~IUYU.1% A ~U~fl?? A UV O I fuiR TEE CAKAD!PJI S'TATEUMAN, EOWMAIqVIILE, OXTAEZO PAGE I~F~EE< * a I I -*mu.DaimyLL1r RAbitZR ,iXbJ W.uW --- wlth Mr. and Mn. Edgar Barrow- clougb. Mrs. Harold Beeve spent the Tl'he ()rono Nt<ewvs wekend with relatives in Osh- Il awa. Il M. R.E. LganMr. and Mn.. Clarence Nichella mmR . ju with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar. rnupln,,gh Mns.- Gardon Leaman, Paul and 3,gdy, Toronto,. spent lasI wmek vsiting bene wbile Gardon went ast an a business trip. Anothen wcll known Orono citizen, Mi. Fred Green, passmd away at bis home here on Fmb. I, .aller a lengîby ilîness. To bis wiie and famil>' we aifer sincere sympathy in their bereavemenl. A*Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, 'rno, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown, Newcastle, imt Wednes- day ion Florida wberm tbey will spend lbnme weeks. Mn. and Mns. W. J. Riddell spent Sunda>' witb Dr. and Mrs. Jack. Leslie, Petenhoro. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awa, visited ber parents aven Ibm weekend. Miss Audrey' Billiniga, Tonante, witb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billinga. Miss Anna Stapies, Tarante, spent Ibm weekmnd at ber home here. Miss Lais Dean, Tenante, wilh ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Hespen Deane. Mns. Crane, Tarante, spent amy- enal days visiting inienda bere. Mn. Luther Barrabai, Harmon>', visited bis moîber Mrs. H. Barra- bal Sunda>'. Lucille Lynch ntertained ber Iegirl iiends aI a skating part>' lasI week, Ibm occasion being ber 121h birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Miller spent Sunda>' aI Apsle>'. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraelick, Prince Albert, visited Miss Mable Day'Sunda>'. Wc are sorry te report Ihal Mn. Cecil McLaren is ceniined la bis bcd ion another period ai three weeks. Mn. and Mrs. E. Hamm are leaving Ibis weekend ion a meon trip te Flenida wbere Ibm>' will spend a month. The Women's Institute beid a ver>' successful card part>' in Ibm Orange Hall Monda>' evcning. There were 18 tables playing five hundred. Mrs. R. Poilard had the bigh score for ladies and Mn. Malle>' ion Ibm gentlemen. Deliciaus reincsb m e n t s wenm served. Dpring Ibis wemk the nmw pul- pit and -scrcen are being put in Park St. Cburcb and wili be dedi- caled an Sunda>' morning, Fcb. 121h b>' Rmv. J. E. Anderson. ai Brighton, President ai Ibm Bay' of Quinte Confenence. Il was with a feeling ai deep regret that Onono citizens larncd of Ibm death af Rev. Wm. Sterling ai Coîbonne on Saturday. About 20 years age he was Ibm much loved minister ai Park St. Chunch bere,and bis name is oflen mentioned wilb great respect and admiration. He was laid ta rest on Thursday aflernean in Ibm famil>' plat in Orano Cmmetery. To bis daugbtens Elizabeth and Eileen and ta bis son Wallace we mxlmnd hearîfeml sympatby in their great loss. Tuesday aflernoon W.M.S. oi Park St. Churcb met in Ibm S.S. hall. The meeting was oenmd by Mns. M. H. Staples, President, wbo conducted Ibm businets. She mdespecial mention ai Ibm Wold's Day of Prayer on Fcb. 24, and ai Ibm Presbytenlal rally ta bm hld in Bewmanvilie on Feb. 23. Il is xpecled a bus wil be chartermd for Ibat occasion. Gnaup 5 had charge ai tbm devo- tianai and Ibm interesting pragram with Mns. C. Wood, Ibm leader, prmsiding. The Iheme was "Time" and the prayer b>' Mn.. Wood, tbm scipture reading b>' Mrs. Logan and thm most intermsting and helpiui Ialk b>' Mrs. Porter wre all in kemping with Ibis timel>' subject. At Ibm close ai Ibm meeting in baneun ai Ibm birtbday ai Miss M. Dave>' wbich fell an aur meeting day, cake and tea were senved and a social li-iie enjoyed. WESLEY VILLE Sunda>' Schooi was beld aI 10:30 witb an attendance ai 34. Mur- ra>' Payne, in Ibm absence ai Harold BesI, actmd as Secretar>'. Cbuncb followmd with Dr. 0km pneacbing a ver>' good sermon. Tumada>' vning Ibm Young Pmoplm's Union cbatcred Bun- ley's bus and wenl lathIb cm Fol- lies in Tenante. Fanm Forum was beld aI Car- roll Nicholls' with 19 present. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Osborne and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago, Ebenezen, wmnm visitons representlng Ibm Federalion. Thunsday vening 13 members ai the Young Pmopim's Union met aI Ibm achool bouse la bold pla>' practice. Mn. and Mns. Ken Dinnen, Bar- bara and Ronnie, with Mn. and MrEf. Percy Snell. Misses Jean Rutherford and H-elene Bannowlougb, Lakepont, Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby on tbm birth ai a baby boy aI Port Hope Hospital on Salunday. Harold Barrewdlough attended thm Red Pale CaIlle Association meeting in Toronto on Fnlday. ZMON Woman's Assaciation met at Mrs. Harold Bennett's with Pneui- dent Mrs. Hans Geissbrger pre- siding. Mrs. Tracy Glaspel had charge af Ibm Wanshlp Pmnlod wilb Mns. Harold Bennett readlng Ibm Scripture. Lais Giaspel gave a stary about tbm painting by Hoiman Hunt "The Light of Ibm World". Quite a good attendance ai members and several former membens were present. Rail cali was answered by "your favorite Hymn". The iollawing pnogramn was given: Mauthorgan solos~ Mrs. R. Stainlan; neading "The Bargain Sale" b>' Mrs. Wni. Leask, Bowmanville; paper an "It'a lime ta take Inventery"' by Mrs. Ray Scott, Osbawa; reading "My Neigbbor's Little Dog" by Edilh Geissberger; rmading - "Peace Nigbt in Trafalgar Square" b>' Mrs. W. Lmask. A lovely lunch was served by thm group-Mrs. H. Bennît, Mrs. Wes Cameron and Mrs. Tracy Glaspel. C.G.I.T. girls are having a so- cial vening aI Ibm scbooi bouse on Feb. 10. LosI Hein and Crokin- ole wiil bath be available for those Ibat wisb o layn>. A large numben attended Ibm entertainment aI Varcoe's on Monday nigbt put on by R. W. Bail and Son. A colored sound film on Pasturage was shawn. The piclures wene taken aI van- ieus places across Canada from Ibm Atlantic le Ibm Paciiic. Mrs. Dixon, North Oshawa, was planist ion a singsang. She also accam- panied the Horcbik lwins ai Osh- awa wben Ibm>' gave several sel- ections ai singing and tap danc- ing. Tbe "Five Little Pigs", a group ai five men fram Oshawa gave severel selections and ne- cived lots ai applause. A film ai Ibm Calgary' Stampede's bucking broncos and wild aImera, thm wild cew milking conlest and Ibm calf raping contesl gave every body a goad laugb. A .Douglas gave a talk an "Elficiency In 1950". Mn. and Mrs. Roy' Hepburn, Kedron, won Ibm altendance pnize. At Ibm close evmryonm was served pancakes and cofime. Mn. and Mrs. Reford Camern and Lynda at Bert Hoskins, Hampton. Mns. Hans Geisaberger, Mrs. Nelson Fice attended Ibm Presby- tery Meeting ai Woman's Associa- tien aI Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, on Manday. Mn. and Mrs. Lorenza Truli nd Franklin, Hampton, aI, Russel Penkins'. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Bail, Ux- bridge, aI R. W. Ball's. Miss Grace Stainton visited Miss Betb Moore, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Gerny Giaspel at Tarante'. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Naylon, Mrs. Boyd Aynm atcnded the funenal ai Ibeir uncle, Jack Smith, aI Ta- rente. Miss May Naylon bas returned home fnom the haspilal. Boyd Ayre, Gerry Giaspel and Tracy Glaspel atlmndmd Ibm On- Pavlo Got HMa Bicmnket Inside the tent of the United Nations International Chiidnen's Emergency Fund near the Greek village oi Ambilikopi, the field representative ai UNICEF had just flnished sorting the pile of blankets fnom across the Great Sea whlch tanight wauld warm the chiidren oi Ambilikopi. And now a fevenish tension settied an those outside ini the freezing rain. Childrmn who had not been warm since summen, began ta shiver anew in anticipation. Mo- thers wailed pitifully ta catch the attention of the UNICEF agent. Toothîcas grannies chit te r èd little girls snuiiled, b ab ie s howled - - ail In eansplitting chorus. On the edge ai the group, but apant inom them, stood a solitary little boy. Incredlbly tattened, the icy mud aozlng round bis bare ieet, he yet presenved a sort of hapeless dlgnity which touched the UNICEF man. He consulted his list. "Pavlo Sklnlos, orphan" It sald, "One Blanicet," The agent chose a particulanly nice one, crossed the yard, and stuiied the blanket inta the won- dering bay's arms. The boy's eyes grew wlde. The blanket man was teaslng hlm surcly! In a moment, when the joke was over, he would snatch it back again. No? Then this heavenly, soit, beauti- fui blanket was aIl his .. A look ai napture llghted bis face. Hugglng the preciaus bundle ta hlm, he buried bis thin cheek in its wanmth. Il was toa much for the 'UNICEF agent. Ta tbink that one blanket - - the gift af anc anonymaus citizen ai France, Canada, the USA or Australia - - could bring such bliss. Wbat wouldn't people contnibute if tbey couid only see it for them- selves. tario Sheep Breeders' Convention at Royal Yark, Toronto. A number ai the Young People attended the skating party at Bowmanville Arena for the Young People af Oshawa Presbytery on Friday nlght. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Aire vlsitcd at Lloyd Ayre's, Richmond Hill. Oshawa, at Wes Cameron's. and famiiy, Mr. Jack Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms Messrs. Jim Stainton and Bert Beckel at Lake Simcoe. KENDAL Mn. Bob Hilditch, General Matons, was home for Ibm week- end with Mr. and Mn.. T. Hîil- ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pmacock and Mn. Wm. Jackson wmnt ta Milliken Sunda>' te sec Mns. A. Jackson who suiimnmd a fali. The>' faund ber feeling fine. Mn. and Mns. Vance Allun and famniiy and Mn.. Mary Luxan and Marion vlsitmd Mn. and Mrs. W. Mercer. Mns.. Thos. Hiiditch spent Thunuda>' ln Bowmanvilim. Misses Margaret Jackson and Shirley Quantnili, Mns. Darling- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canscad- den mnd Mns. Joe Muefler attend- md Ibm 1cm Follies in Maple Leaf Grdens Thunsdmy evening. Mn. John Gardon mnd fiends vislted Mr. and Mn.. Emni Bunie>'. Miss Joyce Buriey wlth Miss Grace Mercen Sunda>'. Mn. and Mns. Hutnyk, Michael and Smmmy, who bave been on Mr. Margle's tobacco fanm Ibm past four years, have moved le a fanm cf Ibeir own purcbased fnom Arthur Waiken ai Zion. Girl'. Ralnbow Club met Tues- day evmning aI Ibm home ai Mrs. Win. Jackson wilh thein nine members present. The Ienlh mmm- ber, Leila Marlinell (Mn.. Ken Clarke) was mried lasI -week and will reside at Daim. Rail Cli was answered b>' Ibm ceremi wbicb tb.>' ae. The girls braught their note books up-te-date and made plans te entertain Miss Jean Noble. Mrs. Helen Couroux and Christine Jilisen aenved a tast>' lunch. Monday evening some cf Ken- dal's hockey enthusiasts jounne>'- md te Part Hcpe's new ink, with artificlal ice, ta ame Port Hope and Lakefield tennis play, latter won by 14-9. More than 1,000 children wlth b>' the Mantreai Speech Therapy Clinie, sponaoned b>' Red Cross Juniors. PONTYPOOL Before my parents dlmd. they ePerated a "'cofime shop"', now, generafly cafled a restaurant A bus, drmwn by two hanses, al- wayusletpped outslde aur place. where a "tow herse" was hltched to the end ai thm pole, 10 belp draw the bus up the bill. At the top af wbich, the third nag would be unhitcbed, brougb down the bull, ancbored by a bnidle weight, la awaiî 'thecarrivai ai Ibm next uphill bus. The driver ai tbm tow harse wouid generally occupy a seat 'ln aur cof ce shop, wbere he could keep an eye peeied for tbm arnival ai the next bus, and, at Ibm same lime be sheltered from, inclement weatber. Most ai my waklng heurs, wben nol in scbool, wauld be spent patling the gem gem, or holding il's reins. On Sat- urdays, I would occasionally be given a ride an tbm law borse's back, wle il would be pulling the bus. And, quite allen, wouid be allowmd ta pilot il dawn thm bill. No general at the bead ai an anmy ever felt more pnoud. At necmss, il seemed nalunal ta be forever tying a piece ai string la anathen boy's arms, and playing hanses. Allen arniving in Canada, il was wandenful ta be allawed te drive, finst, a single hansc, Iben two, Ihen thnme, etc. My final eleven montbs in Tarante were spent in a cleaning and pressing plant. But, the lune ai herses became tee strong, se I went leaming. When the aid Hillcrest Race Track iiaurished wbere the T.T.C. car bans are new, "Dec" Whalen ai Ottawa stabled bis twa racers in a stable belonging te Ibm cbap where I boanded. Thein tramner, "Sborty" Palmer, sametimes ai- lowed me te "breeze" bis charges. Il was really exhilarating le feel Ibm rush ai air in the face, wben Sharty wauld yell, "let 'mn go". I guesa Ibm>' were just a pain ai ver>' ondinar>' bil milers, but te me "Miss Jo" and "Enterpes" were better than an>' Phar Lap an Man-O-War. Wbmn war broke eut I enlisted in an iniantry unit. But inside ai two weeks, was callmd off an ai- lernoon parade, te take aven the Colonel's newly issued changer. He was a stnawberry roan named Danny. During neani>' five years with Ibm Army, il was my fortune ta break, ride, handle anytbing nrom a heavy draugbt hanse te a litIle pack mule. Wm bave a frammd picture ai Dally and Irish, a Lewis gun tmam. Ihat, by thein fleetness and stamina pulled me out ai a lot ai nasty, dangerous situations. Back in Canada, it seemed oni>' natural that I should go farming, because that involved taking cane ai herses. Sometimes we have had real gaod herses, sometimes paon ones (accarding ta aur finances) and sometimes we had balky brutes that were jusî plain stink- ers. But as long as Ibm>' had a head on anc end, a laul on tbm other, witb a lmg under mach can- ner, we loved them. Once we tnaded a two ycan aId Suffolk Punch colt ta a ieliow liv- ing in Leskard, in return he gave us an aid bob-tailed crow baît, a two-lmated cow, and a ten dollar bill. Then, wm traded Ibm Iwo-teat- mn plus a ymar aid steer ta another cbap for a 17-year aid balky horse, plus tbnee' deformed pigs, plus an order on a neighbon for $24. Them, wuz the days! Hanse traders semetimes called at mid- nîgbî unlil my wif e thrmatened la leave home if I didn't stop trading nags-needms tb say, I stopped. When we sold out aur farm stock and implements tbnee and a balf yeans ago, we retained Tin>'. Pound fan pound, Tiny could out- draw any hanse we ever knew. He anly weighed 900 pounds, but was tbm hardest villion ai a nag we ever saw when it came ta put- ting shoma an. Once, he ran away with a cutter, down Ibm C.P.R. tnacks cast ai Pantypool. At that lime Abie Crystal awnecl hîm. Abie soon swapped him te Han- vey' Hamilton ion a cow witb lump jaw. Harvey' tmamed him up with another and drove a bnead route in Ibm wintmr. One nigbt Tiny in- dused bis mate la nun away wbiie Harvey' was selling Ibm bread. The tmam and sleigh went flying S.S. No. 9, Clarke "6Silent Siaters" met Wednesday évenlng et Mrs. Pedwell's wlth 10 members present. Aiter BdU cali and collection tbe followlng items were dlacussed. The qult- ing of a quit and the price, the maklng of cupboards at the school, with Chas. Fîsk, Russell Osborne and Bill Barchard te take the meusurements and sce ta their building. The buying ai folding Chairs Was put off for the tîme be- ing. We declded ta get some flan- nelette for babies' nlght gawns, Lnapklns and blankets for the hos- pital, to be wonked on at the meetings. Another bazaar was suggested but nat decided on. It was declded that mach parent is ta bring one can ai soup, stew, etc., ta the next meeting ta have on hand at the school for emergen- cies. We misa decided ta gather up aid books, patch them up and place them in the schoai libnany as their supply la very low, es- pecially for the juniors. Any do- nations wlU be gralciuily receiv- ed. The next meeting at Mrs. Bnancb's home on March 2, with Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Art Gibson an Ihe cammltlee. Mr. and Mns. Waliy Gibson and Gerald aîtended. the double- header hockey game at Maple Leai Gandens, Toranto, Saturday afternaon. Master Russell and B a b y Carol Marie Gibson spent the day with their grandparents Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hennings, Osb-: awa. Harold, Waily and H{oward Gibson were in Ottawa three days tis week on apple business. Mn. and Mns. Calvent Barchard, Brookina,,Mn. and Mns. Chris Barchard, Sharon and Muggins, called on thein mothen, Mns. Bar- chard, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banchard, Karen, Ganry and Stevie, New- castle, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Banchard and Mrs. Banchard Sr. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Geddes, To- ronto, were visitons with Mn. and Mns. Erwin Allun. Mn. and Mns. Tuckmr, Toronto, spent the weekend at thein home here and called on fniends. Mns. Fisk entertained Ibm ladies in the community aI a quiiting Tuesday. Pnoceeds for the Silent Sisters Club. Home and Scbool Club meets Tuesday evening at the school. Special business. Miss Betty Osborne, Brantford, with ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Russell Osborne. Mn. Leslie Gibson and Miss Mary Gibson, Toronto, with thein parents Mn. and Mns. Chas. Gib- son. Mn. Bull Gibsan and Miss Mary Skelton, T o n o n tao, with bis parents. Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell and Barry were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mns. Stan Rickand, Bea- venton. Mn. Wm. Davey, Verona, witb Mn. and Mns. Roy Bnancb. Mn. and Mns. Austin Turner and Helen, No. 9, Mns. Cowan and Miss Eiiemn Jones Orono, were guests ai Mn. and Mrs. basley, Toronto, Fniday and attended Ibe Ice Follies. Mns. Bowen attended tbe card panty in Onano Orange H~all Monday evening. Sunday visitons witb Mrs. F. Bowen and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gibson were Mn. Stan Bowen, 4 Line, Mn. James Ganvock, Bow- manvilie. Weekend visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. Fisk wene Mns. Russell, Campbelllord, Mn. and Mrs. Smithenamn and Mrs. Plunkett, Peterbona, and Mn. and Mrs. Ce- cil Samis, Bowmanville. Mn. John Fisk is visiting his son and family, Mn. and Mns. Max Fisk, Trenton. Free blood and blood plasma is despatched by air and parachute by the Canadian Red Cross na- tional Blood Transfusion Service ta nemate areas af the Yukon and Northwest Ternilonies. HÀYDON It waa wlth znuch interest that we read Il Grass Boots Edilors" under Wessely icks column "Wait a Minute" on the front page ai the second section oi Mon- day'a Taranto Telegram. It gives the history ai The Canadian Statesman and a glowing repart ai the werk done by its present editon, George James. Congratu- lations Mr. Jamest Sorry ta report that Mrs. Sarah Dickie lu quite fil. Mns. T. Cowling recelved a bushel ai mlxed fruit frorm ber daughter, Mrs. R. Anderson, Flanîda. Mn. Frank Denby is spending a few weeks at bis former job in Windsor. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mn. Onville Ashton, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Vernon, Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and Anne Elizabeth, Mn. and Mrs. Si- las Trewin, Mn.. Clifiord Tnewln, Bowmanvilie, aI Mr. Wm. Trew- in's. Carolyn Carr with ber grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. Bcech, Bowmanville. Mrs. James Kennedy, Bowman- ville, with relatives and frlmnds bere. Mrs. Ethel Bradley wlth iniends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mountjay, Jan and Lynda, Toronto, with Mrs. Frank Denby. Mn. an'd Mns. Farewell Black- burn and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton and Eric, Sa- lem, Mn. and Mns. Mark Black- burn, Hampton, Mn. Cecil Slemon aI Mn. Wilbur Blackbunn's. Mn. and Mns. Don Carr and Leon at Mn. Russell Cachnane's, Brady. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Jahnston, Mn. Reid Dickie, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Mn. and Mrs. Ron- ald Ginn, Mn. and Mrs. Lu Stin- son, Cadmus, at Mn. Dan Biack's. Mn. and Mns. Harold Gay and iamiiy, Oshawa, Mn. Bruce Gar- rard, Islington, at Mn. Chas. Gar- rand's. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pott's, Lyn- da and Tommy attended Ibe fil Il- eth Wedding Annivcrsary of bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Potts at Coliingwaod during the week- end. <nlended fer 1lui week) Sympathy is extended ta Mn. and Mrs. P. Fargett in the passing of their infant son. Lloyd Slemmn bas purchased a new hall-ton truck. Sorny ta repart that Mns. Walk- mn is ill. Wm hope she will sean be improved. Mns. Leslie Gnaham's gnoup af theW.A. sponsoned a pnogram at the cburcb. Mr. Cecil Slemon act- md as Chairman. Mn. Miltct Stainton, Ennisklllen, and Mi« Elva Orchard, Bowmanvîlie, iaN vored with a couple of pian«C duets. Ry Ashton gave an lnà,' strumental. Mr. Frank Der. 't tplayed a couple oi selections the violin. Dr. C. W. SIeL i shawed maving pictures -. Lwere taken on his trip to Eui o,3..? LBefore the pictures and at inter- mission Mrs. Chas. Rankine sanjs several solos depicting the courW tries shown an the screen. Dr. J.i C. Devitt showed pictures of A1e gonquin Park. A most enjoyab»F evening was had by aUl presenik Proceeds $13.20 is ta heip repaJK our church. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and famiiy at Dr. H. Ferguson'jg Bowmanville. Mr. S. Degeer, Bancroft, wit1 his mother Mrs. Eari Degeer. ,~ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grahani, Bowmanville, at Mn. Leslie Gra ham's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley, Elva and Norma, Oshawa, Dol~ Clarke, Brantford, at Mr. Dol Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm, David Legere with relatives iiï Toronto. ,ý Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham mi Mr. Les Taylor's, Burketon. Garden for Blind A garden has been laid out ln ,Exeter, England, exclusively for the blind. It is planted witli sweet-smelling f 10o w e r s and shrubs. Argentine Farms The Argentine Mi4istry of Ad:j niculture recently offered 2.7 mil.. lion acres of land in the south of Argentine for sale ta bona fide farmors as a measure to increasê the number of farm owners i1 the country. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 7Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND* MARRERS Precise wonkmanship and careful attention ta detail are youn assurance when Vou choose from the wide selection of irnported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. Im~ lu. Il' I~. j" The Siaiesman Sold At Following Stores Dyer's Dnug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastlm. Wilson & Brown, Newtonvillm. T. M. Sîemn, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrene. G. A. Barnen, Hampton. Newton Taylon's, Bunketon. Wm. Hackwood, PantypooL H. T. Saywmil, Blackstock. C. B, Tynnell, Onano. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveli, J. W. Jmweli, W. J. Berny and The Stateurman Office. 1/3 H.P., % HP. Sleevm Beaing Slmeve Bearing Sleeve Bearing $23.25 % HP., Bail Beaint $ 20.75 1/3 H.P., Bail Beaing $ 23.50 % HP., Bail Bearint $26.25 LOW COST "Y" PULLEYS For Maters, Light Machiner>', Pumps, Etc. 1%" ----20e 2%'---30e 3%"'--38e 5" --- 55C -2" -4"p -6't GALV. WATER PAILS S Quart Size ____4ffb 10 Quart Size --55o 13 Quart Size ____67a TROUBLE LAMPS Complete wiih reflector, wirm Wiih 15 fi. Card For Home or Shop Use rubber handie, swiich, guard and convenient hock. -d ___-_ $2.89 Wlth 25 f. Cerd $3.151 Don bMeGregor Hardware Co. SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE Phone 386 59 King St. W. Bowmanville COMB. SAW BLADE %' to %' Arbour Arrow Brand 6" Diameter $1.80 ms 7" Diameter $ 2.85 es. 8" Diameter -$30 cm. 24 Division St. Air Force Trousers Plaid Shiris Bowmanville . Work Pants - Windbreakers IMPORTANT EASTER CLOTHING NEWS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Clarence S. Nason, 39 Elgin Street la now taklng orders for MANNISH CUSTOM TAILORED TO MEASURE Topcoats and Suits for Women My range of Samples of Men's Suiting is LARGER and more VARIED than ever Every Garmnent Sold wlth a Guarantee of Satisfaction Phone 432 and Ask for Mr. Mason War Surplus Store Hardware For Home and Faim ELECTRIC NOTORS 60 Cycle - 1720 R.P.M. Special Nlen's Pocket and Wrist Walches i-JEWEL - LEATHER STRAF - RADIUM DIAL SWEEP SECOND - 1 YEAR GUARANTERi $4.50 10 o/o Off the Original Price LOW COST BRONZE GEAR PUNPS 2lowerful - Efficient Quiet Runnint W'Suction and Dhcharge (apprex. 400 gai. 4 per heur) -.. __$17.4 3/4'I Suction and Discharge (apprax. 540 gal. 7 per heur) $18.7$1 111 Suction and Diseharge (approx. 840 gai. Der heur> - $22.1759 a ---------- PAGE lt'rffl "0 CANAMM STATIMWMI BOWNUNVM=. ONTAPM qWnl;mmà,v inm.uTrAwv a ioin