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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 16

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p. x-I 'I PAGE SIXTEEN TWE eANADIAN ~TAr~.qmqA1qj RflWIIATVW.?.~ III1qqAUYn As, - -~ -- - BRING YOUH MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS %C SEL 4 wou'%%ow--- ----- PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUJM COST 35c PER'AD BIRTHS BEECH - Gordon and Alice Beech are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Bonneta Darlene (Bonnie), a littie sister for Janice, at Bowmanville Hos- pital, on December 8th, 1949. 50-1 PROCTOR - Marion and Pat Proctor (nee Allun) are pieased to announce the arrivai of their daughter at Bownianville Hos- pital on Wednesday, Decehnber 7th, 1949. 50-1 SANDERSON - - Mm. and Mrs. R. Sanderson (nee Marjory Jones) 273 Kennedy Ave., Toronto, are happy ta announce the birth of à son, Charles Robert, at Welles- ley Hospital on Friday, December 9th, 1949. Both doing well. 50-1 SCOTT-Mr. and Mrs. Trewin E. Scott announce the birXi of their twins, Gail Louise and Gary Albert, at Bowmanvile Hospital on December 6th, 1949. 50-1 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Annie Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Charles Thompson, Kendal, and the late Charles Thompson, to Garland Catbcamt, son of Mr. Allen Cathcart and the late Mrs. Cathcart. The marriage will take place on December 29th, in Kendal United Church-. 50-1w' DEATHS DRAGON-Suddenly aI Monîreal, Quebec, on Saturday, December 1th, 1949, Mlle Alida Dragon, beloved aunt of Miss Donalda Creasser, Bowmanville. 50-1 HENRY-At Bowmanville Hos- pitl, on Monday, Dec. 51h, 1949, Gertrude Hughes Henry, widow cf the laIe Adoiph Henry, Orano; daughtcr of the laIe Gencrai John and Elizabeth Ferguson Hughes; sister of Sidney M. Hughes, Dun- das; Edgar F. and Fred M. Hughes of Las Angeles, Calif. Rcsting at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, whemc services will 1e held on Thunsday aflemnoon, Dec. BIb, aI 2:30 p.m. Intermnent Orono Cemctery. 50-1 KUBE-At Bowmanville Hospit- al, on Saturday, December 101h, 1049, Sophia Kube, dear moîher of Dan Kube, Maple Grave, agcd 74 ycars. Funemal from the Morris P'uneral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, December 121h, aI 2 p.m. Intemment Oshawa iUnion Ceme- tery. 50-1 LaBELLE - In Bowmanvilie, on Monday, December l2th, 1949, W. Oscar LaBelle, beloved busband of Florence Burton. Resting aI the Funeral Chapel of Nortbcutt & Smith unlil Wednesday, Dec- 'ember l4th, at Il a.m., thence ta %t. John's Anglican Church for service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow1anvil1e Cemetery. 50-1 IN MEMORIAM BAKER-In loving memory ai ocur dear niother, Mrs. Florence Baker, who passed away Dec, 14tb, 1948: -Lovingly renimbened by Pal, Clive, Edith and Iva. 50-1 THOMPSON-In laving memory of our dear mother and grand- Mother, Lily Maud Thonipson, who passed away Dec. 151h, 1947: Two bright blue eyes, a tender sm ile, A loving heami thal knew no guile, Deep trust in God that all was right, Hem joy to make some other * bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, Sonie genîle act of love she'd do; No Ihoughit of self, but of "the other"; I know He said: "Well done, dear Motiier." -.-Sadly niissed by daughters, zons, and gandchildren. 50-1 TOMPKINS -In loving memory of a dear niother and grand- mother, Louise Tompkins, wbo passed away Deceniber 151h, 1945: 'We miss yau, Dean." ..-Alwas remenibercd by daugb- ter Doris, Fred Holroyd and fani- lly. 50-1 TrREWIN-In loving memory of a dear busband and father, Sid- ney John Trewin, wbo passed away Dec. 131h, 1947: His niemory is as dear to-day As in the hour he passed away. --Even remembered by wife and famiy. 50-1* Lost TWO standed peari nccklace. Finder please Phone 2213. 501* WOULD the persan who picked up* bov*s parka outside of Bow- inanville High Scbooi on Deceni- ber BIh, please return sanie ta the school office. 50-1 R-OLSTEIN Heifer, i 'i years, ear tag 34169x3, vaccination tag 40862, straved froni Lot 6, Con. 5, East Whitby. Anyane having informat ion negamding s a ni e tdease contact Harold A. Wenry, e.R. 1. Oshawa. 49-2* BLACK and tan hound. Last seen1 west of Burketorî, Saturday, Dec.1 bth. Anyone knawing its whcre- abouts please Phone MWrren hic- Quade, Port Pemmy 195r4. 30-11 COMING EVENTS Dance and Draw at Enniskiilen Hall, Friday, December 23, spon- sored by the Boys' Athletic Club. 50-1 L.O.L. Dance at Tyrone Hall, Satumday, Dec. 17th. Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Admission 50c. 50-1 Goodyear Récreation C 1 u b Eucbre Thursday, Dec. 151h, 8 p.ni. sharp. Prizes of fowl. Ad- mission 25c. 50-1 The pupils of Providence School will present their annuel Christ- nias Concert on Thursday, Dec. 22nd at 8 p.m. Evcryone Wel- came. 50-1* Welcomc al 10 Baselîne Christ- mas Concert. December 21st, at 8 p.m. Adulîs 25c, pupils of the scbool free; others, school age and over 15c. 50-1* Shooting Match-for Turkeys, Saturday, Dec. 17, at 1 p.m., at the farm of E. Tylor, 21/2 miles west of Bowmanville. .22 rifles and shotguns used, shelîs sup- plied. Sponsored by N. Both- well. 50-1w' Oddfellows Service Club Draw and Dance, Town Hall, Orono, Friday, Dec. 16, 1949. Ruth Wil- son Varîety Dance Band. 16 prizes, Miss Betty and ten $1.00 buis. 5 turkeys, 5 geese, and 5 chickens, dressed, given away; also cioor prizes. Admission 50c per person. 49-2* Notices Dancing Classes in Ballet and Tap, taught by Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M., on Fidays, 19 King E. 41-tf Reception Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett, 135 Scugog Street, Bowmanvillc, will be aI home ta their fniends froni 2 ta 4 p.m., Saturday after- noon, December l7th, on the oc- casion of their Golden Wcdding Annivemsary. 49-2 CARD 0F THANKS i would like te thank ail my friends and relatives for their cards, fruit and flawers and for their personal calîs which helpcd ta pass the lime cluring my re- cent ilincss. Arnold Taylor. 50.1* We wish ta express aur sinceme thanks ta aur many friends and ncighbours, Rev. S. Henderson, staff and students of Bowman- ville High Scbool and fellow- employces for their many ac'ts of kindncss and sympatby and beau- tiful floral tributes durîng our recent sad bereavenient. Mrs. W. L. Reid and Muriel. 50-1* Me.an Mrs. Nicholas Tkatch and family wish 10 express their sincere thanks ta the Compan- ions of the Forest, L.A. of Uk- rainian St. John Church, Rev. Oiynyk, ahl their many friends, ncighboums and relatives for their many acts of kindncss, cards, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy aI the sudden passing Wanted DEAD horses and cattld for free pric up.Phone Toronto AD.3636 orCbug 1266W. We pay phone charges. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD or crippled stock removed free of charge. One hour service. Highest prices for aid horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Cali Collect: Bowmanvile 2679. 41-tf IS there a middle-aged Christian couple on farm who wili give my ten-year-oid boy a gaod home. Write with references, stating 1cost of accommodation, ta Box 352, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 50-2* Help Wanted ASSISTANTS required for Jr. Skating Club, Saturday morning. Skill in, and ability to teach figure skating essential. Apply V. M. Mathewson, Director of Recreation. Phone 982. 50-1 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-L-140-189, Montreal. 48-5 COMPETENT clerk-stenographer for small generai insurance of- fice, Peterborough. Intelligence and capacity to assume respon- sibility are necessary. Adequate training and good starting salary. Write Box 1061, Peterborough. 50-2 Wanted To Rent THREE or four rooms, by couple, in Bowmanville. Phone 2766. 50-1 Wanted To Buy SCRAP batteries. Highest prices paid. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Phone 467. 41-tf POULTRY wanted, highest prices paid. We caîl at your door. Phone Oshawa 3013R. 36-tf BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf TEAM of wcil matched Clyde or Percherons, must weigh aI least 1600 and not more than 5 years aId. State price. Write Box 350, Statesman Office, Bowmanvillc. 50-1 * Farms Wanted ON shares by experienced fani- ily with big children (Dutch). Dairyr preferred. Ternis in f irst letter please. Apply ta A. Bens- chop, c/o Z. L. Benschop, Bow- manville R.R. 4. 50-2* 100 ACRES-mare or less, roll- ing, must have bush and stream, buildings not essential. Suitable fôr camp. Joseph Anderson, Broker, 35 Lascelles Blvd., To- ronta 12, Ont., Phone HYland 6776. 49-2 For Rent APARTMENT ta ent, centrally located, heaîed. Apply Stevens' Taxi, Phone 822. 50-1 Articles For Sale CAPONS - fully dressed, 5 lbs. and up. Phone 2570. 50-1l GIRLS' black boots and skates, size 51/4. Phone 875. 50-1 ONE pair tube skates, size 12, used one year. Phone 2615. 50-1* CHRISTMAS Trees. Poole's 13ak- ery, Phone 654, Dick Poole. 50-1 BALED or loase hay. Phone 2459. 50-1* FORD car heater, cheap. Apply 156 Wellington St. 50-1l* CHRISTMAS Trees-Spruce and Scotch Pine. Keith Bickell, 127 Ontario Street. 49-3* HARD and soft wood, cut in foot lengths. Phone 418 Aowmanville. 48-3 TREADLE sewing machine, per- fect condition, $30. Apply Craft Shop, 85 King St. PE. 50-1 TURKEYS - for Christmas de- livery. Kay Lycett, Phone 2382 Bowmanville. 50-1* '34 PLYMOUTH Coach, new slip covers and paint job, good rub- ber. Murphy's, Phone 811. 50-1* EMBROIDERED articles, hand made. ' Write Box 355, Statesman Office. 50-1 BOY'S tube skates, size 2. Leslie Pbillips, R.R. 2 Bowmanville, Phone 2908. 50-1 EXCELLENT quality table tur- nips, by the bushel. S. W. Brooks, Phone' 2227. 50-2 45-GAL. 'steel oul drums, new and dlean, $3.50 each. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 50-tf GIRL'S coat, hat and leggings, white, size 2; also man's C.C.M. bicycle. Phone 718. 50-1* GIRLS coat, size 16; man's over- coat, brown tweed. Phone 384. 50-1 LADY'S skates, size 7, C.C.M., black, good condition, $4.00. 52 Carlisle Ave. 50-1* MAN'S grey tweed overcoat, size 38-40, $10.00. Apply 8 Argyle St. or Phone 2116. 50-1/' SMALL cook stove for sale, cheap. Write Box 353, Stalesman Office. 50-1 GIRL'S black skates, size 1 , cheap, 5 ft. skiis and poles. Ap1 ply 156 Wellington St. 50,1* Articles For Sacle CUSTOM kil ing evemy dayex cept Friday. *Good quality beef sold by the quarter. Darlington Abattoir, Hampton. Phone 2836. 49-tf SWEET Cider, gallons, or smali kegs, a heaithfui invigoratiuig drink. Friday deliveries in New- castle, Orono and Bowmanvilie. Meadowmount Fanms. Ph oqe Clarke 2811. 50-1 KROEHLER Hostess Chairs, spec- iai, $ 19.50, Recliners and several Chesterfield Chairs, brand new, Special Clearance, $45.00. Wii- son's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplic- ity. Available with water pump and electric heater - beat your water right in the washer, from $1 17.50. Easy terms. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 37-tf BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- sler, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drums latbed). Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowvmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf A FEW cords of dry mixed hard- wood, $16.00 cord sawed and de- livered; also a few loads of dry mixed limbs, $25.00 ioad, 2 cord, sawed up. Write J. A. Carscad- den, Orono. 49-2* TRADE-INS - Steel beds and springs; wine velour chesterfield, with one chair; walnut veneer bed, spring and mattress, full size; Beatty washer; rangette. Murpby's, Phone 811. 50-l'h 1936 CHEV. coach (Standard) in good condition, equipped with heater, defroster fan; also winîer- ized, good tires and battery. Apply 66 Wellington St., Phone 997. 50-1* BREAKFAST Suite, green lea- ther chair seats and trini, natural finish; Findlay four-bumned, open element, apartmenî size electric range, with thermostat on oven, guaranîeed. Phone 2809. 50-1w' ALL kinds of meal, good quality, smked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlinglon Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also customi kiliing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf ____ Mri's40 o enta BEAUTIFUL Chenille Bedspreads PHON Moris' 480forVeneian-oveiy choice for gifîs, sale price Blind estimates, we measune and froni $8.95. Pure Wool Blankets, instali. 7f boxed special, $8.95. Hundrcds MANTLE radio, $33.50; pair Snow of lovcly Chenille and Axminster Tires and Tubes, 525-550-17, $30.; Rugs, choice colours, special froni Car Heater, $15.50. Apply 200 $3.95. Wiison's Furniture Ca., 20 High St., Evenings. 5-a*' Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 SWEET Cider, S0c per gallon; CHRISTMAS Trces-Scotch Pine. also apples, $1.00 bushel and up). Delivered ta Bownianviile. Profit W. T. Cox, 1 i miles north of from sale of trees will be uscd B.T.S., Bownianville R.R. 4. 50-' for Children's Summer Camp. GIRS' hit bots nd katsHelp make the litIle ones happy IRLS',andwhie boots and skates, now - and Ihen! Caîl, write or siz 7,an bege oos ad sats, phone, J. K. Graham, Enniskillen, size 4; boy's ski jacket, size 11, Phone 2468. 50-1* good as new. Phone 236 1. 50-1 ______________ section ofNEW -Addison S-tube battery TWELVE sct b o ot waterraisrg$4fo$2.0ne nadiators. Appîy Albin Clemensr6duorg $9fr$2.0ûe 38 Concession St., Phone 2433. ante nef9;ne liator, 6 ur MAPLE Skiis, 6'3" and poles, in Kelvinator refrigerator, 8.6 du. good condition. 2 6 FletI St., Bow- ft., $354. Imniediate deiivery. Articles For Sale 3-pce. CHESTERFIELD Suite - beautiful rich velaur cavering, fuily spring-filled, brand new, floor sample, fuily guaranteed, wonderfui bargain, $145.00. Bed- room Suite, new, smart modern style, clear out price, $75.0%, 6- pce., walnut finish Dinette Suite, floor sample, must be sold, $49.50. Brand New Dresser, greatly re- duced, $28.00; Wainut finish Chest Drawers, special, $19.00. Wiison's Fumniture Co., 20 Churcb St., Oshawa. 49-2 DEILCRAFT - beautiful tables, walnut and mahogany, make lasting Christmas gifîs, large selection of styles, fancy satin cushions, extra special, $2.00; waînut end tables, satin smooth finish, real bargain, $3.00; coffe tables, genuine walnuî, Duncan Phyfe style, great saving, $10.00; sparkling plate glass mimror, spec- ial, $8.95;. hassocks, choice colors, extra special, $2.00. Wilson's Fumniture Co., 20 Church St., Oshawa. 49-2 IMMEDIATE Delivery - Electric Refnigerators, 7 and 8 cu. fI., Kelvinator unit, $35.00 down. Simplicity Washens, $1 2.95 down. Shur-Heat Space Heatens, $11.50 down. FelI base Floor Coveing, per sq. yd., 49c. Christmas gifts galore:- doîl pranis, wagons, sleighs, desk and chair sets, kind- ergarten sets, pool tables, Kiddie cars, tricycles, ti-lights, table lampý, bridge sets, fire trucks, rocking borses, card tables, mur- mors, satin spreads, blankets, radios, satin cushions, coniforters. Dozensýof other beautiful gifts forf ail the famlly. Bradley Fumniture & Appliances Ca. 40 King St. W. Oshawa. 46-6 BRADLEY Fumniture Ca., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorn suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfitts, complete, $26.95; felt base fleor covcning, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfic]d suites, $140-00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spping- fillcd maîtresses. $24.95; tri- lîgbt lamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes, ranges froni $59.00; 3-pc. ailover velour bcd chesterfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd sprcads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Everything for the bomne at Bradley's. 40 King St W.."'"shawa. Phon"-"271. -tf FLOWERS - A messenger of peace and love. A colour ta your liking is waiting 10 bring that joy you bave been seeking. Would you like a dainty corsage or wed- ding bouquet, basket of flowcrs or just a table bouquet. Funeral designs with special cane, pîllow wrcath or spray, star, a broken whcci or gaI ajar, or anything eIse you have in mind we wiii do aur best. . . You may give or may receive,-but the greatest joy is mn whal you give . . . If you want ta be a fricnd ta the child- nen iet's womk together. Any profit froni sale of flowems wil go ta Children's Sumnier Camp. Thus you are helping make Bow- manville a finer conimunity in which ta live. Cail, write or phone, J. K. Grahami, Enniskillen, Phone 2468. Mrs. Bagnell wili bc pleased ta serve you in hem store. 50-2* or nei raeranc stp-othr, mnvile.5(-[v urhns, Pnone 8i1. 50-1* Mm. and Mrs. N. Kaîerynych. , SMALL, self-oîielprmn 50.1* in Maple Grove. Write Box 354, BALED straw; 5-tube manîle JXiiJEHLER - 2-pc. Chestemfield K N A Statesman Office. 50-1 radio, Phonola radio with goad Suite, brand new, cushionized ____ -batteries. Earl Trewin, Phone construction, fully guaranteed, MsDoeen Langstaff visited To my many friends and neigh- FOUR-mooni apamirment with bath, 2351. 50.1* aparîment size, wonderful buy, Mr. Gea. Langstaff on Sunday. boums, ta church and frtternal bot waîer heated, in Newcastle. $ 129.00. 5-pc. Chrome Kitchen M.adMs aePee organizations, and ta those who Apply H. J. Toms, Newcastle. TOYS galore for a nickle or Set, new, special, $45.00. Small wthM. and Mrs. CoreuPGass.n contibuîed lime and labour, I 50-1 more -Try Elliott's First. El- cook stave, new, clear out $35.00. wt r n r.CclGas wîsh a expess y sineres liaII's Varieîy House, OppositeWisnFrtueC.20Cuc Mrs. T. Hilditch visited in Bow- thanks and apprecialion for fiow THREE roonis and store room, Garton's. -5- St., Oshawa. 49-2 manville on Thumsday. ers, fruit, reading matemial. mes- in Enniskillen. For information 5 ________________ Flying Officer Don Childs and sags o cher nd ersnalcalscontact D. Pickering, Enniskillen. PIANO and bench, tone, condition 1 DR{Y Hardwood, Beech and Maple. Mrs. Childs, Ottawa, and Miss sag s o ch er nd ersnai cals,50-1 and appcarance good; ternis easy.f Prices: at farm-$12 per dard or Violet Mercer, Toronto, with M . ailI sy:'Thnk ou" TO ufunised oos sitaleTelephone 42 Bowmanville. S14 per cord, buzzed. Delivered: and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. May I also express my thanks for light housekeeping. Appiy f$1zer dadsing$lpe cord, buz- M Kte We regret ta learn that Mr. ta the electors of Clarke Town- 26 FletI St., Bowmanville. 50.1* CHRISTMAS turkeys, speciaîîyze;snecod$5H.MKye Marcus Saper bas been taken ta ship for the confidence placed un ted beautifully finished, and on Scugog Road between Bu rke- Oh aHsia nsroscn me by agaîn electing me by APARTMENT in Bowmanvi1le, 4 niodemately piced. Phone 2639.tnadBaktok hn 'r dition but trust that he will soon acclamation 10 the off ice of De- roonis and garage. Middle aged 49_2ýe y deaCle a n trucesbefeln ter puty Reeve. I shalendeavour couple, no children. Apply H. 492 Pe y dea4,Clec . anduies feig et 10 serve you ta the best of my Batenian, 456 Simcoe St. S., Osh- NEW stock of baby carniages, high _____________A________ tud o wa nendal undeer s- ability. A Merry Christmas 10 awa, Phone 4051R. 50-1* chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs Suiswsi edludras aIl. J. Hartwell Lowemy. and ail baby's needs. Se these BABY Convertible Prani, sevemal pices of W.A. and many were the 50-1Nusn specials at Marris Ca. 37-tf new colouns, greatly reduced; smiling faces recorded by bis Nuringplay pens, special, $5.95; H camera. STORM windows and combin- Chairs, $4.95; New Baby Cribs, W A. met for election of off ic- Found THE Lindsay Convalescent Home ation doors, made ta your mca- large size, sale price fmom $15.00. ers on Nov. 30 in tbe Sunclay KNTTNGba, onai1n-wol offers competent numsing came surements. Prompt service. Phone Large Doîl Prams, extra special, schooî rooni with President Mrs. eNtc N AplyaI Sctamn Office. and cheerful suroundings ta con- orders. T. H. Tabb, Tyrone. 47-4* $9.00; Small Tricycles, speciall, R. Mercer in charge. Mm. Bunt 50-1pl t ttemnOfie valescent, chronic, and elderly CR WO-u i otlnts $4.95; Rocking Chairs, $3.00. Wil-odce teeeton0 hs 501patients. Registemed nurse in O -ei rifotlnghson Fumniture Ca., 20 Church St., cafficthees es.-Mrs.oR. Mee tendance. Governmenî lcened maple, and beech; two cords 10 Oshawa. 49-2 osI ice r-Mrs. Reg Elliot ;n Chiropodist Reasonable rates. Blue' Cross load, $17.50 per cord. Phone POLRYFrem-.Doyu Vice-Mrs. Rk teg lon; Sec- T. M. VANT. D.S.C., Chiropodist, Lindsay, Phone 116. 49-81 pullets eat each other? 2. Do your retary-Mrs. Milton Robinson; specializing in diseases of the foot________________ GOOD Used Skates for boys, birds go pale, light, scoury, lame Treasurer-Mrs. Wm. Robinson. and leg. General chirapody work. PesF rS e - girls, men and women. AIl sizes. or pamalysed? 3. Do your birds Since Nov 24 Kendal has had Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, PesF rS l Neat Way Shoe Repair, King St., gé't colds and go off production? sanie real winter with the tern- Phone 3947. SIGE5-bbtbdge, chs West, Bwnianville. 49-tf 4. Have you dewormed youm perature dropping ta 8 degrees SINGE1934 PONTIAC sedaniinhgoo1d-hirds tbis fall? 5. Do you want below and plenty of snow storms. Peso alalso breeding buggies and al running ONTIosn,$ina.goor, ta save monev on your feeds? If On Wed. Dec. 7 the snow driven fesn lsper o id.Cgsi i-rnigcniin 250 r so, caîl W. J. Harvey, R.R. 4 Bow- bya high east wind made a very HYINCSPLE frb er ent styles, ranging froni $4.95 ncarest offer. R. H. Dunkin, c/o anvle n. hn 05 i-rtrymrigadfle h HGEISUPIS-(ubrup. Came and pick yours ouI E. G. Leaver, Scugog Rd., 2 mile s'anleOtPoe23,Ds srymoigadfildIh goods) mailed postpaîd in plain for Christmas. 142 King St. . ,! tram îwn. 50- trict Salesmanager R. A. Finn & oads in many places. However, sealed envelope with price lisI _____________-e916. --21Ca. Ltd., London, Ont. 50-1 the weather changes quickly ana Six I pls25c. 24 IsaoninvlePhn 96. 4-2IC$1.M00.es YurcoieSunday's main and mist followed MailOrdr~ epI T-8, ov-Rb- iir~*'~'-k ~of excellent Scotch Pines, 75e Up. INADLnlus e a- by Monday's sun and record term- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Lietc For S l Apply Cooper's Service Station, boleuni patterns .iust arrived, perature of 58 degrees cleamed TE4pg4-i9wes i.'uti 118 King St. E., Phone 2224. heavy canvas back. You will tesa rmfedadras Woodi, shonee 388. 2 find your choice bere. We are teso rmfedadras Wood, Phone_____2388. _ 50.1*1 50-2* headq -uamters for ail floor caver- The ladies of Orono, Newton- Repairs - RUBBER tired wagon; also fouri ings, very large display. Specials ville and Kendal W.I.s had the CHOICE live geese, $6.00 each.1wel il xesb mies ininad foi$l4 sqyd - privilege of bcaning Mrs. Clan- FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed Chester McGrath, R.R. 3 Bo- w 500-19ich tires. o tAly erb f l ne'v adsgs ifeltba45sqcavcringsence Ha'es discuss 'Develaping service, dyeing and customi work, manville. 50-1 5P0yn hnes pl 2099 Bomnvle. I spweign4csqn yd. Wls on Fumn- Communi ty Activities"' aI a nally try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair 'ayePhne201,SU-nn i itue Cia, 209Churc S.,ilsawa. b inKendai Sundlay school rooni. Shop, King St. West. 94tf 13 PIGS, nine weeks aid. Wilson __________-1______ ---jSane of the ch;,21 activities were Johnson, Lotesti Cand 7, Darling- î PIANO Accordion -Paolo Sa- KROEHLER Chesterfield Suites local book clubs, hobby show., er.EPARS, dmeail aes o efril-1ton.prani" 80 bass, perfect condition, -many beautiful styles and fan ous grs lusadmc- Higgan Electil 42 King St. E., TWO registered Yorkshire hogs, anly $95.00. Case Schuddleboom, 1 colors. These chesterfields have: reatian for young and old. as the Phone 438. - 26-tf serviceable age. Phone Port C/O Mr. E. Osborne, Bowmanville the famous cushionized constmuc- adage "Satan finds work for îdle Pcrry 194-1-1. David Johns, NesI- R.R. 4. 50- 1 lion and are reaily lovelY ta live hands", stili holds truc. For aur CHESTERFIELDS completely re- icton. 49-2 4 BIK- with. We are the authomized dealer own well being the mind should built and re-uphalstered. Satis- %a'1 UC sedan, air condition- f or Kroehler in Oshawa. Won- be occupied dwith healthfuil and faction guaranteed. Have our! PUREBRED Taimnwomoth saw, sec- ing, under-seat heaters, niotorifderful gift for Christmas. Sec, intemesting subjects. The solos by consultant call at -no obligatîon. ond littera Stanley Taylor, Bur-, recently overhauled. Tcrms, a ur beautiful display priced froni Mns. Chapman, acconipanied by Enquire at Weber'& Fabric Cen- keton, Phone Part Perry 193r3. $1100 or neanest offer. Phone S129.00. Wilson Fumniture Ca., Mrs. Mel Staples were also very tre, 10 Kinig St. E. 39-tf 50.1 2981 50-1* 20 Church St.;7 Oshawa. 4R-2 'much enjoyed. Reail Estate For Sale FIVE-raoonied bungalow, lights and water. Possession at once. Phone 468. 50-l* JAMES NIXON 3 U24 acres in Newcastle, good land, spring streamn, 6-roomned. framne bouse, barn and pig pen, hen bouse, hydro, around $5.000. Possession arranged. House and lot can be bought separately. Garage In village on busy tbaroughfare doing a good business, $6.700. Stock and equipment may be bought at invoice price. This is a good going concern. Has ta be seen ta be appreciated. Wanted Farnis and dwellings, large and smnall. James Nixon, Broker 160 Libertv St. N.. Bowmanville Phone 682 50-1* BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $2,500-Frame bouse, 4 rooms, 2- piece bathroom, insulated, heavy wiring, electric hot water beater. Taxes $27.00, lot 66 x 165. Terms. $4,000-Seven room frame bouse, garage, chicken housp, lot 66x454, modern kitchen and baîhroom.' $1,500 Down-New bungalow, bot air furnace, laundry tubs, beavy wiring, modern batbroom and kitchen on large lot. Immediate possession. Balance terms. $7,500-Eigbî rooni brick bunga- low, garage, 3-piece bath, on large lot. Vacant. Immedia.w, posq- ession. Ternis, on Concession Street. Also farms, business, summer resorts, etc... in Oshawa, New- castle and Bowmanville district. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. J. Shebyn D. Maclachlan Phone 326 50-1 LEROY HAMILTON $1,500-North and easî of Bow- manville, south-west of Ponty- pool, len acres good land on open road, corner location, with dlean 5-roomed house and attic, new roof, good water. Immýediate possession. Ternis. $5,000-Farni off No. 35 High- way south of Pontypool, 100 acres good land, large steel roofed barn and nine ooeàied centre bal plan house in excellent condi- tion, garage and iniplenient bouse. Good water. Inimediate possess- ion. Ternis. $5,500-Farm on paved highway near Millbrook, 93 acres choice land, sanie bush, good barn and 8-roomed bouse, aIl in splendid condition, electricity, hardwood floors, cistern in house, neyer fail- ing well.1 Buildings alone worth the asked price. Ininediale poss- ession. Haif cash. I have several other choice fanms in Durbani County aI var- ious pnices. Inquiries invited. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orno Phones 32r10 or lr16 FURNITURE SALE I bave been authorized ta seli hy public audtion for the Executnix of the Estate of the laIe Silas Williams In village of HAMPTON on Saturday, December 17 The contents of a seven-roomed' bouse cansisting of dining-room, kitchen and bcdroom fumnîtune, drapes, floor caverings, rug, elec- tric radio, toaster, hotplate, cook stave (nearly new, conibination safe, coaking utensils, dishes, garden tools and many other articles. P.S.-If weatbem is cold or starniy sale will be held inside. Terme, Cash Sale 1 p.m. Snow Treads New Re-treads 600 x16 -4 ply 600 x 16 - 6Bply 650' x 16 - 4 ply 650 x 16 -6 ply 650 /670 x 15 - 4 ply Phone 467 Auction Sales Don't forget the Durham Coun- ty Community Auction Sale to be held at the Sales Barn, Oron1p, Thursday, Dec. 15th, at 1:30 There wiIl be offered for sale kinds of iivestock, machinery'pi furniture and dozens of other items. Remember the date - Dec. 15th - the Sales Barn, Orono. The place where ail farmers meet Terms cash. Please note the new change af time - 1:30. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 1 i9-ï LONG SAULT Home and School Club was beld in the Long Sault School on. Tuesday night, Dec. 6 with an attendanc.--ý of 45. Meeting was opened by singing O Canada. A reading was given by Mrs.' Hos- kins. Christmas carols were sung by everyone. Lunch was served by the ladies. A bazaar was held after the program which was a great suc- cess. Praceeds of $35.00 go ta Long Sault Church. BURKETON Mvr. and Mrs. Tom Breck left Tuesday, to visit their sons, Wally and Bill, at Kingston befoye em- barking on a cruise which will lake them around the womld. They expect to sail from New York on or about Christmas Day and will proceed west across the Pacifîc ta the countries of the far east, returning by the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. They hope to be back in the middle of May in time for the graduating exercises aI Queen's University. They have promised ta keep in touch with--i-s by posî- card. On the request of th'-e dîtor they bave promised ta send letters- ta 'b7e Statesman ta be published tram lime ta lime. Miss Edith Irons, Robert Albert, Madeline andi Janet McGihl, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Irons. Pecember meeting of W.A. took place at Mrs. K. Roblin's home. Ihese officers were elected; Pmesident-Mrs. R. Dean; Vice- President - Mms. H. Lammer; Treasurer-Mms. T. Breck; Assist- ant-Mrs. E. Caughill; Secretary *-Mrs. K. Roblin; Parsonage Committee-Mrs. E. Adamis, Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. E. Caugbi .rs. R. Dean. Mm. and Mrs. Ê-A , Ottaw Miss ub_ .cOshawa, Mm. and ~S~. Baiey Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm, Saint-s field, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pedlar. To- ronta, Mrs. L. Cochrane, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Rahm. and Mms. M. MorIon. Oshaw4 with Mrs. L. Haesman. U Congratulations ta Mm.' and Mrs.Harold Kite on the birth:ý of a son' on Dec. 12 in Oshawa General i HospitaL oPersnciarete~ compts, cgetey rings, watches, fauntain pens und ever-sa- many gifts. W. engrave them quickly, beautifully tea oder. LTE OUR ENERAVINS MEARINENT &IVE tUtIMMEDIATE SERVICE HOOPER'lS -$15.50( $15,95 .- $15,50 Bowmanville 1, la These tires in Studded, Knobby and Sure-Grip Treads, with a New Tire Guarantee Ce Fu JAMIESON TIRE SHOP ?bOý - - - - - - - - - - - - --- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWBLANVrLLIR. ONTARM

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