TRUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1949 ~ECNDA TT~MN OMNL~OTROAI 0.1. V 8~ jSocial and Personal Miss Peggy Dippeil, University of Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dippeil. Mrs. Laura Crawford, widow of the late Captain Crawford, formerly of Bowmanville, passed away in Toronto, Nov. 23, in her 87th year at the home of her son. She was laid ta rest in Bowman- ville Cemetery on Nov. 25. She leaves ta mourn her passing one son Harry Crawford, ane grand- te (o hurcI~ MORNING WORSHIP 11 ail Mr. Clifford Pugh, M. A. willI speak on behaif of THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE FEDERATION SUNDAY SCHOOL -. 12:15 p.m. WHAT ARE* YOU DOINO WITH YOUR SUNDAY EVENING,'? Give back to the Evening Service of Worship Its rightful place ln Sunday's activities8. EVENING WORSHIP - 7 p.m. - SONG SERVICE 0F THE OLD HYMNS - Men's Choir WILL SING Bible Siory Series Continued BE WITH US TRINITY UNITED CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY 10 a.m. - Sabbath School Il a.m. Morning Worshipà 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service TUES. 8 p.m. - Bible Study WE.P. 2 p.m. - W. M. S. 7 p.m. - Children's Church Hampton Town Hall 8 p.m. - Evangelistic Hampton Town Hall FRI. 6 p.m. - Children's Twilight Hour 8 p.m. - Christ's Ambassadors Young People's Service son, two grandaughters and three nieces. Mr. W. H. Crawford, Peterboro, was guest of E. W. Crawford, over the weekend. Miss Jean Hamblyn. Peterboro, was a weekend guest of Miss Mar- garet Trebilcock. Miss Audrey Venton, Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Venton over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Austin spent the weekend in Chatham visiting his mother and brother. Muriel Dunn, Division Street, has been enjoying a few days visit with friends in Lindsay, Miss Helen Devitt, Toronto, spent the weekend with her nia- mother, Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Miss Helen Pritchard was weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. Congratulations ta Hazel Web- ber on winning third place in the Temperance Oratorical cantest held at Garden Hill United Church on November 25. Miss Louise Hircock, Bowman- ville, was one of 21 nurses who wrote their nurses registration examinations recently at the Osh- awa General Hospital School of Nursing. Guests fram Bowmanville who attended the Noble-Butler wed- ding in Oshawa on Nov. 19 in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bur- gess, Mr. J. A. Wilcocks, Mr. Glenn Metcalf, Mr.and Mrs. Ross Atkinson, Mr. R. Noble. For the benefit of those who bought tickets on the Cobourg Rotary draw last Saturday ahl prizes stayed in Cobourg except the CGE refrigerator which was won by Ken Hull, Scugog St., and electric vacuum cleaner, which went ta Coiborne. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met on Nov. 22 at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ma- son. Miss Creasser conducted the Worship Service in which every- one , took part. We discussed plans for the Vesper Service. We made stuffed dags and cups for candy. Some contests were en- joyed. Mrs. Mason and Miss Hutchison served a very deliciaus lunch. Junior Homemaking Coach Addresses Women's Institute "The need for samething bet- ter" was the incentive for the first meeting of what is now known as aur Women's Institutes and the desire of the farm home maker ta 0e able ta do better her- self and ta teach her family the homemaking arts. lacking in that day, was also the incentive some fifteen years ago for what is now known as a thriving group of Jun- ior Homemakers under the lead- ership of a local coach and the guiding hand of Miss Eadie, Headquarters of WlI. Branches, stated Miss Jean Noble, Coach for, Junior Homemaking units in Dur- ham in addressing fhe monthly meeting of Bowmanville W.I. on Thursday afternoon. Miss Noble sketched the pro. gress through the years in the work, outlining the dîfferent classes covered iný the branches and the steps working up tai Achievement Day when the girls from ail the groups assembled ta enjoy a day together and demon- strate in several different ways the progress they had made dur- ing the year. Altogether in the area Miss JNoble is in charge of ten units, two of which are in Bowmanville. One is being held in the evening under the leadership if Mrs. S. Grant and ane in the afternoon Iwith Mrs. T. Buttery as leader. These classes this year are on "The Cereal Shelf" and starting with the whole grain, branch ta all the different uses of the same; ta live a healthful life and follow the Canadian food rules; Iaoa- range a day's mneals; ta give what lm is necessary for good living is the aim of the Club this year. Mrs. L. Dumas presjded for the business part of the meeting which included a report by the delegate a! the Area Convention held in Toronto.1 Lunch was served by Mrs. T. Buttery and her group followeçi by an erjoyable social bal! hour. Salvation Army Homne League HoIL Annual Sale Nearly $200 was raised at the Salvation Armj, annual sale of work on Saturday, Nov. 26, when members of 'the Home League pooled their efforts of the past year and displayed a beautiful array of needlework and home- craft. Gaily embroidered pillow- cases, doilies and buffet sets, col- orful quilts, brightly printed ap- rons and numerous other articles, were on sale for Christmas buyers. A staîl of appetizing home-made cooking and another of canhed goods and fruit also did good busis during the afternoon. Tasteklsly decorated tea tables invited purchasers to a dainty afternoon tea. Shortly after three o'clock, Lieut. M. Walter introduced Mrs. Major H. Roberts, Oshawa, who officially opened the sale. Mrs. G. Cherrington, Home League Secretary, was assisted at the bazaar by Mrs. H. Summers- fard, Mrs. J. Overy, Mrs. E. Wil- latts, Mrs. G. Pritchard, Miss Ina Burns, Mrs. W. J. Cary, Mrs. G. Summerscales and Mrs. Clapp. Pouring tea were Mrs. S. Allan anid Mrs. G. Crombie and ýMrs. E. Perfect, Mrs. R. LockhartMs. Kilpatrick, Mrs. H. Bartlett, Mrs. Widdecombe, Mrs. E. Black and Miss Hilda Simnick assisted at the tea tables. Nova Scotia Man Visits Local Nursery For New Methods Mr. H. J. Bishop, Dept. of1 [Agriculture, Truro, Nova Scotia, visited the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries last week. The De- partment o! Agriculture are in- stituting a new course in Hart- iculture and Mr. Bishop visited the Nurseries ta learn, first hand, how successful nursery oper- ations are carried an. He was particularîy interested in the~ Power machinery, propagation methods, shipping and office routine as it pertained ta the Nursery. He spent some time with Manager Scott going over in detail certain particular phases o! the nursery industry se that this information could be categoried and put into lecture form, which should be presented ta the Prospective students. Ski Club Plans For Big Season 0f Thrilling Sport Winter Is upon us again and, even though the first falof snow is rapidly turning ta slush mcm- bers of the local Ski Club) have, that oid glcam in their eyes and are trying ta apply a new gleam ta their sliding slats in anticipa- tion of their biggest year of oper- ations. One of the biggest' jobs they have picked for themselves in this respect is the ,igning-up of as many new members as pas- sible. In preparation for the large turnout they hope ta have, a new chalet has been buîlt, president Doug Harnden and some of the hard-working members doing the job themselves. To raise the necessary funds for the projeci, a refrigerator is being rafflcd. the draw to he madle in December. i As a Jure ta those who are not quite sur'? whether they with ta join or not, the memnbership fe has been lowered. Now a married couple can sign up for $4.50, a single adult for $%~.00 and a stu- dent for $ 1.00. The executive have the neccssary tickets. so if any-i body wantq ta join thcy just ha\ e ta look up Doug Harnden, Ronl McDonald, Howard Sturrock, Clarke Township School Area NOMINATION MEETING Public Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Ratepayers in School Sections 1. 2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 17 and 21 will be held In the Township Hall, Orono on DECENDER 5 1949. at the hour of two o'elock In the afternoon for the nomination of one candidate for the office of Trustee. If more than one candi- date is nominated, and a poli is required, the pro- ceedings will be adjourned untîl MONDAI'. DECEMBER 12TH. 1949 when a poil i ll be open at nine o'cloek In the morn- and continue until five o'clock In the afternoon. Clerk of the Township of Clarite Fran Rowe, Dt~n McGregor or Art tion next Sunday, weather per- Hooper. mitting. The club would like ta Everything is now in readiness have as many as possible out as up in the hili country-Ron Mc- early as possible and urge thos.e Donald and his mwoodsmen have who are not yet mnembers ta get cleared new trails for safer and their cards as soan as they can. better skiing and AI Brooking The Ski Club will be haying says he will have the tow in opera- a party Dec. 9 ii> the Lions Coni- LE T u s DO YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING Chrisimas Cakes a Specialiy Richardsons Bakery - PONTYPOOL - PHONE ORONO 81rl6 - OR WRITE munit %'Centre, with an ev"ening and Mrs. I. Brown. AU mrembers o! ftX being prepared. by the en- are asked to corne and bring tertainment cammittee under Mr.I friend. ,'1éu CGNSULT MOTRS bouFJorSmte - quirements. we wOi ne * glad te advlse yen on the besi type for your p&r- ticular job QUAKER 1IL' HEATERS Rewarm ail winter wheft you heat your rooms with an economical Quaker Oi1 Burning Heate'r. Sec the new models now an dis- play. W. He' DROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bras, Stable Equipment KING ST. W. PHONE 497 MEMBER 0FOR.EDA a iDUGSORES friendly, Courteous Service Camphorated Oil, 3-oz., reg. 35c 29c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, 4 and 8-oz., reg. 29c, 35c----- Hiot Water Bottie, "Dependable", reg. $1.59 Epsom Saits, 1 pound, reg. 15c --19C -32C - $- 1.19lc lic Save Hall ! NEW CHERAIMY CREAMY SKIN BALM * Big Double Size - 12-oz. Bottle $2.00 VALUE For a lmited j ~,& .tie only :1 ___$1.00 Halibut Liver Oîl Caps., 100"s, 500's _ _ 93C - $3.89 Idamait, Malt& Cod Liver Oil, 1, 2 and 4-lb.- 44c - 79c - $.47 Minerai Cil, 16 ad40-oz., reg._45c, 89c ---____ 39c - 77c Wax Paper, 100 f t. in cutting edge box, reg._31Ic 27c Powder Puffs, softvelour ____ 9c - 3 for 25c BRYLCREEM Ne SS.S ap efev " Keeps the hair in place ail doy. ACIO NDIESTION CONSIATION Guards agaînst and removes CDIIGSONeOSTPIN dandruff. wt " Gie.,hair a gleurmlng lustre. tp e . - -HANDY TUE$ o%& .L à E NOS 1 Taylor Fine Soaps Pine Cane Set- 2 Large Cakes in Box. 55e 3 Rose, Blue "S~73? Spruce or Carnation in box $1.00 ~$ Others 45e up For Hlm.. Here are only a few of the many glifts that are on display at raur I.D.A. Drugr Store - Don't delay - Shop ta-day for the besi cholce. For Her ... Yardley Gift Sets -S2.00 up Eveninc-in-Paris Perfume --$1.0041.654$2.75 Revlon Glfts - 50e-75e.$l.-$Z. up Brush. Comb and Mirror Sets $5.25 up Perfume Atomizers 75c-$l.-$1.50-$2. Cutex Manicure Sets $1.00-$1.50 up ROLLIT Packard Electric Shaver, "Good Morning Kit" $25.501 Rubberset Shaving Brushies 50e-75c.$L.-$1.39 up1 Billfolds, London Brand - $1.80 ta $4.50 Yardley Men's Gift Sets $2.50, $3.50, etc. Gillette Razor and Blade Sets $1.32-$2.45-$4.62-$5.00 Simms Shaving Brushes -50c-75e-$l.0O up Ronson Lighters with Accessary Kits --- 6.85 up CH RI ST M AS CA R DS 12 attractive cards - ail different - each with envelope, in a nire box Box of 19 superlor cards with envelopes Deluxe box cf 12 cards, Box of 21 cards wlth envelapes . -$1.00 Canadian Artists Series Assortments of 12 - 89e and $1.25 ------ - zSc -------------............................................................................................................. e UPSET STOMA CH *HEARTBURN Maclean Brand Stomach Powder 'e and tablesa bringfaatrelief. Buy Todayl an Softer 1 Sofer 2 lot Bx 33 il O I. I I I I I Alex. We Deliver PRESÇRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MqeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 r Drù'gs REV. S. IR. HIENDERSON, B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. R. G. HARLE, Organist. 1; 6E L 1 CENT.RE Ontario Sta m m owmanville THURS. FRI. SAT. 8 p.m. - Prayer 'The Little Church with the Big Welcome' Pasfor, T. Johnslon FINAL CLOS' WEEK of Oý OUI SALE ail DRESSES in stock and $ 200 ALL OTHER MERCHANDISE $2300 or lêss per Article The Town Shop.- Ring Si. W. lowmanville MMMMM6ý. 1 -1 tWE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1ROWMANVÎLLE. ONTARIO IpAew. -a q m ! 1