w THUMRDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1949 THE CANADTAN STATEPSMAN. BOWMA"VTLE. ONTAIO Brilliant Cast of "Pirates of Penzance" Presented at B.H.S. Commencement Exerise Dressed in the brilliant cos- tumes which helped them m-ake the "Pirates of Penzance" such a marvelous success at the Com- mencement Exercises. above, shows the students of Bowman- ENNISKJLLEN A large number gathered in, the basement of the church on. Dec. 2, for a pot luck supper un- der auspices of Mission Band, After the lovel-y supper Mr. Car- ville High Sehool who so well fi- Harle, Director of Music of the lows; (reading left to right): Keith Shackleton, Earl Brown, Pat Bowles. Isobel Carter, Syl.-ia jel Stevens. Janet Dale, Greta land Coombes, Made!ine Qsborn ed the parts in the play, grouped High Sctiool, who directed the Back Row-Kenneth Buttery, Bob Martyn, Don Cole, Don Tay- Bucknell, Lois Wilson, Marion- Snoxvden, Lenore Osborne. Ted Ott. on the stage which set the back- music and singing in the play. Michael Sherba. Gerald Brown, lor. Jim DeGeer, Harvey Dilling, Dippeli, Claire Allun, Veronica Front row-Catherine Tueker. grounid for the merry Gilbert and The police, pirates, Major- Gordon Ritter, Steven Sissgn, n Stutt, Doug Sleep. Friend, Na,.ncy Varcoe, Ruth Ivan Woolley, Patsy Smith, Bob Full report of B.H.S. e Sullivan Operetta. In the immed- eea' wards and principal Ken Crawford, Barry Johns n, Cntre row-Shirley Morris, Bragg, Bernice Stocker. Pat Mc- Gallagher. Lydia Bates, Ken mencernent Exercises appar iate foreground is Mr. Gordon characters are grouped as fol- Arthur McGuire, Doug Hevland, Bertha Caldwell, Retta Canne. Farquhar, Wilma Richards, Mur- H-ockin. Grace Nicholson. RoNv- P e\x-here 'In this issue. veth gave a very interesting film on Africa and other pictures for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Ew'zrt and Eunice. Taunton, Mr. Frank Gilbert, Solina, at Mr. Hugh Annis'. Mrs. John Slemon attended the R.C.A.F. investiture in Toronto, when her brother-in-law, Mr. Howard Millson, was presented with the D.F.C. by the Lieut. Governor. .Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten, Solina, Mr and Mrs. Irvin Wotten and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Osh- fiiling YoinUrdaet Doesn't Mleaa Empiyilg Your Fuse When Yen Shop at k&P - ANADA'S FINESI GOV'T GRADES- EVERY CUT WELL TRIMMED RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF SWIFT'8 DONELESS ROLLED POREHEUS, SRLONVEL FRONTS lb 49% W!. DNaES RUN SMOKED SLICEDlb59 ib9cBREAKÀfASf AO b 9 bSsh o, ooss lb69<CHOICE PORX TENDEILOINS lb. 79o MAPLE LEAF or SWIFT's PREMIUM, SLICED - t EN W ASIDE BACON - kg41 IM C13MEAEDBy the pi"* M. FREOS 9HAN4LE« iBACK BACON 69e PM u EiDES M. 354 PEAMEALED led b FRESU, WE4OLE or 14AI-F DACK BACON Mj.i b 3 FRESH KILLED LAMB PM LEGS 1.4<LM Slb.bg9e FRONTS lh424 ýÀ& à%d a I *t . -- - -SIA IWKMV Lb ~- FILI=ET Fesh cod lb 31c FILMS resh ,lb 39C EIbhK8mJ haddock FILLET5S.Smked lb 37cM BATS e48-o MAPLE LEAF FUIE LARD 2 ls.37c SHORTEN ING DOMETIC - CLAR%'S ASSORTED Som FS2 15, FANCY P(-ENDED 2-lr FANCY ORANGE JiCE 2 2fq*310 IAM. PAGE - SUICED WITE 24e1 i FANCY RED COHO! MLNON LARG IS QUJAKER~ ION^ DEsemir PEAU 2 KELLOGG'$ auLL"DA QUEEN'8 ROYAL PEAGMES 2 CANAD IAN CANADIAN M" C- - EXTRA VALU 15- Ti, A&P CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE CLARK'S OLD LONDON TOWN MINCEMEAT- ION^ TOMATOES - GREEN GIANT COIN NIBLETS LIBBY'S TENDER KING GIREEN PEUS - BEEHIVE-Send for Foto Ring COIN SYRUF CAM PBEL L'8 TOMATO SOIJP ALL PURPOSE PURITY FLOUR CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETTI- A &P Jrudj. 67C 24-oz tin 25c - 2 28-oz tins 25c 214-oz tons 33c m m 15-oz tin JOc * a u 5-lb tin 59C *o10-oz M lOc -1 5b1ag 34c - - 5oz tnl2c & - oli l e.4e Californie Navel, New Crop, Doz. KIg- 299 ORANGES Fancy2-Ms239 TANRRIMFloride, New Crop, DOL- TA-Oz. ESNo. 1-i76'e 39e ~ 2< RAPFRIT Texas Morth SeedWsa 4for 2ne biql. 144 Wwm.M elontoeh Red, for Eating, Northern 6-Qt lq 1< ILFL~ Spies for Pies, Domestie Grade Sask.39 __ ElJ5 Cape Cod Christmas, 1-lb. Cello25 __o C lEAE No. 1 Bug 'W 294 ANETS Bradford Marah, Tender 3Ibo.17 lb.47 BU EL SROIT New Crop, Clifor:ia lb. 29e l. SPINACE Texas Curly Leaf, No. 1 2 Ibo. 294 4W II IM13'Fresh New Crop, Bahiamas Celle S -~'1No. I Pkcg. él * NIIE NUTS le sheil, seleet New lb.39 InMel New Crop, Californie b SALNONDS ~No. 1i -274 Z JSINSAustraienSultan&*, 2Ibo. < --J DATES Hallowi Pltted, No. 1 lbs. 210 qi awa. visited Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mr. an~d Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and family at Mr. and Mrs. John Oke's. Service Club ladies met at the home of Mrs. E. McNair, Nov. 29. Evening was spent sewing and knitting. Lunch was served by Mrs. F. Beckett, Mms. D. Picker- ing and Mms. E. MeNair. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. P. Ellis, Dec. 13 at 8 p.m.- Enniskillen pupils are busy- practising for their Christmas concert, on Dec. 22. We are sorry to report Mrs. Harold Milîs bas undergone an operation in Oshawa Hospital andi is doing as well as expected. Her many friends wish lier a speedy mecovemy.- Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodley, Joyce and Jim, Tyrone, at Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wearing and Rickey. Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Linda and Tommy. Haydon, at Mm. ana Mrs. L. Stainton's. Miss Donalda Griffin, Bow- manville, spent the weekend with hier parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ratz and Donna, Huntsville, visited Mr. and ?4rs. Edgar Wright. Master Donale ..We.grn spent Sunday with Master UGrant Wer- ry. Mr-. and Mrs. Albert Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, with Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Doreen at Mr. and Mrs. Frei Toms, Purpie Hill. Mr. and Mms. Frank Dorlandi and Mm. and Mrs. Harey McGill attended the potato growers' banquet at Bethany Friday even - ing. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrigbtl and family were guests at a fam- ily gathering which. was held at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson's. Colombus. COURTICE Christmas meeting of Court'Wt W.A. was held Dec. lst in ihe churcb at 7.30 p.m. President Mrs. Nora MacKenzie called meeting 10 order Roll caîl showed an aI- tendance of 26. Scripture was read by Mrs. Hoy. Devotional topic "The First Christmas"' was taken bv' Mrs. Scorgie. Solo- *'Now I J3elong to Jesus" by Mrs. Nellie McLean; Reading-"Ru- dolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"~ by Mrs. Wilma Gatchell. A W.A. Christmas party will be held at the home of Mrs. Tommy Barber on Dec. 15 aI 8 p.m. Next meeting Jan. 18 at 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Frank Yardley took the chair and con- ducted the election of these of- ficers: Pres.-Mrs. Noraa Mac- Kenzie; 151 Vice-Mrs. Bert Wil- kins; 3rd Vice-Mrs. Ruby War- burton; Secretary-Mrs., Cecil 'Adams; Treas. - Mrs. Harold Scorgie; Rec. Secy.-Mrs. Cecil Simmons; Pianist-Mrs. MarN DeCoe; Ass't. Pianist-Mrs. Ful-i ton. Executive will take charge of programi and refreshments for next meeting. S.S. No. 4 Mission Band held their Cliristmas meeting on Dec. 2nd. The worship service opened with quiet music with Mrs. Lloya Down at the piano. Seripture reading was given by Elaine Seniko and story and prayer by Mrs. Stan Coverly. Closing prayer was given by Rae Johnson. New officers for.1950 are: Pres.-Del- bert Grills: Sec'y.-Milton Arnold: Treas.-Kenneth Coverly; Peace and Temp.-Joyce Lawlor. Story Was told by Mrs. Lloyd Down followed by hymn. Best wishes from bler many friends to Mrs. Thos. Bickle who quietly celebrated bier 8lst birthday on Nov. 30. Hem daugh- ters, Mms. Herb Nicholîs and Mrs. Jack Hawkshaw spent the day wi'th ber. Mrny from here attended the pot luck. supper Dec. lut under auspices ot Durham County Fed- emation of Agriculture at New- castle. Some of those In attendance at the milk producers' banquet in Oshaw Won iNov -;4-1,th R2v Mrs. Penfound on the arrivai of a son at Oshawa General Hospital, Nov. 23, a brother for David; also to Stanley and Mrs. Ogle (nee Berniece Arnott), Maxwell's, on the arrivai of a daughter at Osh- awa Hospital (Florence Joan), on Dec. 2, a sister for Tomlmy. Among the junior farmers re- ceiving recognition at the ban- quet held at the Ontario County Flying Club recreation hall, spon- sored by Oshawa Kiwanis and ag- ricultural committee of the j'unior farmers xvere Wesley bown, Lloyd Fow]er, Bobby Proctor, and Wayne Hooey. Congratulations to Reeve Art Milison- and Deputy Reeve Roy Nichols on being returned to Dar- lington Council by acclamation. Earle Truil has instal]ed a new walk-in refrigerator at his mod- ern groceteria for the conveni- ence of his many custorners. The Federal gove 1rnment will subsidize construction of 83 miles of railroad in B.C., from Quesnel to Prince George, to link the in- complete Pacific Great Eastern Railway to the Canadian National Railways. West German government is takin'g> root quickly; may have an armnefxt Year. HAMPTON Sorry 10 report Mr. Lewis AI- lini aiid Mr. A. C. Perry quite ill, tbough somewbat improved. Mr. Harland Trull bas been laid up the past week, having broken a sn-all bone in his foot ,.,hile at work. Sympath-y is extenided 10 Mrs. Sulas Williams and family in the deatb of Mr. Williams after a few days illniess. Mr. Williams. wbo was highly respected by ah xvho knexv him, becanise of bis cheery and kind disposition, and who xvas a frienid to ail, both old and young, xiii be nmuch inissed iii the community. Ris funeral was bield froni the church on Satur- day afternoon and was very largely attended by his many relatives and friends from t ar and near wbo came 10 ýay their last respects to one wbo xvas beld in higb esteem. The service was conducted by his pastor Rex'. E. S. Linstead whose message was impressive and comforting. Interment was in the Hampton Cemetery. Sorry to report Mrs. Williams who bas been ili for some time in a very weakened condition. Sympathy. is extended aiso 10 Mrs. Cecil Lock-wood iii the deatb of her brother, Mr. Lewis Hamil-1 THE TASK 0F HAPPINESS ton of Oshawa, whose funeral, wvýas held on Saturday. If I have faitered moreor less Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allun and In m.), great task of happirieseç Sheila, Oshawa, visited her par- If I have moved among my ra 1of ents Mr. anid Mrs. C. E. Horn on And rhown no glorious morning Suniday.face Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanville. If beams from happy human eyes visited her brother C. W. Souch Have moved me not; if morning and sister Mrs. Caverly.ske Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa, at Bokisadnyfondsme T. Wra.)-s on Monday. Bokaind yfo, dsme Congratulations toMr. and Mrs. rame n yslenhati Fred Daw on the gift of a sonl. vinkdo ysulnhat MVr. and Mrs. Mel Smith, Osh- Lod tymstpifl lesr awa, visiled at Percy Dewell's. Lrthymstpite lesr Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Osh- tk awva. \vith his brother Jim Smales. And stab my spirit broad awake; Mr. Donald Yellowlees. Gait. Or, Lord, if too obdurate I. with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Choose Thou, before that spirit C. Yellowlees. die, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox and A pie-cing pain, a killing sin, Madlyn visîted their son Bloyd Ai to niy dead heart run themn and Mrs. Wilcox, Cobourg. in. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Richmond. -Robert Louis Stevenson Hill; Miss Mabel Challis, Bow- manville, were Sunday visitorà, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox. The Canadian National Rail- _______________ wu-';s carnies as much as 86,000,- 00() tons of freiglit in a year and The acreage sown to flaxseed in 21.000,000 passengers. To do the Canada in 1949 was only 17 per jîob it maintains more than 5.000 cent o! the crop o! 1948; 321,100 stations, extensive yards. round- against 1,876,500. bouses and shops, innumerable Norwav has floating "church offices; owns 2,595 locomotives, boats"~ introduced ivhen Nazi in- 105.024 frfeighit cars, and 3,319 vaders (loFed chtitcte. pa cai-S< r. . RADIOS -WA SHERS RANGES -REFRIGERATORS and SMALL APPL lANCES We Expect ta Have a Few Genuine GENERAL MOTORS FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. - If Ordered Prior f0 December l5th- A FEW SAMPLE MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Teg 44 KING SI di Apl r. W. Woodyardl's' ,liance Stores BOWMANVILLE PHONE 901 AND IN ORONO Phonies 49-r-i1 and 1 1-r-2 lk PAGE TWENTY-ONI e ý i l