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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 9

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TMMRDAY, IDEC. 1Sth, 1949 ~flhIITA 631iiiiii Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mr. and Mn. Jack Cruickshank and Isabel attended the Holstein banquet at Newcastle last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Murray and Allyn, attended thei 45th wedding anniversary for Lorne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoskjn at Harmony. See re- Port i another column. Mrs. W. Bray has returned to her home at Pickering after spending eight months wîth her Sster-in-law Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Messrf. Deb Vice and Bull Westlake have returned from a very pleasant trip to Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kellett at- tended the funeral of Lorne's uncie, Mr. McNevin at Lindsay. Lest Friday Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, Ivas hostess at a dinner party in honour of some of her former school associates. Guests %present were Mrs. C. A. Blan- chard, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and Mrs-' Joe Chapman. It was also the occasion of Mrs. Blanchard's birthday and a very happy time was enjoyed. Women's Institute met Monday afternoon for a special Christmas program. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, President, conducted the business meeting during which it was de- cided to donate $15 to the Hospi- tal for Sick Children, Toronto, and the project for the coming year would be the purchase of a Piano for the Sunday School room. The roll cail was ini the form of a Christmas gift exehange. The program was arranged by1 , W M . V L I O 1qT A JR!f the West Group, under conve ship of Mrs. Tom Baker. Christmas story, in seripture, read by Mrs. Tom Baker w Mrs. Jack Baker quietly pi. carols in the background.1 James C. Smales, Hampton,s "Star of Bethlehem" and1 Burney Hooey gave a reac Mrs. S. E. Werry reported on Women's Institute convention Toronto. emor- The was while -ayed Mrs. sang Mrs. ding. ithe n at r We were proud to learn sHoward Millson's investiturei Toronto, when he received tE D.F.C. fromn Lieut. Governor, Hoi Ray Lawson. Miss Doris Millso rattended the ceremonies. r Y.P.U. met Monday evenin with president, Ewart Leask, i 1charge. Election of officers wa àhfeld with these elected: Presi dent-Stanley Millson; Vice Presi dent-Murray Vice; Secretary- Eunice Leask; Treasurer-Mur 5ray Vice; Convenoris:-Fellovw ship-Pearl Leach ' and Harol( Clendenen; Missions--Gladys Ye: lowlees and Mona Fengusor Citizenship - Mary Crydèrmai and Betty King; Culture-Jeai Montgomery and Ewant Leasii Pianists-Gladys Yellowlees anc Betty King; auditors-Jean Cny derman and Harvey YelIowIees There were mingled feelings o: sorrow when the time came to ex. press fond appreciation to Mr Linstead for al bis help and guid. ance during bis ministry here anc to convey best wishes for his hap. piness in his new field o! service, To give tangible expression t< these thoughts, Ewart Leask spoke on behaîf o! ahl the union members and Harvey Yellowlees and Murray Vice presented Mr. Linstead with a set o! matching table lamps. Mn. Linstead recipro- cated with the sincere thanks of Mrs. Linstead and himself and TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Regular Morning, Service - 1.1a.m. C. G.I. T. ~ Candlelighf Chrisîmas VE91PER SERVICE with Carol SiIng . and other Chrisimas Milsic at 7 pi1Ax' FIRESIDE HOUR at 8:15 pm THE YOUNG PEOPLE WILL PRESENT FOR THE CONGREGATION A CHRISTMAS DRAMA "NO ROOM IN THE INN" 3q6E L1 CENTR Ontario St. M. m Bowmauville Dear Friends: This is YoLir Invitation to Attend the Sunday School CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME to be held in EVANGELJSTJC CENTRE December l6th 7:45 p.m. Corne and See the Story #"NO BOOM IN THE INN"# enacted by scholars of The Sunday School Corne and Hear "TyOUR FAVOURITE CAROLS"Y Corne and Taste "#THE GGGD THJNGS FRON THE TREE" SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18TH SPECIAL SERVICES il a.m. and 7 p.m. EVANGELIS TS ART. REYNOLDS & JAMES CORRIGAN Pastor T. Iohnston fi i of eit n. n a- r- Id n, in in expressed gratitude for the co- operation and fellowship he had enjoyed with the Young People's Union hzr aUl their churcli activi- Elma Cryderman, Missions Convener. was in charge of the program which opened with the singing qf Christmas carols. Ewart Leask gave the scripture reading and Gladys Yellowlees read a poem in the worshîp ser- vice. A Christmas story was giv- en by Jean Cryderman and hum- onous neadings by Murray ýVice and Pearl Leach. Accordion music by Peter Foss was enjoyed.' Mr.and Mrs. Clane Allun, Robert and John, Mr. and Mns. Charles Allin, Mr. Albert AllUn, Bow- manville, at Wes Yellowlees. Mr. and Mns. George Seheil, Mr. and Mns. William Chalmers and David, Ajax, at Campbell Hamer's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Whitby; Mr. Rus- sell Balson and Carolyn, Miss Irene Brookhamn, Bowmanville, at A. J. Balson's. ,d Badminton Club sHanded Defeat )fBy Peterborough Peterboro Badminton Club de- d feated Bowmanville handily in the -Lfftlock City Saturday night, tak- 'ing six ladies', six mens' and sev- en mixed doubles while losing five rimixed events. The nesults, Peter- s bono names listed first, were: *Ladies' Doubles: M. Baker and J. Elmsley won from L. Dippel and M. James, M. Charlton and f A. Gonnet defeated Swindells and 1M. Breslin, H. Mathias and A. *Graham beat Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Slemon, B. Jackson and A. Kos- ter won over Mrs. O'Rourke and eH. Tîghe, E. Copp, and H. Kelly' i beat Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Kent and 1J. Smedmore and V. Rose defeat- * ed R. Evans and R. Wrh i Mens' doubles: R. Baker and V. O'Donoghue won against S. James and R. Swîndells, E. John- ston and R. Charlton defeated R. Kent and K. Slemon, W. Elmsley iand V. Taylor beat B. Burgess and G. Tighe, R. McDonald and D. McNaught took J. Ross and R. Gallagher, R. Johnston and I. Copp won over J. Dunn and D. Venton, and H. Collingwood and R. Martin were successful against D. Preston and L. Dippeil. Mixed doubles-The Chanltons lost to the James, as the Bakers won f romn the Swindells. Elmsley and McDonald defeated the Kents, with Gonnet and Elmsley suc-t cessful over the Siemons,' and.H. Kelly and V. O'Donoghue win- nîng from the Ross duo. B. Jack- son and E. Johnston lost to Bres- lin and Tighe, H. Mathias and H. Collingwood losing to Evans and Burgess, and A. Graham and R.f Johnston being beaten by Dewell rn and Gallagher. V. Rose and D. f MeNaught beat Cole and Venton, -L A. Koster and V. Taylor won over C R. Worth and D. Preston, the A Copps won from O'Rounke andp Dewell, and J. Srnedrnore and .A Martin lost to Tîghe and Dunn i keen play. I LI i I I i i i v rr rr rr Mike's Imperials Imperials Continue Still Undefeated By Winning Streak By Beating Pitts 3-1 DefeatingTaylors 2-1 "Slip" Rowe had another shut- Another win gave Mike Os- out snatched from under bis nose borne's Imnperials a further lead by a third-penîod score as the in the Oshawa Mercantile Hockey Imperials went to work On Pitts League as Bowmanville's only Electric o! Oshawa at the Bow- active hockey team continued manville Anena, Saturday night, their streak and downed Taylor's to take thein sixth straight win, Sports, 2-1, Thursday evening. 3-1. Gilhooley and Bird paced the The Imperials are now the only Imps ahl the way, Gilhooley scor- undefeated team in the league and ing the three goals and Bird being there is good chance they may credited with the three assists. remain that way as long as "Slip' In spite o! the fact that the ice Rowe's goal-tending abilities hold was somewhat soft and a number firm. o! the Imperials' members were The firrst period amounted to absent, the game was a good, little more than a warm-up for fast-moving one to which the both teams, although both goalies small number o! spectators did not were kept on the hop on occasion. do credit. The lines were filled in There was no scoring done in with younger players moved Up that time and only one penalty to fill the slots left by the absen- was handed out. End to end r4shes tees. Dean and Ray West, went in and the odd scramble for the puck with the ageless George Piper were the main points of activity. and Don Masters worked with A wild shuffling o! the puck in Fred Cowle and Don Rundle to front o! the Impenial net failed form two of the hard-working to pay off for Taylors in the dy- and fast-moving lines. Bill Bag- ing minutes o! the period as Rowe l neil was a particular stand-out very effectively covered the goal on defense and was always be- and held out ail attempts. tween Pitts and the Impenial net, Second Period while Heffering roamed the ice The first score came along near with the forward line. the five minute mark of the sec- The first period indicated the ond period. Rundle took the puck aspect the game was going to foi- in after Cowle and Furey had split low-there were six penalties the Taylor defense and Czerawaty I handed out to players on both came far out o! bis net in an ef- teams. The most common charge fort to stop the play. This move was roughing. At approximateîy did him no good, as Rundie went the ten-minute mark, Gîlhooiey on in and put Bowmanville in drove in his first goal. The great- the lead, 1-0. est amount of playing was done on Both teams began to tighten up Pitts' end o! the ice, although after that point and the checking 4hey broke through at times, oniy became dloser and rougher. A1 to be stopped by the Imperials' penalty was handed out to each alert defense line and "Slip" team for tripping. Rowe's wide-awake goal-tending. Third Period Before six minutes o! the sec-* All the sconing in the third per- ond penîod had gone, Gilhooley iod was done in the last minute had pushed through for two more o! play. After 19 minutes o! fast goals and the Bowmanviile out- and hard playing, featuring solid fit was enjoying a 3-0 lead. This checking and a number o! shots held lon the nemainder o! the per- on each goal, Bird finally came îod as bolh teams fought it out through for Bowmanville after for possession o! the puck from Gilhooiey and Yourth had both one end o! the ice to the other. taken shots. On a pass from Rowe continued his steady work Yourth, he managed to sneak one and Rube Wadeil tightened up on into the Taylor net past Czera- his duties in the Pitts' net, knock- waty, wvho had been on his toes ing 'off a number o! well-aimed aIl peniod. shots. As though to avenge their de- The Oshiawa team finaiiy came feat, Taylors came back and throgh n th thrd pnio toblasted in a sigle goal, to spoil break up the shutout with a single Rowe's shutout. Wîth only 27 score. Just past the five-minute seconds to go, Stark picked up a mark, White and Murphy grabbed pass from Suddard and drove it the puck in their own end and home for the final score o! the got down the ice before anyone game. but Bagnell could get in front o!f _______________ them. With a couple o! fast passesTIK S they got by the single defenseman and White took a deflection-shot TO EVERYWHERE fnom Murphy and caromed it in Air, Rail or Steamship for the score. Aithough the action* ConsultI became harder, faster and more JU Y&L V L determined from that point, nei- BowmanvîiIe ther team scored funther and thej 15 King St. W. Phone 778 j game ended at the 3-1 score. b. and November deaths were cut If everY Canadian donated f fnom 93 to 68, a saving of 25 lives. to 'UNICEF, Ottawa," ajou If safe drivig in D104,000,000 children couldbe tÏ If afr divng n ember ed and vaccinated against tub&',ýr keeps the months deaths doiu to culosis. less than 60, a record brea)ug Fine Irish linen is still bleahe Ypar of tragedy wil bhe aeoide& n he un L in te qùn P . ----- -. Ifý M : Pen & Pencil in gift box......... 1.39 ' . " -Eclipse Pens.......................7 9 c ..'0 ROLLIT BALL POINT PINS 75c - $1.00 - $1.25 Choice of severl styles ..69c, 1.69P Gift~~~ Box -.- --$1.7 min to E l e e t r i e S a v e rsod e r n hanson ftBaby QCorux,,eRazormodrnlades-. Pe PLAYING -.. , .oubieSdetk$1.25-$$2.00-$2.2 BtSes65e $1.50 ROLLS RAZOR, new low price- - -----------------$9,*95 Tilly Toys- SIMMS SHAVE BRUSHES - ---- 50c-75e-$1.00-$2.00 up read>' for hanging on Animated Rubber Toys 25e - 50e PACKARD ELECTRIC SHAVER - - $-5-5--the-tre----- $25.00 FIES -P Men's Billfold Specials ' TAYLOR FN OP Morocco grained finish lea- Genuine English Morocco Rose, Blue Sprue or Carnation ther bilifod, zipper hait fine grain billfold, zippered Soap, 3 cakes, boxed -------$1,00 round, windows and card ail ro und - 4 windows, EVE IN -I PA ISholder. - $1.75 Value for snap off change purse. Perfume .---------$1.00-$1.65-$2.75$10 $2.69 Ii Toilet Water or Picture the pleasure you give R Cologne 85c $1.60 t emavt CAMERAS icpas Brownie Hawkeye $6.001 case~$2 Baby Brownie ____-$3.00$2 Irarget Brownie Box Cameras ____-$6.70 - $8.10 Brownie Reflex $ 11.75 Oh Duaflex, '2 modela $14,50 - $21.0060 Kodak Tourists, as s o w n 25 .2 UP W illiam s S h ave S et BRUSH COM andMIRRR SEBuc kingham Bowls e BRUHCOM ad IRRR ETS______- -$5,5 J~Shave Soap - --- CEDAR CHEST of STATIONERY ------ __ Special $1.98 Alarm Cineks - LADIES' HAIR BRUSHES by HUGHES ------- - 98e - $2,25 up Cribbage Boards-$1 TONI HOME PERMANENT, 53.50 Value for----------2.791 Golf Balis, 3's, 6's - - $2. Local bMinisterial Association Plan Week of Prayer Bowmanville Ministerial Asso- ciation met Monday afternoon in Trirrity United Church Parlors.- Members present were Rev. S. R. Hendenson of Trinity United Church, President; Rev. E. Sig- ston of St. John's Anglican Chul;ch, Secretary; and Pastor E. C. Johnson of Evangelistic Centre, Lieuts. M. Walter and B. Bessant of the Salvation Army, Rev. H. Moes 0f Christian Reformed Church, and Revs.- W. P. Rogers and R. R. Nicholson of the Unitedf Chunch. Revs. H. A. Turner of St.t Paul's United and F. R. Mereditha of ' St. Andrew's Pnesbyterian t were unable to be present. P At the nequest of the President t Mr. Nicholson opened the meet- ing with prayer. Mr. Henderson welcomed Rev. H. Moes, necently of Flint, Mich., to our community and association. In neplying to the words of wel- corne Rev. Moes told the meeting briefly of hîs work in this anea. He said that he repnesented the Christian Reformed Church of the United States of America. He is now living in Bowmanville, but fris parish extends far and wide throughout several counties. He holds services in Blackstock and as f ar north as Lindsay as well as ni many other localities. His wonk is mainly to assist the Dutch im- migrants in any way that he can, both materially and spiritually, n helping thern to adjust them- selves to their new surroundings. The fact that he speaks 'both )utch and English aids him tre- nendously in his work. His time is spent in visiting the families in heir homes and taking services for them in their own language. He then told the members some- thing about the denomination he epresented. "The Christian Re- formed Church", which came into ~ ieiiig early in the last century in the Netherlands, when a group f people in the Dutch Reformed ýhurch resented the influence tat the Netherlands King im- osed upon them, insisting that rieir supreme allegiance was to be King of Kings, Jesus Christ. 'his group received some perse- -ution and were refused recogni- on. Býut they persevered and 0ow they are a strong group of ;ncere believers. The members of the Association 'ere happy to join with the Pres- dent in welcorning Rev. Moes to heir fellowship and to have iard about his work with these ew Canadians. The chairman turned the at- ention of the members to the ubject of the Week of Prayer. llowing some discussion it was lcided to observe the Week of >rayer in the following manner. £series of meetings wîll be held -St. Paul's United Church for ur consecutive evenings begmn- ing Tuesday, January 3rd. The ur denominations, nameiy rited Church, E.vangelistic mtre, Salvation Army and the riglican Church, wotild ea.ch ovide an outstanding speaker. .full list of the services and Deakers is to be published and vertised before they commence. $,00u --$1.00 5-$3.00C -$1.25 Gifts by. GILLETTE Milord Set-Razor =,d 19 ae S in Metsl case wvith )xr1-be~ dispenser and shgve eream ----------- ----$4.62j Aristocrat Set-Razor and 10 blade dispenser ------- $5.() YARDLEY 0F LONDON Gift Sets - containlng Lavender SOap, Perfume, Talcumi, etc. - _ $2.00 Up A 1Lx. We Deliver POLO LÎGHTER Fully automatie. Chrome finished, engine turned Each $5.00 Gifts for the Smoker .. . Ronson Llghtej.s $6.85 up RL A Tobacco Pouches- $1.00 up RL MS I Mackenzie CIGARETTE MAgiERL Filter Pipe $1.50 Rollit Pipe- 89C briar bowl $5.00 Tobaccos Wrap up several 20's or 50's ot Cigarettes - whichever they prefer. Al Popular brands for the pipe smoker - 4 .1b. tins of bis favourite brand of fine eut for those who roll their PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A . Drug Store I7~ 41 e, 1 -- - - - --- 1 ý-77 - - - - - - - - -rum CANADLA.N STATESIM Holiday Hazards population exposed to the hazards Demad Graterof this larger volume o! traffic. 'Demad GraterProvince-wide and local safety Trcxffic Caution efforts by the schools, the police - -~.forces, the -press. radio, safety and A life and ddath test on tra!flc service organizations, the Depart- safety faces Ontario people i the ment of Highways and others, closing days and nlghts of 1949. have beerç waging a ceaseless wer Can death losses from street against accidents. But in 1949, and highway accidents be kept until October and November, the downto essthantwo *d'crusade for safety wes barely downto ess hantwoper 'ay. holding its own against the spectre That is the big iüestion. The an- of traffic deaths. swer is in the hands o! Ontanio's Though' the struggle to better 1,250,000 drivers and everyonels erssft eodcno who w lks.now be won, there is still, with Back in 1941, the worst ycar the sharp improvement shown in for fatalaccidents, traffic killëd October and November records, the appalling total o! 801 children a chance to keep the provinci&l and adults. Fortunately that toil death total for 1949 below that of has neyer since been equalled des- 1941, despite the huge increase pite a huge indrease in cars, in traffic. In October, six fewer trucks, and drivers and a bigger lives were lost than last October, GIFT TREASURES Here are sorne of the gifts tha[t you by HUDNUT will find on display at your friend y' Christmas "Cracker" I.D.A. Store. Corne in and browse a- Wrep Tlcm round at your leisure. 6e7eCHRISTMAS Pretty up your gifts CARDS with . . . Wide assortment of cards Enclosure Cards -Tags boxed with envelopes Seals - Ribbon- Twine 25c - 49C - 98C Wrapping Paper- Etc. *$1.25 etc. 5c - 10c' - 15C -Vye HUDNUT HAIR BEAU]ýY RITUAL KIT Gift Wrapped Box of 4 Loveiy Hair Needs --$1.0 PERFUMES Patte g 5ju I. lLUrU Patrson's Cherries, lb. box -------- --- Cadbury's Miik Tray REVLON GIFTS -- ------------------------ -- - 50e - 75e - $1. Europe's itios BATHETTES - water softener capsules -- 65c-$1.25 discussed perfumner LADY ESTHER BEAUTY SETS -------------- 98c Handbag Phiais -------------75e "«Cracker" Set of 2 Fragrances 1.50 . GOYA COLOGNES 4Delightful fragrances ln dainty packaged boxes -- 12 4 For You nd iOld . . . Practwal G4ts! \Pens & Pencils "SKYWRITER S ' ATO M & n attractive, wel! mode sel j/ à4,K(M o od ib. o xe d .. 3 5 0 E Everyone loves CANDY Deliclous Fresh Boxed ÙHOCOLATES CLTS by such makers as: Neilsons, Smiies'n Chuekies, Ann Hath- away. L A Lasting Gift.. RURBERSET Shavîng Brushes' 50e - 75e - $1.00 - $1.50 - Etc. Pure Badger or' Nylon Brushes - $3.98 - $5.00 up - 1 Fo 1 Por Her- UN rAVA19TA16T %mýýwà- S- - zi

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