIC S TOYVk by School in the basenient of the wih r Hugh Annis. AtmteOe oto )ers church about forty young people Mr. and Mrs. Bhn Jewviell dy eua 110 the used up the rest of their excess r.Bl ewlT-Rgu 110 orsenrg i a od-fshond hav- Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, PRE - X31AS SPECIAL aifrMr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie. Mrs. Verna Wood and Nancy, ok Here they received a hurcied UJI with Mrs. Wm. Wbittakec and$19 5 lis- lunch and piece of wedding cake; MVr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp,___________________ ted. W.A. met at Mcs. Melville Jones' Newtonvilhe.- yer home with an attendance of 24 Mr. and Mcs. A. PrescottE-i NL by adis. roidet rpocedtwo field, Mrs. Mary Dcgeee, 'Miss .ng door mats for the church had beenCoaDee, adn, itMc mas Displays we are off ering iny items, a f ew of which sted below. iIANCETTE5 - eua $67.00- egl$47.00 ICE BOX 50-lb. size Ail Metal Construction r1~I Regular $52.95 PRE - XMAS SPECIAL $42.95 large element small element Regular $6.50 Coal and Wood With bult-in Oven Regular $69.00 PRE - XMAS SPECIAL $59.00 3 ('ontrolleil Heats Regular $8.95 PRE- XMAS SPECIA-- $7.95 Netal WASTE BASKETS AIl Colours Regular 89o PRE - XMAS SPECIAL 79c BABY BOTTLE WARMERS Rtegular $3.95 PRE - XMAS SPECIAL cnville Phone 573 - . - I )Profit Less )ublic Waste re cost of management private industries in erica is less than fif- ,nt of ai the money 7industry. Compared fficiency of operation -y-owned industries wned industries have gin of savings. An em- omist who is working oblem .of the relative iate and public owner- us his opinion that he it the total cost of pri- gement is more than ýy the increased. effic- fects. Those who be- the cost of profits and ie cost of competitive it can be saved by so- lstries have flot taken to, account the waste operation and the loss of taxes to the goV . its own tax-freein' crease reni If governments eated, sa1 means of producton. vided theY: seeking a way to, secuk resuilts fromn industries\'ed upon, vices, what better contra\may 14-, they make than ta agree'9proval.' competent people fsfteen per. of total sales, provided tha'corià fifteen per cent was earnled can., of the elimination of waste %ig an increase in efficiencyy ? . tunately governments needni seek such contracts, ail they ne to do to secure these desirableS, results is to let capable people organize and operate competitive tax-paying industries capable of serving the public. Brantford, Ontario, which has just installed dial telephones, was the point from which Alexander Grahami Beil made his first "long. distance" phone caîl - - an eight. mile caîl ta Paris, Ont. 1 k ri'es mas à NOW » . 3 for 25c loaf 12c 110 SHOP Xing St. W.