w Airforce Trousers, all-waol melton, new ---. - $5.95 Army. Battie Dress Trousers --------------$4.50 Navy Blue wInter- ,weight Trousers - $4.95 Flying Jacket, quilted lining, new -- $9.95 Macklnaw Coats (RCAF), %4 length, new $5.95 WINDBREA,]ERS, v Llned, Special - -- - $6.95. Army Tunics, new Ail Sizes $3.75 Neo-Chemical Food Vitamin and Minerai Supplement Liqu Id $--.- 1.35-$2.95-$4.95 Capsules --$1.45-$2.65-$5.95 se Bright! Fe elj "AKI ENO'S Right! "FRUIT SALT"O BUY OD* s9,8 Hand Lotions Aqua Marine Lotion -- 1.00 Jergens 29c-55c-98c Trushay 29c-49e-89e Woodbury's Blended Lotion --- 55c Rind'a - -___ 29c-55c-98c Italian Daim -- 29e-49c-89c ROT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed 98c - $1.29 - $1.59 - $1.75 Ladies' fRairBrushes Nylon Dristles 89e $ 1.25 - $2.50 - $3.50 - $5. A4EWS~ .4â Triple .fittie has ibeen heard from Bý'agneil, the gay Lothario, .dis season, but on Wednesday -night Ted captured the high triple for the season with 784 made up of 283-242-259. This is pretty fair bowling but as Ted said after- wards ïf he had any luck he would have bowled 450. Other hlgh scores were Harold Bennett 724, Bob Williams 713, Ted Hoar 705, and Sam Woods 701. *Harold Bennett won the Royal Theatre tickets with high single game of 301. Red Moses was next with 291, Reg Hearle 287. AI Os- Add New Life TO Kif chens AND Baihrooms Rave your Kitchen or Bath- room painted ln the colour seheme of your choice for new bright lîfe in the win- ter monthi ahead. FREE ESTIMATES S. C. PRESTON & SON Phone 2417 48 Chumch St. Bowmanvllle barne 284 and Ted Bagneli 283. Westlake's team won ail tii honors with high 3 games 3372 and single of 1234. Bruce Milne had a bad nighi and dropped bis average from 23( to 219 and left Ai Osborne an tol with 221. Thinga we noticed at the alicys last nlght 'Doc' Rundle and H-. C. OsbornE trying ta get the four pin. The look on Reg Hearle's facE when Cancilla s team won thE second gaine from Milne by 13 pins. Windy Coole talking ta himsell after he took Osborne's teain twc games out of three. Jake Westlake claiming he has the best teain in the league, and after last nîght Russ Oke says bis team is really bot. TemLeague Standing Pit Milne ~_______33 B. Williams ________27 Westlake _________24 F. Williams ________22 Rundle _________22 Bates _________ 22 Coole ___-_____21 Osborne _________20 Luxton ________17 Oke -----____17 Cancilla ________ 17 Piper --10 Individual Averages A. Osborne 221 B. Milnc _________219 C. Rundle 218 J. Gay----------218 R. Hearle ________216 T. Hoar ----215 Dr. Siemon ________213 G. Elliott _____212 F. Williamns ________210 T. Bagnel -____ 209 B. Bates ____- 209 K. Luxton ________209 M. Dale 206 J. Callan 205 D. Carter ___-205 M. Yourth 204 Dr. Rundle ______-202 E. Pbillips 202 R. Moses ___-202 F. Blunt 201 E. Rundle 200 e 3 t D IA dugout 150 by 70 by 14 feet will irrigate only about one acre per season. $6.50 $6.75 $3.50 Red Indian Blankets, (HB) new ---------- White Wool Biankets, (HB) ncw ---------- Gre.y Ariny Blankets, Each ------------ ----- Heavy Plaid Shirts ---- --- ------ $3.25 Airforce Shirts $2.95 Work Shirts, Doeskin ------------. $1.95 Mackinaw Shirts, all-wool, Special- $4.50 Reconditloned Army Boots -- $3.95 Rubber Boots, 3/4 Iength, new $4.25 Nyal Creophos Guaranteed to, Stop Bronchial Coughs Lge. Bottie - $1.25 Low Prices Rubber Gloves ___-29e Palmolive Soap 9e Il Corux Biades 49o Lactogen -.69c-$1.69 Washcloths ----- 15o 75o Ultra Lotion - 59o Alcohol Anti-freeze 1-gai. ------ -$1.49 2 Prophylactie Tooth Brushes -_____39c 50c Value Facelle- 39e lRheumatic and Arthrltle Sufferers IMDRIN- - $3.00 - $5.50 Toni Home Permanent wlth Spin Curlers Twlece as Easy » Twlce as Fuat "~SCOTT'S EMULSION The HigI, Er.W Yeur-Round Fam IIy Tonic- - Rich in Vitamin A e nd Sunshine Vitemin D 59and'.1 asECOW LING'S DRUG STOREU8SE THECANDIA rAr~M?.r~flkA1~mii! ~i'auy --.L1URlSDAY', NOJV' 10- 194 Bownianvile High School Junior Rugby Teamn Judging by the expressions on well together this year, the first Clarke, Janie Belîman, Bernice Middle row: Doug Sleep, Don many faces in the above picture, year of organized football for Hansen, Maria Clarke and Mar- Taylor, Ted Dadson, Ken Hockin, a season of straight losses hasn't many of thein. He feels the cx- janie Mutton. Jerry Piper, Gord Ritter, Bruce perience gained will be valuabie The teain: back row (i. to r.) Coverly. hurt the feelings of members of ta thein when they eturn ncxt Bob Gallagher, line coach; Bill Front row: Ross Jeffery, Ralph the Bowmanville High School year and the teain is re-fommcd. Murdock, Don Bate, Art Joness, Kelly, Don Grant, Ted Colwell, Junior C.O.S.S.A. football teain. Behînd the boys in the above John Stainton, Ervin Brookes, Don Ivan Woolley, Doug White, Mur- Their coach says the boys worked picture areccheerleaders Coleen RichardsMrJ.RossCoach.b ray Yeo. Osborne's Imperials ENFIELD Win First Gamne In Hockey Schedule Mr.and MrJhs. avun tinon, Hamilton, Miss Vera Stinson, To- Mike Osborne's Imperials open- ronto, with Norman and Mrs. H. ed their season in the Oshawa and Stinson. District Mercantile Hockey League Misses Evelyn Cunningham and with a 3-2 win over Pitts Etectrie Frieda Schnellar, Brantford, at in the second game of a twin- W. Pascoe's. Mrs. D. Cunningham, bill, Thursday night at the Osh- who bas 'been visiting with her awa Arena. The first gaine of daughter, Mrs. W. Pascoe, return- the evening ended at the same ed to Brantford. score, the U.A.W.A. team taking A. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Stain- it out on the Brooklin outfit. ton, and Rev. A. E. Eustace, Oro- The Imperials, in the form of no, at W. Bowman's.b Don Gilhooley, lashed out at the Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis with fifty-second mark of the first friends in Toronto. period to score the first goal of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Smith the game. It was flot until 12 were guests of Col. R. S. and minutes later that Pitts lost their Mrs. McLaughlin at the Chrysan- weak look and finally put one themum display at Parkwood, past the Bowmanville goalie. Saturday. Thus, the score stood at one apiece Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman at the end of the first period. Dur- attended the Silver Wedding cele- ing that turne, even though the bration for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd playing was just as rough as the Ashton, Haydon, at the home of fans demand, no penalties were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston. handed out. Congratulations and best wishes The second period saw Pitts to Mr. Neil Smith and Miss Ruby take the lead briefly and then Griffin who were married Satur- drop back to a tie again 40 sec- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis onds later. The lack of penalties attended the wedding. Many during the first period was aton-I frorn here attended the shower ed for at the saine turne as two held at the home of the bride's minor and two major penalties parents a week 'before the wed- were called, one of each for each ding. team and ail from the saine fight. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris have Going into the third period at a new daughter. two apiece, both teains fought The open days for pheasant for the score which inight win the hunting was a big success for the gaine, but it was flot until the pheasants, around here. The littie gaine was within two minutes of creatures didn't like the weather ending that the Imperials finally so remnained out of sight. came through with the only goal of the period.NE C S L Coach Mike Osborne had littie NE C SL to say concerning his tearn's f irst_____ wifl of the year. He is probably Congratulations to Miss Jane saving his talking for the end Bennett on winning coveted prizes of the season, when he can be for Grs. 9 and 10 singing. She sure what he is talking about. secured these at a recital held Osborne's Imperials - goal, in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, Rowe; defense, Heffering, Lowe; Saturday. centre, Gilhooley; wings, Bird and Mrs. Beatrice Allin spent a few Yourth; alternates, Bagnell, Furey, days in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Depew, Rundle, Cox, Krantz and Eric Toms. PlittsEetrc-golfade1 Mrs. Gwen Gibson bas left for Pitt Eletric- gol, Wddel; inonth's visit with relatives in defense, Andrews, Smith; centre, Halifax, N.S. E. Bradley; wings, K. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bow- Childerhouse; alternates, Barnes,. manville, visited friends in town Watson, Murphy, Cobbledick and on Sunday. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Grahamn First Period have left to spend the winter 1-Imperials, Gilhooley, months in Lakeland, Florida. Yourth --- --------------- :50 Mrs. Reg. Woodhams and Mar- 2-Pitts Electrie, Childerhouse' ie, Toronto, spent the weekend Smith---------13:10 with Mrs. N. . Samis and Mrs. No penalties. Fred Couch. Second Period 3-Pitts Electric, Smith, Childerhousc - 6:35 4-Imperials, Gilhoolcy, Krantz - ---- ------ - 7:15 Penalties: E. Bradley, Cox, Lowe (major), K. Bradley (major). Third Perlad 5-Imperials, Lowe, Heffering---------- 132 Penalties: Barnes. Officiais: "Pega" Hurst, Osh- awa and J. Crombie, Bowmanville. God bas ent.,wed mian with in- alienable righîs, among whicb are self-government, reason, and conscience-Mary Baker Eddy. Spontangles. -I More Newcastle News On Page Nine ]Re-Opening and Dedication Services At United Church Special services were heid ln Newcastle United Church, Sun- day, Nov. 6th, ta re-open and re- dedicate the church after it Jiad been closed for a few weeks dur- ing the proccss of renovatian. L The newly-decorated interior of the church exceeded ahl expecta- tions and made anc feel fragile in the midst of such delicate colors. The floors were painted and pews and choir loft varnisbed. The whoie expanse of wall, exccpt for a top border was majestic in a faint ivory shade. Tbe border, aý frarne around the argan and the windows were donc in a delîcate- shade af green. The blendlng was perfect and bmought ta anc a most satisfactory feeling of a job weli donc. At the morning service Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Bowmanville, delivcred an inspirational sermon on "Reconstruction." He polnted out bow most things sbould be built and fashioned around God. God's awn womds: 'II will be the glory in the midst of ber," are ample proot of the value of this practice. Mr. Glenn Allin gave a superb renditian of F. Crosby's "Open the Gates of the Temple". whîch seemed niost appropriate at this speciai service. The evening service featurcd Rev. R. E. Morton, Oshawa, wbo used as bis tcxt: III will do better unto you than at youm beginning."1 Miss Jane Bennett was the soloist and favored with "How Beautifui Are the Feet" by Handel. At bath services, the chair un- dem the capable direction of Mr. Neil Stewart, Kendal, gave added enjoyment ta the services by slnging, ln the morning, "'God is a Spirit," and un the evcning, "Comfart O Lord." Rev. A. M. Irwin, Whitby, gave the blcssing at the morning ser- vice. Mr. Irwin is a one-tmme minister of this chumch. T1fltIflI~fiand Mrs. Creigbton Devitt. Sorry BLACKSTOCMUK that Mrs. Devitt is on the sick list. For the citizens of Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn Township, Armistice Day cere- and family, Toronto, visited Mr. nionies will be held at Blackstock and Mrs. J. W. Bradburn. Comrnunity Hall and the Ceno- Mr. C. T. S. Gillespie, Miss Kath- taph, beginning at 10:30 a.m., leen Gillespie, Toronto, Mr. and Friday, Nov. llth. Rev. John Mc- Mrs. Alvin Bruce and daughter, Kibbin and Rev. W. Hutton will Marjorie, Seagrave, called on Mrs. conduet the services. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mac King. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn, Thursday evcning St. John's W. Mary and Betty with Mr. and A. bcld their annual supper and Mrs. Wm. Farder, social evening in the Community Mrs. J. M. Fisher and Mrs. H. Hall. After a bountiful supper Baîley are in Toronto as delegates was served a vcry intcresting to the Women's Institute Con- prograîn was enjoyed. Mr. Ste- vention. Mrs. Ross Duff and Miss phen Saywell showed a varied Alceta Steele are taking part in selection of moving pictures, and the Durhamn County skit at the everyone enjoyed thein, especially convention. the pictures taken in Florida last Mr. and Mrs. Cccii Hill were winter. Mr. Jack Smith and Mr. in Norwood and took Mrs. Pat- Wallace Pascoe played a couple terson back ta ber home. of musical selections. Rev. . Mrs. George Fowler visited ber McKibbfrî recitied a humorous sister, Mrs. Nicholson in Toronto. eading and Mm. Howard Saywell MVisses Beth and Betty McGill, sang in bis usually fine voice twa Port Perry, with Mrs. Luther grand numbers with Mrs. McKib- Mountjoy. bin at the piano. Miss Leol-a Dcvitt, Port Perry, November 2 members of the In- was home with ber parents, Mr., stitute and several guests cnjay- ed a splendid meeting at the The need for CARE packages home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Rol lils stili urgenti Austerity' dicta eaUl was answered with "What's overseas are crippling littie chU.- Your Beef?" Program was in dren and adults. CARE's food charge of Mrs. EarI Dorreil and packages add vitally needed meata her group. Mrs. Gardon Strong, and fats to their diets. For oniy a special guest, gave a short talk $11.00 yau can send a twenty- an the Life of Beethoven then two pound food package, deliver- played a part of the "Moonilight ed overseas..Order now at CARE's Sonata" and "The Minuet" which office, 73 Albert Street, Ottawa. were greatly enjoyed. The high -______________ light of the meeting was a debate "Resolved that conditions today are more canducive ta happiness than they were fifty years ago." Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Mrs. Ralph Larmer took the affirm- ative and the negative was taken- by Mrs. Wm. Hooey and Mrs. CLEARING Earl Dorrell. The judges: Mrs. J. A. McArthur, Mrs. R. B. Har- rison and Mrs. Herman Hooey, S L winners as bath sides were very ably taken. The negative pro- vided us with the most amuse- ment, but the judges decided that the affirmative won by deliverv and better proved points. We enjoyed cvcry bit of the debate. Mrs.' Percy VanCamp conducted twa contests, after which the group served lunch. Mrs. Chas. Cox, Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Harry De La Matter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pearse. Misses Mabel, Wilma and Helen VanCamp at home for the week- end. furnesth.McLean, R.C.A.F., isD O O K Christmas stock we are offering a wlde and varled range of books at 25Ç each Value up ta $3.0 ln this assortmnt. Suitable for gifts to cbldren and aduts. Some slightly counter-solied This sale affords an excel- lent opportunity ta add to Vour collectibn. J. W. JEWELL "BIG 6420"y 27 King St. W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cornish, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow's. Miss Norma Hallowell bas re- turned to Toronto. Mr. A. Dobson was in Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Walden, Hamiltoný with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Mrs. Boughen attended the funeral of Mrs. Gordon of Peter- boro, at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. W. Prouse, Osa- ca, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, S5olina, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Some from this district attend- ed the funeral of the late Henry Hoy in Kerdal on Saturday. Miss Doreen Langstaff visited friends in Kendal. Some attended the presentation held in Newtonville for Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson THUIS 1 WHAT YOU WAITED FOR CLOSINO OUT We are going out of Busi1ness SALE EVERYTHING M£UST Go MARVEILOUS BARGAINS -DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHIOPPING NOW Linen Beautiful Glove Silk Crepe and Jersey HANDKERCHIEFS PYJ AMAS SL IP S Reg. s1.00 - - for 75c Reg. $5.95 Reg. $3.95 - for $2.95 EReg. 50c . . . for*35c Sale Price - $3095 Reg. $3.50- for $2.50 Reg. 25c . . . for 15C Sizes 32 to 38 Reg. $2.95 for $1.95 BLOUSES I DRESSES SCAÀR VE S A LL Reg. $25.00 Wool and Silk IIALF PRICE Sale Price -$15-00 3 to 2 Sizes 12 to 44 Others - - -- $10.00 ea. O FF EVENING GOWNS G LO0V ES SIKI SOCKS Sizes 11, 13 and 15 only Kid and Chamoisette Red, Yellow and White Reg. $35.OC Reg. $2.95 for $1.95 Reg. $1.25 Sale Price - $25.00 Reg. $ 1.29 for 89c Sale Price - 75c pr. SWEATERS S K IR TS NYLON HOSE Reg. $6.95 for $4.05 Plain Colourb Eeg. $1.85 - for $1.25 Reg. $4.50 . for $2.95 Sale Price - $2.00 ea. Reg. $1.65- for $1.35 1THE ING ST. W. TOWN SHOP BOWMANVILLE -~ w2I-u1~- - -z - c s FALL & WINTER BARGAINS ai the WAR SURPLUS ST0RÈ 24 Division Si., Bowmanville Special Offer - $3.50 Value - Now $2.79 -7-7 -17MMI, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWILAýe eNTAlqTn nWTTI»C!" A xp lkTelr 1 fi 1 ekl 4% S OUT