?MRSDAY, ANTJARY 26. 1950 RECREATION CALENDAR Thursday, January 26- 1J4S - Dressmakîng Class- Lions,: Commxunity Centre- Ladies. 4.05 - Jr. Boys' Bowling League-Maftyn's Alleys- -Public Schaol 'Boys. '.30-Jr. Basketbail Game- High School. 7.30 - Dressmaking Class- .~Lions Community Centre- Aduit Ladies. I'day, January 27- 4.05 - Jr. Girls' Bowling League-Martyn's Aleys- Public School Girls. Baturday, January 28- 8.00-Junior Skating Club- Arena. Members Only. 10.00-Pee Wee Hockey Town League-Arena. Boys under 12 years. 11.00-Bantam Hockey Town Leagué. Arena. Boys under 15 years. 12.30 - Bantam Ail.-Star (O.M.H.A.) team practice. 10.15 p.m.-Juvenile Hockey -Bowmanville vs Ajax ini Brooklin. Monday, January 30- 7.00-Woodcraft Class-Cen- frai Public School Manual Room-Adult. S8.30-Midget Hockey-Bow- manville in Omemee. 1uesday, January 31- 1.45-Smocking Class-Lions Community Centre-Ladies. 7.00 - Leathercraft Clas- Lions Community Centre- Adult. 7.0-Smocking Class-Lions Community Centre-Adult. Wednesday, February 1- 4.05 - Teen-age Bowling- Martyn's Alleys. 7.30-Midget Hockey-Orono at Bowmanville. 9.00 - Juvenile Hockey- Whitby at Bowmanvilie. NATURE UNSPOILED E. 4YOURS TO ENJOY The. CARDINAL is one of aur most brilliant birds. You'd never guess that he belongs to the same family as the. spar- rowsl Mis Ioud and cheery sang is familiar ta nearly everyone, and his fiashing- calors and happy nature make him worthy cf protection. Look for him in brushy thickets. YOURS TO PROTECT CAu£fRLT&G7Sj TU1E CARUNG DREWERIES LMITED ~..WATERLOO, ONTARIO ~ tOiu CARINGED306 licaff Yom fend m *aao PUd<1tablet?1*4~ Ž WNEN A GIRL doesn't want ta leave ciasa-and have ta make embarras,- MUa explanations-it's Paradai she atsks for. For Paradai means quick relief froni auffering caused by, periodic pains-headache, too-. without disagreeabie after-effects. Ask your druggist for Paradai, scientificaily compounded from 4 ingredients. The name "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. 2 DR. CHASES PARAVOL -Qwck Relief"m.,P" Bowmanville Ontario -TM ANIDNSTTZVA, OMAVM. NTW -- - - II _-PAGE k'resictent Goodyear Overseas Veterans Col. Orme I was eiected president of the Goodyear Overseas Vete r an's Club in the Sergeant's Mess of the Royal Regiment of Canada, Fort York Armouries, Toronto, on Saturday nîght, Jan. 14. Col. Barrett is Assistant to thel President of The Goodyea Tire & Rubber Company of Canada Limited, and he holds the appoint- ment of Colonel Commançiant of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. The Goodyear Overseas Veter- an's Club was organized in 1938 for the purpose of renewing and maintaining the friendships, as- sociations and memories o! war veterans in the Goodyear organ- ization. Ail its members are vet- erans of one of the last two world 3arrett. O.B.E. wars who have served in over- seas theatres. Sixty members and friends at- tended the meeting on Saturday night and the following officers jwere elected:-President - Col. lOrme Barrett, Toronto; Vice President-C. D. MacKay, Mimi- co; Past President-Harry Dren- nan, Swansea. Eiected for two years terms- Bill Drover, New Toronto; Bob Gold, New Toronto; Charlie Tay- lor, New Toronto. Elected for one year termi- Tommy Moore, New Toronto; Roy Riddeli, New Toronto; Bibi Dorks, New Toronto. George Pierson, Mimico, was eiected Secretary-Treasurer and Aif. Johnston, New Toronto, was appointed Sergeant-at-Arms. Vcûuable Awards In Scholarsh;-ps In th~ e Edit*Maivl For Young Artists Announcement of the O'Keef( , Art Awards, by which $5,250 scholarships will be made ava' able to young Canadian artis, Swas made here today. This is t] Iirst time a large Canadian buw ness has offered material assis ance to budding Canadian artisi The awards will be made ava able ta any artist between tI ages of 18 and 30, who is a res dec.t of Canada. While no re trictions have been placedc subjeet matter, preference wi be given to paintings which ai Canadian in spirit and interpri the theme, "Canada Unlimitea There are 18 awards: First $1,000; Second is $750; third $500; and 15 awards of $200 eac] Their purpose is to increase tt] output of first-ciass work, b furthering the developmentc young artists. They are a practicý pledge of the coinpany's intereý in Canadian growth. 'Ey engaging first-rank Car adian artists to illustrate the well known "Canada Unlimited" sei ies of advertîsements, O'Keefeý have done much ta draw pubi attention to native ability, a well as stimulate interest in Car adian hstory and tradition. A unique feature of the Award is the method of selection c judges. Each entrant is invite( ta name three pers.ons. recognize( art authorities or critics, r judges. By this means, artisi will have an opportunity to hell in the selection of the jury pane who will pass on their worl Five to seven judges will composý the panel., The jury wiil meet li Toront( in May to select from ail entries the 18 paintings judged most out. standing. The Awards may b( applied for training, travel, or ir any other approved manner which wiil further the artist'. work. .es in lil- ;ts, the i- ts. il- ;he si- s- on ilîl tre 7et Il,. is is ýh. by of ýal ýst n- as ri- Is :f ýd ýd a [p al Mrs. David Grigg, 48 Glen- wood Ave., Toronto:-Fînd en- closed $2.50 for The Statesman for 1950. 1 do enjoy reading it every week. Eest of wishes for 1950.à Mrs. Jessie Williams Goyne, 18 Hillcroft St., Oshawa:-Enclosed find $2.50 for 1950 paper. Con- gratulations on your new honor and thanks for paper. Wishiaig you ail a Happy New Year and a prasperous one. G. A. McTaggart, 453 Balliol St., Toroato:-Am enclosing my re- newal to The Statesman. 1 can't seem to do without it. Everyt week it is like a letter from home. I lost my dear wife just a year ago, very suddenly. We were arranging for celebrating aur 63rd wedding anniversary. Dear George; Received the receipt for my renewal ta The Statesman. I no- ticed an error in regard ta how long Mrs. Farrell and I had been married. The aainiversary' should have been 59th. Mrs. Farrell spent the day in bed with pneumonia and heart trouble and is still there and I A~m afraid will be for some time. I wish you aaid Mrs. James, and ail yaur Staff and ail friends in Durham County a very happy and prosperous year. Wm. Farrel 32 Sorauren Avenue, k. Dear George; balmy day. ;e Enclosed find $2.50 ta caver The members of the vegetable the coat of aur reguiar Friday kingdom have also paked their ;o visitor from the aid home town. heada out of the ground ta see S, We were very much interested if their time is ready. Claude Kil- t- in your write up of Carl lReat, mer caught one af these, a spring ýe it waa a much deserved tribute anion, in the act and immediately na ta a man who was almoat a land- proceeded to pluck it from the , mark in the town. I am afraid, frostless ground, following which 's George,' that you are sîipping. In he ended its short life between the above meationed article, you hig griaiding teeth. stated that Mr. John McMurtry. We used ta think that such go- died in 1912. When Mrs. Spencer ings an were confiai ntrl and myself le! t Bowmanville on ta California. ed niry January 18, 1918, Mr. McMurtry wa eymuch alive. How aboutM U E S an chcigagain?YO R YL ad Sincereiy yours, Harry Spencer Maple Creek, Sask.a January 2, 1950 is t Dear Mr. James:- Herewith is my fee for a con-. tinuatian of the weekly visits of Rewritten your highly-valued family jour- from previous nal, though it does nat have much ~ ~ copyrights of value ta my own immediate fami- '" cH.T R ly, since they do nat know Bow- manville or Durham. poers Congratulations on wirîking DImey 7BIdg. the trophy for your editorial page. <Opp. P.O.) I realize it was honestly and fair- OhwPoe11 ly won. OhwPoe11 I was much lnterested in the completion af your rmnk as we No. 90 li Maple Creek also have buiît The camplete picture may be a skating rink this last half-year sLurmised but is hard tai measure. after using an open-àir rink for It takes only a very small amaunt 1 nearly fifty years. The faîl was of this energy ta see one abject' wonerfllymild and open for but when you total up the in- theuliygadte attr numerable abjects seen voluntar- thsae bdn anpd he stthree iîy and then add ta this the week hae spplid pent o!myrad o! things involuntarlly zero weather for making ice. I viewed or caming inta aur.in- loaked at my therma. showing direct vision, speedy, enflashing, 30 degrees below and the weather glaring, reflected, ever-moving man promises 45 degrees below and reaily our visual energy is toaight. Have flot seen a temper- used up fast. These and other ature as low as that in nearly 50 things may be met with and years. when an explanation is saught Must say I arn somewhat griev- for an explanatian of your ed ta see the columna of The trouble you may find that an Statesman carrvling announce- eye correction is in order. ments made by Labatts and otheri (Copyrighted> miakers of, booze. I knaw would flot adverttse liquor sale, but that is the only purr that lies behind such Rteis these noble patriots choose ta us about our birds, hista. events, athletic achievements,i all weil and good; but wl» they. want the name of thef to appear in cannection. Is1 case af "Spoiling the Egyptiau I think bath you and the Read, Digest have sufficlent prospei ta do without this. With best wishes for the I Year. Slncerely youi C. E. Brown 44 Third Aven * Ottawa, Ont.; December 29, J! Dear George:- Enclosed find -$2.50, being subscription ta The Statesman the year 1950. I regretted that the 100th niversary of the founding afiJ usalem Lodge.camne at such incanvenient season, as I woi have liked ta have attended ceremcinies. I arn glad ta lW from yaur edition of Dec. 22: that it went off sa well. I tr that whaever is in charge of distributian af the histarical bct let wll flot farget anembers i& were unable ta be present, a wouid appreciate having a co] I'm getting ta be one of the a]t members naw, having been inr ated 39 years ago Ihis coi June. Sincerely yaur Rupert G. Haml 4936 Virginia W; Dear irs: Sacramento, Ca, Just a line ta say haw plea,, I was ta receive your card infoai ing me that my aunt and une Mr. and Mrs. Seward Tyler,h taken a year't subseription. your paper in my name. I ha always» enjoyed reading-t Statesman and arn looking ft ward ta receiving each week,r home tawn paper, The Stal( man. It will be a source of pie. ure and enjoyment throughc the coming year. It is truly wo derful ta be able ta read alt news of home when one iasa away. Already we have thoroug ly enjoyed the two copiesi have received and it seems bring ail the friends there ju a littie nearer across the mil Arn enclosing an account aur daughter's engagementa nouncement party if you arei terested in copying it. Sincerely Yours, Mrs. John E. Hopî Lorraine HopxiS Will Wed Caasters and napkins inscrib with their naines disclosed the e gagemeait a! Lorraine Hopps ai Edwini W. DeGraf!. The occasi, was a dinner in the home of tý bride elect's parents, Mr. a Mrs. John E. Hopps of 4936 Vi ginia Way, last Friday. The future bride ivas educat in Toronto, Canada, and wi graduated from the C. K. MV Clatchy High School.; She ne is attending Sacramento Juni Coilege where she is affiliatg with the Phi Theta Kappa honi society. DeGraff 15 the son of Mi Hugh L. DeGraff of Guilford Co lege, NC. He was graduated fro: the Guilford High School ar Sacramento Junior College. 1 attended Sacramenito State Co lege and naw is atudying at t], University of Califarnia Coilege( Agriculture at Davis. Duriti World War II DeGraff servç three years with the navy a. farce. you eor S. If )tel rical etc., rdo flrm it a ML ro ni r£ .1 L J a t as 01 Id ni Va a- rr hi e ca ri er io th in 7a te 10 DI lers' rew .,1, mue, L949 My for an- er- an .rld the mîln rus th- sI :ed Ln- l, lad ed hle to n.e the aor- e tos out te fa gh- PS id 'st ls 1- in- nd he nd Weather Conditions Baffle Woodchuck Our spriaig weather is deceic ing even the animais. Apparenti: the hibernating woodchuckj misreading the signa of natur( for one cf his clan was killei when caught wandering aroun( the land of Stephen Jeffrey Mapie Grave. But who can blamq him far his bewilderment? Las INTRODUCTORY Now on its way. To DOWMANVILLE.ma WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN-- FOR YOU 1l -WE ARE OFFERJNG TRIS Complete Laundry Outfit- FOR AS LONG AS THEY LAST for $169,50 AcIually Less Than Most Washers Cdst Alone WAsHER MODEL "B" WITH ALL THESE FEATURES:. * SEDIMENT ZONE UNDER OFFSET GYRATOR.L 0 -MODERN WRINGER WITH QUICK SAFETY RELEASE. *ý CAPACITY: 8-9 LBS. OF DeLY CLOTHES. 0 ALL WHITE FINISH.-i * LAMB ON CLOTHES BUT A BEAR FOR DIRT. NO OTHER WASHER AT ANY PRICE OFFER SO MUCH PLU S Use Our Easy Credit Terms - ACT NOW -Lîmited Quantity - Offer is Good Only as Long as They Lasti CHA Se Farm -Equipment and Automotive Co. FORNERLY ROBSON FARM ECUIPMENT 134 Ring St. E. Bowmanville MODEL "B" CAN OFFER! WATCH TRIS SPACE NEXT WEEK IOr0a ANNOUNCEMENT New Elto Outboard Motor Produci of DUOIJARD NARINE NFG. CO. Polorboro, Onlarjo Palmer Motor Sales THESE EXTRAS 1 72 CLOTHES PINS J EIT-ST-ONG CLOTHES ASKýET TWIN WASH TUBS I WASH TUB STANDf 24 PACKAGES F SQAP FLA S TWO 30'CLOTHES LINES LIZIIING BOARD _ 1 GUARANTEED FEATHERWEIGHT t ELECTRIC IRONi ALL TRIS FOR $169n5O GENERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD WASHER Buy It On Our Timne Payment Plan As Low as - $19.95 Down As Little As - $7.50 Per Monflh Phono 689 Pm Phone 689