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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1949, p. 7

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T~UESAW DCEMBR S.1949T CANADIAN STATVSMMA, BO'WMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIALAND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. F. S. Phillips, Kingston, report card with, Excellent in ag mpent the weekend with Mrs. C. subjects. Bôbby is. the grandson A. Wight. of Mr. and Mrs. E. Passant, Duke Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Colmer St. Bracebridge, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs.,Frederick Hughes with Mrs. F. C. Colmer. and Jimmie, Mr. E. R. Hanna, To- ronto, visited Mrs. G. E. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tait, Sr., and Helen. spent the weekend in Brantford__________ visiting their daughter and family. Mr. Duncan Phillips, Queen's New Manager ai University, Kingston, came up for the B.H.S. Commencement Exer- Walker Stores cises and was weekend guest of A de Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks. A crwN. i.rr Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens and Miss Myrtle Stephens have Mr. Andrew N. Orr has taken returned to their homne at Bal- aver as manager of Walker Stores carres, Sask., after visiijng Mrs. Limited in Bowmanville follow- Stephens' aunt, Miss Ida Stephens ing the sudden death of Mr. F. J. and cousins an friends here. Thompson of a heart attack. last a _dweek. Mr. Orr cornes to Bowman- Monday morning, District Sup- ville from Pembroke, where he ervisor Gi'bert Jones of the Do- had been the assistant manager niinion Stores presented the local of the Walker Store for a littie store manager Albert H. (Bert) more than a year. Johnston with a beautiful framed Born in Scotland, Mr. Orr has award and lapel pin in recognition been in Canada for about twa of bis fîve years' service in Do- years. During the war he servedt mninion Stores. i 2s aFlvCz fficrinnrt.,- Mms. William Roberts, King St. E., spent the weekend in Toronto. Saturday night sbe sang two con- tralto sains at a concert held in Belfair United Cbumch. Sunday. Mrs. Roberts and son George were invited ta help College St. UntdChurch choir. Mr nd Mrs R. B. Clark, 41 LibrtiStrethave eturned from Mount Forset, where tbey visited the former's mother, wbo is ini ber 94th year. Hem only brother passed away recently, he was in bis 9th year, and ber only daughtem died two months ago. While in Ottawa last week speaking ta the supervisors of the Veterans Land Act, Norman Scott, of the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, spent an enjoyable evening witb John James, M.P., at the Parliament Buildings. Congratulations to Babby Hen- 'ry, age 6 baving received bis first with the R.A.F. and spent tbree years as a prisoner of war in Luft- wagge 3, where 50 R.A.F. officers were shot. Following the war and before coming to Canada.' he was a salesman for a merchandising firm. He was married in Scatland and now bas two children, a 6- year old daughter -and a 4-year- nid son. Upon his arrivaal in Canada, Mr. Orr wvent to work in Toronto with the Walker Stores and has worked as assistant manager mn many of their stores in Ontario. During that time he bas special- ized in drapery, venetian blinds and floor-covemings and will be of particular assistance along those lines ta the mesidents of Bowmanville. The Statesman joins with the citizens of the town in welcoming Mr. Orr ta our community and wishing him every success in bis new position. 1' __________ .,I 9 e to (tfhurch17 Regular Morning Service - il a.m. Sunday School - 12:15 p.m. Evening Service - 7 p.m. FIRESIDE HOUR 8:15 p.m. Guesi Speaker:- Mrs. C. A. Barileli who will show hem own movie films taken on hem ecent trip to, Alaska. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH REV. S. R. HENDERSON. B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. R. G. HARLE, Organlat. Tii. biggest littie radio in the world, t f q .' - "~1' ~4 .' 'f.;'- *. fEA TURIiNe *NEW DIAL *NEW LIGHTED DIAL INDICATOR *NEW CABINET M ODEL 5200 " NEW CIRCUIT wlth PHONO-CONNECTION " BUILT IN HIGH GAIN LOOP ANTENNA Rich Colon bt harmonlze wth Every dom 1 *ALPINE ROSE *DELFT BLUE *TORTOISE BROWN * SEA GRASS GREEN NyortlirlEn /p lc NOW ON DISPLAY THE RADIO SHOP 38 KING ST. E. PHONE 573 Open 'tii 9'30 Until Xmas What Goes on Dehimd the Scenes Special Christmas Shopping Cuide Told by Oun Weary Reporter "Whewwwl! It's all over for another yeatr!" So sigh the weary staff of The Canadian Statesman. The Statesman bas agamn re- sponded ta the requests of the mercliants by providing one of the most complet. Christmas Shopping Guides ta be found any- wbere. One trip to the "big city" where the large shopping centres are situated will convince the Christmas buyer that the yearly chame cf gelectlng gifts for family and friends can really be a lot of fun-if you shop at home. Big city shopping means iibs sorely bruised, that beautiful new winter chapeau pushed into most unbecàming angles, the but- tons tomn off last wintem's coat and ta add ta the abuse, huatling herds of bumanity use your feet for a campet. It also means coming home tired and cmanky minus nearly ail the things you ment ta get, plus a few you didn't in- tend ta buy. But shopping in Bawmanville stores? Tbat's different! Bmigbtly lit, uncrawded stores, are manned by palite and pleasant clemks who try ta give your Christmas need their individual attention. We hape you'll make gaod use af this Speclal Christmas Edition by taking advantage af the wonder- fui Christmas suggestions display- ed in the merchant's advertise- ments.1 But what bas been happening down at the King St. office af the Statesman this week? To praiduce a iiaper such as this bas meant many haurs of extra wark by every member of the staff. Linotypists, pressmen, 'Make- up' men have worked late into the night, as well as over the * TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigneli, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. Mr. Donald Yellowlees, ait Mm. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlee, Hampton, with Mm. and Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Larmer Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmer and and Mrs. Gardon Larmar and Patricia, Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Joyce and Jimmie, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo, Enniskillen. Misses Joan. Kay and Joyce Davey with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Glad ta know that Mm. Leon Maore ia slowly improving from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ail- dread. Bawmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellawlees and cbîldren visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Oke, Enniskiflen. Sandra Bragg, Bowmanville, with hem grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mrs. George Bradley, Burwash, Mms. John Griffin and children, Yelverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. MiEs Gwen Hilas, Toronto, with her parents Mm. and Mrs. J. His. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tabb visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm El- fard, Part Perry. Alderman Evelyn Bateman, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell. Mrs. K. Emes, Mr. and Mrs. Kari Emes, Toronto, Mrs. Crawford, Hampshire, England, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. C. Stire. Mm. and Mrs. C. Stire have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Zegafieldt, Cartwright. Mr.and Mrs. C. W. Woadley and family entertained the Jr. Y.P. at their home Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherly, Dixie, where they intend ta re- main for anme time. Miss Dorothy Skinner, Toronto, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. R. Love, Janet and Paul, Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Trewin'Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli and children with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli, Zian. Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey. Lin- da and Norma, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Virtue. W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Richards on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. Mrs.,Friend will be guest speaker. (note change). Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey, Mrs. H. Findlay, Dean and Bruce, Un- ionville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb visi- ted ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbary, Long Branch, Mr. Hunt, Donald and Kenneth, Islingtorn, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colbary, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright visited Miss Jean Rundie at the Isolation Hospital, Toronto, an Tuesday. Mrs. A. Whitney and family, Mr. Ralph Leaman, Castieton, visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. C. Shred. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson and1 ..... ,brneres c J(OPB weekend to set up th.e 22 pages of type. The advertising manager bas been running in and eut, out and in. (more so than usual) frantically collecta.ng advemtise- ments from tardy businessmen, at the.same time working the rest of the staff into a frenzy. The copy writers bave scraped the bottom of the pot of their imagin- ations in a desperate attempt ta feed the hungry linotype ma- chines. 0f course the girls in the "front office" bave bad plenty ta do too, qdded ta their regular tasks of book-keeping have been extra proofs ta read, customera ta wait upan, a cantinually jangling phone ta answer and an extended mailing list ta prepare, as wel as scores of renewed subscriptions ta came for-by the way have yau renewed yaurs yet? Wby, we even had ta cail Johnny-pardon, John James.I M.P.,-back fmom Ottawa for a' few days ta take pictures and belp us get the paper out on time. And what about aur silver-haired Editor? You can depend upon it he hasn't been sitting bebind bis untidy desk benignly smiling as the womld goes by, but he's been pitching as bard as ever, co- operating with the rest af us ta meet the fatal deadline. Ini spite af naugbty little gmem- lins wbo have a way af getting into a prînting office ta bungle Up the womks, a bydro power cut- off and trains late carmying country corespondence, the job is done, and we must sleepily confess, that thnugh it bas meant twvo weeks work in one, it bas been a lot af fun. We hope you'll enjoy it too. See you at the Santa' Claus show on Saturday! famiiy, Trenton, visited Mm. and Mms. D. Stainton. Messrs. Al and Elmer Pmescott,_ Enfield, Mr. Roy Prescott, Bow- ' manville, visited Mm. and. Mrs. Ken Hardy. Mms. Clinton Bigelow and Mrs. Arthur Richards are spending a week with Mrs. H. Fîndlay, Un- ionvilie. Mm. Fred Moore, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mrs. Leon Moore and Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mm. and Mms. Geoffrey Astley, ~ 1Pickeripig, with Mm. and Mrs. Wal- ~ ter Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley,' Misses Edith and Joyce Woodley were in Toronto Monday, with Joyce remaining for anoperation an ber foot at the Western Hos- pital. We nape for Joyce a speedy mecovery from ber many Tyrone friends. Mrs. Woodley and Editb also remained over tili Tuesday. Glad ta see Mrs. F. L. Byanim up and around again. Master Paul Moore is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moffatt, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mms. H. Wood and fam- ily, Long Sault, with Mr. and Mms. R. Maynard and Mrsý J. Me- Roberts. Mr'. James Calwell is visiting at the home of his sister Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pbillips, Maidstone. W.M.S. miet Dec. 1 at the home nI Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli with 15 ladies present. Meeting apened with President Mrs. Jewell in chair. Mms. A. Hilîs gave the de-~ votional. Mrs. R. Wright, group leader, took charge. Several Christmas Camais were sung.? Reading "Three Wise Men" by Mrs. J. A. Rosevear; Instrumen- tal by Mrs. S. Jewell, Reading "Kîngs Jewel" by Mrs. S. T. Hoar; ' Temperance meading, "What Be: r1 came of a drink", by Mrs. R. W Hodgson. Study Book was given by Mrs. R. Wright. Dainty me- freshments were served by group. C.G.I.T. was beld on Nov. 29 at the borne of Misses Lillian and Helen Cole. Worship serviceW theme "Keeping the Sabbath" was well conducted by Arlene Rose- vear and Marilyn Philp. Vesper Di Service whicb is to be held on Dec. 18 was fully discussed. Some time was spent making novel felt sunflowem pin cushions. A delic- mous lunch nI cake, cocaa and sandwiches was served. Help Build and îf Maintain Happiness By Giving to C.A.S. Among the many excellent in- stitutions and agencies that aur civilization bas deveiaped for the stabilizing and preservatian nI happy home conditions, first Y and Iomemost stands the Cbildren's Aid Society. e That this district bas a sturdy and well managed bmanch of th- fine organization is a distint tribute ta the character af iact,. people, and ta their constructive conception of what makes civiliza- tian and what makes true bappi- . Th~e genemous support nf the Children's Aid Society in its pre- y sent campaign for funds is thc Y best way ta show that the resi- '>s ofa Bawmanvîile mean busi- ~ *.s in their determination ta assist deserving parents and their innocent children ta realize the great boon nf a happy haome. Inu this age many influences are a!. work that tend toward the im- pairment or complete destruction aI sound home ideals. It is weli known that the moat successful, *sky is that wliieh renders the kinc af assistance and advice designed ta *hold shaky homes together. Somnetimes it takes but a smail effort ta achieve great happiness for same one-but not always is the right agency or influence brought t,> bear at the right time. The Children's Aid Saciety is this cammunity's ariswer ta this great need, and its commendable record in this field, in many cases knawn ta, the readers of this pa- per, is uncontestable. The people of Bowmanville may get behind thîs campaign on Friday, Dec. 9.ý with enthusiasm and generosity, in the sure knowledge that their funds wvîll contribute effectively ta the happiness af people resi- dent in this very district-aur neîghbors. The canvass will be canciucted by members of Flor- ence Nightingale Ladge with Ex- Mayor Sid Little in charge. USA reports greatest instail- ment buying spree. BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM A group of twenty-two men and %vomcen met on Monday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Hutton ta discuss the '1prablem "As Others See Us"'. This was the Farm Forum and after an inter- esting and community searching discussion we decided that wbile this is a gond comniîîriity in -which we live there stili is moom for improvement. We have need of a good corn- - - -. - -.----~gg~-~ ~ munity centre, public library, teachers for drama and music. impraved sthools. roads, fire pra- tectian and; village street lights; and perbaps more conveniencea in some af the homes. Perhaps the ]Forum might work on getting some-of these iMprave- ments working as a winter praject. Several contesta were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinsan and Xr. Huttan. Lunch was semv- ed by the hostess. Here are some of the highlights from our stocks of many, many lovely and useful gifts. Shop early for the best selection. ROLLIT He'Il enjoy shaving with PACKARD TWIN DUAL Electric Shaver Attractively gift packaged in the Packard "Good Morning Kit", complete with case, Lektro Lo- tion, Powdcr PaIr îiid cleaning brushes. MEN'S BILLFOLDS' $1.00 Special A genuine leather bilifold, Momacco grained leather finish; zippered bal round; 2 double windows, card holder, etc. a $1.'5 Value For Only - --$1.00 $2.69 Special A genuine English Morocco veryi fine grain billfold; zippemed al round; 4 windows, snap-an change purse, etc. S3.95 Value For_-__ ._._-__ -_ $2.69 Ready ta lîang rigbt on the Christmas Tree- Corvy Bazar Blades - Lver-Ready F'our 25 packs of CO\vBlades in a gift card punched for hanging. $1 .00 - A lamons ui'me in 31rn's'roiletries PJNAUD SETS After Shave Lotion, Taicuni, Shave Creani. $2.30 Many Popular Gifis by YARDLEY of LONDON MEN'S GIFT SETS ... Traveller Shaving Bowl, Lotion and Invisible Talcum ---------- - --------- $3.50 Othiers --------------- - - - -------- $2.50 up Shaving Bowls $1.00 -$1.25 After Shave ,~~4fr / $1.00 -$1.50 LADIES' GIFT - (as shown) Lavender Soap and Perfume - - $2.50 Others from $2.00 up 1 --Jab.- CHRISTMAS CÂRDS Revlon's New "FASHION WR' The f irsI and only ali-in-one Lipstick Pen Othier Revlon Gifts 12 attractive cards, ail different, each wvith envelope - ..- -------25e Boxed, 18 superior cards -------49e - . ' '-- Deluxe box of 12 cards -- ------- 98c Box of 21 cards --a ----------$ .00 Canadian Art'sts Series Assortments Boxes of 12 cards---- 89e - $1.25 Inexpensive Gay Trimmings ta enrich your gifts Enclosure Carda Ribbon and Twine - Gif!. INrap Seals - Tags - Wrapping Paper - Scotch Tape CUTEX Manicure Sets- for every age ----- $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 up BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS, 3 and 5-piece ---------- $5.25 up Lovely (br-stmas Tmcasures by Richard Hudnui PURSE PETITE" PERFU MES Handsome crystal flacons, holding spill proof fashions famous Hludnul fragrances --- 75c, $1.25 a CHRISTMAS "CRACKERS" iludnut Talcums in festive wrap. rrcadyfor "'ta 5 PJ RMANENT 'r stmas wrappeC $3.25 BILLFOLDS, London Brand $1.80, $2.00, $2.80, $4.50 GILLETTE Shavinq Gif ts $1.35, $2.45, $2.50, $4.65, $5 REMINGTON ElectriC Shavers, Triple__ $19.25 - Some $23.95 PEN & PENCIL SETS, Skywriter $3.50, Parker Duofolci_$5.25 A Pract-cal Gift A Lastinz Pleasure CedarChestCiving frts Cedr CesiCAMERAS Special New ' irownhil kee "hcautilul chest of selected (U eta lluarg e~i) iî cedar lio!dng 24 'lîeets and vt xr ag iw fne 2 -. . ' tied. for easy use, takes 12 pictitres on C10 film $6.00 Other Brownies 5 .00 $ 6.70 r Alex. We Deliver i or Iuxurious "..Latbering Simms SHAVING IIEUSHES 50c -75c $2,00 and up ' .t S c t l>) WJIL LI PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MgeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store A Sm c 50c, 75c, $1, $1 Old Cottage La' by GROSSM] Value Only IITE" [lart Gift Enly 1.50, $zuv vender "GIFT BOOK" SPECIAL A regular 85c Old Cottage Lav- ender Perfume and a regular 50e - Lavender Soap - beautifùilY'" packaged. l for BA Y Ti¶lly-Toys Cute animal toyS made of pure * J liquid latex, 4.'.harm-nless colora ~ N & indestructible wlistles. 25e - 00 Donald Duel1, or Mickey Mou * ln rubbe 3 drivlng plane,' - 890 Polo -Automatic Lighters __ $5.0 / Mackenzie Filter Pipes 0 Ronson Lighters with 11 accessory kits ------------ s6.85 up Schick Injector Razor Sets 66c, $1.49, $2.45 Rubberset Shaving Brushes - ---50c, $1,00 UpI 1Iankscraft Baby ..ottle IWarmem $2.75 up 'lennen Men's Gift Box --- $1.27 Lven ing-in -Paris 'erfume $1.00, $1.65, $2.75 " x.ady Esther Gif!. Boxes 98c, $1.25 Goya Perfîimes, Handbag Phials --- 75o Bathettes 165c, $1.25, $3.00 Roscbud Soap, 3 cakes boxed 59e Smiart ..D lurable.- ATOMIZ TAYLOR Fine Soaps -e-. 1 .3 rose-scented cakes. 1- SI1.77) -.ji,,,nane r b appru ii cnlorfui hox.-$1O Kodak Blue Spruce, box of 3 $,0 ,rour.sts ('anadian PIine (011e ý125.25 Up Set. Box of 2 cakes - 55o l)uaflex Carnation Soap, F11.50 $ 21.00 Box of 3 cakes --- 8-- 1.00 A Practical (Gît IAMS TONI ever popular ( 0. gned Spin Curlçr Kit Drugs Phone 792 I .1 s 3- la i 54 I f. J c T i.' - i. *TUSK IVORY *DISERT SAND EXRM e - IC-le td-1 M-nateNnm ý FAW ----------- TUMSDAIr DECEMBER 8, 1949 PAGE SEVEN à

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