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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 11

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TmJRDAY D!C. Stit 105 T! CNADIN SATEMAN BOWÀNVLLE ONA99 The thirty third annual meeting of Durham County Holstein Breeders Club was held in the office ai Dept. of Agriculture in Bowmanville on Dec. 3. 1949. The President H. J. Brooks. Bowmanvile, called the meeting ta order and expressed bis thanks ta the directors for their co-oper- ation duîing the past year. Minutes of last annual meeting LLwere read by the Sec-retary- jTreas., H. C. Muir, and were ap- ifproved. Treasurer's report was also -read and adopted. The Club fieldman, A. J. Tamb- lyri, gave bis report of bis trans- actions to show that the average price for 1949 is only $1.00 less than for 1948. The following yearly sales averages are inter- esting: 1944-$261; 1945-$272; .1946-$286; 1947-$287; 1948- $346; 1949-$345. An interestîng discussion took place re the selling o! aur cattle through aur sales agent, A. J. Tamblyn, with varying opinion. It was moved that we arrange for another bus trip this coming summer. A decision was also made that we hold a twilight meeting with place and date ta, be ai- ranged by executive. A motion re a picnic was made that we jain other clubs at their picnics if we are invited, and if flot inviféd then we hold oui own picnic in Durham. A unanimous decision was made ta have a Black and White show at Orano Fair in 1950. The first choice for judge was J. W. Fraser and second Durno Innes. Election ai Officers resulted as follows-Pres.,-H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville; Vice. Pres.,-Neil Malcolm, Nestîcton; Sec.-Treas.- H. C. Muir, Courtice; Sales Agent-A. J. Tamblyn, Orono; Auditors-J. Cruickshank and B. Tink.1 Directors - Darlington - J. Cruickshank, Wilfred Bowman; Clarke-E. J. Brown, Chas. Glen- ney; Hope-Mel McHolm, J. Mc- Connel; Cavan - H. Kennedy, Carman Seymour; Catwright- K. Gilbank, H. Forder. Oui Dominion fieldnian, F. Roy Ormiston, reviewed thé work o! the parent association and af bis survey of the county breeders. He stated there are about 100 Full - Line Farm Equipment DEALER OPPORTUNITY OPEN HERE *Requfrlng only modest Investment for handllng ln- ventory, parts, and service Installations, for two-plow tractor and full line of Implements. SManufacturer's production and distribution nationally establlshed, developed and promoted over the Iast 10 years. f ull advertlslng and merchandising co-operation, pro- duct education, sales and service training. *Strong product appeal wlth basic improvements ln the whole system of power farmlng. WEITE BOX 351, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. You Né ver Regret fJeing Prepared For Autledad botter et Coca-Cola under Commtraci th Coca-Ccla Ltd. HAMDLT'S CARBONATED DEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 736 HL 3. Brooks Re-elected Presideil! Durham Conidy Holstein Club pure-bred Holstein herds in Dur- hamn County with 36 1herds flsted as Bangs free, thdr largest per- centage in Ontario. Jas. T. Brown our national di- rector addressed the meeting pn matters of national importance, and gave a pressing invitation to everY breeder here to attend the annual meeting and banquet of the Holstein Friesian Association in Toronto. BLACKSTOCK About seventy-five people gath- ered in the Community Hall in Blackstock on Thursday, Dec. 8, to partake of a bountîful banquet in honour of Mr. William Bea- cock, the retiring clerk of Cart- wright Township. The gathering was comprised- of the Present Reeve, the Future Reeve,, Former Reeves, Present Coundillors and former Councillors, the Treasurer, the Ministers, the School Boards and of course their ladies. The 'catering was by the ladies of the Nestieton Institute and they cer- tainly did well by the occasion. After this very important part of the proceedings, there was en- tertainment in the main part af the hall to which the' public was aiso invited. Reeve W. G. Bowles, acting as Chairman, asked the guest of hon- Our to the platform. Mr. Beacock has been Clerk of the Township for 44 years. He succeeded his father, William John Beacock to the office and had assisted him for several years. Ris long term of faithfu]ness has been outstanding. Addresses were given by for- mer Reeves Fred Hyland, Norman Green and Creighton Devitt and by the 1950 Reeve Bruce Heaslip. The Brotherwood Gzirls of Col- umbus delighted. the audience with music and dancing, and our own Jack Smith, in his own in- imitable way played and sang. Reeve Bowles then presented Mr. Beacock with a cheque for $200 and a lovely inscribed anni- versary cake. Mr. Beacock made a suitable reply. The National Anthemn brought thisi very memor- able evening to a close. On Monday evening, Dec. 5, L.O.L. No. 133 held their annual meeting in the Orange Hall. Right Worshipful C. P. Devitt conducted the Election of Officers which is as follows: W.M.-Archie Dysart; D.M.- Howard Saywell; Chap.--Herb Swain; Rec. Sec.-David McLean; Fin. Sec.-Melville' Griffin; Treas. -Fred Hamilton; lst Lect.-Leslie Beacock; 2nd Lect.-Royal Whit- field; Marshall-Russell Harran; lst. Comm.-Henry Thompson, Stanford VanCamp, Len Joblin, Roy Ferguson, Lewis Henry; Aud- itors-Herb Swain, Stanford Van Camp. There was a good turnout and a fine lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis, Joan, Donna and Richard, Port Ferry, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ballin- gall. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGill and [Mr. and Mrs. Orlan McGill and Lorraine, Lindsay, with Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snooks and Shirley with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snooks at Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot aind son, Lindsay, with Mr. Henry rhompson. Miss Vera Forder of the Brank- some Hall staff, Toronto, with VIrs. John -Forder.- Mrs. George Fowler spent a wveek visiting friends in Peter- b®ro. Miss Margaret Saywell, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey.1 Miss Lucille Forder, Bowman- ville, at home. Miss Beryl Larmer, Peterboro, at home. Mrs. Frank Stinson is visiting n Bowmanville with Mr. and M'rs. James Nixon. Blackstock Women's Institute held their Decemnber meeting on Vednesday afternoon Dec. 7 at he home of Mrs. Netl Malcolm. The meeting opened with sing- ing the Institute Ode and repeat- ing the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. N®rman Mountjoy read the Christ- PffP4Y 7 dE0/59,' What coijld make a more wel- corne gift ta un absent Ioved one than a chance ta spend the holl- day season at home ... send a prepaid roilway ticket this yearl For arrangements ta ticket passenger tram any point deslred cali on the nearest Iagent of the group in charge, Mrs. Hl. Bailey for her splendid acceunt and ta the ýhostess Mrs. Malcolmn. Lunch and a social timie brought a very enjoyable ,andý' profitable aiternoon to a close, Rdv. R. B. Harrison la in the Western Hôspital, Toronto, under- going treatments. We are very happy that he is showing improve- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swaln and daughter have moved 'ta Oshawa for the winter. Mr. Will Hefren, Chicago; Miss Marian Hamibly, Toronto; Misses Gaynor and Phyllis Allen, Toron- to, with Mrs. Fred Bailey. Mrs. Sutherland. Bancroft, is visiting ber son Mr. Cecil Suther- land, Mis. Sutherland and family. On Sunday evexiing at the Unit- ed Church, Rev. C. W. Hutton con- ducted a Christening Service for nine ahildren. These were as fol-,s lows-Mi. and Mrs. Harold Mar- tin-Son; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer-Daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell-two Daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B'adburn- Son; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn -Daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn-Son; Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Swain-Daughter; Mr. and Mrs& Harold Swain-Daughter. CLARKE UNION. We regret to report Mr. Sâag Souéh, a former residenit, is in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Fogg and son Wayne, who have been living in Mr. Everett Cain's cabins, have moved to the faim with bis par- ents Mr. and Mis. Geo. Fogg. Mr. Orville Chatterton is work- ing for Mr. Ted Woodyard. Arthur Saunders lost one of bis horses last week. Mis. BÎ'enton Fogg was operat- ed on for appendicitis. Several from this section got pea ensilage at the Canning Fac- « tory at Bowmanville on Monday. Oui Home and School Club met Dec. 2 with President Ervine Rainey presiding. Crokinole and card parties will be held during the winter months. Ray Scott, program convener, presented the following program: Vocal solos by Mis. Geo. Carson; sornet solos by Carlos Tamblyn; vocal solos by Mr. Jim Cameron; accompan- ists weîe Miss Arlene Rainey, Mrs. Sandercock and Mrs. J. Cameron.- Speaker was Ed. Youngman, Pontypool, whose sub- ject was Conservation. He urged farmers to plant more trees to keep the soil from washing. away. Lunch was served. Mr. Beverley Fogg spent the weekend with bis parents Mr. and Mis. Geo. Fogg. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sàunders spent a day in Toronto. SHAW'S Shaw's Home and School Club met Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, in the school with the usual good attendance.t After a short business period Mis. Clarence Turner had charge of the following program. Shaw's orchestra favoured with "Here Cornes Santa Claus" andc "I'm Dreaming of a White Christ- mas". Mr. George Waterfield oft the Boys' Training School enter- tained with a bumorous number. Mr. Arthur Bell sang a gospels sang "Sunrise".c Mrs. Jones of Oshawa Home and School Association revîewed Home and School work. She touched on the importance of health ahead of education. She also spoke of music and art, radio and religious programs and the effort made against crime comics n Home and School work and general co-operation among races and creeds. Mi. Bell sang "0 Little Town of Bethlehem". Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville, howed slides of bis trip in Cape Breton, Algonquin Park, and of his own gardens. These pictures were accompanied by a running Send It To Us For Botter Dry Claoning " Deeply entrenched diri scien.. tiflcally rernoved " Fabrics fresh end new-Iookin again ,* Buttons veplaced . . . weak seoms tightenad ... FREE EVELEIGH'S Laundries* Cleaners & Dyers OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR commentary by himself. The a dience enjoyed his talk and pI!tures very much. , The orchestra closed the pro- gram by playing '«Jingle Relia". For recreation a short quiz was conducted by Harold Hammond and Helen Osborne. A bountiful lunch was served'and a social balf hour spent, Mr. & Mrs. Hoskin's 45th Wedding Anniversary An event'long to be remember- ed in the years to corne by mem- bers of a local family was the Christmas party and famlly reun- ion, held by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskim, Harmony, at the home of their ý,oungest daugh- ter, Mis. Wilson Vivian (Dorothy), at Agincourt, Saturddy, Dec. 3. A surprise was in store for Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin for their chil- dreir had planned, not only to ob- serve Christmas, but also the ap- proaching forty-fifth- wedding anniversary ai their parents. tOver forty members of this fam-, ily sat down to a wonderful sup- per that left nothing to* be de- sired. The mclther was presented witb a lovely corsage of rose car- nations, and the father with a boutinniere. It was at this point in the evening's festivities that it dawned on the parents' minds that something, a little out af the ordinary, was in the air. Afteî the delicious meal, an ex- change of cards and gifts took place, followed by a skit bit three of the grandchildîen, Anna-Marie Hoskin as the bride; Frank Hoskin as the decrepit, one-foot-in-the- grave busband, and Eleanor Ras- kmn who îead the dialogue. Immediately following this, Howard Roskin read an address in verse, composed by bis sister, Dorothy, to their parents, convey- ing to them the family's love and admiration for tbem, and a purse of money was presented to them. In spite of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Roskin had been taken un- aware, they overcame their feel- ing sufficiently to be able to re- spond nicely to this family ges- ture. Of special mention was the lovely wedding cake which cen- tered the supper table. This was iced most artistically' and decor- ated with bolly leaves and across the top of it was placed a gleaming spray o! silver colored grapes. As at a family reunion of this sort, much time was spent in re- miniscing and in re-living by-gone times. Games weîe played by the younger folks and a most happy time was spent together. Those preseint incliaded Mrs. Marwood Reard, Elgin and Elea- nor, Ennîskillen, (Mr. Reard and son Dean were unable to attend); Mi. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and family, Haîmony; Mi. and Mis. Lorne Roskin and family, Solina; Mi. and Mis. Frank Hoskin and family,'Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Qien Roskin and family, Brook- lin; Mr. and Mis. Walter Ormig- ton and family, Harmony; Mr. and Mis. Bert Roskin and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mis. Wilson Vivian and family, Agincourt; and Mrs. L. C. Gully, Oshawa, sister of Mr. W. Hoskin. Many local fîiends join with the family af Mr. and Mrs. W. Eioskin in offeîing congratulations and many more happy anniver- saries, on their approaching wed- ding date, Dec. 2lst. B ORE. OU Ba ,ON.U Aiter the meeting Mis. You- mans assisted by Mis. BI'yson, Mrs. R. Cliapman and Mis. S. Cbapman served coffee and cook- içs and a very sociable time was enjoyed. Mrs. Patterson and Mis. Wm. Wannan spent Tuesday aiternoon with Mis, Bigelow. Miss Mamaon McKelvey R.N., Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mis. Brimacombe and Mr. and Mis. Chas. Rutherford. Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Bigelow and family, Oakville, with bis parents Mr. and Mis. A. J. Bige- low. Mis. Patterson with Mis. Mary Luxon, Kendal. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Wannan and Ross with Mi. and Mis. Harold Souch, Starkville.'ý Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bradley, Pontypool, and Mr. and Mis. Walkeî, Bowmanville, with Mi. ,and Mis. John Thompson. Mi. and Mis. Milton Wannan with ber parents Mi. and Mis. Jack Cowan. k In the last tax year It cost Ot- There art more tâMa.W klown tawa $28,061,931 ta collec( h uses for rayon, ag 'fo government's tax income. i lingerie to upholstery..-, KIRBY On Thurs. aiternoon, Dec. 8 the W.A. and W.M.S. held their meet- ings With a large attendance.,Mrs. Wm. Allmn, president of the W.A. held a short business 'meeting when Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry was elected Social Activities leader in place of Mrs. Cochrane who was not able to act. Mrs. Voumans opened the W. M.S. meeting with a Christmas caro'l. Theme of meeting wa3 "Our Faith in Jesus Christ". Mrs. Wm. Rutherford took charge of the Christmas program and led ina very beautiful candlelight service, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Clifi Cowan and Mrs. Patterson. During the service znany carols wére sung and Mis. H. Lowery and Mrs. Wm. Wannan sang a J/he essence of chic and beauty Chanel perfume and Cologne Perfumes that captivate-colognes that exhilarate! Tbey're by Chanel, of course, the most treasied name in perfume, and they're ail ready and waiting for you at oui perfume counter. Chanel No. 5 ChaneI No. 22 Chanel Gordenta Chanel Cuir de Russie, Perf ures from $5.00 Colognes from $3.00 JURY & LOVELI. MANCL FRUIT MINfCENqEAT Ir-lb.n 379 A&P CREAM STYLE - T Pk. 29e ICHOICE.CI WA&P CHOICE ROBIN HOOD 7-b 1 FLOUR Ba 47o IUUflIULS 6 BIG BOTTLES (Contents OnIy)j LIBBY'S TENDER KING PEPSI COL& Ctn- 3091 GREEN PEAS SHIRRIFF'S CRANBERRY SAUC - - 12oz. 3 YUKON4 CLUB (Contents Only)-2 30-ar.1 VICTORIA MIX Tî J GINGER ALE CA.NDY Il lb. IgIOAORNE& RPERI BARKER'S CREAM$ lgqlàL D BISCITS 249A.P CHOICE PITED ]BICUIS Bx A7e RED CHIERRIES FANCY ORANGE ANN PAGE FAMOUS JUICE 2 Tin:-310 DEANS ONA STA4NDARD* ANN PAGE FAMOIJS PEACHES% .150Lz i 5 MAYONNAISE ORANGES Californie Navel. New Croo. Dox. 3< TANGEINES Floride, Làrge, Sweet Do£.39 S B.C. DELICIOUS, Extra Fane>. for W "PLL 100l@Os-Extra Large Christmas Six.5 2 fl~jf~ New Imported, Fremh Gneen Tops, Large 9 13 MNo. 1 éRchs 19 FehArizona Iceberg, No. 1 Each LETTUCE Fes Extra Large Hoad"-8't 159 SALADM M Frosh Washd Shredded Clle o TO AGE rerh Firrn Bahamas, Hend ce 110 210 8 CEA EBIES Fr.sh Chrstmas, No. 1 Clla 5 RAISINS Snnaî S.dd usat25e ]?Il=ED DATES Calfornia, Fancy 1-lb. laISN California Fanoy Bleached lb.23 2 2U-z ins 2m 15-ar M 16C BtIs. for 19o case of t2 1814 24-or jar 25c 15-oz fin 19C 20-oz fin Ilc 32-oz jer 67C nn P2aya ,7amoei SLICED [LK BREAD HITE o« BROWN» 24-oz loaf 12c éP Custom Ground O'CLOCK' COFFEE lb 67c RED OR BLUE BRAÀND BIEF. - CANADA'S FINE5T GOV'T GRADES - A&P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS. WELL TRIMMED - 4 MORE MEAT - LESS WASTE. EVERV CUT GUARANTEED HIGH QUALITY. PORTEREOUSE, SIRLOIN, BURNS' SHAM ROCK WINVG or DONELESI BouND WIENERS- lb. 389 r' I Stoaks or Roauis lb 69C MAPLE LEAF or SWIFT'S, SLICED EXTRA LEAN SIDE BACON - - I 410 MINCE» BREEJîlb. 39 COPP SUE. FRESH EDEYlb.ET189 POU BUTI'S 1no9SEA FOODS PURE, SMALL LINK FRESH POU SAUSAGE « 1b45< HADDOCX FILLETS - b. 399 SMOKED SLICED FRESH BREAKFAST BACON lb.,590 COD FILLETS a lb. 29g PM'-DBACON- lb.-73< Osm . . . 9-or. Jar 59 Lof 9- THE CANADIAN STATESUAN. BOWMANVrLLE, ONTARIO TffMSDAY, DEC. 15th, 1949 1

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