1-VAGE TEN 'J f. li~ ce T r, icomhating the outbreak. MONRAY TUESDAY- DEC. 12 . 13_ SRub in Mînard's fori a i d sp n ns Grease- eo UICk drying. no upesnt odor. Lorge ikonomicel Six. 65C ! Movietane News Short - Cartoon , MOYR.LCRC~ ' f'. ' Christmas Çrjds or playing, this too may make Srsauaiya ~r With Personal Touch chaip you have been in the Annual Meeting O L csoofmaking*your own hand nfonly people would 'get tbe made Christmas cards or sending Canning Group PES £ITE ea "Round Robin" Christmas letter.__________ picture for their Christmas card There are so many very colorful The annua] meeting of the tàken before the middle of De- and interesting cards which may Directors of the Ontario Canning cember!e" a photographer suggest- be purchased ail ready to mail. Crop Group for District No. 5, id with a good deal of feeling. that most people use these. Why comprisin« of Ontario, Durbam "They just don't seem to get not enclose a shapshot with your and Peterborough Counties was =rund to it earlier. The result is greetingl Glance over those taken heid in the St. Lawvrence Hutel, à headache for them, another for. during tÏie last year and you mnay Port Hope on Tuesday, Nov. 29 iU--and I suspect a pain-in-the find just the one you want. with a good attendance from al Mck for many a postman who de- Christmas is less than a month parts of tbe district.' liVers hundreds of last-minute away. Start making your plan- Mr. Tom Sirrett of Cobourg, homne-picture cards! for your greeting and shopping 'District Diredtor. called the meet-j Good Suggestion for your cards, if you are buying ing to order and acted as chair- IN~ Wby flot follow this sensible themn during this next week à a.H poebifyo h suh' ggestion in your family? Plan a littie address book, if you do not work of the board in the past ritisb as a family what picture you atonoe nda o aeoi vear and told of many thingsthat ei ~~4ue n urcad.Mkearjyour list of friends' names for had been done to protect growers r syst rangements withé photographer cards, keep a record of their ad- both individually and as a whole. <. nnn to bave it taken in your house or dresses in your book for future Seea rsouos red- ID is tudo. chldis often handy réference. more natural in "play clothes"cusdadpse onfro-- thandresed n "unda bet",sideration at the annual meeting thandresed n "Snda bes", rTvr?1 I vvconcerning the growing and sale and a home setting is very at- UflIT .UAR¶Y of produce from tomato, corn, GN AL ~RML tractive. ____ pea and carrot crops. E.CROP.OML Df amateur photo.graphy is one; JOHN BRUDEK It was realized bv ail present . . of the Philippines, ii i' of yur obbis, et unde wa" jAssembly President, symbol- 0n your hisgtmas ne aosJ i or elhfo eeaira that ouality rather than quantity izing the Far East's rising in- oneksubetoriDecmber 5tshotA Jon pBrdek, beforve husband should be the keynote for 1950. fluence lu world aiffairs. wees bfor Dcemer 5th' !Jon Bude, eloed usbndof l agreed that the consumer pictume of the baby before the the former Katherine Sadlocka, wouîd 'nvariably choose the quaI- fireplace with his firsi. Christmas died in the Oshawa General Hos I ity product regardless of its cost atocking hung on the mantel is one jpital on D ecember 2, in bis 67 th as compared to inferior brands new parents xiii always treasure. erangadsOegow um d On a card it will bring a great deal; year anigrdes.Onegroornsmma of pleasure to friends and relativesBr n oad nMy 6, 883. it ail up by saying that 'if -we -espcialy randaretshe deceased was marmied there 45 receîved cost of production for aunts!ad years ago. Coming to Caniada and our No. 1 producç' the inferio Oshawva 36 years ago, he xvas a grades would never each thie You on om wthShw member of Hoiy Cross Roman Ca- consumer. around it, or a "shot" of youm fam- thoîîc Church and the Polish So- M.Sirtwar-ectdDs ily in front of your own door ciety.Mr ietwarelcedDs wth a Christmas weath hung on Besides blis wife ha leave to trict Director for 1950 and the àt with "Greetings from our home munhspsigtreduh meeting xvas adjourned. to yours" makes a pretty individ- ters, Mrs. Frank Pointek (Ann) ual picture. Mrs. Joe Zygmont (Edna), andES YVL E If the childrei are past the Mrs. V. Trimm (Blanche> ail of WE L Y I E "fhanging a stocking" stage, there1 Oshawa and two sons, Feuix a of__ are many other good "action1 Enniskiilen and Matthew of Osh- Sunday Sehiool was held at ahots'-tririnming the tree, ar- awa. Also surviving are six grand- 10:30 with an attendance of 22. -x~ ranging the mantelpiece decora- children. Church followed with a very go ... tions or the littie figures in a The body remained at the fam- aednecnieigte nasty creche, choosing Christmas gifts iiy residence, 151 Olive Avenue, ater.necosdrigt from a catalogue. Almost any af Oshawa, and later Requim Mass Several from the neighbu-CMLEGT the preparatins for Christmas in in Holy Cross Roman Catholîc hood attended the Federation International M*onetry wbich the yougsters participate Church was held at 9 a.m.» on pot luck supper held at Newcastle ~I iasmozn h make a possible picture. If a child Monday, Dec. à conducted by Rev', hisangt.F dhesyblzgte 19 particuiarly fond of s ome play, P. Coffey. Interment was in St o n drs i. rySelset rl fUN pcai gn actiity suh a blwin bublesGreorys Cmetry.a few days in Rochester visiting cies in world economies. relatives. Miss Helene Barrowc 1 o u g li Sspent the weekend with her par- We Wsh I Thk Our Patrons For nsMradMs.EgrB - The Y.P.U. held their meeting Ordering Their Turkeys Early as usuai Wednesday evening with ï an attendance of 22. It was de- cided that the next programj . WE ARE VERY SORRY WE CANNOT ACCEPT would be put on by the Zion i Young People. Howard Payne, ANY MORE ORDERS AS WE ARE SOLD the Citizenship convener, took OUT OR TIS EASO. jthe topie. OUT OR HISSEAON.Mrs.Ear1 Maynard and son, Mrs. JakMrsad daughter, To AilToronto, attended the MeBride- - easons ureefings T l Nicholîs wedding on Wednesday j~afternoon >~ Sevra of the students and exc- student attended Port Hope ~ JOHNS TO N'S TURKEY FAJRIM Commencement, Friday evening. jMiss Lauma Hill spent the week- '. . . ~ NEWTONVILLE - ONTARIO end in Blackstock visiting friends. MFS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT The nominating committee of il.. outst'indino U.N figure, ..the Women's Association met at isvmboîîzing woman's growing > ,. .__________________________the home of Mrs. Richard BIest,1ipracinwldeatos Friday afternoon. iprac nwrdrltos Miss Jane Reeve, Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, spent the weekend, at home with her parents, Mm. and Mrs. Harold Reeve. The Farm Forum was held at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Holdaway with 13 present. it Mr. and Mms. Arnold Thorn- - dyke and family and Mm. Victor THEATRE - OWMANVILILE Thorndyke spent Sunday visitingi with Mm. and Mrs. Grenville Fiett WEDNESII THURSDAY- DEC. 7 -8 F~ln~a.tecmu t attended the Santa Claus Parade r j lin Port Hope on Saturday. SCARROLLSA4Z" ford of theWomen's Association À 4 et a he hom toplan for thei Q&next meeting. i 09m rStrict ]Rules Can SEYIVAJO Prevent Diseases EGIV IL e ...eminent Soviet scientist In.n îm îssymboiizing the vital raie of science-espec;alIy atomic en- The wisdom of Canada's strin- eryi wrdpoiis gent livestock import régulations S under the Health of Animais trDivbionofthe Dminone Dertt- o 3iIt l ie ha fle hefres0 or ukxadcaiofudi Is more than fiva miles long. no good reasan whv other busi- ~ - r.. :z... IL. Thompson, Clerk 0f Cartwright Twp. Cartwright Council met No, 28with ail members present an j eeve W. G. Bowles presiding. l"On motion Council took ster ta citsa leasa re renting the ai maries for Townshifi use. Councîllor Cochrane and Roa Supt. will interview Fred Han&~ me signs for Public Toilet. Mrs. McKibbin farwarded he resignation as, member of Hospi tai Committea wbich was accept aed with regret as McKibbin fam ily ara leaving Blackstock. jClark was requested ta prepari a By-Law ta appoint Henr: Thompson bis successar. By-Law was passad appaintini Dr. McArthur, Stanforq VanCaml and Wmn. Dolton mambers of Higr Schooi Board. Orders weme signad as follows R. Saddler, 1 lamb killad 2 injured -- - 30.0( County Clark, N. nt Lavy 15767.9, N.H. Marlow, attendant officers 10.0( Fred Hanan. Toilet accommodations .~ 10.01 Bank Commerce Deir, 571.33 Exchange on Deb. .92 H1. Tbompson, Cen. School Board 1015.25 H. Thompson, School Area Board 6443.11 H. Shortridge, Janitor- 60.00 E. Armstrong, refund ex 1.03 W. G. Bowles, Reeve- 125.00 Gea. Black, Councilior- 100.00 I. Cochrane, Councilior 100.00 B.Heasiip, Councillor- 100.00 W . Swaet, Councilior 100.0o O. Hyland, School Section No. 3 352.*28 Treas. bal, saiary --- 200.00 Clemk ',2 yeam salary -- 275.00 W. Williams. ment dump ---------------- 20.00 Cartwright Council for 1950 wera electad by acclamation as follows: Reeve-Bruce Heaslip; Council -Gea. Black, Ivan Cochrane, Wesley Sweet, Alla Suggitt. Reeve W. G. Bowlas did not stand for re-election. The Connaught Tunnel through Mount MacDonald in the Rockies Prejudiced Views on Sunday Observance v. _' Proper observance of Sunday id la a subject that can harclly be discussed witbout bias. Few Can-_ ýý adians are witbout prejudices in - favor of or agai.nst the wida open Sunday. Some have prejudices in- ,d fluencd by memories, f the n starched discamtort ai Sunday clothes during an early Edwarci- ian childhood. The enforced asso- rciation of pain and piety bas lad -saine ta revoit against a strict ob- servance of Sunday, but it bas k- alsa lad others ta balieve that thea rigorous discipline must ba pleas-1 ei ng ta tbe supemnaturai powers Y' becausa of its severity. If civilization entails a dacent 9respect for the opinions of one's p neighbors, it seems ta iollow that the ad,ýocates of Sunday profes- sional sports ara callad upon ta prove that they have the backing af a substantial majority ai public opinion, and not marely the sup- port af thosa ownars af teams and stadiums who wish ta add a sev- enth day ta their week of profits. Persans wbo live at saine distance from the playing-fields may not ba disturbed by crawds and noise inseperable froin the spactator sports, abut those whose day of rast is tbraatenad bave a strong motiva for opposition and a right ta be heard. Lawn bowling, tennis and golf are flot gainas that make tbair presenca known for blocks around. No ona makes a profit froin them on Sundays ex- capt a few club professionals and servants. It is a matter for a club inember's own decision whethem ha wiil participate in such Sunday sports or not, and bis moral right ta make such a decision should be as unquestion- ad as bis right ta decide what ha doas in his own home. Proposed legislation of com- mercial sports not anly is a matter affecting others than potential spectators and players, but it also seems ta open the door for other commercialization of the day of rest. If those who aarn their living as promoters of or womkers at professional sports are ta be allowed ta carry on theim activi- ties on Sunday, there seems ta be Aduits----75c Children----25c REXALL DRUG STORE Only a f ew of the many la vely gif ts are listed here. Drop in saon and do your Christmas shap ping in a pleasant, liesurely atmos- phere at yaur Rexali Store. We have samething to suit every name on your list. FOR HlM Handsome flattering BACHELOR Sets ta give him months af shaviîîg pleasume priced from ----------- 85e ta $5.75 ROLLS RAZOR-self-stropping, self-honing, a top gift favorite! New low price ------- 9.95 SIMMS Lather PIusES-Frank 75e t 56.5 PiPESrank Me--dico----, $.5 0 e 0 SCHICK Electric Razor-The new Schick, double head - ---------------------------- $24.95 REMINGTON Electric Razor-Tripe head $23.95 WATERMAN Trio Set-Pen, Pencil and Bal Point Pen, assorted clors -------------------------------- the set $10.55 YARDLEYý Gift Set-After Shave Lotion and Shaving BowI ------- ---------------------------$.50 TRAVEL KIT-contains Comb, Tooth Brush, Nail Brush and Hair Brush, ln leather case -$5.73 Pholograph Your Christmas Fun! NEW BROWNIE HAWKEYE Cameras-Takes Kodak 620 films ------------ $6.00 BROWNIE TARGET Camera, Six-16 - ---- ---8.10 KODAK DUAFLEX Camera, takes 620 films, 12 exposures ------ 14.50 BROWNIE REFLEX Camera .-$11.75 BABY BROWNIE Camera, takes 127 films -----------33.00 KODAK TOURIST Camera -------- ------- 2.25 and $48.50 KODAK DUAFLEX Flashalder------------350 CARRYING CASE for Tourist Camera, brown leather - $4.25 -Came and sce us for yaur supply of filma and - Jury &1 ovel When We Test Eyes It Is Dane Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVL SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES- Priced from ----------- REVLON Nail Polish Sets, Priced from --.----------- ---- ------ - --85C ta 52.25 For The Children.. IVRISLEY FARMYARI) SOAP 79e box CLIFTON FISII POND SOAP ------ 40c box Si J'," THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOl nesses should flot also be open. M P The threat goes further than ta AP E UJ.LLVL the comfort of those who live within earshot of a stadium. It is Miss Ethel Oxford has returned Idirected against the weekly rest home from a pleasant visit wlth day o ailworkrs. er niece and nepbew Mr. and Liberalization of Sunday has Mrs. Albert Broun, Hamilton. progressed within the memory ol many now liv' ng. One gentleman Miss Edna Swallow is visiting who now often goes for a drive Mrs. W. Pearson, Lakefield. in his car on a fine Sunday after- Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent a few noon, recails that when he was a days wvith her cousins Dr. and boy, -back in 1899, be and a cousin Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford; once bicycled on a Sunday morn- also wvxth Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, ing from Fergus ta Gueliph. Such Miss Margaret Stewart, Burling-ý was their respect for the Sabba- ton. tarians of Fergus that the two Miss Ruth Snowden, Wingham, boys, on the evening preceding visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. their adventure, took their bicy- Allun Snowden. cles out of the town and hid theni We weicome Mr. and Mrs. Keîth in readiness for the morning. On Ferguson, Enniskillen, ta our the Sunday they walked sedately community. Tbey have purchased to the hiding-place and took to the the bouse formerly occupied by open road only when they were Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Highway sure that they were out of sight No. 2, across from Black Cat Inn. of the god]y. We welcome Mr. and Mi'u. L. Yeo and family, town, to aur community, who are living in Big land bargain: The United the house at the Maple Grave States' payrnent of only two cents Store. an acre to Russia for Alaska in Steam railways in Canada have 1867. Cost was $7,200,000. 42,335 miles in operation. 'j k FOR HER. . Gay, Glamamous ADRIENNE Gift Sets - for the ladies on your list, priced from $1.00 to $12.50 HELENA RUBINSTEIN Gift- Sets Cologne Trio- Apple Blossom, Heaven Sent - ~ and Gardenia---------- 3.00 Baroque Vanity with Lipstick ciasp, ivory or black-------------------- -$6.50 4-Color Keys ta Beauty- .... four lipsticks on a chain- plus rnimror! Wonderful for 'teensters --------------2.00 BEST SELLER-a new French fragrance, cleverly boxed lika a book ---------------------------------------------------- 3.00 ELIZABETH ARDEN Gift Sets-priced from _. 51.00 ta $6.z5 ELIZABETH ARDEN Beauty Boxes-Similated alligator ln black ------ --_-------- $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 or $25.00 ELIZABETH ARDEN Snow Bal-contains June Geranium Bath Soap ----------------------- ------- 1.00 Prophylactie Jewelite Dresser Sets- Sapphlre or Ruby ----- ------------------------7.95, $9.50, $11.95 Always Acceptable .. , PLAYING CARDS- Congress Double Pack ----- $2.50 Duratone Double Pack - 2.75 STATIONERY--------------- 60e to $2.50 HETING PADS- Reliance Electrie ------57.95 t.IGARETTES-50's, Gîft lVrapped --- --------- --------88e RONSON TABLE LIGHTER $11.00 SINGING ED and his COVERED WAGON BOYS Motoring fram the foothilîs of the Rockies Featurng Ropa Stunts - Bull Whips - Novelties together with Western music, cowboy and sacred sangs. Eîîjoy a 2-ho,îr show packed with plenty of sangs, yodelling, fiddling, dancing, jokes, comedy, etc. TOWN HALL - BO WMAN VILLE FRIDAY, DECEN BER 9th 8:30 ]P.M. ADMISSION %.041 JL C14-bl%-p IrT;TTRýqnAV nPrFMRlPR * lbdà Children -------- 25c . L i -. 75e to $6.50 c 0 m 1 N c Adults -------- 75c BOWMANVILLE