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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1949, p. 5

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m MEIAT, DECEMM R1. 1949 Durham County Junior'FarmesWoHnoe hi gr cultuyal, Representatwve, Bd Summr Above Photo Taken at Banquet and Presentation at Newcastle Commun ity Hall on Friday Night Junior Farmers of Durham Conty Honor Their Coach, Ed. Summers With Banquet and Presentalion (Centinued front Page One) cipients. The quality cf bis teaching is. Dr. Werry led the gatherii shown best in the list cfpie in a reilicking sing-song ai -Harry Kennedy tbankedt wlnning teams be bas coached ladies of the Evening Auxilia and the collection cf cups and of Newcastle United Cburchf tropbies in bis office, brougbt the delicicus meal they bad pi there permanentiy through re- pared, wbich was acknowiedg by Mrs. Floyd Butler. Two mi I? ed winnings by bis teams. utes cf silence was observed greatest achievement is the remembrance cf Stuart Hegarl k tbey bave donc in judging Hampton, and Jack Whittingt grain. For 19 consecutive years cf South Monaghan, whe diedi Durham County teams, coacbed active service, and Rev. Kelloj by Ed. Suînmers, have taken first offered prayer. prize at the Quinte Seed Fair. Presentation Speech Preparations Foilowing the banquet tbe di These, then, are the reasons for ner guests trouped upstairs last week's banquet and presen- loin the large group already sea tatien. It was net prepared by cd in the auditorium for the pr any civic group or public organ- sentation. A group picture w~ lzation, but 'by Ed Summers' pu- taken cf ail Ed Summers' pupi puls cf the past 19 years. Tbey cf the past 19 years. Mr. and Mi coliected a fund for the gifts, pre- Summers were then asked te ta] pared the food and, biggest job seats on the stage wbere Mr. We of ail, kept the affair a secret from ton Banister read the address Ed until late Thursday, the day presentation. before it was te take place. In- "No matter how this preseni vitations and programs were tien went, we couldn't do1 printed and as many of the Jun- Summers justice, but I'il do n lcr Farmers cf the past contacted best," be began. as was possible. Invitations were "Mr. Summers, It bas been r also sent te many cf the officials good fortune te be chosen as re of the Provincial Department of resentative of the people cf Du ,Agriculture. On Friday evening, liamt County in presenting th all was in readiness. smail token cf the esteem of thoj The Banquet with wbom yeu bave been ass, By six o'clock, over 250 cf the ciated during the last twcgi boys and girls of the Junior farm- years. I include the Ceunty as ers, both past and present, had wbile, for your adIqiirers, boi atarted te gather for the sumnptu- rural and urban, bave made th ous banquet which bad been pre- possible. R ared for the guests cf bonor. "We cf Durham respect ar, Row upon row cf long, white- admire you for the work you ha', clothed tables were laden witb donc and for the example yc roast turkey and gravy, vege- bave set during the years yo tables, assorted salads, tbç most have been in our midst. Yot delicieus apple juice ever tasted, work will remain a living mont apple pie and ice cream and1 ment te you long after this genei steaming, fragrant coffee . . . a ation bas passed. wonderfui way te start an even- "Boys from former judgin Ing. tcams are now occupying plac( Dr. George Werry, Oshawa, On nearly every township coun< proposed the toast te tbe King in the county. They are in th and Rev. Clare Kellogg said the County Council, tbey are amon grace. Both these gentlemen are our schooi trustees, both Pubi: former members of the Junior and Secondary. There is a fa: l'armer teams coached by Mr. representative cf them in the DE Summers.alaptie a partment cf Agriculture, andz Wben l peie a been least one represents the Clerg aatisfied, Mr. Garnet Rickard, wbo and another the medical prefee was Master cf Ceremonies, did an sion. excellent job ail evening, called "I recently beard a man remarl on Reeve George Walton te when speaking of a certai bring the greetîngs cf Newcastle yeung, mani Wbe bad acquitte to th gathring.himself weil as a master cf cere tonge ulatein r Aa monies at a banquet, that or Congatuatins fom far could tel wbicb men bad been oi Mr. Donald Jose, secretary cf "Ed Summers' Judging Teams", the committec in charge of the "I believe that during your ca arrangements, read letters Of reer as coach in Durham Count- greeting and regret at not being you bave ceacbed some twentî. able te be present from Hon. eight winning teams, not te mer Thos. L. Kennedy, Minister cf Ag- tien a great many seconds and riculture; R. S. Duncan, Assistant hest of runners-up. It bas beci Deputy Minister of Agriculture; in these near wins, when you bav Mrs. W. M. Kincb, Spencerville, worked s0 hard and almost weî _"r of Mr. Summers -_ J. S. Mc- that you preved your sportsman 'i President cf Canada Pack- sbip. ,Lntd., G. I. Christi e, a fermer "As important as these-trophie e~incipal et O.A.C., cf Guelph; Dr. arc, and bave been, as visible tc W. R. Reek, Principal of O.A.C., kens cf your ability te coach an( Guelph-, Ralpb C. Banbury, Agri- select boys and girls te coach, the, cultural Representative cf Nor- are net se important as the influ thumberland Ceunty; F. R. ence you have bad on these sami Paterson, Agricultural Represent- yeung people in giving tbem ative of Peterbore Ceunty; Jim goal te work for and a standar(l Eeynolds. Port Hope Rotary Club; te use in their farming operations Vritz and Cerdula Herbst, (nec "I feel that the Possession c Cordula Stenger), Frauenfeld, that rare quality wbich bas en Gerniany. abled you te be a good fellow anc Prizes and Prayer at the same time, maintain disci M(r. C. H. Hodge. of the Farm- pline and kccp thc respect of thost er's Magazine, present the engrav- witb whom you worked bas con. ed silver trays whicb bad been tributed greatly te Your success won this year by first Place teams We hope you mnay be spared tc from Junior Fôrmers in thcehclp us with our farming prob. Provincial Judging centests at lems and train people for man: Guelph. Don Taylor and Glenn years te core."l Larmer of the Beef Caîf Club, Chairs and Chuekîi Donald Prescett and Howard As Mr. Banuster completed hi Trcwîn of the Swine Club and speech Miss Jean Wcrry appearec Xlliott Dunbar and Lloyd Martin on the stage and presented a beau. Of the Potato Club, werc Uic re. tiful bouquet of roses to Mrs, .ng and bhe. ,ry ced lin- in rth, 'on on [n- te vas ils Irs. ke re5- of Ia- Ed My My is ose o- ty 3a ath lis 'id ive )ur er- zes le air )e- at as- -k, tn ,e- ne on 1- ;y 1 ,- n -I eni 'e c m1, i n- z es -d c By u- E i a S rdc of d , t is. to Ly0 il 9 is il ?dd Summers, and pinned a bouton- aire on Mr. Summers. While Mr. and Mrs. Summers were standing to receive the flowers, Boyd Ayre, Gerald Anderson and Dalton Dorreil, other members of the presentation committee, removed the wooden chairs from behind the honored guests and repiaced themn with two easy chairs. An end table and electric iamp were piaced beside tbemr at the saine time apd as Ed sank into the Lazy-Bdy chair an ottoman was tucked under his feet and a money filied wailet was handed to bim. The money represented what was left of the generous con- tributions of the Junior Farmers and *others after the gifts named had been bought. Looking very pleased and somewhat embarassed, Ed rose to thank the gathering. He said that the presentation was really a very great surprise to both he and his wife and commented on the excellent Bowmanville un- derworld which kept the secret from hlm se successfully. "If I had known sooner", he said, "I would have been able to get a dress suit for the occasion, or at least have had this suit pressed. I first knew about this yesterday afternoon se I didn't have time. An Agricuiturai Rep- resentative can only afford one suit at a time, and bas to stay home to have it pressed and I was on-duty ail day today." Hopes Work Lives On At that point, in bis usual un- selfish mariner, Ed stopped talk- îng about himself. Instead, he named a few members'of his best teams of the past and asked them to stand and recieve the applause of the crowd. Although he did not intend it that way, these men who stood and the applause they received were ail further tributes to him and the work he bas done. Ed had little further to say after that, outsîde of the hope that the work be bas done will live after bis retirement. Mrs. Summers then stepped for- ward and spoke the most sincere, eloquent, and yet briefest words of the eveuiing. Said she: "I thank you, very mucb." Speakers C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, led the group of speakers who followed. Hie brought the congratulations of his department, coupled with his 2wn, and the regrets of Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, wbo was unable to attend. Mr. Graham empbasized the work of the agricultural rep- Èesentatives in Ontario and that of Ed Summers particularly. "Young people learn of crops and livestock from the represent- ative," he said. "But they also learn bow to make a decision backed by proper reasoning. Thiey develop a sense of duty and an in- terest that is genuine. They learn clarity of tbought. . . toierance in thinking . .. integrity and confidence . . . and independence n thougbt. It is here that Ed Sum- mers is strongest, for Ed brougbt out ail these qualities in the young people with whom be worked." Rev. S. R. Henderson, minister of Trinity United Churcb, Bow- nanville, where Mr. Summers is asteward, a member of the Offic- ia Board and of the Session, spoke bighly of the fine Christian qualities wblch Mr. Summers ex- emplified in al bis associations. Depth and Strength Charles Osborne, President of tbe Durbam Federation of Agri- ulture and an old friend of Ed's, had much te say about Ed Sum- mers, the man. l"Tbey say a man gets out of ife what he puts Into it," be said. "Ed Summers must get a lot Out of bis life. He bas put much rito his work, bis churcb-and bis 'arden. Any Saturday afternoon in the summer you xwill find him down at the basebail game and in the wvinter, you'l find him on Saturday nigbt down ini Oshawa at the bockey game. by bimself wben it came to train- "As you may notice," be went ing teams and he did flot think on, "Ed bas what Connie Smythe bis record has ever been matcbed goes after-depth and strength anywhere in Canada. down thé centre." Murray Lord, president of the Mr. Osborne added congratu- Junior Farmers of Durham and lations to the Junior Farmers for at present a student at Kempt- the fine work they did on the ville Agricultural School on the banquet. The Federation was re- J. S. McLean Scholarship. spoke sponsible for the printing cf the briefly about the trophy won for programs, which contaîned lists 19 consecutive years at the Quinte of ail the judging teams coached Seed Fair. by Ed Summers. M. C. McPhaii, Principal cf More Congratulations Kemptville Agricuitural Scbool, Further congratulations were referred to boys at bis school who offered by A. E. MacLaurin, Gen- had once been pupils of Ed Sum- eral Secretary, Canadian Council mers. "One thing be bas taught on Boys' and Girls' Club. Work. them is tbat-there is no short cut He stated that Ed was in a class te success." be said. "Those cf Ed'a pupils 1 knew are hard- working, serieus boys who get into their work well. I hope, after ail tbe work Ed bas done in the past that people will let him use that easy chair five nights a we "Tfianks tb Others Interspersed throughout the speaking was musical entertain- ment, provided by tbree cf Ed's ex-pupils. Dr. George Werry, played piano accompaniment for Carios Tamblyn, wbo played some trumpet selections, and Glenn Aluin, wbc> sang "Oid Man River" and "No. John". Harry McCamus moved a vote cf thanks to the speakers and mu-. sicians wbich was second.d by the audience with bearty applause. He then called Miss Lucille For- der, Ed's secretary, te the stage, wbere be thanked ber for the work she did in preparation for the cvening and presented a gif t te ber. This part cf the program ended with three rousing azd well- deserved cheers for Ed Summers. The balance cf the evening was spent in dancing te Forrester's Orchestra, Orono. Great credit is due te the fol- lowing energetic committee chair- men wbo were in charge cf the evening's rPrrangements: Banquetl List 0f Winning Teams Who. Participated In Judging Contests Since 1930 Everett Brown; Autographs- George Neals and Raiph Larmer; Pbotographs-Elmore Scott and Stuart Grey; Appreciation-Har- ry McCainus; Records-Bruce Taylor. Secretary for ail the com- mittees wes Donald Jose, and last but by no means ieast, Garnet Rickard, who was the dynamic force who gave leadership in the preliminary planning and as Mas- ter cf Ceremonies for the evening. Persons wishing a copy of the above photo may secure one by sending 51.00 to Fisher rhoto Studio, 8 King St. West, Cobourg. Buy Christmas Seals and help ROYAL LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAMS - 1930 te 1949 Team Standing 1930-Teamn: Chas Glenney - 19th 111h Emery Smith Ralph Staples 1931-Teaza: Bruce Beer -Ist Swine Ist Gea. Neals - lth Beef Gea. McKnight 1932-Teaza: Harry McCamus 7th Lawrence Dunbar Archie Matchett 1933-Team: Carlos Tamblyn - 7th- Ird Earl Smith - 8th Elmore Scott - 141h Sheep 1934-Team.: Weston Banister - 111h 2nd Stanley iheooald - Sth loy Whittington - 121h 1935-Teani: Everett Brown 3 rd Znd Murray Byers BIh Oliver Smith 1949-Team: Frank Stenger, let; 1936-Team: John Rickard - 4th 2nd Garnet Rickard - 6h WxT. Rowland 1937-Teaza: Ernest Brackenridge - 151h 4th Harry Kennedy - 3rd Dairy Ivisan Tomblyn 1938-Teani: Gordon Fallis . 11h 2nd Lloyd Metcalf - îth Howard Million - 12th 1946-Teani: Lloyd Ayre - lot Swine 2nd Boyd Ayre- 7th Allan White Il11h Horses 1947-Teaza: Dalton Darrell -lot lot Murray Lard Ralph Larmer 1948-Teoni: Howard Fardez -lot 2nd Francis Jose Lloyd Kellog Murray Vice; Ralph Malcolm, 6th WINNING TEAMS AT QUINTE SEED FAIR F0OR 19 CONSECUTIVE YEARS 1931-Bruce Beer, Bethany' George Neals, Bethany Earl Smith, Bethany 1932-Stewart Gray, Port Hope Allan Ough, Port Hope Murray Byeri, Burketon 1933-Elmore Scott, Carnpbellcroft Carlos Tamblyn, Orono Walter Blackburn, Orono 1934-Garnet Rickard, Bownianville John Holmes, Newcastle William Rowland, Newcastle 1935-BRobert Sissan, Bethany Lamne Bowins, Pontypool Fenton Fallis, Pontypool 1936-Stewart Hogarth Humpton Fred Martin Hampton Howard Million, Enniskillen 1937-Fred Brown, Millbrook Ralph McCamus, Millbrook Allan Dawson, Bailieboro 1938-LeRoy Brown, Orono Elford Cobbledick. Newcastle Lawrence Harris, Orono 1939-Neil Malcolm,. Nestleton Fred Trewin, Nestleton Hloward Malcolm,. Janetville 1940-Allan White, Port Hope BER. 4 Kenneth Symons, Port Hope R.RS Murray Lord. Campbellcroft RBR. 1 1941-Lewis Trull, Hampton E.R. Wesley Hilîs, Enniskillen Donald Jase Newcastle BER. 3 1942-Boyd Ayre Hampton R.R. 1 Tom Belch. Millbrook R.R. 3 Norman Hubbeard. Millbrook RE. 2 1943-Frank Stenger, Ennilikillen Stanley Taylor, Burketon R.R. 3 Lloyd Kellogg, Port Hope 1344-Rolph Larmer. Nestleton R.E 2 Francis Jose, Newcastle R.R. 3 Jack Green, Nestîcton BRB. 2 1945-Dalton Dorrell, Nestletan R.B. 2 Howard Forder, Blocksîock Glenn Allia, Newcastle R.R. 1 1946 Stuart Dorrell, Nestleton R.B. 2 Harold Forder. Blackîtock Murray Osborne, Bowmajsville I.R. 2 1947-David Craig, Bowmanville E.R. 5 Orville Hindmnan Hampton R.R 1 Rosa Cryderman, Enniskillen R.R. 1 194- Boy Werry, Enniakillen Beverley Gray, Port Hope R.R. 1 Donald Prescatt, Burketon 1949-Sam Turner, Bowmanville Keith Crago, Bowmanville REI. Glen Lormer. Nestleton RAE.2 GRAIN CLUB TEAMS 1934-John Holmes, Newcastle Harry Kennedy, Cavan 193S--Standford Brown Gerald Anderson 1936-Cýarroll NichaIs, Part Hope Mac Walker, Campbellcroit Fred Martin Stuart Hogarth 1937-Howard Million, Enniskillen Fred Martin Hampton Boy Scott, Bowmanville Ellord Cobbledick, Newcastle 193-Fred Brown, Millbroolc Alan Dawson, Bailieboro Ga. Tufford Ali. Allin 1039-Glen Hancock, Orano Marlow Hancack, Orano Murray Malcolm, janetville i Walter Wright, Nestleton 1940-Lamne White. or0 Hp Allan WhîtePart Hope Bobert Morton. Iendal 2 Floyd Stinzon,..tnevill. 1941-Donald Symons Port Hope Donald Morton, Port Hope Donald Jose, Newcastle 2 Wesley Hills. Enniskillen lit Pro,. lit Dam. lit Pro,. lit Dom lot Pro,. 2nd Dam. 6th Prov. lst Pro, 3rd Dom. lit Pro,. Sr. 9th Pro,. Jr. lit Pro,. Jr. lit Dom. 2nd Pro,. Sth Pro,. Sr. 2nd Pro,. Jr FOAL CLUB TEAMS 1936-Ylack Whittington. S. Monoighan 2nd Pro,. Fred Brown, Millbrook 1937-Allan Earl. Millbrook 1llth Pro,. Altan Dawson, Boliebaro IBl-Narman Shoca, Janetville 5th Prov lames Cook, Fraserville PROVINCIAL GRAIN TEAM AT WORLD SEED SHOW 1833-Maurice Baker and Oliver Smith BEEF CALF CLUB TEAMS 1935--John ickard. Newcastle 2nd Dom. Tom Baker Hampton lit Pro,. 1936-Alfred Allun. Rawzanville înd Howard Mifllon, Enniskillen W. Durham Ralph McCamus, Millbrook 3"d Allan Dawson, Bailieboro E. Durhamt 1937-Yack Whittjngton, S Monaghan 2nd Bruce risher Bailieboro lorov. 1938-Wm. Allun. Newcarstle Ist Prov. Neil Malcolma, Nestletan 4th rom. 1939-Eric Fallis, Millbroak 6th Harvey Malcolmi, Janetville' Prov. 1940-Ralph Larmer. Nestleton No. 2 3rd Stanley Taylor, Burketon Prov. 1941-Grant Fergusan, Nestieton No. 2 4th Francis Wotten, Burketon No. 1 Prov 1942-No Teazas 1943-No .Teams 1944-No Teoms 1945-Stuart Dorreli., -estleton No. 2 6th Howard Farder, Blackstack Pro,. 1946-Harold Farder Blackstock 3rd Merrill VanCamp, Nestleton Na. 2 Pro,. *$17-Allan Werry. Enniskillen 2nd Milford White, Campbellcroft Prcv. 1948-Wm. Ferguson, Nestleton No 2 Sth Richard vanCamp, Nestletan No. 2 Prov. 1949-Don Taylor Enniskillen Ist Pro,. Glenn Lariner. Nestietan No. 2 Donm. SWINE CLUB TEAMS 1932-Murray Byers, Burketon 2nd Pro, Jr. Stanley Theobald, Fraserville Allan Ough, Port Hope No. 2 4th Pro,. Sr. Stewart Gray Part Hope No. 1 1933-Newton Ashton, Bow'ville lst Prov. Ir. Wesley Yellowlees, Ennisk'len înd Dom. Oliver J. Smith, Burketan 4th Prov Sr. Alvin Marlow, Nestleton 1934-Wn. Rowland, Newcastle Ist Prov. Sr. Garnet Rickard, Bow'ville 2nd Dom. George Werry, Hampton 2nd Pro,. Ir. John Rickard. Newcastle 1935- -Elwood Gray, Port Hope îrd Pro, Ralph McCamus, Millbrook 1936-No Teama 1937-No Teams 1938-No Teams 1939-Lawrence Malcolmi Nestleton Ist Prov. Howard Malcaolm, janetville 1940-Murray Malcolm, Jonetville 4th Prov. Keith Johrzîton. Burketan George Mortyn, Part Hope 101h Prov. Keith Chute, Campbetlcrofî 1941- Glen Hancock Orono 6th Prov. Morley Bickle, Port Hope Balph Larmer Nestleton No. 2 Sth Prov. Dalton Dorrell. Nestleton No. 2 1942-Francis Wotten, Hampton No. 1 Ist Prov Jerry Million, Enniskillen lst Dom. Robert Fisher. Bailieboro 3rd Prov Elmner Hagg, Peterboro No. 5 1943-Howard Farder, Blackstock 2nd Pro,. Bruce Taylor. Enniskillen Donald Marton, Campbellcrolt 7th Prov. Lloyd Jackson, South Monaghan 1944-lloyd Ayre Hampton No. 1 Ist Pro,. Frank Stenger. Enniskillen 2nd Dom Milford White, Canipbelîcroft 11h Prov. Eugene Watkins, Canton 1945--Nol MoftaI, Orono Ist Prov. Charles Lanqmaid. Hampton 2nd Dom. Melbourne Marton, Fras'ville 67th Prov. Boss Morton, Coivan R.1 1946--Hoard Coathani, Orono 5th Pro,. Boy Cornish, Part Hope No 1 Stanley Milîson, Ennskillen 3rd Prov. Wm. Bundle. Bowmanville 1947-Harold Farder, Blackstock Ist Prov. Ewart Leask, Taunton 4th Dom. Rocs Adonms 4th Prov. Keith Stapleton 1948-Orville Hindman, Hampton No. 1 Allan Werry, Enniskillen 2nd Prov. 3949-Donald Prescott Burketon lit Prov. Howard Trewin, Burketon No 1 Arnold Brackenridge BIh Prov. George Skelding POTATO CLUB TEAMS 1934-Ralph Bowan, Bethany Gordon Fallis. Millbrook 1935-Clarence Brown, Bethany Earl Weatherilt, Bethany 1936-Murray Finney, Janetville NorannShea. Janetville 1937-Allan Beer. Bethany Edward Brown, Bethany 1938-Eric Fallis. Millbrook No. 3 Gardon Might, Millbrolc No. 1 1939-Gerald Duvaîl, Pontypoal Billy Bayles. Cavan 1940-Murray Lord. Campbellcroft Vernon White Port Hope 1941-Murray Malcolm, Jansîville Ralph Malcolms, janetville 1030-Bruce Beer Geo. McKnight ErI Smith 1935-Ilvison Tamblyn, Orono LeBoy Brown, Orono Wesley Wemry, Hampton 1937-Fred Brown, Millbrook loi Armitronq Millbrook 101h pro,. 1938-Sandy Muir. Courtice Wm Barchard, Newcastle 2nd Pro,. 1939-Bobert Scott, Hampton Eber Millocn. Sanikillen 4th Pro,. 1943-Marley BlekIe, Port Hope Donald Joie, Newcustle 1941-Harvey Yeliowlees, EnniskiUen lerry Millson. Enniakillen 1942-Glenn Tamblyn, Orono Frank Stenger, Ènniakzion ist Pro,. 1942-Morvin Kinsmen, Coniphulîcroft 4th Prov 2nd Dom. Donald Marton, Campbellcroft 3rd Prov. 1943-No Teani 1944-Lloyd Ayre, Hamptan lit Pro,. 12th Pro,. Dalton Dorrell Nestleton No. 2 lit Dont. 1945- Rosi Ashton, Bowmanville No. 6 lit Pro,. lit Pro, Jean Werry, Enniskillen 2nd Dont 2nd Dom. 1946-Kenneth Sinclair 11h Pro,. 7th Pro,. Walter Fallis Lawrence Hudson 9th Prov 2nd Pro,. Earl Morton 1947-Boy Corniîh, Orono 3rd Pro,. lit Pro,. Kenneth Larmer. Burketon lot Dom. 1948--Bey. Gra-, Port Hope No. 1 2nd Pro,. 3rd Pro,. Nelson Gardiner 1949-Elliott Dunbar, Port Hope No. 1 lit Prov. Lloyd Martin, Newr-a'tls No. 3 GRAIN TEAM GUELPH WINTER FAIR 1931-Geo. Neals Harry McCamus Lawrence Dunbar DAIRY CALF CLUB TEAMS lit Pro,. 3rd Dont. let Pro,. lit Dont. 2nd Pro,. 101th Pro.. sth Pro,. 6th Pro,. 5th Pro,. 6th Pro,. 1943-Boyd Ayre hampton 2nd Proy. Lloyd Ayr., Hampton Balph Lormer, Nestieton No. 2 1 51h Prov. Dalton Dorrel., Nestleton No 2 1944-Fronda Jfoie. Newcastle No. 2 4th Pro,. Muray Vice,. Enniskillen No. 1 1945-Stanley Million Enniekillen Na. 1 Lloyd Kelloqg, Port Hope Sth Pro. 1946-Ewart L.eaik. Taunton 7th Pro,, Do,. Cralg, Bawmanville No. 5 1947- Orville Hindman, Hampton No. 1 Wm Hundie, Bciwiiuurilte 7tlà Pros', À948-Jludith £teng~rrEnn'aizln 1.1 fijý'. Mr-ji t 'nk. lumptc.n 1949-Mi nTiti>,t'mp23id Prou. Isobel Cruickshank, Hampton ..- 1942-Garnet Whitefleld, Froserville lit Pro,. Tom Belch, Millbrook lit Dom. 1943-Frank Stenger. Enniskillen 2nd Prov. Ir. Grant Ferguson. Nestleton Nanman Huhbeard, Millbrook 6th Pro,. Sr. Lloyd Kellogg, Part Hope 1944-Bruce Taylor. Enniikillen lit Pmov. Sr John Green, Nentleton 3rd Dom. Rabert Allin, Newcastle No. 2 11h Pro,. Charles Langmaid. Hampton 1945-Glenn Allin, Newcastle 3rd Pro,. Francis Jase. Newcastle Earl Morton Cavan No. 1 101h Pro,. Allia Henderson, Mllbrook No 3 1946-Stuart Dorrell. Noîlleton Sth Pro.. Murray Vice, Enniakillen Melbourne Marton, Frai',ille 17th Pro,. Herbert BaU. Millbrook BER. 3 1947-David Craiq, Bowville No. 5 lit Pro,. Evelyn Taylor. EnnIskillen 3rd Dom. RosCryderman S5th Pro,. Han@ Geissberqer 5th Pro,. 1940-Boy Challis,, hthany 3rd Pro,. I2onold Prescott, Burketon 1949-BRoy Werry. Enaikillen 2nd Pro, Soint Turner. Bowmanville No. 4 1939-Wilfred Gillis, Caon1 AMon White, Port Hope 1940-Donald Budd. Poil Hope No. 2 Eber Million Ennlsklllen No. 1 1941-Harold Hepburn, Enniekillen IRev.; Clore lKellogg, Janatville TEM CANADIM STATESMAN. BOWMANVIEXX. ONTARIO . PA« JFI u

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