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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1949, p. 5

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?HUR8DAY, DEC. l5th. 1949 TEE CANADIM~ STATESMAN. RO'~MANVILLE. ONTARI O PA~ fTWU NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Russel MacNeil, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow. Mr. Bert Samnis is confined to his bed. Hlm daughter, Mrs. Edger- ton, Bowmanville, is waiting on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover and two children, St. Thomas, arrived in their trailer. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff is in Osh- awa lookmng after Mr. Harry Bur- ley and two eidren while Mrs. Burley is in the hospital with a young son. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick, Enniskiilen, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, were in the village for Mrs. Whittaker's sale. Those who were Up early Sun- day morning were pleasantly sur- prised to see a deer satfntering around the fields south of the village. Things were on the move in our village on Saturday. While Mrs. Whittaker's sale was procecding in the Community Hall with auc- tioneer Clifford Pethick in charge. Mr. Howard Howard Ormiston %vas busy moving in where Mrs. Whittaker moved out. Before he was completely moved, Mr. Carl Paeden and family, Orono, were here ready to move in to the house vacated by Mr. Ormiston. Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Bruce spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. Boyle, Ajax. Airforpe Trousers, all-wool metfnew $5.95 Army Battle IPress Troumcrs $4.50 Navy Blue wlnter- weight Trousers - $495 Flying Jacket, quilted lining, new- $9.95 Macklnaw Coats (RCAF) 34 length, new -- $5.95 WINDBREAKERS, Lined, Special -- $6.95 Army Tunics, new Ail Sizes $3.75 MIu M. Hamiliton, Belle ville, hs spending tie winter witb her neice Mrs. Van Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eaton, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Van Allen. . Mr. and Mrs. Clijton Robb and Miss Carol Brooks were at Frank Gilmer's, Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Noray Goheen and family, Quay's, were Sunday visitors at Sid Lancaster's.' Newtonville Farm Forum met at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Clin-j ton Brown with an attendance of 15. Subject was "Is There a Farm Housing PZ.oblem". And we feel should be improvements on the home each year according to needs and means. Wc would in- clude electricity, watcr and bath, central hcating, lawns and garden, aiso fences. Aftcr a dainty lunch was scrved and card playing fin- ishcd thc cvcning. Next meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Van Mili- gan's. It will bereviciv night. Girls' Team Entertained The Women's Institute enter- tained the Ncwtonville Girl's Softball Teain1 and their fricnds at a banquet in the United Church basement Friday evcning. About thirty-five guests sat down to at- tractive tables, decorated withi Christmas ccntr e p i e c e s and candîca. Mr. Bunt actcd as Toastmastcr and Mr. Gilmer ac- companied at the piano for the sing-song enjoycd betwccn cus- es. Following the one to the King, toastg wcre proposcd to the team Red Indian Blankets, <HB) new ----------- White Wool Blankets, (HB) new ----------- Grey Army Blankets, Each --- ___ $6.50. $6.75 $3.50 Heavy Plaid Shirts $____ 3.25 Airforce Shirts - $2.95 Work Shirts, Doeskin -$1.95 Mackinaw Shirts, all-wool, Special. $4.50 Eeconditloned Army Boots -- $3.95 Rubber Boots, %/ length, new-- $4.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M., M. ý 1 ,M. "HBeadquarters for XMAS SUPPLIES"jà NJew Crop California Seediess Sunkisi Navel Oranges Size 252's Size 200'3 39c 49C Nuis in Shel New Crop - 'Unshelled Brazil Nuis - - lb. 39c Newv Crop, Cal. Budded Diamond Walnuis . .- . M.49c New Crop - Siveet, Crisp Nixed Nuis --lb. 39c V.S. No. 1, Cape Cod, Ffrm Cranherries - - lb. 27c Apples McINTOSH - DELICIOUS * SPYS Golden Yeilow, Firm * Ripe Danaîtas SULPPLIES PLENTIFUL - Serve Them Often - FANCY PEAS 21MOS 35c GOLDEN CORN 2 m»~ 29c AYLME-~ANC-GOLDN 0& WAX BEANS 2 ".O 29C MiGHTS-PANCY APPLESAUCE 2 Is-s-27c RICNMEUO-JldINEST AVOUt ORANGE PEKOE TEA W.- 52c VALUES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT.. DEC. 15 -.4 - 1 and the manager, and repllcd f0, in order by Mrs. Don Vinkle, Uic captain, and Tieith Burley. An expression of gratitude was made to Mr. Frank Ovens for Uic use of his field as a bail field, and regret f cît that he was unable f0 be present. A motion of thanks was tender- cd Uic W.I. president, Mrs. John- ston, for the splendid banquet, to which she made a f itting rcply. One member of the executive produccd a sprig of mistletoe and beld if suggcstivcly over several of the maie gucst's beads, but thé ladies wcre timid, with the ex- ception of two more daring ones, who made the bcst possible use of it, to the amusemexgt of all the rest. The guests then dispcrsed, bniost of thcm going on to the dgnc ini the Community Hall. Women's Institute Women's Institute met at Mrs. Perey Brown's with President Mrs. BrovWn presiding. Sick Children's Hospital was voted a donatiog of $10.00. Several shut- i members are f0 be remembered by the Sunshine Com. Mrs. Gil- mer expressed appreciation of the splendid banqtlet tendered the Girl's Softball Teani and the President fhanked the small group who assisted with the plan- ning and serving. Convener Mrs. Ferguson presented the program opening with a vcal solo in keep- ing with the season, by Mrs. Brown. District President, Mrs. Rolph, gave an interesting and instruct- ive falk on "The Perfect Hostess and the Perfect Guest", stressing the fact that "poise" plays a vcry important part in each. Mrs. N. Rickard read several short Christmas poems and Mrs. Den- nis conductcd a "Ring" contest. Roll Cail was answered by each member presenfing a suitable gift for a former member, now confincd to hospital. Lunch was served by the hostess and ber ýgroup. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allun, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, daughter Karen, Town, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist on Sunday. Miss Edna Swallow bas return- ed home from bher visit at Lake- field. Don't forget the Christmas tree and concert on Tuesday evening in the church basement at 8 p.m. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, Enniskillen, to oVir coin- munity. They have purchased the home formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer on Highway No. 2 across fromn Black Cat Inn. JW. HORSEY BRAND-FRESH PACK ORANGE JUICE DRIGTS-COICEQUALiTY-PIffID RED CHERRIES AYLMER-MALVES-IN HEAVY SYRUP CHOICE PEACHES STUFID.-LUNCH 9UREN ROYAL*MANOR OLIVES RICHMELLO-COLOURED OLD CHEESE Tangy- CROSSE & BLACKWELL PLUM PUDDING CRISTI'S-IMPERIAL XIfAS FRUIT CAKE GILCHRIST-SCOTTISH STYLE BUTTfER WAFERS CHRISTIES RITZ CALI M NiA...4ARGE-..SIEED MUSCAT RAISINS2 MAPLI LEAF SUND MINCEMEAT jouLL GWOOS p ITTED DATES SAXONIAlIUT MIXED FRUITS &ON4liARE GLACE CHERRIES NIulTOP ALMOND ICING fSi. 19C 1503?. 20c Lb. 50C 16S 0*49C L90C Lb. 45c 25c fim.. 1 9c 15-oz. Pkwu. 29e 2 Là- 38c ptk 29c ft.L23c sfti?u37c ft46c Record Service of Beacock Clan Dates Before Confede ration A large group of friends and township officials gatbered in Uic Municipal Hall at Blackstock, Thursday evcning, Dec. 8 to do bonor f0 Mr. William Beacock wbo is retiring this year as Clcrk of the Township of Cartwrigbt--a post be bas served for more than 44 years.- Following an excellent banquet served by Uic Women's Insfitute of Nestîcton, a musical programi was enjoyed supplied by fthc Brotberwood sisters of Columbus rcid our own inimitable Jack William Beacock Smith. During the pnogram, the various neeves under whom Mr. Beacock served, Messrs. P. Hey- land, Cneighton Devît and Non- man Green, spoke highly of the excellent service rendered by the Clerk during 'his long tenm of office. Mr. Bruce Heaslip, the in- coming reeve, also paid tribute to Mr. Beacock, regretting aise that he would be without his guiding hand. The chairman of the evening, Reeve W. G. Bowles, added bis appreciation and noted the great changps that had taken place in Cartwright since 1905 when Mr. Beacock took office. He stnessed the gnowtb of the langer summer community on Lake Scugog anid the advent of motor travel which bave brought new problems into the conduct of municipal affairs, problems whicb will demand men of greater vision in municipal of- fice. Mr. Bowles panticularly drew attention to Mr. Beacock's unique terrm of senvice,-His own terrm of 44 years followed one by bis fatjier of 3 yeans and one by bis uncle, the late Wm. Lucas, of 41 yeans.-A total of 88 years of service for one family,-A record wbicb wc feel would be bard to equal. As a more tangible mark of appreciation Mr. Beacock was prescnted with a purse and with it the besf wisbes of evenyone for health and happiness and long ycars of netirement. As Mr. Beacock's term of office nepresents a near record in munic- ipal affairs, if was much regretted that Hon. Leslie Frost, Premier of Ontario, Mr. John James, M.P., Major John Foote, V.C., M.L.A., and Mr. A. Runnals,, Warden of the United Counties, were unable to attend. As a result the 6ccasion was veny much a family affai* and perhaps bappily so, for Mn Bcacock by those who knew him best and those whom he bad serv- cd se long. SOUTH NESTLETON Mn. Richard Oliver, Brooklin, visifed bis micc, Mns. Ceci Wil- son. Mn. and Mns. Lorne Lamb and family spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Cccil Wilson. Miss Helen Bowers, Tononto, with ber parents Mn. and Mns. Geo. Bowers. Mn. and Mns. Frank. Symons, Bo wmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. Mns. T. Langfield spent Friday in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. L. Lansing, Caes- arca, visited Miss Rose Mountjoy. Mn. and'Mrs. Chas. Gist spent Fniday in Pont Hope. Mns. Donald Thompson was in Lindsay Thursday. Mn. and Mns. Harry McLaughlin and Lawncnse visited ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Hooey,1 Burketon. Mrs. Alice Fonder was a Sun- day dinnen guesf with Mn. and Mrs. O. Wright, Blackstockà Mn. Mervin Werry is in Toron-J te having secuned a position with Consumer's Gas. Co. Mrs. George Forden visited Mn. Sharpe in hospifal on Saturday. He hopes te be home this coming week. Wc are pleased te report Mns. Wm. Philp bas împroved enough to be up each day. Orvilie McKee, Oshawa, with bis parents Mr.and Mns. S. Mc- Kee. Mns. Olive Brown spent a few days af ber home. She is looking affer a nicce in Bowpianville wbo was scniously injurcd in an acci- dent. Mns. Manvin Nesbitf is staying with Mr. Jas. Nesbitt and Elmen i k' in kitchen, bedroom, battroom and living room.1 To date our Forum does not feel it could sponsor a f arm home improvement campaign. Next meeting et Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin's on Jan. 9. S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON while Miss% May Reynolds is i Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Gea. Nicholson, Blackstock, called on Mi. J. For- der and Miss G. McKee. Fnicirds of Mr. Melville Wcrry %vill be pleased to learn that he is slowly improvlng following a serious operation in Toronto Gen- eýral Hospital. ~Mr. Wm. Bcacock is enjoying 's cim-retirement ±ollowing 'qrty-four years of service as ~oi*nship Clerk. He will continue -s J.P. issuer of licences, ana other government appointments at bis Nestletôn office. FARM FORUMS On Dec. 12 we met af Uic home of Mr. J. Trull with an attend- ance of fwenty-four. Subjcf for discussion was "Is There a Farm Housing Problem?" When a young couple are buy- ing a farm, it ih usually impossible for theni to set aside a definite proportion of Uic farm income for improvement of the home. How- ever one should attcmpt fo bave conveniences as soon as af all pos- sible. It is regrettable that some waif so long to make these im- provements tbat thcy do not live long to cnjoy thcm. Even if nec- essary to borrow if is sometimes better business to install several improvements at once. The features most desirable to include in remodclling a home are: electnicity, running water, insul- ation, modern heating, bathroom an~d cupboards. We think that our Forum could sponsor a farm home improve- ment campaign. Homes which have been rccently improved i this community are a demonstra- thon of what can be donc. No meetings will be hcld until Jan. 9. BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM Immédiate Delivery FOR CHRISTMAS' Real Bargains FOR CHRISTMAS ai the WAR SURPLUS STORE 24 Division Si., Bowmanville I-eatng, watcr under pressure Blackstock Fanm Forum met at and bathroom, more electnical Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm's witb conveniences. 21 people present. Subject dis- One 6 ou. f t. EVERCOLD --290 Ncxt meeting at Mr. and Mrs. cussed was "Is There a Farin Lloyd Broome's, Dec. 19. Housing Pnoblem?" In looking One 6.8 cu. f t. CLIPPER--------$299.00 Dover our district we do flot feel O e8ou f N RG$49O that wc have any bousin g prob - On 8 u tN RG ------- $490 PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM lem as ahl our farmens seem to -O e u tK L IA O - 29O have adequate and fairly comfor- On 6 u tKE VN T R----$290 Providence Farm Forum met at table farm homes. We do feel 4' One 8.6 ou. f t. KELVINATOR -- $354.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barnett's with fhough that a portion of the fanm f24 present. The theme for discus- income should be eanmarked for Six 7.8 cu. f t. RACINE----------- $329.00 sion was "Is Thene a Farm Hous- the rennovation and upkeep of 1 ing Problem?". Ross Bragg bas the home; because« a farmer well X been the leader of the group for housed and fed and with a pride Aii above R fieaosh v December. ~~in bis home, is a much more ami- R fieaos hv Summary of discussiwe was: In able and useful being in the com- Five-Year Guarantee the rural area thene is no short- munity than would otherwisc be age of bouses except for hired the case. help but some of us have the Some of the fhings wc would k large problemn of improvement have if we were improving our and Xepair. We fhoughf a propor- homes would be electnicity, run- !0I U t l y f P LA C n thon of our income should be de- ning wafer, central heathng, large voted f0 improving the home te windows, a modemn kitchen and U IT R make life on the farm more at- one young man also said a modernR IT R tractive, comfortable and con- wife. We would also have the PHONE 811 BOWMANVH.LE RING ST. WEST venient. Some of our homes grounds landscapcd and the build- could be nemodelled f0 include ings painted. more convenient cupboand space Showing of films was suggested M .9-- $ 4 -5 . .. ..... .. I ~?~Jé~17 Jwels SOUADRON sond $5950 Pen, and ok»dPenci! Sols Lovely Simulol.o' Peari Tger-oye Ring Canada's Greutest Wcstch value! Jewellery UsM urCnvnet rdi la S 4-. s- 00 YOUR PRECHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY OYLE-PURE CRANBERRY SAUCE'2- 30c ROSI IRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES j.,L 31 c Almonds ik i 9cWalnuts 26c DOMINION STORES LIMITED to show how these improvements might be made. A demonstraflon was spoken of but thaf h out be- cause the farmer sald I"he didn't want Uic rest of us improving bis home andhanding him Uh ilbs to pay."P A half hour of recreation plan- ned and conducfcd by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, in Uic fonni of games and stunts, was enjoyied. Lunch was scrvcd by thc host- css supplemented by Dutcb cook- les and candy contributcd by Piet Buma, a gift f rom bis parents in Holland and rcccived*Uiat morn- mng. Nexf meeting in Jànuary to be at Perey Van Camp's. CADMUS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanna and Miss Marie Hanna and, Mr. Andy Holmes spent Sunday in REFRIDERATORSI. IWMMAY, DEC. 15th. 1049 THE CAlqADL&N STATESMAN. 80*MANVM=. ONTAIUO PAGr Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian -and Marilyn with friends at H-amptôiý. Orangemen sponsored aliother dance at Devitt's Hall on Friday night with a good attendance. Miss Joyce and Mr. Don Larmner with their parents over the week- end. Miss Joanne Young, Torontci, at home. Mrs. Wm. Philp has been Wn bed, under the Dr.'s care but is up around again. Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt was help- ing to look after Mr. James Nes- bitt who bas been sick. Devitt's Lodgc had their last meeting for this year. Tbcy haa eleven members and three visitorg present. If was clection of officers. Cadmus Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Swect Sr. Mr. Arthur Hanna spent a fcw days back on the farm but has HAMPTON FARM FORUM We gathered at Uic home of Mr.and Mrs. Cruickshank, with là present.' Should a definite proportion of thc farm income be devoted f0 improving the home? was thc subjcct for discussion under the topic "Is There a Farmn Housing Problcm?" If was suggested that $100 of farn income be spent on improve- mcnts on farn homes. If improve- ments wcre not lookcd affer when needed expense at a later tirnc .Would be much more accordingly. If keeps morale up in family, par- ticularly housewife; Adds f0 ap- peaýance and possibly to sale of farm. Wben rcmodclling home some of features to include would be

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