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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1949, p. 12

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PAG-Zt wW L wai>w i wL. wS, (RADETH R DA EC M EE8 14 B RIN G YU R(RD R INYGCASH UNR MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS- UCOT3cPRA BlETlif PIPER-Mr. and Mrs. Les Piper (nee Betty Donoghue) announce the birth of a baby girl, Elizabeth Joanne, at Bowmanville Hospital, on December 4th, 1949. 49-1* PURDY-To Mr. and Mrs. Ouif- ford Purdy, a daughter, littie sister for Wayne, Linda and Jen- ifer, at Bowmanville Hospital, on December 5th, 1949. 49-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. F.,R. Cook, Bow- manville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Rose, to Mr. Jack Alfred Oven- den, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Oven- den, Oshawa. The marriage will take place quietly early in Dec- ember. 49-1* DEATHS WILLIAMS - In Hampton, on Wednesdayv, Nov. 3th, 1949. Sulas Williams, beloved husband of Alberta Lane, in his 84th yeam. Resting at his late esidence, Hamptoti, untîl Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 1:30 p.m., then ta the Unite~d Church, Hampton, for ser- vice at 2:30 p.m. Interrnent Hampton Cemetery. 49-1 Notices McDbnald's wish to annaunce the opening of their Grocerv Store, Liberty Street N. 49-1* Dancing Classes in Ballet and Tap, taught by Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M., on Fridays, 19 King E. 41-tf Reception Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett, 135, Scugog Street, Bowmanville, will be at home to their friends fmom 2 to 4 p.m., Saturday after- noon, December l7th, on the oc- - Oasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. 49-2 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. M. Samelîs of Nestietan, wîshes to thank her friends for their many expressions of kind- ness by flowers, cards and per- sonal visits -at the tîme of her îllness. 49-1* The faýhily of the late Silas Williams wish to express their sýncere thanks and appreciation ~to their many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expression of sympathy and floral tributes extended during their recent sad bereavement. 49-1* 1 would like ta thank ail rny iFiends and relatives, Drs. Austin, 63irks and Sturgis and the nurses of Bowmanville Hospital who were ail so kind ta me during my recent illness. Barbara Bathgate. 49-1 I would like ta ' thank The Womcn's Institute. Scugog St. Graup 1 ai Trinity W.A., Re- ,.J2ekah Lodge No. 3, Oshawa, and rl ahmy friends for their ltes cards and flowcrs, during my illness. Mrs. re49Lle. M49-re 1Lle The family ai the late Mrs. Robert Payne wish ta express their siaceme thanks ta the Super- inteadent; nurses and staff ai Bowmanville Hospital, Dm. W. W. MeNeil and all the fiends and ncighbours ion their many acts ai kindncss and expressions ai sympathy during the*illness and at the time ai the passing ai their mother. 49-1 To the Electors ai Darlington Township: I would like ta express my thanks for youn support la the recent elections. Dunîng the romn- ing year I hope ta uphold yaur faith in me by wonking ta the kbest ai my ability. Sincerel. Russell McLaughlin. 49-1" Ta the Electors ai the Village ai Newcastle: Kindly accept my thanks ion youm loyal support at the necenti eleetion by substantially increas- iag my majanity for Hydro Coin- missiner. Yours sincerely, J. E. Rinch. 49 -1 Ta the Voters ai Dariingtoîî Township: I would like ta thank ail rny supporters la the Township eicr- tians who aided iin placing mie an the council for another yeam. I shall try ta uphoid svour faith, I -- I 1Id.I IT&Ve wq1 WOM1ING EENTS Dance and euchre, Ennîskillen Hall, December 9th. Valuable prizes. Admission 50c. Proceeds for hospital. 48-2 Box Social in Tyrone Hall, on Friday, December 9th, at 8 p.m. Cards and crokinole. Praceeds in aid of Chumch funds. 49-1 Bazaar-home-cooking and af- temnoon tea, Dec. 10, 1949, at Union Hall, 2:30 ta 5:30 p.m. Junior Auxiliary, Bowmanville Memoial Park. 49-1 Friday, Dec. gth, 9 p.m., Sat- Teens Christmas Dance. Glenn Hodgson and orchestra. Prizes - Refreshments - Fun Galone, High Sehool Auditorium. Admiss .ion, 75e persan. 49-1* Goodyear Rod -and Gun Club Annual Fox Drive and Banquet will be held on Saturday, Dec- ember lOth, starting at 1:15 p.m. All interested parties meet at the Goodyear plant at this time. Ban- quet at 6 p.m. Admission $2.00 per members, $2.50 for one-mem- bers. 49-1 Oddfellows Service Club Draw and Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Friday, Dec. 16, 1949. Ruth Wil- son Vaiety Dance Band. 161 prizes, Miss Bletty and ten 11.100 bills. 5 tumkeys, 5 geese, and 5 chickens, dressed, given away; also door prizes. Admission 50e per person. 49-2*1j SHOOTING MATCH - Satur- day, Decemben lOth, at 1 p.m., sharp, at the farmmai S. Tyler, anc mile east ai Courtice and 21/2 miles west ai Bowmanville. 12- gauge shot guns only, shelîs sup- plied. Catch a Garton Bus and take home a broad brested Bronze Tunkey and enjay an aitemnoon ai fon. Shoot spoasored by W. H. Tate. 49-1* The annual meeting ai the South Darlington Township Area Sehool Board wili be held la the Township Hall, Hampton, on the evcaing ai December l3th at 8 p.m. It is desired that ail pen- sons iaterested la problems e- lating ta education la area at- tend. Thanking you, M. J. Hobbs, See'y.-Treas, J. R. Reynolds, fChairman. 48-21 IN MEMORIAM DEAN-In loving memory of our dear mother, Susan Dean, who passed away Dec. Sth, 1947: Peaceful. be thy rest dear mother, It is sweet ta breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. -Ever remembered by the fani- ily. 49-1* FEWSTER-In loving memory of aur dear son, William J. Fewster, killed in action at Lamore River, Italy. Dec. 8th, 1944: "In life loved and honoured, In death remembered." 01 -Mother and Dad. 49-1* CLARKE-In loving memory of our dear Mother who passed away Dec. 3rd, 1938: We are always together in memory lane, Not just to-day, to-morrow the same. Wherever we are, whatever we do, Our thoughts are always with you. -Sadly missed by Daughter, Hilda and family, Rochester, N.Y. 49-1* MARTIN-In loving memory of aur dear mother, Elizabeth Ann Martin, who passed away Dec. llth, l943- -Ever remembered by Allen and Jim. Bella and Ann and grand- children. 49-1 T. Chiropodist TM.VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 35-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbem goods) mailed postpaid la plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c. 24 sampies 51.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 44-9 CONSTIPATION Sofferems-Why experimnt with harsh, griping laxatives when you can hclp re- liev'e youm condition with the xvholesorne. gently laxative ceneal, Roman Meal? Hene is a tricd Room and Board ROOM and board available at a low figure for an active elderly lady, in a gooct home, centrally located, in exehange for light duties and sitting with a patient a few hours a day. Write Box 348, Statesman Office. 49-1* For Rent THREE rooms for rent until May lst, suitable for couple. Write Box 349, Statesman Office. 49-1 FOUR-roomed new modern apart- ment. Immediate possession. Not suitable for children. Apply 105 King St. E. 49-1* APARTMENT - middle aged couple, no children. Apply H. Bateman, 456 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa, Phone 4051R. 49-1* Lost LAST Friday afternoon-heart- shaped gold locket, ini Bowman- ville. Finder please Phone 2998. 49-1* HOLSTEIN Heifer, 1 ',,2 years, ear tag 34169x3. vaccination tag 40862, strayed from Lot 6, Con. 5, East Whitby. Anyone having information regarding s a me please contact Harold A. Werry, -R.R. 1, Oshawa. 49.2* Work Wanted YOUNG lady desires housework. Apply 10 Hunt St., Bowmanville. 49-1* FARM work wanted-Immigrant from Netherlands, family with two children, want sponsor, home and one year's employment to enable hlm to corne to Canada. Ahl papers ready. Wants to corne with first immigrant boat, Feb- ruamy, 1950. Well acquainted with dairy work. Good character. Apply H. Moes, 88 Queen St.. Bowmanville. .49-1" Mortgage Money IF you need a first mortgage boan ori your home, farm or business property we have funds avail- able for this purpose. or If you have fonds which you would like ta put out at the coment interest rate of five per cent wc suggest that you let us know. Leroy Hamilton Broker Onono, Ont. Phones Office 32r10 - es. Ir16 49-1 Wanted To Buy KINDERGARTEN set, table and twb chairs, in good condition. Phone 2341 Bowmanville. 49-1 SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf BERKSHIRE Boar. F. LeGres- ley, Phone Clarke 1130. 49-1 POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We caîl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Wanted DEAD hanses and êttle for free pick up. Pl-anc Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phone- changes. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD an cnipplcd stock removed free ai charge. One boum service. Highest pnices for aid hanses. Margwili For Farm, Caîl Calleet: Bowmanville 2679. 41-tf Help Wanted VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-L-140-189, Montrea1. 48-5 SALESMAN or men who feel they possess the business ability for sAles work, must have car, AI references, married man pre- ferred, electric appliance line, commission and bonus. Write Sales manager, 466 Bolivar St., Peterbomo. 49-1 SALESMAN wanted ta demon- strate and sell the latest and most modern vacuum cleaner on the mnarket, not sold in stores, prefer active, intelligent, elderly mnan, must have car, AI reference, high earnings on dealership dis- count basis. Write Distributor, 386 Water St., Peterboro. 49-1 Pets For Sale Articles For Sale 1949 AYSTIN sedan, 3,000 miles, $1400 Cash. Phone- 873. 49-1* MAN'S grey tweed overcoat, size 38-40, $M0.0. Phone 952. 49-1* PAIR boy's skates, size 5, Phone 631. 49-f PLYMOUTH Sedan, 19s'0. 103 Scugog St. . 49-1* EXCELLENT quality table tur- nips, by the bushel. S. W. Brooks, Phone 2227. 48-2* MAN's and lady's C.C.M. bicycles, bath in good condition. Phone 2234. 149-1* CH-RISTMAS TreesLý-Spruce and Scotch Pine. Keith Biekeil, 127 Ontario Street. 49-3* sIi t. skis, harness and pales. $10-00. M. Swindelhs. Phone 979 after I p.m. 49-1 CHILD'S roll top desk and winc doll's pmam. A. Ruiten or phione 2672. 49-1* BOY'S hockey boots and skates, size 4; ski boots size 5, skis and pales. Phone 908. 49-1* 1941 PLYMOUTH sedan, black, in good condition, %%ith many ex- tras. Apply King Taxi. 40-1 RCA VICTOR car radio, practi- cally aew, very reasonable. Phane 2673. 49-1 BRASS Fine Sereen and feader bench. Phone Bowmanviîîe 304.' 49-1 GIRL'S white skates, size 9, in good condition. Phone 942. 49-1* ONE slightly used six foot tobog- garn, excellent condition. Pnice $6.00. Phone 2103. 49-1* 8 CWT CHEV ammy truckgo condition, new tires. Apply Maple Grove Store. 49-1* ALFALFA hay and straw. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St.- Phone 594. 49-1* A quantity of baled hay. T. White, Pontypool. Phone Bethany 20r1 2. 49-1 * HARD and soft wood, cut in foot lengths. Phone 418 Bowmanville. 48-3 '46 CHEV. deluxe sedan, excel- lent condition, new paint. Phone ACME cook stove in, good:*conidi- tion. high back reservoitr. Wesley' Luxton, phone 2221. 49-1* 1938 TERRAPLANE 3/ ton pick- up truck; also 1931 P'ord ',' ton panel truck. Phon~e 772. 49-l* PHONE Morris's 480 for Venetian Blind estimates, we measuzre and install. 37-tf GROUND and sacked mixed feed oats, $48.00 ton; beet pulp, $3.25 ewt. Phone 193r23, Port Perry. ___________49-1* GOOD Used Skates for boys, girls, men and women. Ail sizes. Neat Way Shoe Repair, King St., West. Bowmanville. 49-tf CHRISTMAS turkeys, specially fed beautifully finished, and moderately priced. Phone 2639. 49-2 BALED inixed hay, special price on large orders. Delivered to your barn. Walter Frank, Bow- manville. Phone 2403. 49-1* 1942 PONTIAC Opera Coupe, ini good condition, with radio and heater. Apply 18 Jane St. Phone 713. 49-1 OLIVER tractors and equipment; Letz Hammermilîs; Gem Oat RoI- lers. Tyrone Garage, Phone 2882. NEW Beaýi.er wood turning lathe, 36 inch; also new Craftsman jig- saw, Nvorks in ail, 18 inch. Phone 2673. 49-1 BABY'S wvood cri,-, large size, natural miaple finish, complete with springs, in good condition. Phorie 430. 49-1* SUNSHIINE pram. maroon, real good condition. Mrs. D. J. Cun- ningham, Newcastle. Phone 3202, Clarke. 49-1 AIR Conditioners help prevent colds by filtering and washing the air. Electrohome models $29.95. The Radio Shop. Phone 573. 49-1 BEATTY electric washing ma- chine in good condition. Apply 7 George St., or write P.O. Box 344, Bo\wmanville. 49-1* NEW stock of baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and all habv's needs. See these1 adlestec forulua, oevelopcaSIGESbay-udie,-lahe;.peias t.orisCa 3-tf in me by wokiag ta the best ai by Robert G. Jackson, MD., that a so ERbmeein budgies, and ail eiasa MrisC. 7t my ability on the cauncil duning combines the natural food values suls or bids. Cgiesn dai- STORM windows and combla- the easuing year. and deliciaus Hlavons ai whole sple o id.Cgsii f Season's Geetings, feent styles, rangiag fmom $495i ation doors, made ta yourmema- Gane B Rckrdwheat and whole mve with the upsaeadpc or u rements. Prompt service. Phone g entie, laxative praperties ai ilax- fo'r Christmas.__142__KingSt_._E.,__ 49-1*'o-lin and bran. Thausands ai Bowranville, Phone in t.916rhes T . Tbbn Tyotn. 47. sufierers have written ta us prais- __________ OD ODctl otlnt~ Repairs ing the laxative qualities aif inaple and beech; two cords ta, - Roman Meal. Yau, toa. may iind Nursing_ load, $17,50 per card. Phone FOR prompt efficient, guaranteed relief xith this x'aluable enengy 2952. 48-tf service, dyeing and custom work, food. Ask your grocer for Ra- THE Lindsay Convalescent Hume'i try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair mnan Meal. o fiers campetent aursing cane. FLOOR oishers make perfecti &hop, King St. West. 9.tI Write today for FREE Booklet, and checruil surmundings ta con- ',mas gifts. Johnson $49.50; Royal - "Nature's Way ta Good Health" vaiescent, chronir, and elderly $49.50; Easy twa brush typel REPIRStaailmaes i eirg-by Robert G.- Jackson. M.D., to1ains eitmdnrel t $69,50,. The Radio Shop, Phone I eraters, domestic and c-ommercial Dr. Jackson Foads Limited, Dept. tendance. Goverament licensed. 5-, 49-1 Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., K, 1 Williagdan Bhvd., Toronto. Reasonable ates. Blue Crassj phone 438. 26-tf 49-1 patients accepted. Ridout Street,1 SWEET rider, 50e per gap1on; also - Lindsay, Phone 116. 49-8 No. h Macîatosh apples, $1.50 pr CHESTERFIELDS completely e- bushel. W. T. Cox, 1 Ij miles built and e-upholstered. Satis- btrayed Alberta gas cauld supply near- north ai Boys Training Scbool. faction goarantced. Have oti,' - ly all Canada. 49-1* consultant rail at no obliîgaî'oti 1BRiYýDLF heifer strave mm'Prne1al3 lnjs E urea eesFbreCi-Lot 1l. Caon. 10. Please contact noitiîh uso ow st i-jNx ashioji in Chiaa-Th$# tre, 10 King St. E. t39-t.i 1 Don Black. Phone 2761. 49-1* cavered only Iast àiea.r. Bamboo Curtain. Artn-icles For Sale LEONARD Refrigerator 6 cu. ft. very limited supply for Xmac $298.00., Five year. guarantee Easy terms. The Radio Shop Phone 573. 49-1 1934 DODGE coupe in good con- dition, with heater and fan. Besi offer; also 1 pr. 7' skis with pole, and harness. Apply R. Williams Newcastle. 49-14 ELECTRIC kettles and feather- weight irons. General Electric and Hotpoint $12.50 each. We wil. hold' for Xmas delivery. The Radio Shop. Phone 573. 49-1 NEW Universal electrie refrigera- tom 6 cu. ft. $199.50, $10 down, $10 per month; used ice-box, 75 lb $29.50: used ice-box, 50 lb. $29.50, both like new. Murphy's, phone 811. 49-1* KROEHLER Hostess Chairs, spec- ial, $19.50, Recliners and several Chesterfield Chairs, brand new, Special Clearance, $45.00. Wil- son's Furniture Co., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 RADIOS for Xmas. See aur wide selection of RCA Victor, North- emn Electric, Admirai and Electro- home models. Terms. The Radio Shop. Phone 573. 49-1 SWEEVr Cider, gallons, or small kegs, a healthful invigorating drink. Friday deliveries in New- castle, Orono and Bowmanville. Meadowmaunt Farms. Phone Clarke 2811. 49-1 WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available with water pump and electrie heater - heat your water right in the washer, froni $1 17.50. Easy terms. F. È. Morris Co., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets.. In stock ready to go;, Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. sler, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf fA'"FEW cords ai dry mixed bard- Iwood, $16.00 cord sawed and de- livered: also a fcw loads ai dry Imixed limbs, $25.00 load, 2 cord, sawed up. Write J. A. Carscad- dca, Orono. 49-2* BOY'S avercoat, brown; girl's coat and bat, bloc, genuine gney lamb tim, bath size 8, girl's me- versible mcd and plaid hood at- tached, size 12, ail excellent con- dition. Phone 554. 49-1l 2 PRS. boy's Humphrey breeks in good condition, hardly worn. size 12-1,4; also 1 pr. boy's skis 5 or 6 ft. Iphone 2366. 49-1* CUSTOM killing every day ex- cept Friday. Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf NEW Marlin .22 rifle; toboggan; ping-pong set; double shaft elec- tric motor; jigsaw: lathe outfit; cot and mattress; bicycle carrier and stand; kitchen cupboard; camera. Apply 103 Scugog St.. Bowmanville. 49-1* ALL kinçis ai meat, gaad* quality, smoked bacon and harns, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; alsa custom killing, pickiiag, smoking and sausage making, rendcning lard. 23-tf J R. REYNOLDS - Wholesale Meats and custom kîiîaig. Slaugh- tcning done Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdav ai each week. (Please notice that I have no connection with Damlington Abattoir). 48-2* XMAS Turkeys-A limited nom- ber ai choice young turkcys at 55e lb, rough dressed. Delivemed la Bowmanviile. Why place your order for an unknowri pnice ? Order now and be safe. W. H. Tate, R.R. 2, Phone 2747. 49-1 BEAUTIFUL Chenille Bedspreads -lovcly choice for gits, sale pnîce irom $8.95. Pure Wool Blankets, boxed special, $8.95. Hundreds ai lovely Chenille and Axminster Rugs, choice cohours, special froni $3.95. Wiîson's Furniture Ca. 20 Chumch St., Oshawa. 49-2 KROEHLER- 2-pc. Chesterfield Suite, brand new, cushionized construction, fully guamanteed, apartment size, wonderful buy, $129,00. 5-pc. Chrome Kitchen Set, new, special, $45.00.' Small cook stave, new, clear out $35.00. Wilson Fumniture Co., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 DRY Hardwood, Beech and Maple. Prices: at farm-$12 per cord or $14 per cord, buzzed. Delivered: $15 per cord or $17 per cord, buz- zed; single cord, $5. H. M. Kyte, on Scugog Raad between Burke- Éton and Blackstock. Phone Part Perry 193r14, Cofleet. Inquiries invited by dealers and truckers. 45-tf BABY Convertible Pram, several new colours, gmeatly reduced; play pens, special, $5.95; Hi Chairs, $4.95; New Baby Cribs, large sîze, sale price fromn $15.00. Large Doîl Prams, extra special, S9.00; Small Tricycles, special, $4.95: Rocking Chairs, $3.00. Wil- son Fumniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 INLAID Linoleums, New Mar- boleum patterns just arrivedi, heavy canvas back. You will find your choice here. W r headquarters for all floor caver- ings, very large display. Specials in inlaids from $1.45 sq. yd. - new designs in felt base caverings, special, 49e sq. yd. Wilson Fîitm-- lÂture CO., 30 Church St., Oshawa, fiîlea mattresses. $24.95a; tri-lignt lamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes. anges fromn $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour -bcd chcstcniiehd suites, $119,00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green an wine oriental designs, $49,50; chenille bcd sprcads, $16.95, table lamps. $6.75. Everythiag for the houme at Bradlcy's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa Phone 271. 6-tf, Farms Wanted 100 ACRES-more or less, rail- iag, must have bush and streani, buildings not essential. Suitable ion camp. Joseph Anderson, Broker, 35 Lascelles Blvd., To- onta 12, Ont., Phone HYland 6776. 49-2 THE MASTER'S TOUCH In still air the înuýsic lies onheard. Ia the rough marbie beauty bides unscen; To niake the music and the beauty. needs The master*s touch, the sculp- tor's chîsel keen. Great Master, touch us with Tby skilfilhand; Let not the music that is la i4s (I ie! Great Scuîptor, liew and polish us; non let, Hidden and hast, Thy form witbin us lie! -Horatius Bonar Venice is of 'cdaimare than 100 âmali islanids. Snow Treads New Re-treads 600 x 16 - 4 ply 600 x 16 - 6 ply 650 x 16 - 4 ply 650 x 16 - 6 ply 650 /670 x 15 - 4 ply - - $12,e95 - - $15,50 - - $14975 - - $15*95 - $15*50 These tires in Studded, Knobby and Sure-Grip Treads, with a New Tire Guarante. On Pu JAMIESON TIRE SHO0P Phone 467 wm vi. m PACM Twnvz 0 Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale The Screech Owl tKROEHLER Chesterfield Suites FIVE-moomed bungalow, lights By Bob Gallather s - many beautiful styles and and water. Possession at once. e. colors. These chestemfields have Phone 468. 48-1* Closing Night of the Oporetta P. the famous cushionized construc- 1tion and are eally îovely ta live SOLID brick dwelling, 7 rmoins, Well, once more the curtains -with. We are the authorized dealer 3-piece bath, good location, large have ope-'.,... .#,i cloged for the for Kroehler in Oshawa. Won- garden. last finie érmd Commencement is t derful gift for Christmas. Sec. over again. la a way 1 think many as ur beautîful display priced from BRICK veneer dwvel1ing, pmac. r- or hti sfnse e ,s $129.00. Wilson Furnîtume Ca.. tically new, 6 mooms ineludîng 3 aues eveyone et i nj ed prde- -20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-21 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, hardwood ing the operetta. After the CaS. - DEEMBR itrodctoy ofer floors, possession April lst. turnes had been handed la and le new George White washing ina- TWO-storey brick veneer dwcll- MoiseMmayf had releivedthebl il chines, $128; Viking Hammer- ing, 8 moims including 4 bedrooms, policemedoneyof tr te oeo le ill, $95;Woods Ca. Hammen- 3-piece bath, hot water heating, Mr. and Mrs. Schoa where a party .1mills, $120; 16 cu. ft. combina- garage. - ta ergmtrad fezr TATR AE was held for the cast. Dancing, $475; rfor-braorernstaveeze0;r, alSTAT R.BJAM ergames and lunch were enjoyed $475 for-brne stoes,$17; Ral Etat Brkerby all with the girls having water heaters, grinders, rollers. Phone 681 Bowmanville itelnpayofhirw, Case 14" Hammemilîl, $175 (28 49 1*1itehnprt iteron ýeH.A.); 91,2 ft. cultivator (Orch- *ard), $190;, farm implernents at BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Exam Time-Table -previaus prices. Apply C. Todd, $8,700 - three apartment brick Phone Clarke 15-20 49-11 1 building, ail heated, one apart- Disaster hias struck dear old .1 jment vacant, on King St. East, B.H.S. Ves, you probably have 3-pce. CHESTýERFIELD Suite- with extra lot. Ideal for business guessed it, that fatal exam tinie- beautiful ich veloun covering, location. Could be convented ta table bias again appeared on the h fully spring-filled, brand new, store. Ternis, bulletin board. Mr. Dippell in an 2 floon sample, fully guaranteed, assembly stated that hie is sur@ - wonderful bargain, $ 145.00. Bcd- $1,500 - Down, new four-roomed evcryone is well prepared. Little eroam Suite, new, smart modemn bungalow,, hot air furnace, laun- dacs lhe know, but remember -style, dlear out price, '$75.'00 , 6- dry tubs, heavy wiring, modemn are are only three more cram. -pce., walnut finish Dinette Suite, bathroom and kitchen an large ming days until exams. o floor sample, must be soldI 4.0 lot. Immediate possession. Bal- i Brand New Dresser. greatîy r- ance terns. Grand Finale Reception duced, $28.00; Walnut finish Also have gaod selection of By Ralph HIS IChest Drawers, special, $19.00.1 other homes and farms. 9Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church Bownianville Real Estate After the graduation exercises -St., Oshawa. 49-2 78 King St. West on Friday evening, the great J. Shehyn, D. Maclachlan finale ai aur commencement for DEILCRAFT _ beautiful1 tables, Realtor. 1949, the graduates, friends, par. 1lstin aChrstras litsn, large Phone 326 49-1 ents and members f the Board - latingChritma gifs, lrgeof Education assembled in the selection of styles, fancy satin school gymnasium. The teachens cushions, extra special, $2.00; Livestock For Sale graciousîy received with Mrs. H. rwalnut end tables, satin smooth Ferguson and Mrs. W. Clarke as- Ifinish, real bargain, $3.00; coffee TURKEYS - 48 Bronze Turkeys sisting the staff in serving a light tables, genuine walnut, Duncan for Christmnas. H. Strong, Phone lunch. Phyfe style, great saving, $10.00, 2662. 49-1* 1 Those present included aur spamkling plate glass mimror, spcc-YUN former Latin teacher, Mr. Ander-. l, $8.95; hassocks, choie colons, igs. 6 weeks aid. Apply sn h snwpicplo h extra special, $2.00. WilsoîVs Herman Christi, Phone Oshaw a WligtnCniuto eo Furniture Ca., 20 Church s. 3423J2.491 JocBke, etyLn ad Oshawa. 49-2î TURKEYS-Bronze adWieAudr~ey Sturrack, nurses-la- CATTLE MEN-i. Do you have! Purina flax or fed. Phone 2710. training at Oshawa Genenal Has- any non-breeders in youîr herd?1 Mrs. W. J. Macdonald. 46-4* pital; Jeanne Reynolds, nurse-mn- 2. Do your cows bloat on new 13 GOOD, thnitvon is riiga etr optl o gasor saîl fecding?, 3. Do you iO 7 wceks old. 6 onta; Joan Rice at McDonald grass wek od.'D. J. Cuaning- Hall, Guelph; Stella Bonk and have any stiff or rougli looking i ham. Newcastle, Phone 3202 Virginia Hopkins at MeMaster cows in y oun hierd? 4. Doyo Clke 49-1 University. Hamilton; Joyce, have dcficiency abortian or caîf- Martin at Peterboro Nomafal scauns? 5. Do your sucking TWO registered Yorkshire hogs, col calves scour? 6. Do youm cows serviceable age. Phone Port . ,ool Peggy Dippell, Gwyneth eat boards, dint or bancs? 7. Do Penny 194-1-1. David Johns, Nest-1 Griffith,' John Cattran, Gerald you have mastitis or garget? If leton. 42 Morris, Keith Pedwell, Bill Rab- s0 caîl W. J. Hanvey, R. R. 4.1 inson and Stanley Snowden at, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 2035, ONE Yorkshire boar; five York Toronto University; Neil Bnittan- District Salesmanager, R. A. Finn gilts. registened, bora la May, carrying an post-graduate work 1 & Co. Ltd., London, Ont. 49_1 sined by champion boar at West- at Bowmanville High; Tom De" __er Faim, London, and eserve Geer at Ontario Veteritjary Col- TRADE-IN - Combination coal champion C. N. E., 1949. Glen lege, Guelph; Duncai;"Philhips at and gas stove, Findlay, $79.00; Glaspeli, R.R. 2 Oshawa. 49-1 Queen's University; Gail Pnice, Beatty washcr, newly painted andi Arthur Reynolds, Bill Widde- recandîtioned, $49.50; w'ine v'claur SHORTHORN BULLS - 1 Damk combe and Murray Walton quit- chesterfield, tub style. anc chair. Red, twelve moaths' old, a well ting the text-books ia exchange brand new, $150; coal stove, white grown ralf with substance and for office positions in Toronto; enamel camplete with Silent bance; 1 Red- and 1 Dark Roan. Fred Tuemk at home waiting far Glaw ail humner, $49.50- four seven months old, just la Off final permission la January to bdrmer Westinghouse range, f loor pasture. Vou will like these cal- enter the R.C.A.F. inadel, reg. $230, ta dlean $189; ves and thcy arc priced ta selI. Those prescrit fnm class '48 combination Stromberg-Carlsonl Russell Osborne, Newcastle, Ont. wemc Mary Alldread, nurse-la- radio, like ncw. $89.50; mantel 49-1* training at Toronto General Hos- radios, $10; single, tCeel bcd and pital: Glenn Brooks, second ycar spring. nem, $10: 7.8 ru. ft. refi- Auction Sales at Toronto 'University: Grant gerator, unit rnadc by Kelvinator. Brooks and Jack Munday, bath floon mode], reg. $359, ta dlean Don't forget the Durham Cotin- future agriculturalists; Jim Pater- $299. Murphy's. Phoe 811. ty Cammunity Auction Sale ta be son', second ycar at Western Uni- 49-11 hld at the Sales Barn, Orono versity, London; Bill Rundle and - Thuîrsdav.Dc Sta1:3 .~ Morice Tamblyn at Toronto Uni- IMMEDIATE Dclivery - Electnir r i llybecred for sale:30 ah I versity. Refnigerators, 7 and 8 cu. ft., I kinds ofliesock mfo seahily, This was the first ycar that a Kelvinator unit, $35.00 doxvn. fun1r n oeso te reception bas beeîi held for the Simplicity Washers. $1 2.95 down. items. Remember the date - Dec. graduates. It was an appartunity Shun-Heat Space Heaters, $11.50 lSth - the Sales Barn, Onono. The ta rencw old acquaintances and down. FeIt base Floor Covering, place whiene ail farmers meet. an oppartunity ta discuss devel- pensq yd, 9e.Chismas gîfts Ternis cash. Please note the new opernents in the characters and galone:- doîl pranis, wagons, change af iie - 1.30. Jack Reid, activities ai aur more aggnessive sleighs, dcsk and chair sets, kind- auctianeer. 49-2 graduates; in fact, it was an out- ergarten sets, poo1 tables, Kiddlic standing success. With the sin- cars, tricycles, tri-lights, table The undersigned bias eceivcdi cere wvish that these reçeptioni larnps, bridge sets, fine trucks, instructions fnom Mrs. Wm. Whit- will be continued, 1 shoulc! Ilim rocking hanses, card tables, min- taker ta selI by public auction ta suggest that a rostrum be con- noms, satin spreads, blankets, on Sat., Decemben 10, ali em structed in the gym ncxt yean to radias, satin cushions. comiorters. hausehold effeets, in the Coin- give "Bull" Tamblyn, "Squeck" Dozens ai other beautiful gits for munity Hall, Ncwtonvillc. Sale' Morris and "Crecpy" Robinson ail the farnily. Bradley Furnîture includes: Clame Jcwel ange, ex- a faim chance ta implore the omis- & Appliances Ca. 40 KingStW. tension table, 6 chairs, panloun sion oi said "sobriquets". Oshawa. 4-6 table, 5 rocking chairs, chcst ai BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King drawers, parlour rug, dishes, kit- St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. chen utensils. For funther par- Volleyball bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bcd ticulars sec bis. As Mrs. Whit- outfits, completp, $26.95; icît base taker lbas sold lier propenty and Inter-forai volcybaîl comes Io floor covering, 49c a square yd.; is giving up housekeeping, there a close this week aiter a very chrome chairs. $6.95, ahl colors; is no neserve. Fan your conven- successful schedule. Fitth farm 3 pc. allovcî velour chesterfield tence sale will be heid inside.1 won the senior championship by suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish Temms cash. Sale at 1 p.rn. T. a lange margin. The junior graup breakfast suites, $66.00; spnring- S. Mouantjoy, Clerk; Clifford Peth-j is stili playing off and %vill prob- l' icK, tiuctiuneer. Ikt$-Z ý amy ne tinistien

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